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Museum Informatics

Paul F. Marty
College of Communication and Information, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A.

Museum informatics is the study of the sociotechnical interactions that take place at the intersection of
people, information, and technology in museums. This entry presents an overview of museum informatics,
covering such topics as information representation, information organization and access, information
management, information technology, information interactions, and information professionals in
museums. It explores the impact of information science and technology on museums, museum profes-
sionals, and museum visitors, and argues that museum researchers must take a sociotechnical approach to
studying the use of information resources and technologies in museums.

INTRODUCTION storage and retrieval, collections management systems,

and Web-based educational outreach.[10]
Museum informatics is the study of the sociotechnical inter- The changing needs and expectations of the users of
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actions that take place at the intersection of people, infor- museum information resources have prompted corres-
mation, and technology in museums.[1,2] Over the past ponding changes in the capabilities and services provided
few decades, museum researchers and professionals have by museums. This entry will examine those changes, and
explored the impact of information science and technology explore the impact of new information technologies on
on the people who use museum resources. Museum profes- museums, museum professionals, and museum visitors.
sionals and museum visitors—including curators, registrars, Taking its cue from the scholarly and practitioner liter-
school children, and scholars—have found their under- ature published on this topic over the past few decades,
standing of what museums can and should do dramatically this entry will examine museum informatics within the

changed by the introduction of new information resources context of the museum profession. It is only recently that
and technologies into museums.[3] the field of museum informatics has begun to develop the
Museums have traditionally served as repositories of critical framing and discourse necessary for the advance-
objects for the purposes of research, preservation, and edu- ment of the field as a theoretical area in its own right.
cation.[4] For thousands of years, museums have acquired, While this entry, therefore, focuses primarily on the pro-
stored, and exhibited objects of art, cultural heritage, natural fessional activities of museum informatics, it concludes
history, science, and technology. Yet museums are not only with a discussion of the importance of moving from prac-
repositories of objects; they are repositories of knowl- tice to theory, and the future of museum informatics as a
edge.[5,6] The modern museum is an information service research area.
organization where information about museum collections
is just as important as the collections themselves.[7,8]
As knowledge repositories, museums store knowledge; as INFORMATION RESOURCES IN MUSEUMS
information service organizations, they make this knowl-
edge accessible and usable for their visitors. Many types of information resources are important to
Today’s visitors to museums—from elementary school museums. The most important information resource that
children to academic researchers—expect instant access any museum possesses is its collection of artifacts. These
to extensive information about every object in the objects are valuable documents in their own right,
museum’s collections. To meet these expectations, and to providing information about the world’s culture, art, his-
serve their clients as effectively as possible, museum pro- tory, science, and nature.
fessionals have become more skilled in managing infor- Equally important, however, is the extensive informa-
mation resources in museums.[9] They have honed their tion that museum professionals possess about the objects
expertise in information organization and access, become in their care. When a museum acquires a new collection,
more sophisticated in the application of information tech- information about each object is recorded and organized.
nologies designed or adapted for use in museums, and Museum professionals must know what they have, when
developed skills in such areas as digitization, information they collected it, why it is of significance, where it came

Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition DOI: 10.1081/E-ELIS3-120043944

Copyright # 2010 by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 3717
3718 Museum Informatics

