SW Age of The Empire 6

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Special Thanks To:

The “Mang Stuff” group

The Wednesday Night gaming group

Enrique Bertran for his work on Star Wars: Age of Rebellion for the AGE system

Ben for his graphic design expertise, Mel for proofreading this beast

and to my loving wife

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Species

Chapter 3: Classes

Chapter 4: Backgrounds, Ability Focuses, and Talents

Chapter 5: Starting Credits and Equipment

Chapter 6: Using the Force

Chapter 7: Supplemental Rules and Vehicles

Chapter 8: Allies, Adversaries, and Bestiary

Disclaimer: The Adventure Game Engine and Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook are the property of Green
Ronin Publishing, LLC. Star Wars is the property of The Walt Disney Company, Inc. This document is not
authorized, endorsed, or sponsored by Green Ronin or The Walt Disney Company. This document may
not be sold, purchased, or otherwise distributed for commercial use. No copyright or trademark
infringement is intended or implied.
Thank you for your interest in this
adaptation of the Star Wars universe. First,
this document could not exist without
the work done by Enrique Bertran and his
Star Wars: Age of Rebellion conversion for
the Dragon AGE Roleplaying game. This is
the byproduct of feedback and
encouragement from those on the Green
Ronin community message boards and
the Dustin & Dragons blog over the course
of many months. It has been enjoyed
across a small number of tables and now
soon by you.

Star Wars is a vast setting that spans

thousands of years and decades of
multi-media. The era that this
adaptation takes place is between the end
CHAPTER 1 of the Clone Wars and the proclamation of
the First Galactic Empire to their defeat at

01 INTRODUCTION the Battle of Jakku and the signing of the

Galactic Concordance, a period known as
the Age of the Empire. The hallmarks of

this span of time is the dominance of the

Empire suppressing cultural and tech-
nological growth, what technology that
could be produced was less polished and
more rugged, and force sensitive charac-

ters were rare.


This in no way intends to be the definitive

version of Star Wars using the AGE
system, but provide guidance for GMs and
players to bring the excitement and action
of Star Wars to the table. This is also not an
authoritative guide to the worlds
originally imagined by George Lucas. It
gives brief descriptions that mostly relies
on Canon material and online resources,
such as Wookiepedia.

I hope this helps you craft stories of your

own in a galaxy far, far away. Thank you all
again for your support and happy gaming!

Dustin Ahonen
Compatibility with Fantasy AGE Starting Languages

Like its predecessor, this also assumes Due to the vast array of species and that
familiarity and access to the Adventure not all speak a common language,
Game Engine (AGE), but as set in the Basic, characters begin play with
Fantasy AGE Basic Rulebook. Game multiple languages. These include your
terms; such as stunts, TN, Armor Rating, starting language and a number of
Defense, and basic or advance ability languages equal to your Intelligence. It
tests will not be explained here. is always a good idea that you and your
party share a language.
Illegal Equipment
Ranged Combat and Interrupt
Some items are not easily available Attacks
and considered contraband, with no
price given. This is to both represent Due to the prevalence and power of
the control of the Empire over galactic ranged weapons, this conversion also

commerce during the Age of the Empire introduces Interrupt Attacks that are

and to allow the GM to decide which further explained in the Chapter 7:

equipment to make accessible. For Additional Rules And Ships.
example, the inclusion of drugs may
not be suitable for all audiences and Where to Leave Feedback
having to go on a quest to retrieve the
parts to assemble a lightsaber is far more Feedback can be shared on the Fantasy
interesting than simply being able to buy
one from any merchant.
AGE/Titansgrave/Blue Rose forum on the
Green Ronin Community Message Boards
or by commenting or leaving a message

Level 10 Cap at www.dustinanddragons.com.

Unlike in Fantasy AGE, a character can

only advance to Level 10. This not only
serves to de-emphasize some of the
more fantastical elements present in
the basic game, but to also make early
player choices with regards to his or her
character more influential.

Spaces vs. Yards

The conversion assumes the use of a

battle mat at the table. This is in part
due to the complications of cover and
ranged combat. For a more “theatre of
the mind” style of play, the Chapter 5:
Starting Credits And Equipment contains
a reference table for converting spaces to

The number of sentient space-faring
species throughout the galaxy is beyond
counting. What is available here are just
some of the more common or noteworthy
species one might encounter. Common
species can be seen wherever species are
intermingling and all share the ability to
both understand and speak Basic.

Mixed Heritage: Mixed-species characters

do not exist, with the notable exception of
Mandalorians and other humans, who are
the same species but are different races.

Available Species

Common Uncommon Rare

CHAPTER 2 Chiss Bothan Chadra-Fan
Human Cathar IG Assassin Droid

02 SPECIES Mandalorian
Mon Calamari
Kel Dor



The blue-skinned, red-eyed near-human

species from the frozen world of Csilla
have a shadowy legacy of aligning
themselves with the Dark Side. If you
choose to play a chiss, modify your
character as follows:

• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to

• Pick One Ability Focus: Communication
(Deception) or Strength (Intimidation).
• Vicious: You add +1 to all damage rolls.
• Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
• Starting Languages: You can understand
and speak Basic and Cheunh.
Chiss Benefits MANDALORIAN

2d6 Roll Benefit The humans of Mandalore have a long,

2 +1 Communication proud warrior history. If you choose
3-4 Focus: Perception (Hearing) to play a Mandalorian, modify your
5 Focus: Dexterity (Disable Device*) character as follows:
6 Focus: Intelligence (Military Lore)
• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to Fighting.
7-8 +1 Accuracy • Pick One Ability Focus: Dexterity
9 Focus: Communication (Investigation) (Initiative) or Willpower (Courage).
10-11 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth) • Combat Training: You receive training or
an ability focus with one weapon group of
12 +1 Intelligence your choice.
*New ability focus, see Chapter 4 • Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
HUMAN applicable).

• Starting Languages: You can understand
They are not only the most numerous and speak Basic and Mando’a.

species in the galaxy but also whose

actions have shaped galactic history. If Mandalorian Benefits
you choose to play a human, modify your 2d6 Roll Benefit
character as follows:
2 +1 Perception
• Heroic: You receive +1 Stunt Point 3-4 Focus: Perception (Tracking)

whenever you Stunt.
Pick Any One Ability Focus: You begin
5 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative) 02
6 Constitution (Stamina)
play with one ability focus of your choice.

• Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 + 7-8 +1 Accuracy
Dexterity (minus armor penalty if 9 Weapon Group: Grenades*
applicable). 10-11 Focus: Strength (Intimidation)
• Starting Languages: You can understand
and speak Basic and one other of your 12 +1 Intelligence
choice. *If the class you choose provides this already, you
can take the Accuracy (Grenades) instead.
Human Benefits
2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Dexterity An aquatic, fish-like species, they have
3-4 Focus: Intelligence (Healing) long influenced galactic politics. If you
5 Focus: Willpower (Morale) choose to play a mon calamari, modify
your character as follows:
6 Focus: Communication (Leadership)
7-8 +1 Constitution • Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to
9 Focus: Perception (Empathy) Intelligence.
10-11 Focus: Intelligence (Astrogation*) • Pick One Ability Focus: Communication
(Investigation) or Intelligence (Military
12 +1 Willpower Lore).
*New ability focus, see Chapter 4 • Amphibious: You can breathe
underwater and move your normal speed
while swimming.
• Darkvision: You can you see in darkness
without a light source.
• Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
Togruta Benefits
applicable). 2d6 Roll Benefit
• Starting Languages: You can understand 2 +1 Willpower
and speak Basic, Mon Calamarian, and
3-4 Focus: Perception (Hearing)
5 Focus: Constitution (Running)
6 Focus: Dexterity (Piloting)
Mon Calamari Benefits
7-8 +1 Perception
2d6 Roll Benefit
9 Focus: Communication (Animal Handling)
2 +1 Perception
10-11 Focus: Perception (Touching)
3-4 Focus: Constitution (Swimming)
12 +1 Constitution
5 Focus: Intelligence (Astrogation*)
6 Focus: Communication (Leadership) TWI’LEK
7-8 +1 Communication
9 Focus: Perception (Seeing) Tall and striking with two long head
10-11 Focus: Intelligence (Healing) tentacles, twi’leks are often both admired
and distrusted. If you choose to play a
12 +1 Willpower
twi’lek, modify your character as follows:

*New ability focus, see Chapter 4

• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to
TOGRUTA Communication.
• Pick One Ability Focus: Dexterity

02 Colorful with twin montrals, horn-like

structures that amplify their acute senses,
(Legerdemain) or Communication
they have a strong sense of unity and • Personable: You receive one

fidelity to friendship. If you choose to Communication ability focus of your

play a togruta, modify your character as choice.
• Fast Speed: Your Speed is equal to 5
+ Dexterity (minus armor penalty if

• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to Dexterity.

• Starting Languages: You can understand
• Pick One Ability Focus: Intelligence

and speak Basic and Ryl.

(Natural Lore) or Perception (Searching).
• Spatial Awareness: You ignore penalties
due to concealment and cover on Twi’Lek Benefits
Perception tests to notice a hiding
2d6 Roll Benefit
creature within 4 spaces (6 meters).
• Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 + 2 +1 Strength
Dexterity (minus armor penalty if 3-4 Focus: Communication (Gambling)
applicable). 5 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth)
• Starting Languages: You can understand
and speak Basic and Togruti.
6 Language: Huttese
7-8 +1 Dexterity
9 Focus: Communication (Seduction)
10-11 Focus: Dexterity (Acrobatics)
12 +1 Willpower

ZABRAK • Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to
Proud and independent, their crowns • Pick One Ability Focus: Communication
of vestigial horns make them distinctive (Etiquette) or Dexterity (Stealth).
among other near-human species. If you • Extra Language: You gain one language
of your choice.
choose to play a zabrak, modify your
• Doublespeak: NPCs have a –1 penalty
character as follows: on Communication-based ability tests
against you and your allies.
• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to • Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
Willpower. Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
• Pick One Ability Focus: Constitution applicable).
(Running) or Willpower (Self-Discipline). • Starting Languages: You can understand
• Ferocity: You receive +1 attack rolls and and speak Basic and Bothese.
opposed ability tests when reduced half
or less than your maximum Health.
• Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 + Bothan Benefits

Dexterity (minus armor penalty if 2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Strength

• Starting Languages: You can understand

and speak Basic and Zabrak. 3-4 Focus: Communication (Gambling)
5 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth)
Zabrak Benefits 6 Language: Huttese
2d6 Roll Benefit 7-8 +1 Dexterity
9 Focus: Communication (Seduction)
+1 Strength
Focus: Strength (Jumping) 10-11 Focus: Dexterity (Acrobatics) 02
5 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) 12 +1 Willpower

6 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative)
7-8 +1 Constitution
9 Focus: Strength (Climbing) The fierce and feline-like cathar
10-11 Focus: Willpower (Courage) have a long-standing enmity for the
12 +1 Fighting Mandalorians, who enslaved and
nearly destroyed their race during the
Mandalorian Wars. If you choose to play a
UNCOMMON SPECIES cathar, modify your character as follows:

These species are less human-like and • Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to Dexterity.
some can understand, but are unable to • Pick One Ability Focus: Dexterity
communicate using Galactic Basic. (Acrobatics) or Strength (Climbing).
• Claws: Your hands end in sharp claws
and your fists inflict 1d6 damage, rather
BOTHAN than 1d3. If you take the Unarmed Style
talent, this damage increases to 1d6+2.
Gregarious and steadfast in their support • Unfettered Speed: Your Speed is equal
of the Republic, bothans have perhaps to 4 + Dexterity (ignoring armor penalty,
suffered the most as a species by the if applicable).
oppressive rule of the Empire. If you • Starting Languages: You can understand
choose to play a bothan, modify your and speak Basic and Catharese.
character as follows:
Cathar Benefits Gand Benefits
2d6 Roll Benefit 2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Strength 2 +1 Dexterity
3-4 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative) 3-4 Focus: Intelligence (Religious Lore)
5 Focus: Perception (Seeing) 5 Focus: Perception (Tracking)
6 Focus: Accuracy (Brawling) 6 Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline)
7-8 +1 Dexterity 7-8 +1 Constitution
9 Focus: Strength (Jumping) 9 Focus: Perception (Searching)
10-11 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth) 10-11 Focus: Intelligence (Engineering)
12 +1 Willpower 12 +1 Accuracy


This short, mysterious insectoid The green-skinned rodians have sparsely

species are rarely seen outside their spread throughout the galaxy as expert
home system, with the exception of the trackers and bounty hunters, and are
“findsmen.” If you choose to play a gand, distinctive for their large eyes and slender

modify your character as follows: snouts. See more information about

rodians. If you choose to play a rodian,
• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to modify your character as follows:
02 • Pick One Ability Focus: Intelligence
(Evaluation) or Willpower (Faith).

Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to Dexterity.
Pick One Ability Focus: Dexterity (Disable
• Carapace: You have a thick exoskeleton, Device*) or Perception (Seeing). *New

which gives you a natural Armor Rating of ability focus, see Chapter 4.
2. If the armor you are wearing provides • Expert Tracker: You can always pick up
you with better protection, you instead the trail and you do not take penalties to
add 1 to your Armor Rating. Perception (Tracking) tests due to span
• Respirator: You have a respirator. Without of time. You also move at normal speed,

it, you must hold your breath or begin to rather than half speed as is usual.

suffocate immediately when in an oxygen- • Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 + Dexterity

rich environment. (minus armor penalty if applicable).
• Slow Speed: Your Speed is equal to • Starting Languages: You can understand
3 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if but can’t speak Basic. You can understand
applicable). and speak Rodese.
• Starting Languages: You can understand
but can’t speak Basic. You can
understand and speak Gand. Rodian Benefits
2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Constitution
3-4 Focus: Constitution (Stamina)
5 Focus: Communication (Bargaining)
6 Speak: Huttese
7-8 +1 Strength
9 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative)
10-11 Focus: Perception (Tracking)
7 12 +1 Perception
SULLUSTAN • Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to Dexterity
and subtract 2 to Strength.
Stocky with large eyes and ears, • Pick One Ability Focus: Dexterity
sullustans are known for their expertise (Acrobatics) or Perception (Tasting).
in manufacturing and commerce, as well • Evasive: You receive +1 to Defense.
• Keen Smell: Your sensitive nose can pick
as their steadfast companionship. If you
up the presence of nearby creatures or
choose to play a sullustan, modify your creatures that have passed in the last
character as follows: minute with a Perception (Smelling) test.
• Restless: You gain the benefits of an
• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to 8-hour rest after only 2 hours.
Intelligence. • Small: You are Small, which limits the
• Pick One Ability Focus: Intelligence weapons you can use effectively to those
(Astrogation*) or Strength (Climbing). that do not require a Minimum Strength.
*New ability focus, see Chapter 4. • Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
• Keen Hearing: You can hear twice as Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
far as normal and do not take penalties applicable).

to Perception (Hearing) tests due to • Starting Languages: You can understand
distance. You can also detect pitches that and speak Basic and Chadra-Fan.

are too high for most others to hear.

• Slow Speed: Your Speed is equal to
3 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if Chadra-Fan Benefits
applicable). 2d6 Roll Benefit
• Starting Languages: You can understand
2 +1 Constitution
but can’t speak Basic. You can
understand and speak Sullustese. 3-4 Focus: Constitution (Stamina)
5 Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline) 02
Sullustan Benefits 6 Focus: Dexterity (Initiative)

2d6 Roll Benefit 7-8 +1 Perception
2 +1 Dexterity 9 Focus: Strength (Jumping)
3-4 Focus: Perception (Hearing) 10-11 Focus: Willpower (Courage)
5 Focus: Intelligence (Evaluation) 12 +1 Accuracy
6 Focus: Intelligence (Engineering)
7-8 +1 Perception
9 Focus: Dexterity (Stealth) Built for nefarious purposes, you have
10-11 Focus: Perception (Seeing) gained sentience and independence
12 +1 Constitution beyond your core programming. If you
choose to play an IG assassin droid,
modify your character as follows:
RARE SPECIES • Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to
These species differ from the others with Intelligence.
exceptional or unusual abilities. • Pick One Ability Focus: Intelligence
(Cryptography) or Perception
CHADRA-FAN • Force Insensitivity: You are unable to
take the Force Sensitive talent. You are
Standing only 1 meter tall, many overlook also immune to Senses Force Powers.
the bat-like chadra-fan. If you choose to • Ion Vulnerability: You take penetrating
play a chadra-fan, modify your character damage from ion weapons. 8
as follows: • Mechanical Body: You do not need to
to equip armor, instead you have space for up to 3 minutes. Without the
an Armor Rating equal to 5 + your antiox mask, you are blind and must
Constitution. However, you do not regain hold your breath or begin to suffocate
health by resting. Instead, you must immediately when in an oxygen-rich
have a repair kit (droid) and make an environment.
Intelligence (Engineering) test as a • Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
major action by you or someone else Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
to regain health equal to theirs or your applicable).
Stunt Die x 2 + Intelligence. • Starting Languages: You can understand
• No Vitals: You do not need to breathe, and speak Basic and Kel Dor.
drink or eat.
• Slow Speed: Your Speed is equal to
3 + Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
Kel Dor Benefits
applicable). 2d6 Roll Benefit
• Starting Languages: You can understand 2 +1 Willpower
and speak Basic and Binary.
3-4 Focus: Perception (Empathy)
5 Focus: Intelligence (Investigation)
IG Assassin Droid Benefits 6 Focus: Perception (Seeing)
2d6 Roll Benefit 7-8 +1 Strength
2 +1 Accuracy

9 Focus: Perception (Searching)

3-4 Focus: Intelligence (Engineering) 10-11 Focus: Willpower (Self-Discipline)
5 Focus: Strength (Might) 12 +1 Accuracy
6 Focus: Constitution (Stamina) *New ability focus, see Chapter 4
02 7-8 +1 Constitution
9 Weapon Group: Heavy Weapons* WOOKIEE

10-11 Focus: Intelligence (Galactic Lore)

12 +1 Strength These furry behemoths have become
known throughout the galaxy for their
*If the class you choose provides this already, you great strength and quick temper. If you
can take the Accuracy (Heavy Weapons) instead. choose to play a wookiee, modify your

character as follows:

• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 3 to Strength
Tall with leathery skin, the masked kel dor and subtract 1 to Communication.
are known throughout the galaxy for their • Pick One Ability Focus: Strength
proficiency with the Force. If you choose (Climbing) or Strength (Intimidation).
to play a kel dor, modify your character as • Bowcaster Training: You are trained with
follows: bowcasters.
• Large Build: Armor costs 50 credits
• Ability Adjustment(s): Add 1 to Dexterity more per AR to fit you.
and Perception, and subtract 1 to • Tough: You receive an extra 5 Health.
Constitution. • Undisciplined: Any time you are asked to
• Pick One Ability Focus: Dexterity do a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test you
(Initiative) or Perception (Force Senses). must succeed twice, otherwise you fail.
• Antiox Mask: You have a goggles • Speed: Your Speed is equal to 4 +
and a respirator as part of an antiox Dexterity (minus armor penalty if
mask. The antiox mask functions as applicable).
electrobinoculars (see Chapter 5: • Starting Language: You can understand
Starting Credits and Equipment), and but can’t speak Basic. You can
9 allows you to function normally in non- understand and speak Shyriiwook.
helium atmospheres and the vacuum of
Wookiee Benefits
2d6 Roll Benefit
2 +1 Accuracy
3-4 Focus: Strength (Might)
5 Focus: Intelligence (Astrogation*)
6 Focus: Constitution (Stamina)
7-8 +1 Constitution
9 Focus: Accuracy (Exotic)
10-11 Focus: Intelligence (Engineering)
12 +1 Dexterity
*New ability focus, see Chapter 4



As with the fantasy setting of Fantasy
Age, classes represent character
archetypes that also determine your
character’s capabilities and develop as
you gain experience. These classes are
more specific in their scope and draw
inspiration from characters in the Star
Wars universe. Unlike in Fantasy Age,
character advancement is capped at level

New Talents and Force Sensitivity: New

talents are marked with an asterisk (*) and
can be found in Chapter 4: Backgrounds,
Ability Focuses & Talents). Any character
can become force sensitive by taking the

Force Sensitivity talent.

