1 s2.0 S096599781400091X Main
1 s2.0 S096599781400091X Main
1 s2.0 S096599781400091X Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents an open and integrated framework that performs the structural design optimization
Received 8 October 2013 by associating the improved sequential approximation optimization (SAO) algorithm with the CAD/CAE
Received in revised form 28 April 2014 integration technique. In the improved SAO algorithm, a new estimate of the width of Gaussian kernel
Accepted 28 May 2014
functions is proposed to enhance the surrogate models for SAO. Based on the improved surrogate models,
Available online 1 July 2014
an adaptive sampling strategy is developed to balance the exploration/exploitation in the sampling pro-
cess, which better balances between the competence to locate the global optimum and the computation
efficiency in the optimization process. Fewer function evaluations are required to seek the optimum,
Sequential approximation optimization
CAD/CAE integration
which is of great significance for computation-intensive structural optimization problems. Moreover,
Integrated framework based on scripting program languages and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), integration
Surrogate model between commercial CAD and CAE software packages is implemented to expand the applications of
Adaptive sampling strategy the SAO algorithm in mechanical practices. Two benchmark tests from simple to complex, from low-
Structural design dimension to moderate-dimension were performed to validate the efficacy of the proposed framework.
Results show that the proposed approach facilitates the structural optimization process and reduces
the computing cost immensely compared to other approaches.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0965-9978/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68 57
exploited intensively. These techniques in association with the EAs from the surrogate. Results from the surrogate must be evaluated
are able to improve the computational efficiency [25] in structural with the true function evaluations. Additional calls to the true
optimization problems, while the disadvantage is the error function are not only used to validate the surrogate, but also to
between the meta-model and the true model, which will reduce enhance its accuracy. Thus, a sequential approximation optimiza-
the reliability of approximation-based optimization methods. tion (SAO) approach is developed. A general procedure of the
Lower computational cost, generality, robustness, and accuracy SAO algorithm is presented in Fig. 1. Applying a series of new infill
are all required for structural optimization processes [26]. Thus, a points, based on some infill criteria which is also known as sam-
sequential approximate optimization (SAO) approach [27,28] has pling strategy, we sample the objective function using a constantly
gained popularity recently. Firstly, a small-size design of experi- changing surrogate model [29]. In SAO, the approximation tech-
ment (DOE) is employed to construct the surrogate model through nique and the sampling strategy are the key elements for a suc-
various approximate techniques, then the global optimum of the cessful optimization. In this paper, an improved RBF network and
response surface can be found by global optimization techniques an adaptive sampling strategy are employed to implement the
such as EAs. If the termination criterion specified by the designer SAO algorithm. SAO-based structural optimization can be mathe-
is satisfied, the SAO algorithm will be terminated. Otherwise, a matically expressed as
few new sampling points will be added to improve the accuracy
for n ¼ 1; 2; . . .
of the response surface. Through the iterative process, a highly
accurate global optimum can be found with a small number of find x
function evaluations in comparison with pure EAs. The high min f ðnÞ ðxÞ
computational efficiency makes the SAO algorithm a promising s:t:
g i ðxÞ 6 0 i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; l ð2Þ
optimization technique for the computation-intensive structural ðnÞ
design problems. hj ðxÞ ¼ 0 j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; k
However, the study of the SAO algorithm is still relatively SðnÞ ðxÞ 6 0
young. A reliable and practical SAO algorithm is still lacking in
xL 6 x 6 xU
the engineering design area. In SAO, the approximation technique
and the sampling strategy are the two key elements for a success- the m-dimensional design variable X is scaled into an
ful optimization. In Section 2 the general formulation of the SAO m-dimensional unit hypercube x by
approach is first presented, then a new method to determine the
width of basis function for the RBF network and an adaptive sam- X i X Li
xi ¼ i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m ð3Þ
pling strategy are proposed to enhance the SAO algorithm. Further- X Ui X Li
more, in order to exploit the SAO algorithm thoroughly in
mechanical engineering, a framework that permits the integration where X Ui and X Li denote the upper and lower bounds of the ith
between commercial CAD and CAE tools in conjunction with the design variable, respectively.
