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AccurioPress C4080/C4070

AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P
AccurioPress C84hc

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1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 Safety precautions .......................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.1 Notices for safety ................................................................................................................................1-4
1.2.2 Precautions when replacing units .......................................................................................................1-5
1.2.3 Warning and caution labels.................................................................................................................1-7

2 Installing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

2.1 Replacement parts.......................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Installation procedures................................................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.1 Installing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 on the main body .................................................................2-5
2.2.2 Installing parts in the tray (when Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm is installed) .................2-8

3 Removing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

3.1 Removal procedures....................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.1 Removing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 from the main body............................................................3-3
3.1.2 Removing parts from the tray (when Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm is installed) ..........3-3

4 Copy/Print operation
4.1 Loading envelopes in the tray........................................................................................................ 4-3
4.1.1 Loading envelopes in the tray 5 of Paper Feeder Unit PF-707m........................................................4-4
4.1.2 Loading envelopes in Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm.....................................................4-5
4.2 Copy operation.............................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.3 Print operation............................................................................................................................... 4-11

5 Specifications
5.1 Specifications of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 ........................................................................... 5-3

AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P Contents-1

Contents-2 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Notice to users of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

When replacing the machine units, please follow the instructions described in the User's Guide.
To perform replacement tasks safely and reliably, keep this User's Guide and do not lose them. If you lose
the document, please contact your service representative.

Registered trademarks
KONICA MINOLTA, the KONICA MINOLTA logo, and the symbol are registered trademarks or trademarks of
AccurioPress/AccurioPrint are registered trademarks or trademarks of KONICA MINOLTA, INC.
Copyright © 2020 KONICA MINOLTA, INC.

AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P 1-3

1 Safety precautions 1.2

1.2 Safety precautions

1.2.1 Notices for safety

The followings are what you need to follow to safely replace the units. Please be sure to read the precautions
before replacing the units.
- Keep the User's Guide at hand for your future reference and be careful not to lose it.
- Make sure you follow the safety precautions listed in the User's Guide.

Warning and precaution symbols

Be sure to observe the safety precautions.
- This manual contains the instructions that should be strictly observed at all times to prevent injury to
yourself and other persons as well as damage to property.
Injuries and damage that might be caused by using the product improperly are classified according to the
following symbols.

Pictorial indication Description

WARNING Improper handling can cause serious injury or death.

CAUTION Improper handling can cause minor injury or damage to houses and

These are some of major exemplary graphical symbols.

Graphic Description Graphic Description Graphic Description

symbols symbols symbols
General Do not Do not touch
Prohibited disassemble

Instructions Ground/Earth Unplug from


General High Electrical

precaution temperature shock hazard


risk of having moving parts moving fan
hands or arms blade

CAUTION "ON" position "OFF" position

double pole /
neutral fusing

"STAND-BY" Push-push Ground/Earth

position type switches (Protective


1-4 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

1.2 Safety precautions
1.2.2 Precautions when replacing units

Preparation tasks before replacing units

When replacing the units, be sure to receive instructions from our
customer engineer, read the User' Guide in entirety and perform
tasks in the specified order with appropriate tools. Do not perform
any tasks that are not described in the User's Guide. Failure to fol-
low specified order or use appropriate tools could result in injury
or physical damage to the product.
Please be careful when handling the fusing unit since it can be
very hot. It could cause a burn.

Unit replacement tasks

Keep this bag away from babies and children. Do not use in cribs,
beds, carriages, or playpens. The thin film may cling to nose and
mouth and prevent breathing. This bag is not a toy.

Do not drop metal pieces such as clips, staples and screws inside
the product or into crevices in it.
They could cause a short-circuit in the product, resulting in an
electric shock or a fire.
Ensure cables are not pinched or damaged.
It could cause an electric shock or a fire due to electric leakage.

Do not place the unit removed in the replacement tasks on an un-
stable table or sloped surface, or in a location subject to excessive
shocks or vibrations. It could drop or fall and may cause personal
Please pay careful attention to the surroundings when placing the
unit removed in the replacement tasks.
Protruding portions, cords or wires of the unit may cause falling or
personal injury.

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1 Safety precautions 1.2

Power plug

Do not unplug or plug in the power cord with a wet hand, as you
could receive an electrical shock.

