UG Reg 2023

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Common to all B.E. / B.Tech. Full-Time Programmes
(For the students admitted to B.E. / B.Tech. Programme at various University Departments
from the Academic year 2023 - 2024 onwards)


In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise specifies:

I. “Programme” means Degree Programme (i.e) B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Programme.

II. “Discipline” means Branch or Specialisation of B.E. / B.Tech. Degree Programme, like Civil
Engineering, Bio Technology, etc.,

III. “Course” means a Theory or Practical subject that is normally studied in a semester, like
Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Graphics, etc.,

IV. “Director, Academic Courses” means the authority of the University who is responsible
for all academic activities for the implementation of relevant rules and regulations.

V. “Additional Controller of Examinations (UD)” means the Authority of the University who
is responsible for all activities of the End Semester Examinations of the University

VI. “Head of the Institution” means the Dean of the campus.

VII. “Chairperson” means Head of the Faculty.

VIII. “Head of the Department” means Head of the University Department concerned.

IX. “University” means ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI.

X. “Department Consultative Committee” means the committee constituted by University for

approving academic matters of the Department.

XI. “Bonafide students” means one who has enrolled for at least one course in the curriculum
as per regulation and has paid the tuition fee for the same.

2.1 Students for admission to the first semester of the eight semester B.E. / B.Tech.
Degree Programme shall be required to have a pass in Higher Secondary
Examination (Academic 10 + 2) Curriculum or its equivalent examinations with Mathematics,
Physics and Chemistry.

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2.2. The eligibility criteria such as marks, number of attempts and physical fitness shall be as
prescribed by the Syndicate of the University from time to time.

2.3 Lateral entry admission

(i) The candidates who possess a Diploma in Engineering / Technology awarded by
the State Board of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu or its equivalent are eligible to
apply for Lateral entry admission to the third semester of B.E. / B.Tech. as per the
rules fixed by Government of Tamil Nadu. The eligibility criteria such as discipline of
Diploma, marks, number of attempts and physical fitness shall be as prescribed by the
Syndicate of the University from time to time.

Such candidates shall undergo the additional courses in the third and fourth
semesters as prescribed by the University.


(ii) The candidates who possess the Degree in Science (B.Sc.) (10+2+3 stream) with
Mathematics as a subject at the B.Sc. Level are eligible to apply for Lateral entry
admission to the third semester of B.E. / B.Tech. The eligibility criteria such as marks,
number of attempts and physical fitness shall be as prescribed by the Syndicate of the
University from time to time.

Such candidates shall undergo the additional courses in the third and fourth
semesters as prescribed by the University.

A student may be offered admission to any one of the programme of study approved by
the University and offered at various campuses of the University. The recommended credit
range for each programme is 165 -175.


4.1 Categorization of Courses

Every B.E. / B. Tech. Programme will have a curriculum with syllabi consisting of theory
and practical courses that shall be categorized as follows:

i. Humanities and Social Sciences including Management Courses (HSMC) include

English for communication, Employability Skills, Engineering Ethics and Human Values
and Management courses.

ii. Basic Science Courses (BSC) include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Environmental Science and Sustainability, etc.

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iii. Engineering Science Courses (ESC) include Engineering Practices, Engineering
Drawing, Basics of Civil / Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical / Computer Engineering,
Instrumentation etc.

iv. Professional Core Courses (PCC) include the core courses relevant to the chosen

v. Professional Elective Courses (PEC) include the verticals with elective courses
and elective courses relevant to the chosen specialisation/ branch.
vi. Open Elective Courses (OEC) are Multidisciplinary courses that include the courses
from Humanities and other disciplines of Engineering and Technology. Students can
choose these courses from the list of Open Elective courses specified in the respective
curriculum. Students may also choose courses from other disciplines from
Swayam/NPTEL platform, including non-engineering courses.

vii. Employability Enhancement Courses (EEC) includes Project Work and/or

Internship, Career Development Skills, Creative and Innovative Project, Seminar,
Professional Practices, Case Study and Industrial/Practical Training.

4.2 Personality and Character Development

All students shall enroll, on admission, in any one of the personality and character
development programmes (NCC/NSS/NSO/YRC) and undergo training for about 80 hours
and attend a camp of about seven days. The training shall include classes on hygiene and
health awareness and also training in first-aid.
National Cadet Corps (NCC) will have about 20 parades.
National Service Scheme (NSS) will have social service activities in and around the
College / Institution. The activities will include practical projects on recycling and reusing
biodegradable and dry waste.
National Sports Organization (NSO) will have sports, games, drills and physical exercises.
Youth Red Cross (YRC) will have activities related to social services in and around
While the training activities will normally be during weekends, the camp will normally be
during vacation period.

4.3 Mandatory Two Week Induction Programme

The students are expected to undergo a mandatory two week induction programme
comprising of physical activity, creative arts, universal human values, proficiency modules,
lectures by eminent people, visits to local areas and familiarization to department/branch
immediately after admission.

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4.4 Number of courses per semester
Each semester curriculum shall normally have maximum (i) 7 Theory and Laboratory
integrated theory courses, and (ii) 5 Employability Enhancement Course(s) and Laboratory
Courses put together. However, the total number of courses per semester shall not exceed
11. Each Course shall have credits assigned as per clause 4.5.

4.5 Credit Assignment

Each course is assigned certain number of credits based on the details provided in Table 1.

Table 1 : Credit Assignment

Contact Period per Week Credits

1 Lecture Period 1
1 Tutorial Period 1
1 Laboratory Period (also for EEC courses like
Seminar / Project Work / Case study, etc.) 0.5

2 weeks summer industrial Training / Internship 1

4.6 Industrial Visit

Every student is preferred to go for at least one Industrial Visit every year, starting from the
second year of the Programme. The Heads of Departments shall ensure that necessary
arrangements are made in this regard.

4.7. Summer Industrial Training / Internship

4.7.1 The students may undergo Industrial training for a continuous period as specified in the
Curriculum during the summer / winter vacation.
The students may undergo Internship at Research organization / University (not in the
same Department of Anna University)/ industry (after due approval from DCC) for the
period prescribed in the curriculum during the summer / winter vacation, in lieu of Industrial

4.7.2 If Industrial Training / Internship is not prescribed in the curriculum, the student may
undergo Industrial Training / Internship optionally and the credits earned will be indicated in
the Grade Sheet as per details provided in Table 2. If the number of credits earned is 1 or 2,
then these credits shall not be considered for computation of CGPA. However, it shall be
recorded in the grade sheet. During summer the student is permitted to undergo a
maximum of 6 weeks Industrial Training / Internship. In such cases, Industrial Training /
Internship need to be undergone continuously from one organization only. If the student
earns three credits in Industrial Training / Internship, then he/she may optionally drop one
Professional Elective within 15 days of the commencement of the semester and the same is
to be recommended by DCC.

