01 - GS 2021

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ri-. : 3trours l IMaximum Marks : 2OO

l' tFlrl:3tl-dl I3rfu6-dc 3irs: 2oo

Instructions ( ffi) :

(i) All questions are compulsory.

qS vrq ofi-q{ tr

(ii) Question nos. I to 1O are of 6 marks each and the word limit is l5O.
lw-dqr r t ro t frq o.3is y&+ 3riiftd t * rrq-dcl tsotr

(iir) Question nos. 11to 20 are of 14 marks each and the word limit is 3OO.

cfi-{iqr 11 i 20 + taq r+ ei+ y&+ 3Trdfrd t St rrq-S+ sootr

Geaerat Studlca/24 I IP.T.O.


1. From business a]ld trade interest of company, called East India Company"
the British Empire annexed India into its fold' What are the main reasons
for India's failure to stop this silent invasion?
-{€ -iBqr 6qff ' * qrqqrfus H i g63{d fl+ &fur srnq I qrcd d 31q} 5d d a
ftqrr qs ct{ 3rmqq *1 H
{ rnca ff 3rsrmdr + frS gs sRUr HI t?
2. "Many Indian and multinational companies are running into the villages'
becarise this massive rural market can only save the economy of our country'"
" q-{d srt qrfts 3fu
q-$r$s riqftqi'rffr 6 trq qrq r& i, alfu 'fu} qr qrq-;r qMR E
qs clr Ecft i$ ff srfq-sell qi qqt so-m q-ct ir dt
3. The following bar diagram shows the production of cars (in thousand) of
companies in 2O18-2O19, 2O19-2O2O and 2O2O-2O21 yeats'

qe a{tq 2og-2o7s,2ors-2o2o *< zozo-zozt + qqT qiq i wM
ERI +ca

,rM * g-flrfl d (EqR 6 isr) { <ui-m i,

ffi zois-zozo


Study the diagram and answer the following questions :

fr* or grqr{ fi}

frq c{il sfl{ } t,
(a) How many companies have shown production above their average
productiori in 2Olg-2O2O, but have showed below the average production
in 2O78-2Q19?
mc$ wfuit i z o I e - 2 02 o t S{fr ssrEq t 3lfus l-fl r€ fta t, fu zo I s-z o t s
i afrsa *qr(+ t H Tfl<+ frFqI t?
[bJ Find t]re ratio of company D's production
tn 2OI9-2O2O to company A's
production in 2018-2O19.
2 o 1 9 -2 o2o t iiiqs o * rercc st, o, 3-2 6 1 9
i {r* n * rcr<a qir sEcrd ffi t
ccucral Studie./24
(c,f For how many companies has there been no decrease in production in
any year from the previous year? Write their names.

ffi riqfoii i ffi $ q{ ;t t ra qq A goir ii +{ sm i-fr M t i srdrr irr fuGi I

4. Explain the important literary contributions of Gupta period.

TH-sI-d' + Tadryl <rif{s *,rSFit fi qrsr qir

5. Grievance redressal mechanisms have played a vital role in improving

administrative accountability. Justiff your argument, citing speci{ic
v$Tqfus Esrst& 61{nfud 6d it ftErqa fi-qnq iijt t Cs cE€Wt IFsr fo{d tr frRrE
Tffi{lit + qrPr 3rc} a-t fi qrsr qir

6. Discuss the role of Public Interest Litigation in expanding the civic-political

rights of citizens.
{nfuSt ff irrrt$-{T-qtft"s 3rftffirit d }qrftd 6d t q-{Rd qtk*.rcit * q$+r * erwr

7. What are the major factors behind accumulation of non-performing assets

in the India-n banking sector in recent years? Discuss.
Erd+ qqT ii Trreq nFfr,r *-d it 3md-d {cft?it t riqf+rq * ftd gw orr+ wr ii