One ADEPT Per Table: Force Powers

can be very complicated and are not
03 recommended for players who do not
already have a strong grasp of the AGE
rules. It is suggested to only have one at

the table at any given time.


The Force is strong with you. Your gifts

make you a target of superstition, fear,
and the Imperial authorities.

• Primary Abilities: Accuracy, Dexterity,

Perception, and Willpower
• Secondary Abilities: Communication,
Constitution, Fighting, Intelligence, and
• Starting Health: 20 + Constitution + 1d6
• Weapon Groups: Brawling, Staves, and
Blasters or Vibroblades


Force Concentration: You can devote your

focus to channeling the Force. You can use a
11 minor action to receive a +1 bonus on your
next ability test to use a Force Power.
Starting Talents: You become a Novice LEVEL 7
in one of the following talents: Animal
Training, Lore, Observation, or Unarmed New Talent: You become a Novice in a
Style. You also start as a Novice in *Force new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
Sensitivity. already have.


New Ability Focus: You now gain New Specialization Talent: You gain the
one of the following ability focuses: Master degree in the specialization talent
Communication (Animal Handling), you gained at level 4.
Intelligence (Force Lore), or Perception
(Empathy). LEVEL 9

LEVEL 3 New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you

New Talent: You become a Novice in a already have.

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you

already have. LEVEL 10

LEVEL 4 Force Mystic: You receive a +1 bonus on

all your Recharge rolls.
New Specialization: You may choose one
specialization. You gain the Novice degree
of its specialization talent. AGENT 03

LEVEL 5 From Imperial intelligence operatives
to Rebel spies, both sides recognize the
New Talent: You become a Novice in a importance of covert agents. Intelligence,
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you infiltration, and precision are your tools.
already have. Although you will often find yourself
alone, your abilities often require
Stunt Bonus: You know how to defend strategic thinking and using group tactics.
yourself. You can perform the Defensive
Stance combat stunt for 1 SP, instead of 2 • Primary Abilities: Accuracy, Dexterity,
SP. Perception, and Intelligence
• Secondary Abilities: Communication,
LEVEL 6 Constitution, Fighting, Strength, and
• Starting Health: 25 + Constitution + 1d6
New Talent: You become a Novice in a • Weapon Groups: Brawling, Blaster,
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you Grenades, and Rifles or Vibroblades
already have.
Improved Concentration: You gain a
+2 bonus on your next ability test to Agent’s Armor: You can ignore the Armor
use a Force Power when you use Force Penalty of light armor altogether. It affects
Concentration, rather than the normal neither your Speed nor your Dexterity.
Deadly Aim: You can take time to target 12
your enemy for a precision strike. You Stunt Bonus: You are perceptive and
must first use the Aim action and then the mindful of your surroundings. You can
Attack action on your turn. Your attack perform the That Makes Me Wonder
inflicts an extra 1d6 damage. This attack exploration stunt for 3 SP instead of 4 SP.
may go unnoticed and distant opponents
must make an opposed test of Perception LEVEL 7
(Hearing or Seeing) vs. your Dexterity
(Stealth) to spot you. Disorienting Blow: You can choose to
temporarily daze an opponent. To make
Starting Talents: You become a Novice in a disorienting blow, you must use the
one of the following talents: Intrigue, or Aim action and then hit with a Melee or
Scouting, or *Slicing. a Ranged Attack. If successful, the target
takes no damage but must succeed TN
LEVEL 2 15 Constitution (Stamina) test or become
disoriented (see Section 7: Combat &
Evasion: You can tumble to avoid the Ships). A disorienting blow is possible
worst of an explosion or other hazard. on successive attack rolls. For example,
When you succeed on a Dexterity you could attack, then use the Lightning
(Acrobatics) test to avoid taking damage, Attack, and disorient an opponent

you can ignore all the damage from that instead of dealing damage.
03 New Talent: You become a Novice in a
New Specialization Talent: You gain the
Master degree in the specialization talent
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you you gained at level 4.

already have.
New Talent: You become a Novice in a

New Specialization: You may choose one new talent or gain a degree in a talent you

specialization. You gain the Novice degree already have.

of its specialization talent.
Lethality: You use your cunning to hit
New Talent: You become a Novice in a enemies where it is most vulnerable. You
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you can add your Intelligence to your damage
already have. when making attacks.

Take Aim: When you take the Aim action,

you gain +2 on the attack roll instead of


New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
13 already have.
DIPLOMAT new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
already have.

Politicians occupied an important role LEVEL 4

during the days of the Republic. Even
the Empire can not diminish the power New Specialization: You may choose one
of your words to bolster your allies and specialization. You gain the Novice degree
shake your foes. of its specialization talent.
• Primary Abilities: Communication, LEVEL 5
Intelligence, Perception, and Willpower
• Secondary Abilities: Accuracy,
Constitution, Dexterity, Fighting, and Coordinate: You use a minor action to
Strength give all allies that can both see and hear
• Starting Health: 15 + Constitution + 1d6 you a +1 bonus on his or her next attack
• Weapon Groups: Brawling, Blasters, roll.
Staves, Grenades or Vibroblades

weapons New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you

LEVEL 1 already have.

Influence: You use your force of LEVEL 6

personality to demoralize and thwart
an enemy’s efforts within 8 spaces or 4 New Talent: You become a Novice in a
meters of you as a major action. You make
an opposed test of your Communication
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
already have.
(Leadership) vs. the target’s Willpower

(Self-Discipline). If you win, the target Stunt Bonus: You can perform the Tower
must to re-roll its successful ability tests of Will stunt for 3 SP instead of 4 SP.
and take the worse result.
Stating Ability Focus: You receive one of the
following ability focuses: Communication Diplomacy: You add +1 to your Stunt Die
(Leadership), Communication (Disguise), whenever you roll a Communication-based
or Willpower (Courage). You also receive ability test as part of an advanced test.
Communication (Persuasion) if you do not
have it already. New Talent: You become a Novice in a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
Starting Talents: You become a Novice in already have.
one of the following talents: Command,
Contacts, or Observation. You also start as LEVEL 8
a Novice in Oratory.
New Specialization Talent: You gain the
LEVEL 2 Master degree in the specialization talent
you gained at level 4.
Stunt Bonus: You can perform the Set-Up
stunt for 1 SP instead of 3 SP. LEVEL 9

LEVEL 3 New Specialization Talent: You gain the

Master degree in the specialization talent 14
New Talent: You become a Novice in a already have.
LEVEL 10 Starting Talents: You become a Novice in
one of the following talents: *Astrogation,
Inspire: Once per combat encounter, you *Droid Companionship, or *Medicine.
can use a minor action to give one ally
who can see and hear you an extra 1d6 LEVEL 2
on his or her next ability test of his or her
choice. New Language: You can understand and
speak one of the following languages:
Basic, Bocce, Huttese, Ithorese, Ubese,
FRINGER Ewokese, or any language spoken by the
common, uncommon, or uncommon
Life is hard on the Outer Rim. Getting by species (see Chapter 3: Species).
on the fringes of civilized space requires
grit, ingenuity, and self-reliance. Having LEVEL 3
to jury-rig any piece of technology you
manage to find means that others will New Talent: You become a Novice in a
look to you for your technical skills, new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
and you can endure a great deal of already have.
punishment in combat.

• Primary Abilities: Accuracy,
Constitution, Intelligence, and Willpower New Specialization: You may choose one
• Secondary Abilities: Communication, specialization. You gain the Novice degree
Dexterity, Fighting, Perception, and
03 Strength
of its specialization talent.
• Starting Health: 30 + Constitution + 1d6

• Weapon Groups: Brawling, Blasters,

Staves, Vibroblades, and Grenades or
Exotic weapons New Talent: You become a Novice in a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
LEVEL 1 already have.

Mechanic: You add your ability focus to Stunt Bonus: Living on the fringes means
your Stunt Die when making repairs. Also, making do with what you have. You can
you can use a repair kit of any type while perform the Resources At Hand stunt for
making an Intelligence (Engineering) 3 SP instead of 4 SP.
test to make a repair. The GM can put
limitations, for example, you may not be LEVEL 6
able to use a droid repair kit to replace a
hyperdrive core. New Talent: You become a Novice in a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
Resilience: You gain a bonus to your already have.
Health equal to your Willpower x 2.
Swift Activation: You can use an Activate
Stating Ability Focus: You receive one of action on an item as a free action once
the following ability focuses: Dexterity per turn.
(Piloting), Intelligence (Healing), or
Perception (Tracking). You also receive
Intelligence (Engineering) if you do not
15 have it already.
LEVEL 7 • Starting Health: 15 + Constitution + 1d6
• Weapon Groups: Blasters, Brawling, and
New Talent: You become a Novice in a Grenades or Vibroblades
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
already have. LEVEL 1

Great Fortitude: You regain twice the Clever Cover: You make the most of your
amount of Health you normally do when protection from behind cover. Attackers
resting (Fantasy Age Core Rulebook, page suffer an additional –1 penalty when
39). attacking you while you are behind cover
(see Chapter 7: Supplemental Rules and
LEVEL 8 Vehicles).

New Specialization Talent: You gain the Trick Attack: Once per round, you can
Master degree in the specialization talent add 1d6 to the damage of a successful
you gained at level 4. attack if your Communication is greater

greater than your opponent’s.

Starting Talents: You become a Novice

New Talent: You become a Novice in a in one of the following talents: Contacts,
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you Quick Reflexes, or Thievery.
already have.
Cheap Shot: You know how to hit where 03
Expertise: You add your ability focus to it hurts. While performing the Pierce

the Stunt Die whenever you or an ally Armor stunt, you ignore the opponent’s
within sight is performing an ability test full Armor Rating rather than half, as is
in which you have the ability focus as part normal.
of an advanced test.

SCOUNDREL New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
Outlaws and rogues, scoundrels live already have.
outside the law and make up the rules
as they go. Scoundrels are opportunistic LEVEL 4
and you are at your best when you can
use your charisma to turn things in your New Specialization: You may choose one
favor. Blasting your way out of problem specialization. You gain the Novice degree
though is always an option when your of its specialization talent.
smooth talking isn’t enough to get the job
done. LEVEL 5

• Primary Abilities: Accuracy, New Talent: You become a Novice in a

Communication, Dexterity, and new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
Perception already have.
• Secondary Abilities: Constitution,
Fighting, Intelligence, Strength, and Expeditious Run: When you take the Run
Willpower 16
action, you gain +2 bonus to your Speed
before doubling it if you are running to
escape an opponent. SOLDIER
LEVEL 6 Wherever there is war, there are soldiers.
With heavy armor and an arsenal of
New Talent: You become a Novice in a weapons at your disposal, you are a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you formidable combatant.
already have.
• Primary Abilities: Accuracy,
Constitution, Dexterity, Fighting, and
Stunt Bonus: You are prepared for Strength
whenever a situation goes sour. You can • Secondary Abilities: Communication,
perform The Upper Hand roleplaying Intelligence, Perception, and Willpower
stunt for 3 stunt points instead of the • Starting Health: 30 + Constitution + 1d6
usual 4. • Weapon Groups: Brawling, plus
any three of the following: Blasters,
LEVEL 7 Explosives, Heavy Weapons, Rifles, or
New Talent: You become a Novice in a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you LEVEL 1

already have.
Load-Out: You are used to the weight of
First Strike: You know how to get the drop all your weapons, armor, and equipment.
on others. You always treat opponents as You reduce the minimum Strength for

03 if they were surprised. Surprised enemies

may still have a chance to act if they
weapons by 1.

succeed on their Perception test. Starting Talents: You become a Novice in


one of the following talents: Command,

LEVEL 8 Dual Weapon Style, *Gunslinger,
*Marksmanship, *Ship Gunnery, Single
New Specialization Talent: You gain the Weapon Style, *Staff Weapon Style, Thrown

Master degree in the specialization talent Weapon Style, Two-Hander Style or


you gained at level 4. Unarmed Style. You also start as a Novice

in Armor Training.
New Talent: You become a Novice in a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you New Ability Focus: You now gain
already have. one of the following ability focuses:
Communication (Leadership), Dexterity
LEVEL 10 (Stealth), or Strength (Jumping).

Lucky Strike: Whenever you roll a 6 on a LEVEL 3

damage roll, roll that die again and add
both results to your total damage. New Talent: You become a Novice in a
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
already have.

New Specialization: You may choose one
pecialization. You gain the Novice degree total if you have an applicable weapon
of its specialization talent. group focus. The focus must match the
weapon group of the weapon you attack
LEVEL 5 with. For example, if you attack with a
heavy rifle, you must have the Accuracy
New Talent: You become a Novice in a (Rifles) focus to get the +2 bonus damage
new talent or gain a degree in a talent you of this power. If you have the same focus
already have. twice, the damage bonus increases to +3
as well.
Stunt Bonus: You can attack for maximum
suppression. You can perform the Dual
Strike stunt for 3 SP instead of 4 SP.


New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you

already have.


New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
already have.
Stunt Bonus: You can break the resolve

of your opponents. You can perform the
Threaten stunt for 1 SP instead of 2 SP.


New Specialization Talent: You gain the

Master degree in the specialization talent
you gained at level 4.

New Weapon Group: You learn a new

weapon group of your choice.


New Talent: You become a Novice in a

new talent or gain a degree in a talent you
already have.


Veteran: Your experience and skill make

you a formidable combatant. When you
inflict damage with an attack, you can 18
add your focus bonus to your damage

Characters are more than a combination

of their class and species. Upbringing,
skills, natural gifts and training also play
a role. These are represented in back-
grounds, ability focuses, and talents. This
section expands, and sometimes changes,
how these are represented in the Fantasy
Age Basic Rulebook.

Backgrounds function much like they do
in Fantasy Age, with the addition of a story
item. A story item is an optional trinket
or bauble that represents your character’s
CHAPTER 4 past and can be used by the GM to further
your character’s story.


Curiosity and thoroughness have served
you well in your scholastic career.
Imperial censors can make your work

difficult, but uncovering the mysteries of
the past is what excite and drive you.


TALENTS You made your living by skirting the law.

Whether as a free agent or as part of
larger criminal organization, such as the
Black Suns, you are wanted by Imperial


Your labor may have been voluntary or

forced, but you nonetheless thirst for
freedom from your toil.


