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Course Code Course Name Credits

MEC801 Operations Planning and Control 03

1. To provide an exposure to Operations Planning & Control (PPC) and its significance in
manufacturing and service organizations
2. To appraise about need and benefits of planning functions related to products and processes
3. To provide exposure to production scheduling, sequencing and project management so as to
optimize resources
4. To provide insights into MRP and ERP to minimize the total cost and to manage operations
functions in a better way
5. To demonstrate different techniques used for facility planning and assembly line balancing
6. To develop an understanding of JIT, Lean, Agile and Synchronous Manufacturing system

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…

1. Illustrate operations functions and manage operations in a better way.
2. Apply various strategies to develop aggregate production plan based on the demand forecasting.
3. Apply various algorithms in scheduling and sequencing of manufacturing and service operations
4. Develop Material Requirements Plans (MRP) to estimate the planned order releases.
5. Apply various techniques for facility layout planning and line balancing to optimize the resources
6. Demonstrate the importance of implementation of JIT, Lean, Agile and Synchronous
manufacturing in manufacturing and service organizations.

Module Contents Hours

1.1 Introduction: Production and Operations Function, Production
systems, Make to stock, Make to order, Assemble to order and Engineer to
order, type of layouts, Phases in OPC like Preplanning, Planning, Action &
1.2 Strategic Planning for Operations and Services: Approaches like
1 Forced Choice model and Operations Model, Quality and Productivity 06
strategy, Technology strategy.
Operations Strategies for Services, Types or Service Operations: Quasi
manufacturing, Customer as participants, Customer as product,
Classification of Services, Service capacity.

2.1 Forecasting:Forecasting and Prediction, Need for forecasting, role of

forecasting in OPC, Methods of forecasting, Qualitative methods,
Quantitative methods like time series analysis, least square method, moving
average method, and exponential smoothing method. Forecasting Error;
2 Mean Absolute Deviation, Forecasting Bias 08
2.2 Capacity Planning: Measurement of capacity, Measures of operating
capacity, Factors influencing effective capacity, factors favouring over
capacity and under capacity, short range, medium range and long range
capacity planning. Capacity requirement Planning (CRP)

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

2.3 Aggregate planning: Concept of aggregate planning, Pure Strategy;
Mixed Strategy; Level Strategy, Rough cut capacity planning, Aggregate
planning for Services; Optimal Models for Aggregate Planning; Linear
Programming; Linear Decision Rules Master Production Schedule
3.1 Job shop/Intermittent Manufacturing Scheduling: Factors
influencing scheduling, Inputs for scheduling, Forward Scheduling,
Backward Scheduling, Stages in Scheduling: Product sequencing, Loading
and Dispatching, dispatching, progress report & expediting and control.
Basic scheduling problems, Priority Sequencing, Gantt Charts, Johnson’s
3 08
Rule for optimal sequence of N jobs on 2 machine. Process N Jobs on 3
Machines (N/3 problem) and Jackson Algorithm. Processing of 2 Jobs on
M Machine (2/M) problem,
3.2 Project scheduling: Network analysis - PERT & CPM, cost analysis &
crashing, resource leveling and smoothening.
4.1 Material Requirement Planning:Introduction, Limitations of
conventional EOQ, Objectives of MRP, Inputs of MRP-I, Outputs of MRP,
MRP lot sizing and Estimation of planned order releases, Manufacturing
4 resource planning (MRP-II) 06
4.2 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): Evolution, features, purpose of
modeling an enterprise, ERP model for OPC, Modules in ERP, ERP
Implementation Life Cycle, ERP packages like SAP-R3/Baan/PeopleSoft,
5.1 Facility layout planning: Factors influencing Plant Layout, Material
Flow Patterns, Tools and Techniques used for Plant Layout Planning.
5 5.2 Line Balancing: Objectives, constraints, terminology in assembly line, 06
heuristic methods like Kilbridge-Wester, Largest Candidate rule, Rank
positional weight
Introduction to JIT system, Lean, Agile and Synchronous manufacturing:
6 05
Concept, Characteristics, Components and Implementation.