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Table 2: Training period and assigned credits

Duration of Training /
2 Weeks 1
4 Weeks 2
6 Weeks 3

4.8 Semester Long Project Work / Industrial Project / Internship

 In the final semester students shall undertake a semester long project work in their
own discipline to obtain hands-on experience.
 Project work may be assigned to a single student or to a group of students, not
exceeding 4 per group with a guide from the same department. However, if the project
is of interdisciplinary nature then students from different programmes are permitted to
form a group and the guide can be from other department also.
 Students are permitted to undertake a semester long industrial project or semester
long internship in an industry / research organization in lieu of the final semester
project work, provided the domain of such projects or internships come under the
same discipline and approved by DCC and the industry has no objection in submitting
the work carried out as a report. This industrial project or internship is apart from the
summer industrial training or summer internship, if any.
 If the outcome of the project work is the development of a finished product then it
may lead to a start-up activity.
 The students have to submit a project report or internship report or start-up report on
or before the last working day of the semester and the assessment of the same is
detailed in clause 10.4.

4.9 Value Added Courses

 Students may optionally undergo Value Added Courses and the credits earned through
the Value Added Courses shall be over and above the total credit requirement
prescribed in the curriculum for the award of the degree. Courses with two/ three credits
shall be offered by a Department with the prior approval from the Director, Academic
 The details of the syllabus, timetable and faculty may be sent to the Centre for Academic
Courses after approval from the Departmental Consultative Committee concerned.

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 Students shall be allowed to take these courses offered in other Departments also, but
with the permission of the Head of the Department of student and Head of the
department offering the course.
 The courses once approved by the University represented by any Department shall be
made available in the University website and these courses can be offered by the
University Departments / Constituent colleges / affiliated colleges (Non Autonomous with
information to Director Academic Courses.

4.10 Off campus courses and Transfer of Credits

Students are permitted to optionally enroll and study a maximum of three off campus
courses in physical/online/hybrid mode under each UG programme with the approval of DCC
and Director, Centre for Academic courses as per the Regulations. The successful
completion of these courses through any of the following modes shall be considered in lieu
of professional elective / open elective courses of curriculum as approved by DCC.
4.10.1 Students are permitted to optionally enroll and study these courses through SWAYAM /
NPTEL platforms and credit transfer is to be done based on the marks and certificate
provided by the NPTEL. The number of credits and transfer of credits are based on the
procedure explained in Table 3 and the Mapping of the marks with the grades is explained in
Table 4. The mapping of marks with grades is applicable, only if the student passes the
course as per the guidelines of NPTEL.
Table 3: Duration of the course and Number of credits

No. of No. of
Sl. No.
Weeks Credits
1. 4 1
2. 8 2
3. 12 3
4. 16 4

Table 4: Mapping of Marks scored in NPTEL course and Credits earned

Letter Grade Marks

O 90-100
A+ 80-89
A 70-79
B+ 60-69
B 50-59
C 40-49

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4.10.2. Students are permitted to optionally enroll and study the courses in physical / hybrid /
online modes offered by reputed Central / State funded Universities / Institutions which are
in the top 20 positions in the latest NIRF ranking and also conducting examination towards
award of marks and grades. (NIRF Ranking of any of the last three years with respect to
the year in which course is to be registered; NIRF ranking is based on respective stream
for professional elective courses and based on any stream for open elective courses).

Students are also permitted to enroll and undergo such courses in Online mode at
Universities abroad in top 500 in QS ranking in the last three years.
Students are also permitted to study courses of a particular semester in a University /
Institution abroad based on MoU. A learning agreement shall be evolved to map all the
courses offered in the programme and the courses offered in University abroad as per the
procedure outlined by the Centre for Academic Courses The credits earned by the students
in the University abroad shall be transferred as per the learning agreement.
In the case of 4.10.2, the students can enroll for the courses with the approval of DCC only
if the course is offered directly by Institution/University and not through the edutech
The marks/credits earned by the student shall be transferred based on the decision of a
committee constituted by Director, Centre for Academic courses and approved by the
4.10.3 Students are also permitted to enroll and study the courses in physical/hybrid mode (not
less than 50% in physical mode) / online mode that are offered by (i) National/State funded
research institutions/laboratories and (ii) (a) reputed companies (manufacturing or
software) related to the programme, and (b) reputed companies involved in transfer of
knowledge provided the knowledge transferring company is a spinoff from an
Engineering/Technology practicing Industry and sharing the work experience of the
respective industry. The companies mentioned in 4.10.3 (ii) (a) and the company with
which the knowledge transfer company associated in the case of 4.10.3 (ii) (b) should have
average annual turnover of more than 200 crores over a period of 5 years. However, the
academic content and delivery shall be in consonance with the University academic
standards and norms.
The minimum qualification of the course instructor from the company as mentioned in
4.10.3. (ii) shall be B.E./B.Tech with 10 years of research / industrial experience . Such
courses shall be offered through MOU / MOA between Anna University and such
institutions/organizations/ companies. The design of the courses with regard to the syllabus
content, duration of each course and number of credits offered for each course shall be
discussed and recommended by DCC and approved by Director, Centre for Academic
Courses as per the Regulations.

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For the offer of each course under 4.10.3, a course coordinator shall be nominated from
the Department who shall also attend such course and shall coordinate the question paper
setting and answer script evaluation with the course instructor from research
institution/laboratories/industry/company for the continuous assessment and end semester
examination conducted by the University. The passing requirements are as per regulations.

4.11 Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction is English for all courses, (except Tamil Medium batches of
B.E. Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering programmes), examinations, seminar
presentations and project reports.

The medium of instruction is Tamil for Tamil Medium batches of B.E. Civil Engineering and
B.E. Mechanical Engineering.

The medium of instruction is either Tamil or English for the courses related to Tamil.

4.12 B.E. / B. Tech. (Honours) and B.E. / B. Tech. minor with specialisation in another

(i) B.E / B.Tech. (Hons.)

a. The students should have taken additional courses from a specified group of
Professional Electives (vertical) or from any of the verticals of the same programme
and earned a minimum of 18 credits.
b. Should have passed all the courses prescribed in the curriculum and additional
courses in the first attempt.
c. Should have earned a minimum of 7.50 CGPA taking into account of all the courses
prescribed in the curriculum and additional courses.

(ii) B.E./B.Tech. Minor with specialisation in another discipline

The student should have earned additionally a minimum of 18 credits in any one of the
verticals offered from other Engineering Disciplines / Science and Humanities /

1. For these 18 credits students can optionally enroll and study a maximum of 6 credits in
online mode from SWAYAM-NPTEL platform (in addition to the three online courses
permitted for courses of curriculum), as approved by DCC and Centre for Academic
2. B.E / B.Tech. (Hons.) and B.E./B.Tech. minor with specialisation in another discipline
will be optional for students and the students shall be permitted to select any one of
them only.

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3. For the categories 4.12 (i), the students, including Lateral Entry, shall be permitted to
register for the courses from Semester V onwards provided the students have earned a
minimum CGPA of 7.50 until Semester III and have cleared all the courses in the first
4. For the category 4.12 (ii), the students, including Lateral Entry, will be permitted to
register the courses from Semester V onwards provided the marks earned by the
students until Semester III is CGPA 7.50 and above.
5. B.E/B.Tech. (Hons.) or B.E./ B.Tech. Minor shall be offered by the Department
irrespective of the number of students enrolled.

6. If a student decides not to opt for Honours, after completing certain number of additional
courses, such additional courses studied shall be considered instead of the Professional
Elective courses which are part of the curriculum.

