Moot Court 18-19
Moot Court 18-19
Moot Court 18-19
In this academic year, our college has conducted XVIII National Moot Court Competition in
December 2018.Report of the same is as follows:
18. Ils Law College , Pune
19. Dr Balasaheb Apte College Of Law Mumbai
20. Nbt Law College Nashik
21. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar College Of Law Main Branch Nagpur
22. Symbiosis Law School, Pune
23. Sndt Womens’ University Law School Mumbai
24. Shri Nathmal Goenka Law College, Akola
25. Rizvi Law College Mumbai
26. J C College Of Law Guntur Ap
27. Pendekanti Law College, Hyderabad
28. Smt.Velagapudi Durgamba Siddhartha Law College, Vijayawada
29. Rajiv Gandhi National Univeersity Of Law , Patiala, Punjab
30. Bennett University Greater Noida U P
31. University Institute Of Legal Studies , Punjab University Chandigarh
32. Smt K G Shah Law School, Mumbai
33. Lloyd Law College Grater Noida
34. School Of Law Davv, Takshila Campus Indore
However, six teams were absent due to their personal reasons after filling registration form and
payment of fees.
Formation of committees of student volunteers:
Student volunteers were shouldered with works in different committees such as
Accommodation committee, Publicity committee, court hall management committee, discipline
committee etc. the list of volunteers is enclosed along with this report.
Mode of the competition:
Like every year this year also competition was conducted in two rounds i.e. Preliminary and
Final Round. In both these rounds one speaker from a team has to argue against the speaker of another
team. It means it was not a competition as team but as an individual.
Preliminary round:
Preliminary round was conducted in college building. For this round eight court halls were
arranged and in six court hall four and in two court hall three teams with unique code were distributed
by drawing the lots. Each court hall was consisting of two judges. The judges are the leading legal
practitioners in Aurangabad. This round held on 22nd December 2018. Names of the judges for
preliminary round are as follows:
1.Adv K. B. Choudhari 2. Adv Sanjeev Deshpande
3.Adv S. K. Barlota 4. Adv S. J. Salunke
5. Adv Kishor G. Patil 6. Adv Ajit Kadethankar
7. Adv Anjali Dube 8. Adv Devadutta Palodkar
9. Adv Milind Deshpande 10. Adv Kishor Sant
11. Adv Siddheshwar Thombre 12. Adv Sachin Deshmukh
13. Adv C. K shinde 14. Adv Nitin Gavare
15. Adv Kanteshwarkar P.R. 16. Adv Shailesh Brahame
The list of the allotment of the court halls to teams have been enclosed herewith.
Result of Preliminary Round:
As a rule only five teams who secured highest marks can qualify for final round. After calculating
the total following five teams qualified for final rounds:
1. MP-03: D.E.S. Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune.
2. MP-15: Government Law College Ernakulum .
3. MP-17: M P Law College Aurangabad.
4. MP-22: Symbiosis Law School, Pune.
5. MP-26: J. C. College Of Law Guntur A.P.
Final round:
The final round was held on 23rd December 2018. The final round held in M. L. & G. E.‟s Tapdiya
Natyamandir near the college campus. The Hon‟ble Judges for the final round were,
1. Hon‟ble Shree Justice Arun Dhavale
Judge, High Court of Judicature of Bombay Bench at Aurangabad.
2. Hon‟ble Shree Justice R. G.Avchat
Judge, High Court of Judicature at Bombay Bench at Aurangabad.
Valedictory function:
Immediately after completion of final round we started valedictory function. The function was
presided over by Adv J. K. Wasadikar, President of M L & G E Society and Hon‟ble Judges of final
round were chief guests of the function. Before starting valedictory function students performed
Drama “ The Great Trial Of Mahatma Gandhi”.
The function started with garlanding the portrait of Goddess Saraswati and lightning of the
lamp. The chief guests were introduced and felicitated. President of the M L & G E Society was also
felicitated .We have also felicitated Preliminary Round judges. Few participants have expressed their
views about the competition. Hon‟ble judges enlightened the students with their valuable speeches.