from, what condition it is in, etc. They record specific With such a system, answering questions such as
data about each object such as nomenclature classifica- “When did we receive this particular artifact?” or “What
tions; physical dimensions; material analyses; geographi- has this donor given us?” might be simple enough tasks
cal, cultural, and temporal designations; artifact histories; (assuming the card files were kept up-to-date). Searching
scholarly remarks; condition and conservation records; through and sorting records to answer more sophisticated
research notes; and so on. They also maintain related questions could be laborious and time-consuming. Within
information resources such as donor files, accession the limitations of paper-based systems, certain questions
records, exhibit histories, research studies, temporary prove virtually impossible to answer, including: “How
loans records, visitor attendance reports, information many oil-based paintings do we have that were painted
requests, etc. (Buck and Gilmore[11] for more informa- before 1450?” or “Do we have sufficient numbers and
tion about museum records). types of shoes to create an exhibit illustrating the history
of shoemaking over the past 500 years?” When faced with
Information Representation such questions, even the most knowledgeable and skilled
museum employees might be unable to provide satisfac-
When working with information about their collections, tory answers.
museum professionals rely on principles of information This situation improved with the introduction of mod-
representation to create information surrogates or aggre- ern, computerized systems for museum cataloging.[13]
gates that can be manipulated more easily than physical Museum professionals were now able to search and sort
artifacts. Surrogates are created by taking information digital records about their collections using almost any
entities and making them physically or informationally database field. They could store more information about
smaller (e.g., catalog card records), while aggregates are their artifacts, and they could share data more easily with
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single resources that represent groups of information enti- other institutions. Museums had the potential to work
ties based on shared data (e.g., a list of all artifacts acces- together to improve the quality of their information
sioned in the same year). Information surrogates and resources and provide better, more useful, and more accu-
aggregates are usually easier and faster to handle than rate information to their users; but the realization of this
artifacts themselves, especially when searching, sorting, potential did not turn out to be an easy task.
or manipulating museum resources. In addition, working There were few accepted standards for organizing in-
with object surrogates is safer for artifacts, as museum formation within museums, and organizational methods
professionals can research collections, develop exhibits, were typically institution specific and varied greatly from
and work with scholars while artifacts remain safely museum to museum. Given the inherent uniqueness of

in storage. museum artifacts, it was impossible for one museum to

Over the years, museum professionals have used a document an object and then share that information with
wide range of tools (such as ledgers, card catalogs, com- other institutions with the same object. No two institu-
puter databases, and digital collections management sys- tions would record the same information in their ledgers,
tems) to organize and provide access to information or use the same terminology when describing their collec-
representations in museums. While no information repre- tions. How, then, could museums develop standards to
sentation can duplicate the physical artifact in its entirety, improve the quality of their records and more easily share
access to a sufficiently detailed information representation data about their collections?
can meet the needs of many users, including researchers,
scholars, teachers, students, and the general public. For Standards and Metadata
information resources to effectively meet the needs of the
museum’s users, information must be properly organized There have been many attempts to create data content,
and easily accessible. structure, and value standards for documenting and
describing museum artifacts.[14] Cultural heritage institu-
tions, for instance, frequently classify collections of man-
INFORMATION ORGANIZATION AND ACCESS IN made objects using a nomenclature system developed in
MUSEUMS 1978 by Robert G. Chenhall,[15] later revised and ex-
panded by James Blackaby et al.[16] It is difficult to de-
Until the 1960s, information resources about museum velop a classification system that works equally well
artifacts were organized into paper records and card across all institutions with widely different kinds of
files.[12] There were many drawbacks to this paper-based collections. Museum professionals attempting to use
system, especially in terms of information access: only a Chenhall’s nomenclature may encounter many difficult
limited number of individuals could access the files at any questions, such as: Should an ancient Egyptian document
one time; and access was restricted to only a few data written on a torn piece of papyrus be classified as a mate-
points, usually accession number, donor name, and occa- rial fragment or according to the content of the document?
sionally the object’s name or classification. or Should a wine jug from ancient Greece be classified
Museum Informatics 3719

