Svilicic 1
Svilicic 1
Svilicic 1
34 (2010) 2: 587–594
Original scientific paper
Through advancing new technology, perspective of museum institution and museum profession is changed. The con-
tent analysis and analyze of used terminology by online users will show us which term is the most used between fre-
quently used terms such are: online, electronic, web, internet, digital, virtual and cyber museums. This scientific paper
suggests that online users don’t differ mentioned terms while they search for museums on Web. Using the appropriate
»prefix« in order to better describe the typology of a museum on the Web is the first step in designing the future of the mu-
seums and certainly encourages serious approach in to the study of the new museum »entities«.
Key words: museums, online museums, internet museums, cyber museums, new museums, perspective of museums,
digital museums, content presentation, museum typology, terminology of online museums
Through advancing new technology, perspective of Such development of online museum will certainly
museum institution and museum profession is changed. change the viewing angle on the museum profession in
During the past few years many questions came in to the broadest sense of its social perception. In this context
light regarding future of museums, especially in terms of raises a number of issues that are still not sufficiently de-
presentation of its content on the web, so far those ques- fined, concerning the standardization of access to online
tions still don’t provide us with proper answers. presentation of the museum and methods of evaluation,
During the mid nineties of the last century Ben Davis but also a terminology and typology of museums on the
in magazine »Aperture Magazine« by paraphrasing P. Web.
Brooks in article »Objects Within Objects«, started re- Specifically, is there a standardized approach to the
considering influence of IT technology on museums and nomenclature of museums on the Internet?
compared »concept oriented societies« with »material
oriented societies«1. Are »Cyber Museum« (»cyber museums«), virtual mu-
According to Davis, the approach »concept-oriented seums (»virtual museums«), electronic museums (elec-
societies is based on the creation of an information infra- tronic museums, museums internet (»internet muse-
structure that, implicitly, becomes the parent to the mu- ums«), museums online (»online museums«) or digital
seum exhibits«. Devi’s approach to harmonize museum Museums (»digital museums«)?
and information technology is interesting, because in a The first part of this paper will show some historical
direct way is creating holistic conditions to their subse- determinants underlying the museum in the internet en-
quent synergy. vironment as we know today. Structuring and archiving
Thinking in this way of the museums on the Web, it of data and information, as well as assumptions and indi-
can be said that it has very strong IT potential. There is cations of the development of museums on the Web are
frequent occurrence of online museums that don’t have known to be considerably less than is commonly thought.
their physical equivalent, but are defined as an inde- Based on this, it is important to gain insight into the
pendent museum »entities«. complexity of matter and its relevant historical coverage.
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
Familiar with this information we will certainly be Written by F.T. Marinetti, the famous »futuristic man-
able to adequately reflect the categorization and typology ifesto« precisely describes the goals and programs in cre-
and appropriate terminology such museum appearance. ation of a new world.
In fact, there are relevant documents that suggest The idea of »futurism« is, in fact, based on the full res-
that the prevalence of the idea of the museum in an alter- toration of human sensibility through the discovery of
native form of existence, physical, museums exist in vari- science as a driving force of the project. The movement
ous forms since the early 16th century. had the attitude that the definition of material things in
the world causes distortion of the psyche of the in-
dividual4. That was the reason why futurists led by FT
Historical Foundations of Present Web Marinetti advocated the burning of libraries, museums,
Museums collections and other cultural »tissue« in hope of creating
An interesting article titled: »The semiotics of the a new, fairer, better and sensible world.
Web«, available from the link: In 1936 Walter Benjamin4 in his essay »The Work of
~codognet/web.html suggests that the binary code, the Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction« propheti-
basis of the information revolution, mentioned in the cally announced that a future museum will disappear in
1520th in a document »Leibniz’s medallion of the Duke its original form, but through special techniques, knowl-
of Brunswick«2 (Figure 1). edge would be multiplied and divided in to countless cop-
Thus, the history of online museums, contrary to ex- ies through media which will all be available to anyone.