Plug the power cord all the way into the power outlet. Failure to do
this could result in a fire or an electrical shock.

Do not tug the power cord when unplugging. Tugging the cord to
do this could damage it, resulting in a fire, electrical shock, or

Do not place any objects around the power plug, as the power
plug may be difficult to pull out when an emergency occurs.

Remove the power plug from the outlet more than one time a year
and clean the area between the plug terminals. Dust that accumu-
lates between the plug terminals may cause a fire.

Actions in response to troubles

Do not keep using this product, if this product becomes inordi-
nately hot or emits smoke, or unusual odor or noise. Immediately
turn OFF the power switch, unplug the power cord from the power
outlet, and then call your Technical Representative or your author-
ized service representative. If you keep on using it as is, a fire or
electrical shock could result.
Do not keep using this product, if this product has been dropped
or its cover damaged. Immediately turn OFF the power switch, un-
plug the power cord from the power outlet, and then call your
Technical Representative or your authorized service representa-
tive. If you keep on using it as is, a fire or electrical shock could

The inside of this product has areas subject to high temperature,
which may cause burns. When checking the inside of the unit for
a unit replacement and others, do not touch the locations (around
the fusing unit, etc.) which are indicated by a "Caution HOT" cau-
tion label. A burn could result.

1-6 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

1.2 Safety precautions
1.2.3 Warning and caution labels
This machine has warning label, caution labels and indicators for safety precaution in the following location.
These labels and indicators advise you to pay special attention to avoid any dangerous situations or serious
injury when you replace the units.

DO NOT remove warning or caution labels.
- Should any warning or caution label be removed, you may fail to check a specific part to be alert for
unexpected trouble or injury. If you find any warning or caution label removed or illegible due to soilage,
please contact your service representative.

Caution labels on fusing part of conveyance fixing unit

High temperature! Burn
You may get burned.
- DO NOT touch the fusing part of the conveyance fixing unit.
- Be especially careful when withdrawing the conveyance fixing unit or opening the fusing

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1 Safety precautions 1.2

You may get injured.
- DO NOT put your hands or arms in between the main body and the conveyance fixing unit.
- Touching connecting terminals of electric parts may damage the machine or cause unex-
pected trouble.
- Please do not try to work yourself, but contact your service representative.

1-8 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

2 Installing Envelope Fusing
Unit EF-107
2.1 Replacement parts

2 Installing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

When replacing the fusing unit, follow the precautions below to perform the task.
When replacing the fusing unit, be sure to receive instructions from our customer engineer.
Please do not dispose of the packaging box of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107. Keep the packaging box and
reuse it to store the replaced fusing unit.
Multi Bypass Tray MB-509, Paper Feeder Unit PF-707m, and Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm are
used as a paper feed tray only when they are installed directly on the main body.
With Paper Feeder Unit PF-707m installed, only tray 5 (the lower tray) can be used as a paper source. All the
other trays are unavailable.

- Keep this bag away from babies and children. Do not use in cribs, beds, carriages, or playpens. The
thin film may cling to nose and mouth and prevent breathing. This bag is not a toy.

2.1 Replacement parts

PN Name Shape Q’ty
1 Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 1

2 Bottom auxiliary guide assy[A] *1 1

3 Side auxiliary guide assy[B] *1 2

4 Tip auxiliary guide/rear assy[C] *1 1

AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P 2-3

2 Replacement parts 2.1

PN Name Shape Q’ty

5 Tip auxiliary guide/front assy[C] *1 1

6 Bottom auxiliary plate assy[D] *1 1

7 Adjusting block assy *1 2

8 Guide shaft *1 1

Packaged together with the Mount Kit MK-746. Use this part when Large Capacity Unit
LU-202m/LU-202XLm is installed on the main body.

2-4 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

2.2 Installation procedures
2.2 Installation procedures

2.2.1 Installing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 on the main body

1 Turn off the machine's sub and main power switches, and then unplug the power cord from the outlet.
% Be sure to turn off the sub power switch first.

2 Open the front door [1].

3 To pull out the ADU drawer [3], push the lock [2] of the ADU
release lever M1 [1] to the left, then turn the ADU release
lever M1 [1] counterclockwise.