The Empire would like everyone to

believe that they have made the galaxy
2d6 Roll Background Ability Story Item
2 Criminal Communication (Deception) or Dexterity A set of well-worn dice that
(Stealth) belonged to a friend
3 Wanderer Constitution (Stamina) or Intelligence A pendant from someone
(Natural Lore) who later left you for dead
4 Youngling Dexterity (Initiative) or Willpower (Self- A shattered kyber crystal
Lower Class
5 Performer Communication (Performance) or Dexterity A handwritten letter from
(Acrobatics) your mysterious benefactor
6 Laborer Constitution (Stamina) or Strength (Might) A holorecorder that plays the

same scene over and over
7 Scavenger Intelligence (Engineering) or Intelligence A piece of scrap that

(Evaluation) represents a promise

Middle Class
8 Academic Intelligence (Galactic Lore) or Intelligence An ancient Sith urn
9 Mercenary Accuracy (Brawling) or Constitution A medal bestowed upon you
(Drinking) by the Empire
10 Trader Communication (Bargaining) or Intelligence An idol that you are compul-
(Evaluation) sively attached to


Upper Class
11 Noble Communication (Etiquette) or Intelligence A document revealing your
(Cultural Lore) true lineage
12 Official Communication (Leadership) or Intelligence An encrypted code cylinder
(Military Lore) that holds a secret

a safer place, but the truth is, everyone based on merit not politics. Having risen
can use someone good with a blaster and through the Imperial beauracracy, you
demands for your services have never now see the truth of its injustices.
been better.
Whether on the fringes of the galaxy or
Disenfranchised from the Imperial one of the massive junk yards on the core
beauracracy and the waning power of the worlds, you know that one person’s trash
Senate, many of the galaxy’s aristocracy is another’s pay day, and something you
still benefit from their considerable found has gotten you into a lot of trouble.
family holdings.
True merchantilism may have died with
The Empire was supposed to be different the Trade Federation, but the Empire 20
from the Republic where reward was needs materials to feed its massive
ambitions and building projects. As the
Empire continues to expand its grasp, for ABILITY FOCUSES
how long your enterprise will be allowed
to exist independently is hard to tell. A focus is an area of expertise within

a greater ability. Descriptions of the ability

WANDERER focuses follow. The GM has the final call
on whether a focus applies for a given test.
It may be between systems or across the Bold = New ability focus
lonely wilderness of a distant planet, you Gray = Ability focuses not applicable to
are searching for something. Age of the Empire
Underline (x) = Replaces existing focus
You were only a child during the Great
Jedi Purge. Whether truly gifted with the • Arcane Blast
• Black Powder
Force or not, your ties to the Jedi have
• Blasters: Proficiency with weapons from
made you an outcast and a fugitive. the Blasters Group.
• Bows
• Brawling
• Dueling
• Exotic: Proficiency with weapons from
the Exotic Group.
• Grenades

04 • Heavy Weapons: Proficiency with

weapons from the Heavy Weapons Group.
• Light Blades

• Rifles: Proficiency with weapons from

the Rifles Group.
• Staves


• Animal Handling
• Deception
• Disguise
• Etiquette
• Investigation
• Leadership
• Performance
• Persuasion
• Seduction


• Drinking
• Rowing
• Running
• Stamina
• Swimming


• Acrobatics • Empathy
• Calligraphy • Dark Side: Proficiency with Force Powers
• Crafting from the Dark Side Group.
• Disable Device (Lock Picking & Traps) • Force Alter: Proficiency with Force
• Initiative Powers from the Alter Group.
• Legerdemain • Force Control: Proficiency with Force
• Lock Picking Powers from the Alter Group.
• Piloting: Maneuvering a spacecraft or • Force Senses: Proficiency with Force
land vehicle. Powers from the Senses Group.
• Riding • Searching
• Stealth • Seeing
• Traps • Smelling
• Tasting
FIGHTING • Touching
• Tracking

• Axes
• Bludgeons STRENGTH

• Heavy Blades

• Lance • Climbing
• Lightsabers: Proficiency with weapons • Driving
from the Lightsabers Group. • Intimidation
• Polearms • Jumping
• Spears • Might
• Vibroblades: Proficiency with weapons
from the Vibroblades Group.
• Smithing 04


• Courage
• Arcana • Faith
• Arcane Lore • Morale
• Astrogation (Navigation) • Self-Discipline
• Brewing
• Cartography
• Computers: Accessing and slicing digital
• Cryptography
• Cultural Lore
• Engineering
• Evaluation
• Force Lore: Knowledge of the Force.
• Galactic Lore (Historical Lore)
• Healing
• Heraldry
• Historical Lore
• Military Lore
• Musical Lore
• Natural Lore
• Navigation
• Research
• Religious Lore
• Writing 22
Talents are areas of natural aptitude Non-AGE of the Empire Talents:

or training that your character has Alchemy, Archery, Horsemanship,

acquired in his or her journey throughout Mounted Combat Style, and Weapon and
the galaxy. Shield Style.

Talent Adept Agent Diplomat Fringer Scoundrel Soldier
Animal Training C X O O O O
Armor Training* X X X O X A
Astrogation* O O O C O O
Carousing O O O O O O
Command O O C X X C
Contact X O C X C X
Droid Companionship* O O O C O O
Dual Weapon Style O O O X O C
Force Sensitivity* A O O O O O
Gunslinger O O O O O C
Intrigue O C O X O X
04 Linguistics O O O O O X
Lore C O O O O O

Marksmanship* X O X O O C
Medicine (Chirurgy)* O O O C O O
Music O O O O O O
Observation O O C O O O

Oratory X O A X O O
Quick Reflexes O O O O C O
Scouting X C O O O O
Ship Gunnery* X O O O O C
Single Weapon Style O O O O O C
Slicing* X C O O O X
Staff Weapon Style O O O O X C
(Polearm Style)*
Thievery* X O X O C X
Thrown Weapon Style* X O O O O C
Two-Hander Style X O O O O C
Unarmed Style O O O O O C
A = Automatically a Novice in this talent.
C = Class option that you can take at Level 1
O = Open to take this talent at any time
23 X = Unable to take this talent
*New talent or has undergone change

• Classes: Fringer and Soldier • Classes: All

• Requirements: None • Requirements: None

You wear armor like a second skin. You have a loyal R2 astromech.

Novice: You can wear light armor without Novice: You designate a droid as your
suffering a penalty to Dexterity. droid companion. When your droid
companion is adjacent to an enemy, all
Journeyman: You can wear heavy armor allies that can see and hear it receive a +1
without suffering a penalty to Dexterity. attack bonus against that opponent.

Master: You can get the most out of Also, your droid companion acts on your
your armor. You gain the benefit half initiative, and can take a major and minor
the Armor Rating (rounded down) of action. Normally, a droid acts at the end

your armor when you take penetrating of the initiative order and can take either

damage. (Normally, armor provides no a major or minor action.

defense against penetrating damage.)
You also are able to understand Binary,
ASTROGATION but are unable to speak it.

• Classes: All Journeyman: You can use the Heal action

• Requirements: Intelligence
(Astrogation) focus
on your droid companion. The ability test
is based on Intelligence (Engineering)
instead of Intelligence (Healing).


You are a skilled navigator and
determining coordinates for the jump to Master: If your droid companion is
hyperspace. adjacent to an opponent that just
successfully hits or damages you, it can
Novice: You are familiar with many immediately attack that enemy as a free
different space lanes. If you fail an action once per round. This attack does
Intelligence (Astrogation) test, you can not generate stunt points.
reroll it, but you must keep the results of
the second roll. Also, your droid companion increases its
health by 10 and it receives the Willpower
Journeyman: You know your way around (Morale) focus.
the space lanes. You get a +2 bonus when
making an Intelligence (Astrogation) test. FORCE SENSITIVITY

Master: You are an accomplished • Classes: All

navigator. When making Intelligence • Requirements: You must have
(Astrogation) tests as part of an advanced Perception 2 or higher
test, you gain a +1 bonus to the result of
each Stunt Die. This allows you to reach You can feel the Force around you.
the success threshold faster.
Novice: You become attuned to the Force.
You learn two Force Powers and learn one
additional Force Power each time you 24
level (see Chapter 6: Using Force Powers).
Journeyman: You receive a +2 bonus on physical constraints, such as not being
ability tests to resist Force Powers. unable to reproduce the whirls and beeps
of Binary, but understand it and are able
Master: You immediately sense the to communicate effectively with native

presence of other force sensitive creatures speakers.

within 20 yards, unless they are actively
attempting to conceal their presence. In Marksmanship
which case, you can make an opposed
Perception (Force Senses) vs. Willpower • Classes: Agent, Fringer, Soldier, and
(Self-Discipline) ability test to detect Scoundrel
them. This test also reveals if he or she is • Requirements: You must be trained
aligned to the Dark Side. with Rifles

GUNSLINGER You are a trained rifleman.

• Classes: All Novice: You know how to punish enemies

• Requirements: You must be trained in who get too close. When shooting a rifle
Blasters at an enemy within 3 spaces of you, you
inflict +1 damage.
You are fast on the draw and shoot from
the hip. Journeyman: When shooting with a rifle,
you can perform the Knock Prone combat
Novice: You can Ready a blaster as a free stunt for 1 stunt point, instead of the
04 action once per round, instead of the
usual minor action.
usual 2.

Master: When shooting with a rifle, you


Journeyman: When you attack an can choose to re-roll your damage, but
adjacent enemy with a blaster, the you must keep the results of the second
opponent cannot make an interrupt roll.
attack (see Chapter 7: Additional Rules

and Ships). Medicine (Changed from


Master: When shooting with a blaster,
you can perform the Lightning Attack • Classes: All
combat stunt for 2 stunt points, instead of • Requirements: None
the usual 3.
Description: This functions almost
LINGUISTICS (CHANGED) exactly as Chirurgy (Fantasy Age Basic
Rulebook, page 43), except that you must
• Classes: Adept, Agent, Diplomat, have a use of a Medpac in order to Heal.
Fringer, and Scoundrel
• Requirements: Intelligence 1 or higher SHIP GUNNERY

Description: Each time you would • Classes: All

normally gain a language, you choose • Requirements: You must be trained in
from any of the languages of the common Heavy Weapons
species (see Chapter 2: Species) or any
one from the following list: Binary, Bocce, You are devastating behind the heavy
25 Huttese, Ithorese, Ubese, and Ewokese. guns of a ship.
You may not be able to speak it due to
Novice: When you take the aim action • Requirements: You must be trained
while using starship weapons, you gain in the Exotic, Lightsabers, or Staves
+2 bonus on your attack roll instead of Group
the usual +1.
Description: This functions almost
Journeyman: You’ve learned to find exactly as Pole Weapon Style (Fantasy
weaknesses in starship shields. Your Age Basic Rulebook, page 45), except
attacks always receive a +2 bonus to that its benefits apply to blasterstaffs,
damage when attacking a ship’s deflector electrostaffs, lightsaber pikes, saberstaffs,
shields. and quarterstaffs.

Master: You know precisely what to THIEVERY (Changed)

aim for when firing your guns. You can
perform the Lethal Blow stunt for 4 Stunt • Classes: Agent, Fringer, and Scoundrel
Points instead of 5. • Requirements: You must have
Dexterity 2 or higher


Description: This functions almost

• Classes: Agent, Fringer, and Scoundrel exactly as Thievery (Fantasy Age Basic
• Requirements: You must have Rulebook, page 47), except that its Novice
Intelligence 1 or higher benefit applies to Dexterity (Disable
Device) tests and the Journeyman benefit
You can break into secured computer applies to Dexterity (Legerdemain) tests.
systems with ease.
Novice: If you fail an Intelligence


(Computers) test, you can reroll it, but • Classes: Adept, Agent, Diplomat,
you must keep the results of the second Fringer, and Soldier
roll. • Requirements: You must be trained in
the Explosives or Vibroblades Group
If you take this talent at level 1, you also
gain a security kit. Description: This functions almost
exactly as Thrown Weapon Style (Fantasy
Journeyman: When you attempt an Age Core Rulebook, page 47), except that
Intelligence (Computers) test to slice into its benefits apply to grenade weapons,
a computer you gain a +2 bonus to your improvised weapons, throwing spears,
roll. and vibroknives.

Master: You are an experienced slicer.

When making Intelligence (Computers)
tests as part of an advanced test, you gain
a +1 bonus to the result of each Stunt
Die. This allows you to reach the success
threshold faster.

Staff Weapon Style (Pole Weapon


• Classes: Adept, Agent, Diplomat, 26

Fringer, and Soldier
SPECIALIZATIONS the encounter, you have a +2 bonus on
Perception (Tracking) tests to follow it.
When firing starship weaponry, you can
Specializations are exclusive talents that choose to re-roll your damage, but you

are only accessible at level 4 and give your must keep the results of the second roll.
character extraordinary abilities. Unlike
in the Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook, Journeyman: You never give your Quarry
specializations are open to all classes as an opportunity to escape. You can use the
long as the character meets the Press the Attack action as a free action
requirements. against your Quarry.

ACE PILOT Master: You exploit your opponent’s

weaknesses. You inflict an extra 1d6
• Requirements: You must have damage against your Quarry.
Dexterity 2 or higher and the Dexterity
(Piloting) focus COMBAT MEDIC

You can fly circles over, under, and • Requirements: You must have
around lesser pilots. Intelligence 2 or higher and the
Medicine (Novice) talent
Novice: If you fail a Dexterity (Piloting)
test, you can reroll it, but you must keep You save lives on and off the battlefield.
the results of the second roll.

04 Journeyman: You make your ship hard

Novice: If you fail an Intelligence
(Healing) test, you can reroll it, but you
to strike during battle. When you are the must keep the results of the second roll.

pilot of a ship, it gains a +2 to its Defense.

Journeyman: You and your allies regain
Master: You are devastating in a dogfight. +5 health while resting.
When firing starship weaponry, you can
choose to re-roll your damage, but you

Master: You can perform Pain Killer, a

must keep the results of the second roll.

special combat stunt that is triggered on

a Heal action. The target receives a bonus
BOUNTY HUNTER to his or her Armor Rating for every Stunt
Point you spend until the end of the
• Requirements: You must have encounter.
Dexterity and Perception 2 or higher
You never lose your bounty.
• Requirements: You must have
Novice: With an Activate action you can Constitution and Dexterity 2 or higher
designate one visible opponent within 10
spaces of you as your Quarry. All Melee You have unparalleled grit and endurance
and Ranged attacks against your Quarry in combat.
receive a +1 damage bonus. The Quarry
lasts until the end of the encounter, the Novice: Once per combat encounter, you
target is slain or unconscious, or you regain an amount of Health as a minor
pick a new Quarry with another Activate action as if you had taken a 5-minute rest
action. You can’t have multiple Quarries (Fantasy Age Core Rulebook, page 39).
at the same time. If your Quarry escapes
Journeyman: When you Stand Firm, you Journeyman: If you fail a Willpower (Self-
receive +3 bonus Armor Rating. Discipline) test, you can reroll it, but you
must keep the results of the second roll.
Master: After taking damage that would
reduce your Health to 0, you can attempt Master: You walk the line between the
a TN 17 Constitution (Stamina) test. If light and the dark without succumbing to
you succeed, you are instead reduced to the temptations of the Dark Side. You can
1 Health. You can only do this once per use Dark Side Powers without suffering a
encounter. Dark Side Drawbacks.


• Requirements: Dexterity 2 or higher • Requirements: You must have

and the Gunslinger (Novice) talent Perception and Willpower 2 or higher
and the Force Sensitivity (Novice) talent
You dual wield blaster pistols, capable of

raining a flurry of blaster bolts. Your mastery of the Force gives you

wisdom and insight.

Novice: You can Ready two blaster
pistols as a free action. When wielding a Novice: You learn the Lightsaber Weapon
blaster pistol in each hand, you inflict +1 Group if you don’t know it already. While
damage. unarmored and wielding a lightsaber, you
add your Perception to your Defense.
Journeyman: You can also perform the
Pierce Armor stunt for 1 SP instead of the Journeyman: You gain one
usual 2. Communication ability focus of your


choice. You also receive +1 SP when using
Master: You fire from both barrels. After Senses Force Powers.
hitting an attack with a blaster pistol, you
can make a secondary attack with your Master: You can use your will and
off-hand blaster pistol as a free action. connection with the Force to counteract
The secondary attack cannot generate another Force-User. You can use a Prepare
stunt points, and you only add half your action to counter a Force Power until you
Perception (rounded down) to damage. next turn or an Attack action to disrupt
a Force Power with an ongoing effect.
GRAY JEDI A successful Willpower (Self-Discpline)
ability test vs. the opponent’s Forcepower
• Requirements: You must have ends the effect.
Perception and Willpower 2 or higher
and the Force Sensitivity (Novice) talent JEDI KNIGHT

There is no light or dark, only the Force. • Requirements: You must have
Dexterity and Willpower 2 or higher
Novice: You learn the Lightsaber Weapon and the Force Sensitivity (Novice) talent
Group if you don’t know it already. Also,
you receive a +2 bonus on ability tests You and your lightsaber are one, an
to resist Force Powers and other Force- extension of the Force.
related effects.
Novice: You learn the Lightsaber Weapon 28
Group if you don’t know it already. While
unarmored and wielding a lightsaber, you (Disguise) test, you can reroll it, but you
add your Willpower to your Defense. must keep the results of the second roll.

Journeyman: While wielding a lightsaber, Journeyman: When you Aim, you make

ranged attacks suffer a –2 penalty against a Perception (Seeing) test vs. your
you. opponent’s Defense. If you succeed, you
catch your opponent off-balanced and
Master: You can perform Force Assault, a you inflict +1d6 extra damage if you hit.
special combat stunt, for 4 SP. This allows
you to immediately use a Force Power Master: You can perform the Sabotage
after resolving a successful Melee Attack. stunt, a special combat stunt, for 4 SP.
You must have a major or minor action Any target wearing armor must reduce
left in order to use the appropriate force its Armor Rating by half (rounded down
power. and before damage is calculated). Armor
remains damaged until repaired with a
NEGOTIATOR TN 11 Intelligence (Engineering) test.

• Requirements: You must have SHOCK TROOPER

Intelligence 2 or higher and the Oratory
(Novice) talent • Requirements: You must have
Constitution and Strength 2 or higher
You always have an advantage in any
negotiation. You are a force to be reckoned with on the
04 Novice: If you fail a Communication

(Persuasion) test, you can reroll it, but Novice: Your battle roar intimidates your

you must keep the results of the second opponents. When you Charge, you can
roll. shout a war cry that gives all enemies
within 4 spaces of your charge’s final
Journeyman: When you attempt a position a –1 on attack rolls on their next

Communication (Persuasion) test to turn.


negotiate a truce you gain a +2 bonus to

your roll. You can also perform the And Journeyman: If you hit on an attack
Another Thing stunt for 1 stunt point when you Charge, you inflict an extra 1d6
instead of the usual 2. damage.

Master: You can perform Gone Sideways, Master: After reducing an opponent to
a special roleplaying stunt for 3 SP. The 0 Health, you can immediately make an
situation immediately becomes violent attack against another enemy within
and everyone rolls initiative for combat. range as a Free Action. This attack does
However, all your opponents have –3 to not generate stunt points.
their Dexterity (Initiative) tests.
• Requirements: You must have
• Requirements: You must have Communication and Dexterity 2 or
Communication and Intelligence 2 or higher
29 You are used to making shady deals and
Novice: If you fail a Communication running from trouble.
Novice: If you fail a Communication
(Bargaining) test, you can reroll it, but
you must keep the results of the second

Journeyman: You can perform the Flirt or

Jest stunt for 1 stunt point instead of the
usual 2.

Master: You can perform Out of Sight, a

special combat stunt for 5 SP. This allows
to be hidden from your opponents until
you attack or the start of your next turn,
whichever comes first. An opponent must
use a minor action and succeed a TN
14 Perception (Seeing) test or all attacks

against you have a –4 penalty.

Teräs Käsi Master

• Requirements: You must have

Dexterity and Willpower 2 or higher
and the Force Sensitivity (Novice) talent

You are a practitioner of the obscure

Force-wielding martial art of Teräs Käsi.


Novice: Once per round, you can add 1d6
to the damage of a successful attack with
you fist if your Dexterity is greater than
your opponent’s.

Journeyman: While fighting with your

fists, all melee attacks suffer a
–2 penalty against you.

Master: When you use the Charge action

and hit with your attack, you can make an
extra attack with your fist as a Free Action.