If the student has studied more number of such courses than the number of Professional
Elective courses required as per the curriculum, the courses with higher grades shall be
considered for the calculation of CGPA. Remaining courses shall be printed in the grade
sheet, however, they will not be considered for calculation of CGPA and the same shall
be indicated in a foot note appropriately.

If the student has failed in the additional courses or faced shortage of attendance, they
will not be printed in the grade sheet and will not be considered for CGPA calculation
and classification of degree.

7. If a student decides not to opt for Minor, after completing certain number of courses, the
additional courses studied shall be considered instead of Open Elective courses which
are part of the curriculum.

If the student has studied more number of such courses than the number of open
electives required as per the curriculum, the courses with higher grades shall be
considered for calculation of CGPA. Remaining courses shall be printed in the grade
sheet, however, they will not be considered for calculation of CGPA and the same shall
be indicated in a foot note appropriately.
If the student has failed in the additional courses or faced shortage of attendance, they
will not be printed in the grade sheet and will not be considered for CGPA calculation
and classification of degree.

The student has to enroll for these additional courses separately and pay a tuition fee for
studying these six additional courses and pay additional exam fee.

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5.1 A student is normally expected to complete the B.E. / B.Tech. programme in 4 years
(8 Semesters) for HSC students and 3 years (6 semesters) for lateral entry students, but in
any case, not more than 7 years (14 Semesters) for HSC students and 6 years (12
semesters) for lateral entry students.

5.2 Each semester shall normally consist of 90 working days (including examination days). The
Head of the Department shall ensure that every teacher imparts instruction as per the
number of periods specified in the syllabus, covering the full content of the syllabus for the
course being taught.

5.3 The total duration for completion of the programme reckoned from the commencement of
the first semester to which the student was admitted shall not exceed the maximum duration
specified in clause 5.1, irrespective of the period of break of study (vide clause 16), or
prevention (vide clause 7.4), in order that the student may be eligible for the award of the
degree (vide clause 14).


6.1 Each student, on admission, shall be assigned to a Faculty Advisor (vide clause 8), who
shall advise and counsel the student about the details of the academic programme and the
choice of courses, considering the student’s academic background and career objectives.

6.2 After registering for a course, a student shall attend the classes, satisfy the attendance
requirements, earn continuous assessment marks and appear for the end semester

6.2.1 Each student on admission shall register for all the courses prescribed in the curriculum
in the student’s first Semester of study.

6.2.2 The enrollment for all the courses of curriculum from the Semesters II to VIII and additional
courses for Honours and Minor from the semesters V and VIII will commence 5 working days
prior to the commencement of the succeeding semester. The courses for Honours and Minor
shall be registered separately under additional courses in ACOE portal. The student shall
enroll for the courses with the guidance of the student’s Faculty Advisor. If the student
wishes, the student may drop or add courses (vide clause 6.3) within 10 working days after
the commencement of the concerned semester and complete the registration process duly
authorized by the Course Instructor within 30 days from the commencement of concerned
semester. The list of students approved by the respective course instructor shall be final and
would be considered for attendance, grades and calculation of CGPA and no changes shall
be made thereafter.

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6.3 Flexibility to Add or Drop courses
6.3.1 A student has to earn the total number of credits specified in the curriculum of the
respective programme of study in order to be eligible to obtain the degree. From the II to VII
semesters, the student has the option of registering for additional courses or dropping
existing courses in a semester. The total number of credits that a student can add or drop
in a semester is limited to 8, subject to a maximum of 2 courses. Maximum number of
credits enrolled in a semester (including Shortage of Attendance (SA), Honours and Minor)
shall not exceed 36. The online courses registered shall be over and above this 36 credits.

6.3.2 If the student wishes to earn more than the total number of credits prescribed in the
curriculum of the student’s programme within the minimum duration of the programme, then
he/she can enroll for such additional courses in any programme with the permission of Head
of the Department to which student belongs and Head of the Department in which the course
is offered by paying the examination fee. The credits earned will be neither considered for
the computation of CGPA nor for the classification of the degree. The courses successfully
completed will be printed in the grade sheet, however if there is shortage of attendance or
failure, it shall neither be reflected in the grade sheet nor be considered for classification.
Maximum number of credits enrolled in a semester (including SA, Honours and Minor) shall
not exceed 36 (except online courses).
6.3.3 Student shall register for Project work / Industrial project work in Semester VIII only.
6.4 Choice of Professional Elective Courses
The professional Elective Courses are listed in the Curriculum in Table format as verticals
(Specialisation groups). A student can choose all the Professional Elective Courses either
from one of the verticals or a combination of courses from all verticals in a semester.
However, students irrespective of enrolling for additional courses for B.E. / B. Tech. (Hons.)
are not permitted to choose more than one course from a row. Students are permitted to
enroll more than one elective course from the same vertical in a semester. In the
subsequent semesters students are permitted to enroll one more course in a row, provided
if he/she has cleared the earlier course of the same row. For a professional elective course
and open elective course, minimum number of students enrolment permitted shall be 10.
However, the minimum number is not applicable for students enrolling B.E. / B. Tech.
(Hons) and B.E. / B. Tech. Minor. For each professional elective course atleast two choices
shall be offered.
6.5 Redoing a Course
Redoing a course means reregistering for a course, attending all classes, fulfilling the
attendance requirements as per clause 7, earning fresh Continuous Assessment marks
and appearing for the End Semester Examinations. A student has to redo a course as per
the following conditions.

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6.5.1 If a student is prevented from writing end semester examination of any core course due to
lack of attendance, the student has to register for that course again when offered next and
redo the course.

6.5.2 If a student is prevented from writing the end semester examination of any professional/open
elective course due to lack of attendance, the student can opt to register for the same course
again when offered next and redo the course, or he/she can opt to register for a different
professional/open elective course when it is offered, attend the classes, fulfill the attendance
requirements as per clause 7, secure Continuous Assessment marks and appear for the End
Semester Examinations.

6.5.3 If the course in which a student fails to secure a pass is a professional/open elective course,
then the student can opt for a different professional/ open elective course, register for the
same when it is offered, attend classes, fulfill the attendance requirements as per clause 7,
secure Continuous Assessment marks and appear for End Semester Examinations.

6.5.4 A student who fails in Project work shall register for the course again, when offered next, and
redo the course. In this case, the student shall attend the reviews and fulfill the attendance
requirements as per clause 7.

6.5.5 A student who fails in Seminar / Case Study and Creative and Innovative project, where
such other courses are evaluated through 100% continuous assessment, shall register for
the same in the subsequent semester and redo the course. In this case, the student shall
attend the classes and fulfill the attendance requirements as per clause 7 and earn
continuous assessment marks.

The student who fails in summer industrial training / internship shall attend the training /
internship again and redo the course with the same organization or different organization
with the approval of the HOD.


A student who has fulfilled the following conditions (vide clause 7.1 and 7.2) shall be
deemed to have satisfied the attendance requirements for appearing for the end semester
examination of a particular course.
7.1 Ideally every student is expected to attend all periods and earn 100% attendance. However,
the student shall secure not less than 75% attendance, course wise, taking into account the
number of periods required for that course, as specified in the curriculum.

