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Journal of Hydrology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jhydrol
Research papers
This manuscript was handled by Marco Borga, Accurate assessment of soil water erosion (SWE) susceptibility is critical for reducing land degradation and soil
Editor-in-Chief, with the assistance of Fran loss, and for mitigating the negative impacts of erosion on ecosystem services, water quality, flooding and
cesco Comiti, Associate Editor infrastructure. Deep learning algorithms have been gaining attention in geoscience due to their high performance
and flexibility. However, an understanding of the potential for these algorithms to provide fast, cheap, and
accurate predictions of soil erosion susceptibility is lacking. This study provides the first quantification of this
Soil erosion
potential. Spatial predictions of susceptibility are made using three deep learning algorithms – Convolutional
Deep learning
Land degradation Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) – for an Iranian
CNN catchment that has historically experienced severe water erosion. Through a comparison of their predictive
RNN performance and an analysis of the driving geo-environmental factors, the results reveal: (1) elevation was the
LSTM most effective variable on SWE susceptibility; (2) all three developed models had good prediction performance,
with RNN being marginally the most superior; (3) maps of SWE susceptibility revealed that almost 40 % of the
catchment was highly or very highly susceptible to SWE and 20 % moderately susceptible, indicating the critical
need for soil erosion control in this catchment. Through these algorithms, the soil erosion susceptibility of
catchments can potentially be predicted accurately and with ease using readily available data. Thus, the results
reveal that these models have great potential for use in data poor catchments, such as the one studied here,
especially in developing nations where technical modeling skills and understanding of the erosion processes
occurring in the catchment may be lacking.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: khabat.khosravi@gmail.com, kkhosrav@fiu.edu (K. Khosravi), rezaie@kigam.re.kr (F. Rezaie), james.cooper@liverpool.ac.uk (J.R. Cooper),
zahrak@kth.se (Z. Kalantari), Soroush.Abolfathi@warwick.ac.uk (S. Abolfathi), khatamiafkuiekh-d@rudn.ru (J. Hatamiafkoueieh).
Received 20 September 2022; Received in revised form 13 January 2023; Accepted 2 February 2023
Available online 6 February 2023
0022-1694/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
and increasing flood risk. the physics behind the processes of detachment, transportation and
One country in which these negative impacts of SWE are being felt deposition. These models usually require many variables and detailed
severely is Iran, the focus for this paper. Iran is a semi-arid country, spatial and temporal catchment data for the model build, calibration and
covering a land area of 165 million hectares. The country experiences a validation. Such information is rarely available in developing countries
mean annual soil erosion rate of 25 to 30 ton/ha/year, over 20 times because the monitoring required, especially for large catchments, is
higher than the mean global rate and four times higher than any other costly and time consuming (Conoscenti et al., 2008). For example, in
country (Afshar et al., 2010; Khalili Moghadam et al., 2015; Sadeghi, Iran, many of the hydrometric stations only measure sediment concen
2017). On average, 1 to 5 million tons of erosion takes places annually tration for a few days during some severe storms, and the temporal
over the country’s land mass (Mohammadi et al., 2021). Thus, although pattern of sediment yield is rarely provided (Darvishan et al., 2010).
50 million hectates of land is available for agriculture, only 1.3 million Furthermore, physically-based simulations are complex, time-
hectares is classed as being suitable for growing crops (Laylin, 2018). consuming and require highly-skilled end users that do not always
SWE is causing 400 million m3 of sedimentation each year in reservoirs, reside in these countries. This issue has limited their use and success in
resulting in an annual volume reduction of 0.5 % in reservoir capacity Iran (Akhavan et al., 2010; Amiri, 2010). Moreover, concerns have been
(Emadodin et al., 2012; Sadeghi, 2017) at an annual cost of US $0.6 raised about their tendency to overestimate small runoff events and
billion (World Bank, 2005). This sedimentation reduces power genera underestimate large runoff amounts, even when calibrated (Kinnell,
tion and land irrigation capacity, further reducing the availability of 2017), and the physical basis of many commonly used modes has been
arable lands. As a consequence, these combined impacts of SWE are questioned (Wainwright et al., 2008).