You begin play with starting credits
according to your background:

• Outsider: 3d6 x 5 credits

• Lower Class: 3d6 x 7 credits
• Middle Class: 3d6 x 10 credits

• Upper Class: 3d6 x 20 credits

You begin play with the following items:

• Field kit
• Fringer: If you have the Droid
Companionship talent, you begin with
a R2 Astromech. Otherwise, you have
a choice between a Speeder Bike or
CHAPTER 5 Cybernetic Augment for the arm or eye.
• Agent or Soldier: Mercenary Armor,

05 STARTING except for IG Assassin Droid and

Wookiee characters.
• Two weapons out of the brawling,

blaster, rifle, exotic, staves, or
vibroblades weapon group. If you
choose a blaster or rifle, this must be a
non-heavy version.

AND • Hip holster for blaster(s), or bandolier


• 4 Power packs

• Slicer Talent: If you begin play with

EQUIPMENT the Slicer (Novice) talent, you have a

security kit.

Cost: All values are given for items in
Imperial Credits, represented by $. They
often simply referred to as credits.

Illegal: Imperial law outlaws these

weapons and armor. Exceptions are made
for Imperial personnel.

Ion: These weapons deal penetrating

damage to machines, such as droids.
Weapon Damage Min. Str. Range Reload Cost
Blasters (Accuracy)
Blaster pistol 1d6+2+Per — S — 250$
Heavy blaster 2d6+Per 1 S — 750$
Ion pistol 2d6+Per ion damage — S — 500$
Brawling (Accuracy)
Shock gloves 1d6-1 ion — S — 250$
Grenades (Accuracy)
Flashbang Special — T Ready (1, G) 850$
Frag grenade 3d6+3+Per — T Ready (1, G) 1500$
Smoke canister Special 1 T Ready (1, G) 850$
Thermal detonator 6d6+Per — T Ready (1, G) Illegal

Exotic (Accuracy)

Blaster staff* 2d6+2+Per 1 Melee/S — Rare

Bowcaster* 3d6+2+Per 2 M Minor (10, P) Rare
Dart launcher 1+Per — S Minor (1, A) Illegal
Heavy Weapons (Accuracy)
Blaster cannon* 4d6+Per 3 M Major (5, P) 3000$
Flame projector*
Missile tube*
2d6+1+Per penetrating
Major (5, P)
Major (1,A)


Lightsabers (Fighting)
Lightsaber 2d6+Str penetrating — — — Illegal
Lightsaber pike* 1d6+3+Str penetrating — — — Illegal
Saberstaff* 2d6+2+Str penetrating — — — Illegal
Repeaters (Accuracy)
Repeating blaster 1d6+Per — S Minor (10, P) Illegal
Repeating carbine* 1d6+3+Per — M Minor (10, P) Illegal
Repeating rifle* 2d6+1+Per 2 M Major (15, P) Illegal
Rifles (Accuracy)
Blaster rifle* 2d6+2+Per 1 M — 800$
Heavy rifle* 3d6+Per 2 L — 2000$
Ion rifle* 2d6+2+Per ion damage 1 L — 1000$
Staves (Accuracy)
Electrobaton 1d6+2+Str ion damage 1 Melee — 450$
Electrostaff* 2d6+Str ion damage — Melee — Rare
Vibroblades (Fighting)
Vibroaxe* 3d6+Str 2 Melee — 500$
Vibroknife 1d6+Str — Melee/T — 200$
Vibrosword 2d6+Str 1 Melee — 300$
*Requires two hands 32
Rare: These items are not commonly
found in markets. They are kept as Wait, So How Do Power Packs Work?
oddities or trophies and can some times Power packs provide weapons with the
are traded for, but otherwise have no energy to function properly. Normal
monetary value for anyone other than use for most weapons does not drain
enough energy or cause the power
pack to overheat, allowing the weapon
and its accompanying power packs to
Range: Determines the maximum be taken from battle to battle without

number of spaces that you can optimally having to worry about depleted power
target an enemy. You can target enemies packs. However, some weapons are so
up to one range increment further than demanding on their power supplies that
indicated but receive a –2 penalty on the they are only capable of firing a certain
attack. number of times before their power
packs need to be changed out. If you do
• Thrown (T): Up to 4 spaces or 6 meters not reach this shot limit before the end
(approximately 19-1/2 feet). of the combat, your power packs have
time to cool and recover from the strain,
• Short Range (S): Up to 8 spaces or 12
and do not need replacing. Removing a
meters (approximately 40 feet). weapon’s power packs is a simple way of
• Medium Range (M): Up to 12 spaces or disarming it without a restraining bolt.
18 meters (approximately 40 feet).
• Long Range (L): Up to 20 spaces or 30
meters (approximately 100 feet).
“I Want Them Alive!” The result of battle
does not need to be death. All blasters
05 Distance Conversions and rifles have a stun setting. Anyone
attacking with these weapons can
Range Spaces Meters Feet
decide to stun the target when he or she

Thrown 4 6 19-1/2 reduces someone to 0 Health. Doing so

Short 8 12 40 renders the target unconscious for up to
Medium 12 18 60 5 minutes.
Long 20 30 100

1 space = 1.5 meters or 5 feet

All meters and feet are approximations

Blaster Pistol: A “blaster” is a catchall term
for numerous different designs of hand-held
Reload: In order to make an attack with
sidearm. It can be hidden with a concealed
this weapon, you must have it loaded and
holster and requires a power pack to
this gives the action required for doing
so. Also included is the number of attacks
in parenthesis that is permissible until
Ion Pistol: An ion pistol fires a stream of
the weapon needs to be loaded again.
energy that neutralizes electrical systems,
P signifies that the weapon in question
making it effective against droids, vehicles,
requires a power pack. Others may
electric devices, and cybernetically
require multiples of the same weapon,
enhanced creatures. It requires a power pack
such as the ‘G’ for grenades, or require
to operate.
ammunition, such as with the missile
tube, which is signified by A.
Heavy Blaster: A heavy blaster pistol
combines the firepower of a rifle with the
Appropriate Weapons From Fantasy AGE:
utility of a sidearm. The extra power comes
Brawling, Bows, Staves, Spears
33 from drawing from an additional power
pack. It requires two power packs to operate.
BRAWLING rail gun. Powerful, this mechanism is
however very inefficient.
Shock Gloves: Reinforced with electrodes,
shock gloves deliver a violent jolt with each Dart Launcher: Often mounted on the
strike. It requires two power cells to operate. forearm, a dart launcher fires a single
poisoned dart. Unlike other projectile
GRENADES weapons, it uses a high-pressure spring
and does not require a power pack,
Flashbang: A flashbang creates a concealing it from most weapon scans.
cacophany of light and sound in a 4
spaces x 4 spaces area. Anyone caught HEAVY WEAPONS
in the blast radius must succeed a TN 13
Perception (Hearing and Seeing) test or Blaster Cannon: This blaster weapon is
become disoriented for one round. normally mounted and not meant for
personnel use. It fires a massive bolt that
Frag Grenade: Fragmentation grenades deals full damage to the target of its attack

come in all shapes and sizes, but are usually and half damage if it misses. Any creature

round or cylindrical and filled with scrap or or object adjacent to the target must make

parts that serve as shrapnel. A frag grenade a successful TN 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
deals damage in a 4 spaces x 4 spaces area. test or take half damage if the attack hit.
It requires three power packs or a cannon
Smoke Canister: This heavy cylinder battery to operate.
spews thick smoke, creating light cover
within a 4 spaces x 4 spaces area. Flame Projector: A flame projector shoots
a stream of flame at its target. It can
Thermal Detonator: A thermal detonator set objects on fire. A victim can make a


is a small sphere, containing a powerful successful opposed Dexterity (Acrobatics)
fusion-based explosive. It is armed with an test vs. the attack roll to take half damage.
Activate action and has a timer that can be
set for 1-3 rounds (6- 18 seconds). It can be Missile Tube: A missile tube fires a single,
reset or de-activated with another Activate high-speed projectile with an explosive
action. It damages everything in a 4-space, warhead. The standard missile unleashes
or 6-meter, radius of its explosion. A a storm of metal shrapnel with explosive
successful TN 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) test force, affecting a 4-space, or 6-meter,
halves the damage. Thermal detonators at radius. A successful TN 15 Dexterity
the start of the turn of the person who set it. (Acrobatics) test halves the damage.
Replacement missiles cost 200 credits each.
Blaster Staff: Combines the utility of
a walking stick with the firepower of The blade of any lightsaber weapon is
a blaster rifle, it is often favored by generated by a power pack and focused
wanderers and hermits on the Outer Rim. through a kyber crystal within the hilt.
It can be used as a quarterstaff in melee Given time, it can cut through most
and requires a power pack to operate. materials, except other lightsaber blades,
vibroblades, and energy shields. Kyber
Bowcaster: Exclusively produced by crystals are considered contraband
wookiees, it is a fusion of modern and throughout the Empire and the
ancient technologies that hurls an explosive construction of a lightsaber is a closely 34
energy bolt at a high speed, like an ancient guarded secret known to only a few.
Lightsaber: An elegant weapon from a Repeating Rifle: The repeating rifle has
more civilized age, lightsabers were the the best balance of heavy damage and
most common weapon used among the rapid fire, but the cost of being very
Jedi during the Republic Era and the demanding on power packs. It requires
Clone Wars. It requires a kyber crystal and four power packs to operate.
a power pack to operate.
Lightsaber Pike: Favored by Elite Imperial

Guards, a lightsaber pike operates on the Blaster Rifle: The blaster rifle is standard
same principle as a lightsaber but with a issue for Imperial stormtroopers and
longer haft for reach and small blade for soldiers of fortune across the galaxy. It
ease of use. It requires a kyber crystal and requires two power packs to operate.
a power pack to operate.
Ion Rifle: An ion rifle is simply a larger
Saberstaff: A saberstaff has a built-in version of the ion pistol. It requires two
lightsaber at each end, allowing it to still power packs to operate.
be functional should one end be separated
from the other. It requires two kyber Heavy Rifle: The heavy blaster rifle is a
crystals and two power packs to operate. larger and higher energy capacity version
of the standard blaster rifle. It requires
REPEATERS three power packs to operate.

Repeaters are heavily modified versions STAVES

05 of more commonly found blasters and
rifles, often overriding the safety features Electrobaton: This short cudgel is favored
so that the power pack overheats in by Imperial Riot Troopers. It requires on

exchange for a more rapid rate of fire. power pack to operate.

Rapid Fire Mode: Players can use an Electrostaff: A hold over from the Clone
Activate action with a repeater weapon Wars where it was used by the Separatists

to start Rapid Fire mode. While in Rapid to counter Jedi lightsabers. It requires two

Fire mode, you make one attack roll when power packs to operate.
firing and compare it to the Defense of up
to three targets within short range. Stunts VIBROBLADES
affect targets individually. A Mighty Blow,
for example, would apply to one target of Vibroaxe: A vibroaxes bring the wielders
your choice, not all targets. You cannot use full strength to bear to deliver devastating
Lightning Attack with Rapid Fire mode, but cuts. It requires two power packs to operate.
you can Dual Strike. Each time you attack
while in Rapid Fire mode costs 3 shots. Vibroknife: The weapon of choice for petty
street thugs and assassins, it is not subject
Repeating Blaster: The repeating blaster to any regulation since it so commonly
is a favorite of thugs and enforcers who used. It can be thrown as a missile weapon
favor a ‘spray and pray’ approach. It and requires a power pack to operate.
requires one power pack to operate.
Vibrosword: Most consider this weapon
Repeating Carbine: The repeating carbine to be archaic, but it is favored by soldiers
combines the range of a rifle with the and mercenaries that prefer close-quarter
35 lightweight and ease of use of a blaster. It combat. It requires a power pack to operate.
requires two power packets to operate.
ARMORS Armored Flight Armor: A suit of armored
flight armor provides the protection of
a fitted set of armor with the utility of a
Armors flight suit. It is favored by elite squadrons
Armor AR Penalty Cost of TIE fighter pilots.
Light Armor
Mandalorian Armor: With its distinctive
Blast helmet & 1 0 500$ T-shaped visor, Mandalorian armor is
vest lightweight while providing optimal
Padded flight 3 0 2000$ protection. You can also equip bounty
suit hunter armor add-ons.
Mercenary 4 –1 1500$
Armored flight 5 –1 4000$
suit Stormtrooper Armor: Recognized across
the galaxy as the uniform of the Empire’s

Mandalorian 6 –1 Rare
foot soldiers, stormtrooper armor is

an 18-piece cocoon that surrounds the
Heavy Armor

soldier. This armor includes a built-in
Stormtrooper 6 –2 Illegal short-range comlink and environmental
armor controls that enable the wearer to be
Bounty hunter 7 –2 5000$ in hazard level 1 environments without
armor* penalty. Outside ownership of this armor
Light battle
8 –3 8000$ is strictly prohibited.
Bounty Hunter Armor: Like mercenary
Heavy battle 10 –3 10,000$


armor, the typical set of bounty hunter
armor is usually cobbled together from a
*Capable of equipping Armor Add-Ons variety of different sources. The pieces are
better fitted to the wearer and can make
LIGHT ARMOR use of built-in modifications, such as
comlinks and rocket packs.
Blast Helmet & Vest: Consisting of a
lightweight helmet and protective vest, Light Battle Armor: A suit of battle
it offers very limited protection but is armor is custom-made to the wearer
affordable and widely available. that combines lightweight composite
materials that are optimized for
Padded Flight Suit: Incorporating a blast deflecting blaster fire and ordinance.
helmet with gauntlets and blast vest, a
padded flight suit not only offers limited Heavy Battle Armor: Heavy battle
protection against attacks. It also protects armor sacrifices the mobility of the
the wearer from decompression, g-forces, lighter version for nearly impenetrable
and harmful environments. protection.
Mercenary Armor: This armor is typically
a piecemeal combination of a helmet,
pauldrons, a breastplate that may or
may not have a back, with gauntlets and
greaves. As such, the design assymetrical
and is never uniform in appearance.
Gear Gear (Cont.)
Item Cost Item Cost
Communication Devices Weapon Accessories
Comlink, short-range 25$ Bandolier 100$
Comlink, long-range 500$ Cannon battery 800$

Com jammer 350$ Dampener 700$

Holo-messenger 300$ Holster, concealed 50$
Computer/Security Devices Holster, hip 25$
Binder cuffs 50$ Power pack 25$
Code cylinder 500$ Power pack recharger 100$
Datapad 200$ Rifle tripod 50$
Restraining bolt 600$ Weapon scope 1000$
Explosive charge (1) 2000$ COMMUNICATION DEVICES
Lock breaker (3) 300$
Comlink: Comlinks are portable
Medpac (7) 100$ communication devices. Comlinks come
Ration pack (10) 25$ in a variety of shapes and sizes. Short
05 Repair kit (5) 500$ range comlinks have a range of 50 km
(approximately 31 miles) or low orbit,
Stimpack (4) 50$

while a long range comlink has a range of

Life Support
200 km (approximately 124 miles) or high
Aquata breather 350$ orbit. For 10 times the base cost, comlinks
Breath mask 200$ can be encrypted, adding to the difficulty
Flight suit 1000$ of intercepting transmissions.

Survival Gear

Com Jammer: This portable device

All-environs cloak 100$
disrupts all short-range comlink
Chain (3 meters) 25$ transmissions. If you have the Intelligence
Field kit 1000$ (Computers) focus, you can set an open
Syntherope (20 meters) 20$ channel that allows you to use comlinks
Tools while blocking that of your enemies.
Electrobinoculars 1000$
Holo-Messenger: A palm-sized unit used
Glow rod 10$ for sending, receiving, and recording
Hand scanner 50$ holos. You can modify a recording
Hoist cable 200$ with a TN 13 Intelligence (Computers)
Security kit Illegal test. A successful TN 17 Intelligence
Tool kit 250$ (Computers) test can detect any
modifications done to the data. A holo-
Utility belt 500$ messenger stores 1 hour of high quality
*Number in paranthesis indicates number of uses holos.

COMPUTERS/SECURITY DEVICES automatically succeeds on TN 15
Dexterity (Disable Device) tests or lower,
Binder Cuffs: Binder cuffs are durasteel but remains locked in its final position
restraints designed to lock two limbs of a and can’t be used again.
prisoner together, normally at the wrists
or ankles. Breaking them requires a TN Medpac: Medpacs are compact
19 Strength (Might) test. They can also be packages designed to apply first aid in
unlocked with a TN 13 Dexterity (Disable emergencies. A medpac is required when
Device) test. attempting a Heal action.

Datapad: A must-have for any would-be Ration Pack: A small, compact meals
slicer. This hand held personal computer designed to nourish a person for one
serves many functions. It can also be day. The food is bland, and water is not
used to plug into systems for purposes of included.
diagnostics or slicing.
Repair Kit: This includes spare parts that

Code Cylinder: A small, encoded security are specified for a number of different

device issued to many military, political repairs: droids, ships, artillery, etc. A

or corporate officials. It accesses data repair kit has a specific use, such as a
via a droid link and can provide entry droid repair kit being used for droid
into restricted areas and facilities. Each repairs. A repair kit is required when
cylinder features the user’s security making Intelligence (Engineering) tests
clearance data. If an Intelligence for repairs.
(Computers) test is failed while using
a code cylinder, its contents are wiped, Stimpack: A single use syringe with
ruining it and the data inside. steroids, anesthetic, adrenaline, and


other compounds used to get the body up
Restraining Bolt: This small device, when and going again. Unlike medpacs, it does
placed on a droid or energy weapon, not require an Intelligence (Healing) test
inhibits certain functions. More often and the user regains 5 Health with each
than not, it is used to disable the device. use. This has no effect on droids.
It requires a TN 15 Dexterity (Disable
Device) or a TN 19 Strength (Might) test LIFE SUPPORT
to remove for anyone who does not have
the corresponding key. Aquata Breather: While under water,
this mouth breather provides 2 hours of
CONSUMABLES breathable air.