SAO algorithm is developed. This approach widens the applications
of the SAO method in structural design optimization problems. 2.2. Surrogate models for SAO
Moreover, this approach also facilitates the complex structural
optimization process and makes it more convenient for engineer- 2.2.1. The fundamental question of surrogate models
ing designers. Section 3 focuses on the general structural design Radial basis function (RBF) network [30], support vector regres-
optimization framework based on the SAO approach in association sion (SVR) [31], and Kriging function [32], etc. are widely employed
with CAD/CAE integration. Section 4 presents different case stud- surrogate models in various areas. The equivalence between SVM
ies, which are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the integrated and ordinary Kriging has been reported under the assumption that
framework. Finally, the paper closes with some concluding
find X
min f ðXÞ
s:t: g i ðXÞ 6 0 i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; l ð1Þ
hj ðXÞ ¼ 0 j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; k
XL 6 X 6 XU
Here XL and XU is the upper and lower bound of design vari-
ables, respectively. For structural design problems, the objective
function and constraints are usually implicit functions of design
variables, usually obtained by finite element analysis (FEA).
In the classical approximation-based optimization process sum-
marized in [28], accuracy of the surrogate model could possibly be
deteriorated by a particularly poor or unlucky initial sample, lead-
ing to a very deceptive optimum. Indeed, at any stage we take our
optimum design to be the best result of the true function, not that Fig. 1. General framework of the sequential approximation optimization.
58 D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68
the covariance function is used as the kernel function [33]. The Hence, a more effective estimate of the width of the kernel func-
equivalence between SVM and RBF network can be established tions is required.
based on the suggestions of Poggio and Girosi [34]. Thus, the equiv-
alence between Kriging and RBF network is naturally inferred. 2.2.2. Estimate of the width in Gaussian kernel
Consider a function f observed without error, according to the Based on the local density of sampling points, a new determina-
sampling plan X = {x1, x2, . . . , xn}T, yielding the responses tion method to estimate the width of the kernel function is
Y = {y1, y2, . . . , yn}T. The basic forms of RBF, Kriging and SVR predic- proposed to enhance the surrogate models for the SAO algorithm.
tions take the same form of the sum of kernel functions /i, with The density of sampling points is defined by the following
weightings xi, added to a base term b, which is outlined as follows equation:
kxxj k
n qðxÞ ¼ e r2 ð7Þ
^f ðxÞ ¼ xi /ðkx xi kÞ þ b ¼ U x þ b ð4Þ j¼0
where r is given by [36].
where x is the vector of design variables, / is a basis function and xi
is the coefficient for the ith basis function, U = [/1, /2, . . . , /n] r ¼ pffiffiffiffimax
ffiffiffi ð8Þ
(/j = /kx xjk), x = [x1, x2, . . . , xn]T. m n
The following Gaussian kernel is commonly employed as the dmax represents the maximum distance between sampling points.
basis function (basis function in RBF, covariance function in Kriging The illustrative example of the density function is shown in Fig. 3.
and kernel function in SVR, respectively) by the three predictions vi is the influence volume of the ith sampling point. Based on
above: the meaning of width of the kernel function ci, vi can be given by:
ðx xj ÞT ðx xj Þ V i ¼ cm
i ð9Þ
/j ðkx xj kÞ ¼ exp ð5Þ
c2j Summation of all sampling points’ influence volume should
In Eq. (5), cj is the width of the jth kernel function /j. The phys- cover the whole m-dimensional unit hypercube, which leads to:
ical meaning of c can be defined as the influence extent of the basis X
function /. As shown in Fig. 2, a higher c means that the corre- Vi ¼ Vt; Vt P 1 ð10Þ
sponding basis function’s influence may extend further. Because i¼1
every basis function corresponds to a sampling point, c can also where vt denotes the coupling effect of influence between sampling
be defined as the influence extent of the sampling point. It is points. The determination of vt is the crux of an approximation with
believed that determination of the width of the basis function high precision, which will be elaborated in the next section.
plays an important role in a good approximation [35]. It is assumed that the influence volume of the sampling point
In order to determine the width in a simple manner, Nakayama located in the sparse area should be sufficiently great while in
proposed the following estimate [36]: the intensive area relatively small, which is given by the following
dmax equation:
c1 ¼ c2 ¼ ¼ cn ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi p ffiffiffi ð6Þ
mmn V i 1=qðxi Þ qðxj Þ
¼ ¼ ð11Þ
V j 1=qðxj Þ qðxi Þ
where dmax represents the maximum distance between sampling
points. Eq. (6) implies that all basis functions are assigned the same When vt is determined, the estimate of cj (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) is
width. The above method suffer from two main disadvantages: (i) it implemented by solving the simultaneous Eqs. (7)–(11).