costing the country US $56 to US $112 billion every year, higher than Recently, development of machine learning (ML) approaches have
the revenue generated by oil production (Sadeghi, 2017). opened up new and exciting ways to predict environmental behavior,
Enhanced rates of SWE in Iran are due to the combined effects of including soil erosion susceptibility modeling (e.g., Mosavi et al., 2020;
over-exploitation by communities and industry, and changes in climate Vu et al., 2020). These approaches have a non-linear structure and seek
patterns (Sadeghi, 2017). This expliotation includes improper and un to find a robust relationship between input and output readily available
necessary infrastructure development, land use changes and unlawful parameters. ML techniques do not seek to explain the physical processes
exploitation of resources. An intensification in agricultural activities and mathematical reasoning for changes in environmental behavior but
over the past five decades has took place in tandeem with this unsus to recognize patterns, both expected and unexpected, within data. These
tainable land use change. From the 1950 s until 2008, around 5 million patterns can highlight environmental relationships in space and time
hectares of forest was converted to farmland, pasture, and urban areas that may unveil critical details about behavior, reveal previously un
(Emadodin and Bork, 2012). There are also a number of indirect causes suspected relationships, or mitigate uncertainty in estimates. Further
for these high SWE rates, including an inattention to soil value, a small more, ML models are insensitive to missing data. Thus, these types of
number of hydrometry stations, limited short-term studies of erosion, techniques are at their most beneficial in situations when physically-
unreliable monitoring data, a misunderstanding of the SWE processes based models cannot be applied (e.g. lack of understanding of the un
and apathy (Sadeghi, 2017). All of these indirect causes have combined derlying physics of the process) or that suffer from inadequacies due to
to mask the severity and intensity of the problem. The consequence is the limitation of data. Therefore, the key advantage of ML approaches is
that soil is lost due to erosion approximately 19 times faster than it forms that some parameters which are difficult or expensive to measure, such
(Emadodin et al., 2012). Nearly $75 million is thought to be needed as soil erosion, could be easily predicted using other readily available
annually in soil improvement projects to reduce SWE (Akbari, 2017). factors, such as rainfall and those gained from satellite data.
Thus, in Iran, like many other countries experiencing the impacts of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is the oldest and most widely used
SWE, there is a critical need to target soil erosion control to those areas ML technique in geoscience due to its computational efficiency (Abra
most susceptible, as well to identify areas most suitable for sustainable hart et al., 2012). For example, Ebtehaj and Bonakdari (2013) applied
agricultural development. ANN algorithms to predict sediment transport in sewers, revealing that
Modeling plays a key role in identifying these areas, understanding ANN had a higher prediction power than existing empirical transport
the factors that lead to high erosion susceptibility and in testing the formulas. Similar results have also been found within other areas of
efficacy of soil erosion control strategies. Thus far, three main types of hydrology, such as river suspended load prediction and evaporation
approaches have been used: empirical, physically-based and data- modeling (Kisi et al., 2016; Melesse et al., 2011). However, these algo
driven/machine learning models (Raza et al., 2021). Empirical rithms have slow coverage speed during the training procedure, high
models, such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation (Wischmeier and errors in the modeling phase, and a low convergence and generalization
Smith, 1965), and its associated family of derivative models (e.g. power (Kisi et al., 2012). Thus, ANN algorithms have poor prediction
Revised USLE (RUSLE; Renard et al., 1997), Modified USLE (MUSLE; power when the range of the testing dataset is outside of the range of the
Williams, 1975), and the modified Mediterranean Desertification and training data (Kisi et al., 2016; Melesse et al., 2011), and they require a
Land Use (MEDALUS; Abuzaid et al., 2021) estimate SWE using a pre long-term dataset to achieve a reasonable result. Thus, to solve this
fixed set of physical parameters representing the main factors thought to weakness, ANN algorithms have been ensembled with fuzzy logic al
affect erosion (Conoscenti et al., 2008). These models have a linear and gorithms to create Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
simple structure and do not aim to simulate the physical processes of models. ANFIS models take the advantages from both ANN and fuzzy
SWE. Instead, they are based on producing a mathematical algorithm logic methods to generally produce a better predictive capability (Ebt
that best describes the relationship between these parameters and ehaj and Bonakdari, 2014) but they are poor at finding the best weight
measured erosion rates. These empirical models can perform well for the parameters which heavily influence prediction accuracy (Tien Bui et al.,
conditions upon which they are calibrated, but typically perform poorly 2016). Furthermore, ANFIS algorithm suffer from the need for a large
for conditions outside those used in calibration (e.g. Cerdan et al., 2010; number of model operators, each of which need to be set accurately,
Kinnell, 2010; Rapp, 1963; Tan et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 1996). especially the weights of membership function. Also ANFIS algorithms
Furthermore, they do not simulate soil deposition (e.g., sedimenta lack a systematic approach in the design of fuzzy rules and in the choice
tion) and, in most cases, insufficient measured data exist to rigorously of membership functions variables (Khosravi et al., 2018; Tien Bui et al.,
determine the single factors for all needed situations and scenarios 2016).
