OSCM Sem 1 Syllabus

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Objectives of the Course:

The primary objective of the course is to acquaint the students with an understanding of the
fundamental principles, concepts, tools and techniques of operations and supply chain
management and their applications in managerial decision-making.
Course Outcomes:
1. To develop an understanding of the strategic importance of Operations & SCM and how
it can provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
2. To develop an understanding of the relationship of quality and application of various
quality improvement techniques in Operations & SCM to compete in global market
3. To develop knowledge of the issues related to designing and managing Operations &
SCM and the techniques to do so.
Course Content:
1. Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management : Concept, Significance
and Functions of Operations and SCM. Evolution from manufacturing to operations
management. Physical distribution to Logistics to SCM, Physical Goods and Services
Perspectives. Quality definitions from various Perspectives, Customers view and
Manufacturer's view, Concept of Internal Customer, Impact of Global Competition.
2. Cost of quality and its relationship with quality improvement approach like kaizen and
six sigma. Technological Change, Ethical and Environmental Issues on Operations and
Supply Chain functions. TQM and LEAN Management. TQM principles and
implementation for customer delight.
3. Operations Processes:
a. Process Product Matrix: Job Production, Batch Production, Assembly line and
Continuous Flow, Process and Product Layout. TOC and its implication on operation.
DBR approach. Types of manufacturing process and its characteristics. MTS, ATO,
MTO and ETO.
4. Production Planning & Control (PPC): Understanding of production layout and
Production planning, control and scheduling principles for various manufacturing
process. Understanding of production layout and Production planning, control and
scheduling principles for various manufacturing process. Aggregate production Planning,
for Managing Demand and Supply, Master Production Schedule.
5. Inventory Planning and Control: Material requirement planning and inventory control.
Distribution resource planning, Inventory Costs: Concept and behavior of ordering cost,
carrying cost, shortage cost. Types of inventories- seasonal, decoupling, cyclic, pipeline,
safety - Implications for Inventory Control Methods. Basic EOQ Model - EOQ with
6. Inventory control: Classification of material - ABC Analysis -VED, HML, FSN,
Quantitative analysis of inventory, Fixed Order quantity Model - Periodic Review and
order Point.
7. Supply Chain Management: Generalized Supply Chain Management Model - Key
Issues in SCM – Collaboration, Enterprise Extension, responsiveness, Cash to Cash
8. Project Management: Systems view of project, project life-cycle (PLC), project
parameters and classification, type of projects by output, sources of project risks, project
environment, complexity, project management definition, continuous improvement
process (PDCA Cycle) in project management, criteria for success/ failure of project,
trade-offs in project management.
9. Work breakdown structure (WBS), responsibility matrix, project goals and objectives,
multiple view of project, developing project goals, project charter, PLC - characteristics,
utility, activities, project management - methodologies, knowledge areas, processes.
10. Project Cost Estimation and Economic Analysis: Cost estimation, estimation types,
estimation type linked with project phase, cost estimation methods, costing proposal, top-
down and bottom-up costing approach, elements of activity level cost, cost escalation,
Project Scheduling and Network Analysis: Planning sequence, project scheduling,
developing the schedule plan, planning and scheduling charts- Gantt chart, network
diagrams (A-O-A and A-O-N), Network analysis - critical path analysis, CPM, dealing
with uncertainty PERT, network updating.

Suggested Readings:
1. Byron J. Finch, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition: Operations Now - Supply Chain
Profitability & Performance.
2. Nigel Slack and Stuart Chamber, Pearson Education, 8th Edition:
Operations Management.
3. A systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling by Harold
Kerzener; Wiley publications: Project Management.

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