Presented as a Partial Fulfillment for the Attainment of a Sarjana Pendidikan
Degree in English Education Department
“La Tahzan Innallaha Ma’ana”
(At Taubah: 40)
All praise be to God, the Almighty. I also would like to extend my deepest
gratitude to:
1) Ibu Nury Supriyanti, M.A. for the guidance and inspirational conversations
“Baboo” Destra Setiawan, for being so very patient waiting for my graduation
3) my best friends in English Debating Society: Pipit, Ayip, Kak Nisa, Rasman,
Mas Zyah, Mb Retha, Endah, Astika, etc for the intelligent and idiot debates,
for the fights, love, bullies and all the greatest fun during the past few years;
4) my better half, without whom I could have finished my thesis six month
earlier, but I knew it was worth the sheer bliss I never got before;
5) my dear friends in PBI D: Nyunyu, Mas Hars, Dek Dani, Iden, Fie, Tyase,
Auk, Anta, Mb Eyin, Dita, Wika, Fian, Pak Soleh, and Isa for always keeping
me believe in a delusion that I can finish this thesis in less than a month;
EDSA and FBS for the best college memories I have ever had.
TITLE ................................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL........................................................................................................ ii
RATIFICATION ................................................................................................ iii
PERNYATAAN.................................................................................................. iv
MOTTOS ............................................................................................................ v
DEDICATIONS .................................................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ................................................................... xiii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study .............................................................. 1
B. Identification of the Problem ........................................................ 4
C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................ 5
D. Formulation of the Problem ......................................................... 6
D. Objectives of the Study ................................................................ 6
D. Significance of the Study ............................................................. 6
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ....................................................................... 8
A. Literature Review ......................................................................... 8
1. Pragmatics ............................................................................... 8
a. Definition……………………………………………….8
b. Cooperative Principles………………………………….9
1) Maxim of Quantity……………………………..9
2) Maxim of Quality………………………………9
3) Maxim of Relation……………………………10
4) Maxim of Manner…………………………….11
2. Deixis……………………………………………………….12
a. Person Deixis…………………………………………12
b. Spatial Deixis ………………………………………..12
c. Temporal Deixis ............................................................ 13
3. Presupposition ......................................................................... 14
a. Potential Presupposition ................................................. 14
b. Existential Presupposition .............................................. 14
c. Factive Presupposition ................................................... 14
d. Lexical Presupposition ................................................... 15
e. Structural Presupposition ............................................... 15
f. Non-factive Presupposition ............................................ 15
g. Counter-factive Presupposition ...................................... 15
4. Implicature .............................................................................. 15
a. Conversational Implicature ............................................ 16
b. Generalized Conversational Implicature ........................ 16
c. Scalar Implicature........................................................... 16
d. Particularized Conversational Implicature ..................... 17
e. Conventional Implicature ............................................... 17
5. Speech Acts ............................................................................. 17
a. Definition........................................................................ 17
b. Classification .................................................................. 18
1) Austin’s Classification of Speech Acts ...................... 18
a) Locutionary Acts ................................................... 18
b) Illocutionary Acts ................................................. 18
c) Perlocutionary Acts ............................................... 18
2) Searle’s Classification of Speech Acts ...................... 19
a) Declaration ............................................................ 19
b) Representative ....................................................... 20
c) Commissive .......................................................... 20
d) Directive................................................................ 21
e) Expressive ............................................................. 21
c. Types of Speech Acts in Terms of Directness ................ 22
1) Direct Speech Acts..................................................... 22
2) Indirect Speech Acts .................................................. 22
6. Speech ..................................................................................... 23
a. Definition......................................................................... 23
b. Classical Rhetoric Speech ............................................... 23
1) Invention ..................................................................... 24
2) Arrangement ............................................................... 24
a) Introduction (exordium) ....................................... 24
b) Statement of Facts (narration).............................. 25
c) Division (partition) ............................................... 25
d) Proof (confirmation) ............................................. 25
e) Refutation (refutation) .......................................... 25
f) Conclusion (peroration) ........................................ 25
3) Style ............................................................................ 26
a) Correctness ............................................................ 26
b) Clarity ................................................................... 26
c) Evidence ................................................................ 26
d) Propriety ............................................................... 26
e) Ornateness ............................................................. 26
4) Memory....................................................................... 26
5) Delivery ...................................................................... 26
7. Context of Situation ................................................................ 27
a. Setting and scene (S) ....................................................... 27
b. Participants (P) ................................................................ 27
c. Ends (E) ........................................................................... 28
d. Act Sequence (A) ............................................................. 28
e. Key (K) ............................................................................. 28
f. Instrumentalities (I)........................................................... 28
g. Norms of Interaction and Interpretation (N) .................... 28
h. Genre (G) ......................................................................... 28
8. United Nations ........................................................................ 29
a. Description ....................................................................... 29
b. Purposes and Principles.................................................... 30
c. Membership and Structure ............................................... 30
1) The General Assembly................................................. 31
2) The Security Council ................................................... 31
3) The Economic and Social Council............................... 31
4) The Trusteeship Council .............................................. 32
5) The International Court of Justice ............................... 32
6) The Secretariat ............................................................. 32
d. Issues ................................................................................ 32
1) Politics ......................................................................... 32
2) Economics .................................................................... 33
3) Socio-Culture ............................................................... 34
4) Education ..................................................................... 35
5) Gender.......................................................................... 35
B. Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson .................................................. 36
1. Bibliography........................................................................... 36
2. Summary of the Speech ......................................................... 37
3. The Audience’s Comments .................................................... 38
C. Review of the Related Studies...................................................... 40
B. Conceptual Framework and Analytical Construct ....................... 41
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................. 44
A. Research Design ........................................................................... 44
B. Data Preparation ........................................................................... 45
1. Object of the Research, Data and Source of Data .................. 45
2. Research Instrument ............................................................... 46
C. Research Procedure ...................................................................... 47
1. Data Collection....................................................................... 47
2. Techniques of Data Analysis ................................................. 49
3. Data Trustworthiness ............................................................. 49
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................. 51
A. Findings ........................................................................................ 51
1. The Kinds of Speech Acts presented in Emma Watson’s
2. The Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric presented in Emma
Watson’s HeForShe ……………………………………………..54
B. Discussions ...................................................................................... .56
1. The Kinds of Speech Acts presented in Emma Watson’s
2. The Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric presented in Emma
Watson’s HeForShe …………………………………………….113
A. Conclusions ..................................................................................... 122
B. Implications ..................................................................................... 124
B. Suggestions ...................................................................................... 124
References ........................................................................................................... 128
Triangulations ..................................................................................................... 131
Appendices .......................................................................................................... 133
1. Appendix of Speech Acts with Hymes’ Context ............................. 134
2. Appendix of the Arrangements of Classical Rhetoric...................... 218
like what the speaker says. That kind of speech can effectively make the
audience feel as if they are being carried forward and encouraged toward
the destination of the speaker (Osborn, 1988; Crick, 2014). In the past, great
speeches could only be created by great people who had big power in the
group. In August 1963, for instance, Martin Luther King, Jr. who happened
speech called ”I have a dream.” This speech was great not only because of
its content but it was also because the speaker was King, Jr., the leader.
powerful, but it is because the speech is influential in its own. There are so
many speeches given by famous people. However, not all of the speeches
speech itself. In September 1995, for instance, Hillary Clinton, who was
known as the first lady at that time, for the very first time spoke in Beijing,
China under the name of women of the world. This speech was known as
the first speech about feminism. However, even if the speaker was a famous
creating the changes in the status quo. In fact, the speech was forgotten by
the people especially the people of Republic of China. Even until now they
have not changed their One Child policy yet which very limits the women’s
remembered from this speech was that this was the first speech about
women and given by the first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Another
example was the speech given by the President of USA, Barrack Obama in
students was that they prioritized playing around with their friends or just
staying at home rather than going to school and doing the homework. The
president felt so pity. Even though the USA is a liberal democratic country,
it does not mean that the society are free to not follow the country’s interest
a great speech as well. These two examples prove that even the powerful
not only about who gives the speech but also about how that speech is
delivered. The latest point plays the more important role in making a good
speech. No matter who the speaker is, as long as the speaker uses a good
influential for the listeners. In order to know this strategy, the researcher
took one of the most well-known and influential speech given in this 21st
which was conducted on September 20th, 2014 was chosen as the object of
the study.
There are four factors that influence the researcher to finally take
this speech as the object of this research. Firstly, this speech was given by
in which this meeting was very occasional. The listeners were the powerful
people in the world and only certain people could speak here. Not to
mention, the speech given in this meeting was also publicly streamed
through the official website so that people in the world could directly watch
and listen to the speech. Thirdly, the topic of the speech was very
gender equality. A topic like this is less likely to be discussed in the General
Assembly because most of the topics discussed in the meetings are only
about politics, economy or other social issues. The last factor was the
audience’s responses. The great responses were not only coming from the
audience in the big hall but also from the international society who
happened to see the video as well as the media which portrayed, spread and
have public discourses about the gender equality. With the 13-minutes
speech, she could successfully achieve her goal to create a wake-up call for
they learn the language. This study brings one real example of the effective
effective are analyzed here. Thus this research is important to reveal what
for achieving the goal of the speaker which is either to inform, to persuade,
skills especially those which deal with a speech. In creating a speech they
find it difficult to decide the topic, diction, and language use. One of the
native ones, often create various interpretations upon the speeches. It is not
Education Department had low English mastery because they could not
construct the language in the effective way. It was proven by the fact that
many of the students still could not clearly convey the idea of their speech.
They tended to be rambling and could not speak to the point. They also could
not perfectly perceive the idea that was tried to be delivered by a speaker.
Sometimes, students totally did not know what the speaker was trying to say
the communication skill because when the students are aware of the
status quo right now many students just copy and paste the expression that
expression indicates that the students have yet to fully understand the
meaning of the language and how to properly use it. Having a good
communication skills means to know and understand the meaning and the
When students analyzed a speech, sometimes they could not get the
full meaning because they forgot to link the utterances with the context of
the speech. It is also needed to know the context of where the speech is
Studying the context of the speech, like the culture and habit (e.g. their
language use, their wisdoms, their social lives, and so forth) is important in
lack of examples showing how people can create an effective speech. This
To specify the analysis, this study was limited into the concept of
speech acts defined by Searle which was developed based on Austin’s, the
context of the situation defined by Hymes and how the speech has classical
relation between the phychological and physical situation of the speech. Not
Based on the previous explanation, the problems are formulated into two:
1. what are the kinds of speech acts that can be observed in Emma
Watson’s HeForShe?
2. what are the kinds of the arrangement of classical rhetoric speech in the
Based on the formulation of the problems, the objectives of this study are:
1. those who study English in dealing with adding their English speaking
materials especially those which deal with the speaking skill such as the
A. Literature Review
1. Pragmatics
a. Definition
However, the listeners (or readers) and the speakers (or writers)
should share the same knowledge of the context to achieve the better
b. Cooperative Principles
1) Maxim of Quantity
too less and too much. The examples are presented below.
have a working meeting but also to have lunch. In this case, the
2) Maxim of Quality
been discussing.
discussing, right?
utterances may not be totally true because she is not sure about
when to come and what they should prepare before the meeting.
3) Maxim of Relation
speaker that you try to engage with. The examples are presented
knocking the door, Gale cannot go and see who it is because Gale
the dating for some reasons, so as to say getting bored with the
4) Maxim of Manner
(a) When I was 13, I vividly remembered the way I fell down
from the tree. I was hospitalized for three days after that. I
in stairs’ accident.
described that there is a person who tries to tell how he felt down
from the stairs when he was a kid. However, the utterance (a) is
the only one that fulfils the maxim of manner. In utterance (b),
language use. They also can conflict each other. Even if the speaker
breaks one of the maxims, it does not mean that she fails in any way
context situation.
2. Deixis
The language form that is used is the deictic expression which can also
a. Person Deixis
with pronouns as first person (‘I’), second person (‘You’) and third
person (‘She’, ‘He’, ‘It’). This deixis categories are elaborated with
their relative social status such as whether the addressee has a higher
the people based on their age and economic status. For example, in
French there is a different word to address “you” which are “tu” for
b. Spatial Deixis
“here”, “this”, “that”, and “there”. “Here” and “this” are used to
and “there” are used to point the faraway place or things. However,
machine. When someone calls and the speaker is not there, the
story she said “here”. It means the speaker tries to project the
location in the story not in the place where she is now. Therefore, it
example “I don’t like that.” The word “that” in this sentence does
not merely have the semantic meaning but a meaning based on the
speaker’s context.
c. Temporal Deixis
Temporal deixis is the time pointing. The words used for this are
“now” and “then”. However, this type of words are really relative to
the speaker’s time which should also be matched with the hearer’s
now.” The hearer should also hear or read this sentence at exact time
week”, “this week” and so forth. This type of deixis also requires the
same time possessed by the speaker and the hearer so that they won’t
utterance they use. This distal form can not only be used to show the
distance from current time to the past or present time but also from
3. Presupposition
case to make an utterance (Yule: 1996: 25). For example the utterance:
Emma’s brother got three turtles. The assumption will be (1) we know
who Emma is (2) we know Emma has a brother (3) we know he has
three turtles. However, we can also drag another assumption which are
(1) Emma only has one brother (2) He is very caring toward animal. All
which are:
a. Potential Presupposition
b. Existential Presupposition
c. Factive Presupposition
It means the hearer does not only assume but she can assure that what
d. Lexical Presupposition
succeed at some level. Meanwhile when you hear someone says “she
e. Structural Presupposition
“When did she leave?” The following structure which is true is that
f. Non-factive Presupposition
It means the context that is assumed to be not true such as the words
dream, imagine, pretend and so forth. For example when you hear
someone says “I pretend to be ill.” The facts is that I am not ill at all.
g. Counter-factive Presupposition
contradictory with the fact itself. For example the utterance like “If
you were my boyfriend, you would have helped me.” It means that
4. Implicature
1996: 35). This statement has clearly shown us that implicature is what
lies behind the literal conveyed meaning of the utterance. For example
when someone says “Pizza can save my day.” The speaker does not only
want to say that Pizza is everything for her day but also wants someone
to order some pizza for her to halt her starvation. It is the speakers who
recognize them via inference. The inference is that which will preserve
a. Conversational Implicature
Even if Fia does not mention anything about the glue, but it can
be concluded that she only brings the paper but not the glue. So,
speaker’s belonging.
c. Scalar Implicature
the word “some” which means “not all”. Then the scale will be
Tom will be spending the evening with his parents in which the
e. Conventional Implicature
used. For example “Danni put on his clothes and left the house.”
big change in meaning if the parts (put on his clothes and left the
5. Speech Acts
a. Definition
a) Locutionary Acts
b) Illocutionary Acts
c) Perlocutionary Acts
at the very first time the speaker utters the words. Therefore,
a) Declaration
change the legal status of these two people from single into
him to play in the field during the match. The last example
b) Representative
the day was warm and sunny. It was not hot, cold or else.
The speaker also believes that what she feels about the
weather is true.
c) Commissive
d) Directive
use the pen. In example (3) the speaker prohibits the hearer
e) Expressive
(2) Congratulations.
that the hearer got. In example (3) the speaker feels great for
seen through its structure. There are three structural forms which are
speech acts is put on the relations between the structural forms and
a) It is cold outside.
example b).
a) It is cold outside.