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of respective
lecture hours mentioned in the curriculum.

1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the curriculum
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

Text/Reference Books: -

1. “Production and Operations Management”, K. Aswathappa & K. Shridhara Rao, Himalaya

Publishing House, Revised 2nd Edition (2008)
2. “Industrial Engineering and Production Management”, Martand Telsang, S. Chand, New Delhi
3. “Modern Production operations Management”, Elwood S Buffa and Rakesh K Sarin, 8th
Edition,Wiley Eastern, New York (1999) ISBN: 978-0471819059
4. “Production and Operations Management”, Panneer Selvan R, 3rd Edition 2002Prentice Hall
India, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-8120345553
5. “Production Planning and Control”, Samuel Eilon, Universal Publication, ISBN: 9788185027548
6. “Production Planning and Control”, L C Jhamb ,12th Edition 2010, Everest Pub House.
7. “Production Planning and Control”, W. Boltan-Longman Scientific & Technical(1994), ISBN:
8. “Production Systems- Planning, Analysis & Control”, James. L. Riggs,John, 4th Edition 1987,
Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 9780471847939
9. Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, Thomas E. Vollman, William L. Berry &
Others,4th Edition 1997, McGraw Hill Pub, ISBN: 978-0786312092
10. “Manufacturing Process Planning and Systems Engineering”, Anand Bewoor, Dreamtech Press
2009, ISBN: 978-8177229967
11. “Production and Operations Management”, S.N. Chary, 3rd Edition 2004, TMH publishing
company, ISBN: 978-0070583559
12. Modernization & Material Management, L.C. Jhamb - Everest Publishing House

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

Course Code Course Name Credits
MEDLO8051 Composite Materials 03

1. To study the manufacturing methods of composite material.
2. To study the behaviour of composite materials, both at micro and macro levels.
3. To study the procedure of designing a composite laminate and structure as a whole for the given
4. To study the applicability of composite materials for various industrial/loading applications
5. To study the damage detection and damage repair methods for composite materials

Outcomes: Learner will be able to…

1. Select the type of material for the fibres and matrix in a composite material for the given
2. Relate stresses and strains through the elastic constants for a given lamina.
3. Evaluate elastic properties of a lamina based on the properties of its constituents.
4. Predict failure of a lamina under the given loading condition.
5. Select the number of laminae and their stacking sequence in a composite material for the given
loading condition.
6. Identify the type of damage occurring in a composite structure and select an appropriate method to
repair it.

Module Contents Hours

1 Introduction 08
Classifications based on fibres and matrix, Advantages, Applications,
Terminology, Manufacturing Methods: Hand layup, Spray layup, Vacuum
bagging, Prepregs, Industrial autoclave, Filament winding, Pultrusion, Resin
transfer moulding, Vacuum Infusion Processing, Powder metallurgy route for
ceramic and metal matrix composites
2 Analysis of Lamina 06
Hooke’s law for different types of materials, Plane stress assumption, Hooke’s
for a two-dimensional unidirectional lamina, Relationship of compliance and
stiffness matrix to engineering elastic constants of a lamina, Hooke’s law for
a two-dimensional angle lamina, Engineering constants of an angle lamina
3 Lamina Failure Theories 04
Introduction, Maximum stress failure theory, Maximum strain failure theory,
Hill failure theory, Tsai-Wu failure theory, Strength ratio, Failure envelopes
4 Introduction to Micromechanics of Lamina and Laminate Design 06
Prediction of mechanical properties of lamina based on properties of its
constituents (fibre and matrix), Laminate types and their codes, Overview of
laminate design (no problems on this topic)
University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019
5 Inspection of Composites 06
Different types of damages in composites, Non-destructive testing of
composites: Ultrasonics inspection, Acoustography, Low frequency Methods,
Radiographic inspection, Shearography, Acoustic emission, Thermography
6 Repair of Composites 06
Restitution and repair of composites: Selection of Repair method, Repair
criteria, Generic repair designs, Matrix cracks, Delamination, Holes and Fiber
fracture, Damage removal and surface preparation

Text Books:
1. M.Balasubramanian, “Composites materials processing” ,1st edition, CRC press 2013.
2. A.K. Kaw, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN:
3. Ajay Kapadia, “Non Destructive Testing of Composite Materials”, National Composites Network
4. R.B. Heslehurst, “Defects and Damage in Composite Materials and Structures”, CRC Press 2014.
1. R.M. Jones, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, 2nd Edition,Taylor and Francis, Inc,ISBN:
2. I.M. Daniel and O. Isai, “Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials”, 2nd Edition
2005,Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780195150971
3. D. Gay, S.V. Hoe, and S.W. Tsai, “Composite Materials: Design and Applications”, 3rd Edition
2014, CRC Press, ISBN: 978-1466584877
4. R.B. Heslehurst, “Defects and Damage in Composite Materials and Structures”, CRC Press 2014.
5. M.M. Schwartz, “Composite Materials: Properties, Nondestructive Testing, and Repair”, Prentice
Hall PTR (1997), ISBN: 9780133000474

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

Course Code Course Name Credits
MEDLO8061 Product Design and Development 03

1. To understand the basic concepts of engineering design and product design & development,
focusing on the front-end processes.
2. To demonstrate an understanding of the overview of all the product design & development
3. To demonstrate knowledge of concept generation and the selection of tools.
4. To study the applicability of product design & development in industrial applications.
Outcomes: Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe the process of product design & development.
2. Employ engineering, scientific, and mathematical principles to develop and execute a design
project from a concept to a finished product.
3. Create 3D solid models of mechanical components using CAD software.
4. Demonstrate individual skills using selected manufacturing techniques such as rapid prototyping.
5. Fabricate an electromechanical assembly of a product from engineering drawings.
6. Work collaboratively in a team to complete a design project.
7. Effectively communicate the results of projects and other assignments both in a written and oral

Module Details Hours

Need for developing products, The importance of Engineering and Industrial
design, The design process, Relevance of product lifecycle issues in design,
01 Societal considerations in Engineering and Industrial Design, Generic 7
product development process, Various phases of product development,
Planning for products, Establishing markets - market segments - relevance of
market research.
The design processes, Descriptive and prescriptive design models, Concept
02 development & evaluation, Pugh’s total design activity model, Concept 7
generation and selection method, Embodiment design, Product architecture,
and Steps in developing product architecture.
Identifying customer needs, Voice of Customer (VoC), Customer
populations, Hierarchy of human needs, Need gathering methods,
03 Establishing engineering characteristics, Competitive benchmarking, Quality 7
Function Deployment (QFD), House of Quality (HoQ), Product design
specification, Development of product design with specifications using QFD,
Relevant case studies.
Creative thinking, Creativity and problem-solving methods, Creative
04 thinking methods, Brainstorming technique, Gorden technique, Check listing 7
technique, Synectic technique, Morphological Analysis, and Attribute Listing
technique. Generating design concepts, Systematic methods of designing.

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

Industrial design, Basic forms & elements, Integrating basic forms &
05 elements such as balance, rhythm, proportion, The golden rule of proportions, 7
human factors, and design, User-friendly design, Design for serviceability,
Design for environment.
Concept of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA). Role of
computers in product design and manufacturing process, Prototyping
06 techniques such as Stereolithography (SLA), Selective laser sintering (SLS), 7
Fused disposition Modelling (FDM), Laminated object manufacturing
(LOM), 3-D printing, and Ballistic Particle Manufacturing (BPM).

Text Books:
1. Anita Goyal, Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, “Product Design and Development,” 4th Edition,
2009, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN-10-007-14679-9.

2. Kevin Otto, Kristin Wood, “Product Design,” Indian Reprint 2004, Pearson Education, ISBN

Reference Books:

1. Clive L.Dym, Patrick Little, “Engineering Design: A Project-based Introduction,” 3rd Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 2009, ISBN 978-0-470-22596-7.