cannot exploit the information of the sampling points thoroughly
and usually requires redundant points to approximate the true 2.2.3. Determination of Vt
model accurately and (ii) this estimate performs not so well with In the estimate of the width of Gaussian kernel above, Vt is the
respect to the non-uniform sampling points. The above disadvan- key parameter. A lower Vt predicates that the influence of sampling
tages are fatal for the surrogate models in the SAO algorithm. points is not exploited thoroughly, while a higher Vt may aggran-
dize the influence coupling between sampling points and lead to
0.8 c=0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 2. Influence extent of / with respect to c. Fig. 3. Illustrative example of density function in one dimension.
D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68 59
a severe deviation. In this section, a method based on cross valida- method, the indexes of MR2 do not exceed 0.80, which indicates
tion is proposed to determine the value of Vt. that the proposed method has an excellent performance and it is
The procedure of cross validation is depicted as follows: (1) The applicable to various surrogate models which satisfy the form of
surrogate model sampling data are split randomly into q roughly Eq. (4) and use Gaussian kernel as basis functions. The fluctuations
equal subsets. (2) Each of these subsets is removed in turn from of R2 for RBF processes in both test cases are demonstrated in Fig. 6.
the complete sampling data and the surrogate model is fitted Even in times that Nakayama’s method deviates severely, the pro-
to the remaining data. (3) The removed subset is predicted using posed method still presents a good fit, which indicates that it has
the model which has been fitted to the remaining data. an excellent and stable performance.
The whole procedure repeats until all subsets have been What distinguish the proposed estimate method from other
removed, when n predictions ðy ^1 ; y
^2 ; . . . ; y
^n Þ of the n observed data methods is that the proposed one makes a difference among influ-
points (y1, y2, . . . , yn) will have been calculated. The cross-validation ences of the sampling points. Thus the width ci of every kernel
error is then calculated as function /i for a fit process is variable. The proposed method solves
the variable ci through a key parameter Vt, which is handled with
1X n
the cross validation method.
eCV ¼ ^ i Þ2
ðy y ð12Þ
n i¼1 i
2.3. Sampling strategy for SAO
With q = n, an almost unbiased error estimate can be obtained, but
the variance can be very high. Thus somewhat larger subsets with
2.3.1. The adaptive sampling strategy
q = 5 or 10 is suggested by Hastie et al. [37].
Since the advent of the SAO algorithm, a number of sampling
It is obvious that a perfect Vt should be able to eliminate the
strategies have been studied and applied [37–39]. These strategies
cross-validation error eCV. In the mathematical realization, deter-
can be divided into three categories: the exploitation technique,
mination of the value of Vt is achieved by solving the following
the exploration technique and the balanced exploitation/explora-
optimization problem:
tion technique. The exploitation-based sampling strategy is an
min : eCV ðV t Þ V t P 1 ð13Þ attractive method for SAO. However, it is clear that this kind of
sampling strategy is prone to being trapped in the local optimum
[29]. Hence, an exploration sampling technique is proposed to
2.2.4. Evaluation of the proposed estimate method build an accurate approximation of the entire design space to help
The proposed method and the foregoing method by Nakayama the designer locate the global optimum [29]. However, explora-
are applied to the three surrogate models (RBF, Kriging and SVR), tion-based sampling requires a great deal of evaluations in the
respectively, which are used to fit the test cases shown in Fig. 4. non-promising areas for global optimum which reduces the con-
The approximate accuracy of the surrogate models is assessed by vergence efficiency. Exploiting the surrogate after the design space
the index of R-squared (R2), which is depicted as follows: has been explored sufficiently may lead to the global optimum
Pn lying undiscovered, while over exploration is a waste of resources.