under the generic term “Pitcher, Wine” or the specific national levels, collections of digital information resources
term “Red Figure Oinochoe?” Different institutions tend organize and allow access to a variety of data from
to answer such questions in their own way, thereby museums of all types. The Canadian Heritage Information
making it very difficult to establish standards that can be Network (CHIN) connects hundreds of Canadian museums
upheld by all organizations. into one national network, providing a searchable database
Museum professionals at many different institutions of millions of museum artifacts and an extensive Virtual
are working to solve these problems. The Getty Research Museum of Canada. The Collections Australia Network
Institute has developed detailed vocabularies and thesauri (CAN) provides a portal for information about Australian
specifically for the use of museums.[17] The products of museums, including a searchable index of hundreds of
their research include structured vocabularies such as the thousands of Australian artifacts.
Art and Architecture Thesaurus (which provides 131,000 When developing these shared collections, museum
terms for describing cultural materials), the Union List of professionals often have the opportunity to evaluate dif-
Artist Names (which contains 293,000 names of artists ferent standards and recommend best organizational prac-
and architects), and the Thesaurus of Geographic Names tices. During the 1990s, the Museum Educational Site
(which includes 1.1 million terms for geographical and Licensing Program explored a variety of issues ranging
historical locations). The Getty Research Institute has also from data standards to intellectual property rights, when
developed the Categories for the Description of Works of six museums worked with seven universities to share in-
Art, which establishes a data content standard for describ- formation resources about thousands of digital images.[21]
ing museum objects and images. More recently, the Art Museum Image Consortium
International organizations have developed and evalu- (AMICO) was able to use the resources of its extensive
ated metadata standards to see whether they can be used library of digital images to develop detailed specifications
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when describing museum artifacts. The International and data dictionaries for institutions scanning and orga-
Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the Interna- nizing data about images.[22] These projects frequently
tional Council of Museums (ICOM) has led the develop- relied on the resources of their member institutions to test
ment of the Conceptual Reference Model (CRM), different methods for providing access to distributed sets
providing perhaps the most complete model for describ- of artifact data, and for connecting multiple museum data-
ing concepts and relationships when documenting cultural bases while accounting for variations in data types, se-
heritage objects ( During the late mantics, and query terms.[23]
1990s, the Consortium for the Computer Interchange of Museum professionals often form consortia to achieve
Museum Information (CIMI) evaluated the effectiveness the common goals of the member organizations collabor-

of the Dublin Core Standard for describing museum arti- ating on digital projects. Typically, these consortia are
facts, concluding that Dublin Core elements are useful to able to undertake projects of greater complexity than any
cultural heritage institutions in the abstract, but poten- one institution would be able to handle alone. Museum
tially problematic when used for institution-specific collaborations are usually formed to create a collective
needs. More recently, academic researchers have been digital resource to which all participating organizations
investigating the use of Extensible Markup Language will contribute. The Museums and the Online Archive
(XML) for describing museum artifacts, and exploring of California, for example, brings together 75,000 object
the potential of the Open Archives Initiative for harvest- records from 11 cultural institutions in California.[24] The
ing museum metadata for collections repositories.[18] Collaborative (formerly Colorado) Digitization Project
Museum associations have also been working to de- brings together cultural heritage materials from institu-
velop standards for best practices when managing museum tions across the western United States into one shared
collections information. The Museum Documentation resource repository.[25] The Scottish Cultural Resources
Association (MDA) in the United Kingdom has developed Access Network has gathered hundreds of thousands of
a standard called SPECTRUM that is a guide to good multimedia and text records about Scotland into one cen-
practice for all museums when documenting their collec- tral repository.[26] These cooperative endeavors testify to
tions.[19] The Visual Resources Association (VRA) has the museum community’s commitment to finding new
established data content standards for Cataloguing Cul- ways of organizing and sharing information resources.
tural Objects (CCO), fulfilling much the same purpose
as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) in
library and archives communities.[20] INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN MUSEUMS

Data Sharing Initiatives The first attempts to computerize museum collections

occurred in the early 1960s, when several institutions
Efforts to develop international standards acceptable to a began exploring the potential benefits of automating their
range of institutions have resulted in initiatives to build collections management with computerized systems.[27,28]
extensive shared collections databases. From local to These early systems were developed on mainframe
3720 Museum Informatics