Explosive Charge: An explosive charge Breath Mask: This personal atmosphere-

delivers a high-energy plasma explosion filtering system provides 1 hour
to a specific point, making it perfect of breathable before the filter and
for demolishing structures. It deals atmosphere canister must be replaced.
6d6 damage to everything in a 2-space, It consists of a mask and a hose that
or 3-meter, radius of its explosion. A connects to a portable life support
successful TN 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) system.
test halves the damage. Setting an
explosive charge requires a major action. Flight Suit: The flight suit is a one-piece
coverall (plus helmet) that provides life
Lock Breaker: A lock breaker can be support, protects the wearer from hostile 38
inserted into any security port. It environments, and prevents the wearer
from succumbing to the effects of gravity, Hand Scanner: This is a general-use
both terrestrial and in space. A flight scanner that can check for atmospheric
suit includes a helmet and gloves that contaminants, toxins, life-signs. It provides
seal around the wearer, but provides no a +1 to any ability tests used to assess an
protection from blaster fire. environment, object, or person, such as
evaluating the severity of an injury.
Hoist Cable: A hoist capable is pistol-like

All-Environs Cloak: This wrap around tool that instead launches up to 35 meters
cloak protects its wearer from the (approximately 115 feet) of durasteel cable
elements, providing a +4 bonus to with a magnetic grapnel at its end. Most
Constitution (Stamina) tests against stationary targets can be struck with TN
extreme temperature hazards. 11 Accuracy (Blasters) ability test, but it
can also be fired so as to wrap around and
Chain: This 3-meter (approximately 10 catch on an object like a tree branch or
feet) chain can support 5 metric tons. slender piping. Doing so is much more
difficult, with a target number determined
Field Kit: A field kit is backpack full of by the GM. The reel then can be attached
survival gear. It contains two canteens to a utility belt or another object to
with water purification systems, a lift the payload at a rate of 3 meters
week’s worth of rations, two glow rods, (approximately 10 feet) per second. The
two breath masks, replacement filters, hoist cable can support up to 240 kg or 530
replacement atmosphere canisters, and lbs, and will not reel if the target is unable
05 an all-environs cloak. to support the weight of the load.

Syntherope: A coil of this rope contains Security Kit: A security kit is a set of

20 meters (approximately 65 feet), and special tools for bypassing electronic and
can support up to 760 kg or 1,675 lbs. mechanical locks. Possession of such kits
is illegal on most worlds, except when
TOOLS used by authorized personnel. Despite

this, they are fairly easy to come by,


Electrobinoculars: This device magnifies especially for anyone who is resourceful

distant objects in most lighting enough or with the right connections.
conditions. The internal display provides A security kit is needed for all Dexterity
information on range, elevation, heat, (Disable Device) tests.
etc. They also feature a night vision
mode. Electrobinoculars provide a +2 Tool Kit: A tool kit is used to reprogram
bonus to Perception (Search) tests when a droid, repair a bad motivator, or fix a
using them to search 100 meters away. faulty hyperdrive. Toolkits are assumed
They have a range of 1.5 kilometers to include most of the necessary tools for
(approximately 1 mile). repairing vehicles and droids. Toolkits,
along with a Repair Kit, are required when
Glow Rod: A simple illumination device attempting repairs making Intelligence
that projects a beam of light up to 4 (Engineering) tests.
spaces or 6 meters. When used in low-
light conditions, it allows you to ignore Utility Belt: A utility belt has several
penalties to Perception (Searching) and pouches containing a three day supply
Perception (Seeing) tests. of rations, a medpac, a tool kit, a power
39 pack, a glow rod, and a two empty
WEAPON ACCESSORIES Rifle Tripod: Deploying a rifle tripod
requires an Activate action. When you lie
Bandolier: Depending upon the prone and use the Aim action, your next
weapon the wearer carries, a bandolier attack gains an additional +1 attack bonus
may contain power packs, grenades, on top of your usual bonus.
knives, or any number of other forms of
ammunition. A bandolier has 12 slots and Weapon Scope: This operates on the same
retrieving an item from the bandolier is a technology as electrobinoculars, but does
free action once per round. not include night vision. When installed
on a blaster or rifle, it extends its range by
Cannon Battery: Either carried on a one step.
back-mount by personnel or as part of
a stationary defense, a cannon battery
provides all the energy needed to operate MODIFICATIONS: WEAPONS,
a blaster cannon without needing multiple
power packs. When connected, a blaster ARMOR, AND CYBERNETICS

cannon can be fired without depleting its

power supply. A minimum of 3 Strength is You can change the qualities of your

required to equip a cannon battery. weapons and armor, improving and
customizing them to your preferences.
Dampener: When installed over the You can further alter your character with
barrel of a blaster pistol or rifle, it renders cybernetics, but this comes at a cost in
the shot nearly inaudible. However, it also more than just credits.
causes the power pack(s) to overheat and
must be replaced after use. WEAPON MODIFICATIONS


Holster: Holsters are generally available Finesse (Melee only): Weapons with the
for blasters, larger weapons are usually Finesse mod have the option of exchanging
carried on shoulder straps. Hip holsters Dexterity for Strength on damage. Cost: 800
hold weapons in easily accessible and credits.
seen locations, while concealed holsters
help keep a weapon out of site. A Knockback (Ranged only): Weapons with
concealed holster can be detected via an the Knockback mod can move a target 2
opposed test of the searcher’s Perception extra spaces when using the Skirmish stunt.
(Search) against the holster owner’s Cost: 1,500 credits.
Dexterity (Legerdemain).
Heavy: Weapons with the Heavy mod take
Power Pack: A power pack is a compact –1 to attack rolls, but gain a +1 to damage
rectangular battery that fits into the grip rolls. Note, that this penalty can be offset by
or barrel of most energy weapons, such as Precision mods. Cost: 600 credits for +1/–1,
a blaster pistol or blaster rifle, to provide + 1,200 credits for 2/–2, and 3,000 credits for
the power needed to fire it. A power pack +3/–3.
can be recharged with a power recharger.
Incendiary (Ranged only): Weapons with
Power Pack Recharger: A power pack the Incendiary mod can cause targets
recharger can recharge one power pack at a to burst into flame. Whenever you use
time by connecting to the power supply of the Mighty or Lethal Blow stunt with an
a ship or building. This takes 2 hours. incendiary weapon, the extra damage is
penetrating damage. Cost: 3,000 credits. 40
Piercing: Weapons with the Piercing mod CYBERNETICS
ignore 2 points of AR. Cost: 2,000 credits
for 2 AR, 5,000 credits for 3 AR, 8,000 Cybernetics not only replace but
credits for 4 AR. augment certain body parts. They can be
implanted into organic subjects or can be
Precision: Weapons with the Precision mod installed into droids. Organics become
always gain a +1 bonus to attack. Cost: 1,000 more vulnerable to ionic energy the more
credits for +1, 3,000 credits for +2, and 5,000 implants he or she has.

credits for +3.

• TN: After hit with an attack that deals ion
ARMOR ADD-ONS damage you must make a Constitution
(Stamina) test to avoid taking penetrating
Armor Add-Ons damage, with a success the damage is
normal. Additional augments increase
Add-On Cost the target number.
Com antennae 100$
Lasso launcher 400$ Cybernetics
Flamethrower 900$
Cybernetic TN Cost
Rocket booster 1500$
Cyber Arm 13 or +2 600$
Visor interface 1200$
Cyber Eye 13 or +2 800$
Cyber Leg 13 or +1 400$
Com Antennae: A short-range comlink
built into the armor’s helmet. Synthskin — 2000$
Lasso Launcher: Built into one of your Cyber Arm: A cyber arm replaces a

gauntlets, it fires a length of syntherope missing arm for any humanoid. You
up to 4 spaces, or 6 meters. The target receive +1 damage with melee attacks per
must succeed a TN 15 Dexterity implant, and +1 Strength (Might) with
(Acrobatics) test or become restrained. two implants.

Flamethrower: Mounted on top of a Cyber Eye: Their are various designs


gauntlet, it delivers one shot as if from of cyber eye, with most fitting into the
a flame projector. It costs 300 credits to subjects eye socket or a visor if replacing
replace the assembly before it can be both. You receive +1 damage with ranged
fired again. attacks, and +1 Perception (Seeing) with
two implants.
Rocket Booster: This back-mounted
propulsion pack enables flight up to 30 Cyber Leg: Like a cyber arm, efforts are
spaces, with a maximum of 10 spaces each made to match the artificial limb, but
round. If you do not continue your flight pairs of implants often features reversed
or end your movement on a level surface, knees, clawed feet, and other additions.
you begin to fall at the end of your turn. You receive +1 Strength (Jumping) per
implant, and +1 Speed with two implants.
Visor Interface: Miniaturizing the
technology to fit inside a helmet, Cyber Leg: Like a cyber arm, efforts are
installation of a visor interface gives you made to match the artificial limb, but
all the benefits of electrobinoculars. pairs of implants often features reversed
knees, clawed feet, and other additions.
41 You receive +1 Strength (Jumping) per
implant, and +1 Speed with two implants.
Synthskin: Synthkin seamlessly conceals Black Market Items
the subjects cybernetic implants with a
layer of artificial skin. Unless damaged, Item TN Cost
analyzed with scans, or interracted with Drugs
directly, it is impossible for an observer to Blue booster 17 Illegal
tell the difference. Gree spice 13 Illegal
Pol pollen 13 Illegal
THE BLACK MARKET: Sansanna spice 11 Illegal
DRUGS & POISONS Malkite themfar 15 Illegal
Sennari 13 Illegal
There are many illicit wares available in
Somniject 13 Illegal
the back alleys and shadowy shops of the
galaxy. These items are strictly prohibited Zolall 17 Illegal
by the Empire and dubious even among the

Rebellion. GMs should feel free to set the POISONS

rarity and cost of these items themselves.
• TN: After hit with an attack from a dart

DRUGS launcher, the target makes a Constitution
(Stamina) test against the Target Number
• TN: After taking a drug, its effect lasts for or suffer the effects of the poison. Droids
5 minutes. After which, the user makes are immune to the effects of poisons.
a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against
the Target Number or becomes addicted. Malkite Themfar: A powerful nerve-toxin 05
Once addicted, the person must have that renders its victims with paralysis,


another dose of the drug within 24 hours malkite themfar comes in a variety of
or suffer –2 on all ability tests. Droids are forms but is most often applied to poison
immune to the effects of drugs. darts. The target becomes immobilized
until he or she makes a successful
Booster Blue: Booster blue is known for Constitution (Stamina) test.
its distinctive blue can and the industrial
dye used to make it. The user receives +1 Sennari: Sennari is a fast-acting,
Defense and can Activate or Ready as a lethal poison. The target takes 1d6+3
free action once per turn for 5 minutes. penetrating damage until he or she makes
a successful Constitution (Stamina) test.
Gree Spice: Gree spice creates a sense of
euphoria and empowerment within the Somniject: Somniject is a tranquilizer
user and has only recently been outlawed favored by bounty hunters. The target
by the Empire. The user receives +1 on loses consciousness until injured or
ability tests for 2 hours. up to 5 minutes. The target can make a
Constitution (Stamina) test every minute
Pol Pollen: Pol pollen is an inhaled to regain consciousness.
stimulant. The user receives +2 Speed for
5 minutes. Zolall: Zolall is a powerful surgical
anesthetic. The target becomes
Sansanna Spice: This variety is so disoriented until he or she makes a
ubiquitous that Sansanna spice is simply successful Constitution (Stamina) test.
referred to as ‘spice.’ It causes the user to 42
become disoriented for 1 minute.
• “For my ally is the Force,
and a powerful ally it is.
Life creates it, makes it
grow. Its energy surrounds
us, and binds us.” –Yoda
All sentient life is connected to the Force,
but wielding this mysterious energy is

known only to a few. While all are capable

of acquiring the training or insight into
the Force through the Force Sensitivity
talent (see the Chapter 4: Backgrounds,
Ability Focuses, and Talents), some have
CHAPTER 6 an innate ability to wield the Force and
are known as Force Adepts, or “Adepts”

06 USING THE for short (see Chapter 3: Classes). A

character’s Perception, being able to
sense the living Force, determines how

successful he or she is in utilizing force
powers. However, how effective a force
power is determined by a force-user’s
strength of will and uses Willpower. Force
powers are divided into four categories:

Alter, Control, Senses, and Dark Side.


Using powers from the Dark Side come

with potential drawbacks (see below).

Using a Force power is much like casting

spells. The way it differs from spellcasting
is in two important ways: Force Power
Stunts and Recharge rolls. Each Force
Power has its own set of stunts that
are triggered when attempting to use
it, which are defined with each Force
Power description. Whether a character
is successful or unsuccessful in using
a Force Power, he or she must use a
Recharge action in before that Force
Power can be used again. This is a free
action, rolling 1d6 for a value equal or
above the indicated recharge number.
Force Roll = 3d6 + Perception Deflect Stunts
SP Stunts
+ Force-related Focus (If 1-3 Shield: You receive a +1 bonus to
your Defense for every 1 SP you
Applicable) spend (maximum +3 Defense) on
the next attack against you or until
the start of your next turn.

Forcepower = 10 + Willpower 3 Redirect: You change the target of

the attack to an adjacent enemy if
+ Perception Force-related it was made with a melee weapon
or an enemy within range if it was
focus (If Applicable) 4
made with a ranged weapon.
Reflect: You change the target of
the attack to the attacker.

Force Powers vs. Forcepower: This FORCE PULL
language is admittedly very confusing.

“Force Powers” is the name traditionally

used for different Force-related affects, Time TN Range Recharge
while “forcepower” has its roots in Major 13 Medium 4+
“spellpower” that shares mechanics
in Fantasy AGE. It can be remembered Test: Strength (Might)
that forcepower, the difficulty in which
to resist a force powers, is one one word
and will always be singular, whereas
You extend your will to move a creature
or object to you. The target can not weigh
Force Powers are two words (two more than 120 kg (265 lbs) and can be


describe more than one ability) and may moved up to 5 + Willpower spaces toward
or may not be used in the plural. you that ignores difficult terrain. This also
allows you to move objects from a distance
to your hand or use the object to make an
ALTER FORCE POWERS attack against enemies, using your Force
(Alter) vs. their Defense –2 and dealing 2d6
+ Willpower damage. A successful Strength
Alter Force Powers channels the Force to (Might) test reduces the spaces moved by
manipulate objects. half. If you have the Force (Alter) focus,
you can Force Pull a creature or object
DEFLECT weighing up to 245 kg (540 lbs).

Time TN Range Recharge Force Pull Stunts

Interrupt 13 Personal 5+
SP Stunts
Test: None 1-3 Utilized: You gain a +1 bonus for every
1 SP you spend (maximum +3 bonus)
You use the Force to block an attack on any subsequent ability test made
made against you. When you are hit by an with or on the creature or object.
attack, you make the ability test as a free
3 Impact: You inflict an extra 1d6
action and effectively negate the hit.
damage with the attack.
4 Yank: You only use a minor action
to use this Force Power. 44
FORCE PUSH Throw Weapon Stunts
SP Stunts
Time TN Range Recharge
1-3 Assault: You gain a +1 bonus on the
Major 13 Medium 4+ attack roll for every 1 SP you spend
Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) (maximum +3 bonus).
3 Wide Arc: You can make an additional
You extend your will to move a creature attack against an enemy in range.
or object away from you. The target can
4 Critical Blow: You inflict full
not weigh more than 120 kg (265 lbs) and
damage with the attack(s).
can be moved up to 4 + Willpower spaces
away from you, ignoring difficult terrain,
and is prone. A successful Dexterity
(Acrobatics) test prevents the target from
being Force Pushed off a ledge. If you have
Control Force Powers hone the body.
the Force (Alter) focus, you can Force Push

a creature or object weighing up to 245 kg

(540 lbs).

Time TN Range Recharge

Force Push Stunts
Minor 13 Personal 4+
SP Stunts
Test: None
1+ Shove: You increase the spaces you
can move by 1 for every 1 SP you
06 spend.
You move with extraordinary speed. This
allows you to move with a speed of 12 +
3 Cast Off: You affect two additional Willpower. You can also move up walls, but

targets. must end your movement on a horizontal

4 Hard Landing: You inflict 1d6 + surface or else you immediately begin to fall.
Willpower damage on the target(s).
Force Dash Stunts

SP Stunts

Time TN Range Recharge 1+ Haste: You gain 1 space of movement

for every 1 SP you spend.
Major 15 Medium 5+
3 Blur: Your movements are too
Test: None quick to follow. You gain a +2 bonus
to Defense until the beginning of
You throw a melee weapon, using the your next turn.
Force to guide it to its target. This allows
4 Force Charge: You gain a +2 bonus
you to make a melee attack from up to
on your attack roll(s) until the start
8 spaces away, or up to 12 spaces, or 18
of your next turn.
meters, with a –2 penalty. However, the
attack only deals half damage (rounded
down) and does not generate combat
stunt points. After the attack is resolved,
the weapon returns to your hand. Time TN Range Recharge
Major 15 Personal 5+
Test: None
You leap into the air, propelled by the Force.
This allows you to move with a speed of HEALING
10 + Willpower and you ignore difficult
terrain. You can distribute your maximum Time TN Range Recharge
speed between horizontal and vertical
Minor 15 Touch 5+
spaces moved if you are counting for
verticality. Test: None

You call upon the Force to heal wounds.

Force Jump Stunts
You can heal yourself or another, and the
SP Stunts target regains Health equal to 1d6 + your
1+ Jumper: You gain 1 space of Willpower. If you have the Perception
movement for every 1 SP you spend. (Force Control) focus, you instead heal 2d6
3 Leap Attack: You gain a +3 damage + your Willpower.
bonus on your next attack.
4 Shockwave: Your landing causes a Healing Stunts
violent tremor. All creatures within

SP Stunts
a 4-space radius must make an 1+ Force Healer: You heal +1 Health

opposed test with their Strength per 1 SP you spend.