pectations, does not begin with the appearance of World Studying the history of online museums and basic
Wide Web. Late 19th century, namely, 1895, in the book theoretical assumptions that preceded it, we cannot by-
»The Time Machine« from 1895 (which many scholars pass Andre Malraux. In 1947 he established phrase »Ima-
consider the forerunner of today’s museums on the Web), ginary museum without walls«5. The driving idea for
HG Wells3 was the first who promoted the term »World Malraux came from his passion from photographing works
Brain« (»World Brain«). Inspired by the success of his of art.
first book he published a book titled »World Brain«. After seeing how people who have never been able to
The term »global brain«, implies the place where go to a museum are delighted by the photographs shown
would be stored a complete world knowledge in the form to them he realized the power of the storage, transmis-
of books, articles, papers, etc. It is logical that for such a sion and distribution of multimedia data.
venture, »carriers of knowledge«, could not be stored in At about the same time in America a scientist named
its authentic form, and that we had to devise ways of its Vannevar Bush conceived a new non-linear system of
compression and optimization. storage and use of data and documents. Vannevar Bush
Therefore, Wells proclaimed microfilm to be the fu- was a special advisor to President Roosevelt, whose con-
ture of media, believing that his idea of a »World Brain« fidence he enjoyed during his research activities.
can be realized only by storing the information in this In the year 1945, the magazine Atlantic Monthly pub-
medium. lished an article titled »As We May Think«6, which de-
In his work Wells shows the enlightenment spirit by scribes in great detail his ideas mechanically related to
emphasizing that the task of »World Brain« will be ready information services which he called »Memex«. This ser-
when every man in the world could have access to each vice allowed the operator to enter text, picture or mes-
document stored on microfilm. It is incredible how Wells’ sage on the photo – mechanical principles which are now
idea, which dates from the 1895th in theory fits in today’s treated as early beginnings of hypertext and multimedia.
global information structure and principles of its use. It is important to note that Vannevar Bush, beside the
In consideration of the preconditions that ideologi- »memex«, devised the system of »associative indexing«
cally preceded the creation of museums on the Internet it which is still in use when searching documents on the
is important to mention a movement called »futurism«, Web.
created in the second half of the nineties. These were the first serious guidance to the structur-
ing, processing and distribution of multimedia docu-
ments that made foundations for the development of on-
line museum. Except for processing multimedia docu-
ments present online museum in the technical sense de-
pend on hypermedia ie, nonlinearities in the approach to
distributing information on the Web.
However, the realistic assumption for the nonlinear
structure of the information used today began in the six-
ties of last the century. In fact, during the 1960’s Ted
Nelson invented the precursor of hypertext as we know it
today under the name »Xanadu Model«.
The main characteristics of Nelson’s model7 are:
Fig.1. Leibniz’s medallion of the Duke of Brunswick, 1520. ¿ unbreakable links
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
¿ ease of access to copyright The question that imposes itself is the problem of
¿ link with the original document truth and validity of data that can be stored in such a
¿ two-way links »public domain« Web encyclopedia. Verification relies on,
according to the authors of Wikipedia, on automatic cor-
¿ a simple comparison of related documents
rection by users of the Web community (Figure 3).
¿ accurate »version management«
Incorrect data is, in fact, are revealed by the users
¿ easy publishing of documents. themselves and then are deleted or modified.
The principle of the model was very simple – create a Interactive principles underlying the structure of Wi-
document/content and then it is easy to distribute it and kipedia is in fact the application of Ted Nelson’s »Xanadu
maintain within the browser. The scheme of this model Model«, with special emphasis on the dual communica-
can be seen in the Xanadu model illustration (Figure 2). tion and interaction among multimedia documents.
Many Web sites today use the same algorithms in the In the mid eighties of the last century »virtual gal-
presentation and interactivity of its online publications. lery« has been made, it was seemed as revolutionary phe-
One of the most popular Web sites is Wikipedia8. This on- nomenon especially for the reason that it was made for
line encyclopedia has totally free access to its documents that time in fascinating 3-D graphics. It was a work enti-
and data. It is very interesting that Wikipedia was cre- tled »Luminaire« and the authors were Dean Winkler
ated (and continue to grow) in order to visitors be able to and John Sanborn9. The 3-D clip was recorded on video
add up information. tape in 1985, lasted for 6 minutes and 54 seconds and be-
Namely, if a visitor believes that he is an expert in a came a classic.
subject, it is allowed to him to use an extremely intuitive »Luminaire« project10 was introduced by media as
GUI (graphic user interface) and to create an encyclope- »...visual homage to artist Ed Emshwilleru contains digi-
dia by himself. User, therefore add up content based on tally transformed dancers and space landscapes and the
his knowledge of the subject searched. key idea of the scene is review of the history of art in
computerized gallery...«.
At the beginning of the nineties, hypertext capabili-
ties were applied to create many virtual museums on the
CD-ROM editions. One of the first projects launched by
Apple Company was called »Computer’s Virtual Mu-
The project has demonstrated a three-dimensional
simulation of three connected museums, created in Quick-
TimeVR software. The promotion was held 1992 in Chi-
cago at the Fair, »SIGGRAPH 92«. After this promotion
world of multimedia museum was nothing like before...
Very soon Hermitage museum, Musee d’Orsay, Le
Louvre released their CD-ROM, which were getting mo-
re complete and technologically superior as time went by.
Over time, the contents of the CD-ROM editions were
placed on the Web, which significantly increased number
Fig. 2. Scheme of Ted Nelson’s »The Xanadu Document Model«. of users.
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
Arrival of new, faster and safer storage media will
most likely affect the technological progress of online 200000
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
has been a redefinition of the word »virtus« in »virtu- existing in material form, integrity or name. It can also
alis«, to the beginning of computerisation and informa- mean something that is created, simulated and realized
tion technology advances, the term »virtual« has become by using a computer or computer network... «.
a label for the structure that is relevant and exists in the So, based on the above definition of the term »virtual«
IT sense, but does not have its own »natural« autonomy. it is clear that using this word in the context of tagging
By definition of »American Heritage Dictonary15«, the museums on the Web is imprecise and only partially true.
word »virtual« means »... something that exists and func- In fact, given that the phrase »virtual museum« de-
tions as the effects and/or information, regardless of not nies the existence of material phenomena, the term sug-
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
gests an independent entity, the museum on the Web (ie, which are available through the electronic medium. Vir-
one that does not have its own »spot on« equivalent). In tual museums do not possess the material artifacts that
other words – a »virtual museum« is the correct name for are typical for the classical museum«.
the museum relevant content on the Internet that is de- McKenzie17 has an opinion on the definition of virtual
signed and operates solely on the Internet. museums as follows: »...Virtual museum is a collection of
In his definition of »virtual museum« Lewis16 con- electronic artifacts and sources of information on practi-
firmed the above allegations: cally everything that can be digitized. Such collection
may include paintings, drawings, photographs, diagrams,
»The Virtual Museum is a collection of digital set ex- graphs, images, video segments, newspaper articles, tran-
hibits of historical, scientific or cultural importance, scripts of interviews, numerical databases, and anything
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
else that can be stored in files on servers of Internet mu- Digital museums
Digital museum is, by definition of Shigeharu Su-
It is interesting to see the results of checking the fre- gite19, a system in which objects are digitized in the form
quency of the phrase »virtual museum« on the search en- of archives and, as such, they are stored online. Although
gine Google. For the term »virtual museu0m on the Web these forms (manifestations) may be quite different in
is reported 661,000 results, indicating that the name of shape, origin and condition, common to them is that the
an online museum is very popular among internet popu- digitization of any letters, pictures or solid exhibit must
lation (Figure 5). be defined in a binary form, through the labels »0« and
»1«. Storage, search and process can also be performed
Electronic museums by the same principle, regardless of the diversity of
shapes and appearances. So, according to Sugiti, digital
By the standards of information – technology termi-
museums are in simple terms – the concept of multime-
nology, known as the »ECA«18 (Electronic Communica-
dia databases.
tion Act 2000), the definition of the term »electronic«,
among other things, means digital communications in Such descriptions of museums, unlike for example the
which text, image and sound transferred to the user’s re- »Internet Museum«, has its own terminology grounded
quest (eng. »on demand«) at a distance. in basic principles of technology – binary code. The term
If we try to put this definition in the context of online »digital museums«, therefore, means primarily the prin-
museums, the first thing that is observed (if we follow ciples of structuring content and technical side of »con-
the definition) is the absence of additional user interac- tent management« and algorithms for content manage-
tion. ment.
