Chap1,2,3 Imp QsnAns

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Chapter1: - 3 marks Questions

Explain Cache memory. ***

Ans. : Cache memory is a high speed memory placed in between RAM and CPU. Cache memory
increases the speed of processing. Cache memory stores the data and instructions temporarily that
is to be used, and makes them available to CPU at a faster rate. Mainly there are 2 types of cache
L1 (or Level1) and L2 cache. L1 cache size is in KBs (Kilo Bytes); whereas, size of L2 cache is
in MBs (Mega Bytes).
Explain the characteristics of a Motherboard. (Criteria for motherboard selection)***
Ans. : The main characteristics of a Motherboard include:
(i) form factor, (ii) Chipset, and (iii) Processor supported.
i). Form Factor: The form factor determines the size and shape of the motherboard and also
determines what kind of cabinet or case it will fit into. Some of the form factors include XT-
board, AT board, baby-AT board, Mini-ITX, Micro-ATX and ATX. In that, ATX is the most
popular design of the newer motherboards.
(ii) Chipset: The controllers in the motherboard are combined mainly in two chips (ICs) called
the north bridge and south bridge. The chipset ICs (i.e., north bridge and south bridge) are
used to manage the data traffic on the motherboard. A motherboard with latest chipset has to
be selected to support latest components with faster data transfer rate.
(iii) Processor supported: Different motherboards support different processors. Same
motherboard doesn’t support all the processors. So, motherboard selection mainly depends on
the processor used.
Describe any 3 components of a Motherboard. ***
Ans. : Important components of a Motherboard are:
a) CPU socket – to install the microprocessor
b) RAM slot – to install the RAM modules (or Memory module)
c) Chipset – North bridge & south bridge ICs together form chipset of a motherboard.
d) Back panel connectors – To connect peripherals (or external I/O devices)
e) Power connector – to provide necessary power to the system.

Write in short about different Ports in a motherboard. ***

Ans. : Ports are the connectors used to connect external devices. Some of them are:
 VGA (15-pin) port - to connect monitor to the system unit
 USB (4-pin) port - to connect external USB devices like pen drive, external HDD, external
DVD drive, Printer, Scanner, Keyboard, Mouse, etc.
 LAN port - To connect a system to Network (Internet or LAN).
 Audio port - to connect speakers (for audio output) and microphone (for audio input).
Explain types of power supply. ***
Ans.: (a) SMPS converts electric power from AC (Alternating Current) mains to different DC
voltages required by the different Computer components in a computer system, like
Microprocessor, RAM, Chipset, HDD, DVD drive, etc. (Most new motherboards come with a 24-
pin connector called ATX power connector).
(b) UPS generally protects a computer against different power problems like Power failure,
power fluctuation, Voltage surges and spikes, etc. There are mainly two types of UPS
systems: Off-line UPS and On-line UPS. Off-line UPS draw power from the battery whenever
mains power supply is not there. Whereas, On-line UPS always draw power from the battery.
On-line UPS is costlier than Off-line UPS.

Explain types of mother board.

Ans.: PC-XT (eXtended Technology) motherboard: The first Personal
computer motherboard. Processor used was 8088, 12-pin power connector, 10
or 20 MB HDD supported, 1MB RAM, ISA slot was used.
PC-AT (Advanced Technology) motherboard: Processor supported was Intel
80286, 386, 486, to Pentium. IDE type Hard disk drives were introduced.
Baby-AT motherboard: Later versions of Pentium processors like Pentium-II
to Pentium-IV supported. Instead of separate controller cards, chipsets were
introduced. Hence, the size of motherboard was smaller than earlier AT-
motherboard. (So, the name Baby-AT). 20-pin power connector, AGP, PCI
slots were used.
ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) motherboard: ATX is the most
popular design of the newer motherboards. DDRRAM slots, PCI – express
slots, 24-pin power connector used. New Chipsets being developed to support
faster I/O devices, and to include more &more functions.

Chapter2: 2 mark Qs.

1. State Absorption Laws.
Ans.: (a) X+X.Y = X
(b) X.(X+Y) = X
2. Prove algebraically: X+X.Y = X (***)
Ans.: L.H.S = X+X.Y
= X.1+X.Y (since, x.1=x)
= X.(1+Y) (since, 1+y=1)
= X.1 = X = R.H.S.
3. Prove algebraically: X.(X+Y) = X (***)
Ans.: L.H.S = X.(X+Y) =X.X + X.Y= X + XY (Since, x.x=x)
= X.1+X.Y (since, x.1=x)
= X.(1+Y) (since, 1+y=y)
= X.1 = X = R.H.S.
3. Prove algebraically: X+X’.Y = X+Y
Ans.: L.H.S. = X+X’.Y (Applying Distributive law: x+yz=(x+y)(x+z))
= (X+X’).(X+Y) = 1.(X+Y) (Using Boolean rules: x+x’=1, 1.x=x)
= X+Y = R.H.S
5. What is proof by perfect induction? Give an example.
Ans.: It is a method of proving a Boolean theorem by substituting all the possible values of the
variables. For example: to prove: a+a=a
If a=0, then a+a = 0+0 = 0, so a=a+a.
If a=1, then a+a = 1+1 = 1, so a=a+a.
Or The output of column a & column a+a are same, A a+a
hence the proof. 0 0+0=0
1 1+1=1
6. P.T a+1=1 by perfect induction.
Ans.: if a=0, then 0+1=1.
If a=1, then 1+1= 1.
Whatever the value of a, the output is always 1. Hence, the proof.
7. Prove using truth table: X+XY= X
0 0 0 0 Note: The 1st and last column values in this table
0 1 0 0 are the same; hence the proof.
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1

