TSE Brochure 5
TSE Brochure 5
TSE Brochure 5
During this period, We has gone through a wide range of diversification and
has the demand for dynamic changes to achieve the best success rate for
our clients as well as the company.
TSE has the committed support of over 20 employees in Indonesia office and
our partner around the world in 19 countries with 35 office. These people,
with their different backgrounds, experiences and expertise share on thing in
common; they are most valued asset and the key to our success.
PT. Tiga Sekawan Enjiniring provides a complete range of third party inspection and expediting services. These services are supported by world
wide network of affiliate company with locally based personnel who experienced and qualified in this services.
Our experienced personnel cover all major discipline including:
Equipment's Inspection
Pressure Vessel, Boiler including burner system, Heat exchanger, coolers, Compressor Package, Electrical Package, Instruments, Pumps,
Generator, Mechanical Package, Hydraulic package, Instruments and other equipment's.
Local inspector with API 653 Local inspector with API 570 Local inspector with API 510 Local inspector & our Expert from USA The Industrial Plant Inspection service
Qualification we believe our team Qualification we believe our team will Qualification we believe our team will do with API 580 Qualification we believe provides you with information about in-
will do perform based on API code. do perform based on API code. perform based on API code. our team will do perform based on API service inspection of fix equipment in
code and RBI Methodology. the industrial plants.
We use the latest equipment like We use advance equipment for We use Advance equipment like UT
MFL, UT Crawler for Shell inspection piping under insulation like Crawler for Shell Thickness measurement Maintaining and protecting the The inspections are done according to
Thickness measurement. Patented Eddyfi Pulsed Eddy Current and related software. operational integrity of facilities and the following timelines:
technology (PECT) equipment is a high priority in delivering
By partnering with directorate products to consumers. ✓ Periodic external inspections.
Metrology department we provide We use Plant Integrity product for ✓ Overhaul or shutdown internal
tank calibration and approved from Long Range Ultrasonic Test. Our asset integrity management inspections.
regulator. services such as engineering, inspection ✓ Emergency shutdown inspections.
and surveying services help owners and
operators gain maximum asset value
while minimizing risk and improving safe
Tiga Sekawan Enjiniring offers full Tiga Sekawan Enjiniring provide the Our experience, business relationship ▪ Maintain an efficient balance ▪ Electrical issues are the largest
time Indonesian personnel Advisory Analysis & Technical and competence, Tiga Sekawan between energy requirements and cause of property damage in house
placement for major projects and Investigation, not limited to: Enjiniring also can provide the Project consumption. Effective management and industry fires across the World
resource based companies for both ▪ Safety Integrity Level Management Service for a key of success of energy-consuming systems can including in Indonesia. To identify
local and overseas markets. ▪ Fitness For Service factor in Chemical, Oil and Gas Project. lead to significant cost and energy and address electrical safety issues,
Commissioning activity. ▪ Failure Analysis. savings as well as extended a thorough and professional
Pre-Startup Safety Revie ▪ HAZOP & HAZID study. equipment life. electrical safety inspection is
▪ Quantitative Risk Assessment. ▪ And also to comply to Indonesia needed.
▪ Consultancy. regulation Permen ESDM 14 Tahun ▪ Our expert electricians can help you
2012 Management Energy identify your electrical asset in safe
or not safe condition, and giving
Carbon footprint suggestions based on electrical
“Absolute sum of all emissions of safety inspections.
greenhouse gases caused directly and ▪ Including atmospheric explosion
indirectly by a subject either over a assessment our expert can identify
defined period or in relation to a hazardous classification for ensure
specified unit of product or instance of safety your industry assets.
service and calculated in accordance
with a recognized methodology”.
Safety Valve Pre-shipment HTHA (High Temperature Engineering service Advanced NDT service
Inspection inspection Hydrogen Attack)
Safety is of the utmost importance Pre-shipment inspection ensures that High temperature hydrogen attack Our engineering service provides We provide Advanced NDT to our
when dealing with pressure relief production complies with (HTHA), also called hot hydrogen attack, services and support for all phases of a customer for any inspection method.
valves. The valve is designed to limit specifications of the buyer and/or the is a problem which concerns steels project – from study, planning and What we provided:
system pressure, and it is critical terms of a purchase order or letter of operating at elevated temperatures design to preparation of plans and - Phased array / TOFD
that they remain in working order to credit. This inspection is conducted (typically above 400°C) in hydrogen specifications, construction observation - Crawler with B-scan
prevent an explosion. on finished products when at least environments, in refinery, petrochemical and contract administration. - Guide wave / LRUT
80% of the order has been packed and other chemical facilities and, - ECT (Eddy Current Test)
Explosions have caused far too for shipping. possibly, high pressure steam boilers. We make an on-going effort to maintain - PEC (Pulse Eddy Current)
much damage in companies over awareness and understanding of the - Thermography range 1000 ºC.
the years, and though pressurized This inspection is done according to We have experience to detecting HTHA latest technological trends and concepts - Power quality
tanks and vessels are equipped with standard Acceptable Quality Limits using Advanced UT, with our knowledge so that each client’s needs can be given - MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage) for
pressure relief vales to enhance (AQL) specs for the product, or and experience and supporting by our competent and professional tank bottom scanning.
safety, they can fail and result in based upon customer requirements. advantage equipment is more efficient to consideration. - Drone visual inspection
disaster. Samples are selected and inspected knowing safety and integrity of your
for defects at random, according to asset. We Follow API RP 941 and
We provide experience inspector for these standards and procedures certified HTHA engineer.
safety valve inspection, our
inspector following API RP 576 for
Safety valve inspection guidelines
Complete solutions
for an industry
under pressure
Maximize efficiency and minimize risk in
All industry sector.
TSE Headquarter
SÜD Global 4/17/2020
TSE competences cover clients’ needs from A-Z
▪ Energy efficiency
▪ Renewable energy
▪ Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
Knowledge services
Help forecast project’s Ensure quality Identify potential for Ensure targeted process
long term assurance and improvement and optimization of plants
competitiveness, identify reliability with strong cost-reduction in without compromising on
and mitigate risks to expertise in product other areas of your compliance of codes and
ensure investment testing. project lifecycle. standards.
▪ Technical Due ▪ Design review ▪ Supply chain ▪ Project ▪ Final ▪ In-service Insp ▪ Renovation ▪ Supervision
Diligence ▪ Certification Services Management acceptance ▪ Asset Integrity and ▪ Project
▪ Site ▪ HAZOP/HAZID ▪ Tender and Consultancy test ▪ Asset Modernization management
Assessment Contract ▪ Construction ▪ Performance Management ▪ Remnant Life
▪ Detailed Management Supervision guarantee test ▪ Shut Insp assessment
Project Report ▪ Vendor ▪ Owner ▪ Grid ▪ NDT ▪ NDT
▪ Environmental Assessment engineering Assessment ▪ HAZOP ▪ Risk
Assessment ▪ Third Party ▪ Site HSE Insp ▪ Supervision ▪ QRA Assessment
Impact Inspection ▪ NDT ▪ RLA
▪ Yield ▪ Pre-Shipment ▪ Welder ▪ RBI
Assessment Inspection Qualification ▪ Failure
▪ Expediting Analysis
▪ Vendor Quality ▪ Risk
Assessment Assessment
Deliver projects
Minimise risk
on time
Our third-party testing, inspection
Our interdisciplinary support and and certification services ensure
project management expertise that your project performs safely
enables a single-source control and efficiently.
over projects.
Maximize efficiency
We facilitate cooperation and save our customers
valuable time by serving as a one-stop source
for technical services.