Thus, the term »electronic museum« unquestionably Thus, the prefix »digital« has the technical definition
means the principles of technological access to the phe- of a dominant character of the museum. However, the
nomenology of online museum, but not complete interac- prevalence of documents with the keyword »digital mu-
tion of such museums with the user, thus the phrase is seum« on the Web suggests that, regardless of specific
not fully adequate to describe the online museum (Fig- dates, this name is fairly common among the multimedia
ure 6). content on the Internet (Figure 9).
There are 124.000 multimedia documents on the Web
Internet museum which as a keyword use the phrase »digital museum«.
Through etymology research of listed museums for the
The term »Internet museum« is the most comprehen- purposes of this study, thousands of Web resources and
sive definition of museums on the Web. Internet muse- available (»public domain«) data were processed.
ums are, in fact, all manifestations of the museum that
exist on the Web. Therefore, covering a wide range of mu- Comparing the definition and consideration of ety-
seum entity regardless of the existence of a physical ver- mology, terminology and typology of museums on the
sion of the museum. The term »Internet museum« is not Internet conclusion is in fact, users (and the creators of
wrong; one might say that is too general in its determina- such content on the Web) do not vary the terms »cyber«,
tion. There are no terminology subordination terms which »virtual«, »e-«, »internet«, »online« and »digital« when
would be in early perception of users more targeted and describing the museum online content. They are most of-
unambiguous. However, this phrase is often used in a ten used as synonyms.
search by search engine Google. There are 37.400 docu- Vi{nja Zgaga, director of Museum and Documentation
ments with the keyword »Internet museum« on the Web Centre, an umbrella organization of Croatian museums,
(Figure 7). for example, in an interview20 for the magazine »Infot-
rend« says: »the virtual museum is an exceptional sup-
Online museums port to traditional museum in terms of spreading the
idea of museums and museum heritage, but we must
At first glance it seems that there is no significant dif- bear in mind the following: we work for 21st century us-
ference between the terms »web museum« and »online ers where computers and Internet is something com-
museum«. However, differences exist. Based on the fact pletely self-explanatory, and therefore implies that the
that use of the prefix »online« implicitly suggests that the exhibition, therefore the classical three-dimensional in
museum has its own version in the physical form (offline). vivo, have appropriate IT support to have ability to be
For example, we can say that we visited the Ethno- better explained and presented; not only museums and
graphic Museum Online, which implicitly suggests the galleries on the screen, but also displays in museums«.
existence of »classical« Ethnographic Museum, as for ex- It is interesting that Zgaga, for example, uses the
ample, statement about the visit to the Ethnographic comprehensive term »virtual museum«. Given that the
Internet Museum gives us idea of such a museum as an context of her interview is synergy between the »tradi-
independent entity. tional« museums and their Web versions, instead of »vir-
On the Web, the phrase »online museum« is present tual« adequate expression would be »cyber« or »online
in about 898.000 multimedia documents (Figure 8). museum«.
N. Svili~i}: Web Museums, Coll. Antropol. 34 (2010) 2: 587–594
So, there is still not adopted a precise determination and terminology, as well as underlying assumptions for-
of the online museum, in the domain of relationship to ming a new information entity.
the physical museum equivalent (in this case, if such ex- It is necessary to say that there is no »wrong ty-
ists), or the internal structure of such museums. The fre- pology«, because almost all of the terms that ultimately
quency of use of certain terms that denote the museums want to suggest that it is a museum on the Web, which in
on the Web is very interesting (Graph1). Results clearly colloquial use, have their own attributes. However, such
suggest that the most commonly used phrase among definitions are very specific and concrete, and therefore
public domain visitors and museum content designers is the use of inappropriate terminology and typology can
»online museum«. create a wider communication wrong picture of the topic
The results suggest a distinct domination of the term of conversation.