8. Prove using truth table method: X + X’ Y = X + Y

X Y x’ x’.Y X+Y X+x’Y
0 0 1 0 0 0 Note: The output of last 2 columns
0 1 1 1 1 1 are the same; hence the proof.
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1
9. State De-Morgan’s theorems. (***)
Ans.: (i) (A+B)’ = A’ . B’ ; (Complement of logical sum of two variables is equal to the
logical product of complement of each variable).
(ii) (A.B)’ = A’ + B’ ; (Complement of logical product of two variables is equal to the
logical sum of complement of each variable).
10. State principle of duality. ***
Ans.: The principle of duality states that we can derive a Boolean relation from another Boolean
relation by :
i). Changing each AND(.) with an OR(+) symbol and vice-versa.
ii). Interchanging each 0 with 1 and 1 with 0.
e.g.,: 1 + 0 = 1 its dual is 0 . 1 = 0 //Give any 1 example in exam
A . 1 = A its dual is A + 0 = A
1+A’ = 1 its dual is 0 . A’ = 0 Note: The variables are written as it is.
1.a’=a’ its dual is 0+a’=a’ ; A+A’=1 its dual is A.A’=0
11. Define Tautology. Give example. (***)
Ans.: A logical expression, whose result is always True or 1, is called a Tautology.
e.g., 1+0 =1, A+1=1, 1.1=1, 1+1=1, are tautology.
12. Define fallacy. Give an example. (***)
Ans.: A logical expression or statement whose result is always False or 0, is called a Fallacy.
For example: 1.0 =0, A.0=0, 0. 0=0, 0+0=0, etc. are fallacy.
13. Prove that 1+y is a tautology.
Ans.: Here, the value of boolean variable y can be either 0 or 1. y 1+y
We know that: 1+0=1, 1+1=1. Here, whatever may be the value of y, 0 1+0=1
output is always 1. Hence, the expression is a tautology. 1 1+1=1
14. Prove that 0.y is a fallacy. y 0.y
Ans.: Here, the value of boolean variable y may be either 0 or 1. 0 0.0=0
If y=0, then 0.0=0 1 0.1=0
If y=1, then 0.1=0
Here, the output of the expression is always 0 (i.e., 0.0=0, 0.1=0). Hence, it is a fallacy.
15. Define minterm. Give example (***)
Ans.: A minterm is a logical product of all the Boolean variables in their normal form or
complement form. For example: A’.B’, A’.B, A.B’, and A.B are the minterms of 2 variables.
16. Define maxterm. Give example (***)
Ans.: A maxterm is a logical sum of all the Boolean variables in their normal form or
complement form. For e.g.: (A’+B’), (A’+B), (A+B’), and (A+B) are the 2 variables maxterms.

Boolean rules
Properties of 0 and 1 1). 0+X=X 2). 1+X=1
3). 0.X=0 4). 1.X=X
Idempotence Law 5). X+X=X 6). X.X=X
Involution Law 7. (X’)’ =X (i.e., X double complement is X only)
Complementarity Law 8. X+ X = 1 (or X+X’ = 1)
9. X . X = 0 (or X.X’ = 0)
Commutative Law 10. X+Y=Y+X or A+B+C = B+A+C = C+B+A =A+C+B
11. X.Y=Y.X or A.B.C = B.A.C = C.B.A =A.C.B
Associative Law 12. X+(Y+Z) = (X+Y)+Z
13. X.(Y.Z) = (X.Y).Z
Distributive Law 14. X.(Y+Z) = X.Y+X.Z
15. X+Y.Z = (X+Y).(X+Z)
Absorption Law 16). X+X.Y = X 17) X.(X+Y) = X
Other theorem 18). X+X’.Y = X+Y

17. Draw the general structure of 4-variables K-map. (***)

CD ABCD – Minterm
AB C’D’ (00) C’D (01) CD (11) CD’ (10)
m15 - Shorthand notation
A’B’C’D’ A’B’C’D A’B’CD A’B’CD’ 15 - Decimal value
A’B’ - 1111 - equivalent binary
(0000) (0001) (0011) (0010)
(00) value
m0 0 m1 1 m3 3 m2 2
(01) (m4) 4 (m5) 5 (m7) 7 (m6) 6
(m12) (m13) (1111) (m14)
12 13 m15 15 14
(1000) (1001) (1011) (1010)
(m8) 8 (m9) 9 (m11) 11 (m10) 10
5 Marks Questions
Logic Gates: 3-Marks Questions:
1. Write the Logic symbol and truth table of NOR gate. (***)
Ans.: The output of NOR gate is 1, when both the inputs are 0, & its 0 for all the other i/ps.
Logic diagram Truth table

X X+Y X Y F=(X+Y)’
0 0 1
Y 0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0
2. Write the Logic symbol and truth table of NAND gate.
X Y F=(X.Y)’
0 0 1
X.Y 0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

3. Write the Logic symbol and truth table of XOR gate. (***)
Ans.: The output of XOR gate is 1when the odd number of i/ps are 1;O/p is 0 otherwise.
A B F=(A B)
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

4. Write the Logic symbol and truth table of XNOR gate.

A B F=(A B)
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

5. Design the basic gates using NAND gates only. ( Show that NAND gate is a universal gate)
Ans.: All other gates can be designed using only NAND gates. It is depicted as:
i) Designing NOT gate from NAND.

ii). Designing AND gate using NAND gates only.


iii). OR gate designed from NAND gates only.


6. Design the basic gates using NOR gates only. / Design NOT, OR, AND gates using NOR gates
only. / Realize the basic gates using only NOR gates. ***
Ans.: i). Designing NOT gate from NOR gate

ii). Realizing OR gate using only NOR gates.


iii). Designing AND gate using NOR gates only.


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