^ i Þ2
ðyi y Therefore Jones [38] proposed an error-based balanced explora-
R2 ¼ 1 Pi¼1
i¼1 ðyi yÞ tion/exploitation sampling strategy to find the correct balance
between them. However, Jones’ method requires the error
The index of R2 is between 0 and 1, where R2 = 1 means no error information on sampling points and thus is inapplicable to the
between observed and approximated values. To evaluate the RBF network and other error-free techniques, etc. In this section,
efficacy of the proposed estimate method thoroughly, a special val- we propose an adaptive sampling strategy to be acclimatized to
idation procedure is used. In the procedure, 15 points for test case 1 various approximation techniques.
and 50 points for test case 2 are sampled randomly each time, and In the proposed sampling strategy, the simplest way of
then the RBF, Kriging and SVR processes with both estimate meth- exploitation sampling is to find the optimum of the surrogate
ods of the width of kernel are performed, respectively. 1000 points model s(x) and the pure exploration is to maximize the minimum
are selected to calculate R2 between the approximation curve and Euler distance d(x) between sampling points, which is given by
the true curve. The whole process repeats for 50 times and the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!
mean R2 (MR2) is calculated. T
ðnÞ ðnÞ
The fit accuracy comparison for both test cases by the index of dðxÞ ¼ min x xi x xi ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; NðnÞ Þ ð15Þ
MR2 is shown in Fig. 5. With the proposed method, the indexes of
MR2 for the three surrogate models including RBF, Kriging and SVR where N(n) is the number of sampling points before the nth
are all above 0.96 for both test cases while with Nakayama’s sequential sampling. The adaptive sampling method of solving the
max : sðnÞ ðxÞ xmin 6 x 6 xmax 2.3.2. Evaluation of the proposed sampling strategy
s:t: g i ðxÞ 6 0 i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; l The validity of the adaptive sampling strategy is examined
ð17Þ through the following problem.
hj ðxÞ ¼ 0 j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; k
dðxÞ P d f ðxÞ ¼ 4 2:1x21 þ x41 =3 x21 þ x1 x2 þ 4x22 4 x22 þ x1 þ x2
Fig. 8. The distribution of sampling points and the final surrogate model.
Fig. 7. The true objective function.
3.1. CAD/CAE integration for structural design optimization (High Level Topology) based on the mixed shape representation
to simultaneously support the B-Rep and polyhedral model, which
SAO is proved to be a powerful optimization technique in creates a robust link between CAD and CAE models, and finally a
solving structural optimization problems [40]. In mechanical new software environment for CAD/CAE integration based on the
practices, the structural analysis is usually based on the FEA in HLT is presented. Hughes et al. [44] proposed the Isogeometric
the high fidelity level (HFL), which is performed by professional Analysis using complex NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis
CAE systems associated with specific CAD systems product design. Spline) geometry in the FEA applications directly, which allows
However, CAD and CAE systems usually use different data formats models to be designed, calculated and adjusted in one step, using
to represent the design geometry [41,42]. Though the design and a common data set. By using splines in FEA instead of polynomial
analysis models in essence describe the same object, the descrip- approximations, this method is the first computational approach
tions are so different that preparing a qualified CAE model from offering the possibility of integrating FEA in conventional NURBS-
the CAD geometry is usually a laborious task. Therefore, the based CAD design tools. Albers et al. [45] proposed a strategy for
integration between CAD and CAE is requisite to enhance the appli- the development of the engine crankshaft with the integration
cation of the proposed SAO to engineering practices. for CAD, CAE and the genetic algorithm. Matin et al. [46] presents
Several in-house integrated frameworks aimed to close the gap a knowledge-based, parametric, modular and feature-based inte-
between CAD and CAE and reduce the product development cycle grated CAD/CAE system for the mold design. Xu and Chen [47]
have been established. Park and Dang [6] presented a framework developed a completely automated product design system with
that performs the integration between the commercial CAD/CAE the CAD/CAE integration and multi-objective optimization. Chang
software, in which meta-modeling techniques including response and Joo [48] presents an integrated system that supports optimiza-
surface methodology and radial basis function were applied to tion of general mechanical systems, including ground vehicles,
the structural optimization. Hamri et al. [43] introduced the HLT which supports engineers to effectively search, in a CAD solid
62 D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68
model, for a mechanism design with optimal kinematic and on these APIs and PDLs, the collaboration between CAD and CAE
dynamic performance. systems is greatly facilitated.
