Q 18 – What is warehouse?
Storage involves proper arrangement for preserving goods from the time of their production or purchase
till the actual use. When this storage is done on a large scale and in a specified manner it is called
‘warehousing’. The place where goods are kept is called ‘warehouse’. The person in-charge of
warehouse is called ‘warehouse-keeper’.
Warehousing refers to the activities involving storage of goods on a large-scale in a systematic and
orderly manner and making them available conveniently when needed. In other words, warehousing
means holding or preserving goods in huge quantities from the time of their purchase or production till
their actual use or sale.
Q 19 – Need for Warehousing ?
Warehousing is necessary due to the following reasons.
(i) Seasonal Production- You know that agricultural commodities are harvested during certain seasons,
but their consumption or use takes place throughout the year. Therefore, there is a need for proper storage
or warehousing for these commodities, from where they can be supplied as and when required.
(ii) Seasonal Demand- There are certain goods, which are demanded seasonally, like woolen garments
in winters or umbrellas in the rainy season. The production of these goods takes place throughout the
year to meet the seasonal demand. So there is a need to store these goods in a warehouse to make them
available at the time of need.
(iii) Large-scale Production - In case of manufactured goods, now-a-days production takes place to
meet the existing as well as future demand of the products. Manufacturers also produce goods in huge
quantity to enjoy the benefits of large-scale production, which is more economical. So the finished
products, which are produced on a large scale, need to be stored properly till they are cleared by sales.
(iv) Quick Supply - Both industrial as well as agricultural goods are produced at some specific places
but consumed throughout the country. Therefore, it is essential to stock these goods near the place of
consumption, so that without making any delay these goods are made available to the consumers at the
time of their need.
(V) Continuous Production- Continuous production of goods in factories requires adequate supply of
raw materials. So there is a need to keep sufficient quantity of stock of raw material in the warehouse to
ensure continuous production. \
(vi) Price Stabilization- To maintain a reasonable level of the price of the goods in the market there is
a need to keep sufficient stock in the warehouses. Scarcity in supply of goods may increase their price
in the market. Again, excess production and supply may also lead to fall in prices of the product by
maintaining a balance of supply of goods, warehousing leads to price stabilization.
Q 20 – Types of Warehouses?
After getting an idea about the need for warehousing, let us identify the different types of warehouses.
In order to meet their requirement various types of warehouses came into existence, which may be
classified as follows.
1. Private Warehouses
2. Public Warehouses
3. Government Warehouses
4. Bonded Warehouses
5. Co-operative Warehouses
Private Warehouses - The warehouses which are owned and managed by the manufacturers or traders
to store, exclusively, their own stock of goods are known as private warehouses. Generally these
warehouses are constructed by the farmers near their fields, by wholesalers and retailers near their
business centres and by manufacturers near their factories. The design and the facilities provided therein
are according to the nature of products to be stored.
Public Warehouses - The warehouses which are run to store goods of the general public are known as
public warehouses. Any one can store his goods in these warehouses on payment of rent. An individual,
a partnership firm or a company may own these warehouses. To start such warehouses a license from the
government is required. The government also regulates the functions and operations of these warehouses.
Mostly these warehouses are used by manufacturers, wholesalers, exporters, importers, government
agencies, etc.
Government Warehouses -These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by central or state
governments or public corporations or local authorities. Both government and private enterprises may
use these warehouses to store their goods. Central Warehousing Corporation of India, State Warehousing
Corporation and Food Corporation of India are examples of agencies maintaining government
Bonded Warehouses - These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by government as well as
private agencies. Private bonded warehouses have to obtain license from the government. Bonded
warehouses are used to store imported goods for which import duty is yet to be paid. Incase of imported
goods the importers are not allowed to take away the goods from the ports till such duty is paid. These
warehouses are generally owned by dock authorities and found near the ports.
Co-operative Warehouses - These warehouses are owned, managed and controlled by co-operative
societies. They provide warehousing facilities at the most economical rates to the members of their
Q 21 – Public Warehouse vs Private Warehouse?
Public Warehouse Private Warehouse
The warehouses which are run to store goods of The warehouses which are owned and managed by
the general public are known as public the manufacturers or traders to store, exclusively,
warehouses their own stock of goods are known as private
Public warehouses are accessible to anyone Private warehouses are typically restricted to the
willing to pay the rental fee, making them owner or specific parties authorized by the owner.
available for use by individuals, businesses, and
various entities.
Public warehouses are subject to government In private warehouses, the owner has full control over
regulations and may have standardized operations the operations, design, and facilities provided,
and facilities to accommodate a wide range of tailored according to their specific requirements.
goods and clients.
Public warehouses may be strategically located in Private warehouses are often located near the owner's
industrial areas or transportation hubs to serve a facilities, such as farms, factories, or business
broader customer base and cater to various centers, and are primarily used to store their own
storage needs, including those of manufacturers, products.
wholesalers, exporters, importers, and
government agencies.