(Might) vs. your Forcepower. If you
win, the target is prone. 3 Regenerate: You heal 1d6+3 extra
FORTITUDE 4 Aura of Healing: You gain an aura
of Force energy that extends in a
Time TN Range Recharge
4-space radius from you until the
end of your next turn. Any ally that
Minor 15 Personal 5+ begins or ends their turn in the


Test: None aura regains Health equal to your
You focus your will through the Force,
your mind overcoming matter. You gain
resistance equal to your Stunt Die + SENSES FORCE POWERS
Willpower until the start of your next
turn. Just as penetrating damage ignores Senses Force Powers extend your
Armor Rating, so to does resistance negate awareness or manipulate others.
penetrating damage. You also ignore any
harmful environmental effects for the FORCE SENDING
duration, such as extreme heat or cold.
Time TN Range Recharge
Fortitude Stunts Minor 15 Special 5+
SP Stunts Test: None
1+ Mind Over Matter: You gain 1
resistance for every 1 SP you spend. You call out to the Force to relay a
3 Invigorated: You gain +2 to any message. The receiver gains insight
opposed ability tests until the end into your feelings, such as in distress or
of your next turn. happiness. The receiver must be on or
4 One With the Force: You orbiting the same planet as you. If you
automatically succeed any Will- have the Perception (Force Senses) focus,
power (Self-Discipline) tests until your range is unlimited. 46
the start of your next turn.
Force Sending Stunts minor action of your choice. If the GM
decides that this action is against the
SP Stunts convictions of the target, the target can make
1+ Message: You can convey one word an opposed Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs.
for every 1 SP you spend. your Forcepower to try to resist.
3 Guidance: You and the receiver
get a sense of where each other Mind Trick Stunts
are, gaining a sense when you are
moving toward or away from one
SP Stunts
another, but not an exact location. 1-3 Extension of Your Will: You act
through the target. The target
4 Glimpse: You or the receiver can
receives a +1 bonus for every 1 SP
see through the other person’s
you spend (maximum +3 bonus) on
eyes for 5 seconds.
any ability tests associated with the
action it performs.
3 Mind Wipe: You can manipulate

memories. The target makes a

Time TN Range Recharge Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. your
Minor 15 Medium 5+ Forcepower. If you win, the target
Test: None forgets you for 5 minutes.
4 Bewitch: You force your will to make
You inspire your allies toward acts of others attack their allies. The target
bravery. You and all allies within range makes an attack against an enemy
06 receive a +2 bonus on your attack roll until
the start of your next turn.
within range.


Inspire Stunts
SP Stunts Time TN Range Recharge
1+ Press On: You and your allies gain +1 Minor 13 Long 5+

Speed for every 1 SP you spend until Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline)


the start of your next turn.

3 Urge Forward: You and your You reach out with your feelings to sense
allies can immediately move up to the Force in other living things around
4 spaces as a free action. you. The closest sentient living creature
4 Rally: You and your allies that you are not already aware of makes
automatically succeed any Willpower an opposed test of his or her Willpower
(Courage) and Willpower (Morale) (Self-Discipline) vs. your Forcepower.
tests until the start of your next turn. If you win, you know how far away the
target is and if he or she has the Force
MIND TRICK Sensitivity talent, but do not learn its
exact location. Each round you can
maintain this ability with a minor action,
Time TN Range Recharge revealing the general location of the next
Minor 15 Short 5+ closest creature.
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline)

You subtly use the Force to bend others to

47 your will. The target must be a living sentient
creature and takes one non-hazardous
Sense Lifeforms Stunts DARK SIDE POWERS
SP Stunts
1+ Pinpoint: You reveal the exact The Dark Side holds unique abilities
location of one target within range that many of which most force-users
for every 1 SP you spend. consider to be maligned or taboo. Unlike
3 Sense Feelings: You can discern other Force Powers, those from the Dark
if a creature is hostile, friendly, or Side have the potential to backfire upon
neutral. the Force-user. When you roll a Force
(Dark Side) ability test and the result
4 Search Thoughts: You reveal the
does not reach the Target Number, you
motivations of those you sense, often
immediately suffer one of the drawbacks
this is one word, like “ambush” or
listed below according to the Stunt Die.

Dark Side Drawbacks Time TN Range Recharge

Minor 13 Personal 5+
Die Drawback

Test: None
1 Blight: You immediately take 2d6
penetrating damage. You embrace your anger and enter Dark
2 Sever: You are unable to use Rage mode. You receive a +2 bonus on
Force powers for 1d6 rounds. Willpower (Courage) and Willpower
3 Backlash: You are disoriented for (Morale) tests while in Dark Rage. You also 06
1 round. receive a +3 bonus on your damage rolls


4 Spurned: You receive –1 penalty in melee combat. However, you suffer a –1
to recharge rolls, except on Dark penalty to Defense and –2 to Force tests
Side powers. while in Dark Rage. You return to normal
at the end of the encounter or if you force
5 Doomed: You receive –1 penalty to
yourself out of your rage with another
all opposed ability tests, but gain
Activate action.
+1 Defense for the remainder of
the encounter.
6 Fury: You receive –1 penalty to
Dark Rage Stunts
attack rolls and Defense, but gain +1 SP Stunts
to damage rolls for the remainder of 1-3 Reave: You regain Health equal to
the encounter. your Willpower +1 for every 1 SP you
spend when you enter Dark Rage.
3 Surge: You gain a minor action
upon entering Dark Rage mode.
4 Bloodlust: You attack an adjacent
enemy as a free action upon entering
Dark Rage mode.

EMPOWER Force Choke Stunts
SP Stunts
Time TN Range Recharge
1-3 Terror: Your target suffers –1
Minor 15 Personal 5+ penalty on his or her first opposed
Test: None ability tests for every 1 SP you
spend (maximum –3 penalty).
You draw deeply upon the Dark Side, 3 Tightening Grasp: You clench your
anger building upon hatred. You receive +2 grip tighter the more they struggle.
Forcepower to the next Force Power you use. The target takes 1d6 penetrating
damage whenever they fail their
Empower Stunts Willpower (Self-Discipline) ability test.
SP Stunts 4 Crushing Fists: You can affect one
1-3 Power of the Dark Side: You gain additional target within range.
+1 to your next ability test to use

a Dark Force power for every 1 SP FORCE LIGHTNING

you spend (maximum –3 penalty).
3 Aura of Dark Force Energy: You Time TN Range Recharge
gain an aura of Force energy that Major 15 Medium 5+
extends in a 4-space radius from Test: Constitution (Stamina)
you until the end of your next turn.
Any enemy that begins or ends their You draw power from the Dark Side,
06 4
turn in the aura has –2 Defense.
Unlimited Power! You immediately
launching bolts of lightning from your
fingertips. One target within range takes
recharge one Force Power. 4d6 + Willpower ion damage and must

make an opposed Constitution (Stamina)

FORCE CHOKE ability test vs. your Forcepower or become
Time TN Range Recharge

Major 15 Short 5+ Force Lightning Stunts


Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) SP Stunts

1-3 Rapid Recharge: You gain a +1
Your enemies are grasped by your will bonus to your recharge roll in order
and the Force, crushing the breath out to recharge this power for every 1
of them. One living creature within SP you spend (maximum +3 bonus).
range disoriented and immobilized and 3 Chain Lightning: You can affect two
must make an opposed Willpower (Self- additional targets within range.
Discipline) ability test vs. your Forcepower
4 Overpower: You turn the ion damage
or take 2d6 + Willpower penetrating
into penetrating damage.
damage. Force Choke can be maintained
with subsequent major actions, each
round dealing 1d6 penetrating damage,
but can be broken by a successful
Willpower (Self-Discipline) ability test or if
you take damage.

Aligning to the Dark Side of the Force In game terms, characters after this point
has tremendous repercussions and often are aligned to the Dark Side of the Force
comes at great personal cost. Doing and do not suffer the drawbacks of using
so dramatically changes the tone of Dark Side Force Powers. Instead, the
character, becoming an antihero whose character begins to manifest signs of his or
path is forever stained by what led to his her corruption. After failing a Perception
or her fall to the Dark Side. There is often Perception (Dark Side) ability test to use a
a single crucial moment that marked Force Power, roll 2d6 and apply the result
this transition, wherein the character from the table below. Note that not all
committed a grievous crime against his manifestations have a benefit.
or her own conscience, such as betraying
a friend or loved one. Afterward, he or
she may feel that nothing is left but to

embrace the darkness within and that he
or she is beyond redemption.

Dark Side Manifestations
2d6 Manifestation
2 Shadow: Darkness and shadows cling to you, deepening and further obscuring
you from view. You gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) ability tests. 06
3-4 Eyes: Your eyes blaze with fury and smolder with hatred, becoming red with a


yellow ring around the irises.
5 Voice: Your cloying tones reverberate with subtle Dark Force energy, seducing
the listener. You gain a +1 bonus to Communication (Bargaining, Deception, and
Seduction) ability tests.
6 Skin: Your scars and skin thicken and harden. You gain +1 Armor Rating.
7-8 Deformity: Outward signs of corruption physically manifest in any number of
ways, such as your wounds scar rather than heal, your skin pales, your eyes
bulge or you develop a persistent hacking cough.
9 Destructive: Passion and pride do not make you a victim of your whims but
instead gives you strength. You gain a +1 bonus to Strength (Intimidation and
Might) ability tests.
10-11 Aggression: Heightened by anger and suspicion, you are weary and always
ready for an altercation. You gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Initiative) ability tests.
12 Malevolence: A faint aura of Dark Force energy surrounds you at all times.
Animals and non-intelligent sentient creatures do not willingly approach you or
immediately become hostile.
6 Fury: You receive –1 penalty to attack rolls and Defense, but gain +1 to damage rolls
for the remainder of the encounter.

Firing from behind cover is the best way to
stay alive in a fight. To determine whether
your target has cover from your ranged
attack, if any line from corner of the space
you occupy passes through a space taken

up by an obstacle, then the target has

cover. However, this is just a general rule.
the GM is the ultimate arbiter and should
feel to make rulings based on the context
of the situation. The following table gives
some guidance on how to handle cover:

Types of Cover
Description Your Ranged
Attack Penalty
Your target is behind a –1
pillar, corner, or slightly
CHAPTER 7 concealed, such as being
behind a tarp or in fog.

07 SUPPLEMENTAL The target has half cover: –2

something that can be
easily ducked behind and

protects more than half of
its body.
The target has three- –3

quarters cover:

something that the target


can easily peak over and

only leaves a portion of its
head exposed.

Damage is not the only way of disabling
a foe. Immobilized means that the target
is unable to move of their own will, such
as taking a move action on his or her
turn. Disoriented is where the subject is
unable to get their bearings and can only
take a minor action on their turn, but are
normally fine afterward. Restrained does
both of these things, but also gives the
subject an option to possibly break the
51 hold over him or her.
• Perception (Searching): Looking for
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD LEVELS signs of life or sources of water.
• Perception (Tracking): Identifying
The galaxy is full of strange and what animals have passed through or
inhospitable worlds. Extreme heat or cold, alternate routes.
high or low gravity, atmospheric pressure • Strength (Climbing): Scaling rugged
and chemical composition all can threaten terrain, whether it be mountains or
life that is not native to the planet. caves.
Surviving in these types of environments • Willpower (Morale): Keeping up your
can be handled using advanced tests spirits during a daunting journey.
(Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook, page 98) • Willpower (Self-Discipline): Being able
with the amount of time, target number, to avoid distractions or succumb to
success threshold and potential damage mirages.
being determined by the environment’s
severity as provided by the table below.

Environmental Hazard Levels

Level Time TN Threshold Description
1 8 hours 13 5 Planet has wide range between day and night tem-
perature, food and water may be scarce, but with
normal gravity (example: Tatooine). 2d6 penetrating
damage on failure.
2 4 hours 15 10 Planet has severe high or low temperature and 07
gravity may be greater or less than normal


(example: Hoth). 3d6 penetrating damage on failure.
3 10 mins 17 15 Planet has an extreme high or low temperature, high
or low or even shifts in gravity, or atmosphere may be
composed of chemicals hazardous to most life
(example: Mustafar). 5d6 penetrating damage on

As advanced tests require multiple ability

tests, the GM decides which ability tests
are needed but here is a also a short list of
ability focuses that may be appropriate: The prevalence and power of ranged
weapons makes them quite deadly. No less
• Communication (Animal Handling): dangerous though is a sharp vibroblade
Spuring your mount or herd animals or lightsaber when an opponent is within
effectively. reach. Firing a ranged weapon in an
• Constitution (Stamina): Your body’s adjacent space (within 1.5 meters or 5 feet)
fortitude to resist exhaustion. to an opponent wielding a melee weapon
• Dexterity (Acrobatics): Keeping your feet triggers an immediate attack called an
on rough terrain. Interrupt Attack. An Interrupt Attack is
• Intelligence (Cartography): Finding the a free action, which can generate Stunt
fastest/easiest path with a map. Points and is resolved before the triggering
• Intelligence (Natural Lore): Knowing ranged attack takes place.
which plants are edible and which ones
will eat you.
SHIP COMBAT ENCOUNTERS station, the environment plays an equal
role to play just as it would in any other
There could not be Star Wars without
ships and likewise, combat between Avoid using visual aids, if you can
ships. Unlike encounters with individual
combatants, this uses a different approach It can be tempting to put minis out on
that is more theatre of the mind. The GM

the table to represent where everyone

and the players should feel free to work is and how they are moving. However, it
together on forming and unfolding the is a slippery slope from doing this and a
events of the battle, using these rules tactical miniatures game, with its own set
more as guidelines to inform rather than of rules that are more in-depth than those
dictating the narrative. These rules are not here. Other games do this kind of thing
meant to be the ultimate arbiter of what a lot better. Theatre of the mind is very
happens at the table. difficult to achieve and maintain but it is
tremendously rewarding.
Most ship combat encounters fall into
either chases or dogfights. The goal of • PHASE 1, Determine Number of
chases is evasion of hazards and attacking Combatants: Even if it is part of a larger
ships long enough to make the jump to battle, the GM decides who is actively
lightspeed. Dogfights focus on removing involved in the combat encounter. If a ship
is involved in the combat encounter, it is
enemy ships, whether by forcing a retreat
or destroying the opposition. These assumed that they are within range of at
distinctions may seem like common sense, least one other ship’s weapons, although

but they are important to keep in mind as this is ultimately decided by the GM.
• PHASE 2, Determine Ship Positioning:
you run through the encounter and decide
Resolve where each ship involved in the
how events develop and that there can be combat encounter is in relation to each
multiple variations on these two themes. other. This is also where it is determined
For example, a dogfight may involve

if a ship is in range to attack another.

destroying a particular ship or structure, or

Positioning determines which side of a

a chase may center on keep another ship ship is vulnerable (damage is applied to
safe until they make the jump to lightspeed. Health, not Deflector Shields) and which
side is effectively blocked from attack. A
KEEP THE NUMBER OF SHIPS pilot can change which side is exposed
INVOLVED TO A MINIMUM by performing a maneuver (see Roles).

No more than five ships should Ship Position

participate in any ship combat encounter Ahead
as a general rule, player ships included.
Blocked: Your front
Even during larger battles, ships and their
pilots do not have perfect awareness of Vulnerable: Your back
the battlefield and typically break-off into Behind or Head-to-Head
smaller conflicts. Blocked: Your back
Vulnerable: Your front
Whether over a snowy tundra, drifting Blocked: Your opposite flank
asteroids, or the bowels of a massive space Vulnerable: Your front
• PHASE 3, Choose Your Role: Each ship’s if you fail a Dexterity (Piloting) test, you
crew determines what roles they will fill can re-roll it, but you must keep the
on their turn. A player can only occupy results of the second roll.
one role at a time.
• PHASE 4, Turn Order: Ships Take Their Fly (Minor Action): You fly the ship,
Turns In Descending Initiative Order And
keeping it aloft. This may also require a
In Descending Role Order For Each Ship.
Combat begins, with each ship’s pilot Dexterity (Piloting) ability test depending
having rolled and acting out their turns. on the environment and situation.
• Phase 5: Changes in the environment:
After every ship has taken a turn, Dive (Major Action): You turn the ship
something should be different in the downward, focusing on gaining speed.
environment. For example, an asteroid Doing so increases the speed category by
could drift into the players’ flight path one but also makes you vulnerable from
or a ship not involved in the encounter one other position for one round.
explodes and sends out debris that must
be avoided. Jump to Lightspeed (Major Action): Once

the success threshold has been reached,
Role 1: Captain

you can engage the hyperdive to make

the jump to lightspeed.
Command (Major Action): You provide
direction and coordinate the actions of Wingover Maneuver (Major Action):
your allies to ensure success. This is a TN You change directions so that you now
11 Communication (Leadership) test. If move in the opposite direction. You
you are successful, one of your ally gains
a bonus on their next ability test equal to
must make a successful TN 15 Dexterity
(Piloting) with this maneuver or become
the Stunt Die. vulnerable.


Role 2: Pilot/co-pilot Role 3: mechanic
Attack Maneuver (Major Action): Repair (Major Action): You make quick
You alter your flight path to optimize repairs to the ship. You must have a ship
your next attack. You must succeed on repair kit ready and is a TN 13 Intelligence
opposed Dexterity (Piloting) tests to gain (Engineering) test. If you are successful,
+1 attack on your or crewmember’s next the ship gets back an amount of Health
attack roll. equal to the Stunt Die + your Intelligence.
The ship cannot benefit from another
Barrel Roll Maneuver (Major Action): Repair action until additional damage is
You change positions with one of your taken.
attackers so that you are now behind
them. You must succeed on opposed Shield Boost (Major Action): You divert
Dexterity (Piloting) tests to switch power to the ship’s deflector shields. This
positions so that you are behind and he is a TN 11 Intelligence (Engineering) test.
or she is in front of you. If you are successful, the ship gets back
an amount of Shields equal to the Stunt
Evasive Maneuver (Major Action): You Die.
spiral and pitch the ship to avoid danger.
You must make a successful TN 15 Speed Boost (Major Action): You get as
Dexterity (Piloting) with this maneuver much speed from the ship’s main drive
to negate vulnerability on attack rolls as you can. Doing so increases the speed 54
against you. When avoiding obstacles, category by one until your next turn.
Role 4: navigator Switch Weapons (Major Action): You
swap one of the ship’s weapons for
Astrogation (Major Action): You another. For example, switching from
engage the navigation computer for the twin cannons to a proton torpedo.
jump to lightspeed. Doing so requires
an advanced test with Intelligence ship Combat stunts
(Astrogation) with the GM determining

the task difficulty and success threshold. Combat between ships differs
significantly from battle between
Role 5: gunner individuals. Stunts that are triggered
during a ship combat encounter are
Lock On (Major Action): You use the drawn from the table below
targeting computer to line up your next
shot. If you miss an attack roll against the
target, you can re-roll it, but you must
keep the results of the second roll.

