ProQuestDocuments 2024 08 13
ProQuestDocuments 2024 08 13
ProQuestDocuments 2024 08 13
SETTLEMENTS CAN be a problem with soft ground tunnelling in urban areas where buildings, both modem and
ancient, can be put at risk, services, too, can be endangered and at times it has been deemed necessary to divert
services before tunnelling is begun. These environmental considerations have led to a considerable research effort
being devoted to the study of settlements caused by tunnelling through soft ground; much of the research work has
been undertaken either directly by or under contract for the Transport and Road Research Laboratory.
Measurements of settlement and ground movement made on tunnelling projects located, in the main, in built-up
areas are reviewed. The ground conditions studied included stiff-fissured clays, glacial deposits and recently
deposited silty clays, as well as cohesionless soils of low density, weak rocks and made ground. Many of the tunnels
were driven in free air by use of shields, but compressed air was used in the weaker soils to maintain stability; the
bentonite shield and chemical treatment of the ground were also used in loose sands. The data from these case
studies are used to provide simple analytical tools that enable better prediction of the magnitude of settlements and
ground movements caused by tunnelling through soft ground to be made.
The analysis given above for cohesive soils is unlikely to be applicable to granular soils as the assumption that
particle displacements away from the tunnel are directed toward the tunnel axis is not supported by laboratory
studies. Further, the assumption of deformation at constant volume is untenable as some dilation or compaction of
granular soils is almost inevitable during deformation. Again, data from the field are limited and inconclusive.
Independent model studies reported by Potts |22! and Cording et al[231 indicate a rapid narrowing with large inward
displacements of the settlement trough near the ground surface with the sand soils funneling down into the void
created by the excavation (see Figure 3). This settlement mode was discussed by Atkinson and coworkers 1241 in
terms of a dilating wedge over the tunnel crown, which develops until collapse occurs on surfaces that propagate
vertically upwards from the tunnel haunches.
The transverse distance from the tunnel centre line to the point of inflexion (y = i) is used to describe the width of the
settlement trough and has been considered to be related both to the depth from ground surface to axis, Z, and to a
lesser extent the diameter of the tunnel. Multiple linear regression analyses performed on the field data presented
here, however, revealed no significant correlation between the trough width parameter, i, and tunnel diameter,
although the expected strong correlation of i with tunnel depth, Z, was found. This was true for both cohesive and
granular data groupings This finding is to some extent explained by [Glossop], who carried out an analysis based on
stochastic/ numerical modelling techniques l2lL The analysis showed that at distances of more than about one
tunnel diameter from the periphery of the tunnel the shape of the settlement trough is not significantly dependent on
the tunnel diameter and the loss of ground may be considered to occur at a point 'sink' located at the tunnel axis
Strictly, therefore, they are only applicable within these limits, but the indications are that the values would not be
appreciably different for reasonable extrapolation beyond the limits of'B', 'C and TT above, but the limitation on cover
must not be contravened. Further, the analysis given is two-dimensional and, although this may be satisfactory in
the prediction of conditions subsequent to the tunnel construction, other significant ground deformations of a three-
dimensional character may occur during the passing of the tunnel face He] [20] [3s]_ Considerable monitoring of
ground and building settlement is now routinely carried out on most tunnelling projects in urban areas. Where the
extent and/or magnitude of the predicted settlement are important, consideration should be given to arranging the
This paper was first published in 1982 by Myles O'Reilly and Barry New with conference proceedings printed by the
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Following Myles's retirement from the Advisory Board of Tunnels and Tunnelling
this month, It Is reprinted here In appreciation of his many years of support
(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)
SETTLEMENTS CAN be a problem with soft ground tunnelling in urban areas where buildings, both modem and
ancient, can be put at risk, services, too, can be endangered and at times it has been deemed necessary to divert
services before tunnelling is begun. These environmental considerations have led to a considerable research effort
being devoted to the study of settlements caused by tunnelling through soft ground; much of the research work has
been undertaken either directly by or under contract for the Transport and Road Research Laboratory.
Measurements of settlement and ground movement made on tunnelling projects located, in the main, in built-up
areas are reviewed. The ground conditions studied included stiff-fissured clays, glacial deposits and recently
deposited silty clays, as well as cohesionless soils of low density, weak rocks and made ground. Many of the tunnels
were driven in free air by use of shields, but compressed air was used in the weaker soils to maintain stability; the
bentonite shield and chemical treatment of the ground were also used in loose sands. The data from these case
studies are used to provide simple analytical tools that enable better prediction of the magnitude of settlements and
ground movements caused by tunnelling through soft ground to be made.
One ofthe three basic requirements for the design of a satisfactory tunnel|!l [21 is that its construction should cause
as little damage as possible to overlying or adjacent existing structures and services With soft-ground tunnelling
settlement is often a problem in built-up areas, where buildings, old and new, important or otherwise, can be put at
risk. Services, too, such as gas and water mains and sewers can be endangered and it has occasionally been
deemed prudent to carry out considerable service diversion and relocation works as a prelude to tunnelling.
To minimise overall project costs and the risk of damage or accident as a result of tunnel construction the engineer
who designs the tunnel needs to be able to make reliable predictions of the extent and amount of settlement that are
likely to arise from tunnelling in various conditions. Given reliable forecasts of ground deformations he would be in a
position to choose between a number of options, that, depending on the particular location, might include:
1. Relocation of the tunnel well clear of sensitive structures
2. A longer tunnel in better ground
3. Chemical stabilisation or freezing of weak ground on the more direct route
4. Underpinning of existing buildings and relocation of water and gas mains
Such considerations and a growing emphasis on environmental problems led to a considerable research effort being
devoted during the 1970s, both in the United Kingdom ad abroad, to the study of the settlements and ground
deformations caused by driving tunnels in soft ground. Much of this research in the United Kingdom was undertaken
either directly by, or under contract for, the Transport and Road Research Laboratory, and the results obtained on
some individual schemes and groups of schemes have already been reported [3'131. At the same time a
programme of centrifuge and static model tests was being carried out at Cambridge University to obtain a better
understanding of the response of the ground to tunnelling [l4'17*. In this paper summarised data from all the tunnel
sites studied have been assembled and analysed so that the designers and constructor of tunnels are better
equipped to make predictions of the settlements and ground deformations that result from tunnelling.
Ground movements above tunnels may conveniently be considered under two headings. The first, surface
settlement, may adequately be described by assigning a particular geometrical form to the settlement profile and
The researches of the past decade have greatly improved the understanding of the settlement of the ground that
results from tunnelling, and the designers and constructors of tunnels are today in a much better position to estimate
and to some extent control such ground movements Considerable gaps in knowledge remain, however, and the
amount of usable field data is still quite limited; this is particularly so for subsurface deformations, especially close to
Subject: Tunnels; Urban areas; Design; Projects; Studies; Standard deviation; Environmental
impact; Clay; Water mains; Laboratories
Pages: 56-66,5
Number of pages: 12
Publisher: Compelo
ISSN: 13693999
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