G9 Up1lp5
G9 Up1lp5
G9 Up1lp5
Overview (Introduction)
Making moral decisions is striving to follow Christ’s example with the
help of the strengthening and empowering grace of the Holy Spirit.
Every day we make decisions, big and small. Unfortunately, not all
decisions we make are good ones.
When Jesus presented the truths to His disciples, some of them found
them difficult to accept. This led Jesus to ask the Twelve if they are also
going to leave Him.
We can always think things out, weigh them, and pray that we end up
making a decision that is morally right.
Prayer is a powerful way to get God’s help in searching out His will for
us. We then pray for the strength to carry out what our conscience tells
us to do.
Jesus has the Words of Eternal Life, thus, He is the only one who can
rightfully guide us on the good that we must do and the evil we must
Proclamation of the Word (Gospel of the Day /Seeing God’s message in
the Scriptures)
John 6:60-69
CFC 859
The process of making moral decisions involves:
we ourselves as the moral agent or doer;
using evaluative knowledge, i.e. personal knowledge of the heart,
including affections and imagination,
according to our basic moral character and the virtues we have freely
Christian Message: Learning Targets:
The lesson is ordered to enable the students to:
Doctrine Exemplify in their daily life the
meaning of Agape Love.
I can exemplify in their daily life the meaning of
Agape Love.
Moral: Resolve to do what must have I can resolve to do what must have decided upon
decided upon in accordance to the will of in accordance to the will of God.
God. With the guidance of Jesus Christ, I shall have
the strength to do what He wants us to do.
(OP-Siena Value Map)
-Truth Seeker
(Seeks God: Father, Son and Spirit and all truths thru
assiduous study, research, discipline, silence and prayer)
- Law abiding Citizens
Discovering God’s Word
Read the bible passage John 6:60-69 and answer the following questions on page
CFC 859
The process of making moral decisions involves:
we ourselves as the moral agent or doer;
using evaluative knowledge, i.e. personal knowledge of the heart,
including affections and imagination,
according to our basic moral character and the virtues we have freely
The teachings of Jesus are considered by the Pharisees and the fiercest of Jews
radical because they question and sometimes altogether demolish what they are
used to. The story from the Gospel of St. John presents one of the teachings of
Jesus that were difficult for some of His disciples to accept, thus, they left. The
Twelve, led by Peter, decided to remain with Jesus when He asked them to make
a decision. Peter, in response to Jesus’ question, said that Jesus has the Words of
Eternal Life and as such, they have nowhere else to go.
New Evangelization (New Methods, New Ardor, New Expressions,
Creative Strategies)
1. Answers may vary. (If I were Nina, I will not going to open my notes and
cheat just to pass the exam. It is not right to be an opportunist and cheat just
to gain something good. It is better to fail the exam than passing the it by
means of cheating.)
2. Answers may vary. (I will bring the money to the teachers or to the school
officers and will report that someone lose their money or maybe someone
accidentally put fifty peso bill in the trash bin.)
3. Answers may vary. (I will going to tell my cousin to tell the truth and face
the consequences because it is not appropriate for a student to play while
the teacher is teaching.)
1. Answers may vary. (I will going to accept the fact that my parents can't
afford me a new phone. I wont commit a sin just to fulfill my wants. It is
better to live a life in sufferings and discomfort than living a life in cheating
and disobeying God's Commandments just to get the things you want.)
2. Answers may vary. (Instead of having a fight with my bully classmate, I
will just report them to the school authorities. If he physically hurt me or
even threatens me, then it is time for me to call my parent into the school
and let them handle the situation.)
Prepared: Checked & Approved: