01 - GS 2021
01 - GS 2021
01 - GS 2021
Instructions ( ffi) :
(ii) Question nos. I to 1O are of 6 marks each and the word limit is l5O.
lw-dqr r t ro t frq o.3is y&+ 3riiftd t * rrq-dcl tsotr
(iir) Question nos. 11to 20 are of 14 marks each and the word limit is 3OO.
1. From business a]ld trade interest of company, called East India Company"
the British Empire annexed India into its fold' What are the main reasons
for India's failure to stop this silent invasion?
-{€ -iBqr 6qff ' * qrqqrfus H i g63{d fl+ &fur srnq I qrcd d 31q} 5d d a
ftqrr qs ct{ 3rmqq *1 H
{ rnca ff 3rsrmdr + frS gs sRUr HI t?
2. "Many Indian and multinational companies are running into the villages'
becarise this massive rural market can only save the economy of our country'"
" q-{d srt qrfts 3fu
q-$r$s riqftqi'rffr 6 trq qrq r& i, alfu 'fu} qr qrq-;r qMR E
qs clr Ecft i$ ff srfq-sell qi qqt so-m q-ct ir dt
3. The following bar diagram shows the production of cars (in thousand) of
companies in 2O18-2O19, 2O19-2O2O and 2O2O-2O21 yeats'
qe a{tq 2og-2o7s,2ors-2o2o *< zozo-zozt + qqT qiq i wM
ERI +ca
ffi zois-zozo
9. Discuss India's nuciear doctrine ald analyse the emerging debates on its
'no-fi rst-use doctrine'.
qna ff qrqrg *ft c{ qsf 6t 3fr{ gs+ 'vqq-E+qrm €' {ft q{ T{qqrq {6{il qr ftrq-Aqur
1O. Trace the reasons for the present economic crisis of Sri l,anka. 6
Stisr it e-dqq 3TrRls frq-(t * *noit or qm ott
brought about in Mughal administration' t4
rrq cfrTd-i} ff qsl
3rqq{ t rM vqr ff grcTrd +it ff i 5e+ ERr Y-f, s{rRrc t eR
posed by the COVID-l9 pandemic' Add a brief note on the issues and
challenges involved in tackling the situation'
dfue - r s rdqrt + u-dit t M * fte r+Rd qr+,R EKr sdrq rrq r+l ff qrqr d t fq
qqgl t FrTct it 3affi gnftRit t ffqa t faq erqrq+ 5<l qr q+ rifks Qsoft fut t
14. Discuss the challenges associated with the climate change negotiations
and assess the conflicting perspectives between developed and developing
countries experienced at Glasgow during CoP 26'
q€srg cfrFdq erdbit i {dfu( gnM ff qrqr d $t coP 26, rilwfr * A{q ffi
3fu ffid {r$ } fq qcc{-ftitft @"il cr srrmc dtt
15. The parliamentary system of executive vests many powers in the legislature
for controlling the executive. Elucidate, also why it is so necessary to control
the executive.
mffi*r +1 ffi a 6{i + fr s ffie 6rffi*r vunifr i ffisT +1 6-$ grfu
fri t t
recent years. Highligrrt the drawbacks in the existing structure and the
extent io which the cooperative federalism would answer the shortcomings. 14
qf, qqr rrqr tr +tcn Eia ff 6fuit
ETm + sfr n {-{6rt {ssE ff 3ErErRun c{ drrmn
d cgwdr n ftg( Cn qt S {dI( ff s-d6rt {s-iTq 6 *fuit sr Sswdl Aft qtrnl
c.rrerel gtudtGs/2 4 4 [P'T'O'
18. Criticalty examine India-China relation in view of recent Galwan valley
clash. 14
2O. How far did various land revenue settlements lead to the growth of
commercialization of agriculture during the colonial rule and its impact on
the rural societY? 14