7.2 If a student secures attendance between 65% and less than 75% in any course in the
current semester, due to medical reasons (hospitalization / accident / specific illness) or due

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to participation in the College / University / State / National / International level Sports
events, with prior permission from the Chairman of Sports Board and Head of the
Department concerned, the student shall be given exemption from the prescribed
attendance requirement (75%) and the student shall be permitted to appear for the end
semester examination of that course. In all such cases, the students should submit the
required documents on joining after the absence to the Head of the Department through the
Faculty Advisor. The HOD shall inform the course instructor to provide necessary
attendance at the end of semester before finalizing attendance. Producing such documents
while finalizing attendance at the end of semester shall not be accepted.

7.3 A student shall normally be permitted to appear for the end semester examination of the
course if the student has satisfied the attendance requirements (vide Clause 7.1 – 7.2) and
has registered for the examination in those courses of that semester by paying the
prescribed fee.

7.4 Students who do not satisfy clause 7.1 and 7.2 and who secure less than 65% attendance
in a course will not be permitted to write the end semester examination of that course.
The student has to register and redo the course when it is offered next as per Clause 6.4. If
the course in which the student has been prevented is a professional/ open elective, the
student can opt to redo the same course or opt for different professional/ open elective
course as per Clause 6.4.2.

7.5 If a student has shortage of attendance in all the registered courses of the current semester
as per curriculum, he/she would not be permitted to move to the higher semester and has to
repeat the current semester in the subsequent year.

7.6 In the case of reappearance (Arrear) registration for a course (the courses for which redo is
not required), the attendance requirement as mentioned in Clauses 7.1 - 7.3 is not
applicable. However, the student has to register for the examination in that course by
paying the prescribed fee.

7.7 A student who has already appeared for a course in a semester and passed the
examination is not entitled to reappear for the same course for improvement of letter
grades / marks.

To help the students in planning their courses of study and for general advice on the
academic programme, the Head of the Department of the students will attach a certain
number of students to a teacher of the Department, who shall function as Faculty Advisor
for those students throughout their period of study. The Faculty Advisor shall advise the
students in registration and reappearance (Arrear) registration of courses, monitor their

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attendance and progress and counsel them periodically. If necessary, the Faculty Advisor
may also discuss with or inform the parents about the progress / performance of the
students concerned. The number of students assigned to a faculty advisor will be decided
by the Head of the Department. However, it shall not exceed 30 per faculty advisor.

The responsibilities of the faculty advisor shall be:

 To inform the interpretation of Regulations to the students and their rights and duties.
 To inform code of conduct to be maintained in the campus and disciplinary actions.
 To inform the students about the various facilities and activities available to enhance
the student’s curricular and co-curricular activities.
 To guide student enrollment and registration of the courses.
 To monitor the academic and general performance of the students including
attendance and to counsel them accordingly.
 To collect and maintain the academic and co-curricular records of the students.
 To facilitate and collect students feedback about the course and course instructor,
and the course and programme’s exit survey.
 To provide all the details of academic including feedback, training, scholarship,
placement and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the students to the
University through HOD.

A theory course handled by more than one teacher shall have a “Common Course
Committee”, comprising of all teachers teaching that course. One of the teachers shall be
nominated as Course Coordinator by the Faculty Chairman, duly approved by the Director,
Academic Courses. The committee shall be constituted by the Director Academic courses
within 15 days from the commencement of the semester.

The first meeting of the Common Course Committee shall be held within fifteen days from
the date of formation of the committee. The lesson plan, books and references to be
followed shall be decided at the first meeting. Two or three subsequent meetings in a semester
may be held at suitable intervals.
In addition, the “Common Course Committee” shall meet to ensure uniform evaluation of
continuous assessments after arriving at a common scheme of evaluation for the
assessments (vide clause 10).

Wherever feasible, the common course committee shall prepare a common question paper
for the continuous assessment tests also. The question paper for the end semester
examination is common and shall be set by the Course Coordinator, in consultation with all
the teachers.

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The common course committee shall meet to decide the multiplication factor for the
respective batch of students, if required, and they shall be applied and entered in ACOE
portal. The minutes in this regard shall be sent to all the concerned HODs and ACOE.


“Class Committee” comprises of all teachers handling courses of a particular semester and
two student representatives (preferably one male and one female student) from the
programme concerned. One of the above teachers, nominated by the Head of the
Department shall act as class advisor and the committee shall be constituted by the HoD
within 10 days from the commencement of classes. The class advisor will coordinate the
activities of this committee. The class advisor, faculty advisor and HOD will attend the
meeting and class advisor shall prepare the minutes of the meeting, which will be approved
by the HOD. The copy of the minutes shall be displayed in the notice board within one
week from the date of meeting. The functions of this committee are as follows:

The first meeting of the Class Committee shall be held within 10 days from the date of
formation of the committee where the enrollment of the courses including add and drop of
the courses will be finalized. Two or three subsequent meetings in a semester may be held
at suitable intervals. During these meetings, the student members shall meaningfully
interact and express their opinions and suggestions of all the students to improve the
effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.

After the completion of the semester examination and evaluation process the course
instructor shall keep the record of marks and grades earned by the students for the
computation of CO and PO attainments.


All B.E./B.Tech. programmes consist of Theory Courses, Theory courses with laboratory
component, Laboratory Courses and Employability Enhancement Courses. Employability
Enhancement Courses include Project Work, Seminar, Professional Practices, Case Study
and Industrial/Practical Training. Appearance in End Semester Examination is mandatory
for all courses except the courses evaluated only by 100% continuous assessment.
Performance in each course of study shall be evaluated based on (i) Continuous
Assessments throughout the semester and (ii) End Semester Examination at the end of the
semester. The evaluation shall be based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and the
relevant rubrics shall be followed. The weightage for the continuous assessment and end
semester examination is given in the table below.

Each course shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks as shown in Table 5:

Page 15 of 32
Table 5: Weightage of Marks for Continuous Assessment and End-Semester
Continuous End-Semester
S.No Category of course
Assessments Examinations
i. Theory Courses 40 Marks 60 Marks
ii. Theory Courses with Laboratory 50 Marks 50 Marks
iii. Laboratory Courses 60 Marks 40 Marks
iv. Project Work 60 Marks 40 Marks
v. All other EEC Courses 100 Marks -

Every teacher is required to maintain an ‘ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD’

for every semester, which consists of attendance marked in each Theory / Laboratory/EEC
class, the assessment marks and the record of class work (topics covered), separately for each
course handled by the teacher. The attendance book completed in all respects should be
submitted to the Head of the Department periodically (at least three times in a semester) for
checking the syllabus coverage and the records of assessment marks and attendance. The
Head of the Department will affix his/her signature and date after due verification. At the end
of the semester, the record should be verified by the Head of the Department who shall keep
this document in safe custody (for five years). The records of attendance and assessment of
both current and previous semesters should be available for auditing.


For Theory Courses out of 100 marks, the maximum marks for continuous assessment is
fixed as 40 and the end semester examination carries 60 marks.

