Last Stand at Taris

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Last Stand at Taris is a modular encounter for Star Wars Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight

Games. It was written by Tommy “VerdantSF” Roddy as part of an online, multi-GM campaign that
doesn’t assume a static party or crew. Instead, it features a central figure, known only as the Broker,
who provides contracts that bring different characters together for each session. Though built for 12
players, it can easily be adapted for a traditional party of 6.

Special thanks to OggDude for his incredible Character Generator with GM Tools.
Last Stand at Taris is not a full adventure, but rather an encounter that can be adapted to any
SWRPG campaign. It takes place in 3963 BBY, at the onset of the Mandalorian Wars. Even for
campaigns set much later, this can provide a change of pace and a glimpse of the past. If you’re
using adventures from the Shadow of the Broker series, there is a VR construct, Bastion, who can
bridge the gap between this encounter and campaigns in different time periods. If taking that option,
playing through the following two adventures first is recommended:

Shadow of the Broker VI: The Price is Might

Shadow of the Broker XIV: Twelve Faces of Fear

Otherwise, this encounter can serve as a one-shot for a quick 2-hour game night in-between full

Adventure Crawl
It is the year 3963 BBY. Three decades after the Great Sith War, Mandalorian forces have swelled
under the leadership of Mandalore the Ultimate.

The charismatic, ruthless Taung general has opened the ranks of his military to all who venerate his
warrior culture, regardless of species. A vast number of Humans have eagerly joined alongside the
Mandallian Giants and Togorians who were assimilated long ago.

This combined force nearly wiped out the Cathar, who were instrumental in defeating the
Mandalorian allies of the Sith Lord Exar Kun. A small group of Cathar refugees now reside on the
world of Taris. Unfortunately, the planet is an early target as the Mandalorian Wars expand into
Republic space...
12-PC Finales
One of the issues for 12-PC Shadow of the Broker adventures has been the final battle scenes. With 12
players involved in the same combat rotation, the session would get bogged down. Last Stand at Taris
was conceived as a way to include all participants in the same battle, while keeping things fast-paced.

This encounter features two teams on a single map, with members easily able to flow between both
sides, at least in the beginning. They begin play at long distance from each other, allowing members to
get within medium range of the other side with two maneuvers. As the battle continues, this may change
according to PC movement and GM discretion. This allows for full participation, while still leaving only 6
players for each GM to keep track of. If playing online, use two separate channels, but have the players
switch between them as needed.

Setting the Stage

The Siege of Taris is in full swing. After numerous strikes orbital battles, the armies of Mandalore have
landed and have begun a full ground assault. The planet of Taris at this point in time is an
ecumenopolis, similar in scope to Coruscant. It is split between the Upper City where the Human nobility
reside, the Middle City of the Human lower and middle classes, and Lower City of the non-Human

Humanocentrism is rampant on Taris, with little care for the Lower City. Much of the Tarisian military
defense is concentrated on the Upper and Middle Cities. However, one regiment led by Corbin Talbor
(an ancestor of Jonas Talbor from The Scrapheap King) has entered the Lower City to help defend
against the invaders. One of the few Humans in the military with ties to the Tarisian Equality movement,
he has vowed to protect all Tarisians, regardless of species, including the recently established Cathar

Refugees from the near extinction of their species, the Cathar of Taris have lived in squalor, looked
down upon by all, including the more established non-Humans of the Lower City. When the
Mandalorians began their invasion, knowledge of the Cathar was quickly handed over by unscrupulous
Lower City denizens to curry favor. Given the small number of refugees, Mandalore the Ultimate has
focused much of his attention on the resource-rich areas of the planet. However, a few battalions have
been dispatched to complete his revenge against the Cathar.

The PCs have been recruited by Talbor as mercenaries to help save the Cathar. The group is stationed
in a massive abandoned droid factory that has had the largest ground-level entrances reinforced. There
is a shuttlepad off of the second level, but that entrance has been temporarily blocked until the escape
shuttles that Talbor requested arrive. Unfortunately, Talbor and his troops are pinned down a few blocks
from the PCs and won't be able to help directly.
Team 1
This group is responsible for holding back the larger
Mandalorian units, including Mandallian Giants and Basilisk War
Droids. These can only fit through the two ground-level
entrances. At the beginning of the battle, have a Mandallian
Giant at one entrance and a Basilisk War Droid with a Basilisk
Rider at the other. After the first turn, introduce a sniper.
Reinforce as necessary throughout the fight.

Team 2
This group is responsible for defending the Cathar against the
smaller, more mobile Mandalorian jetpack troops (2 squads of
5), who gain access by breaking through the warehouse's
windows. There is also a sniper who perches right outside one
of the windows. Reinforce as necessary throughout the fight.
Options for Non-Combatants
The PCs in either team who are less combat-focused will still have plenty to do.