Ship Combat Stunts

SP Stunt
1-3 Don’t Get Cocky: You gain +1 to your next ability test for every 1 SP you spend.
2 Mighty Shot: If you do damage, the target takes an extra d6 damage.
2 Defensive Positioning: The ship gains a +2 bonus to Defense until the beginning
07 of your next turn.
3 Set Up: Pick an ally. On their next turn, the ally receives a +2 bonus on their next

ability test.
3 Wrong Vector: Choose one enemy. That opponent cannot attack you until your
next turn.
4 Fast Act: You can perform one additional ship action on your turn.

4 Shields Up: A power surge regenerates the deflector shields. The ship regains

3d6 shields.
4 Quick Calculations: You lower the successful threshold needed to jump to light-
speed by 3.
5 Seize the Initiative: You move to the top of the initiative order. This means you
and your allies may get to take another turn before some of the combatants get
to act again. You remain at the top of the order until someone else seizes the
5 Lethal Shot: If you do damage, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage.

ship failure (optional rule)
Ships often do not remain at their
optimum level of functioning up to the Crewmembers: The first number given is
point they are destroyed. When a ship the number of people required to operate
is reduced to half its Health (rounded the vehicle, with the number behind the
down) or less, one crewmember rolls a “/” indicated the number of crewmembers
1d6 for one of the following effects to that the ship can support.
immediately takes place.
Maneuverability: A pilot adds this value
to all Dexterity (Initiative) and Dexterity
Ship Failures (Piloting) ability tests.
1d6 Stunts Speed: These are broad categories for
1 Critical Failure: Damage to vital relative speed from slowest to fastest. This
ship functions put it in danger of mostly determines if a ship can escape

exploding. The critical failure must another’s weapon range.
be repaired with a repair kit and a

Defense: The first number given is for NPC

TN 13 Intelligence (Engineering)
ability test within 3 rounds or the pilots, with the number behind the “/”
ship will be destroyed. indicating the value for player character
2 Injury: One crewmember randomly
determined by the GM is dealt
Deflector Shields: Ships do not have an
2d6+2 penetrating damage.
System Failure: One role randomly
Armor Rating but a separate pool that 07
is like a secondary reserve of Health
determined by the GM cannot act


instead. There are multiple ways in which
during the ship’s next turn. Deflector Shields can recover in combat
5 Disabled Engine: The ship’s speed and regenerate 1d6 Health per minute out
is reduced by one category. of combat.
6 Off Course: The successful thresh-
old needed to jump to lightspeed is Health: A ships health can only be
increased by 2. recovered by making repairs.

Armaments: Describes the types of

weapons that are installed on the ship.
Ship weapons are in the Accuracy (Heavy
Weapons) weapon group.

TIE Fighter Crewmembers: 1 (plus astromech)/1
Statistics Astromech: An X-Wing has a port for an
astromech. An installed astromech can
Crewmembers: 1/1
only perform the mechanic and navigator
Fragile: If the Mighty Shot or Lethal Shot

stunt is performed on a Tie Fighter, the
GM immediately rolls a for a ship failure. Flight
Maneuverability: +2
Speed: Faster
Maneuverability: +4
Speed: Fast Hull
Defense: 13/10 + Dexterity (Piloting)
Deflector Shields: 30
Defense: 14/ 12 + Dexterity (Piloting)
Health: 70
Deflector Shields: 20
Health: 50 Armaments
Quad-Cannons: 4d6+4
Proton Torpedo (2): 5d6+3
Twin Cannon: 3d6+3
More than a symbol of the Rebellion, these
These starfighters form the backbone of
starfighters have almost perfect balance
07 the Empire’s starfighter fleet.
of maneuverability, speed, and offensive
TIE Interceptor

Statistics YT-1300 Light Freighter

Crewmembers: 1/1 Statistics
Stunt Bonus: A TIE Interceptor can per- Crewmembers: 1 (plus co-pilot)/6
form the Defensive Positioning stunt for

Cargo Capacity: The ship can support 5 tons

1 SP.

of cargo, along with one land-based vehicle.

Flight It also includes numerous hidden compart-
Maneuverability: +4 ments where illicit cargo can be stored.
Speed: Faster Co-Pilot: The ship can have two crew-
Hull members perform the pilot role. How-
Defense: 14/ 13 + Dexterity (Piloting) ever, only one of them can perform a
maneuver during a round.
Deflector Shields: 30
Health: 60
Maneuverability: +1
Speed: Fast
Proton Torpedo (1): 5d6+3
Twin Cannon: 3d6+3
Defense: 11/10 + Dexterity (Piloting)
Improving on the TIE Fighter in almost Deflector Shields: 40
everyway, these starfighters are often at Health: 90
the head of elite Imperial squadrons. Armaments
57 2 Quad-Cannons: 4d6+4
An out-of-date civilian shipping vessel that
was in service during the latter years of the
Republic and is now favored smugglers.

614-AvA Speeder Bike
Crewmembers: 1/1
Maneuverability: +3
Speed: Fast

Defense: 13/11 + Dexterity (Piloting)

Health: 50

Blaster Cannon: 3d6

A militarized repulsorlift speeder bike.

X-34 Landspeeder 07


Crewmembers: 1/4
Cargo Capacity: The vehicle can support
340 kg (750 lbs.) of cargo.
Maneuverability: +1
Speed: Faster
Defense: 11/10 + Dexterity (Piloting)
Health: 70

A civilian repulsorlift passenger vehicle.

R2 Astromech
Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy
0 Communication

1 Constitution
2 Dexterity (Disable Device)
0 Fighting
4 Intelligence (Astrogation,
Computers, Engineering)
1 Perception (Searching)
0 Strength
0 Willpower (Courage)
Speed Health Defense AR
5 45 13 2
Weapon Attack Damage Range
CHAPTER 8 Probe +3 1d6 ion Melee

Special Qualities
08 Fire Extinguisher: An R2’s fire
extinguisher serves as a smoke screen

that provides light cover within a 4
spaces x 4 spaces area.
Talent: Your choice of talent between
either being a Novice in Medicine or



Equipment: Electric welder, circular


saw, fire extinguisher, computer inter-

face probe, holo recorder and projector.
It speaks binary, but understands Basic.

R2 series are the most common droids

of their kind and can be found fulfilling a
variety of roles.

Alley Doc Bartender
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy 0 Accuracy
0 Communication 3 Communication (Etiquette,
1 Constitution Investigation)
2 Dexterity 0 Constitution
–1 Fighting 2 Dexterity
4 Intelligence (Healing, Natural 0 Fighting
Lore) 2 Intelligence (Evaluation,
2 Perception (Smelling, Galactic Lore)
Touching) 3 Perception (Empathy, Tasting)
0 Strength 1 Strength
1 Willpower (Self-Discipline) 0 Willpower

Speed Health Defense AR Speed Health Defense AR
6 20 12 0 6 20 12 0

Weapon Attack Damage Range Weapon Attack Damage Range
Blaster +1 1d6+3 Short Improvised +1 1d6 Melee
Pistol Weapon

Special Qualities Special Qualities

Services: Bartender’s provide the follow-
Services: Alley docs provide the follow-
ing services for sale: ing services for sale. 08
• Emergency Care (100 credits): You • Brool (5 credits): Your basic swill, cheap


and refreshing.
restore 10 Health.
• Ebla (6 credits): A light beer that is a
• Overnight (350 credits): By spending favorite among Imperial Stormtroopers.
the night in one of Bazz’s bacta tanks, • Red Cloud (13 credits): Although it is
you are restored to your maximimum served in shots, you would be a fool to
Health. drink it in one pull. If you do so, you must
Talents: Medicine (Master). make a TN 15 Constitution (Drinking)
Equipment: Blaster pistol, medpacs (10), ability test or be knocked unconscious
stimpacks (8). for 5 minutes. This is especially potent
to Twi’leks, who suffer a –2 penalty and
Alley doc’s provide healthcare to anyone generally avoid ordering it.
• Frothy Wampa (250 credits): The “house
who manages to make it through the door
special.” The bartender will ask you,
and without asking too many questions of
“how you take it?” Depending on your
how their patients received their injuries. response, the bartender will pass you a
They mostly cater to mercenaries, thugs, glass of water of the corresponding color
and hired guns, but the Rebellion has been along the last message she received
known to seek out their services as well. from other the Empire (Blue), Hutts
(Green), or Rebels (Red).
Talents: Contacts (Journeyman), Intrigue
Equipment: Bartender’s apron.

The galaxy is full of cantinas and

bartenders are an excellent source of 60
Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy (Blasters) Heroes are defined by adversity and no
0 Communication (Disguise) hero acts alone. Here are some quick rules
for making simple NPCs:
1 Constitution
2 Dexterity (Stealth) • 10-Point Buy: Distribute value across

1 Fighting all the different abilities starting at 0,

emphasizing what you want the NPC to
2 Intelligence (Cryptography)
focus on. Generally, this means one ability
2 Perception (Hearing, Seeing) is at 3 or 4.
0 Strength • 6 Foci: NPCs should not contend with the
2 Willpower (Morale) PCs in the combat department and are
often sought out for their knowledge or
Speed Health Defense AR skills. This is also a good place to add any
6 20 12 0 quirks.
• Personality over numbers: Giving a
Weapon Attack Damage Range
NPC character at the table goes much
Blaster +3 1d6+3 Short further than any bonus or ability value. A
Pistol distinctive personality can be difficult to
Special Qualities cultivate, but toward movies, games, and
comics for ideas.
Services: Rebel spies provide the follow- • Rules are meant to be broken: Have fun
ing services: with design and do what you feel will work.
08 • Encryption/Decryption: Deciphers
or protects data, such as on a code
Breaking the “10-Point Buy” for example
made the Gamorran Brute quite the meat
cylinder brick and a lot of fun to GM.

• Carrier: Passes along a message to

or from the Rebel Alliance
Talents: Observation (Novice), Slicer

Equipment: Blaster pistol, code cylinder,


a disguise, security kit.

The Rebellion has informants strewn

throughout the Empire. They often work
alone or in small, secretive cells, being the
eyes and ears of the Rebellion.

Abilities (Focuses)
Cantina Brawler 1 Accuracy (Heavy Weapons,
Abilities (Focuses)
0 Communication
1 Accuracy (Brawling)
3 Constitution (Running,
0 Communication
3 Constitution (Drinking)
1 Dexterity
1 Dexterity
1 Fighting
1 Fighting
0 Intelligence
0 Intelligence
1 Perception (Seeing)
0 Perception
3 Strength
2 Strength
–1 Willpower
2 Willpower

Speed Health Defense AR
Speed Health Defense AR
4 25 11 6

4 15 11 0

Weapon Attack Damage Range
Weapon Attack Damage Range
Flame +3 2d6+2 S
Improvised +3 1d6+1 Melee Projector penetrating
Fist +3 1d3+1 Melee Heavy +3 2d6+3 M
Special Qualities
Special Qualities 08
Favored Stunts: Skirmish
Talents: Carousing (Novice) Favored Stunts: Rapid Reload, Threaten


Equipment: A credstick with 11 credits. Talents: Armor Training (Novice)
Equipment: Blaster rifle, stormtrooper
Threat: Minor armor, sabacc deck, utility belt, and a
credstick with 17 credits.
Every cantina has someone looking for
trouble. Although quick and easy to anger, Threat: Minor
these types back down just as quickly
given the right incentive. Flame troopers are often deployed on raids
against Rebels and Rebel sympathizers,
enforcing the Empire’s dominance
through use of terror and collective
punishment. Their flame projectors are
just as destructive against food stockpiles,
weapons caches, and vital medical
supplies as they are to civilians.

Gamorran Brute Heavy Trooper
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy (Brawling) 3 Accuracy (Grenades, Heavy
–1 Communication Weapons, Pistols)
6 Constitution (Drinking) 0 Communication
0 Dexterity 2 Constitution (Stamina)

1 Fighting (Vibroblades) 2 Dexterity

–1 Intelligence 0 Fighting
1 Perception (Smelling) 0 Intelligence
4 Strength (Intimidation) 1 Perception (Seeing)
0 Willpower 3 Strength (Might)
Speed Health Defense AR 0 Willpower
4 40 10 4 Speed Health Defense AR
Weapon Attack Damage Range 6 40 12 6
Blaster +0 1d6+3 Short Weapon Attack Damage Range
Pistol Blaster +5 4d6+1 M
Fist +2 1d3+6 Melee Cannon
Vibroaxe +3 3d6+6 Melee Thermal +5 4d6+1 T
Special Qualities
08 Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Knock
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Rapid
Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Two- Reload

Hander Style (Novice) Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman),

Ion Vulnerability (TN 17): A gamorran Ship Gunnery (Novice)
brute must make a TN 17 Constitution Equipment: Blaster cannon, cannon
(Stamina) test whenever it takes ion battery, thermal detonators (2),

damage. If it fails, it takes penetrating stormtrooper armor, utility belt, and a


damage from the attack. credstick with 37 credits.

Equipment: Blaster pistol, x2 cybernetic Threat: Moderate
arms, mercenary armor, vibroaxe and a
credstick with 47 credits. Heavy troopers are often used to support
Threat: Moderate infantry and protect artillery. It is not
unusual for Rebels to encounter them on
Gamorrans are notorious for their ill- raids against Imperial bases, especially if
temper and strength. Many mercenaries a VIP is present or if it is the site of secret
also take advantage of cybernetics to R&D.
augment their abilities, whether because
they are often unable to promptly treat
their injuries or the desire for power. The
gamorran brute is an enforcer and often
surrounded by a posse of hired guns.

Hired Gun Imperial Shocktrooper
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Blasters, Brawling, 3 Accuracy (Grenades, Rifles)
Rifles) 0 Communication
0 Communication (Gambling) 2 Constitution (Running,
3 Constitution (Drinking) Stamina)
1 Dexterity 3 Dexterity (Initiative)
2 Fighting 2 Fighting (Vibroblades)
0 Intelligence 0 Intelligence
1 Perception (Smelling) 3 Perception
2 Strength (Intimidation) 4 Strength (Jumping)
0 Willpower 0 Willpower (Courage)
Speed Health Defense AR Speed Health Defense AR

5 15 11 4 8 60 14 6

Weapon Attack Damage Range Weapon Attack Damage Range

Blaster +4 1d6+4 Short Frag +5 3d6+3 T (2
Pistol Grenade space
Blaster +4 2d6+3 Long radius)
Rifle Repeating +5 2d6+4 M
Fist +4
Special Qualities
1d3+2 Melee
Vibro- +4 2d6+4 Melee 08
Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Skirmish


Talents: Armor Training (Novice) Special Qualities
Equipment: Blaster pistol or a blaster Favored Stunts: Seize the Initiative,
rifle, mercenary armor, a set of playing Skirmish
cards, and a credstick with 14 credits. Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman),
Marksmanship (Novice)
Threat: Minor
Avalanche Charge: An imperial shock
trooper inflicts an extra 1d6 damage if it
There is no shortage of scum in the galaxy
hits with an attack during a Charge.
willing to blast someone for a quick cred.
Equipment: Heavy blaster, jet pack, x5
Hired guns are often found in the employ
missiles, missile tube, stormtrooper
of a more established thug or criminal
armor, utility belt, and a credstick with
enforcer, and will flee if their employer is
43 credits.
Threat: Moderate

Distinguished by their red streaks over their

white armor, imperial shocktroopers are
often used to break Rebel lines and infantry
formations during large-scale battles.

Jump Trooper Scout Trooper
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Blasters, Heavy 3 Accuracy (Pistols, Rifles)
Weapons) 1 Communication (Investiga-
0 Communication tion)
2 Constitution (Stamina) 1 Constitution

4 Dexterity (Initiative, Piloting) 4 Dexterity (Piloting, Stealth)

0 Fighting –1 Fighting
2 Intelligence (Engineering) 0 Intelligence
2 Perception 2 Perception (Hearing, Seeing)
2 Strength (Jumping) 1 Strength
0 Willpower (Morale) 0 Willpower
Speed Health Defense AR Speed Health Defense AR
8 45 14 6 7 30 14 6
Weapon Attack Damage Range Weapon Attack Damage Range
Heavy +5 2d6+4 S Heavy +5 2d6+4 S
Blaster blaster
Missile +5 6d6+2 L (4 Ion rifle +5 2d6+2 L
Tube space ion
08 Special Qualities
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Skir-
Favored Stunts: Seize the Initiative, Skir- mish

mish Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman),

Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman), Scouting (Novice)
Gunslinger (Novice) Equipment: Heavy blaster (w/ weapon
Jet Pack: A jumptrooper can Activate the jet scope) or ion rifle (w/ rifle tripod), elec-

pack to fly 12 spaces (18 meters). The jump trobinoculars, datapad (w/Imperial

trooper needs use Activate in successive intelligence report), holo-messenger,

rounds in order to stay aloft or safely land stormtrooper armor, utility belt, and a
on the ground. The jet pack has 10 charges. credstick with 24 credits.
Emergency Shield: A jump trooper can Acti- Threat: Moderate
vate a small personal shield, granting a pool
of 20 Health. Damage is subtracted from Although often found in pairs or small
this health pool, but is not reduced by AR. groups, each scout trooper is meant to be
Equipment: Heavy blaster, jet pack, x5 mis- self-sufficient and trained to flee in order
siles, missile tube, stormtrooper armor, to report hostile movements, rather than
utility belt, and a credstick with 43 credits. engaging. Scout troopers are usually seen
Threat: Moderate riding speeder bikes.