Please confirm that process unit has not been pulled out
when pulling out the ADU drawer.

4 Open the paper exit guide [2] while releasing the lever M6
[1] at the bottom.
% Loosen the screw [3] (1 piece).

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2 Installation procedures 2.2

5 Pull out the fixing plate [1] forward.

6 Holding the handles on the rear and front sides [2] of the
fusing unit [1] by both hands, slide the fusing unit [1] for-
ward to the position of arrow mark.

Please be careful when working on the fusing unit; the unit

is extremely hot.

7 Holding the handles on the rear and front sides [2] of the
fusing unit [1] by both hands, remove the fusing unit [1].
Place the removed fusing unit on the flat surface.

8 Holding the handles on the front and rear sides [2] of new
fusing unit [1] by both hands, set fusing unit [1] on the fixing
position with arrow mark.
Make sure that the exit section is open before setting fusing
unit to the machine. When you try to set the fusing unit with
the exit guide unit closed, the machine may be damaged.

2-6 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

2.2 Installation procedures
9 Holding the handles on the front and rear sides [2] of fusing
unit [1] by both hands, slide the fusing unit [1] until it reach-
es to the rear side.
Return the fixing plate [3] to its original position.

10 Tighten the screw [1] (1 piece) and close the exit section
% Insert the ADU drawer [3].

11 Raise the ADU release lever M1 [1] by turning it clockwise.

12 Close the front door [1].

13 Store the removed fusing unit in the empty packaging of new fusing unit.
Please wait until the fusing unit gets cold before storing it in the packaging.

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2 Installation procedures 2.2

2.2.2 Installing parts in the tray (when Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm
is installed)
The auxiliary parts that need to be installed to the Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm vary depending
on the size of the envelope to be used.
For details on the envelope size, refer to page 5-3.

Using C5, C6/C5, or 6x9 1/2 envelopes

The following parts need to be installed when C5, C6/C5, or 6x9 1/2 envelopes are used.
- Bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] (1 piece)
- Adjusting block assy (2 pieces)
- Tip auxiliary guide/rear assy [C] (1 piece)
- Tip auxiliary guide/front assy [C] (1 piece)
- Bottom auxiliary plate assy [D] (1 piece)
- Guide shaft (1 piece)
Follow the procedure below to use envelopes of the above size. Auxiliary guides (2 pieces) are not needed.

1 Open the upper door.

2 Remove the holding paper.

% Hold the projection with your fingers and slide the hold-
ing paper in the arrowed direction, and remove it.

3 Install the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] in the Large Ca-
pacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm tray.
% Align the positioning pin of the bottom auxiliary guide
assy [A] with the installation hole of the tray.
% Align the detent of the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A]
with the groove on the back end guide.

2-8 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

2.2 Installation procedures
4 Align the adjusting block assies (2 pieces) to C5, C6/C5,
6x9 1/2 (152 x 241 mm)
and 6x9 1/2 on the indicating label, and install them.
C5 (162 x 229 mm)
% Align the mark on the adjusting block assy with the C6/C5 (114 x 229 mm)
mark on the indicating label.

5 Install the tip auxiliary guide/rear assy [C] (1 piece) and the
tip auxiliary guide/front assy [C] (1 piece) to the paper
guide side plate.

6 Align the installation hole in the tip auxiliary guide assy with
the positioning pin.
% Align the cutout of the tip auxiliary guide assy with the
positioning collar.

7 Align the bottom auxiliary plate assy [D] with the mark line
on the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A]. Align the edge of the
PET sheet with the edge of the bottom auxiliary guide assy
[A]. Then, install them.

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2 Installation procedures 2.2

8 Install the guide shaft to the back edge guide base of the
bottom auxiliary guide assy [A].

9 Close the upper door.

Using K2 (240 x 332 mm) envelopes

The following parts need to be installed when K2 envelopes are used.
- Bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] (1 piece)
- Adjusting block assy (2 pieces)
- Guide shaft (1 piece)

1 Open the upper door.

2 Remove the holding paper.

% Hold the projection with your fingers and slide the hold-
ing paper in the arrowed direction, and remove it.

3 Install the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] in the Large Ca-
pacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm tray.
% Align the positioning pin of the bottom auxiliary guide
assy [A] with the installation hole of the tray.
% Align the detent of the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A]
with the groove on the back end guide.