6. Speech
a. Definition
(but still applies the cohesive and coherent sentences) and delivered
deliver our speech. The first is the integrity that means it should be
whether the audience likes the speaker or can accept the ideas that
the speaker tries to deliver. The third is the power which means that
divided into two which are conferred (which is gained from the
also involves the cultural, political and social assumptions that are
inherent with the topic being spoken. Furthermore, Crick (2014) also
1) Invention
ideally bring the new questions and new insights. In this phase,
2) Arrangement
a beginning, middle, and end which are broken down into points
as follows.
a) Introduction (exordium)
c) Division (partitio)
d) Proof (confirmatio)
e) Refutation (refutatio)
f) Conclusion (peroratio)
so that they will not only remember the content of the speech
3) Style
a) Correctness
b) Clarity
c) Evidence
vivid descriptions.
d) Propriety
It is about saying the right thing at the right time in the right
e) Ornateness
4) Memory
5) Delivery
7. Context of Situation
needed to know the context of situation that happens at the time when
the speaker delivers the speech. This is very important to see the link
between what she said and the interpretations that may come as the
delivered. Time and place can also refer to the physical setting.
b. Participants (P)
c. Ends (E)
Act sequence refers to the actual form and content of what is said
such as the precise words used, how the words are used, and the
e. Key (K)
f. Instrumentalities (I)
h. Genre (G)
very complex activity and that any particular talk is actually a piece of
“skilled work”. Skilled work means that the speaker must be aware and
spread the peace among countries in the world. From Southern Sudan to
a. Description
term United Nations as its name, the League of Nations was applied
from 50 countries met and drew up the Charter of the United Nations
on June 26th, 1945. On October 24th, 1945 the Charter was ratified
by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United
as follows.
4) They are to refrain from the threat or use of force against any
other state.
accept the terms and condition in the Charter. Any nation which
explained below.
and the Russian Federation. The P5 is granted with the veto right
the veto right. The main job of the UNSC is to create and
insecure circumstances.
serving for three-year terms. Its main job is to discuss, make and
6) The Secretariat
five-year term.
d. Issues
1) Politics
The UN now are facing the hard time where there are a lot
in 2010 still bring many bad impacts. Not only the problem of
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and so forth but also the problem of the
ongoing war still exist until now such as the war in Syria. The
worse news is that how the country cannot only secure its
sovereignty from the rebellions but also how it causes the country
into a damage and chaotic country. This resulted into how there are
neighbourhood countries.
for many times, Palestine’s flag can finally be put in the UN office
can give any measures to help the conflicting parties in the war in
2) Economy
3) Socio-Culture
have changed into a democratic countries but also proven with the
of the technology and life style causes the change in the people’s
more active in talking through social media than in the direct face-
to-face conversations. The new culture like free sex, hook-up, and
ignorance as the new life style has been becoming the culture of
our youths.
The problem about this culture is not about the change but
necessarily mean that they break the values that are believed by the
4) Education
5) Gender
which was based on the UN Facts 2012. It was proven with the
cent globally between 1999 and 2008. However, the share was
through the education means but not broadly to the extent of how
the man-stuff.
1. Bibliography
Paris. Her parents are both British lawyers. Sadly her parents divorced
when she was 5 years old. After the divorce her mother brought Emma
Potter's smart, bossy best friend and voice of reason in the Harry Potter
film franchise was her first debut in acting. She becomes a popular adult
studied singing, acting and dancing. Emma took her schooling quite
Not only did she attend top schools, but Emma also earned top marks
has done quite well on her exams too. She received two A marks on her
Sports activities such as field hockey, netball, and tennis are her
athletic body. Her youngest fans see Emma as a role model because she
around her. Meanwhile, her adults fans see her as a person with a strong
determination because she finally can make the cut for top-earning,
2014) believed that the engagement of young people is critical for the
Ambassador in 2014.
in the hall was the members and staffs of the General Assembly
Youtube site, so that the international people outside the hall can also
She said that the world is not enough in treating genders equally.
including to be aggressive and strong. In other words, men will also get
the world needs men to uphold women’s right strengthened the message
that men are considered as having the higher power than women in the
society. This condition brings benefits for men because they have more
authority to change the stereotypes that have been widely spread for
Lastly, she informed the good news about how this world has got the
the gender equality to join and support this movement. At the end of her
society in the world. After receiving a standing ovation, her speech had
successfully made waves on social media and blogs. There were more
September 23rd, 2014, more than 70,000 men and boys had signed online
website (The Reuters, ep September 23rd, 2014). There were many people
showed that they disagree with her but most of them showed that they
were amazed with the speech. Here are some of the audience comments
“I love that Emma Watson has bravely put herself on the line as a
proud feminist. It is wonderful that she may be instrumental in
inspiring millions more to consider these issues. Bravo to her.”
Clementine Ford, The Freelance Writer
to read the transcript of her talk and watch the videos of her delivering
Bart Egnal, The Leadership Communication Coach
“We are all very humbled by the numbers. I have to point out that
Emma has been a very instrumental part.. her speech was so
Elizabeth Nyamayaro, Senior Advisor to UN Women’s Executive
they were interested in joining the campaign and supporting the gender
And I Have Sinned”. She used Searle’s theory of Speech Acts as the basis
of the analysis of the study. She analyzed the types of speech acts and
classical rhetoric in the speeches. The study revealed the second speech was
more effective and convincing rather than the first speech which was still
speech acts and the arrangements of classical rhetoric in the speech. The
study revealed the speech which lasted only for 7 minutes was very
effective. This speech was even effective to trigger the World War II.
research because they also analyzed the pragmatics especially speech acts
research different with those studies is about the speaker who gave the
speech. In Annisa and Retno’s research, the speeches were popular mostly
because they were spoken by the president of the USA at that time.
Meanwhile, in this research the speech was popular simply because of the
language that was used by the speaker. The speaker was not American but
British and she neither belonged to any political positions nor involved in
any political actions. However, her speech can trigger many influences. One
of them was creating the wake-up calls from the international society.
out the speaker’s meaning that could be portrayed through context situation
and language use. In the context of the speech, this study dealt with context
dealt with the data in the form of classical rhetoric. The classical rhetoric
has five canons that are important in organizing a speech. They are
was also analyzed further to the scopes of pragmatics which is the speech
In the locutionary acts, the factors that influence the speech can be like word
choice, functional grammar, and sentence structure and many more. In the
illocutionary acts, the researcher broke down the acts based on Searle’s
classification. The illocutionary acts are divided into the basis of the
Deixis Cooperative Principles Speech Acts Implicature Presupposition
Searle Classification
A. Research Design
and interpreting data. In interpreting the data, the researcher used theories
to analyze the patterns observed. Certain theories were utilized as the basic
does not deal with numeric data or variable and its relationship.
the great speeches in the world. The speech was Emma Watson’s HeForShe.
As it has been mentioned that natural setting has become one of the
the researcher.
The last thing about this research is how this research was conducted.
The video of Emma Watson’s HeForShe and its transcript were used as
the topic, the place, and the occasion as well as its atmosphere which were
deployed as the context, were also employed in this research to obtain the
deep analysis.
This study focused on finding the types of speech acts based on Searle’s
speech and explaining the types of the arrangement of the classical rhetoric
B. Data Preparation
The object of this study was the speech of Emma Watson in the UN
on September 20th, 2014 entitled HeForShe. The data were in the form
The source of the data was the video of HeForShe Speech which was
2. Research Instrument
her to see and document the qualities of the interaction. As the first
and reporting the research finding. The speech, the speech transcript,
and the data sheets were also employed as supporting instruments. The
Notes :
DIR : Directive
Arrangement of The UN issues in
Classical 21st Century
No Data Rhetoric Speech
PR : Proof RF : Refutation
C. Research Procedure
1. Data Collection
inductive approaches for its data collection because the hypotheses are
hypotheses, they are examined by further data collection and used for a given
setting or context. The researcher undertook some steps during the data
collection such as watching the videos of the speech, finding the transcript,
making data sheets, and categorizing the data in the data sheets.
analysis. It was not possible for the researcher to conduct an interview since
the speaker was the Hollywood artist. It was very difficult to meet personally
and to undergo the extra distance which all of these points, even if they were
researcher got the benefit from the advance of technology nowadays which
which was needed in this research can still be gained through the media
collecting data was a non-interactive technique because it did not involve the
researcher interacting with subjects who were being studied. The steps that
a. retrieving the video of the speech which will be the source of the
data form;
The data analysis of this research was divided into some steps as
b. classifying the data into raw data that further it was categorised
3. Data Trustworthiness
credibility of the data, the researcher presented deep and detailed information
of the data, so that the data could be considered credible. While to check on
the dependability, it is needed to read and re-read the data and to examine
the process of the data collection and the data analysis by matching the
to measure whether the data findings and its interpretation were truly based
articles, journals and books, and consulting the data with a lecturer as the
thesis supervisor and students who study linguistics. The students were
This chapter consists of research findings and discussions. The kinds of speech
acts and the types of the arrangement of classical rhetoric presented in Emma
Watson’s HeForShe which were analyzed further through the UN Social Issues in
the 21st Century were put in the research findings section. After that, the data
A. Findings
Watson’s HeForShe
acts which are locutionary acts, illocutionary acts and perlocutionary acts.
Furthermore, illocutionary acts are divided into five which are declaration,
five kinds of illocutionary acts were seen and employed in Emma Watson’s
HeForShe. This deployment of the five kinds of illocutionary acts made her
The reason is because Emma did not only want to deliver a speech
which contains of some new information but she also wanted to convince
and drag the audience’s perception and belief towards the feminism idea by
informing them regarding the deplorable facts and telling them what is more
to come if they do not change the status quo. She was also expressive to
show the sorrow of the condition in the status quo that women and men are
regarding the speech acts in Emma Watson’s HeForShe are presented in the
table below.
illocutionary act which was used by the speaker for 69 times. It is because
the main goal of Emma’s speech in the UN General Assembly was to tell
the people that the world is no longer safe. One of the most dangerous
problems still exists in the status quo right now which is the gender
inequality. We, as the current human beings who live in this world, should
deteriorated. Telling the audience about the information and making people
aware of the problem existing in the current status quo are mostly effective
and predicting. Informing was seen as the most frequent force with 49
proved that most of the people are not familiar with the feminism term. They
wanted to direct the people’s mind that being feminism does not necessarily
mean they hate men but simply fighting for the equality that both men and
to the audience with the highly educated background, informing was used
more frequently than any other types of representative because it was less
On the other hand, it was found that declaring came as the least
oneself about something that may change how the world perceives them.
Emma was only known as the Hollywood actress who was seen less
she was trying to make a social and political approach to the audience by
bringing up the gender issue. She made a declaration which was done by
telling the audience that she is the goodwill ambassador of the UN Women.
Exactly after hearing that statement, the audience suddenly changed their
perception about Emma and gave more attention and respect to her. This
about Emma in the audience’s eyes just in one second. Therefore, the use of
Based on the table above proof came as the most frequent canon with
important move, we need to enter into their logic and give the explanations
in detail. By providing the logical arguments, it will be easier for any new
arguments, especially those which somehow are the opposite of their current
Similar with Emma, most of the people did not aware that there was
Hence, their freedom and rights were less likely acknowledged by the
society. This condition made the women suffer even more. In order to make
people believe that there was an urgent problem in the society, the speaker
brought evidences about how women were suffering from bad treatments,
unfair judgements and violations. Later on, these facts and logical
explanations were categorized as proof. Thus, proof got the highest score
B. Discussion
Watson’s HeForShe
the most dominant act because Emma wanted to show her opinion regarding
the gender issue. In the status quo right now people believe that gender issue
to not have the same freedom as men do, and it is also right for men to not
than any other acts to inform the audience about the gender issue that exists
around them. On the other hand, commissive appeared as the minor act
because in her speech Emma also wanted to show the audience about the
future effect if they keep letting the status quo happen without any
a. Declaration
(1) Declaring
Assembly podium and she had a right to speak about the gender
It has been known that not all people can wish to speak in the
UN podium. The people who can speak there are only the
the UN like for example the Secretary General of the UN, the
However, the UN can also invite the speaker outside the UN officials
like the President of the country members. It was very surprising that
social status of Emma in the International World which was not only
Emma had the authority to stand in the podium and to talk about the
Furthermore, she added that she had been chosen since six
months ago which means she had been in that position since half a
year ago. It means that since half a year ago until the time she
regarding the gender issue. She had dealt with gender problems
around the world, from the first world countries until the third world
countries. The noun phrase “six months ago” was chosen rather than
about how long she had been in that position and how experienced
b. Representative
believes to be the case or not (Yule, 1996). There were many forms of
as follows.
(1) Opening
is shown below.
attention. Thus, she did not need to grab the attention of the
Just like any other organizations, the UN also has its own
were invited in the meeting. The other guests who attended the
that she was very appropriate and had a high sense of social
about the most sensitive issue which was the gender issue. Many
were not aware of the fact that women deserve the equal rights
(2) Informing
day she gave the speech. The audience might wonder why a
as informing.
she delivered the speech which was about the launching day for
important not only to make them know what Emma’s main topic
was but also to make them realize that the future would be better.
problem exist in the world which was about the gender problem.
On one hand, women could not have full access to be what they
concerned more on the gender issue and tried to care more for
goal to give the audience a clue of her topic and to ease the
Emma tried to tell the audience what was so special from her
speech which was not only about the topic but also about the
chance. It was the first time for the UN to give a chance for a
good sign from the UN that at the end the UN realized that a
to the audience.
audience about the points that she emphasized. She used the
the speech less effective. Thus, this sentence made the audience
wanted to become someone who could heal these and bring the
to not only fight for her own rights but also for all women’s
self-proclaimed feminist.
was done in the past. However, it did not necessarily mean that
in the day she delivered the speech, she was no longer a feminist.
audience could easily grasp the idea from this specific utterance.
(3) Convincing
second class.
gender equality was still hard to achieve. It was not only about
the lack of people’s awareness but also about the quality of the
happiness true.
point that she was very serious with the movement and highly
which was highly formal, she believed that it was not possible
period of time. It secured the idea that this movement would not
treatments. On the other hand, men with the same position get
higher payment than they do, even though the women are able
because they also do the same job, as hard as, as difficult as, and
involved in the work field should give the same chance and
salary for the women. Women should be free to choose their job
receive the same salary as men for the same job and position.
The utterance above proved how she was really insistent with
but also execute it too. They should help women to get their
will be overcome soon. She used the subject “I” because she
categorized as convincing.
wanted to make the audience believe that women also have right
join because they generalize that all women should have interest
discussion, the lesser they are recognized by the society, and the
to the audience.
rooted so long in the society. This applause was also a proof that
the movement to bring the change. When the audience gave her
applause, she paused her speech for a while because she wanted
given her a good response. However, she did not want to be too
(4) Insisting
given below.
people who suffered the most like in this case, they were
they were the actors who would fight and strive for women’s
rights and freedom, and willing to fight for that things to happen.
Basically people would care for the problems that were close to
not disturbed with it, they would not care for it at all. This was
end, the gender inequality did not only bring bad impacts to
women only but also to men and to the whole society. Therefore,
gender problems.
gender biased rules. The people thought that men bring certain
was the power of men, on the other hand, being emotional was
was the job of men, on the other hand, staying at home was the
most ideal job for women and so forth. This was so unfair
mean that you had to be weak and emotional and at the same
time, becoming men did not always mean you had to be strong
This kind of concept was wrong at the very first place. Thus,
realize that men and women had the same freedom and rights
be, to work in whatever jobs they like and so on. So, at the end,
people believe that this was the right time for them to change
was in voicing up her idea about the gender equality. The people
(5) Clarifying
And if you still hate the word, it is not the word that is
important. (SP/1/04.40-04.48)
Many people still did not aware of the women’s right. Most
current values. They were seen as the bad actors who would
mess up the norms and values which had been constructed for
years. The people were just too lazy to move from their comfort
zone. They were afraid of the challenges. They did not realize
better values.
utterance that the people might still hate the feminism idea. She
realized that there was still a possibility for the people to not be
ultimate meaning and neglect the words and its spelling were
stereotype toward feminism but they did not really know what
equal power and equal freedom upon their body, their dreams,
and their willingness. They should put less focus on the wording
social values was the hardest part. Emma realized that fact about
how this was not an easy thing to do. Thus, she convinced the
She repeated the phrase “the word” for twice to indicate that
she strengthened the point that people should really neglect the
Conditional word like “If” was used to address the people who
the feminist.
