Judging Rubric

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Shock Tank is a new competition inspired by ‘Shark Tank’, which encourages employees to come up with bold

solutions to complex challenges facing our students, employees & organization, or community. We welcome all
employees to partner with our long-time dedication to innovation and driving change.


Application Process:

All WSU Tech employees have been invited to submit their bold solutions through an initial application
process. These ideas then swim through the Shock Tank in a multi-round selection process:

Round 1 | Open Application Process | The Shock Tank team will judge all submitted ideas and will select the
top ideas (up to 10) to move to Round Two.

Round 2 | Top Ten | The top ten groups will work alongside the Shock Tank team to polish their ideas in
preparation to present to the WSU Tech leadership team. The WSU Tech leadership team will select (up to 5)
and advance to the third and final selection round.

Final Round | Final Selection | Finalists will be assigned to a Shock Tank mentor to prepare for their final idea
pitch. The finalists will present to a group of community and industry partners. One idea will be selected as
the winner.

Action Round | Implementation | Congratulations Shock Tank winner! Now the real work starts as you
transform your ideas into reality. This phase could last up to two years with regular progress meetings.

Competencies & Eligibility:

• Does it align with the WSU Tech strategic plan?

• Is it innovative and forward-thinking?
• Is it student success and retention driven?
• Does it offer improvement to these 3 main groups: our students, our employees & organization, & our
• Will it be financially feasible and do you have the ability to show detail on cost (as close as
• possible)?
• Does it benefit the college as a whole? (It can be an idea that benefits one department directly but
must show how it indirectly helps other departments or individuals.)
• Are you able to lead implementation and provide follow-up? (You don’t have to do it alone but can
• you or your submitting team own the idea?)
• Are you able to identify the champions and stakeholders?
• Can you identify what possible challenges there are and how to overcome them?
• After the initial 2 years of funding can you show how it can fund itself beyond that?
Shock Tank Project Method of Evaluation: Rubric & Categories Defined

Scoring categories:

Innovative & Collaborative:

The overall project includes a process(es) that bring people together over a shared question, creating the
space to explore how thinking of people differently and involving them fully, can strengthen WSU Tech as a
Student Success & Retention:
The project works to support the academic and personal success of students through support, academic skill
building, tutoring, mentoring, and creating a community using strengths-based steps, and robust assessment
while improving year-by-year retention as well as graduation rates.
Financial Feasibility:
Projects have the ability to remain within the cost structure to financially sustain themselves over the long
term and meet all obligations. The project should be able to fund itself through either revenues or cost
savings after 2 fiscal years.
Operational Feasibility:
The project is capable of producing its intended result given the resources (i.e., organizational structure, time,
etc.) while taking advantage of the opportunities identified and supporting the necessary tasks for success.
Diverse & Inclusive:
The project provides an opportunity for people from different backgrounds to representation supporting the
makeup of WSU Tech while building contributions, presence, and perspectives of these groups to be valued
and integrated into our culture.
Employee & Community Advocacy:
Project provides a platform for internal and external stakeholders for enhancing and building on professional
and personal efforts to increase opportunities and develop relationships.
The project has an enduring prospect for success and contribution to WSU Tech students and stakeholders in
the long term while maintaining a balance between environmental, social, and economic aspects.

Scoring Categories & points (see content-specific definitions in scoring rubric guidelines):
Exemplary: (16-20)
Effective: (11-15)
Acceptable: (6-10)
Emerging: (1-5)

Maximum points from Defined Categories: 140

Scoring Rubric Guidelines (next Page)

CATEGORY Exemplary (16-20) Effective (11-15) Acceptable (6-10) Emerging (1-5)
Innovative & Project is based on Project is based Project is based Project is based on
Collaborative uniquely creative on creative ideas on somewhat usual ideas and tries
idea(s) & involves and involves creative ideas to involve different
different groups at all different groups and involves groups.
levels. at most levels. different groups
at some levels.
Student Project contributes to Project Project contributes Project tries to
Success student success & contributes to to student success contribute to
& Retention retention in all areas. student success & & retention in student success &
Driven retention in most some areas. retention.
Financially Project remains on Project remains on Project remains on Project does not
Feasible budget, is self- budget and is self- budget and remain on budget.
sustainable after two sustainable after requires review
years, and brings in two years. after two years due
new revenue to on- going budget
sources/cost savings investment from
that allow the the College to
College to invest in continue the idea
additional initiatives. beyond
Shock Tank.
Operationally Project exceeds Project meets Project meets most Project meets some of
Feasible intended results well intended results of its intended its intended results
within the resource within the results within the mostly within the
constraints. resource resource resource constraints.
constraints. constraints.

Diverse & Project provides plenty Project provides Project provides Project provides some
Inclusive of opportunity for all adequate some opportunity opportunity for few
groups from different opportunity for for most groups groups from different
backgrounds. most groups from different backgrounds.
from different backgrounds.

Employee & Project builds a Project builds an Project builds Project tries to build
Community strong platform for adequate platform platform for platform for
Advocative stakeholders & for stakeholders & stakeholders & stakeholders &
enhances all enhances most somewhat somewhat
professional & professional & enhances enhances
personal personal professional & professional &
opportunities. opportunities. personal personal
opportunities. opportunities.
Sustainable All aspects of the Most aspects of Some aspects of Project tries to have
project have an the project have the project have an an enduring prospect
enduring prospect an enduring enduring prospect for success and
for success and prospect for for success and contribution to WSU
contribution to WSU success and contribution to Tech in the long-term.
Tech in the long- contribution to WSU Tech in the
term. WSU Tech in the long- term.
Shock Tank Scoring

Shark Name Team/Project Name

Scoring Rubric
Emerging Acceptable Effective Exemplary
Evaluation Awarded
Innovative & Collaborative 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Student Success & Retention Driven 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Financially Feasible 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Operationally Feasible 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Diverse & Inclusive 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Employee & Community Advocate 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Sustainable 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20

Presentation lasted no longer than ten (10) minutes 5

Followed all required application processes 10

Shock-ularity Contest Winner 5

TOTAL PRESENTATION POINTS (160 points maximum)

Props and/or additional items shall not be used as a basis for scoring.



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