(Auerswald et al., 2006; Wischmeier and Smith, 1978, 1965). Another powerful ML technique commonly used is support vector
Physically-based models, such as Watershed Erosion Prediction machine (SVM). This algorithm has been used in a range of applications
Project (WEPP; Nearing et al., 1989) and KINematic runoff and EROSion in hydrology, such as rainfall-runoff forecasting (e.g. Dibike et al., 2001)
(KINEROS; Woolhiser et al., 1990), attempt to mathematically represent and suspended sediment load prediction (Çimen, 2008). The developed
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
models have a high prediction power (Ganguli and Reddy, 2014; Goyal 2. Study area
et al., 2014), but suffer from having a lot of hyper-parameters making
model implementation difficult (Ahmad et al., 2018). Noor-Rood catchment is one of the main sub-catchments of the Haraz
Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) is another powerful and watershed, located southwest of Amol city, Mazandaran province,
flexible neuron-based algorithm. The GMDH algorithm relates to the Northern Iran (Fig. 1; Eastern longitudes 51◦ 26′′ 13′′ to 52◦ 18′′ 21′′ and
deterministic self-organizing method group, where the principle of a Northern latitudes 36◦ 00′′ 58′′ to 36◦ 16′′ 18′′ ). The catchment is fully
black box, connectionism and induction is used (Anastasakis and Mort, mountainous (elevation between 721 and 4333 m), has an area of 1298
2001). Applications include land subsidence susceptibility mapping km2 and experiences a mean annual precipitation of 504 mm (Solaimani
(Panahi et al., 2022) and flood modeling (Dodangeh et al., 2020). and Hadian Amr, 2008). The study area is mostly covered by the central
However the weakness of the GMDH algorithm lies in its fixed config Elborz and Shemshak (shale, marl and sandstone) and Karaj (tuff and
uration, using a deterministic approach to find the optimal partition of shale) formations. Historically the catchment has suffered intense SWE
datasets and parameters (Robinson, 1998). area due to flooding, and human-induced processes (e.g., land use
Although these ML models have been applied to model behaviors in a change, over-grazing, intensive agriculture and etc.) causing high
wide range of environmental settings, they all suffer from the need to turbidity in Haraz River, high sedimentation and a decrease in water
determine accurate weights in the membership function and the optimal capacity in the Haraz dam, located downstream of the catchment. Since
values for hyper-parameters. Since trial and error is not possible to the building of large dams in the Haraz watershed are costly and of
determine the exact weights, bio-inspired algorithms have been applied critical importance to irrigation and energy generation, delineating SWE
to optimize these ML techniques. For example, Angileri et al. (2016) prone-areas in the study area is necessary for aiding the location of new
applied the stochastic gradient tree boost (SGT) for SWE modeling in dams and mitigating the impacts of SWE on existing dam capacity.
Italy, revealing excellent reliability accuracy. Sajedi-Hosseini et al.
(2018) applied the Fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Labo 3. Methodology
ratory (Fuzzy DEMATEL) approach for SWE modeling and mapping at
Noor-Rood catchment in Iran and found this approach had a reasonable The conceptual framework for modeling SWE susceptibility is shown
prediction power. In the same catchment, Mosavi et al. (2020) utilized in Fig. 2. Four main steps are used:
several machine learning models – weighted subspace random forest
(WSRF), Gaussian process with a radial basis function kernel (Gausspr 1. Data collection of SWE historical data;
radial) and Naive Bayes (NB) – for SWE susceptibility mapping. Their 2. Extraction of SWE geo-environmental variables;
results showed the WSRF model outperformed the other models, fol 3. Generating SWE susceptibility maps using deep learning CNN, LSTM
lowed by Gaussprradial, and NB. Yousefi et al. (2021) applied three ML and RNN algorithms;
models of Random Forest (RF), classification and regression tree 4. Model evaluation and comparing the results across algorithms using
(CART), and SVM to model land degradation in Alborz Mountains, Iran; the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).
RF outperformed the CART and SVM models. Although tree-based
models have higher performance than ANN, ANFIS and SVM models,
trees are sensitive to noisy data (Tien Bui et al., 2012) making them less 3.1. SWE inventory map
suitable to catchments that lack continuous erosion monitoring or where
this monitoring is sparse in spatial extent. Spatial modeling through the machine learning approach has a bi
Since these studies were conducted, a new type of ML model has been nary classification system (i.e., SWE occurrence/non-occurrence). The
developed, namely deep learning algorithms. These algorithms have a first and vital step in this binary modeling was determining the spatial
greater flexibility than traditional ML models and thus a higher pre relationship between SWE historical data and geo-environmental factors
dictive performance (Ghorbanzadeh et al., 2019). Convolutional Neural in order to determine the effectiveness of each on SWE susceptibility.
Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long-Short Term The historical data was derived from a survey of soil erosion in 2017 by
Memory (LSTM) are amongst the popular deep learning algorithms. Sajedi-Hosseini et al. (2018), in which recordings of sheet, rill, interrill,
Examples of application of the CNN algorithm include flood modeling gully erosion, and mass movements were made at 116 locations, (Fig. 1);
(Khosravi et al., 2020) and landslide susceptibility assessment (Thi Ngo and equally occurrences of no erosion were recorded at 116 locations.
et al., 2021). The RNN algorithm has been applied for landslide sus
ceptibility assessment (Li et al., 2021), and LSTM for flood modeling 3.2. Construction of the training and testing datasets
(Fang et al., 2021). A significant gap exists in understanding the po
tential of these deep learning algorithms, and in the identification of the In the next step, values of 0 and 1 were allocated to locations that
most flexible and accurate algorithm for SWE susceptibility prediction. have experienced no SWE and SWE, respectively. Then, all data was split
The present paper, therefore, aims to fill this gap in understanding by into two parts (Chung and Fabbri, 2003) in a ratio of 70:30 for training
achieving the following objectives, using the heavily eroded Noor-Rood and testing, respectively, based on the most commonly used ratio. The
catchment in Iran as a case study: (1) Delineate SWE susceptibility areas first 70 % was used for model development, and the remaining 30 % for
using three deep learning algorithms techniques, namely CNN, RNN and model evaluation. In the final step, the training dataset was overlaid
LSTM; (2) compare the predictive power of these data-driven models; with all the SWE geo-environment conditioning factors to extract their
and (3) perform an analysis of effectiveness of the geo-environmental attribute values for modeling.
driving variables through Information Gain Attribute Evaluator (IGAE)
feature selection. The performance of these particular algorithms is 3.3. SWE geo-environmental factor
tested for the following reasons: (1) a CNN model automatically detects
the important features without any human supervision. (2) RNN can Based on a body of previous work on SWE susceptibility modeling
process inputs of any length; and (3) LSTM that enables a model to (Sajedi-Hosseini et al. 2018; Aslam et al., 2021; Conoscenti et al., 2008;
“remember” past information. The research offers new insight into Mosavi et al., 2020; Rosskopf et al., 2020), the characteristics of the
which deep learning algorithms offer the potential to provide relatively study area and data availability, 14 SWE geo-environmental condi
cheap and fast predictions of SWE susceptibility in situations when tioning factors were considered (Fig. 3a–n). After initial selection of
understanding of the physical processes at play may not be well un these input factors, their effectiveness was investigated. Parameters with
derstood, such as the catchment studied here. a low or null value can cause lower model performance. To identify if
this was the case within the training dataset, an Information Gain
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
Fig. 1. The location of Noor-Rood catchment and the SWE sites used to train and test the deep learning models.
Attribute Evaluator (IGAE) feature selection technique was applied to records can be found in Mosavi et al. (2020). HSG (Table A in Supple
determine input variable importance. The IGAE technique evaluates the mentary material) and soil texture data was acquired in a shape-file
worth of an attribute by measuring the information gain with respect to format from Mazandaran Regional Water Authority. NDVI and land
the class, as follows: use factors were measured using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land
Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor) imagery from June 2016 (Sajedi-
IGAE(Class, Attribute) = H(Class) − H(Class|Attribute) (1)
Hosseini et al., 2018). The geology dataset was obtained from the na
where H is the information entropy. More information about this tech tional geology map of Iran at a scale of 1:100,000 (Table B in Supple
nique can be found in Novakovic (2009) and Trabelsi et al. (2017). mentary material).
Through the use of this technique, all 14 geo-environmental factors
were considered effective and all considered in the next step of model
3.4. Model description
development. These factors were elevation, ground slope, slope aspect,
plan curvature, topographic wetness index (TWI), stream power index
3.4.1. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
(SPI), distance from river, slope length and steepness factor (LS factor),
The CNN method has the structure of ordinary feed-forward neural
rainfall erosivity (RE), hydrologic soil group (HSG), Normalized Dif
networks, with each hidden layer made of neurons fully connected to all
ference Vegetation Index (NDVI), land use, soil texture and geology.
neurons in the previous and next layer. Neurons in a single layer operate
Ground slope, elevation, slope aspect, LS, plan curvature, TWI, and SPI
completely independently and do not share any connections. Weight
were gained directly from ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
sharing and local connection are two special characteristics of the CNN
of the study area with a 30 m × 30 m resolution (https://earthexplorer.
model, enhancing the network training efficiency and improving its
usgs.gov/). The distance from river factor was determined in ArcGIS
capability to effectively decrease the network’s free parameters (Du
10.2 using a digital river network. The RE factor was calculated from
et al., 2022).
recorded rainfall in the study area using a rainfall gradient approach,
The generalized architecture of the CNN model consists of three main
due to the lack of rainfall intensity data, according to the following
types of layers: convolutional, pooling, and fully-connected layers. In
equation (Yu and Rosewell, 1996):
the convolution layer, a linear operator, such as convolution, or a
RE = 0.0483(P)1.61 (2) nonlinear activation function, such as rectified linear unit (ReLU;
defined as f(x) = max(0, x); Yamashita et al., 2018) separates and
where P is the mean annual precipitation (mm). The mean annual pre identifies the various features of the dataset for analysis. These functions
cipitation was estimated based on data recorded from 1976 to 2016 by are able to capture the spatial and temporal dependencies between data.