(6) Protesting
about the nowadays condition. In the status quo, the world was
example the fact that women were not treated equally in politic,
reasons, Emma felt that the world was no longer comfortable for
was very uncomfortable for all of us all. This form helped Emma
about how deploring the fact was but also to make them realize
means there was one kind of human who suffered alone, women.
people why they kept on holding the values that limit women’s
right, and even violate many of their rights. Emma invited the
audience to reflect themselves that what they so far did for years
was wrong. They should respect women the same way as how
(7) Criticizing
involve men as their fighters. The way involving men was not
only how men should become the feminist only but also how
women as a single entity but it would also harm men and the
whole society.
as the first class human. The only way to make women level up
and get the same treatment as men was by giving the ladder for
China. Only less of half of the invited audience were men. The
speech was not really heard because the speaker could not
inequality would not only harm the women but also the men. So,
it could not raise the emotional attentions from men to see that
(8) Guessing
world. The main characters were Harry (the boy who lived) and
his two best friends, Ron (The king) and Hermione (The
movies were based on a novel with the same title, Harry Potter.
for more than ten years. However, until now people still keep on
She joined the Harry Potter franchise since she was 11. These
in public, people would always think that she was always the
different form. She wore formal casual attire and talked about a
have wondered why an actress like her who was hardly seen in
girl”. She also laughed when she addressed that term indicating
that she also accepted the fact that people labelled her with
about her arguments about how she wanted to change the world
Potter girl” and gave answers as to why this girl was standing in
people give more trust to her and believe that she deserved to be
c. Commissive
(1) Guaranteeing
And that when they are free, things will change for women as a
natural consequence.
But when they decided to be like that, they were called as pushy
and weak which then they made them feel less of a man. This
happiness was violated, it would make the person suffer and live
under pressure. The worst scenario was that how it could even
would also felt triggered to join the movement too. She added
consequences the women would be free too. So, it was clear that
which was “We don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by
gender stereotypes but I can see that that they are”. This proved
whenever the men were free from this stereotypes, as one of the
(And that when..) and (things will..). The speaker used future
tense like “things will change..” because it was a hope for the
agreed to free men from the stereotypes. She chose the word
feel how suffer the women and men were because of the gender
of them.
(2) Threatening
condition was if people kept ignoring the fact that gender needed to
until now there was none tries to help, the women would get more
suffer. The problem was not only how they would get the pain but
also how they had to feel it for the very long time. She gave the exact
number 75 years and she even strengthened that 75 years was not a
small number. It was a number which was close to 100 years. Under
people’s logic, 100 years means at least there are three or four
generations who should feel the pain and suffer from this unfair life.
someday because at the end when the civilization gets better, the
people become more modern and more aware to realize the rights
she tried to tell the world that we did not need to wait to the organic
change to happen. It was not only because its existence was still
questionable but also because the world could no longer wait. The
longer we have to wait, the sufferer the women become. So, this is
the time for the people to make a fast move to strive for the gender
including in the work field. Emma insisted the people that women
deserve to be paid the same as their male counterparts for the same
job. Emma gave the silent and deploring gaze to show that the reality
how the couple commit to love each other and life happily ever after
if you are forced to life with someone we do not even know and love.
age group. More than one in three (about 250 million) entered into
union before age 15. This showed how deplorable the fact is because
prosper life. So, they expect that when they marry their daughter
with the old rich merchant, their family will get a better life. They
believe that their daughters only bring suffering and pathetic life.
Not only that, but the saddest part was that how they also
married their daughters too soon. The brides were still very young.
Their ages were ranging from 10 to under 20 years old. Whereas the
grooms were 30 years old or above. The girls did not possess any
choice but to accept. When the girls got married, it cut off all their
hopes and happiness. They could no longer play with their peers, go
to schools and pursue their dreams, travel around the world, try new
things and learn from their mistakes. All they could do was only
serving their husband whom they did not love since at the very first
It was also more tragic when the girls got pregnant. They
were under age and they had to take care of the babies. Many of them
died because their body could not resist the pain of being a wife and
not change it. There would be more and more children who would
be forced to get married with someone they did not even love. They
that the world would literally no longer be safe for the girls if we did
not fight the imbalance. “15.5 million” was put in the first utterance
to make people aware that it was a big deal. It did not happen to one
She even made her point clear by putting the phrase “as
children” in the end of her utterance. She knew she has mentioned
message bold that this was morally wrong for our girls and our
The problem that was faced by women is not only how they
got different treatment in politic, social and also economy, but also
because they were perceived as less smart and less skilful. This kind
of perception was rooted from how women were not granted the
housewife whose job is only to take care of the children and the
deserved to get education like men. They did not even deserve to get
the primary education but also the secondary even tertiary education
happen in the near future, that there were not many African girls who
could pursue their dreams and attend the schools of their secondary
human being you will get. When you get a good quality as human
achieve their dream. Sadly, they cannot do that not because they did
not want to but simply because the people and the culture prohibit
them to be so. It is even more unfair when this phenomenon does not
happen to boys. Therefore, the one who suffers the most from this
the vivid image. “..it won’t be until 2086..” proved that even until
2086 the number of girls who went to their secondary education was
expected to feel the sadness and the frightening future that possibly
d. Directive
(1) Commanding
status quo which is about how women are suffering from the
what they could do first as men. They should take up this mantle
in the women because women are the main actor who suffer the
made the point powerful and strong to attack the audience logic
and emotion.
(2) Inviting
how Mrs Clinton’s speech was failed to achieve her goal, Emma
especially the men, are invited to join the movement and be the
feminist to fight for the women’s right. The moment when men
help the feminism goal to achieve the gender equality, this is the
other more formal words because what she said was about men
the hall agree with her statement to join the opportunity to heal
(3) Requesting
that there are not many people who concern in gender equality.
force to make us believe that women and men should not have
makes women suffer a lot. However, at the same time, men also
be free from any stereotypes but also to make the better future
people feel that they have another choice which is to not join the
movement. This soft approach made the audience feel not forced
However, “If not me, who? If not now, when?” which was put
constraint which is right now and emphasize the actor who is us.
because she did not only want to talk to them but also to grab their
brought in the podium. The words “need your help” was effective to
tense because she wanted to show that the need is not only for now
in the campaign should not only be conducted today. She was very
“want to end” and briefly telling how to do this. It showed how she
made everything clear since at the very first place and did not beat
around the bush. She chose the word “want to” instead of “would
like to” because she knew that her speech was not only listened by
people in the hall but also outside the hall who could be not
of how worse the problem is. This phrase helped her to be more
e. Expressive
(1) Addressing
further below.
guests. It had been known that the meeting was very formal for
and open her speech. It showed that she wanted to be formal but
attention, but in this hall, Emma has got that attention. That is
why she should make her speech effective but still formal. The
(2) Relieving
her life. Many people face the same case but they choose to be
feminist is not something too easy but also not too complicated
something not too hard to do. She delivered this utterance with
the relax gazed but flat tone to make people believe that what
women and men in the world would no longer suffer from the
“the good news” which was about how there is a right strong
that the day she delivered the speech was the launching day for
of both women and men. With a big smile, soft eyes, and slow
pace, Emma implied that this is the right platform for the people
(3) Deploring
but most of them choose to stay silent and feel the pain alone.
always right. Therefore, they try very hard to force their own
heart and mind to believe in it too, even if they have to put aside
issue which many people do not put their concern on. This word
familiar with them. It also means that very less people involve
deplorable fact is that realizing how the people cannot bring the
equal rights simply because women since at the very first place
are not aware with it. This is the unpleasant fact that Emma
the status quo. This is very powerful to make people believe that
emotion feeling about the fact that not many people are involved
to become a feminist.
moral values about gender that have been rooted in the society
bring more harms than good towards the women and men as
well. This condition makes the women unable to get the same
The same with men, they are unable to be free from any
other people hamper and tell them to stop reaching it, because it
Emma shown to the public, made the message strong that being
But what stood out for me the most was that less than 30% of
the audience were male.
aware that One Child Policy brings more harms than good for
them. It was even failed to bring any changes in the society and
Emma claimed that one of the biggest reason why this speech
was failed because there were lack of men attended the occasion
believed that men hold the bigger power than women to change
the condition in the status quo. The society perceives men as the
controller, the leader and the one who holds bigger authority.
mean and sharp eyes yet deploring tone, the male audience
at the end when women are free from the stereotypes, the men
(4) Regretting
shown below.
But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world
where all women can expect to receive these rights.
the thing that all women also hope to happen in the real life.
However, not all people care for this. “But sadly” was used to
show how the fact is very opposite and deplorable for her.
country, even the country members of the UN, where the women
She wanted to tell the audience that the dreams to receive the
equal respect and rights can still be gotten if the people join the
Sadly many of the things that she wanted to change are still
true today.
about how women are also own the rights called the human
rights. At that time not many people were aware that women
possessed the same freedom as men did. She even used the term
treated too. The issue about this inhuman action in China was
about how women did not possess the right of their own
really makes the women there suffer because they cannot have
any right to determine how many babies they want to bear to the
China do not realize that it truly violates the women’s right that
(5) Praising
In the data above Emma tried to praise the audience for what
Thus Emma addressed their doubts and accepted the truth that it
was a very common for them to question why a Harry Potter girl
said. She delivered it with light hearted, soft eyes and friendly
joking gaze shows how she is not offended at all with this. This
gender problem. She knew that many of her female and male
However, she was glad that she knew many people did not see
there must be some people who are pro-equality and have done
audience were mostly the smart and educated people who had
Giving them the praise was a form of respect that Emma gave
wanted to deliver was that how it is not enough for them to only
(6) Thanking
the speaker for something that she receives. In the status quo
their actual power which is their intelligent and skill but simply
who are familiar with the term “Feminism”. Even if they are,
people easily hate the feminists since at the very first time they
hear the word. In this occasion, Emma wanted to clarify and tell
them about what it means by being a feminist and how its idea
speech. The first step of making them aware of the gender issue
that you want to be a carrier woman then be it, but it is not right
for you to force other women to be like you too. When you
believe that you will be happy if you stay at home and become
housewife then be it, but you can never antagonize other wives
The messages above were the proof that people should never
speech, that women and men deserve the same portion of rights,
that grabbing people’s attention was very hard to do. Thus, she
HeForShe movement.
Based on the findings above, proof is the most frequent canon with
a. Introduction
the purpose of the speech at the very first place. It is very important
invited guests in the hall. This is very appropriate since Emma delivered
words and address terms because the situation was very formal and quiet
tense. This way of addressing was a form of respect that Emma gave to
the guests for their willingness to still stay in their seat and listen to her
were not only those who were in the hall but also the people outside the
employers, farmers, housewife, the youths and the old men and so forth.
Emma gave this as her introduction, so that they could also know who
attended the speech and the condition inside the hall. Therefore, the
straightforward in telling the audience the topic and the purpose of her
speech. This was very effective because at the very first place the
audience knew exactly what the main speech would be about and it
Emma announced that the day she delivered the speech was the
was clear to give the audience portrayal that the whole speech was all
about the campaign of the movement. Another significant point was that
how Emma also said that this was the first gender movement at the UN.
It means that this movement is very special. Thus, this information made
the audience attracted to know more and keep listening to the speech.
Emma looked very bold with her statements about the goal of the
movement which was to invite as many men and boys as she could to
join the movement to make a change. The goal of this movement was to
status quo.
uttering this, the audience would know that Emma was there standing as
two major benefits. Firstly, this utterance would prevent the confusion
like Emma was there giving a speech in the UN. Secondly, this utterance
would make the audience know the context of the speech better. As we
statement showed that there was a link between her current position in
For the record, feminism by definition is the belief that men and
women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of
the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.
Many people do not know about the feminism. Most of the people
who know it, define feminism as something bad and very different from
its real meaning. For example the society considers feminism as the idea
about man-hating and radicalism, because they try to bring new opposite
idea in the society. Therefore, Emma was here to clarify the meaning of
the feminism.
pro for feminism. However, this influence would not be effective if the
audience do not know the right meaning of feminism itself not only in
the politic, the economy but also in the social spectrum. Thus, narrowing
people’s mind about feminism would help them better to understand the
In this utterance Emma tried to tell the audience that the main reason
why she spoke in the UN General Assembly was because she wanted to
tell the audience about feminism and asked them to join the movement
to support the gender equality. She told them that many people have
strengthened with the scientific proof that was Emma’s recent research
about how well people know about feminism. This information was
needed to be given to the audience, so that the people know exactly the
c. Division (partitio)
it will be easier for the audience to know the journey of the logic and
employed in the speech. This is so because Emma did not need to tell
d. Proof (confirmatio)
In the utterances above, Emma tried to tell the audience about her
was upset seeing that the gender stereotypes limit the choice, freedom
experiences in order to show that it does not happen for one time but for
a very long time, since Emma was little until she have grown up. These
were the proof that gender inequality has been rooted in our society for
in the politic, economy, and social regarding the gender issue. Emma
tried to convince the audience that what she thought is right and should
be followed up. After explaining her experiences and how she found
many inadvertent feminists in her life, she decided to strive for these
rights to be granted to women. She looked very brave and bold when
she told the audience about her thoughts. This was the simple and logical
arguments that she brought in order to make the audience believe in her.
e. Refutation (refutatio)
gain the trust of the audience towards the speaker’s statements. The
You might be thinking who is this Harry Potter girl? (laugh) and
what is she doing at the UN? And it is really a good question. I have
been asking myself the same thing.
In the data above, Emma realized that the audience were wondering
why a Hollywood actress like her could speak in the UN podium. She
was afraid that the people were not convinced with whatever she said
because she did not possess the appropriate position in the UN.
Therefore, in order to heal the doubt which could decrease their trust,
Emma positioned herself in the audience, asking the same question and
giving an answer to it. She was really care for the gender equality. Not
only because she witnessed many women and men who are trapped in
the stereotypes but because she also cares for the future generations.
f. Conclusion (peroratio)
After witnessing the unequal treatments given to her and her friends,
she finally decided that she wanted to become a feminist. This was the
conclusion of what she finally took after having the bad experiences in
her life. She added her feeling about her decision to let the audience
emotion was needed to touch the heart of the listeners, so that they would
not only remember the content of the speech but they also were
The statement above showed that there was a link between the
reason why she became a feminist. She was also trapped by the society’s
prejudices regarding the gender, but she was lucky that there were still
conclusion, these people were the ones who shaped Emma’s ideology
about feminism. This feminism will help female as well as male to have
about why the very outstanding speech given by the most famous
woman in that time, Mrs Clinton, could not affect change in the targeted
people which were the people of Republic of China. She concluded that
the speech failed because half of the audience were men. As Emma had
explained before, men are the main actor who can help to change the
from the number of male audiences who attend it. This is very important
for the audience because if they believe in gender equality, they will
A. Conclusions
that all acts are seen in the speech. They are declaration,
the gender inequality does not only make girls and women suffer in
every aspect of life for a very long time but at the same it also
also gave the information about what we could do to solve the problem
people knew her as an actress who was free from any political
Emma needed to tell them many things about the problems happening
in the status quo. Therefore, in order to make her speech simple, she
the people’s attention towards the issue. Proof was also used in order
to give more elaborations on the feminism and how it could solve the
B. Implications
speaker can analyze whether the topic is too mainstream, too sensitive
C. Suggestions
for the students to conduct such research in order to enrich the study
attention to the detail of the speech acts and the context situation that
d. To other researchers
good speech, so that they will understand clearly why certain speech
can be labelled as a good speech. They also can learn about the
d. To other researchers
A. Printed Materials
B. Electronic Sources
NO Code Data Context Locutionary Perlocutionary
1. SP/1/ Your 1. Setting & Scene 1. Your Excellencies was openi addre The high
00.00- Excellencies, UN (Psychological): The used to address as well as ng ssing position people
00.16 Secretary meeting was very to greet and open her as well as the
General, President formal for there were speech. It shows that she audience felt
of the General many prominent wanted to be formal but welcome and
Assembly, people attending it also straightforward. were interested
Executive and also the Opening or greeting is to pay more
Director of the representative of usually used to gain attention to her
UN Women and countries in the people’s attention, but in speech because
distinguished world. The audience this hall, Emma has got she shown a
guests. were giving her a that attention. That is why good attitude in
serious gaze because she should make her her first second
everything discussed speech effective but still speech.
in this hall will formal.
always be about 2. The people mentioned is
something very ordered based on the
serious and that degree of respect which she
become the concern wanted to do it more
of many people in personally.
the world. 3. She chose the word
2. Ends: informing, “Distinguished guests”
addressing instead of “Ladies &
Gentlemen” because she
3. Key: friendly casual wanted to show more
smiling , precise respect to the audience.
tone, well-mannered
4. Norms: enthusiasm
gaze, loudness, clear
2. SP/1/ Today, we are 1. Setting & Scene 1. “Today” was put in the infor The audience
00.16- launching a (Psychological): beginning of the utterance ming knew that in that
00.20 campaign called Emma was because she wanted to day (today) UN
HeForShe. representing UN show that time constraint Women was
Women to have a that on that day, the launching its
speech in the UN movement was launched. movement for
General Assembly. 2. It is a Present Continuous Women which is
Since she spoke on Tense which was used by HeForShe.
behalf of UN her to show that it is in the
Women, therefore process of launching, and
people have what she was doing is the
wondered what the launching process itself.
biggest theme she 3. The Passive Voice
would be talking “..campaign called..” was
about, which is a used as the verbal language
women issue. because she delivered the
2. Ends: informing speech verbally, not to
3. Key: precise tone, mention this way of
distinct gesture constructing her utterance
4. Norm: enthusiasm shows two meanings. First:
gaze, loudness, very It shows that Emma
clear, threatening wanted to be less formal to
silent lessen the gap between her
and the audience therefore
it would be much
comfortable for her to
deliver her persuasive
speech. Second: It shows
how she wanted to be
effective by cutting some
unnecessary words and be
more straightforward.