Loadlifter Droids
Scattered around in the factory are derelict loadlifter
droids, three of which appear to be serviceable. While
not specifically built for war, they are quite strong and
can aid in the battle. A Daunting (cddd+b)
Mechanics check is required to repair a single droid,
with the native upgrade and setback are due to age
and rust. Multiple checks may be attempted until a
Despair is rolled.

Once repaired, a Hard (cdd+b) Computers

check may be taken as a maneuver to commandeer
the droid into battle. Multiple checks may be
attempted, but a Despair represents a system failure,
with the droid shutting down for good. If successful,
one maneuver may be taken by the controlling PC to
give the loadlifter droid and action and a maneuver. It
can never take more than one maneuver per turn by
any means, except for converting its own action. Control of a droid may be given to another
character if multiple droids are desired on the battlefield. The “Remote Control” ability is based
on the Computers Skill of the actual character in control, regardless of who passed the
reactivation Computers check.

Black Vulkar Swoop Gang

The PCs have had dealings with one of the most notorious swoop gangs of the Lower City and have
a direct commlink channel with their leader, Benno. With enough cajoling, the Black Vulkars might
be enticed to enter the fight against the Mandalorians. Any social check may be used, but each type
may only be attempted once. Encourage RP for the conversation, with particularly good bits worth
boost dice. The difficulty for any check is Hard (cdd+b). A Despair ends the conversation
immediately as Benno hangs up on the party.

If successful, the Black Vulkars arrive on the scene on the next turn on the initiative slot of the PC
who convinced them to join the fight. With a maneuver, that character can give an Upgrade and
bb to any ally's next combat check. This represents the gang swooping in and causing distractions
and general mayhem, but with a bit of focus at the behest of the persuasive party member.
Cathar Refugees
Of the three dozen Cathar refugees, there are a few who might be willing to fight. However, none of
them will do so without the blessing of their leader, Ustasi. She has long tired of war and will not be
easy to convince. Any social check may be tried at Daunting (ccdd) difficulty, though type
may only be attempted once. A Despair on a check upgrades the difficulty of the next check.

If successful, Ustasi reluctantly allows the more headstrong refugees to fight alongside the party.
The exact number of Cathar is at the GM's discretion, but the effect is more cinematic. The refugees
have simple blaster weapons, but seeing the Cathar fighting for their survival with renewed purpose
helps all involved. All PCs, regardless of team, receive a b on all checks for the rest of the
encounter. They each also gain a one-time ability to reroll any combat check once or force the GM
to reroll a combat check made against them. This represents the timely intervention of a Cathar
fighter. Have the players RP just how the Cathar helped change the result of the rerolled check.

Escape Shuttles
Corbin Talbor's long-range commlink is down. While he's able to communicate with the PCs, he
needs their help in getting the escape shuttles to the warehouse to save the party and Cathar
refugees. The main pilot leading the flotilla, Captain Moric, is less than enthused about helping non-
Humans during the siege.

It will take a Hard (ccd+b) Leadership check to convince him to help without direct
communication with Talbor. A Hard (ccd+bb) Charm check may also be attempted, but this
affects Captain Moric's crew, who pressure him to help the party. Either of these checks may be
attempted multiple times, unless a Despair is rolled, which immediately ends the conversation.

A commlink relay may also be attempted if the above scenario fails. It will take a Daunting
(dddd) Computers check to set up the relay. If successful, the Lieuten Talbor is able to speak
with Captain Moric, giving the latter a direct order to head to the PCs coordinates, which the relay
also provides.

The encounter is built for 2 hours, but adjust as needed. Which turn the shuttles arrive is at GM
discretion, but it should only happen after Captain Moric has been successfully convinced or

Once the shuttles arrive, they bring enough firepower to halt any reinforcements outside. At the
GM's discretion, the fight may continue as a tactical retreat, however, feel free to shift into cinematic
mode. This is a great opportunity for any PC with Last Man Standing, which can potentially wipe
out all minions on the battlefield (and some rivals, if upgraded enough).
Unfortunately, Corbin Talbor and his regiment perished in the fighting. However, their sacrifice was
not in vain. The Cathar survived and were eventually able to resettle their homeworld.

XP Rewards
Base 10
+1 for successfully driving a loadlifter droid into combat.
+1 for getting the Black Vulkars to join the fray.
+1 for convincing Ustasi to let her people fight.
+1 for persuading Moric to continue following Talbor's orders.
+1 misc. RP
+1 for MVP/MIRP (most interesting roleplayer) for each side.

For more background on the state of the Galaxy prior to and during this encounter, please visit the
following links:

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