I Day 38
I Day 38
I Day 38
Possible responses:
Translation-a transformation of coordinates in which the new axes are parallel to
the old ones
Reflections-a transformation of a figure in which each point is replaced by a point
symmetric with respect to a line or plane
Dilations-an act of stretching or enlarging a part
Vertices : a. (0,0) (0,3) b. (0,0) (0,-2)
The graph y=x2 moves 3 units upward on the first case and 2 units downward on
the second case. If a positive number is added to the function the graph y=x 2
moves upward , if negative it will moves downward depending on the number of
units added.
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher lets the students realize that if they know how to translate, reflect and
for the lesson dilate a parabola then they can quickly fit a quadratic function to a set of data.
Activity 2 ( Group Activity)
The teacher assigns each group (4 groups) a piece of paper which contains the
activity. He /She gives them a manila paper and pentil pen for their outputs to be
presented in front.
X 1 2 3 4 5
Y= (x-3)2
Write a sentence that describes the transformations.
Describe the effects on the graph of a quadratic function when a positive number
is subtracted from the x- value before squaring.
Describe the effects on the graph of a quadratic function when a negative number
is subtracted from the x- value before squaring.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= -x2
C. Presenting examples/
Group 3: The effect of changing y=(x+2)2 to y= -(x+2)2
instances of the new
Complete the table for y=(x+2)2 and y= -(x+2)2.
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0
y=(x+2) 2
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0
y= -(x+2)2
Make a sketch of both graphs. Write a sentence that describes the transformation.
Describe the effect on the graph of a quadratic function when the opposite sign is
applied to the function values.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= 2x2
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= 1/2x2
Write a sentence that describes the transformation. Describe the effect on the
graph of a quadratic function when a scale factor greater than 1 is applied to the
function values. Describe the effect on the graph of a quadratic function when a
scale factor less than 1, but greater than 0, is applied to the function values.
Group1: The effect of changing y= x2 to y=(x-h)2.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= x2 4 1 0 1 4
X 1 2 3 4 5
Y= (x-3)2 4 1 0 1 4
The graph y=x2 was just move to the right of the y=axis. They just have the same
form they only differ with its vertices. The vertex of Y= (x-3)2 was (3,0)
The graph of y=x2 was translated to the right when there is a positive number
subtracted from the x-value before squaring.
The graph of y=x2 was translated to the left when there is negative number
subtracted from the x-value before squaring.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= -x2 -4 -1 0 -1 -4
The two graphs are reflection of each other.
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Y= -(x+2)2 -4 -1 0 -1 -4
The two graphs similarly are reflection of each other. As what I have observe that
the value of a affect the opening of the graph.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= 2x2 8 2 0 2 8
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= 1/2x2 2 1/2 0 1/2 2
Based on the graph of y=x 2. The three graphs have a common vertex they differ in
its wideness or narrowness of its graph. The effect on the graph of a quadratic
function when a scale factor greater than 1 is applied to the function values its
graph is narrow. The greater the value the narrower its graph. The effect on the
graph of a quadratic function when a scale factor less than 1, but greater than 0, is
applied to the function values its graph becomes wide. The closer the value to zero
the wider its graph.
The teacher discusses to his/her students the process of doing activity 1. He/she
D. Discussing new guides the students to complete the table of values, to plot the points and sketch
concepts and practicing the graph. He/ She allows the students to give their observations on the effects of
new skills #1 the number added to the given function and how it affects the graph. He/ She
gives the idea that k moves the graph vertically.
E. Discussing new The teacher discusses and illustrates thoroughly the effects of the value of h, he/
concepts and practicing she gives them the idea of moving a certain graph from one point of the plane to
new skills #2 another horizontally. He/ she explains to them the effects of the numbers added
before squaring. The other activity was analysing the effect of the values of a, this
value helps the students identify the possible opening of the and the idea that
adding /using a value less than 1 but greater than 0 affect its wideness so with the
values greater than 1.
The teacher summarizes the ideas presented previously by the group activity. He/
She combines a value for k and h.
Prepared by:
Activity 1 (Pair Activity)
A. Complete the table for y= x2 and y= x2+3, then graph both functions on your
graphing paper.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
y= x2
y= x2+3
B. Complete the table for y= x2 and y= x2-2, then graph both functions on your
graphing paper.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
y= x2
y= x2-2
X 1 2 3 4 5
Y= (x-3)2
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= x2
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= -x2
Group 3: The effect of changing y=(x+2)2 to y= -(x+2)2
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0
y= -(x+2)2
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= 2x2
X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y= 1/2x2
Write a sentence that describes the transformation. Describe the
effect on the graph of a quadratic function when a scale factor
greater than 1 is applied to the function values. Describe the
effect on the graph of a quadratic function when a scale factor
less than 1, but greater than 0, is applied to the function values.