2-10 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

2.2 Installation procedures
4 Align the adjusting block assies (2 pieces) to K2 on the in-
K2 (240 x 332 mm)
dicating label, and install them.
% Align the mark on the adjusting block assy with the
mark on the indicating label.

5 Install the guide shaft to the back edge guide base of the
bottom auxiliary guide assy [A].

6 Close the upper door.

Using N4 (90 x 205 mm) or N3 (120 x 235 mm) envelopes

The following parts need to be installed when N4 or N3 envelopes are used.
- Bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] (1 piece)
- Adjusting block assy (2 pieces)
- Side auxiliary guide assy [B] (2 pieces)
- Guide shaft (1 piece)

1 Open the upper door.

2 Remove the holding paper.

% Hold the projection with your fingers and slide the hold-
ing paper in the arrowed direction, and remove it.

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2 Installation procedures 2.2

3 Install the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] in the Large Ca-
pacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm tray.
% Align the positioning pin of the bottom auxiliary guide
assy [A] with the installation hole of the tray.
% Align the detent of the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A]
with the groove on the back end guide.

4 Align the adjusting block assies (2 pieces) to N4 and N3 on

N4 (90 x 205 mm),
the indicating label, and install them.
N3 (120 x 235mm)
% Align the mark on the adjusting block assy with the
mark on the indicating label.

5 Install the side auxiliary guide assy [B] to the paper guide
side plate. (2 places)
% Be sure to align the installation holes in the side auxil-
iary guide assy with the positioning screws.
Turn the machine power on, and lower the tray bottom
plate to the lowest place by pressing the tray bottom plate
lowering button of the Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-
202XLm, and then install the side auxiliary guide assy [B].
An incorrect setting may result in damage to the machine.

Bottom plate lowering button

2-12 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

2.2 Installation procedures
6 Install the guide shaft to the back edge guide base of the
bottom auxiliary guide assy [A].

7 Close the upper door.

Using K1 (270 x 382 mm) or K0 (287 x 382 mm) envelopes

The following parts need to be installed when K1 or K0 envelopes are used.
- Bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] (1 piece)
- Adjusting block assy (2 pieces)
- Bottom auxiliary plate assy [D] (1 piece)
In the case of K1 or K0 envelopes, depending on the curl direction, the paper can also be fed without the use
of auxiliary parts.

1 Open the upper door.

2 Remove the holding paper.

% Hold the projection with your fingers and slide the hold-
ing paper in the arrowed direction, and remove it.
% Check the curl direction at the leading edge of the en-
velope, and remove the holding paper, if necessary.

3 Install the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A] in the Large Ca-
pacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm tray.
% Check the curl direction at the leading edge of the en-
velope, and remove the holding paper, if necessary.
% Align the positioning pin of the bottom auxiliary guide
assy [A] with the installation hole of the tray.
% Align the detent of the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A]
with the groove on the back end guide.

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2 Installation procedures 2.2

4 Hold the flap of the envelope to use and droop vertically.

5 Put the leading edge on a flat surface to check the curl di-
Curl direction
rection and that the curl amount is 8 mm or less.
Downward curl: With MK-746 (refer to Step 8 and later)
Upward curl: Without MK-746
Envelopes with 8 mm or more curl amount are not guaran-
teed. Upward curl Downward curl

Curl amount

8mm or

6 Align the adjusting block assies (2 pieces) to K1 and K0 on

K1 (270 x 382 mm)
the indicating label, and install them.
K0 (287 x 382 mm)
% Align the mark on the adjusting block assy with the
mark on the indicating label.

7 Align the bottom auxiliary plate assy [D] with the mark line
on the bottom auxiliary guide assy [A]. Align the edge of the
PET sheet with the edge of the bottom auxiliary guide assy
[A]. Then, install them.
% Be sure to move the back edge guide base to the end Back edge
guide base

8 Close the upper door.

2-14 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

3 Removing Envelope Fusing
Unit EF-107
3.1 Removal procedures

3 Removing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

This section describes the procedures to remove Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 and the feed auxiliary parts
for envelopes.
When using paper other than envelopes, follow the procedure below to replace the fusing unit and remove
the parts installed in the tray.