8. Briefly explain the role of MSMEs in India's economic growth. 6

qrrd + 3TrFJs fufl-{ fr (q, eg qd qqq csdt + qtr$T ff en qr +tr

9. Discuss India's nuciear doctrine ald analyse the emerging debates on its
'no-fi rst-use doctrine'.
qna ff qrqrg *ft c{ qsf 6t 3fr{ gs+ 'vqq-E+qrm €' {ft q{ T{qqrq {6{il qr ftrq-Aqur

1O. Trace the reasons for the present economic crisis of Sri l,anka. 6
Stisr it e-dqq 3TrRls frq-(t * *noit or qm ott

Gcacral Studtce/24 I P.r.o.

gfia-mt vr*n * sq ii za t *r z+ i rifuin riqM * $Iq] 61 3{dq-{es frI-equr
*1p ftfue {rq} + T<t6{"il Br{ 3icl s.tr mr wpJq

brought about in Mughal administration' t4
rrq cfrTd-i} ff qsl
3rqq{ t rM vqr ff grcTrd +it ff i 5e+ ERr Y-f, s{rRrc t eR

posed by the COVID-l9 pandemic' Add a brief note on the issues and
challenges involved in tackling the situation'

dfue - r s rdqrt + u-dit t M * fte r+Rd qr+,R EKr sdrq rrq r+l ff qrqr d t fq
qqgl t FrTct it 3affi gnftRit t ffqa t faq erqrq+ 5<l qr q+ rifks Qsoft fut t

14. Discuss the challenges associated with the climate change negotiations
and assess the conflicting perspectives between developed and developing
countries experienced at Glasgow during CoP 26'
q€srg cfrFdq erdbit i {dfu( gnM ff qrqr d $t coP 26, rilwfr * A{q ffi
3fu ffid {r$ } fq qcc{-ftitft @"il cr srrmc dtt
15. The parliamentary system of executive vests many powers in the legislature
for controlling the executive. Elucidate, also why it is so necessary to control
the executive.
mffi*r +1 ffi a 6{i + fr s ffie 6rffi*r vunifr i ffisT +1 6-$ grfu
fri t t

rrtq A qE sg 6I f6 +rffi6r * ffid w+ e] enqwo tt

15. Assess Indo-Russian collaboration in Defence and strategic areas. 14

sfuq1 3}{ qpfos Q-n ii r+rm-ss rcq},r 61 3{rs-f,{ +tl

recent years. Highligrrt the drawbacks in the existing structure and the
extent io which the cooperative federalism would answer the shortcomings. 14
qf, qqr rrqr tr +tcn Eia ff 6fuit
ETm + sfr n {-{6rt {ssE ff 3ErErRun c{ drrmn
d cgwdr n ftg( Cn qt S {dI( ff s-d6rt {s-iTq 6 *fuit sr Sswdl Aft qtrnl
c.rrerel gtudtGs/2 4 4 [P'T'O'
18. Criticalty examine India-China relation in view of recent Galwan valley
clash. 14

rftqr ffierq qA riq{ t cft}q t qrd-*{ *iisl ff iflr+flrtrs qfs dl

19. Write a brief note on recently commissioned INS Vikrant and its significance
in India,s mariiime security. Also elucidate challenges of indigenization for
Indian NavY. 14

qrd ff qEfr g{sn rm { 6 *'ftn Gr}'rs 3Tr{ s{ s{ fu*ia * wtq qr qs {fqg

* fti
frqofr fttdr srer S qrcfiq +Q-{r + ftq Ehftflq * retq +1 we +tt

2O. How far did various land revenue settlements lead to the growth of
commercialization of agriculture during the colonial rule and its impact on
the rural societY? 14

rqrSq rn's+*<knftfue \-rrqe ftTilit i + erMou + fu*.rq itfu6{r

+Err fr+r 3fr{ nrfrur {Filq rR B{ro,t iFII 91ffi[


Gcrrcrd Studtcr/24 i LLL22l24-2OlA

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