six rain gauges in the catchment. Further information about the rainfall The primary aim of the pooling layer is to decrease the size of the
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
convolved feature map to reduce the computational costs, and to handle calculated and then sent back to the modeling process as an adjusted/
overfitting issues. This step is performed by decreasing the connections modified input. This approach continues until a fixed and steady output
between layers, independently operating on each feature map. Max, Min is obtained. The mathematical approaches are as follows:
and average pooling are the most common form of pooling layer used to ∑ ∑
reduce data size, whilst still preserving the most important features ai (t) = φji Yi (t) + σji hi (t − 1), j = 1, ..., nH (3)
within them (Pally and Samadi, 2022). For example, max pooling, a
nonlinear downsampling operation, computes the largest value in each hi (t) = F(ai (t)), j = 1, ..., nH (4)
patch of a feature map (Venkatappareddy et al., 2021). Thus, the pooling ∑
layer generalizes the features extracted by the convolution layer, and bi (t) = aji hi (t), j = 1, ..., nj (5)
helps the networks to recognize the features independently. The fully-
connected layer is the final part of CNN model which maps the extrac Xi (t) = G(bj (t)), j = 1, ..., nj (6)
ted features into final output using a softmax activation function to
convert the vector of numbers into the vector of probabilities. The where φji , σji and aji are weights, F is defined as the non-linear trans
output of the function reveals the probability of each class (Li et al., formation parameter, and nH is the hidden number of neurons. Gener
2021). ally, hidden layers through networks input [i.e., Y(t)] calculate the
adjusted network weights.
3.4.2. Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
RNN is a class of ANN model, derived from feed-forward networks 3.4.3. Long-Short term memory (LSTM)
(FFN), where connections between nodes form a directed or undirected LSTM is another type of RNN, capable of learning order dependence
graph along a temporal sequence. RNN algorithms are powerful and in sequence prediction problems. This algorithm extends the internal
robust because they use their internal state (memory) to process variable memory and helps the model to recall events from a long period of time.
length sequences of inputs. RNNs are best applied to sequential or time- Standard RNN models, due to the issue of gradient vanishing, are unable
series data, but by extracting the contextual information from the data, to prepare long memories. In contrast, LSTM models are able to train and
RNN models can be efficaciously applied to data classification. The RNN learn from important events with lags of unknown duration between
structure is composed of several successive recurrent layers. A FFN al important events in a time series. LSTM uses three ways to allocate the
locates a weight to the input parameters, similar to other deep learning weights: forget the information, let in new information and hold the
models, but the key difference is that RNN algorithms, using the internal information that affects the output. The model also has three main layers
memory, assign this weight to both current and previous inputs. or gates: input (control the input information in a memory cell), output
RNN models benefit from having loops in hidden layers, and these (maintain control over the outgoing information throughout the
loops have a significant effect on the training capability of the model. remainder of the networks) and forget (control the input from the pre
Feedback loops from the output layer (X1(t), …, Xnj) are evaluated using vious memory and determine if it should be deleted based on the pre
the networks input (Y(t)). For each new input, the output values are ceding cell condition). This information is calculated through the
following equations:
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
Fig. 3. Spatial variation in SWE geo-environmental factors used for model development, a) elevation, b) aspect, c) slope degree, d) plan curvature, e) NDVI, f) RE, g)
landuse, h) SPI, i) TWI, j) LS, k) distance from river, l) hydrologic soil group, m) soil texture, and n) geology.
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
Fig. 3. (continued).
Ht = ot tanh(Ct ) (12)
Table 1
Interpreting AUC values.
Yt = σ(Why Ht + By ) (13)
AUC quantitative values Quality interpretation
1 0.5–0.6 Unsatisfactory
σ (x) = (14)
0.6–0.7 Satisfactory
1 + exp− x
0.7–0.8 Good
where Xt, Yt, It, Ft, Ot, Ct, Ct and σ are input vector, output vector, input 0.8–0.9 Very good
0.9–1 Excellent
gate, forget gate, output gate, finishing state in memory block, tempo
rary and sigmoid function respectively. Wxf ,Wxi ,Wxc , and Wxo are input
weight matrices, Whf , Whi , Whc , and Who are recurrent weights matrices, values can be interpreted for classifying model quality.
Why is the output weight and Bf, Bi, Bc, Bo and By are related bias vectors.