3 SP/1/ I am reaching out 1. Setting & Scene 1. The utterance is in the infor reque The audience
00.20- to you because we (Psychological): Complex sentence which ming sting knew the
00.24 need your help. After hearing a consists of ordinate (I urgency of why
movement called am…) and sub-ordinate they need to
HeForShe, the (because we..). The keep listening to
audience started to ordinate is formed in the her speech
wonder what it Present Continuous Tense because that
exactly is and how because she wanted to movement needs
they have to react to focus on the process, while their help.
it. the sub-ordinate is in the
2. Ends: informing, Simple Present Tense
requesting because she wanted to
3. Key: precise tone, show that the need is not
droopy eyes, heavy only for now.
breath 2. Emma chose the word
4. Norms: enthusiasm “reaching” instead of
gaze, clear gaze “talking” because she did
not only want to talk to
them but also to grab their
heart to listen, affirm, and
do something to what she
would be talking in her
3. The words “need your
help” is effective to gain
people’s emotion because
it shows how they are more
powerful than the speaker
or the movement itself.
4. SP/1/ We want to end 1. Setting & Scene 1. It is constructed with the infor reque The people knew
00.24- gender inequality (Psychological): Simple Present Tense ming sting that gender
00.33 and to do this, we After hearing a because she believes that inequality needs
need everyone movement called ending gender equality and to be vanished
involved. HeForShe, the letting everyone involved soon, and it
audience started to should not only be cannot be done
wonder what it conducted today. as long as
exactly is and how 2. She was very everybody in
they have to react to straightforward and this world are
it. effective which was not involved in
2. Ends: informing, proven with the words this movement.
requesting “want to end” and briefly Therefore they
3. Key: long breath, telling how to do this. It were triggered to
precise tone, sharp shows how she made join the
eyes everything clear since at movement after
4. Norms: the very first place and did listening to this
commanding gaze, not beat around the bush. utterance.
3. She chose the word “want
straightforward and
serious gaze to” instead of “would like
to” because she knew that
her speech was not only
listened by people in the
hall but also outside the
hall who can be not a
politicians but just
ordinary people. Thus she
wanted to make it close to
4. She chose the word
“gender inequality”
instead of “gender
problem” or else because
she was very determinative
to the root of the problem.
Not to mention the word
“inequality” is perceived
as something morally
wrong. Therefore it adds
the sense of how worse the
problem is. This phrase
helps her to be more
5. SP/1/ This is the first 1. Setting and Scene 1. The simplification of her infor People finally
00.33- campaign of its utterance which is “…of its ming knew that this is
(Psychological): The
00.37 kind at the UN. UN has many bodies kind..” shows how she did the first time for
or institutions which not want to repeat the UN to have
concern on various something that has already the UN Women
problems. The been clear. This strategy to campaign
movement that has makes her speech look about gender
been promoted in the even more effective. movement in the
UN mostly about 2. She wanted to show that UN General
listening to her speech is Assembly
politics such as
very special because she is meeting. People
democratic the first person having a will respect
movement, speech about women and more toward
liberalization and so gender inequality in the Emma’s effort
forth. UN. Usually everything for
2. Ends: informing that is done for the first deconstructing
3. Key: pompous heart, time takes bigger bravery, the UN casual
sarcastic tone, silent harder effort and wider theme meeting.
gesture heart. Therefore she
4. Norms: emphasized the phrase
straightforward, “the first campaign”.
silent gaze 3. This is a Simple Present
Tense because she wanted
to be direct and clear on
explaining the uniqueness
of her speech.
6. SP/1/ We want to try 1. Setting and Scene 1. The word “galvanize” was convi People
00.37- and galvanize as (Psychological): employed instead of ncing especially men
00.44 many men and Since gender “encourage” or else in and boys were
boys as possible to stereotype gives order to strengthen its provoked to be
more benefits to meaning to make people
be advocates for male, therefore men pay more attention to that the advocates for
change. and boys would word because galvanize gender equality.
rather be more means to make someone
passive toward the do some action by exciting
changes and not care them.
toward any gender 2. She chose the word “want
inequality issues. to” instead of “would like
Because the society to” because she knew that
consider them as the her speech was not only
first class human, listened by people in the
therefore they are hall but also outside the
2. Ends: convincing hall who can be not a
3. Key: one single politicians but just
breath, precise tone, ordinary people. Thus she
rigid gesture wanted to make it close to
4. Norms: threatening them.
gaze 3. The word “advocates for
change” shows more
powerful to influence
people than other words.
8. SP/1/ And we don’t just 1. Setting and Scene 1. The word “and” was put in convi People were
00.44- want to talk about the first line because it ncing convinced that
00.47 it. Many movements shows how the speaker is being advocates
which are striving not yet finished with her does not mean
for women’s right previous statement. This you sign for the
failed to achieve its additional sentence was treaty only but
used to strengthen the they need to do
goal simply because
previous one which is
very few people put
concern and about trying and some real
involved in that galvanizing as many men actions too.
movement. Not to and boys as possible. Thus
mention the activists the use of “and” in here is
in that movement very effective.
also only talk about 2. The speaker used a less
formal sentence like “don’t
gender equality in
just want to” because again
general but not really she wanted to make it close
explain and ensure to everybody listening to
the people in details her speech. When the
how to achieve that. speaker can be close to the
Thus it demotivates listeners, it is going to be
the people to join the easy for her to grab their
movement. emotion and then influence
2. Ends: convincing, them.
3. Key: one single
breath, precise tone,
rigid gesture
4. Norms: threatening
9. SP/1/ We want to try 1. Setting & Scene 1. Just like the previous convi The audience
00.47- and make sure that analysis, the less formal ncing were convinced
00.50 it is tangible. Many movements verb phrase “want to” was that this
which are striving for used to decrease the gap movement is
women’s right failed between Emma and the real, full concern
to achieve its goal audience because it makes and really
simply because very her close with them. So insistent to its
few people put that the message will be goal. It shows
concern and involved easier to be delivered. that the problem
in that movement. Not 2. The utterance was is really that
to mention the constructed in Simple urgent and
Present Tense because it severe. Thus it
activists in that
shows that trying and made people
movement also only ensuring the existence of more convinced
talk about gender gender equality will not to join the
equality in general but only be conducted during movement.
not really explain and certain period of time.
ensure the people in 3. “Tangible” would make
details how to achieve the utterance more sensible
that. Thus it because this word is very
demotivates the powerful to strengthen the
people to join the meaning of how the
movement. speaker wanted to make it
2. Ends: convincing as visible, applicable and
successful as it can be.
3. Key: one single
Thus it gives more vivid
breath, precise tone,
explanation to gain
rigid gesture people’s understanding
4. Norms: threatening and feeling toward the
gaze problem.
10. SP/1/ I was appointed as 1. Setting & Scene 1. The statement was uttered declar infor People started to
00.50- Goodwill (Psychological): in the Simple Past Tense ing ming recognize her as
00.57 Ambassador for Only certain people because it shows that she the Ambassador
UN Women six with certain power has already been chosen for UN Women
months ago. and authority can before she delivered the and she has been
speak in the UN speech. This title shows working for a
meeting. The people that she has power to stand half year. From
were wondering why in the podium of the UN this statement,
an actress like Emma General Assembly. people started to
2. “Appointed” word was give more
Watson can have that
used instead of “chosen” or respect to her
privilege. “elected” or else because which at the end
2. Ends: declaring, that word sends a sense it made the
informing that she is very special and audience more
3. Key: long breath, she deserves the position. influenced to her
fast pace, pompous Not to mention “six sayings.
heart, sharp eyes months ago” adds the Declaring
4. Norms: loudness strong point that she herself as an
experienced in that field. ambassador of
the UN made
people knew that
Emma has right
and bigger
responsibility to
solve the
11. SP/1/ And the more I 1. Setting & Scene 1. The word “and” like on the infor The audience
00.57- have spoken about previous table is to show ming felt how bad the
01.09 feminism the Many people just that she wanted to reality is. They
more I have want to play safe by strengthen her previous will feel that the
realized that letting the statement and she wanted reality depicted
fighting for discriminative to ensure that it is inline by Emma is not
women’s rights values and and unity. morally right.
has too often stereotypes exist. 2. “The more” was uttered
become Therefore if there is twice. It shows that if one
synonymous with someone who wants entity changes, it will
man-hating. to deconstruct the change the other one too. It
sends a narrative that her
values, she or he will
experiences shape and
be perceived as show her that women’s
someone who does right has been violated
not only against with badly.
the current values 3. The speaker used
but also with the “synonymous” instead of
people who believe “similar” in order to make
in the values. For her point strong. The
example when there audience then will focus
is a feminist in the more on this word.
conventional 4. She invented the word
society, the society “man-hating” which shows
how negative the sense is.
will perceive her as
What she wanted to prove
the enemy of their
is how fighting for
ancestors’ norms, women’s right means
beliefs and values, women and men will be
and the enemy of her equal in pursuing their
male counterparts. freedom, it does not mean
2. Ends: informing when women’s right is
3. Key: well-ordered upheld then men’s right is
breath, soft eyes violated.
4. Norms: relaxed gaze,
faded gaze
12. SP/1/ If there is one 1. Setting and Scene 1. “If” was put in front of the insisti The people are
o1.09- thing I know for (Psychological): The utterance because she ng influenced to
01.19 certain, it is that world keeps on wanted to be soft in believe that
this has to stop. blaming the uttering her opinion feminism is not
feminists (or people regarding to the man- similar with
who believe in hating terms to be put on man-hating.
women’s freedom) feminism idea.
as people who 2. It is a Complex sentence
destroy the current because it has dependent
peace and trigger the clause (If..) and
gender war. It is so independent clause (it is..).
because not many
people really know
the truth.
2. Ends: insisting
3. Key: precise tone,
fierce gesture
4. Norms: threatening
gaze, loudness and
13. SP/1/ For the record, 1. Setting and Scene 1. “For the record” was put infor The audience
01.19- feminism by (Phychological): Not in the first sentence ming knew about the
01.31 definition is the all people know because the speaker general, simple
belief that men about the definition wanted to emphasize the and true
and women of feminism because understanding of the definition of
should have equal feminism has not yet audience toward feminism. feminism.
rights and become a popular 2. The modal verb was
opportunities. term. But even if “should” because the
they do, there are so speaker wanted to be more
many definitions polite. Thus it makes her
about feminism. Not speech more effective.
to mention after
passing three waves
of feminism era
(Liberal Feminism,
Radical Feminism
and Free-
Feminism) the
people are confused
to have the right
meaning of
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: relaxed gesture,
droopy eyes,
4. Norms: melancholic
14. SP/1/ It is the theory of 1. Setting and Scene 1. The speaker chose “sexes” infor The people knew
01.31- the political, (Psychological): than “gender” to send a ming what Emma
01.39 economic and After listening to the narrative that in political, meant by equal
social equality of definition of economic and social we rights and
the sexes. feminism, the are differentiated based on opportunities is
audience started to our sex. This sex term then how it should be
wonder the further is used to differentiate the upheld in the
explanation of equal rights, responsibility and political,
rights and power that then leads into a economic and
opportunities. gender biased. social point of
Because some of view.
them may think that
socially or
economically or else,
women have
received her freedom
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: smiling, precise
4. Norms: enthusiasm
gaze, seriousness,
melancholic gaze
15. SP/1/ I started 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Started questioning” infor The people knew
01.39- questioning (Psychological): shows that the speaker has ming that Emma
01.45 gender-based Many people realize realized there was started to
assumptions a the gender inequality something wrong in her criticize the
long time ago. exists in our real life surrounding especially gender concepts
when they have about the gender concept since long time
recently attended the since long time ago when ago.
secondary or tertiary
schools. It is very few people have not
rare to find a young realized it.
feminist who is fully 2. It is a Simple Sentence
aware of the because the speaker
consequence of wanted to be
deconstructing the straightforward in
stereotypes. explaining her point.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: precise tone,
one single breath,
faster speed
4. Norms: seriousness,
melancholic gaze
16. SP/1/ When I was 8, I 1. Setting and Scene 1. The speaker chose the infor The audience
01.45- was confused word “bossy” because this ming knew that when
01.57 about being called Society believe that word is attached to Emma was 8
“bossy” because I those who can be and someone who always tells years old, she
wanted to direct must be powerful is other people what to do. was confused
the plays that we men. This power She strengthened the point about why
would put on for that in society right now, it directing people
automatically gives
our parents, but is allowed for men to give is not right for
them authority to
the boys were not. the order but it is not right women but it is
create the rule and for the women to give the right for men.
order other people. order for they will be
When there is a girl called bossy which has a
takes this role, she negative meaning.
will be disrespected 2. “When at 8” was put in
by the society. front of the sentence
2. Ends: informing because the speaker
3. Key: relaxed and wanted to emphasize the
explaining gesture, time that the story
precise tone, happened when she was 8
sarcastic years old.
4. Norms: enthusiasm 3. It is a Simple Past Tense
because it happened in the
past. Emma wanted to
create the proof that she
has been questioning
gender concept since she
was little.