The President of the function has delivered the presidential address. Principal Dr C. M. Rao introduced
college and various activities conducted in the college in his speech .Moot Court Coordinator Prof P.
R. Girbane gave brief note about the National Moot Court Competition. Prof Abhay Jadhav
announced prizes of the competition. Mr.Mayur Subhedar, Student Convener, Moot Court Association
expressed vote of thanks. This function was anchored by NLC IV year student Mr.Aniket Sawant. The
function was ended with National anthem. The copy of the table programme is enclosed with the
Announcement of result and list of prizes:
Winner Prize:
The winner prize was consisting of 7000 Rs. cash from M P Law College and a Trophy in the
memory of late Adv S A Deshmukh sponsored by Adv Rajendra Deshmukh and Adv Avinash
Deshmukh. The winner team was -
MP-17: M P Law College Aurangabad
Runner up Prize:
The runner up prize was consisting of 5000 Rs. cash from M P Law College and a Trophy in
the memory of late Adv S A Deshmukh sponsored by Adv Rajendra Deshmukh and Adv Avinash
Deshmukh. The winner team was -
MP-15: Government Law College , Ernakulam
Best Mooter Prize (From Both Rounds):
The Best Mooter Prize was consisting of Trophy in the memory of late adv S A Deshmukh
sponsored by adv Rajendra Deshmukh and Adv Avinash Deshmukh and is given to one who secured
highest marks in both rounds. The winner was-
MP-17.P : Ms Amrita Kaur Johar, M P Law College, Aurangabad.
Best Petitioner Prize(From Final Round):
The best petitioner prize to one who secured highest individual marks in final round as a
petitioner was consisting of 2000 Rs cash from M P Law College and a Trophy in the memory of late
Adv L N Sirsamkar sponsored by Shri Promode Sirsamkar. The winner was-
MP-17.P : Ms Amrita Kaur Johar, M P Law College, Aurangabad.
Best Respondent Prize(From Final Round):
The best respondent prize to one who secured highest individual marks in final round as a
respondent was consisting of 2000 Rs cash and a Trophy from M P Law College. The winner was-
MP-15.R :Ms Vardha G. , Government Law College,Ernakulam
Best Mooter Prize(From Preliminary Round):
The Best Mooter Prize to one who secured highest individual marks in preliminary round was
consisting of a Trophy by Ghate Foundation Aurangabad. The winner was-
MP-24.P :Raufa Anwar Sheikh, Rizvi Law College, Mumbai
Best Memorial Prize(From Final Round):
The winner was-
MP-03.P: Ms Namrata Gore, D.E.S. Shri Navalmal Firodia Law College, Pune and MP-17.P Ms
Amrita Kaur Johar, M P Law College, Aurangabad.
Glimpses of Final Round
Report of Activities of Moot Court Association
Academic year 2018-19
With the object of enhancing research and argumentative skills of students and to make them
aware about the latest legal updates and understand value of teamwork Moot Court Association was
formed in this academic year. To achieve these objectives programs were organized to give practical
training to students about court procedures, court etiquettes and manners and recent trends in legal
education. These programmes were organized and executed through the executive council of moot
court association, consisting of following members:
1.Mayur Subhedar-Student Convenor 2. Ranjit Jadhav -Student Co-Convenor
3.Tejaswini Mone-Representative of Pre Law I 4. Sunny Kumar-Representative of Pre Law II
5.Vaishnavi Nirmal- Representative of NLC III 6.Saloni Katariya- Representative of NLC IV
7. Sonam Agrawal -Representative of NLC V 8. Rajashree Sawle-Representative of LLB I
9. Krushna Sabale-Representative of LLB II 10.Bhuvnesh Bavankar -Representative of LLB III
Besides the executive council this Association had 167 registered students. Two training programs
were conducted through Moot Court Association in this academic year. Details of the same are as
follows: Moot Court Association was inaugurated with the auspicious hands of Adv P. V. Mandlik,
Advocate, High Court, Aurangabad on 8 th September 2018. He enlightened students on „Principles of
successive client counseling‟ and encouraged them to participate in Moot Court activities. He also
felicitated members of executive council. Programme was presided over by Principal Dr C. M. Rao,
Introductory address was given by Prof P. R. Girbane, Ms Vaishnavi Nirmal introduced Chief Guest,
Ms Sonam Agrawal expressed vote of thanks and Ms Saloni Katariya Anchored the programme.