systems and used to store descriptive information about and it is easy to forget that when a collection is digitized,
museum artifacts. The Smithsonian Institution, for exam- the museum professionals in charge of the project must do
ple, developed information systems, such as Smithsonian more than produce a digital image of each artifact. They
Institution Information Retrieval System (SIIRS) and Self must also record descriptive data about the object (such as
Generating Master (SELGEM), which were used at insti- its provenance, classification, and composition) in elec-
tutions across the country during the 1960s and 1970s. tronic format, and generate new, additional metadata for
The Museum Computer Network (MCN), founded in the electronic object.
1967, developed and distributed a system called Gene- Recording data about museum artifacts in digital format
ralized Retrieval and Information Processing for Huma- offers museum professionals immediate benefits. These
nities Oriented Studies (GRIPHOS) to their member benefits include the ability to make a virtually infinite num-
organizations. One of MCN’s first projects was to evalu- ber of perfect copies of digital surrogates, and transmit them
ate standards for information organization and access at over great distances with no loss in quality; to offer new
12 art museums nationwide, and MCN sponsored the first levels of interactivity between objects and users; to take
conference on computers and their potential applications advantage of hypermedia and multimedia to remove objects
in museums at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New from the constraints of physical space and present arrange-
York in 1967.[29] ments impossible in physical galleries; to provide remote
Soon, a number of institutions were using mainframe access to information resources for visitors, scholars,
systems to store data about their collections in electronic researchers, and students; and to target unique information
format. Museum professionals began to meet at a variety needs, by broadcasting information resources to wide
of conferences to discuss organizational standards, best audiences or narrowcasting information resources to indi-
practices, and new uses for information technologies in vidual users.
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museums. As computers became cheaper, faster, and eas- The ever present push for digitization has created new
ier to use, even professionals working for small, poorly problems and exacerbated old ones for museums. These
funded museums were able to purchase computer systems problems include concerns, worries, or fears over such
and database software for collections management. Ven- issues as copyright and intellectual property; the potential
dors started developing and distributing collections man- lessening of the “aura” or authenticity of museum arti-
agement systems for many different types of museums. facts; the blurring of individual museum identities online;
By the 1980s, new technologies had been developed that and the potential impact of access to digital surrogates on
supported digital imaging, and museums began to experi- physical museum visitation. The opportunities and chal-
ment with building digital image databases. As the use of lenges afforded by digitization have prompted new ques-

digital networks such as the Internet became more wide- tions and concerns about the rise of the digital museum in
spread, museum professionals found even more ways to the information age.
share data about their collections. Today, museum profes-
sionals face a rapidly evolving information environment, The Digital Museum
and conferences such as the international conference
of Museums and the Web and the annual meetings of the New technologies and online museums mean easier ac-
MCN help keep hundreds of museum professionals up-to- cess and wider use of information resources that may
date with the latest techniques and methods of bringing previously have been more firmly controlled by the gov-
museum information resources online. erning institution.[30] Some museum professionals worry
that when they digitize their collections and make digital
Museums and Digitization resources available online, they lose control over the
museum’s intellectual property and other copyrighted
When museum professionals discuss “digitizing their col- materials. Such concerns have prompted some institutions
lections,” they refer to a process in which two things can to protect their intellectual property by restricting access
occur: 1) they record in electronic format descriptive data to certain types of data or making it difficult to reproduce
about their artifacts; and 2) they produce some type of the content they control. For example, museum profes-
digital representation or image of each object. These two sionals may attempt to prohibit the illegal duplication of
activities are often easily confused. When museums first digital images by embedding visible or invisible water-
began working with computers, digital imaging was not marks into digital image files.[31] These approaches are
even a possibility, and when museum professionals re- only stopgap solutions, however, and a true solution to
ferred to “computerizing” their collections, they meant this problem will only come when the museum commu-
taking descriptive, textual data from their ledgers and nity reevaluates its approaches to rights administration
card files and converting them into electronic format. and content distribution, developing new economic mod-
Today, with the prevalence of digital cameras and scan- els for digital cultural heritage.[32]
ners, most museum professionals have expanded their Another question asked about digital museums con-
definition of “digitization” to include digital imaging, cerns whether visitors will stop visiting physical museums
Museum Informatics 3721