17. SP/1/ When at 14, I 1. Setting and Scene 1. “When at 14” was put in infor The audience
01.57- started to be front of the sentence ming knew that when
(Psychological): As
02.04 sexualized by a famous actress, because the speaker Emma was 14
certain elements Emma is often wanted to emphasize the years old, she
of the media. exposed by the time. The story happened was treated
media for example when she was 14 years old. unfairly by
2. She mentioned her age in certain elements
being interviewed in
the first line of her of media. This
televisions or utterance and kept treatment did not
newspapers, being in repeating the structure of happen to men
photo sessions, and the speech because she however.
so forth. During that wanted to be clear in
activities there are explaining the sequence of
many different her experiences.
treatments that
Emma got from 3. “Sexualized” means she
different media was treated unfairly simply
which have different because she is a girl.
ideology as well. But 4. It is a Simple Past Tense
sadly most of the because it happened in the
media is past. Emma wanted to
create the proof that she
strengthening and
has been questioning
supporting the gender concept since she
stereotype. was little.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: angry and
fierce tone, sharp
4. Norms: seriousness,
silent gaze
18. SP/1/ When at 15, my 1. Setting and Scene 1. “When at 15” was put in infor The people were
02.04- girlfriends started front of the sentence ming told that when
02.11 dropping out of Gender stereotype because the speaker Emma was 15
their beloved also determines the wanted to emphasize the years old, her
sports teams activities of girls and time which is the story girlfriends
because they did boys. For example happened when she was 15 cannot join the
not want to appear years old. teams that they
girls should play
“muscly”. 2. She mentioned her age in love simply
with their dolls and
the first line of her because they are
barbie, join dance utterance because she afraid of the
and make-up class, wanted to be clear in judgement of the
and have a slim body society. This
in order to appear explaining the sequence of proves that the
feminine. her experiences. stereotype very
Meanwhile boys can 3. The word “girlfriend” does limits women’s
join football or not indicate that she is a determination.
basketball club, and lesbian but she wanted to
have muscles in show to the audience that
she emphasized on the
order to appear
female gender.
manly. If they do like 4. She used informal word
what their like “muscly” because she
counterparts do, they wanted to make her point
will be perceived as strong that her girlfriends’
bad and ugly girls or cannot have a freedom to
boys. join whatever teams they
2. Ends: informing want to join because they
3. Key: furious, sharp do not want to be called as
eyes, precise tone an ugly girl.
4. Norms: angry and 5. It is a Simple Past Tense
regretful gaze because it happened in the
past. Emma wanted to
create the proof that she
has been questioning
gender concept since she
was little.
19. SP/1/ When at 18, my 1. Setting and Scene 1. The word “unable” was infor The people knew
02.11- male friends were used to send a narrative ming that when Emma
02.18 unable to express Expressing feeling that her friends were not was 18 years old,
their feelings. like showing how really able and were she witnessed
someone is happy, limited to express their how her male
sad, euphoric, feelings. friends should
gloomy, furious, etc 2. “When at 18” was put in hide their
can only be done by front of the sentence feelings because
women because it is because the speaker they do not want
considered as wanted to emphasize the to look like a girl
time which is the story which for them
something feminine.
happened when she was 18 and society it
If there is a man years old. equals with
shows his feeling too 3. She used the word “male being weak.
much, he will be friends” instead of
mocked by his boyfriends because of two
friends, reprimanded reasons. The first reason is
by his parents, and how the word “boyfriend”
discriminated by in the status quo indicates
society. the lover. What she meant
2. Ends: informing in her speech is not her
3. Key: droopy eyes, lovers. Thus she used
precise tone “male friends” to avoid
4. Norms: regretful such interpretation. The
gaze second reason is because
the targeted audience of
her speech was men and
boy. Thus he wanted to be
clear in addressing them
both by saying “male”.
4. She mentioned her age in
the first line of her
utterance because she
wanted to be clear in
explaining the sequence of
her experiences.
5. It is a Simple Past Tense
because it happened in the
past. Emma wanted to
create the proof that she
has been questioning
gender concept since she
was little.
20. SP/1/ I decided that I 1. Setting and Scene 1. The tenses is in the past infor People knew that
02.18- was a feminist. (Psychological): because it does not prove ming Emma is a self-
02.21 Many women that in the present it does proclaim
experienced and not exist anymore but feminist since
witnessed many rather it just means that the years ago until
inconvenience and time when she decides to now because of
unfair treatments. be a feminist is from the her experience.
But not many of past until now that she Being a feminist
them who finally becomes the ambassador. means a lot for
decide to stand up the society for
for justice to fight for example it gives
women’s rights. hope for women
2. Ends: informing who suffer from
3. Key: one breath, the stereotypes.
firm, rigid gesture
4. Norms: seriousness,
clear gaze
21. SP/1/ And this seemed 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Uncomplicated” was relie The people see
02.21- uncomplicated to (Psychological): prioritized than the word ving that being a
02.24 me. Emma has “not complicated” because feminist is not
experienced and the speaker wanted to difficult for
witnessed gender show that being a feminist Emma.
inequality in her life. is not something too easy
Many people face but also not too
the same case but complicated as well.
they choose to be 2. The word “and” was put in
silent. But Emma is front of the utterance
very eager to be a because she wanted to send
feminist. a message that the previous
2. Ends: relieving utterance was strengthened
3. Key: shake the head, by this one.
frown shape, flat
4. Norms: relaxed gaze
22. SP/1/ But my recent 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Unpopular” means that it infor deplo The people knew
02.24- research has (Psychological): The is not a well-known issue ming ring that even if
02.31 shown me that unfair treatments are or an issue which many gender
feminism has given to all women people put their concern inequality is
become an in the world, but on. Furthermore she very close to
unpopular word. most of them choose brought the fact that very them, and they
to stay silent and feel few people realize about can see the
the pain alone. the gender equality and existence of
2. Ends: informing, women’s fundamental feminism but it
deploring rights which it becomes a is very shocking
disaster for women. that after Emma
3. Key: droopy eyes, 2. “Recent research” was conducting a
melancholic tones, used to emphasize that the research, it is
silent gesture research is relevant with concluded that
4. Norms: regretful the current condition. It feminism is not a
gaze emphasizes the women’s familiar and
problem is very severe. good term to be
known in the
23. SP/1/ Women are 1. Setting and Scene 1. The tense is Present infor The audience
02.31- choosing not to (Psychological): The Continuous because the ming were informed
02.39 identify as fear toward fact that women avoid that nowadays
feminists. consequences of becoming feminists still many women are
being feminists exists today. Many women reluctant to fight
makes many women do not realize their for their
give up their freedom, even if they do freedom. Being
freedom and choose most of them choose to be a feminist means
to be silent. silent. It’s because being a being a
2. Ends: informing feminist is perceived as freedom’s
3. Key: droopy eyes, being a bad girl for they fighter.
worried dare to challenge the social
4. Norms: regretful construction about gender
gaze equality.
2. “Not to identify” was
prioritized compare to
“unidentified” or the other
words because the speaker
wanted to strengthen the
point that until right now
women do not really want
to stand and fight for their
24. SP/1/ Apparently I am 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Apparently” was put in infor The society
02.39- among the ranks (Psychological): front of the utterance ming knew that Emma
02.59 of women whose There are many because she wanted to is a type of
expressions are types of women show to audience that they woman who is
seen as too strong, which are women must regret the fact that she very expressive,
too aggressive, who are submissive is identified as an- and aggressive
isolating, and anti- and weaker than uncommon women who which then it
men, unattractive men, and women deconstruct the value of makes people
even. who are aggressive being a good woman. think that she is
and as strong as or 2. “Anti-men” term is used to anti-men and
even stronger than send a narrative that she is unattractive.
men. The first type a type of women who
of women is oppose the power of men.
perceived as the 3. “Unattractive even”
attractive women strengthens the idea that
while the second men are more interested to
type is perceived as date women who are
the unattractive perceived as weak,
women. sensitive and dependent.
2. Ends: informing 4. “The ranks of women”
3. Key: resentful and means women are
soft tone generally classified as too
4. Norms: intimidating strong, strong, less strong,
gaze weak, very weak. Emma
considers herself as rank
25. SP/1/ Why has the 1. Setting and Scene 1. The form of the utterance protes deplo The audience
02.59- world become (Psychological): In is in the interrogative ting ring started to think
03.06 such an the status quo, the sentence because she that the problem
uncomfortable world is considered wanted to invite the is very much
one? not comfortable for audience to think what she severe so that it
women since many thinks. is no longer
people, values and 2. “Such uncomfortable one” comfortable for
beliefs limit means the world which women to live
women’s freedom gender inequality still in.
and happiness. exists. When it exists, it
2. Ends: protesting, means there is one kind of
deploring human who suffers alone,
3. Key: high tone, women. This way of
sarcastic, slow pace speaking makes it more
4. Norms: resentful effective to deliver the
gaze message to the audience.
26. SP/1/ I am from Britain. 1. Setting and Scene 1. Britain is considered as infor The people were
03.06- (Psychological): having a higher sense of ming informed that
03.10 Historically in the dignity compare to the she comes from
colonialization era, it word UK or England. The Britain. It adds
was Great Britain use of this word proves that more respect and
which was able to she wanted to send a trust to Emma
colonialize almost narrative that even in this since Britain is
all countries in the powerful country, there is known as one of
world. Therefore the still gender inequality. She the great
word Britain invited the audience to
possesses higher think how worse the countries in the
power compare to problem will be in the world.
the word UK or powerless countries. This
England. way of speaking makes
2. Ends: informing Emma easy to grab the
3. Key: long breath, audience’s emotion.
serious, flat tone 2. By mentioning where she
4. Norms: plain and comes from also shows
silent gaze that she wanted to
emphasize a feminist can
be from any country in the
27. SP/1/ And I think it is 1. Setting and Scene 1. She utilized the word convi The audience
03.10- right that I am (Psychological): In “think” because it is the ncing were convinced
03.16 paid the same as the status quo, many way how she delivers her that women get
my male women who get the opinion which sound soft unfair salary.
counterparts. same position as so that the people will be They are not
men, for example more influenced to her paid based on
both of the parties arguments. their merit but
become the manager 2. She put the word “And I rather based on
of a company, but think” in the front of the their gender.
sadly they get utterance because she
different salary. Men wanted to emphasize that
will get higher salary she is going to deliver her
compare to women thoughts.
for the same 3. The sentence is complex
position. sentence because it
2. Ends: convincing consists if and independent
3. Key: slow pace, soft clause (I think..) and
tone dependent clause (that..).
4. Norms: serious gaze She used that kind of
sentence because she
wanted to be clear on what
the “something right”
28. SP/1/ I think it is right 1. Setting and Scene 1. She mentioned “I think” convi The audience
03.16- that I should be (Psychological): again to show what she ncing were convinced
03.22 able to make Women rights upon thinks and what she wants. to believe that
decisions about their own body is This repetition makes her women do not
my own body. even prohibited by speech stronger. possess full
the society. For 2. The sentence is complex rights upon their
example when a wife sentence because it own body.
want to abort her consists if and independent
baby, she needs an clause (I think..) and
approval from her dependent clause (that..).
husband otherwise She used that kind of
she cannot do so, or a sentence because she
girl cannot appear wanted to be clear on what
boyish for they will the “something right”
be mocked by the means.
people and so forth.
2. Ends: convincing
3. Key: sharp and
mean, clear tone
4. Norms: serious gaze
29. SP/1/ I think… 1. Setting & Scene 1. The applause means that convi The audience
03.22- (applause break) I the audience appreciate her ncing were convinced
03.43 think it is right Society considered bravery to state something that whenever
that women that women is less which is very intriguing. society or
should be capable than men in Women in status quo do government or
involved on my decision making. not possess any freedom any institutions,
behalf in the upon their body and this which its policy
They even perceive
policies and the has become the most will affect not
that women do not
decisions that will talked issues in current only men but
affect my life. have any interest to society. also women,
join because what 2. She mentioned “I think” want to create
they know is only again to show what she policies or
about kitchen and thinks and what she wants. decisions, they
children. This way of This way of delivering should involve
thinking influence makes her speech stronger. women in the
the way how society 3. The sentence is complex discussion or
construct a rule sentence because it policy making.
which at the end the consists if and independent
rules harm women clause (I think..) and
dependent clause (that..).
because there are no
However she mentioned I
representatives of
think twice in this
women who are utterance because in the
involved in the first “I think” the audience
discussion. gave her applause, thus she
2. Ends: convincing paused her speech and
3. Key: smiling, clear respected the audience.
tone, relaxed gesture
4. Norms: serious gaze 4. She used that kind of
sentence because she
wanted to be clear on what
the “something right”
30. SP/1/ I think it is right 1. Setting and Scene 1. The sentence is complex convi It is very
03.43- that socially I am (Psychological): In sentence because it ncing convincing for
03.50 afforded the same status quo right now, consists if and independent the audience that
respect as men. society give a clause (I think..) and women and men
different treatment dependent clause (that..). should gain the
toward men and She used that kind of same respect
women. For example sentence because she regardless their
when they become a wanted to be clear on what gender.
leader, the society the “something right”
would give more means.
respect to the leader 2. “Socially” means the way
if the leader is a man. how society should
2. Ends: convincing perceive women. She
3. Key: sharp tone, clearly mentioned that
droopy eyes society should also give
4. Norms: regretful respect toward women too.
and serious gaze
31. SP/1/ But sadly I can say 1. Setting and Scene 1. “But sadly” was used to infor regret The audience
03.50- that there is no one show how the fact is very ming ting were shocked
03.54 country in the Emma has opposite and deplorable knowing the fact
world where all mentioned that for her. that there is no
women can expect women should be 2. The sentence is complex country which
sentence because it
to receive these treated equally for consists if and independent uphold the
rights. their work, clause (But sadly I..) and gender equality.
existence, respect, dependent clause (there)
decision, and which plays as the object
freedom. This is the and (where..) as the adverb
thing that all women of place.
3. “No one country”
also hope to happen
emphasizes the fact that
in the real life. there is no single country,
However not all men even the country members
care for this. of the UN, where the
2. Ends: informing, women get their
regretting fundamental freedom.
3. Key: clear tone,
sharp, droopy eyes
4. Norms: resentful and
melancholic gaze
32. SP/1/ No country in the 1. Setting and Scene 1. The sentence is complex infor It was very
03.54- world can yet say sentence because it ming shocking for the
04.01 they have Emma has consists if and independent audience to hear
achieved gender mentioned that clause (No country..) and about this
equality. women should be dependent clause (yet inconvenient
treated equally for say..). truth that there is
2. “No country” is repeated to no single
their work,
strengthen the meaning country has
existence, respect, that there is really no single achieved gender
decision, and country which has upheld equality.
freedom. This is the the gender equality.
thing that all women
also hope to happen
in the real life.
However not all men
care for this.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: higher tone,
faster pace, silent
and plain gesture
4. Norms: sadness
33. SP/1/ These rights I 1. Setting and Scene 1. This is a compound infor The audience
04.01- consider to be (Psychological): sentence because it ming were told that
04.09 human rights but I People believe that consists of two gender equality
am one of the human rights is the independent clauses is the right of
lucky ones. fundamental rights (These rights..) and (but I women. They
that should be am..). The word “but” were also
fulfilled for example indicates the last clause is a informed that
right to live, right to refutation of the first Emma is one of
get education, right clause. women who can
to choose, etc. 2. “Lucky ones” shows that get her full
However there is still she is included in the group freedom as a
a debate about rights of women where they can woman.
of women, whether exercise their right freely,
the gender equality as free as men.
that women 3. The speaker chose
nowadays ask for is “consider” rather than
their fundamental “think” to sum up all her
right that should be thoughts which have been
fulfilled or not. delivered in the previous
2. Ends: informing utterances. Not to mention
3. Key: slow pace, this word is considered
lower tone, sharp more polite since it has a
and mean sense to contemplate the
4. Norms: melancholic details of other point of
gaze view as well.
4. The choice of “human
rights” is effective to
emphasize the point that
women’s fundamental
right can be upheld if there
is gender equality.