The University examinations (End Semester Exams) for theory courses will be of 3 hours
duration and shall normally be conducted between October and December during the odd
semesters and between April and June during the even semesters. End semester
Examination is a mandatory requirement for passing the course and every student should
appear for the examination for theory, laboratory, laboratory integrated theory courses and
project work. The marks will be awarded and entered in ACOE portal for individual
components of continuous assessments and end semester examination(s) (theory and
laboratory separately in the case of theory courses with laboratory courses, wherever
Continuous Assessment comprises of two written test based assessments each carrying
40% weightage of marks and an activity based assessment (Individual Assignment/Case
study / Seminar / Mini project/Quiz/Simulation) with 20% weightage of marks conducted by
the course instructor, as shown in Table 6. The total percentage of marks obtained in all
assessments put together is 100 and shall be proportionately reduced for 40% of marks
and rounded to the nearest integer.

Page 16 of 32
Table 6: Weightage of Marks for Continuous Assessment

Individual Assignment /
Assessment Assessment Total*
Case Study/
Test 1 Test 2
Seminar/Mini Project/
40% 40% 20% 100%

*The weighted average shall be converted into 40 marks for Continuous Assessment.

One assessment test would be conducted in a day, in the case of tests, they would be of one
and a half hours durations each. Students will have regular classes on the assessment days
of these tests. In case a student misses the assessment due to medical reasons
(hospitalization / accident / specific illness) or due to participation in the College / University /
State / National / International level Sports events with prior permission from the Chairman of
Sports Board, only one Reassessment shall be conducted at the end of the semester after
getting approval from the Head of the Department by the concerned course instructor.


Weightage of continuous assessment and end semester examination marks will be 50%
each. The distribution of marks for the theory and laboratory components in the continuous
assessments and end semester examination for different types of courses are provided in
the table 7.
Table 7: Weightage of Marks for Continuous Assessment

Continuous Continuous
End Semester
Assessment Assessment
L T P C Examination
Theory Laboratory
(Total 25%) (Total 25%)
Experiment and Laboratory only
1 0 2 2 Test 1* Test 2*
Midterm Test (50%)
Experiment and Laboratory only
1 0 4 3 Test 1 Test 2 Midterm Test (50%)
Experiment and Theory only (50%)
2 0 2 3 Test 1 Test 2
Midterm Test
Experiment and Theory only (50%)
3 0 2 4 Test 1 Test 2
Midterm Test
Experiment and Theory (25%) and
2 0 4 4 Test 1 Test 2
Midterm Test Laboratory (25%)
Experiment and Theory (25%) and
3 0 4 5 Test 1 Test 2
Midterm Test Laboratory (25%)
The procedure for the conduct of continuous assessments for Laboratory component is as
per the clause 10.3.
*Test 1 and Test 2 for theory are written tests.
The weighted average shall be converted into 50 marks for continuous Assessment.

Page 17 of 32
For Laboratory Courses out of 100 marks, the maximum marks for Continuous Assessment
is fixed as 60 and the End Semester Examination carries 40 marks.

The maximum marks for Continuous Assessment shall be 60 marks in case of practical
courses. Every practical exercise / experiment shall be evaluated based on conduct of
experiment / exercise and records to be maintained. There shall be at least one
midterm test. The criteria for arriving at the Continuous Assessment marks of 60 is as
follows: For successful completion of all the prescribed experiments done in the Laboratory
75% of marks shall be awarded and 25% marks shall be awarded for the midterm test, as
shown in Table 8. The total marks earned by the student in continuous assessments shall
be converted into a maximum of 60 marks and rounded to the nearest integer.
Table 8: Weightage of Marks for Continuous Assessment

Continuous Assessment
(100 %)*
Evaluation of Laboratory
Midterm Test
Observation, Record
75% 25%
* Total percentage of Continuous assessment marks shall be converted into 60 marks.

The end semester examination shall be for 40 marks and shall include Viva-Voce also as a
part of it.

The End semester examinations for Laboratory courses will be of 3 hours duration and shall
normally be conducted after the theory End Semester Examinations but within 7 days from
the conduct of last theory examination for that semester.


10.4.1. Project work at the Institution
The student(s) shall submit the project report on or before the last working day of the
semester. The University examination for the project work shall consist of the evaluation of
the final project report submitted by the student or students of the project group by an
external examiner and supervisor, followed by a viva-voce examination conducted
separately for each student by a committee consisting of the external examiner and an
internal examiner (other than supervisor). The project coordinator shall be the internal
examiner. The Head of the Department with the approval of the Chairperson of the Faculty
shall appoint the External Examiner for the End Semester Examinations of the Project Work.

For Project work out of 100 marks, the maximum marks for Continuous Assessment is fixed
as 60 and the End Semester Examination (project report evaluation and viva-voce
examination) carries 40 marks.

Page 18 of 32
There shall be three assessments (each 100 marks) during the semester by a review
committee. The student shall make presentation on the progress made before the
committee. The Head of the Department shall constitute a review committee for each
programme. There shall be a minimum of three members in the review committee. The
committee shall consist of the supervisor, expert member from the department and a project
co-ordinator from another department. The total marks obtained in the three Reviews shall
be reduced to 60 marks.

The continuous assessment and End Semester Examinations marks for Project Work and
the Viva-Voce Examination shall be distributed as indicated in Table 9.

Table 9: Continuous Assessment and End-Semester Examinations Marks for

Project Work

Continuous Assessment (60 Marks) End Semester Examinations (40 Marks)

Review I Review II Review III Project Report Viva-Voce Examination
Supervisor External Internal External
10 20 30
10 10 10 10

In the case of industrial projects, the marks allotted for supervisor will be shared equally by
the supervisor from the Department and coordinator/Supervisor from company.

Assessment of Semester long industrial project / internship:

The Viva-Voce examination for semester long industrial project or internship shall be based
on the report submitted by the student with regard to the work carried out in the industrial
project or internship. The students have to produce attendance certificate at the time of
reviews. The report shall be certified by mentor from industry, supervisor and HOD.

Projects/internship undertaken externally should have an internal guide and an external

guide. Both guides are expected to interact regularly monitoring the progress of the student.
For the reviews the external guide should be present atleast in online mode to assess and
award marks to the student. In the beginning of the project, the internal guide should ensure
that the work to be carried out is upto the standard as well as not attracting any IPR issues
with the external organization so that the work could be published. The reviews may be
conducted in online mode, if the student cannot travel to University to attend the reviews and
this shall be approved by HOD and such reviews have to be recorded. However, the end
semester examination has to be conducted in physical mode with the mentor from company
present physically or through online.
In the final report, the bonafide certificate shall be signed by both the guides mandatorily.
However, if any difficulty is encountered in fulfilling this norm then the HoD can initiate

Page 19 of 32
remedial action and complete the evaluation requirement with justification and approval of
the Director, Academic courses for the same.

The Bonafide certificate of the project report shall have the date of viva voce examination
and the signatures of the internal and external guides.

10.4.2 If the project report or report of industrial project or internship is not submitted on or before
the specified deadline, an extension of time up to a maximum limit of 30 days may be given
for the submission of report with due approval obtained from the Head of the Department. If
the report is not submitted even beyond the extended time, then the student(s) is deemed to
have failed in the Project Work and student has to redo the course again.