3.1 Removal procedures

3.1.1 Removing Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 from the main body
When you remove Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 from the main body, follow the installation procedure in re-
verse. For the installation procedure of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 to the main body, please refer to
page 2-5.

3.1.2 Removing parts from the tray (when Large Capacity Unit
LU-202m/LU-202XLm is installed)
When you remove parts from the tray, follow the installation procedure in reverse. For the installation proce-
dure of parts to the tray, please refer to page 2-8.

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3 Removal procedures 3.1

3-4 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

4 Copy/Print operation
4.1 Loading envelopes in the tray

4 Copy/Print operation
This section describes how to load envelopes in the tray with the parts for envelopes installed, and to
copy/print onto those envelopes.

4.1 Loading envelopes in the tray

Envelopes with the following specifications can be loaded in the tray.

Paper size Width: 100 to 245 mm (3.92" to 9.63"), Length: 148 to 375 mm (5.82" to
• Use auxiliary guides to load envelopes of 100 to 140 mm (3.92" to 5.50")
in width when Paper Feeder Unit PF-707m is installed.
Paper weight 70 to 100 g/m2 (19 to 27 lb Bond)
Tray capacity Multi Bypass Tray MB-509: 1 sheet
Other paper trays: 100 sheets (6" x 9-1/2", C5, C6/C5, K2, N3, N4*)
50 sheetsv (K0, K1)
*: The N4 envelope is supported only when the Large Capacity Unit
LU-202m/LU-202XLm is installed.
Unsuitable envelopes Envelopes with a film window
Envelopes with a double-stick tape or release coated paper on the flap

Open the flap and position it on the trailing side in feeding direction.

Width (crosswise direction)

Height (feeding direction)

It is recommended to use L-seam or side seam envelopes; the print results may be blurred if tabs overlap with
the print side.

Side seam envelopes

L-seam envelopes

For details on how to load paper in the tray, refer to the HTML user's guide.

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4 Loading envelopes in the tray 4.1

4.1.1 Loading envelopes in the tray 5 of Paper Feeder Unit PF-707m

1 Pull out tray 5.

2 Widen the side guides and rear guide.

3 Place envelopes with the print side up.

% Align the envelopes to the left side of the tray with the
flaps on the right.

4 Align the side guides and rear guide to the edge of the envelopes.
Do not apply excessive force when moving the side guides. Otherwise, the guides may be damaged.

5 Push in tray 5 until it locks into place.

4-4 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

4.1 Loading envelopes in the tray
4.1.2 Loading envelopes in Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm

Using K2 (240 x 332 mm) envelopes

If jam occurs frequently when you load a very small number of K2 envelopes having a paper weight of 80 g/m2
or less, follow steps 6 and 7.

1 Open the upper door.

2 Bend and set the envelope as shown in the right figure.

% Be sure to set the envelopes so that both sides of their

leading edge and their flaps do not droop. OK


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4 Loading envelopes in the tray 4.1

3 Adjust the guide shaft to the size of the envelope.

4 Adjust both paper guide side plates to the size of the en-

5 Close the upper door.

<If jam occurs frequently when you load a very small number of K2 enve-
lopes having a paper weight of 80 g/m2 or less>
1 Remove the front edge lift up materials from the side of the
bottom auxiliary guide assy [A].

2 Install the front edge lift up materials on the bottom auxil-

iary guide assy [A] as shown in the right figure.

4-6 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

4.1 Loading envelopes in the tray
Using N4 (90 x 205 mm) or N3 (120 x 235 mm) envelopes
1 Open the upper door.

2 Set N4 or N3 envelopes on the bottom auxiliary guide assy

[A], and adjust the guide shaft to the size of the envelope
moving it to right and left.

3 Adjust both paper guide side plates to the size of the en-

4 Close the upper door.

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4 Loading envelopes in the tray 4.1

Using K1 (270 x 382 mm) or K0 (287 x 382 mm) envelopes

1 Open the upper door.

2 Bend and set the envelope as shown in the right figure.

3 Adjust the back edge restriction plate to the size of the en-
<For Large Capacity Unit LU-202m>

<For Large Capacity Unit LU-202XLm>

4 Adjust both paper guide side plates to the size of the en-

5 Close the upper door.

4-8 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

4.1 Loading envelopes in the tray
Using C5, C6/C5, or 6x9 1/2 envelopes
1 Open the upper door.

2 Set the envelops to use on the bottom auxiliary guide assy

[A], and adjust the guide shaft to the size of the envelope
moving it to right and left.

