Quantum Sorcery A4

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Armor Cost Protection
Leather 20gp 4
By Steve Attwood
Scale 30gp 5
Barbarians battling fantastic creatures for untold riches. Sorcerers Chain 40gp 6
wielding mighty magical spells with the power of their mind. Wily Plate 60gp 10
thieves stealthily stealing treasures from a dragon’s horde. Dark
dungeons concealing creatures of the night. Quantum Sorcery is a
two-page set of role-playing game rules designed to for you to run Weapons
quick adventure games in fantasy. All you need to play this game are Weapon Cost Damage Range
this sheet, two or more six-sided dice, and writing instruments and Axe 4gp 2D 4/8
supplies. Broadsword (2-handed) 15gp 4D -
Club 1gp 1D -
THE BASIC MECHANIC Crossbow 30/2gp 3D 30/60
Dagger 3gp 2D -
Dice are marked as “D” – all are simple six-sided dice. Throw 2D – Long Bow 7/1gp 3D 50/100
throw two six-sided dice and add the results together, add the skill DM Sabre 12gp 2D -
(Die Modifier), and compare to difficulty. If the total equals or exceeds Short Bow 3gp 2D 30/60
the difficulty number, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. Skill notation: Sling 2gp/1sp 2D 15/30
"throw Practical 6+" = throw two dice, add them together and add the Spear 3gp 2D 10/20
Practical skill, and if the total equals and exceeds 6, you succeed. If you Sword 10gp 3D -
lack a skill, throw at DM-3 (i.e., subtract 3 from the throw). Short Sword 7gp 2D -
Task Difficulties Unarmed - 1D -
Task Description Difficulty Warhammer 5gp 2D -
Easy 4+
Average 6+ Ranged weapon ammunition cost is given in second value.
Difficult 8+ An Adventurers Kit (backpack, bedroll, crowbar, 6 torches, flint and
Formidable 10+ steel, 20m rope, water skin) costs 7gp.
There are six skills: Combat, Lore, Physical, Practical, Social, and
Sorcery. Thieves’ tools cost 5gp.
Combat skill is a measure of how good at fighting or wielding A week’s worth of rations costs 3gp.
weaponry an individual is.
Lore indicates how learned (through book, writings) or aware of the A good horse costs 75gp.
world around you are.
A mule costs 20gp.
Physical shows not just how strong an individual is, but also how
dexterous they are.
Practical is a demonstration in the use of making things and problem-
solving. COMBAT
Social demonstrates how good you are interacting and influencing
others. There is no initiative - everything happens simultaneously, and the
Sorcery is a measure of an individual’s skill in the use of magic. results of combat actions (e.g., wounds) are applied after all combat
actions are resolved.
CHARACTER CREATION In a combat round, you may move up to 10m and attack or move 20m
without attacking.
1. Throw 2D, that is your Endurance, showing how
tough you are. Throw Combat 8+ to hit a target in melee or in ranged Effective range;
Combat 10+ to hit beyond Effective range. Apply the target's Combat
2. Throw 4D; this Is your Lifeblood, showing how well skill as a -DM to hit.
you resist injury.
Upon a hit, throw the weapon's damage dice, subtract any armor
3. Distribute 5 points between your six skills: maximum 3 value, and apply to the target's Endurance. If Endurance runs out, the
points in any one skill. target suffers a Minor Wound (DM-1 to all actions) and further
damage applies to Lifeblood. If the target loses more than half of their
4. 5. Roll 2D6 x 10 for your gold (gp).
Lifeblood, they suffer a Serious Wound and they are out of combat. If
5. For those characters that have the Sorcery skill, they Lifeblood runs out, the target dies.
can either choose or roll randomly a number of spells If only your Endurance is reduced, you recover immediately after
equal to the number of their Sorcery skill level. combat. If you suffer a Minor Wound, you recover after one hour of
rest or immediately upon suitable medical treatment. Severe Wounds
6. Referee may determine if you start with any
requires 5D days of a healer’s care to heal.
appropriate equipment.
Any character may attempt to cast a spell they know, but those Monsters defend treasures and guard ancient tombs. Monster
without the Sorcery skill suffer a DM-3 on their success roll. Regular statistics are represented with the following: Endurance/Lifeblood,
spells take 10 minutes to cast; to cast one in a combat round, a Focus Move Rate per Round, Armor, Damage, and any skill levels. Special
is required beforehand. abilities may also be included. Note that undead monsters are immune
to cold damage and mind-affecting magic.
To cast a spell, the character must roll 8+ modified by their Sorcery
skill. If the sorcerer rolls a natural 2, it is potentially a mis-cast spell. SAMPLE MONSTERS
The sorcerer must then make the same roll again to avoid a mishap. It
the roll is failed a second time, roll on the mishap table for the effect. Black Ooze: 10/13, Move 5m/round, Armour 0, Special attack,
Mishaps and Mutations Combat-0. Immune to magic, cold, and lightning. Not immune to fire.