as more information about museum collections is avail- capabilities of online exhibits, realizing that increased
able online. This fear has become even more prevalent access to digital collections offered new opportunities for
as the quality of digital artifact representations online interacting with museum collections and information
has increased; many museums offer extremely high- resources.
resolution images of their artifacts online, and some Online museums and virtual exhibits have the potential
even offer three-dimensional representations that can be to cover topics in ways not possible in physical museums.
manipulated by virtual visitors and examined from all For example, Douma and Henchman[39] present an online
sides. With such features available online, some museum exhibit that allows visitors to digitally remove layers of a
professionals wonder whether museum visitors will still painting (Bellini’s Feast of the Gods), examining earlier
bother to visit the real thing. Fortunately for museum versions using simulated infrared or x-ray lenses. Gillard[40]
professionals, recent surveys have provided compelling explores how the National Museum of American History’s
evidence that online museums actually drive physical HistoryWired project encourages visitors to manipulate
museum attendance instead of discouraging physical vis- a collection of artifacts, uncovering connections between
its; in the majority of studies, planning a museum visit objects along temporal, cultural, and thematic lines.
is consistently cited as the primary reason people visit Sayre[41] describes how the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
museum Web sites.[33,34] Kravchyna and Hastings[35] allowed online visitors to follow the restoration of a paint-
found that 57% of museum Web site users visit museum ing in real time, drawing them into the process and building
Web sites both before and after they visit physical stronger relationships between the museum and its visitors.
museums. Similarly, Thomas and Carey[36] found that Many museums offer three-dimensional interactive
70% of museum visitors specifically looked for online tours online that mimic the experience of visiting the
information prior to a museum visit, and that 57% said museum in person, while simultaneously opening an array
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the information they found online increased their desire to of new possibilities for interaction.[42,43] Online museum
visit the museum in person. visitors, for instance, can compare and contrast artifacts
Despite the potential challenges, museum professionals that in real life may not be in the same exhibit or even the
remain eager to digitize their collections, prompted no same museum. Some institutions have experimented with
doubt by the growing number of museum visitors who live online exhibits, using webcasting techniques to inter-
now expect museums to provide access to their collections act with global audiences in real time. The Exploratorium
in digital formats. As the technologies required to build in San Francisco, for example, broadcasts live coverage
a digital collection become easier to use and cheaper of solar eclipses (online and recently in the virtual world
to acquire, more museums have the opportunity to em- of Second Life) and has developed a related online re-

bark upon digitization programs, and more opportunities source guide (
arise for museum visitors to interact with digital museum New technologies have also offered museum profes-
collections. sionals ways to bring information about their collections
directly to their audiences. As museums continue to digi-
tize their collections, it has become more common for
INFORMATION INTERACTIONS IN MUSEUMS museum professionals to make their records available
online to the general public. These resources are used by
Museum professionals use new information technologies a wide variety of online visitors, from recent visitors
to develop innovative ways of reaching their visitors, interested in learning more about artifacts they saw in
online and in-house.[37,38] Inside the museum, interactive person, to academic researchers at distant universities
kiosks encourage visitors to explore topics in greater searching for particularly unique specimens. As more
depth and at their own pace. Online, virtual museums museums develop online collections databases, museum
allow visitors to plan gallery tours, research artifact col- professionals have explored the potential benefits of link-
lections, and learn from interactive educational exhibits. ing these databases directly into their online exhibits,
New information technologies have changed how mu- providing online visitors with instant access to the latest
seum professionals achieve their missions, and encour- collections data.[44]
aged museum visitors to embrace the new capabilities of
the digital museum. Personalization Technologies

Museums and the Web Modern museums can personalize the museum-going ex-
perience in ways never before possible. It is now common
When museums started going online in the 1990s, mu- for museums to offer handheld devices—such as audio
seum professionals discovered that the Web offered them guides—to their gallery visitors. In essence, visitors to
the potential to provide more than information about their these museums have their own digital docents that can
museum’s location, hours of operation, and brief descrip- discuss artifacts of personal interest to them, providing a
tions of their collections. They began to explore the digital twist on traditional museum guided tours.[45] Using
3722 Museum Informatics