4. Result and analysis
3.5. SWE susceptibility map generation
4.1. Effectiveness of input variables on SWE susceptibility
After developing the three models using the training data, they were
used to calculate SWE indices (SWEI) for all pixels in the study area. The effectiveness of the 14 input variables on SWE susceptibility,
These SWEI values were classified based on the quantile classification assessed using the IGAE feature selection technique, is presented in a
scheme to very low, low, moderate, high, and very high to produce a Radar-chart (Fig. 4). This chart shows that elevation was the parameter
SWE susceptibility map. with the highest effectiveness on SWE (0.30), followed by RE (0.16),
NDVI (0.143), TWI (0.142), plan curvature (0.141), ground slope (0.12),
geology (0.099), aspect (0.091), SPI (0.073), distance from river
3.6. Model performance evaluation
(0.070), land use (0.067), soil texture (0.030), LS (0.020), and HSG
The prediction power of each of the developed models was evaluated
quantitatively using the powerful and reliable receiver operating char
acteristic (ROC) curve method, using Statistical Package for the Social 4.2. SWE susceptibility maps
Sciences (SPSS) software. Model evaluation was assessed during both
model development (success-rate ROC curve) using the training dataset, The delineated SWE susceptibility maps showed the middle and
and during model evaluation using the testing dataset (prediction-rate eastern part of the catchment had a high and very high susceptibility to
ROC curve). Success-rate ROC curves only reveal the efficiency of the SWE, while the rest of the study area, which surrounded the susceptible
built model, whereas prediction-rate ROC curves, using data not used in areas, had a lower susceptibility (Fig. 5a-c).
model development, reveals how good the model is at prediction and According to the ROC model evaluation technique, all models, in
thus shows the model generalization power. Area Under the ROC curve terms of success rate and prediction rate, had a very good prediction
(AUC) measures the entire two-dimensional area underneath the ROC power (0.8 < AUC < 0.9) (Fig. 6). All models had the same performance
curve, providing an aggregate measure of performance across all in the training phase (AUC = 0.85), but RNN was marginally superior in
possible classification thresholds. AUC varies between 0 (the lowest the testing phase (AUC = 0.83). Thus, the RNN model had the highest
model prediction power) and 1 (ideal model with the highest perfor generalization power, albeit only slightly.
mance). Table 1, based on Yesilnacar (2005), shows how ranges of AUC Differences in the three maps are subtle. The maps produced by the
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
experience less erosion than the lower and mid-elevations. Thus RE had
a poor correlation with SWE (Fig. 3f). Furthermore livestock farming is
denser in low elevations, resulting in overgrazing, a reduction in vege
tation cover (especially during early spring when immature is
damaged), soil compaction, lower infiltration rates, lower soil retention
and higher runoff, combining to make soil more susceptible to rain
splash, sheet, rill and gully erosion (Sternberg et al., 2000; Orgill et al.,
2018; Narantsetseg et al., 2018; Donovan and Monaghan; 2021).
Areas with low NDVI, representing soil with little or no vegetation,
were strongly positively correlated with SWE corresponding with higher
susceptibility (Fig. 8). Whereas areas with high NVDI were negatively
correlated because vegetation cover reduced the volume and intensity of
rainfall reaching the soil surface (e.g. Vaezi et al., 2016) and the
detachment of sediment in overland flow. In the long term, vegetation
also increases soil organic matter, and improves soil physical properties
(e.g. Puigdefabregas et al., 1999), further reducing soil erosivity.
High values of TWI were correlated strongly with SWE, since areas
with high TWI can indicate areas where there is an accumulation of
water, possibly due to the routing of overland flow, resulting in a higher
likelihood of particle detachment through rilling and gullying. Flat
Fig. 4. Radar-chart showing variable effectiveness on SWE.
slopes were also associated with areas with high SWE susceptibility,
since, with all things constant (such as soil thickness and vegetation
LSTM and RNN models were most alike, producing similar predictions cover), lower angle slopes are most often associated with lower infil
for the percentage of catchment occupied by very low, high, very high tration capacities, and thus higher rates of runoff (e.g. Chen and Young,
susceptibility. The CNN model predicted a higher percentage of very 2006). Two lithological units, Pldv (Rhyolitic to rhyodacitic volcanic
high susceptibility areas than the other two models, but a slightly lower rocks) and K2l2 (Thick-bedded to massive limestone (Maastrichtian))
proportion of very low susceptibility (Fig. 7). The CNN model over were highly correlated with areas of high SWE, with all other units
estimated the very high susceptibility classes, while underestimated the displaying a weak association (Fig. 8). Slopes with different aspect
moderate classes. The LSTM model overestimated the very low suscep receive differing amounts of solar radiation; southerly aspects corre
tibility classes while underestimated low and moderate susceptibility spond strongly with areas of high SWE, since these areas receive more
classes (Figs. 5 and 7). According to the predictions made by the RNN solar radiation, reducing soil wetness, aggregate stability and vegetation
model, 19.8 % of the study area had a very high SWE susceptibility, 19.7 cover, and more crusting of the soil surface, reducing infiltration ca
%, 20.8 %, 20.8 %, and 18.9 % had a high, moderate, low and very low pacities and increasing runoff (e.g. Marques and Mora, 1992; Fang and
susceptibility (Fig. 7). Overall, 39.5 % of the catchment had a high and Guo, 2015). All other factors had a poor correlation with SWE
very high susceptibility to SWE. susceptibility.