34. SP/1/ My life is a sheer 1. Setting and Scene 1. This is a complex sentence infor The audience
04.09- privilege because (Psychological): because it consists of ming were informed
04.10 my parents did not People perceive that independent clause (My that Emma’s
love me less family will get less life..) and dependent parents were
because I was benefit (socially, clause (because..). very happy even
born a daughter. economically, and “Because” was used to if their baby is a
politically) when explain why her life is a girl, unlike the
they have daughters. sheer privilege. other
Not to mention they 2. “Sheer privilege” means conventional
also believe that she has a very great life society who
daughters will bring where she is not trapped in have not believe
more burden to the the gender biased. in the gender
family rather than equality.
sons. Therefore
many family choose
to have a son rather
than daughter.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: pompous,
serious, clear tone
4. Norms: arrogant
35. SP/1/ My school did not 1. Setting and Scene 1. This is a complex sentence infor The audience
04.10- limit me because I (Psychological): The because it consists of ming were told that
04.15 was a girl. gender stereotype independent clause (My Emma’s school
has been rooted, school..) and dependent gave Emma the
broadly spread and clause (because..). same freedom
believed by many “Because” was used to with men’s
institutions. For explain why her school did freedom.
example in the not limit her.
political parties 2. “Not limit” indicates how
where they believe the school allowed her join
men have higher any activities even if this
capability than activity is considered
women. In many manly for example being a
schools, the gender leader of the class, join
stereotype also football club, etc.
influence the way
how school organize,
and treat the
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: heavy breath,
fierce, sharp eyes
4. Norms: arrogant
36. SP/1/ My mentors did 1. Setting and Scene 1. This is a complex sentence infor People knew that
04.15- not assume I because it consists of ming even if Emma is
04.23 would go less far The gender independent clause (My a girl, her
because I might stereotype has been mentors..) and dependent mentors did not
give birth to a rooted, broadly clause (because..). treat her
child one day. spread and believed “Because” was used to differently.
explain why her mentors
by many institutions.
assume that way.
For example in the
2. “Mentors” is used to
political parties address teachers of
where they believe informal schools (outside
men have higher school). Usually they teach
capability than skills. Emma joined theatre
women. In many and dance class after
schools, the gender school. So this term is used
stereotype also to address her teachers in
influence the way that classes.
how school (formal 3. She chose the word
and informal) “might” in order make it
organize, and treat more polite for she
mentioned her mentors’
the students.
thought. In that way of
2. Ends: informing saying proves that she
3. Key: sharp eyes, really respects her
heavy breath, clear mentors.
4. Norms: arrogant
37. SP/1/ These influencers 1. Setting and Scene 1. This is a complex sentence Infor The audience
04.23- were the gender (Psychological): because it consists of ming, realized that the
04.31 equality Emma believes that independent clause (These people in
ambassadors that to be a hero, to influencers..) and Emma’s life
made who I am uphold the gender dependent clause (that..). were
today. equality, it does not “Because” was used to contributing in
require many explain why they are called shaping Emma’s
complicated things. as the ambassadors. ideology.
As long as someone 2. “These influencers” refers
believes in gender to her parents, school, and
equality, they can be mentors. They are very
called as feminist influential during Emma’s
too. The point is that nurturing process.
people are
influencing each
other. If one group
believe in gender
equality, usually the
people surround that
group will also have
the same belief.
2. Ends: informing,
3. Key: smiling , long
breath, precise tone
4. Norms: relaxed and
grateful gaze
38. SP/1/ They may not 1. Setting and Scene 1. “May” indicates the infor The audience
04.31- know it, but they speaker wanted to be more ming knew that the
04.38 are the inadvertent People assume that casual in her speech. people or
feminists who are being a feminist 2. The sentence is Complex institutions
changing the should be Compound because it mentioned in her
world today. proclaimed to the consists of two previous
independent clauses utterances are
society that she is a
(They..) and (but they..) categorized as
feminist. Therefore
and dependent clause feminist who can
there is a possibility (who..). “But” is used to bring equality in
for people to not refute the first clause, and the world.
become feminists “who” is used to explain
but they are pro for the inadvertent feminists.
gender equality. 3. “Inadvertent” was chosen
2. Ends: informing because the speaker
3. Key: heavy breath, wanted to drag the focus
sharp eyes, into this word which
trembling tone means unconsciously they
4. Norms: hopeful gaze become a feminist who
believe in women’s
freedom. It means they are
not a self-proclaim
feminists as well.
39. SP/1/ We need more of 1. Setting and Scene 1. It is a Simple sentence insisti People knew that
04.38- those. because Emma wanted to ng Emma as well as
(Psychological): The
04.40 number of feminist be clear for her conclusion the International
or people who are of her experience. society, the UN,
pro for gender 2. The tense is Simple and the world
equality is still low. Present because she need people who
wanted to emphasize the concern for
It is so because of
need for not only today but gender equality.
several reasons such also for current time.
as the people are not
aware of the gender
equality, and if the
people are aware,
they are too afraid to
speak up.
2. Ends: insisting
3. Key: droopy eyes,
lower tone
4. Norms: insisting and
melancholic gaze
40. SP/1/ And if you still 1. Setting and Scene 1. The word “and” is added in clarif The audience
04.40- hate the word, it is (Psychological): The the first sentence because ying were told to not
04.48 not the word that people still believe she wanted to strengthen bother the word
is important. feminism as the previous saying. “feminism” but
something bad 2. This is a complex sentence the meaning
because it is because it consists of behind it.
perceived as independent clause (it is..)
something and dependent clause (if..).
backlashing with the “If” was used to explain
rooted norms and the possibility if the
values of being a audience still hate the word
good women in the feminism.
society. Most of the 3. “Hate the word” means
people are not open whenever people hear the
for change too. word, feminism, all they
2. Ends: clarifying know is about man-hating
3. Key: stable breath, which is considered
regretful and fierce morally wrong.
eyes, relaxed gesture
4. Norms: serious gaze
41. SP/1/ It is the idea and 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Idea” indicates the gender infor The people were
04.48- the ambition (Psychological): equality and “Ambition” ming told that they
04.58 behind it, because The people still refers to upholding should pay
not all women believe feminism as women’s rights. attention more to
have received the something bad 2. It is a Complex Compound the idea and
same rights that I because it is Sentence because it has ambition of
have. perceived as two independent clauses feminism which
something (It is..) and (because..) and support the good
backlashing with the one dependent clause (that things toward
rooted norms and I..). “Because” was used to women.
values of being a affirm why the idea and
good women in the ambition is correct. “That”
society. Most of the was used to explain “the
people are not open same rights”.
for change too.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: sharp and clear
tone, slow and clear
pace, firm gesture
4. Norms: serious and
melancholic gaze
42. SP/1/ In fact, 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Statically” refers to the infor The audience
04.58- statistically, very (Psychological): research she has ming knew that in
05.00 few have been. Emma still thought conducted. It was put after reality, based on
that the problem is the word “in fact” to Emma’s
very severe for there strengthen the point that it research, there
is very few women’s really happens in the are very few
rights being upheld. current time. women whose
2. Ends: informing 2. “Very few” emphasizes freedom have
3. Key: firm gesture, the low number of women been granted.
slow pace, droopy whose rights are not
eyes, miserable face upheld.
4. Norms: melancholic 3. The sentence is Simple
gaze sentence because the
speaker wanted to make it
clear and straightforward.
43. SP/1/ In 1997, Hilary 1. Setting and Scene 1. “In 1997” was put in front infor People knew
05.00- Clinton made a of the sentence because she ming there was a
05.08 famous speech in Beijing, China is wanted to emphasize the famous speech
Beijing about applying a One Child time constraint. in Beijing in
women’s rights. Policy which only 2. It is a Simple Tense 1997 which has
allow a family to because the speaker the same theme
wanted to send a clear with her that is
have one child only.
message that there was a about freedom of
They will be famous speech about women. They
punished if they gender equality in the past realized that
violate this rule. delivered by the first lady. even the First
Hilary Clinton, the 3. The tenses is Simple Past Lady also
first lady of USA at Tense because she told a addressed the
that time gave a story in the past. same thing with
Emma. Both of
speech in Beijing
them talked
telling the people about feminism
that this policy very but in the
limits the women’s different
right upon their own scenarios.
body and
Because women
cannot have full
rights to choose how
many children she
wants to have.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: flat tone and
4. Norms: plain and
silent gaze
44. SP/1/ Sadly many of the 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Sadly” was put in front of regret It was known
05.08- things that she the saying because she ting that women in
(Psychological): The
05.14 speech of Hillary wanted to emphasize her China have not
wanted to change Clinton was not sad feeling that the yet been granted
are still true today. really heard by the condition which Hillary their freedom
local government wanted to change does not upon their own
and society. happen. reproduction.
Therefore until now 2. “True” is used to show that The abuse
this policy is still the condition on women’s towards women
right violation still exists still happens
today. right now and
2. Ends: regretting this is the
3. Key: droopy eyes, deplorable fact.
worried, slow pace,
soft tone
4. Norms: melancholic
45. SP/1/ But what stood 1. Setting and Scene 1. “But” was put in front of infor deplo The audience
05.14- out for me the (Psychological): the utterance because she ming ring knew that the
05.24 most was that less People started wanted to emphasize the number of male
than 30% of the wondering what things that she was who attended
audience were made Mrs. Clinton’s disappointed the most. Hillary’s speech
male. speech unsuccessful. 2. “Less than 30%” indicates was only less
2. Ends: informing, the very small number of than 30% of the
deploring audience. total audience.
3. Key: casual tone, Therefore it
sharp and mean eyes, made the speech
4. Norms: furious and less successful to
regretful gaze bring a change.
46. SP/1/ How can we affect 1. Setting and Scene 1. The form of the utterance critici The audience
05.24- change in the is in the interrogative zing, knew that it is
05.35 world when only There are gender sentence because she ming
very urgent to
half of it is invited equality promotions, wanted to invite the invite and let as
or feel welcome to movements and audience to think like the many men as
participate in the socializations. way how she thinks. It is possible involve
conversation? effective because it makes in upholding the
However not many
2. She utilized “affect change gender equality.
of them is successful in the world” in order to
to achieve the gender strengthen the point that
equality simply having a speech about
because it hits the feminism is not a mere
wrong target. In speech but a speech which
upholding the can bring a change.
equality, it needs the
cooperation between
men and women, not
women alone as a
single fighter.
2. Ends: criticizing,
3. Key: slow pace, soft
tone, sharp eyes
4. Norms: regretful and
peevish gaze
47. SP/1/ Men, I would like 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Men” was put at the inviti All men who
05.35- to take this beginning of the utterance ng listened to
05.41 opportunity to Based on Emma’s because she wanted to be Emma’s speech
extend your claims toward Mrs. straightforward to direct would feel
formal invitation. Clinton’s speech, the the message to men only. welcome to be
(Applause) audience started to Not to mention the reason involved in the
why she did not use discussion. They
wonder what men
“Gentlemen” or other
should do. more formal words
2. Ends: inviting because what she said was
3. Key: smiling, light about Men and Women, so
hearted, soft eyes, she wanted to specifically
silent gesture address to the male
4. Norms: enthusiasm counterpart.
and serious gaze 2. However, after mentioned
men, she spoke very
formal because she wanted
to take the audience
emotion by being
respectful and polite.
3. The applause was given as
a proof of respecting to
Emma and answering to
her question.
48. SP/1/ Gender equality is 1. Setting and Scene 1. The tense is Simple insisti It was known
05.41- your issue too. (Psychological): Present because the ng that men should
05.47 Gender issue so far is speaker wanted to also pay
perceived only as attention and
women’s issue. emphasize the awareness care toward any
Men’s issues are of the audience. gender issues.
about politics, 2. “Your issue too” is
family, religion and perceived as something
stuff. The gap exists powerful because it makes
between men and the audience, especially
women, thus it men, feel that the problem
makes women feel faced by women is one of
alone to fight for her their problems too.
own rights. Most of
the people do not
realize that gender
equality is not about
women’s right but it
is about women and
men’s right.
2. Ends: insisting
3. Key: sharp eyes,
precise tone, rigid
4. Norms: insisting and
serious gaze
49. SP/1/ Because to date, 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Because to date” was put infor The people were
05.47- I’ve seen my in front of the sentence ming convinced that
06.11 father’s role as a Emma’s parents because Emma wanted to gender equality
parent being divorced when give further explanation is not only
valued less by Emma was still very and proof upon her women’s issue
society despite my previous statement telling but also men’s
needing his young. She lived about how gender equality issue. When her
presence as a child with her mom and is also men’s issues. father is valued
as much as my her brother since 2. less because of
mother’s. then. When there is the divorce, she
a divorce commonly perceived it as
people will put the something unfair
too. The divorce
blame on the
is not husband or
husband for wife’s problem
abandoning his but it is a family
family. problem. Not to
2. Ends: informing mention she did
3. Key: slow pace, soft not want society
tone, regretful face to blame her
4. Norms: melancholic father because
and peevish gaze she and their
family do not do
50. SP/1/ I’ve seen young 1. Setting and Scene 1. She chose to say “I’ve infor The audience
06.11- men suffering seen” instead of “I have ming were informed
(Psychological): The
06.24 from mental society constructs seen” because it was a that the there are
illness unable to gender stereotypes spoken language. many men who
ask for help, for which limit the Therefore she made it cannot express
fear it would make emotion and simpler. “I’ve seen” also their feeling to
them look less of a shows that Emma ask for help
determination of
men or less of a witnesses the event because they are
male and female.
man. directly in her real life. afraid it will
Asking for help, make them look
which is believed to 2. “Mental illness” was weaker. If they
be weaker, can only prioritized to be put in her become weak,
be appropriately speech because it makes the society will
done by women. On the strong message that judge them as
the other hand someone who cannot someone who
helping other people, uphold his/her rights to cannot be called
the fullest will feel as a real man.
which is considered
unhappy thus their
to be stronger, can mentality will be sick.
only be 3. “Less of a men or less of
appropriately done a man” means there is a
by men. dignity of being a man or
2. Ends: informing being in a group of men.
3. Key: sharp eyes, This dignity is violated
firm and clear tone once they become weak
4. Norms: hateful and and ask for help.
serious gaze
51. SP/1/ In fact, in the UK 1. Setting and Scene 1. “In fact” was put in front of infor It was very
06.24- suicide is the (Psychological): the utterance because she ming horrifying to
06.27 biggest killer of Many men are wanted to strengthen the know the fact
men, between 20- suffering from the previous statement about that self-
49, eclipsing road inability to express how bad suffering from determination is
accidents, cancer their freedom which mental illness is by very much
and coronary at the end limit their bringing up the case important for
heart disease. happiness as a happened in the real life. every single
human being too. It 2. “Eclipsing” word was human being. If
has been known that prioritized to be used in her it is limited, it
suffering from utterance because she will hamper their
mental illness is wanted to make the happiness and
much more audience pay more lead into mental
dangerous than attention toward this word. illness which at
suffering from She wanted to make them the end can
physical illness. realize that illness leads make them to
2. Ends: informing into suicide and it is even irrationally
3. Key: flicker eyes, worse that the road choose to die
sarcastic, precise accidents, cancer and than to live.
tone coronary heart disease
4. Norms: regretful which are considered as
gaze the very severe problems
52. SP/1/ I’ve seen men 1. Setting and Scene 1. “I’ve seen men” was infor The audience
06.27- made fragile and repeated in order to make ming felt that it is right
06.37 insecure by a Men are the ones the message stronger for men to
distorted sense of who are perceived to which is telling about the determine their
what constitutes be strong so that they fact of how suffering men own happiness.
male success. will give the security are.
2. “Distorted” means Emma
toward women. This
considers the values that
condition makes are upheld by the society
society standardize are no longer relevant with
that all men should the current situation. Men
be strong otherwise nowadays have more room
they will be to express themselves
considered as less of including to be vulnerable
a man. or less masculine.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: firm and clear
tone, droopy eyes,
slow pace
4. Norms: melancholic
53. SP/1/ Men don’t have 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Either” was used to show infor The audience
06.37- the benefits of the party who get the unfair ming knew that
06.43 equality either. Most of people know treatment from the society gender
that in status quo is not only women but also stereotypes do
right now women men. not only make
suffer a lot from the 2. She chose the word women suffer
“benefits” to send a but also the
unfair treatment
narrative that human men.
given by the society.
should not be harmed.