2. George E. Dieter, Linda C.Schmidt, “Engineering Design,” 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill

International Edition, 2009, ISBN 978-007-127189-9.

3. Yousef Haik, T. M. M. Shahin, “Engineering Design Process,” 2nd Edition Reprint, Cengage
Learning, 2010, ISBN 0495668141.

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

Course Code Course Name Credits
ILO8023 Entrepreneurship Development and

1. To acquaint with entrepreneurship and management of business
2. Understand Indian environment for entrepreneurship
3. Idea of EDP, MSME
Outcomes: Learner will be able to…
1. Understand the concept of business plan and ownerships
2. Interpret key regulations and legal aspects of entrepreneurship in India
3. Understand government policies for entrepreneurs

Module Detailed Contents Hrs

Overview Of Entrepreneurship: Definitions, Roles and Functions/Values of

Entrepreneurship, History of Entrepreneurship Development, Role of
Entrepreneurship in the National Economy, Functions of an Entrepreneur,
01 Entrepreneurship and Forms of Business Ownership 04
Role of Money and Capital Markets in Entrepreneurial Development:
Contribution of Government Agencies in Sourcing information for
Business Plans And Importance Of Capital To Entrepreneurship: Preliminary
and Marketing Plans, Management and Personnel, Start-up Costs and Financing
as well as Projected Financial Statements, Legal Section, Insurance, Suppliers and
Risks, Assumptions and Conclusion, Capital and its Importance to the 09
Entrepreneurship And Business Development: Starting a New Business,
Buying an Existing Business, New Product Development, Business Growth and
the Entrepreneur Law and its Relevance to Business Operations
Women’s Entrepreneurship Development, Social entrepreneurship-role and need,
03 EDP cell, role of sustainability and sustainable development for SMEs, case 05
studies, exercises
Indian Environment for Entrepreneurship: key regulations and legal aspects ,
MSMED Act 2006 and its implications, schemes and policies of the Ministry of
MSME, role and responsibilities of various government organisations,
04 departments, banks etc., Role of State governments in terms of infrastructure 08
developments and support etc., Public private partnerships, National Skill
development Mission, Credit Guarantee Fund, PMEGP, discussions, group
exercises etc
Effective Management of Business: Issues and problems faced by micro and
small enterprises and effective management of M and S enterprises (risk 08
management, credit availability, technology innovation, supply chain
management, linkage with large industries), exercises, e-Marketing

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

Achieving Success In The Small Business: Stages of the small business life
06 cycle, four types of firm-level growth strategies, Options – harvesting or closing 05
small business Critical Success factors of small business


Internal Assessment for 20 marks:

Consisting Two Compulsory Class Tests
First test based on approximately 40% of contents and second test based on remaining contents
(approximately 40% but excluding contents covered in Test I)

End Semester Examination:

Weightage of each module in end semester examination will be proportional to number of respective lecture
hours mentioned in the curriculum.
1. Question paper will comprise of total six questions, each carrying 20 marks
2. Question 1 will be compulsory and should cover maximum contents of the curriculum
3. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature (for example if Q.2 has part (a) from module 3 then
part (b) will be from any module other than module 3)
4. Only Four questions need to be solved.


1. Poornima Charantimath, Entrepreneurship development- Small Business Enterprise, Pearson

2. Education Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shapherd, Entrepreneurship, latest edition,
The McGrawHill Company
3. Dr TN Chhabra, Entrepreneurship Development, Sun India Publications, New Delhi
4. Dr CN Prasad, Small and Medium Enterprises in Global Perspective, New century Publications, New
5. Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial development and management, Himalaya Publishing House
6. Maddhurima Lall, Shikah Sahai, Entrepreneurship, Excel Books
7. Rashmi Bansal, STAY hungry STAY foolish, CIIE, IIM Ahmedabad
8. Law and Practice relating to Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, Taxmann Publication Ltd.
9. Kurakto, Entrepreneurship- Principles and Practices, Thomson Publication
10. Laghu Udyog Samachar

University of Mumbai B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Rev 2019

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