Jump troopers are dispatched for swift hit-

and-run assaults against important Rebel
assets, such as communication arrays and
ship yards. Although their sole purpose
is destruction, each jumptrooper has a
65 personal shield generator to ensure that he
or she survives to complete the mission.
Shadow Trooper Snow Trooper
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
3 Accuracy (Grenades, Rifles) 3 Accuracy (Rifles)
0 Communication (Investigation) 1 Communication
0 Constitution 2 Constitution (Stamina)
5 Dexterity (Stealth) 2 Dexterity (Initiative, Stealth)
2 Fighting (Vibroblades) 0 Fighting
1 Intelligence (Cryptography) 0 Intelligence
2 Perception (Hearing, Search- 2 Perception (Searching, See-
ing) ing)
1 Strength 1 Strength
0 Willpower 0 Willpower (Morale)
Speed Health Defense AR Speed Health Defense AR

9 40 15 6 6 20 12 6

Weapon Attack Damage Range Weapon Attack Damage Range

Heavy +5 3d6+2 L Heavy +5 3d6+2 L
rifle Rifle
Smoke +5 None T Special Qualities
canister Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Skirmish
Vibroknife +4
Special Qualities
1d6+1 Melee Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman)
Snow Camouflage: Snow troopers re- 08
Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor, Skirmish ceive +2 to Dexterity (Stealth) tests while


Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman), in snow.
Scouting (Novice) Equipment: Heavy rifle, stormtrooper
Cloaking Device: A shadow trooper can armor (modified to withstand Level 3
Activate the cloaking device, turning invis- hazard cold environments), utility belt,
ible. Opponents suffer –5 to attack rolls and a credstick with 27 credits.
and Perception (Seeing) tests against the Threat: Minor
shadow trooper while invisible. Rain, dust,
and other effects reduce this penalty to –3. Snow troopers represent the Empire’s
A shadow trooper remains invisible for 1 resolve in pursuing the Rebellion to even
round or until attacking with cloaked strike. the most inhospitable worlds in the galaxy.
Cloaked Strike: A shadow trooper inflicts
an extra 2d6 damage if it hits with an attack
while invisible.
Equipment: Heavy rifle (w/ weapon scope),
code cylinder (w/ mission objectives and
extraction points), x3 smoke canisters,
stormtrooper armor (modified for cloak-
ing), utility belt (w/ cloaking device), and a
credstick with 38 credits.
Threat: Moderate

Employing personal cloaking devices,

shadow troopers are used for targeted
assassination and infiltration by the Empire.
Stormtrooper Stormtrooper, Officer
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
1 Accuracy (Rifles) 2 Accuracy (Pistols, Rifles)
0 Communication 1 Communication (Leadership)
3 Constitution (Running) 2 Constitution
1 Dexterity 2 Dexterity (Piloting, Stealth)

1 Fighting 0 Fighting
0 Intelligence 0 Intelligence
0 Perception (Hearing) 1 Perception (Hearing, Search-
2 Strength ing)
–1 Willpower 2 Strength
Speed Health Defense AR 0 Willpower
4 10 11 6 Speed Health Defense AR
Weapon Attack Damage Range 6 20 12 6
Blaster +3 2d6+4 M Weapon Attack Damage Range
Rifle Heavy +4 3d6+1 L
Special Qualities Rifle
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone, Skirmish Ion Pistol +4 2d6+1 S
Talents: Armor Training (Novice) ion

08 Equipment: Blaster rifle, stormtrooper

armor, sabacc deck, utility belt, and a
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Defensive Stance, Pierce
credstick with 13 credits. Armor

Threat: Minor Talents: Armor Training (Journeyman)

Equipment: Heavy rifle or ion pistol,
Your average buckethead is narrow- binder cuffs, handscanner, holo-messen-
minded, weak-willed, and is a faceless ger, stormtrooper armor, utility belt, and

drone that is only interested in a credstick with 37 credits.


performing his or her duties until relieved. Threat: Minor

Stormtroopers are used for the most part
to control civilian populations. Those that demonstrate modicum of
ability are eventually raised to the officer
ranks. Stormtrooper officers can be seen
fulfilling a variety of roles, such as leading
a patrol of stormtroopers or piloting a
TIE Fighter. In the case of the latter, a
stormtrooper officer will be equipped
with an armored flight suit (Armor Rating
5). Others may be technicians, replacing
the Dexterity (Piloting) focus with the
Intelligence (Engineering) focus.

Trandoshan Hunter Tusken Chieftan
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Blasters, Rifles) 2 Accuracy (Blasters, Exotic,
1 Communication Staves)
3 Constitution (Running) 1 Communication (Leadership)
2 Dexterity 4 Constitution (Stamina)
1 Fighting (Vibroblades) 2 Dexterity (Riding, Stealth)
0 Intelligence 2 Fighting
2 Perception (Seeing, Tracking) 0 Intelligence
1 Strength 2 Perception (Seeing)
0 Willpower 2 Strength (Intimidation)
Speed Health Defense AR 1 Willpower
6 40 12 4 Speed Health Defense AR

Weapon Attack Damage Range 6 45 13 4

Blaster +4 1d6+4 Short Weapon Attack Damage Range

Pistol Blaster +4 2d6+4 Melee/S
Heavy +4 3d6+2 Long Staff
Rifle Club +4 1d6+2 Melee
Vibro- +3 2d6+1 Melee Heavy +4 2d6+4 S
Special Qualities
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor, Regenera- Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow, Threaten


tion (2 SP) Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Scouting
Talents: Armor Training (Novice), Rifleman (Novice)
Style (Novice) Equipment: Blaster staff, club (gaderffi
Regeneration (2 SP): A trandoshan hunter stick), electrobinoculars, heavy blaster,
regains health equal to the Stunt Die x 2. mercenary armor, waterskin, and a cred-
Equipment: Blaster pistol, flashbang heavy stick with 13 credits.
rifle, mercenary armor, vibroblade and a Threat: Moderate
credstick with 63 credits.
Threat: Moderate Sometimes, the sand people will rally
under a particularly forceful leader.
Trandoshans are widely known for their Although he or she would never abandon
hunting skills. Many can be found as a trusty gaderffi stick, he or she often
bounty hunters or hunting dangerous also sees the value of other species’
game in the far corners of the galaxy. technology.
They have a longstanding enmity with
wookiees, who they have hunted for sport
in the past.

Tusken Raider Zombie Trooper
Abilities (Focuses) Speed Health Defense AR
2 Accuracy (Exotic, Staves) 4 25 8 6
0 Communication For all other stats, see the ‘Walking Dead’
3 Constitution (Stamina) entry in the Fantasy Age Basic Rulebook.
2 Dexterity (Riding, Stealth) Threat: Minor

2 Fighting
0 Intelligence Whether by a failed Imperial experiment
or an alien parasite, these horrid
1 Perception (Seeing) creatures throw themselves against
2 Strength anything living, killing both foe and
0 Willpower former friend alike in their ravenous
Speed Health Defense AR hunger.
6 20 12 0
Weapon Attack Damage Range
Blaster +4 2d6+3 Melee/S
Club +4 1d6+2 Melee
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Skirmish, Taunt
08 Talents: Scouting (Novice)
Equipment: Blaster staff, club (gaderffi
stick), waterskin.

Threat: Moderate

Scourge of the sands, tusken raiders

or sand people believe that all water is

sacred and belongs to them. This belief


puts them in near constant conflict with

settlements and moisture farmers.

Abilities (Focuses)
Bantha 3 Accuracy (Bite)
Abilities (Focuses) 0 Communication
1 Accuracy (Stamp) 2 Constitution (Running)
0 Communication 0 Dexterity
4 Constitution (Stamina) 1 Fighting
0 Dexterity 0 Intelligence
2 Fighting (Ram) 2 Perception (Tasting, Tracking)
0 Intelligence 4 Strength
2 Perception (Hearing, 0 Willpower
Smelling) Speed Health Defense AR
5 Strength (Might) 7 30 10 3

2 Willpower Weapon Attack Damage Range

Speed Health Defense AR Bite +5 1d6+5 Melee

6 50 10 4 Stamp +3 1d6+4 Melee
Weapon Attack Damage Range Special Qualities
Ram +4 2d6+5 Melee Favored Stunts: Pierce Armor, Trample
Stamp +3 1d6+5 Melee (SP 2)
Special Qualities Heavy: A dewback is immune to Force
Push and similar Force Powers that have
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone, Trample restrictions on weight.


(2 SP) Trample (SP 2): A dewback can move up
Heavy: A bantha is immune to Force to 4 spaces and makes Stamp attacks
Push and similar Force Powers that have against all prone creatures it passes
restrictions on weight. over.
Large and Stable: Banthas are sturdy Tough Hide: A dewback’s tough hide
beasts of burden. It is immune to the gives it a natural AR of 3.
combat stunts skirmish and knock prone, Equipment: Bridle and harness.
except by other large creatures or vehicles.
Tough Hide: A bantha’s tough hide gives Threat: Minor
it a natural AR of 4.
Trample (SP 2): A bantha can move up to 4 Smaller, faster, and not nearly as
spaces and makes Stamp attacks against temperamental as banthas, dewbacks are
all prone creatures it passes over. common among the more settled species
Equipment: Bridle and harness. of Tatooine. Scout Troopers often utilize
dewbacks as mounts, especially on search
Threat: Moderate missions to utlize their tracking abilities.
Tusken raiders prize banthas almost as
much as water. Although they can be
found on numerous worlds, these large
pack animals are most notable for the
nearly symbiotic relationship they have
with their savage riders on the deserts of
Tatooine, even going so far as to perishing 70
if the rider is slain.
Dianoga Krayt Dragon
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
2 Accuracy (Bite) 4 Accuracy (Bite)
–1 Communication 0 Communication
5 Constitution (Stamina, 8 Constitution (Stamina)
Swimming) 2 Dexterity

2 Dexterity 2 Fighting (Tail Bash)

1 Fighting (Tentacles) 0 Intelligence
–1 Intelligence 2 Perception (Tracking)
2 Perception (Seeing, Smelling) 8 Strength (Might)
6 Strength 4 Willpower (Courage)
–1 Willpower Speed Health Defense AR
Speed Health Defense AR 6 180 12 8
3 (8*) 70 8 (14*) 3 Weapon Attack Damage Range
Weapon Attack Damage Range Bite +6 2d6+6 Melee
Bite +4 1d6+7 Melee Claw +2 1d6+8 Melee
Tentacle +3 2d6+6 Melee Tail Bash +4 1d6+8 Melee
Special Qualities Special Qualities
*Values are for when submerged Favored Stunts: Knock Prone (1 SP), Tail Bash
08 Favored Stunts: Dual Strike, Mighty Blow
Far Reach: A dianoga can reach up to 2
(SP 2)
Large-Sized: Due to their large size and reach,
spaces (3 meters). krayt dragons are immune to the combat

Flurry of Tentacles: A dianoga makes stunts Skirmish and Knock Prone except by
two tentacle attacks on its turn. other large creatures and is immune to Force
Voracious Hunger: When a dianoga hits Push and similar Force Powers that have re-
strictions on weight. It also treats enemies up
with both its tentacles against the same
to 2 spaces away as adjacent.

enemy, it can make an attack with its bite Tail Bash: As a special 2 SP stunt, a krayt

as a free action. dragon can make a tail bash attack against any
Threat: Moderate adjacent opponent. Rolling doubles on this at-
tack does not generate stunt points.
Dianogas feed on the abundance of food Tooth & Claw: A krayt dragon can make one bite
available in trash and garbage located in and one claw attack as a single attack action.
Both of these attacks can generate stunt points.
sewers and space stations. Peeking above
Tremorsense: Creatures must make an op-
the water with their single eyestalk, they posed Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. the
are always watchful for a potential meal. krayt dragon’s Perception (Tracking) in order
to hide.
Tough Hide: A krayt dragon’s tough hide gives
it a natural AR of 8.
Sand Camouflage: A krayt dragon gains the
Dexterity (Stealth) focus while in sandy en-
vironments. This improves to +3 if the krayt
dragon is keeps still.
Threat: Dire
Krayt Dragon, Greater Swallow Whole (SP 4): As a special 4 SP
stunt, a creature hit by the greater krayt
Abilities (Focuses) dragon’s bite enters its mouth and takes
6 Accuracy (Bite) 1d6+3 penetrating damage at the start of its
0 Communication turn. A creature can make attacks while in
the greater krayt dragon’s mouth and ig-
10 Constitution (Stamina)
nore AR. A swallowed creature is restrained
0 Dexterity and must succeed an opposed Dexterity
4 Fighting (Claw, Tail Bash) (Acrobatics) or Strength (Might) test vs. the
0 Intelligence greater krayt dragon’s Strength (Might). A
restrained creature is unable to move and
2 Perception (Tracking) can make another opposed ability test as a
10 Strength (Burrowing, Might) Minor action to break free.
4 Willpower (Courage, Morale) Threat: Dire
Speed Health Defense AR
4 260 10 10 Krayt dragons are the stuff of legends —

rare, massive, and extremely dangerous.
Weapon Attack Damage Range Smaller species make their lairs in deep

Bite +8 2d6+10 Melee caves, while the larger ones are able to

Claw +2 1d6+10 Melee swim through sand like water, devouring
Tail Bash +6 2d6+10 Melee any game unlucky enough to come across
their path.
Special Qualities
Favored Stunts: Knock Prone (1 SP), Tail
Bash (SP 2), Swallow Whole (SP 4)
Huge-Sized: Due to their large size and
reach, greater krayt dragons are immune


to the combat stunts Skirmish and Knock
Prone except by other huge creatures and
is immune to Force Push and similar Force
Powers that have restrictions on weight. It
also treats enemies up to 4 spaces away as
Tail Bash: As a special 2 SP stunt, a greater
krayt dragon can make a tail bash attack
against any adjacent opponent. Rolling dou-
bles on this attack does not generate stunt
Tooth & Claw: A greater krayt dragon can
make one bite and one claw attack as a sin-
gle attack action. Both of these attacks can
generate stunt points.
Tremorsense: Creatures must make an op-
posed Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. the
greater krayt dragon’s Perception (Tracking)
in order to hide.
Tough Hide: A greater krayt dragon’s tough
hide gives it a natural AR of 10.
Sand Camouflage: A greater krayt dragon
gains the Dexterity (Stealth) focus while in
sandy environments. This improves to +3 if
the krayt dragon is keeps still. 72
Rancor Sarlacc
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy (Bite) 4 Accuracy (Bite)
–1 Communication –1 Communication
6 Constitution (Stamina) 7 Constitution (Stamina)
–1 Dexterity –3 Dexterity

3 Fighting (Claw, Stomp) 3 Fighting (Tentacles)

0 Intelligence 0 Intelligence
4 Perception (Hearing, 2 Perception (Tasting)
Smelling) 6 Strength (Might)
9 Strength (Might) 1 Willpower
0 Willpower Speed Health Defense AR
Speed Health Defense AR 0 180 7 9
3 spaces 80 9 5 Weapon Attack Damage Range
Weapon Attack Damage Range Bite +6 1d6+6 Melee
Bite +2 1d6+9 Melee Tentacle +5 2d6+6 Melee
Claw +5 2d6+10 Melee Special Qualities
Stomp +5 1d6+9 Melee Favored Stunts: Dual Strike, Grab (SP 2)
Special Qualities Grab: A sarlacc makes an opposed ability
08 Favored Stunts: Mighty Blow (1 SP), Stomp
(1 SP)
test with Strength (Might) vs. the target’s
Strength (Might) or Dexterity (Acrobat-
Large-Sized: Due to their large size and ics). If the target fails, it is restrained. A

reach, rancors are immune to the combat restrained creature is unable to move and
stunts Skirmish and Knock Prone except can make another opposed ability test as
by other large creatures and is immune to a Minor action to break free. A sarlacc can
Force Push and similar Force Powers that move a restrained creature 1 space as a

have restrictions on weight. It also treats minor action.


enemies up to 2 spaces away as adjacent. Reach: A sarlacc can reach up to 2 spaces

Stomp: As a special 1 SP stunt, a rancor (3 meters) with its tentacles.
can make a stamp attack against any im- Flurry of Tentacles: A sarlacc makes two
mediately adjacent opponent, this is an tentacle attacks on its turn.
exception to the rancor’s reach. Rolling Immovable: Sarlaccs are tremendously
doubles on this attack does not generate large with bodies buried deep under-
stunt points. ground. It is immune to the combat stunts
Swiping Claws: A rancor can make two skirmish and knock prone.
claw attacks as a single attack action. Both Ingest: Creatures that enter the sarlacc’s
of these attacks can generate stunt points. mouth take 1d6+3 penetrating damage at
Tough Hide: A rancor’s tough hide gives it a the start of its turn. A creature can make
natural AR of 5. attacks while in the sarlacc’s mouth and
ignore AR.
Threat: Dire
Threat: Dire
An arsenal of massive claws and crushing
jaws, rancors are walking killing machines. These sunken behemoths wait with gaping
Although many varieties exist, the one maws for anything unfortunate to fall
73 within their grasps.
here is the most common, typically being
kept as an oddity or for entertainment.
Wampa Womp Rat
Abilities (Focuses) Abilities (Focuses)
0 Accuracy (Bite) 2 Accuracy (Bite)
–1 Communication 0 Communication
6 Constitution (Stamina) 1 Constitution
2 Dexterity 4 Dexterity (Stealth)
2 Fighting (Claws) –1 Fighting
–1 Intelligence 0 Intelligence
2 Perception (Smelling, Track- 1 Perception (Smelling)
ing) 0 Strength
6 Strength (Might) 1 Willpower
1 Willpower Speed Health Defense AR
Speed Health Defense AR 7 10 14 3

6 60 12 7 Weapon Attack Damage Range

Weapon Attack Damage Range Bite +4 1d6+1 Melee

Bite +2 1d6+6 Melee Special Qualities
Claw +4 1d6+7 Melee Favored Stunts: Lightning Attack, Skir-
Special Qualities mish
Favored Stunts: Dual Strike, Grab (SP 2), Darkvision: Womp rats can see in the
Mighty Blow (1 SP)
Big: Knock Prone and Skirmish stunts
dark as if it were daylight.
Pack Tactics: If a womp rat is attacking 08
used against wampas require 1 additional with at least three other womp rats, they


SP than normal to work. may perform stunts for 1 less SP than
Grab: A wampa makes an opposed ability normal.
test with Strength (Might) vs. the target’s Tough Hide: A wampa’s tough hide gives
Strength (Might) or Dexterity (Acrobat- it a natural AR of 6.
ics). If the target fails, it is restrained. A Threat: Minor
restrained creature is unable to move and
can make another opposed ability test as Considered to be little more than vermin,
a Minor action to break free. A wampa can womp rats are vicious scavengers that will
move a restrained creature 1 space as a attack anyone that gets between them and
minor action. their next meal.
Heavy Hitter: Wampas can perform the
Mighty Blow stunts for –1 SP.
Swiping Claws: A wampa can make two
claw attacks as a single attack action. Both
of these attacks can generate stunt points.
Snow Camouflage: A wampa gains the
Dexterity (Stealth) focus while in snowy
environments. This improves to +3 if the
wampa is keeps still.
Tough Hide: A wampa’s tough hide gives it
a natural AR of 6.
Threat: Moderate

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