5.1. Effectiveness of geo-environmental factors Since inputs were the same for each of the models, the difference in
performance between algorithms is attributable to their different
To examine the effectiveness of each of the geo-environmental fac computational structures. RNN and LSTM models outperformed the
tors, a Frequency Ratio (FR) approach was used. FR is a bivariate sta CNN model because they both have an internal memory that allows
tistical approach that calculates the probabilistic relationship between them to ‘remember’ important information about the input they receive,
SWE susceptibility and each of the factors. The FR is the ratio of the area enhancing their precision in predicting what’s coming next. Although
where SWE occurs to the total study area for a given attribute. For each the generalization ability of CNN is enhanced due to the use of a pooling
range or type of factor, FR was calculated as follows: layer, their fitting ability is reduced when the inputs are low-
Di / Ni=1 Di dimensional vectors, leading to information loss (Liu et al., 2019).
FR = ∑ CNN and RNN algorithms operate similarly by introducing sparsity
Ai / Ni=1 Ai
and reusing the same neurons and weights. However in the CNN model
where Di is the area of SWE of the i-th category (very low, low, medium, latent patterns in data are detected using convolution operations,
high, very high), Ai is the area of the i-th category for a certain factor and whereas in the RNN model the specific sequences in input data are found
N is the category number of the factor. A derived FR value of more than 1 by considering the relationship between the current and the previous
indicates a strong and positive relationship between the concerned class state, allowing RNNs to feed results back into the network. Also, in CNN
of the selected factor data layer and high SWE susceptibility; on the models, the input size and resulting output are fixed but in RNN models
other hand, a frequency ratio value of<1 suggests a poor and negative they vary. Further, the RNN algorithm benefits from a parameter sharing
correlation between SWE susceptibility and the concerned class of the technique, allowing RNN models to share parameters across different
factor data layer, and low susceptibility. time steps. In addition, the incorporation of convolutional layers can
The FR values and the elevation map (Fig. 3a) show that areas with stretch its efficiency to nearby pixels.
lower and mid-elevations (727–2404 m) had a strong correlation with The CNN and LSTM algorithms are feed forward neural networks,
the highest SWE susceptibility, particularly due to mass movement. but a backpropagation training algorithm is used in the RNN model
Areas with higher elevations may usually be thought to more suscepti providing the ability to more effectively interpret temporal information
ble, due to higher rainfall and steeper slope, thinner soils and bedrock and capture long-term dependencies in data, as well as obtain a mini
outcrops. However precipitation falls as snow in these higher elevations. mum error function value (Ajitha et al., 2022). When these differences
Since snow has less erosivity than rainfall and can acts as an armor to are taken together, this greater complexity in the RNN computational
protect soil from erosion, these higher elevation areas therefore structure accounts for the enhanced predictive power of RNN models
over CNN models (Mutlu et al., 2019).
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
Fig. 5. SWE susceptibility maps based on the different deep learning models: a) CNN, b) LSTM and c) RNN.
Fig. 6. ROC curves for (a) success rate and (b) prediction rate.
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
Fig. 7. A histogram showing the percentage of SWE classes that fall into the susceptibility class for each deep learning model.
A direct comparison between our findings with those of previous potential for use in SWE susceptibility assessment in data poor catch
studies is not possible as deep learning algorithms have not yet to be ments, especially in developing nations where technical modeling skills
applied for SWE modeling and mapping. Several studies have applied and understanding of the hydrologic and erosion processes occurring in
different ML models for SWE mapping however. Yousefi et al. (2021) the catchment may be lacking.
applied three models of RF, CART and SVM model for SWE susceptibility The major disadvantages of these types of models however are
mapping in a different catchment in Iran and reported these models have twofold. First, like all statistical methods, the developed models only
accuracies of between 0.89 and 0.96 based on the ROC-AUC method. relate directly to the catchments being considered, and thus their
These values are higher than reported in this study, despite the use of application to other catchments may prove inappropriate. Future studies
more powerful algorithms, resulting from the greater complexity in the should apply the developed models to catchments with differing rainfall,
relationships between the geo-environmental factors and erosion pro soils, land use, land cover, geology and morphology to discover whether
cesses in the catchment studied in the present paper. In particular, snow this is the case. Second, due to their ‘black-box’ structure, they provide
in mountainous areas, high livestock density and deforestation in low poor explanatory power, and thus are unable to extract understanding of
land areas, and little variation in soil grain size, resulted in some factors, the processes that cause changes in SWE susceptibility. With these
such as RE, land use and soil texture, that would normally be well considerations in mind, the use of deep learning models may not simply
correlated with SWE to be not well correlated, and there was an unex lie in predicting erosion, but integrating these techniques into process-
pected relation with slope elevation. In the same catchment, Sajedi- based models to help identify and optimize model parameters and
Hosseini et al. (2018) applied a Fuzzy DEMATEL approach to SWE mitigate uncertainty in model estimates (e.g., Vojinovic et al., 2013),
mapping with an accuracy of 0.83. Although their method has higher help recognize patterns within satellite data to unveil critical details
performance, the generated map had higher uncertainty, because the about behavior, and possibly reveal new environmental relationships.