On the same day one training programme was conducted for which we invited Dr. Kondaiah J , Asst
Prof MNLU Aurangabad and Adv Ranjit Shedge, Aurangabad. They guided students on „Basics of
Moot Court‟ and „Presentaion Skills for Moot Court‟ respectively. Second training programme was
conducted on 15 th September 2018.Adv Tejal Sharma and Adv Neha Kamble from Aurangabad were
invited as resource person. They guided students on „Framing Issues for Moot Court‟ and
„Argumentative Skills for Moot Court‟ respectively.
In the month of March 2019 Intra College Moot Court Competition was organized for the college
students. Total forty-four teams registered for this event. This competition was conducted in two
rounds. First round held on 9 th March and second round on 16 th March 2019.for first round five
court halls consisting of two judges were arranged and in every court hall eight teams were
allotted. Following are the judges of preliminary round:
1.Adv Rashmi Kulkarni 2. Adv Siddhant Varma
3. Adv Rina Mandhani 4. Adv Ajinkya Reddy
5. Adv Ranjit Shedge 6.Adv Tejal Sharma
7.Adv Akshay Radikar 8.Adv Poonam Patil
9. Adv Asha Sherkhane 10. Adv Prasad Jarare
Five top scoring teams from every court hall were selected for the final round. Five selected teams
MP 09 (Kushal R.Samdariya, Nidhi V. Loya, Swapnil D. Joshi)
MP- 13 (Lokesh M. Kansal,Devendra S. Thakare, Balu Shinde)
MP-19 ( Mona Ramesh Somwanshi, Vishakha Ravi Jobanputra, Rama Shivaji Nitnavare)
MP-28(Mrinal P. Pande, Saware Komal Bhausaheb, Rajput Ramesh S.)
MP-37 (Pallavi Arun Gosavi, Vaishnavi Ramdas Sonawane, Yash Vinod Kasliwal)
Adv Yugant Marlapalle and Adv Swapnil Joshi judged this round. After completion of final round,
both Judges interacted with students.Both round were conducted in the college premises. For success
of the competition student volunteers take active participation .Prizes of the competition were
distributed in annual social gathering. Details of the result are as follows:
First Rank : Team MP-09 ( Kushal R.Samdariya, Nidhi V. Loya, Swapnil D. Joshi)
Second Rank : Team MP-28 (Mrinal P. Pande, Saware Komal Bhausaheb, Rajput Ramesh S.)
Best Petitioner: MP 28-P Mrinal P. Pande
Respondent: MP 09 R Nidhi V. Loya
External Moot:
Moot Court Training Programme:
Prof. P. R. Girbane 28
Report of External Moot Court Competitions 2018-19
In this academic year, our students have participated in various State and National level Moot Court
Competitions. Details of the same are as follows:
8 Justice S. B Mhase New Law College 23rd And 1.Ravikiran --
Second State Level Ahemadnagar 24th Feb Shukre
Moot Court 2019 2.Vaishnavi
Competition Nirmal
9 XXIII All India Benglore University 1st To 3rd 1.Prashasti ---
Moot Court Law College March Shrivastava
Competition 2019 2.Akanksha
10 4th National Moot Smt K G Shah Law 2nd And 1.Mayur --
Court Competition School Pune 3rd March Subhedar
2019 2.Ranjit Jadhav
3.Kabir Meshram
11 Adv K B Kayastha N S Soti Law 23rd Feb 1.Shashank Shashank
State Level Moot College Sangli 2019 Choudhary Choudhary- Best
Court Competition 2.Madhuri Male Advocate
3.Bablu Sayyad
External Moot:
Prof. P. R. Girbane