The most common and effective communication between CAD
and CAE systems relies on external data exchange. A typical CAD/ 3.2. Structural optimization framework based on SAO associated with
CAE integration process is that a CAD software package provides CAD/CAE integration
an exported geometry model in the standard formats such as IGES,
STL or STEP, which can be parsed and divided into grids by the CAE As shown in Fig. 9, the structural design optimization
analysis packages. But before the geometry can be fed to the CAE framework is developed based on the SAO algorithm associating
analysis, the original model has to be modified and enriched with with the integration between CAD and CAE. The framework con-
some additional information to make it suitable to analysis. Most sists of two main parts: the proposed SAO algorithm and the
commercial CAD systems have provided special mechanisms that CAD/CAE integration mechanism. The collaboration between these
enable the users to implement repeated modeling procedures two parts contributes to an effective structural design optimization
automatically. These automatic mechanisms can be executed framework.
based on the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), such as
the Pro/Toolkit of Pro/Engineer, the OpenAPI of Unigraphics and 3.2.1. Implementation of the SAO algorithm
the CAA of CATIA. In addition, most of the high-end CAE packages As shown in Fig. 9, the implementation of the proposed SAO is
are equipped with a parametric design language (PDL), e.g. the roughly divided into four stages including Initial stage, Approxima-
Adaptive Programming Design Language (APDL) of Ansys, the tion stage, Termination criteria and Sampling stage, which are
Patran Command Language (PCL) of Nastran et al. These PDLs are elaborated as follows:
usually structured scripting languages by which the designers
can import the model, assign materials, loads, and boundary condi- Initial stage: When the optimization problem is determined, the
tions. Moreover, the required analysis results can be obtained from m-dimensional design variable is first scaled into an m-dimen-
the output database automatically by programming as well. Based sional unit hypercube, then Optimal Latin Hypercube Design
Fig. 9. Structural optimization framework based on SAO associated with CAD/CAE integration.
D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68 63
(OLHD) method is used to sample in the unit hypercube. The model automatically based on the setting parameters (Material,
number n of sampling points is generally estimated based on the loads, B.C. and Mesh properties), this setting parameters are set
following rule: up by designers manually beforehand and keep invariable during
optimization process. After the FEA model is generated, the CAE
5m 10m m 6 10
n¼ ð20Þ solver is invoked and the predefined structural performance
100 m > 10 parameters are abstracted from the analysis results of the CAE sol-
At last of this stage the objective function and constraints of the ver. As an external controller, the integration junction-box controls
sampling points are evaluated by invoking the integration the execution sequence of CAD and CAE activities and smooths the
junction-box to run the CAD/CAE integration based FEA analysis. information transfer between them.
The responses and the corresponding sampling points constitute On the other side, the integration junction-box keeps the com-
the initial sample set. plicated integration process between CAD and CAE inside a ‘‘black
box’’, which hides the implementation details from the user, and
Approximation stage: Based on the sample set, surrogate models of presents only the interfaces (input/output) to it, as shown in
the objective function and constraints are constructed. Because of Fig. 10. The integration junction-box provides a straightforward
the high fit efficiency, the RBF network is utilized to construct mechanism to link various optimization techniques with HFL
the surrogate models. The proposed estimate of the width of basis structural analysis. When the proposed SAO is applied to the struc-
function based on the local density of sampling points has good tural design problems, it only needs to designate design variables
performance for both uniform and non-uniform sampling points. from the input interfaces and objectives as well as constraints from
At last, GA algorithm [11] is employed to obtain the optimum of the output interfaces. The originally laborious task to integrate
the surrogate-based optimization problem. The constraints are CAD and CAE software systems is now deposited to the junction-
handled with the penalty method. box, which handles it in an automatic fashion. Therefore, the asso-
ciation between the proposed SAO with HFL structural analysis is
Termination criteria: Termination of the proposed SAO is deter- greatly facilitated by the integration junction-box.
mined by the following criteria:
(1) If the relative distance between the optimal solutions of two 3.3. Realization of the proposed framework
successive iterations is less than 1‰, then evaluate criterion
(2). Otherwise, SAO will proceed to the Sampling stage. In order to realize the proposed framework, the chosen CAD and
(2) If the relative error between the two successive iterations’ CAE software packages should support automation, which means
optimal objective functions with the constraints imposed that all the tasks can be programmed in APIs and performed in
on using a penalty method is less than 0.0001, then evaluate batch mode [6]. Most modern high-end CAD and CAE software
criterion (3). Otherwise, SAO will proceed to the Sampling packages satisfy the functional requirements, and the engineering
stage. designers can implement the proposed integrated framework
(3) If the relative error between the objective functions of the depending on their available tools and individual preference.