3 Adjust both paper guide side plates to the size of the en-

4 Close the upper door.

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4 Copy operation 4.2

4.2 Copy operation

With the Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 installed, "Envelope Only" is displayed on the MACHINE screen.

In order to copy on envelopes, the paper setting for the tray must be modified from [Paper Setting] on the
Machine Screen or [Paper Setting] on the Copy Screen.

For details on Paper Setting, how to load originals, and how to make copy settings, refer to the HTML user's

- With Multi Bypass Tray MB-509 installed on the main body, only bypass tray can be selected. With Pa-
per Feeder Unit PF-707m installed, only tray 5 (the lower tray) can be selected. With Large Capacity
Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm installed, only tray 3 can be selected.
- The paper type and size are automatically fixed to [Envelope] and [Custom].
- The width and length of envelopes can be entered in the custom size setting. For details on the width
and length of the envelopes, refer to page 5-3.
- The print side is automatically limited to simplex, and the output side to Face Up.

4-10 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

4.3 Print operation
4.3 Print operation
The operation varies depending on the type of your printer driver. Follow the appropriate procedure to per-
form your print operation.

For details on Paper Setting, how to load originals, and how to make copy settings, refer to the HTML user's

AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P 4-11

4 Print operation 4.3

4-12 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

5 Specifications
5.1 Specifications of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

5 Specifications

5.1 Specifications of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107

Name EF-107
Type Fusing unit exclusively used for printing on envelopes (with feeding auxiliary parts)
Feeding reference Center
Paper weight 70 to 100 g/m2 (19 to 27 lb Bond)
Envelope sizes • Available dimensions
Width (crosswise direction): 100 to 245 mm (3.92" to 9.63")
Auxiliary guide available range: 100 to 140 mm (3.92” to 5.50”) (when Paper Feeder
Unit PF-707m is installed)
Length (feeding direction): 148 to 375 mm (5.82" to 14.73")
• Recommended sizes

Open the flap and position it on the trailing side in feeding direction.

(crosswise direction)

Height (feeding direction)

Size Width Height

(mm) (mm)
North American Standard 6" e 9-1/2" 241 152
ISO standard C5 229 162
C6/C5 229 114
Japanese standard K2 240 332
N3 120 235
N4* 90 205
N4 is supported only when the Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-202XLm is in-

• Paper sizes that can be fed

Size Width Height
(mm) (mm)
Japanese standard K0 287 382
K1 270 382
• Unsuitable envelopes
Envelopes with a film window
Envelopes with a double-stick tape or release coated paper on the flap
* : About N4 envelopes (envelopes with a vertical size of less than 100 mm)
• Printing misalignment may occur as a result of offset.
• The number of envelopes loaded for ejection is not guaranteed.

AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P 5-3

5 Specifications of Envelope Fusing Unit EF-107 5.1

Printing speed • When AccurioPress C4080/C4070 and AccurioPrint C4065 are used
North American standard
6" x 9-1/2": 70 sheets per minute
Standards other than the above
C5: 66 sheets per minute
Japanese standard
K2: 47 sheets per minute
N3: 65 sheets per minute

• Printing speed is the value without flaps.

• It may vary depending on paper types.

Tray capacity Multi Bypass Tray MB-509: 1 sheet

Paper tray: 100 sheets (6" x 9-1/2", C5, C6/C5, K2, N3, N4*)
50 sheets (K0, K1)
Output tray: Approx. 50 sheets* (Output Tray OT-511)
For other output options, please contact your service representative.
* The N4 envelope is supported only when the Large Capacity Unit LU-202m/LU-
202XLm is installed.
Dimensions 200 (W) e 690 (D) e 235 (H) mm
(Fusing unit: excluding projection portions)
Weight 18.8 kg
Power source 208-240VAC or 220-240VAC, 5 V/24 VDC (supplied from the main body)
Power consump- 2,430 W

5-4 AccurioPress C4080/C4070, AccurioPrint C4065/C4065P

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