»online museum«, as opposed to all other definitions of Therefore, the principles of the incidence of museums
terminology such museums. This is to some extent un- on the Web in a very large extent are determined by us-
derstandable, given that the word »online« has become ing the prefix »cyber«, »virtual«, »electronic«, »internet«,
all-encompassing term for almost any online phenome- »online« and »digital«.
non, even for a museum on the Internet. Using the appropriate »prefix« in order to better de-
scribe the typology of a museum on the Web is the first
Conclusion step in designing the future of the museums and cer-
We can conclude that so far there is no clear definition tainly encourages serious approach in to the study of the
of the museum appearance on the Internet. Following new museum »entities«.
this trail it is important to establish a precise typology
1. DAVIS B, Aperture Magazine, 13 (1994). — 2. BINARY SYSTEM, URL: MovieCatalog/Titles/Luminaire.html.
Leibniz’s medallion of the Duke of Brunswick, accessed 13.05.2010. Ava- — 12. McKENZIE J, Marketing and educational museums, accessed
liable from: URL: 11.06.2005. Avaliable from: URL:
Arithmetics/NumeralSystems/PositionalNumeralSystems/BinarySystem museum_ed/. — 13. ATIS, Definition of »Cyber«, accessed 28.12.2004. Ava-
.htm. — 3. WIKIPEDIA, H.G. Wells, The time machine, accessed liable from: URL: — 14. WIENER
21.05.2006. Avaliable from: URL: G, Wiener’s definition of »Cybernetics«, accessed 28.12.2004. Avaliable
lls. — 4. MARINETTI FT, Destruction of Syntax / Imagination without from: URL: 0,,sid44_gci21
strings / Words-in-Freedom (1913), 13, accessed 13.03.2010. Avaliable from: 18 80,00. html. — 15. AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY, Definition
URL: — 5. BENJAMIN of »Virtual Museum«, accessed 11.01.2008. Avaliable from: URL: http://
W, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Fontana/Col- glossary/definition.php?virtualreality. — 16. LEWIS
lins, Glasgow, 1979) — 6. MALRAUX A, Le Musée Imaginaire (Gallimard, G, Virtual museum definition, accessed 19.09.2007. Avaliable from: URL:
Paris, 1996) — 7. MEMEX, As we may think, accessed 11.09.2004. Ava- museum/virtual_museum_isi98. — 17.
liable from: URL: McKENZIE J, Virtual museum definition, accessed 24.06.2009. Avaliable
— 8. XANADU MODEL, Advantages, accessed 25.11.2004. Avaliable from: from: URL: — 18. ECA, Electro-
URL: — 9. WIKIPEDIA, Home page, nic Communication Act 2000, accessed 14.04.2005. Avaliable from: URL:
accessed 30.11.2005. Avaliable from: URL: — 19. SUGITA S, De-
Wikipedia:Za%C5%A1to postati_korisnik%3F. — 10. SANBORN J, WIN- finition of digital museums, accessed 01.04.2010. Avaliable from: URL:
KLER D, Luminaire, accessed 17.01.2005. Avaliable frrom: URL: http:// — 20. INFOTREND, interview with Vi- 19861/1986a_121.pdf. — 11. SANBORN J, {nja Zgaga, accessed 13.03.2005. Avaliable from: URL: http://www.trend.
WINKLER D, Luminaire project, accessed 22.01.2005. Avaliable from: hr/clanak.aspx?BrojID=35&KatID=10&ClanakID=441.
Napretkom novih tehnologija mijenja se promi{ljanje razvoja institucije muzeja i odre|enja muzejske struke. Pos-
ljednjih nekoliko godina otvorilo je, naime, pregr{t pitanja o budu}nosti muzeja, osobito u smislu prezentacije mu-
zejskih sadr`aja na Webu koja, barem zasada, ne nailaze na adekvatne odgovore. Tako|er, mo`e se zaklju~iti da zasada
ne postoji precizna definicija muzejskih pojavnosti na Internetu. Tim tragom, va`no je uspostaviti preciznu tipologiju i
terminologiju, kao temeljne pretpostavke formiranju novog informacijskog entiteta. Ovaj znanstveni rad sugerira da ne
postoji »pogre{na tipologija«, jer gotovo svi termini koji u kona~nici `ele sugerirati da se radi o muzeju na Webu, a koji
su u kolokvijalnoj upotrebi, imaju svoje odre|enje. Ipak, takva odre|enja su vrlo specifi~na i konkretna, pa stoga upo-
trebom neadekvatne terminologije i tipologije, mogu u {iroj komunikaciji stvoriti pogre{nu sliku o predmetu razgovora.