surrogate model and the true model is less than 0.0001, In this study, we choose the combination of Pro/ENGINEER and
the convergence is reached and the proposed SAO algorithm ANSYS to establish the proposed integration framework. The API
will be terminated. Otherwise, SAO will proceed to the library of Pro/Toolkit provided by Pro/ENGINEER helps users to
Sampling stage. compile a dynamic link library (dll) file, which extracts a couple
of main geometry parameters to drive the modeling process auto-
matically. The CAE analysis tasks can be recorded and replayed by
Sampling stage: In this stage, the minimum distance d between APDL, a macro programming language provided by ANSYS. The
points in the sample set is first calculated. Based on the surrogate neutral data format IGES is selected to transfer the geometric
model constructed in Approximation stage, the adaptive sampling information from CAD to CAE. Besides, the SAO algorithm and
is performed by solving the optimization problem (17) using the the integration junction-box are developed using Java to make an
GA algorithm. Finally the objective function and constraints at open and automatic integration system for solving the structural
the optimal solution are evaluated by invoking the integration optimization problems.
junction-box to run the CAD/CAE integration based FEA analysis.
The optimal solution together with its true response of the objec-
tive function and constraints is added to the sample set to update
4. Benchmark tests
the surrogate model in the next iteration.
In this section, two case studies from simple to complex, from
3.2.2. CAD/CAE integration mechanism low dimension to moderate-dimension are taken from the
To facilitate the integration between CAD and CAE software engineering practices to investigate the efficacy of the proposed
packages and application of SAO, an integration junction-box is framework. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed
developed, as shown in Fig. 9. SAO algorithm is validated in comparison with other optimization
On the one side, the proposed junction-box provides an integra- techniques in this section as well.
tion mechanism to bridge the gap between CAD and CAE domains.
The integration junction-box invokes the CAD package to generate
the model according to the geometry parameters and export the
model to the designated format suitable to CAE analysis in an auto-
matic fashion based on the software APIs. The junction-box saves
the exported geometry data file to the specified working directory,
and then executes the CAE system to play the predefined journal
file complied by its embedded PDL, which imports the exported
geometry data file from the working directory, generates the FEA Fig. 10. A component perspective of the Integration junction-box.
64 D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68
Table 3
Comparison of the design optimization results.
GA (The best) GA (the worst) PSO (the best) PSO (the worst) SAO (the best) SAO (the worst)
D1 24.35 22.99 16.14 16.28 17.79 23.25
D2 359.45 357.62 350.16 350.56 359.89 359.25
D3 160.51 156.48 157.95 156.88 161.21 158.25
D4 5.12 4.68 4.65 4.92 2.34 4.87
Volume (cm3) 320.99 327.89 326.71 329.71 312.89 318.56
Stress (MPa) 271 267 265 263 275 273
FEA evaluations 2200 2800 1800 2600 157 184
Fig. 15. The iteration history of the objective function. settled as 100. In this test case, the proposed approach is also
benchmarked against other optimization techniques as shown in
Table 5. Pure GA with a population of 50 individuals and PSO with
Fig. 19. Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio are settled as 200 GPa a swarm of 40 individuals are also used to solve the optimization
and 0.3. The bracket is subjected to a stretching force and a bend- problem. Due to the computation costs, the optimization processes
ing moment induced by the forces P1 = 4.7 kN and P2 = 4.2 kN by GA and PSO are terminated before convergence. As shown in
loaded at the center of such screws as L1, L2, L3 and L4. In addition, Table 5, the optimal volume of 31493.33 cm3 is found after 120
the bracket is fixed at the screws including R1, R2, R3 and R4. The iterations (6000 FEA evaluations) by GA and 31510.26 cm3 after
optimization objective is to minimize the volume while the maxi- 140 iterations (5600 FEA evaluations) by PSO. Ten independent
mum stress is constrained to be less than 200 MPa and the total runs are performed by the proposed SAO algorithm and the best
displacement less than 2 cm. and worst results obtained are listed in Table 5. Figs. 20 and 21
The proposed structural design framework is used to solve this record the iteration histories of the design optimization process
optimization problem and the number of initial sampling points is for the best result, which indicates that the proposed SAO requires
66 D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68
Table 4
Design space.
Fig. 19. Details of the CAE model. Fig. 20. The convergence history.
D. Wang et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 76 (2014) 56–68 67
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