Judging Rubric
Judging Rubric
Judging Rubric
solutions to complex challenges facing our students, employees & organization, or community. We welcome all
employees to partner with our long-time dedication to innovation and driving change.
Application Process:
All WSU Tech employees have been invited to submit their bold solutions through an initial application
process. These ideas then swim through the Shock Tank in a multi-round selection process:
Round 1 | Open Application Process | The Shock Tank team will judge all submitted ideas and will select the
top ideas (up to 10) to move to Round Two.
Round 2 | Top Ten | The top ten groups will work alongside the Shock Tank team to polish their ideas in
preparation to present to the WSU Tech leadership team. The WSU Tech leadership team will select (up to 5)
and advance to the third and final selection round.
Final Round | Final Selection | Finalists will be assigned to a Shock Tank mentor to prepare for their final idea
pitch. The finalists will present to a group of community and industry partners. One idea will be selected as
the winner.
Action Round | Implementation | Congratulations Shock Tank winner! Now the real work starts as you
transform your ideas into reality. This phase could last up to two years with regular progress meetings.
Scoring categories:
Scoring Categories & points (see content-specific definitions in scoring rubric guidelines):
Exemplary: (16-20)
Effective: (11-15)
Acceptable: (6-10)
Emerging: (1-5)
Diverse & Project provides plenty Project provides Project provides Project provides some
Inclusive of opportunity for all adequate some opportunity opportunity for few
groups from different opportunity for for most groups groups from different
backgrounds. most groups from different backgrounds.
from different backgrounds.
Employee & Project builds a Project builds an Project builds Project tries to build
Community strong platform for adequate platform platform for platform for
Advocative stakeholders & for stakeholders & stakeholders & stakeholders &
enhances all enhances most somewhat somewhat
professional & professional & enhances enhances
personal personal professional & professional &
opportunities. opportunities. personal personal
opportunities. opportunities.
Sustainable All aspects of the Most aspects of Some aspects of Project tries to have
project have an the project have the project have an an enduring prospect
enduring prospect an enduring enduring prospect for success and
for success and prospect for for success and contribution to WSU
contribution to WSU success and contribution to Tech in the long-term.
Tech in the long- contribution to WSU Tech in the
term. WSU Tech in the long- term.
Shock Tank Scoring
Scoring Rubric
Emerging Acceptable Effective Exemplary
Evaluation Awarded
Innovative & Collaborative 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Props and/or additional items shall not be used as a basis for scoring.