a handheld device, visitors can listen to audio descriptions organized. While the ability to manipulate and manage
of works of art, allowing them to explore the gallery’s information resources has long been an important skill
contents in any order and at their own pace. for museum professionals, meeting these changing expec-
As handheld computers become less expensive, mu- tations can be difficult for museum professionals.
seum professionals continue to experiment with the cap- Changing ideas about the museum’s position as an in-
abilities of these devices, offering their visitors detailed formation service organization can pose difficult chal-
text and digital images in addition to audio tracks. Pro- lenges for museum professionals, often requiring them to
jects that explore the educational potential of mobile learn new information management skills and integrate
computing devices in museums are becoming especially new information technologies into their daily work.[53]
crucial as more museums integrate such systems into their Increased access to the digital information resources of
exhibits and learning experiences.[46] Several projects libraries, archives, and museums has driven changing
have demonstrated the value of mobile computers for expectations from all museum users, including museum
increasing visitor interactions and improving educational visitors and museum professionals, about the information
experiences in museums.[47,48] resources museums should provide online and in-
As museum professionals explore new methods of house.[54] Users of all types frequently expect digital
making information on collections available online, revo- museums to act more like digital libraries—a situation that
lutionary trends in personalization have occurred in the puts immense pressure on museum professionals to live
online museum environment.[49] A growing number of up to the changing needs and expectations of their users.
museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
the Virtual Museum of Canada, and the Fine Arts Information Professionals
Museums of San Francisco, now allow visitors to create
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personal digital collections of their favorite artifacts, add- Museum professionals have become increasingly con-
ing or removing artifacts at will, and returning to view cerned with the ability of museums to function in the
their collections whenever they like. Some museums, information society, to meet user needs, and to ensure that
such as the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Walker the right information resources are available at the right
Art Center, allow online visitors to group digital artifacts time and place, inside or outside the museum. To accom-
into personal galleries, annotate them with textual plish these goals, a new role has emerged for information
descriptions, and share them with other online visitors. professionals in museums.[55] The success of museums in
The future of museum personalization can be found in the information age will depend largely on the work of
the application of web 2.0 and social computing technolo- information professionals trained to deal with the pro-

gies for online museums; the collaborative social tagging blems of museum informatics and the museum’s informa-
project Steve ( provides an excellent tion needs.
example of how these technologies can be implemented Information and communication technologies in
for museums. It will likely soon be common for museum museums change so rapidly that museums need indivi-
professionals to encourage their online visitors to draw duals on staff who can guide them through the hazards of
new connections between artifacts, store those connec- planning digitization projects, purchasing collections in-
tions on the museum’s computers, and share them with formation systems, or joining online data sharing initia-
other museum visitors. In this way, museum visitors will tives. Museum administrators know that if a museum is to
add value to digital collections, contributing their knowl- participate in the information society, someone at the
edge to the museum’s collections by adding new connec- museum needs to be able to set information policy, man-
tions and interpretations across user communities.[50,51] age information resources, administer content manage-
ment systems, implement metadata standards, evaluate
information interfaces, etc. While some technical jobs
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT IN MUSEUMS (including Web design) can be outsourced, museums that
do not have in-house skills with museum informatics will
Information management skills have always been impor- find it difficult to meet the constantly evolving demands
tant for museum professionals, who have a lengthy of their increasingly information-savvy audiences.
history of working with information resources and tech-
nologies.[52] As museum information resources become
more technically complex, and the users of those re- MUSEUM INFORMATICS: FROM PRACTICE TO
sources become more information literate, the needs and THEORY
expectations of visitors have become increasingly sophis-
ticated. Users of museum resources are no longer satisfied The future of museum informatics as a unique research
with limited access to information about museum collec- area depends on its ability to bridge multiple disciplines,
tions, and many desire 24 hr access to museum data, no drawing upon disparate theories and methodologies, and
matter where the data are located, or how the data are connecting the traditional professional world of museum
Museum Informatics 3723