weights were calculated based on the expert opinion. In contrast, Mosavi Future studies should seek to explore this potential.
et al. (2020) applied WSRF, Gaussprradial, and NB methods for SWE in This study has considered geo-environmental factors that affect
the same study area and found predictive accuracy was lower; WSRF erosion. Where data is available, future studies should consider human-
with Kappa index of 0.81 had a higher performance than Gaussprradial related factors in deep learning models, such as livestock density (e.g.,
(0.76) and NB with Kappa (0.71). Also Abolhasani et al. (2022) imple Evans, 1997), arable yields (e.g., Gliessman, 2004) the location of road-
mented RF, boosted regression tree (BRT), SVM, and classification and networks (e.g., Deng et al., 2011; Keshkamat et al., 2013) and distance
regression tree (CART) algorithms, with AUC values of 0.81, 0.76, 0.71 from water resources (e.g., Mirzabaev et al., 2016). For example, Yousefi
and 0.63 for SWE mapping at Qazvin Plain, Iran. The three models et al. (2016) reported that the rate of soil degradation around water
developed in the current study performed more strongly. resources was higher than in other parts more distant from water sup
plies. Deng et al. (2011) demonstrated that when areas are composed of
5.3. Applying deep learning models to map SWE susceptibility relatively high quality grassland, roads lead to soil erosion and degra
dation, whereas when grassland resources are sparse, access to a road
The choice of the ‘best’ predictive model is most often a compromise results in soil restoration. In addition, due to a lack of rainfall intensity
between model prediction accuracy and model complexity, with the data, the current study had to take a simplified approach to account for
later, in deep learning models, most closely related to the data input rainfall as a factor, using mean annual rainfall data to generate the RE
requirements. The major advantages of the deep learning models factor. This approach does not account for the role of individual storm
developed in this paper are their simplicity, and their ease and in events, and their magnitude and duration, on soil erosion. Nor does it
expense to build and run, unlike physically-based models, whilst consider how preceding events affect susceptibility in proceeding
providing little compromise on model performance. In other words, the events. Thus a focus for future studies should be on applying deep-
deep learning models provided good prediction performance based on learning models to more data-rich catchments, using observations of
inputs that are readily available from satellite imagery and national rainfall intensity to generate the RE factor with higher accuracy
rainfall monitoring without the need for catchment or hillslope-scale (Capolongo et al. 2008; Panagos et al. 2015; Petroselli et al., 2021).
monitoring. Thus, the results reveal that these models have great Since deep learning models are data-driven, one can postulate that with
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
Fig. 8. Effectiveness of each of the classes of the most important factors geo-environmental factors on SWE susceptibility, based on FR method.
hourly rainfall data incorporated with the kind of satellite data used in Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
this current study, it should be possible to build more powerful, more and Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) – were applied to assess suscep
accurate models of soil erosion susceptibility over large spatial extents, tibility in an Iranian catchment that has historically experienced severe
providing an important tool for targeting soil erosion control to those erosion. The main findings were as follows:
areas most susceptible, and for identifying areas most suitable for sus
tainable agricultural development. 1. Elevation was the most effective geo-environmental variable on SWE
susceptibility, followed by rainfall erosivity, normalized difference
6. Conclusion vegetation index, topographic wetness index, plan curvature, ground
slope, geology, aspect, stream power index, distance from river, land
Soil erosion by water is a major cause of global land degradation and use, soil texture, slope length and steepness factor, and hydrologic
soil loss. Accurate predictions of erosion susceptibility are critical for soil groups
protecting soils and targeting efforts to mitigate the impacts of erosion 2. Model evaluation revealed that all three developed models had good
on ecosystem services, water quality, flooding and infrastructure. Using prediction performance, with RNN being marginally the most
satellite data, rainfall, soil and other several readily available data, this superior.
paper has quantified for the first time, the potential of deep learning 3. Maps of SWE susceptibility revealed that almost 40 % of the catch
models to provide accurate predictions of soil water erosion (SWE) ment was considered to be highly or very highly susceptible to SWE
susceptibility. Three state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms –
K. Khosravi et al. Journal of Hydrology 618 (2023) 129229
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