Total Result 25,917,452 112,834 1,783 1,124,987
Total Result 25,917,452 112,834 1,783 1,124,987
Total Result 25,917,452 112,834 1,783 1,124,987
Branch Code (As per Branches Network) Sum of Outstanding Amount (Rs. 000)
330 27,157,056
394 23,877,401
395 3,700,076
399 2,201,209
415 18,102,828
442 1,502,125
454 2,257,726
467 1,182,110
521 2,036,295
551 2,875,861
555 5,190,380
557 2,962,742
638 1,419,782
639 2,826,234
640 1,177,556
642 6,170,256
798 498,221
801 1,737,902
802 1,885,945
806 1,143,124
807 744,517
808 813,177
932 813,265
963 5,935,126
1351 171,702,493
1407 2,029,516
1449 5,556,302
1493 2,270,304
1506 2,386,024
1508 3,954,298
1536 429,330
1542 8,908,618
1623 5,705,920
1625 1,289,945
1647 1,586,851
1666 1,899,617
1683 7,999,130
1879 618,385
1880 550,288
2014 1,204,450
2183 391,065
2202 745,773
2314 223,162
2319 73,873
2321 378,712
Total Result 338,114,970
Markup Outstanding
Accrued Amount (Rs. Type of Deposit
Interest No. of
Fresh Deposit amount
Rate Accounts
(Rs. 000) 000) Accounts