10.4.3 For the case where the outcome of the project work carried out by the student(s) is a product
and whose concept is tested and validated, then it shall be considered in lieu of the project work.
Such students shall submit a start-up report, which includes the concepts and process flow of
the developed product, publications and patents, if any. The evaluation of the start-up report is
as per the clause 10.4.1.


The Seminar / Professional practices/ Case study / Creative and Innovative
Project/Comprehension shall carry 100 marks and shall be evaluated through continuous
assessment only. Every student is expected to present a minimum of 2 presentations /
demonstration per semester before the evaluation committee and for each presentation /
demonstration, marks can be equally apportioned. The three member committee consisting
of one co-ordinator and two members appointed by the Head of the Department will evaluate
the Seminar / professional practices/ Case study / Creative and Innovative Project/
Comprehension at the end of the semester and the marks can be consolidated and taken as
the final mark. The evaluation shall be based on the seminar paper / report (40%),
presentation / demonstration (40%) and response to the questions asked during
presentation / demonstration (20%).


The summer Industrial / Practical Training/ summer internship/ summer project shall carry
100 marks and shall be evaluated through continuous assessment only as per the Table. At
the end of the summer Industrial / Practical Training/ summer internship/ summer project,
the student shall submit a certificate from the organization where the student has undergone
training and a brief report about the training. The evaluation will be made based on this
report, presentation and a Viva-Voce Examination conducted by a three member

Page 20 of 32
Departmental Committee constituted by the Head of the Department consisting of one co-
ordinator and two faculty members. Certificates (issued by the Organization) submitted by
the student shall be attached to the mark list and sent to the Additional Controller of
Examinations by the Head of the Department. The evaluation shall be carried out as per the
procedure shown in Table 10.
Table 10: Assessment for Internship / Industrial Training

Internship / Industrial Training

Evaluation Marks (100)
Report Presentation Viva-Voce
40 30 30


The value added course shall carry 100 marks and shall be evaluated through continuous
assessments only. Two Assessments shall be conducted during the semester by the
Department concerned. The total marks obtained in the tests shall be reduced to 100 marks and
rounded to the nearest integer. The Head of the Department may identify a faculty member as
coordinator for the course. A committee consisting of faculty member handling the course,
coordinator and a senior faculty member nominated by the Head of the Department shall monitor
the evaluation process.


The Mini Project / Mini Project and Seminar shall carry 100 marks and shall be evaluated
through three reviews as continuous assessments. The first and second reviews are to be
evaluated by a three member committee constituted by the HOD which includes the
supervisor, coordinator and an expert from the Department. At the end of the semester the
student shall submit a brief report on the Mini Project. The third review will be conducted
based on this report and Viva-Voce Examination conducted by the same committee and the
evaluation report shall be sent to Additional Controller of Examinations by the Head of the
The breakup of marks is given in the Table 11:

Table 11: Continuous Assessment for Mini Project / Mini Project and Seminar

Continuous Assessment Evaluation

Mini Project /
Mini project with Review III (50 marks)
Seminar Review I Review II Viva-Voce
Marks 25 25 20 30

Page 21 of 32
Every department shall strive for a better performance of the students by conducting the
continuous assessments as mentioned in Clause 10 and that is followed by the end
semester examination, as the case may be.
The Head of the Department shall arrange to conduct the Academic Audit once in every
year for all the courses conducted in the respective semesters through external expert(s)
approved by the Chairperson of Faculty.
 In order to ensure the above, Academic Audit is to be done for every course taught
during the semester.
 For the continuous assessments conducted for each course (as per details provided in
Clause 10), the academic records shall be maintained for the activity based evaluation
and assessment test question paper and answer script. Report of industrial training /
internship shall also be maintained, if applicable. For laboratory courses the students’
record and course coordinator’s system of evaluation shall be maintained. Further, the
attendance of all students shall be maintained as a record.
 The ACOE (UDs) shall facilitate the conduct of academic audit process including the
end semester examination question paper and answer scripts.
 The academic audit shall include verification of all the academic records pertaining to
the Regulation in-force, the attendance and assessment record, CO, PO attainment
records, student’s and course coordinators feedback of the courses, and the overall
teaching-learning process based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Action shall be taken by HOD
based on audit report for continuous improvement. Academic documents of UG degree
programmes should be available with the department/faculty for 5 years.


11.1 A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the courses
(Continuous Assessment + End semester examination) with a minimum of 45% of the
marks prescribed for the end-semester Examination in theory, theory with practical
components (45% individually in theory and laboratory) and practical courses (including
Project work), shall be declared to have passed in the Examination.

11.2 If a student fails to secure a pass in a theory course / theory with laboratory/laboratory
course (except electives), the student shall register and appear only for the end semester
examination in the subsequent semester. In such case, the continuous assessment marks
obtained by the candidate in the first appearance shall be retained and considered valid for
all subsequent attempts till the candidate secure a pass. However, from the third attempt
(current semester’s end semester examination is considered as the first attempt) onwards if

Page 22 of 32
a candidate fails to obtain pass marks (IA + End Semester Examination) as per clause 11.1,
then the candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination if he/she secure a
minimum of 50% marks prescribed for the university end semester examinations alone.

11.3 If a student has submitted the project report but absent in the end semester examination of
project work, the student is deemed to be failed. In this case and also if a student attends
and fails in the End semester examination of Project work of B.E. / B.Tech, he/she shall
attend end semester examination again within 60 days from the date of declaration of the
results. The subsequent viva-voce examination will be considered as reappearance with
payment of exam fee. In case, the student fails in the subsequent viva-voce examination
also, the student shall redo the course again, when offered next.

11.4 The passing requirement for the courses which are assessed only through continuous
assessment (EEC courses except project work), shall be fixed as minimum 50%.

11.4.1 If a candidate fails in the Creative innovative project (EEC course), he/she has to resubmit
the Project Report within 30 days from the date of declaration of the results. The
resubmission of the project report and subsequent viva-voce examination will be considered
as reappearance with payment of exam fee. In case, if a student fails in the resubmission of
the project report and the subsequent viva-voce examination, the student shall register and
redo the course in the subsequent semester.

11.5 End semester valuation clarification day

In a regular semester a valuation clarification day for theory courses shall be conducted only
for those students who are appearing in the end semester examination as their first attempt.
Clarification day shall be conducted within 7 working days after the last held theory
examination. During those 7 working days period, the laboratory end semester examinations
shall be scheduled and the results of the same shall be UPLOADED in ACOE portal within
those 7 working days itself so that the completed end semester results shall be published
within 15 days from the last laboratory exam.

On clarification day, the students can view their end semester answer papers in the
presence of the course instructor and get any clarifications / corrections done. In cases of
dispute, where the student is not satisfied with the clarifications / corrections, the matter
can be referred to a committee, consisting of the Head of the Department of the courses
concerned / HOD nominee, concerned course instructor and a subject expert. In case a
student does not attend the valuation clarification day on the specified date, no further
clarifications will be entertained. The results will be published after the end semester
valuation clarification day.