2. Ends: informing Therefore when a party do
3. Key: firm and clear not get the benefit (or in
tone, droopy eyes, other word they are
slow pace harmed), it is something
4. Norms: melancholic morally wrong and it needs
gaze to be changed.
54. SP/1/ We don’t often 1. Setting and Scene 1. “We” refers to current infor Society knew
06.43- talk about men modern people who still ming that gender
06.52 being imprisoned Gender stereotypes believe in the gender stereotypes do
by gender is the wrong stereotypes. not only abuse
stereotypes but I perception of gender 2. “Being imprisoned” was women’s rights
can see that that roles that has been used to strengthen the idea but also men.
they are. that men’s rights is really
rooted and believed
by society since long limited thus it make them
time ago. This very much suffer too.
concept limits 3. It is a Compound Sentence
certain parties to not because there is an
be able to get full independent clause (We
access toward their don’t …) and (but..). But
was used to emphasize
freedom and
why the previous clause is
determines their wrong. Therefore there is
right not based on an urgent need to make the
their merit, but rather discussion about men
based on their trapped in the gender
gender. One of the stereotypes in the surface.
example is the one
who should stay at
home is women and
the other
counterparts should
go to work.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: firm and clear
tone, droopy eyes,
slow pace, sad face
4. Norms: melancholic
and pitiful gaze
55. SP/1/ And that when 1. Setting and Scene 1. “And” was put in front of guara The society were
06.52- they are free, (Psychological): the utterance to add the nteein informed that
06.59 things will change 2. Ends: guaranteeing information which can what they need
for women as a 3. Key: slow pace, strengthen the previous to do is to help
natural precise tone, plain statement. She emphasized men to be free
consequence. and silent gesture how it is really needed to from stereotypes
4. Norms: hopeful and deconstruct the gender because this
serious gaze stereotypes and bring action at the
equality toward both same time can
parties because at the end if also help women
men are free, women will to be free from
be free too. the stereotypes
2. This is a Compound as well.
Sentence because there are
two clause (And that
when..) which acts as the
adverb of time and (things
3. The speaker used future
tense like “things will
change..” because it is a
hope for the future.
However this hope can be
guaranteed once people
agree to free men from the
4. She chose the word
“natural consequence”
because it sounds soft and
attaches the emotion of the
56. SP/1/ If men don’t have 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma tried to show how promi The audience
06.59- to be aggressive in (Psychological): her campaign can bring the sing can feel that the
07.08 order to be Men are perceived as mutual benefit for both campaign does
accepted women someone who is sides; men and women. “If not only bring
won’t feel strong, masculine men don’t have to be benefit for
compelled to be and capable of doing aggressive…women won’t women but also
submissive. anything. Sadly feel compelled to be for men. Thus it
people are born submissive” means that if triggered them to
different. Just men can be free from the be more active in
because they are prejudices, at the same joining the
men, it does not time women can be free campaign.
necessarily mean too and vice versa.
they are strong, 2. Emma used the antonym in
masculine and her utterance which is
capable of anything. “aggressive” and
In reality we can face “submissive”. It means
that there are men that this two characteristics
who can be can be owned by both men
vulnerable, and and women. These words
feminine. Because of are not innate and
this, they are assimilated with certain
discriminated by the gender. Men can be
society too. At the submissive, on the other
end these people also hand, women can be
suffer from the aggressive too. As long as
stereotype because it is their own willingness
they cannot be true and happiness to be so,
to themselves and there should be none who
thus cannot achieve can determine what
their own happiness. characteristic they should
2. Ends: persuading have just because they are
3. Key: precise tone, women or men.
slow pace, sharp and
4. Norms: hopeful and
insisting gaze
57. SP/1/ If men don’t have 1. Setting and Scene 1. She repeated “If men don’t promi The audience
07.08- to control, women (Psychological): have” to strengthen her sing felt that if men
07.14 won’t have to be Society constructed point that the gender can have an
controlled. a value that men equality can be achieved if option to not
should be the one gender is freed from control the other
controller and the stereotypes. creatures, then at
women should be the 2. Emma used the opposite the same time
one who are under words in one utterance women also
men’s control. This which are “control” and possess right not
value has been “controlled” in order to to be controlled
rooted for a very show to the audience that by their male-
long time ago so that men and women are not counterpart.
it is hard to be two opposite human. Men
changed. This can also have the women’s
prejudice creates characteristic and vice
many women suffer. versa. Their life should not
Because when be dictated by the society
women are under because at the end they are
men’s control it the ones who will run their
means they do not life and get the risk of it.
possess any rights
toward their own
body, mind and
happiness. It seems
so unfair because we
cannot have full
control toward our
own life.
2. Ends: persuading
3. Key: precise tone,
slow pace, sharp and
4. Norms: hopeful and
insisting gaze
58. SP/1/ Both men and 1. Setting and Scene 1. This sentence is Simple promi The audience
07.14- women should sentence showing that sing realized that
07.18 feel free to be Society believe that Emma wanted to be everyone
sensitive. the one who can be straightforward to her regardless their
sensitive is only point that men and women gender can be
women. If they find are equal. sensitive as long
2. “Feel free to be sensitive” as it is suit with
men who are
strengthens the fact that their own
sensitive, they will
being sensitive can be personality and
discriminate, mock owned by anyone it can bring them
and even do physical regardless their gender. If the happiness.
harm to the men so one day the society find a
that the men can man with a sensitive heart,
avoid their they should not judge him
sensitiveness. and discriminate him.
Therefore the They should accept and
prejudice that men respect their choice.
cannot be sensitive is
wrong and should
not be inherited to
our future
2. Ends: persuading
3. Key: sharp and
serious tone, rigid
4. Norms: insisting
59. SP/1/ Both men and 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma repeated the words promi The audience
07.18- women should “Both men and women sing were convinced
07.23 feel free to be 2. Ends: persuading should feel free to be..” that both men
strong. 3. Key: sharp and because Emma wanted to and women can
serious tone, rigid emphasize her conclusion have full right of
gesture that it is not only men who determining
can feel free to be anyone themselves,
4. Norms: insisting
they want but also women. whether to be
gaze It is both of them who sensitive or to be
possess this right. strong. This
2. Emma said earlier that characteristics
regardless their gender should not be
they can be sensitive labelled to one
anyway. To strengthen this single gender.
point Emma emphasize
again that both can also be
free to be strong. It shows
that being anything like
sensitive or strong can be
done by everyone, both
men and women.
60. SP/1/ It is time that we 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma tried to explain that insisti The audience
07.23- all perceive men and women are the ng were convinced
07.31 gender on a Society perceive that same human beings. They that equality is
spectrum instead men and women are are not two opposite really urgent to
of two sets of two opposite human. creatures. Therefore the be upheld. They
opposing ideals. If men are strong, on characteristics of both realized that the
(applause) gender should not be society
the other hand
opposite too. For example prejudices are
women should be if men can be aggressive, it wrong and
vulnerable. If men does not necessarily mean needed to be
are aggressive, on that women cannot be changed.
the other hand aggressive too. “On a Women and men
women should be spectrum” sums up are the equal
submissive and so Emma’s argument that human being.
on. Therefore if they men and women are the They do not
find a man who is same human being. opposite one and
vulnerable and another.
submissive they will 2. The audience gave her
see this man as less applause for her incredible
of a man. argument saying that what
2. Ends: insisting society now think is
3. Key: slow pace, wrong. This is her top of
droopy eyes, precise premise that can show
toward the audience that
men and women are equal
4. Norms: hopeful and because they are in one
insisting gaze spectrum not in “two sets
of opposing ideals”.
60. SP/1/ If we stop 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma wanted to promi The society
07.31- defining each (Psychological): The strengthen the point that sing thought that they
07.49 other by what we people focus more the society should put should no longer
are not and start on what a man more focus on what they put more focus
defining ourselves should be like and want to be instead of what on determining
by who we are, we what a women they should be according what women and
can all be freer. should be like. So to the society’s judgement. men should be.
that they forget that If they can do that, this is They should
this idea limits and the true freedom that give more room
even violate the Emma wanted the society and access for
freedom of every to understand. This men and women
human to be argument is strengthen by to decide and
whatever they want the word “freer” which determine their
in order to achieve means the people can own life, to be
their ultimate achieve better freedom, the whatever they
happiness. ultimate freedom, if they want to be.
2. Ends: persuading
3. Key: smiling and can have full right to
friendly face, soft determine their own self.
tone, slow pace
4. Norms: hopeful gaze
61. SP/1/ And this is what 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma wanted to show that infor The audience
07.49- HeForShe is what she addressed in her ming started to know
(Psychological): In
07.53 about. the status quo right previous statements is all what HeForShe
now, there are many about HeForShe is. They knew
feminism movement. She pointed that this
movements which that this movement helps movement cares
women and men to be free for the equality
concern on the
from any prejudices. between
women’s freedom.
2. This utterance is in Simple genders. It cares
However Emma Present Tense because for the freedom
wanted to emphasize Emma wanted to be of women and at
that HeForShe is straightforward telling that the same
different from any what she has been freedom of men
other movements. mentioning before have too.
2. Ends: informing been there in one package
3. Key: one breath, called HeForShe.
very clear tone,
sharp eyes, firm
4. Norms: seriousness,
62. SP/1/ It is about 1. Setting and Scene 1. It is a Simple Present infor The society
07.53- freedom. (Psychological): The Tense and a Simple ming knew that the
07.56 audience have been Sentence because Emma main concern of
convinced that wanted to make it simple HeForShe is the
women and men and straightforward that freedom.
should be free from HeForShe is all about Therefore they
any prejudices that freedom. were convinced
are labelled to their 2. “It” refers to the movement that until the
gender. After being HeForShe. She did not freedom does
told that HeForShe want to make her point not exist
also upholds the redundant by mentioning between
same ideology. They the same words in the genders, this
need more different utterances movement will
convincing because in this context if not stop its fight.
statement showing she repeat the words it will
that this movement be useless.
really concerns on
the genders’
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: smiling, light
hearted, relax
4. Norms: relaxed gaze
63. SP/1/ I want men to take 1. Setting and Scene 1. “I want men” was uttered com The male-
07.56- up this mantle, so (Psychological): because Emma wanted to mand audience felt
08.19 their daughters, Women are direct the male audience triggered to join
sisters and perceived as that they need to help their the movement so
mothers can be vulnerable and daughters, mothers, sisters that they can
free from submissive, on the and sons to be free from save their
prejudice, but also other hand the the gender labels. daughters, sons,
so their sons have opposite characters 2. This utterance was mothers and
permissions to be should be owned by constructed in the complex sisters from the
vulnerable and men. This condition sentence because Emma prejudices.
human too, makes them suffer wanted to be complete in
reclaim those because it can giving the order to the
parts of demotivate them to men. She did not want her
themselves they have better quality of information is being
abandoned and in living. The only one misleading so that it
doing so be a more who can help them is creates confusion in the
true and complete the men who are society.
version of perceived as the
themselves. strong actor.
2. Ends: commanding
3. Key: sharp eyes,
trembling yet clear
tone, heavy breath,
droopy eyes
4. Norms: seriousness,
melancholic gaze
64. SP/1/ You might be 1. Setting and Scene 1. “You might be thinking..” guess The audience
08.19- thinking who is was used to guess whether ing knew that Emma
(Psychological): In
09.28 this Harry Potter her first debut as a there is a possibility of the realized why the
girl? (laugh) and Hollywood actress, audience to doubt her audience kept on
existence in the UN. This wondering about
what is she doing she played in Harry is very effective in order to her presence in
at the UN? Potter series, a very answer and heal the doubt the UN.
well-known magic- of the audience which can
and-love-novel- decrease their trust.
based movie. Therefore in order to
Members of the UN strengthen or re-gain the
trust, she mentioned their
might have
doubt and gave answer to
wondered why an it.
actress who is hardly 2. The laugh is the natural
seen as a politicians response of how it may
or even in political sound so silly but very
movements having a meaningful for the
speech there. audience. She realized that
Everybody in the most of the people only
room was laughing know her in the television
that finally she as a Hollywood actress.
realized it. This laughter is also a form
2. Ends: guessing of how Emma wanted to
take it easy, to decrease the
3. Key: smile and
tense in the hall.
laugh, friendly, light
hearted, soft eyes
4. Norms: joking gaze
65. SP/1/ And it is really a 1. Setting and Scene 1. “A good question” is infor praisi The audience
09.28- good question. Emma’s affirmation that ming ng felt appreciated
09.30 After guessing the she was not offended at all by Emma. They
question that has if the audience think that know it may be a
been running in the way. On the other hand, silly question but
audience’s heads, the she thought that it was a Emma still took
tense in the hall was common question that it easy.
decreasing. people may have in their
2. Ends: informing, head whenever they see
praising Emma especially when
they see Emma in the UN
3. Key: smile and
talking about the serious
laugh, friendly, light issue.
hearted, soft eyes
4. Norms: joking gaze
66. SP/1/ I have been asking 1. Setting and Scene 1. This sentence is very infor The audience
09.30- myself the same simple because Emma did ming knew that Emma
09.32 thing. Emma is the very not need to prolong her also asked the
famous actress in the sentence. This is just the same question
world. She played additional sentence to with them too
Hermione character strengthen the previous which means it
statement that she is fine strengthens the
since she was 11
with the question. point that Emma
years old. Besides, 2. “Asking myself the same was not offended
she also played other thing” means asking at all.
famous film herself the same question
produced by Warner that the audience may have
Brothers. She knew in their head too which is
it was a common about why Emma, the
question even for Harry Potter girl, can have
herself to ask why a a speech in the UN
girl like her can have podium.
a speech in the UN
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: smile, friendly,
light hearted, soft
4. Norms: joking gaze
67. SP/1/ All I know is that I 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma tried to explain to infor The audience
09.32- care about this the audience that the ming gave her more
(Psychological): The
09.40 problem and I audience and even reason why she was there appreciation and
want to make it Emma asked the is not because she is a respect because
better. same question why celebrity but because she as a Hollywood
an actress like Emma also cares for the gender actress, she still
problem. It is proven with cares for the
can be speaking in
“All I know is that I care world problem
the UN podium. The about this problem”. such as gender
people’s mind was 2. “I want to make it better” problem.
shifting from the means that Emma wanted
gender issue into to solve the problem. By
Emma’s issue. this statement, Emma
2. Ends: informing wanted to show to the
3. Key: relaxed, serious audience that anyone
eyes, light hearted, including a Hollywood
soft eyes actress can be the women’s
4. Norms: melancholic libbers or feminists.
68. SP/1/ And having seen 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Having seen what I’ve infor The audience
09.40- what I’ve seen and seen” means that Emma ming felt that Emma is
09.50 given the chance, I Emma felt that she is has gone through the smart and can
feel it is my just an actress who bittersweet of growing up have appropriate
responsibility to never involves in any in the conventional society actions because
say something. political and social who hold the stereotypes she knew that
tightly. this opportunity
movements or
2. “Given the chance” means is not randomly
parties. The audience the opportunity to speak up given to
may have the same in the UN podium. She anybody, then
feeling too toward chose this wording she use it very
Emma and toward because it sounds softer well to wake
themselves that they and convincing than the everybody to be
do not involve in any word “opportunity”. aware of the
political and social 3. She thought it is fair for her gender issue.
movements. to give the feedback of the
Therefore Emma chance she got with the
wanted to show them responsibility that she felt
that this is the right she needed to tell it to the
audience. Her
time for them to
responsibility is by
show up and bring a
inviting as many people as
change. she can do to join the
2. Ends: informing movement. The word
3. Key: sharp and “responsibility” sounds
serious eyes, slow having higher dignity
pace and tone because Emma wanted to
4. Norms: serious gaze
make it looks like a
69. SP/1/ Statesman 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma used a quote to tell infor The audience
09.50- Edmund Burke the audience that it is not ming knew that it is
(Psychological): We
10.02 said: “All that is can still find that only her who believe in it very urgent for
needed for the many people are not but also another famous them to stand for
forces of evil to aware of the gender person like Edmund justice and
triumph is for equality. Even after Burke. It is about how the gender equality
enough good men evil things will get the because they do
they listened to
and women to do triumph if there is none not want to make
Emma’s speech it is
nothing.” who are aware of and fight the world suffer
still hard for them to for the equality. even more.
be a feminist.