studies with critical theories from the emerging worlds of increase in research activity by academics, but also of the
new media and digital cultural heritage. Recent publica- increase in interest and demand by students for resources
tions have been extremely influential in setting an agenda and publications in the area of museum informatics. To
for museum informatics and providing the intellectual meet this demand, a growing number of scholarly journals
framework necessary for the advancement of the field as now publish papers about museum informatics. The Jour-
a research area, a particularly important achievement for nal of the American Society for Information Science and
an emerging field such as museum informatics.[56,57] Technology, the Journal of Digital Libraries, and Curator,
The principal challenge facing the establishment of for example, have all published special issues on museum
museum informatics as a unique research area lies in the informatics. More recently, the Journal of Museum Man-
fact that museum informatics is an extremely interdisci- agement and Curatorship has added a permanent section
plinary field of study. Researchers interested in the on Digital Heritage to its quarterly issues.
museum’s changing role in the information society have While the increase in publications related to museum
drawn upon theories and techniques from dozens of informatics (including books, journals, and conference pro-
related fields, including digital libraries, human–computer ceedings) is extremely encouraging, the increasing amount
interaction, social network analysis, cognitive science, of literature has posed challenges for museum informatics
museum studies, library and information science, etc. researchers. In particular, the natural interdisciplinarity of
While early work in this area focused primarily on how museum informatics (covering such topics as technology,
information technologies should be used in museums, communication studies, museology, education, information
researchers are now emphasizing the need for an underly- science, etc.) tends to result in a centrifugal approach to
ing body of theory and methods for studying museum publishing, where key pieces of research can appear in
informatics as well as related fields such as museums and very different domains, speaking to very different peer
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new media or digital cultural heritage.[58] groups. As interest in museum informatics continues to
To explore new theoretical perspectives and to develop rise, therefore, researchers and practitioners seeking to es-
new methodologies, researchers and professionals from tablish museum informatics as a research area must collab-
around the world have joined together to form evolving orate to bring together any and all research related to the
communities of practice, dedicated to providing guidance intersection of people, information, and technology in
to museums and other institutions of cultural heritage as museums—including both the practical processes and the-
they address important issues in museum informatics.[59] oretical discourses that relate to the organization, manage-
Interest in museum informatics is now widespread, and ment, and use of museum information resources.
each year, thousands of people worldwide participate in

discussions, projects, and research initiatives related to
museum informatics. CONCLUSION
Museum professionals and researchers today belong to
many different professional organizations and attend a The study of museum informatics requires a sociotechnical
variety of conferences dedicated to exploring museum approach to information resource management in museums.
informatics, including the meetings of such organizations New information technologies have changed the way mu-
as the MCN, the MDA, the International Council of seum professionals think about the purpose and capabilities
Museum’s International Committee for Documentation, of museums. These sweeping changes have affected the
the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meet- way museums manage their information resources, in-
ing, the International Museums and the Web Conference, house and online, in almost every aspect. The world of
and the Institute of Museum and Library Services’ Web- museums is being altered constantly by the introduction of
Wise Conference. The published conference proceedings new information technologies, as new technologies reshape
from these meetings, many of which are freely available the job of the museum professional and the overall function
online, provide important, timely, and often extremely of museums in the information society.
cutting-edge primary resources for individuals interested To understand these changes, museums must be exam-
in studying museum informatics. ined as complex sociotechnical systems that evolve and
The prodigious number of museum informatics-related adapt to meet new challenges. Museum researchers must
events (including conferences, training events, symposia, study museum informatics within complex and interlock-
etc.) as well as their regular high attendance are indicative ing organizational and social contexts affecting the nature
of a continued and widespread professional engagement in of museums in general and the expectations of museum
this area. In addition, during the last few years, there has professionals and visitors in particular. In this way, mu-
been a flourishing of university programs in this area. In seum professionals and researchers will be able to em-
the United States and Europe, for example, there are edu- brace the growing role of museum informatics in the
cational programs where students can study exclusively in twenty-first century museum, and continue to explore the
such areas as museum informatics and digital cultural sociotechnical implications of people, information, and
heritage. These programs are indicative not only of an technology interacting in museums.
3724 Museum Informatics

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