Page 23 of 32
For students reappearing for the theory courses, clarification day will not be provided for
the subsequent attempts. However, for them open day will be conducted after the
publication of results. On this day, the students are permitted to view their end semester
answer scripts on payment of prescribed fee as per the rules prescribed by ACOE. In case
of dispute, the matter can be referred to a committee, consisting of the Head of the
Department of the courses concerned / HOD nominee, concerned course instructor and a
subject expert as per the rules prescribed by ACOE.


12.1. The award of letter grades will be decided using relative/absolute grading principle. The
performance of a student will be reported using letter grades, each carrying certain points
as shown in Table 12.
Table 12: Award of Letter Grades

Letter Grade Grade Points*

O (Outstanding) 10
A + (Excellent) 9
A (Very Good) 8
B + (Good) 7
B (Average) 6
C (Satisfactory) 5
U (Re-appearance) 0
SA (Shortage of 0
WD (Withdrawal) 0

‘U’ denotes Reappearance registration is required for that particular course.

‘SA’ denotes shortage of attendance (as per Clause 7) and hence prevented from writing end
semester examination.

‘WD’ indicates withdrawal from the course.

12.1.1 Relative Grading

For those students who have passed the course (theory course / laboratory integrated
theory courses and all EEC except laboratory course / Project Work Course), the relative
grading shall be done provided if the strength of students who have met the passing
requirements is greater than 30. The marks of those students who have passed only shall
be input in the software developed for relative grading. The evolved relative grading method
normalizes the results data using the BOX-COX transformation method and computes the
grade range for each course separately and awards the grade to each student.

Page 24 of 32
12.1.2 Absolute Grading
 In all the courses, if the number of students who have passed the course is less than or
equal to 30 then absolute grading shall be followed with the grade range as specified in
the Table.
 For the Project Work / Internship and Laboratory Courses, absolute grading procedure
shall be followed as given in the Table 13 irrespective of the number of students who
have passed the course.
Table 13: Grade range for absolute grading

O A+ A B+ B C U

91 - 100 81 - 90 71 - 80 61 - 70 56 - 60 50 – 55 < 50

12.2 For the Co-curricular activities such as NSS / NSO / YRC, one credit is assigned and for
NCC 3 credits are assigned in the curriculum. This shall appear in the grade sheet.
However the assigned credits will not be taken into consideration for the computation of
CGPA. Every student shall put in a minimum of 75% attendance in the training and attend the
camp compulsorily. The training and camp shall be completed during the first year of the
programme. However, for valid reasons, the Head of the Department may permit a student
to complete this requirement in the second year. For the award of degree, a statement of
‘SATISFACTORY’ shall be earned by the student in the above co-curricular activities.

12.3 The grades O, A+, A, B+, B, C obtained in value added courses shall figure in the Grade
sheet under the title ‘Value Added Courses’. The other grades U, SA will not figure in the
grade sheet.


13.1 The Course Teacher shall handover the foil sheet and grade sheet to the HOD concerned
for onward transmission to the ACOE (UD) for processing of results. After results are
declared, Grade Sheets will be issued every semester to each student which will contain the
following details:
 The list of courses of curriculum registered during the semester and the grades scored.
 List of courses studied for Hons., minor and any other additional courses in which the
student has passed with the grades under the title additional courses
 the Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester considering only the courses of
curriculum (not the additional courses) and
 the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all courses registered from first
semester onwards considering only the courses of curriculum (not the additional

Page 25 of 32
courses). However, for the students who have successfully completed the requirements
of B.E. / B. Tech. (Hons) and B.E. / B.Tech. Minor vide Clause 4.12, grades scored in
the six additional courses shall be taken into account for the computation of CGPA.

During each semester, the list of curricular courses (not the additional courses) registered
and the grades scored in each course are used to compute the Grade Point Average
(GPA). GPA is the ratio of the sum of the products of the number of credits of curricular
courses (not the additional courses) registered and the grade points corresponding to the
grades scored in those courses, taken for all the courses, to the sum of the number of credits
of all the courses in the semester.

 c GP i i
GPA  i 1

c i 1

Where Ci - is the Credits assigned to the course

GPi - is the grade point corresponding to the letter grade obtained for each course
n - is number of all Courses successfully cleared during the particular semester in
the case of GPA and during all the semesters in the case of CGPA.

CGPA will be calculated in a similar manner, considering all the curricular courses (not the
additional courses) enrolled from first semester. “U” and “SA” grades will be excluded for
calculating GPA and CGPA.

13.2 Credits earned under value added courses, shall not be considered for calculating the GPA
or CGPA.

13.3 If a student studies more number of professional and open electives than required as per the
student’s programme curriculum (if the student decides not to opt for Hons. and Minor), the
calculation of final CGPA shall be as per 4.12.6 and 4.12.7.

13.4 If a student successfully completes all the requirements of the programme and also meets
the requirements of B.E. / B. Tech. (Hons) or B.E. / B. Tech. Minor but desires not to opt for
the additional qualification, then he/she has to submit a declaration with regard to the same
within 30 days before the completion of semester VIII.

13.5 In the consolidated grade sheet the CGPA earned shall be converted into percentage of
marks as follows:
Percentage of Marks = CGPA X 10

Page 26 of 32
14.1. A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the B.E. / B.Tech. Degree
provided the student has
i. Successfully gained the required number of total credits as specified in the curriculum
corresponding to the student’s programme within the stipulated time.
ii. Successfully completed the course requirements, appeared for the End-Semester
examinations and passed all the courses prescribed in all the 8 semesters within a
maximum period of 7 years reckoned from the commencement of the first semester to
which the candidate was admitted.
iii. Successfully passed any additional courses prescribed by the Director, Academic
iv. Successfully completed the NCC / NSS / NSO / YRC requirements.
v. No disciplinary action is pending against the student.
vi. The award of Degree must have been approved by the Syndicate of the University.


A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed
the examination in First class with Distinction:
 Should have passed the examination of all the courses of all the eight semesters (Six
Semesters for Lateral Entry) in the student’s first appearance within five years (Four
years for Lateral Entry), which includes authorized break of study of one year.
Withdrawal from examination (vide Clause 15) will not be considered as an appearance.
 Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50.

 Should not have been prevented from writing end semester examination in any of the
courses of the Curriculum making up the total credit requirement.
 A student who satisfies norms given in clause 4.12 becomes eligible for classification
of the degree with B.E./B.Tech. (Hons) and B.E./B.Tech. minor.

Details are provided in Table 14.

Page 27 of 32
Table14: Classification for the award of the B.E/ B. Tech. degree in First class with

Degree (i) Duration of Duration Additional CGPA Pass in Break of Prevention Withdrawal
programme permitted credits (v) (vi) study (vii) to write end from writing
(ii) (iii) above the semester end
requirement examination semester
of curriculum examination
(iv) (viii)
B.E./B.Tech. 4 years 5 years - 8.50 First One year Not Will not be
(Regular) attempt authorised permitted considered
break of as an
study attempt
included in
the Duration
B.E./B.Tech. 3 years 4 years 8.50 First One year Not Will not be
Lateral Entry - attempt authorised permitted considered
break of as an
study attempt
included in
the Duration
permitted (iii)
B.E./B.Tech. 3/4 years 4/5 18 credits 8.50 First One year Not Will not be
(Hons) (Lateral years from more attempt authorised permitted considered
entry, (Lateral than one break of as an
Regular entry, verticals of study attempt
respectively) Regular the same included in
respectiv programme the Duration
ely) permitted (iii)
B.E./B.Tech. 3/4 years 4/5 18 credits 8.50 First One year Not Will not be
minor (Lateral years from any attempt authorised permitted considered
entry, (Lateral one vertical break of as an
Regular entry, of the other study attempt
respectively) Regular programme included in
respectiv the Duration
ely) permitted (iii)

Page 28 of 32
A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First class:
 Should have passed the examination of all the courses of all eight semesters (Six
Semester for Lateral Entry) within five years (within Four years for Lateral Entry), which
includes one year of authorized break of study (if availed) or prevention from writing the
End Semester Examination due to lack of attendance (if applicable).
 Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 6.50.