Acid – any creature in contact with the Black Ooze suffers 2D damage.
1D Mishap
Corrodes metal in 1D rounds.
1 Cloudy mind: suffer DM-1 to all Lore rolls.
2 Become a creature of the night: DM-1 to all throws Ghoul: 11/22, Move 10m/round, Armor 1, Claws and Bite (melee 1D
when in sunlight. and 2D damage) and Paralysis. Physical-1, Combat-2.
3 Body degenerates: reduce movement rate by 1m. Lich: 12/30, Move 10m/round, Armor 3, Claws (melee 3D damage or
4 Debilitating vigor: permanently lose 1 point of by weapon). Physical-1, Combat-2, Sorcery-2. Undead, may only be
Lifeblood. If you lose all Lifeblood, you die harmed by magical weapons. Knows 3D spells.
Rat, Giant: 5/10, Move 20m/round, Armor 1, Bite (melee 1D damage).
5 Your skin thickens; gain DM+1 to your overall armor score.
Physical-0, Combat-0.
6 Gain an additional arm or leg. An extra leg allows double
move rate. An additional arm allows 3 weapons or 2- Skeleton: 7/10, Move 10m/round, Armor 1 or by worn armour, Claws
handed weapon and another without penalty. Can only (melee 1D damage) or by weapon. Physical-0, Combat-0. Undead,
happen once for a leg and once for an arm; reroll takes half damage from non-bludgeoning weapons.
Spider, Giant: 5/10, Move 10m/round, Armour 1, Bite (melee 1D
A Focus allows a sorcerer to prepare a spell ahead of time and cast it damage) with venom. Combat-1, Physical-1. Victim bitten by a giant
in one round. Each Focus is specific to a single spell, is disposable, and spider must throw Physical 6+ or die from the venom within 3D hours.
costs 15gp.
Zombie: 7/14, Move 5m/round, Armour 0, Claws (melee 2D damage).
Physical-1, Combat-1. Undead.
2D Spell
2 Kindle Flame: cause a flammable object to burst into flame,
range 5m, size 1.5m, 2D damage/round for 1D rounds or until
put out. The prize that every adventurer seeks; two tables are presented
3 Protection from Chaos: creates a magic barrier protecting all depending on the nature of the opponent defeated or trap dodged.
within 3m radius of the sorcerer. Summoned monsters such Minor Treasure
as demons cannot enter this radius. Lasts for as long as 1D Treasure
sorcerer concentrates. 1 2D gold coins
4 Mind Probe: sorcerer can read thoughts of on target for 12 2 A precious stone worth 2Dx10 gold coins
rounds, range 20m. 3 A gold ring worth 4Dx10 gold coins
5 Resist Element: grants single creature 1 hour of immunity 4 A precious stone worth 5Dx10 gold coins
from a chosen naturally occurring element (cold, fire or 5 6Dx10 gold coins
electricity). DM +2 against attack forms of this element 6 An ornate knife worth 2D6x10 gold coins, 2D damage.
(Dragon cold breath, call lightning spell). Major Treasure
6 Choking Grip: sorcerer has a telekinetic grip of a target’s 1D Treasure
throat. Target rolls Physical 8+ each round or take 1D damage 1 A vial containing a liquid which when applied to a bladed
and cannot do anything except speak in choked voice. Once weapon adds +2 to all damage rolls.
the Physical roll is made, the spell is broken. 2 A necklace when worn adds +1 to a preferred skill. Effect
7 Purify Food and Water: makes enough spoiled or diseased only lasts whilst worn, cannot be used twice by the same
food or water safe for consumption for 12 people. person.
8 Cure Wounds: immediately heals one target as if they have 3 A treasure chest containing 5D x 100 gold pieces.
rested for one hour. 4 Cloak of stealth, enemies suffer DM-2 to hit the wearer.
9 Cure Disease: instantaneous curing of all diseases in one 5 1D foci for randomly-chosen spells.
target by touch, including magical ones. 6 Magic sword glowing blue when enemies are 25m
10 Dispel Magic: ends all ongoing spells or magical effects cast
away. 3D damage; 4D damage vs. undead.
on creatures or objects in a 5m space, range 40m.
11 Call Lightning: sorcerer calls a bolt of lightning; area of effect
6m, range 120m, 6D damage; victims can throw Physical 8+
to take half damage. Requires stormy weather. Get Barbaric! a full-scale 2d6 Sword & Sorcery RPG
12 Unseen Servant: range 10m, duration 1 hour + 10 minutes by Stellagama Publishing
per Sorcery skill level. Summons invisible force to perform https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/348272/Barbaric
simple tasks. Applies 10kg of force, move 20m/round.

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