However Emma
explained that the
world can no longer
bear the suffering of
many women and
men because of the
stereotypes labelled
to them.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: bold voice, lift
the shoulders, slow
pace, serious yet
pitiful eyes
4. Norms: serious gaze
70. SP/1/ In my 1. Setting and Scene 1. “My moments of doubts” infor The audience
10.02- nervousness for sends a message that ming knew that they
10.20 the speech and in Emma never Emma once happened to have to take the
my moments of involves in any feel the doubt of whether opportunity to be
doubts, I’ve told political or social or not she wanted to a feminist and
myself firmly: “If parties before. She become a feminist. Emma help women and
not me, who? If realized that the burden of men free from
never has a formal
not now, when?” becoming a feminist is a lot the gender
speech about a such as a feminist has to be labelling and
serious issue in the ready to be attacked by the stereotypes.
formal meeting like conservative society
in the UN. So it is because she is perceived as
very natural if a girl radical and deviating the
like Emma felt norms.
nervous in her first
time speaking in the
UN podium.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: patient,
friendly smile,
serious eyes
4. Norms: serious gaze
71. SP/1/ If you have 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Similar doubts” means infor The society were
10.20- similar doubts that the thing that can ming convinced that
10.30 when Being a feminist is discourage and demotivate whenever they
opportunities are a big thing. It them to be a feminist. have the doubts
presented to you, I means you have to they have to
hope that those be brave and ready reaffirm
words will be to be mocked and themselves to be
helpful. discriminated by bold and
the society whose consistent in
values do not want upholding the
to be changed. women and
men’s rights.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: relaxed face,
slow pace, serious
4. Norms: serious
gaze, hopeful
72. SP/1/ Because the 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma wanted to predi threat The audience
10.30- reality is that if we emphasize the time cting ening realized that they
10.51 do nothing it will Women get constraint which is “75 cannot rely on
take 75 years, or different treatment years or for me to be the organic
for me to be nearly in terms of nearly 100”. It means that change about
100, before economy. First this number is not a small how the values
women can expect number. During that will naturally be
they cannot apply
to be paid the years, people can get changed anyway
the job which is
same as men for through for three to four when the time
the same work. considered man- generations. It means goes by. It is so
job simply because their fourth generation because they
the people will still face the unfair need to wait for
undermine them as employment. almost 100 years
not strong and 2. Emma tried to link her for the organic
smart enough to do argument about how this change to
the job. However is very urgent for the happen.
even if some of people to move forward Therefore they
them can at the end and change the do not need to
go to work, they stereotypes with the delay to stand up
will not get the reality in the current for justice.
same treatment and situation. She convinced
the audience by adding
salary. This unfair
the scientific number in
employment order to enter into the
happens in many people’s logic that the
places even in big problem is getting worse
cities. day by day.
2. Ends: predicting,
3. Key: droopy eyes,
shaking head
4. Norms: sadness,
regretful gaze
73. SP/1/ 15.5 million girls 1. Setting and Scene 1. Emma put the number in predi threat The audience are
10.51- will be married in front of her utterance cting ening mostly the
(Psychological): In
10.59 the next 16 years many countries there because she wanted to modern people
as children. is still a culture about emphasize how many who are no
marriage which is girls will get violated in longer applying
the arranged terms of their marriages. an arranged
“15.5 million” is a big marriage. After
marriage. Most of
number. The people will listening to this
the time the brides be convinced more if the fact, they
are too young to get know that there is a realized that
married. However scientific proof with many
their family still numbers that shows how unfortunate girls
marry them with the many girls will suffer. living out there
richer man who is 2. “Next 16 years” means who need our
very old for the that Emma wanted to helps because
women. Sadly this emphasize the time they will be
constraint that during that married with
marriage is not
time there will be a lot of someone they do
because of love but girls suffer. not like even
simply because the 3. “Girls” and “Marriage” know, and it will
girl family is poor. are believed as something make them
This cuts off the which are contradictory. suffer because
girls’ hopes. In a A girl means that she is the marriage will
very young age, they still underage. It means it stop them to
cannot go to school is not proper for them to pursue their
and achieve their get married. Because in education and
dream. that ages, they are still in dreams.
2. Ends: predicting, the process of learning,
threatening dreaming, and playing
with their friends. On the
3. Key: teary eyes
other hand, marriage is
4. Norms: sadness
all about adult’s life. This
is something very sacred.
It does not only require
the readiness of both
bride and groom but also
it requires love. As we
know in this context the
arranged marriage is still
legal in some countries.
Emma tried to strengthen
her point that marrying a
girl, moreover it is not
because of her own
willingness, is by default
74. SP/1/ And at current 1. Setting and Scene 1. “It won’t be until 2086” predi threat The audience
10.59- rates it won’t be means that until the year cting ening knew that in
11.10 until 2086 before Women are 2086 the rural African order to compete
all rural African discriminated not girls still cannot attend with the
girls can have a only in economy the secondary education. globalization
secondary but also in It also means that there era, it is very
education. will be a lot of women needed for
education. They are
who cannot achieve their everybody to
perceived as own dreams and still attend the
someone who can oppressed by the secondary
only work in the stereotypes that they are education even
kitchen. Therefore weak and less smart than the tertiary
society think that men. It results, it will also education.
they do not need hard for them to pursue Regardless their
school to enhance their career because they gender, they
their intelligence. do not enough deserve the right
This makes women preparation to pass the to pursue their
very upset because test. career and
they cannot achieve 2. “Rural African girls” was achieve their
used to be the dreams.
their own dreams.
The school that representative of third
they can attend is world countries which
only the primary the gender stereotype is
school. Other than very strong influencing
that they are the life of the people
prohibited to attend there. Emma used this as
one of the examples of
it. Even if now
how bad the future will
many countries be. It does not only
have allowed happen in Africa but also
women to go to in other countries which
higher educations, still uphold the gender
but still some stereotypes.
countries 3. “Secondary education”
especially in the 3rd means that there is
world countries another obligated-formal
prohibited women education if someone
to do so. wants to achieve their
2. Ends: predicting, dreams. They should at
least have attended the
secondary education.
3. Key: feel sorry, and
Because in this phase at
sad, but very least the students’
threatening eyes intelligence and skill
4. Norms: sarcastic have been developed
gaze better compare to when
they are in the primary
education. Therefore
Emma wanted to show
that attending the
secondary education is
very important not only
for men but also for
75. SP/1/ If you believe in 1. Setting and Scene 1. “If you believe in convi The audience are
11.10- equality, you equality” means that if ncing convinced that
11.21 might be one of Many people do not the people do not becoming a
those inadvertent realize that being a discriminate women and feminist is not
feminists I spoke feminist can be as neglect their capability, difficult. Simply
of earlier. simple as believing and at the same time they when they
support men to be free to believe in the
in equality. Many
choose their self- gender equality,
people may not
determination. It means it is the moment
realize that they have that they have become when they
been becoming an inadvertent feminists like become the
inadvertent feminist. what Emma said. inadvertent
2. Ends: convincing 2. “I spoke of earlier” feminists.
3. Key: serious eyes, means that Emma did not
sharp eyes want to repeat again. She
4. Norms: hoping and avoided redundancy so
demanding gaze that it will make her
statement effective.
76. SP/1/ And for this I 1. Setting and Scene 1. “And” was put in front of praisi For the audience
11.21- applaud you. the sentence because the ng who have been
11.24 Seeing how not speaker wanted to add the become the
many people are previous statement inadvertent
familiar with 2. “Applaud you” means feminists felt
feminism, Emma that Emma gave respect appreciated, and
tried to understand to the audience because for the audience
the situation of how they are pro with who have not yet
it is quite difficult for feminism. However become
them to be a Emma’s main point is not inadvertent
only about praising them feminists they
feminist. However
but also encouraging will
from Emma’s them to be the true
experience it is not feminists, to be bolder
possible for her to feminists to fight for the
find the inadvertent gender equality.
feminists out there.
Therefore Emma
gave respect to all
people who have
been becoming the
2. Ends: praising
3. Key: happy face,
friendly smile, teary
4. Norms: hoping gaze
77. SP/1/ We are struggling 1. Setting and Scene infor reliev The audience
11.24- for a uniting world ming ing knew that there
11.33 but the good news After being informed is a uniting
is we have a how deplorable the movement that
uniting fact is and how can support their
movement. suffer women and action to fight
men because of the for the gender
gender stereotypes, equality.
the audience felt
triggered to step
forward and fight for
the equal rights
between genders.
However they doubt
that there is no right
platform for them to
support their action.
Thus Emma was
there to tell them the
good news.
2. Ends: informing,
3. Key: focused eyes,
happy face, friendly
4. Norms: serious yet
relaxed gaze
78. SP/1/ It is called 1. Setting and Scene 1. This sentence is Simple infor The audience
11.33- HeForShe. Present Tense because ming finally knew
11.36 There are so many this is the conclusion of what HeForShe
feminist movements what she told in the movement is.
that exist in the previous statement which They were also
society now. is the uniting movement influenced to
which can help the world join the
However not many
to be united. movement.
of them can achieve 2. HeForShe is the
the goal simply movement that Emma
because they cannot campaigned in the UN
gain the symphaty of General Assembly. She
the conventional wanted the people to join
society to accept and the movement.
support them. Emma
was here to tell the
audience that this
movement is
different from any
other movement.
The major difference
is that how this
movement focus
more on the gender
equality, both
women and men’s
rights, not only one
actor’s rights.
2. Ends: informing
3. Key: bold face, sharp
eyes, friendly smile
4. Norms: serious gaze
79. SP/1/ I am inviting you 1. Setting and Scene 1. “Inviting” is used to reque The people felt
11.36- to step forward, to show Emma was using a sting invited to join
11.52 be seen and to ask Emma realized that soft approach to the movement
yourself: “If not not many people are command them to be a and to stand for
me, who? If not aware and brave to feminist and join the gender equality.
now, when?” be a feminist. Many movement.
2. “To step forward, to be
of them are just
seen and to ask yourself”
afraid fighting for and “If not me, who? If
women’s right not now, when?” are
because of society rhymes to show that
judgment. Therefore Emma wanted to make
the audience really her words attractive to be
need a lot of heard.
encourgament to be 3. “If not me, who?”
aware and brave to strengthens the messsage
fight for the justice. that it is they who have to
2. Ends: requesting be the actor who can help
3. Key: serious, to overcome the problem.
4. “If not now, when?”
hoping, bold
emphasizes the time
constraint. We cannot
4. Norms: hopeful and delay anymore to be a
serious gaze feminist.
80. SP/1/ Thank you very 1. Setting and Scene 1. Thank you can be used to thank The audience
11.52- very much. end the speech. This way ing were very proud
11.57 (Standing Seeing how of saying is very simple to her speech
applause) appreciative the yet effective in order to and they gave a
audience was toward show how the speaker long standing
Emma, she felt that was very grateful and applause for
thankful. Emma.
she was very
2. “Very” was mentioned
grateful. Not many twice to emphasize the
speakers even a how grateful Emma was
speaker like Mrs for having a speech in the
Clinton got the good UN and having such an
respond from the appreciation from the
audience after they audience.
talked about gender
2. Ends: thanking
3. Key: smile, hopeful
face, fast pace,
precise tone
4. Norms: melancholic
and faded gaze
Emma Watson’s HeForShe Speech
The UN General Assembly
September 20th, 2014
And the more I've spoken about feminism, the
more I have realized that fighting for women's
4 √ √
rights has too often become synonymous with
If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that
5 √ √ √
this has to stop.
For the record, feminism, by definition, is the
belief that men and women should have equal
6 rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the √ √ √ √ √
political, economic and social equality of the
I started questioning gender-based assumptions
7 √ √
a long time ago.
When I was 8, I was confused about being
called 'bossy' because I wanted to direct the
plays that we would put on for our parents. But
the boys were not. When at 14, I started to be
sexualized by certain elements of the media,
8 √ √ √
when at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out
of their beloved sports teams, because they
didn't want to appear 'muscle-y,' when at 18,
my male friends were unable to express their
9 I decided that I was a feminist. √ √
10 And this seems uncomplicated to me. √ √
But my recent research has shown me that
11 √ √ √
feminism has become an unpopular word.
Women are choosing not to identify as
12 √ √
Apparently, I am among the ranks of women
whose expressions are seen as too strong, 'too
13 √ √
aggressive,' isolating and anti-men,
unattractive, even.
Why has the world become such an
14 √ √
uncomfortable one?
15 I am from Britain. √ √
And I think it is right that I am paid the same
as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I
should be able to make decisions about my
own body, I think [applause break] ... I think
16 it is right that women be involved on my behalf √ √ √
in the policies and the decisions that will affect
my life. I think it is right that socially, I am
afforded the same respect as men.
18 These rights, I consider to be human rights. √ √
19 But I am one of the lucky ones. √ √
My life is a sheer privilege because my parents
didn't love me less because I was born a
daughter. My school did not limit me because I
20 √ √ √ √
was a girl. My mentors didn't assume that I
would go less far because I might give birth to
a child one day.
These influencers were the gender equality
ambassadors that made me who I am today.
21 They may not know it, but they are the √ √ √
inadvertent feminists who are changing the
world today. We need more of those.
And if you still hate the word, it is not the word
22 √ √
that is important.
23 It's the idea and the ambition behind it. √ √
Because not all women have received the same
24 √ √
rights that I have.
25 In fact, statistically, very few have been. √ √
In 1997, Hillary Clinton made a famous speech
26 √ √ √
in Beijing about women's rights.
Sadly, many of the things that she wanted to
27 √ √ √ √
change are still true today.
But what stood out for me the most was that
28 less than 30 percent of the audience were male. √ √ √
Men don't have the benefits of equality, either.
36 √ √
We don't often talk about men being
37 imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see √ √
that they are.
And that when they are free, things will change
38 √ √ √
for women as a natural consequence.
If men don't have to be aggressive in order to
be accepted, women won't feel compelled to be
submissive. If men don't have to control,
39 √ √
women won't have to be controlled. Both men
and women should feel free to be sensitive.
I want men to take up this mantle so their
daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from
prejudice but also so their sons have
44 permission to be vulnerable and human, too. √ √ √ √
Reclaim those parts of themselves they
abandoned and in doing so be a more true and
complete version of themselves.
You might be thinking, 'Who is this Harry
Potter girl? and What is she doing at the U.N.?
45 √ √
And it's a really good question. I've been
asking myself at the same thing.
All I know is that I care about this problem.
And I want to make it better. And having seen
what I've seen and given the chance, I feel it’s
46 my responsibility to say something. Statesman √ √ √ √
Edmund Burke said all that is needed for the
forces of evil to triumph is for good men and
women to do nothing.
In my nervousness for the speech and in my
47 moments of doubt, I've told myself firmly, If √ √ √
not me, who? If not now, when?
If you have similar doubts when opportunities
48 are presented to you, I hope that those words √ √ √
will be helpful.
Because the reality is, that if we do nothing, it
will take 75 years or for me, to be nearly 100,
before women can expect to be paid the same
as men for the same work. 15.5 million girls
49 √ √ √ √
will be married in the next 16 years as children
and at current rates, it won't be until 2086
before all rural African girls can have a
secondary education.
If you believe in equality, you might be one of
50 those inadvertent feminists that I spoke of √ √ √
earlier and for this, I applaud you.
We are struggling for a uniting world but the
51 good news is that we have a uniting movement. √ √ √
It is called HeForShe.
I am inviting you to step forward to be seen
52 and to ask yourself, 'If not me, who? If not √ √ √
now, when?' Thank you very very much.