 A student who satisfies norms given in clause 4.12 becomes eligible for classification of
the degree with B.E./B.Tech. (Honours) and B.E./B.Tech. minor.

Details are provided in Table 15.

Table 15: Classification for the award of the B.E/ B. Tech. degree with First class

Degree (i) Duration of Duration Additional CGP Pass in Break of Preventi Withdrawal
programme permitted credits (iv) A (v) (vi) study (vii) on to from writing
(ii) (iii) write end end semester
semester examination
examinat (viii)
B.E./B.Tech. 4 years 5 years - 6.50 - One year Included -
(Regular) authorised in the
break of Duration
study permitte
included in d (iii)
the Duration
permitted (iii)
B.E./B.Tech. 3 years 4 years - 6.50 - One year Included -
Lateral authorised in the
Entry break of Duration
study permitted
included in (iii)
the Duration
permitted (iii)

Page 29 of 32
B.E./B.Tech. 3/4 years 4/5 years 18 credits 7.50 First One year Not Will not be
(Hons) (Lateral (Lateral from more attempt authorised permitted considered as
entry, entry, than one break of an attempt
Regular Regular verticals of study
respectivel respectiv the same included in
y) ely) programme the Duration
permitted (iii)
B.E./B.Tech. 3/4 years 4/5 years 18 credits 6.50 - One year Included -
minor (Lateral (Lateral from any authorised in the
entry, entry, one vertical break of Duration
Regular Regular of the other study permitte
respectivel respectiv programme included in d (iii)
y) ely) the Duration
permitted (iii)


Students who pursue B.E./B.Tech. in Regular mode or lateral entry mode or B.E./B.Tech.
minor in specialisation of another discipline and who are not covered in clauses 14.2.1 and
14.2.2 and who qualify for the award of the degree (vide Clause 14.1) shall be declared to
have passed the examination in Second Class.

14.2.4 A student who is absent in the End Semester Examination in a course / project work after
having registered for the same shall be considered to have appeared in that examination
(except approved withdrawal from end semester examinations as per clause 15) for the
purpose of classification.

14.2.5 Student earned additional 18 credits as per Clause 4.12 (i) and (ii) but does not satisfy the
conditions mentioned in 14.2.1 or 14.2.2 shall not be awarded B.E./B.Tech.(Hons.) In such
case if the student becomes eligible for First Class, while computing CGPA with the PE/OE
courses with higher grades the student shall be awarded B.E. / B.Tech. in First Class only.


15.1 A student may, for valid reasons, (medically unfit / unexpected family situations /
sports approved by Chairman, sports board and HOD) be granted permission to withdraw
from appearing for the end semester examination in any course or courses in ANY ONE of
the semester examinations during the entire duration of the degree programme. The
application shall be sent to the Director, Academic Courses through the HOD with the
required documents.

Page 30 of 32
15.2 Withdrawal application shall be valid only if the student is otherwise eligible to write the
examination (Clause 7) and if it is made within TEN working days before/after the
commencement of the end semester examination in that course or courses and also
recommended by the Head of the Department.
15.3 Notwithstanding the requirement of mandatory TEN working days notice, applications for
withdrawal for special cases under extraordinary conditions will be considered on the
merit of the case.

15.4 If a student withdraws a course or courses from writing end semester examinations, he/she
shall register the same in the subsequent semester and write the end semester
15.5 Withdrawal shall not be considered as an appearance for deciding the eligibility of a student
for First Class with Distinction.
15.6 Withdrawal is permitted for the end semester examinations in the final semester only if the
period of study of the student concerned does not exceed 5 years as per clause 14.2.1.


16.1 A student is permitted to go on break of study for a fixed period of one year as a single break
in the entire course of study.
16.2 When a student applies for break of study, the student shall apply to the Director, Academic
Courses, not later than the last date of the first assessment period. The application
(downloaded from website) duly filled by the student shall be submitted through the Head of
the Department.
16.3 Notwithstanding the requirement of mandatory first assessment period, applications for
break of study for special cases viz., prolonged hospitalization, accidents will be considered
on the merit of the case. The student shall apply to the Director, Academic Courses through
the Head of the Department.
16.4 The s tudents permitted to rejoin the programme after break of study / prevention due to lack
of attendance, shall be governed by the Curriculum and Regulations in force at the time of
rejoining. The students rejoining in new Regulations shall apply to the Director, Academic
Courses in the prescribed format through the Head of the Department at the beginning of the
readmitted semester itself for prescribing additional/equivalent courses, if any, from any
semester of the regulations in-force, so as to bridge the curriculum in-force and the old
16.4.1 Total number of credits to be earned by the student shall be more than or equal to the total
number of credits prescribed in the curriculum in force. If the credit assigned for L T P of the
courses are not same in two Regulations under consideration, then equivalence shall be
arrived as per the credit assignment followed in the Regulations in force.

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16.5 The total period for completion of the programme reckoned from the commencement of the
first semester to which the student was admitted shall not exceed the maximum period
specified in clause 5.1 irrespective of the period of break of study, in order that the student
may be eligible for the award of the degree (vide clause 14).

16.6 In case there is any period of break of study more than the permitted duration of break of
study, the student shall be permitted to continue the programme only if the approval is
obtained from the Director, Academic Courses through the concerned HOD before the end
of the semester in which the student has taken break of study.

16.7 If a student has not reported to the department for a period of two consecutive semesters
without any intimation, the name of the student shall be deleted permanently from the
college enrollment. Such students are not entitled to seek readmission under any
16.8 If a student in Full Time mode wants to take up job / start-up / entrepreneurship during the
period of study he/she shall apply for authorised break of study for one year. The candidate
shall take up the assignment only after getting approval of the same by The Director, Centre
for Academic Courses.

17.1 Every student is required to observe disciplined and decorous behavior both inside and
outside the college and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the
prestige of the University / Department. The Head of the Institution shall constitute a
disciplinary committee consisting of the Head of the Institution, Head of the department to
which the student concerned belongs, and the Head of another department to enquire into
acts of indiscipline and notify the University about the disciplinary action recommended for
approval. In case of any serious disciplinary action which leads to suspension or dismissal,
then a committee shall be constituted by the Registrar of the University for taking a final

17.2 If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the examinations, the student shall be liable
for punitive action as prescribed by the University from time to time.


The University may from time to time revise, amend or change the Regulations,
Curriculum, Syllabus and Scheme of examinations through the Academic Council with the
approval of the Syndicate.


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