Neall, A. M., & Tuckey, M. R. (2014)
Neall, A. M., & Tuckey, M. R. (2014)
Neall, A. M., & Tuckey, M. R. (2014)
Practitioner points
Limitations in existing research have constrained what we know about workplace harassment, and
how to prevent harassment and its negative consequences.
This paper provides a comprehensive resource for evaluating the quality of the ever-growing body of
research on workplace harassment, which covers issues such as bullying, abusive supervision,
aggression, incivility, and other forms of victimization at work.
*Correspondence should be addressed to Michelle R. Tuckey, Centre for Applied Psychological Research, School of Psychology,
Social Work and Social Policy, University of South Australia, GPO Box 2471, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia (email:
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226 Annabelle M. Neall and Michelle R. Tuckey
Primary empirical studies published in peer-reviewed journals over the 26-year period
from 1987 to 2012 (inclusive) were included in the review. Articles were identified via a
computer search of the PsycINFO and PubMed databases. Search terms included
‘workplace harassment’, ‘generalized workplace harassment’, ‘workplace bullying’,
‘workplace victimization’, ‘antisocial workplace behavior’, ‘workplace social undermin-
ing’, ‘workplace aggression’, ‘abusive supervision’, ‘workplace incivility’, and ‘workplace
mobbing’. These terms have been previously identified as similar manifestations of
negative interpersonal interactions that harm workers (Aquino & Lamertz, 2004). Studies
that investigated harassment based on the legally protected characteristics of sex and race
were excluded from the analysis. These are illegal forms of discrimination in the United
States (Rospenda & Richman, 2004) and other countries around the world that have been
extensively documented in other reviews (Likupe, 2006; Willness, Steel, & Lee, 2007). On
the other hand, we are interested in generalized forms of mistreatment that create a
negative working environment and have negative effects on workers. Finally, only
published journal articles were included in the review (i.e., book chapters, dissertations,
and unpublished works were excluded).
A total of 1,083 articles were available for review. Only 195 of these met the strict
inclusion criteria, as follows: primary empirical studies, published in English, which had
undergone a peer-review process, and that focused on one of four themes: (1) the
antecedents of workplace harassment, (2) the consequences of workplace harassment,
(3) a combination of the two, or (4) an investigation of a pathway or process of workplace
harassment. For example, while Leymann’s (1990) peer-reviewed article, published in
English, discussed mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces, the content was
conceptual in nature and was thus excluded from the methodological review.
Additionally, Cowie, Naylor, Rivers, Smith, and Pereira (2002) examined the definitions,
culture, and methods of bullying and harassment, but did not examine the antecedents
and/or consequences of harassment, and hence, this article was not included. Likewise,
Hershcovis et al.’s (2007) meta-analysis is useful to guide our work, but was not included
in the body of our studies, as it was not a primary empirical study.
Following the identification of this initial narrowed sample, a ‘snowballing’ technique
was utilized, where the reference lists of the articles found through the PsycINFO and
PubMed databases were searched for other articles that met the inclusion criteria. A
further 29 articles were identified as a result of this process, yielding a final total of 224
articles for the review. There were 10 cases wherein two relevant primary studies were
found within the same journal article; hence, there were 234 separate samples. All studies
were empirical and investigated at least one of the aforementioned themes. The majority
of coding was mutually exclusive; that is, only one coding option could be selected for the
category (e.g., in the study design category, mutually exclusive coding options were
longitudinal or cross-sectional). In contrast, some categories were coded exhaustively to
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Methodological review of harassment research 229
account for the realm of possible coding options (e.g., participant origin by country was
coded exhaustively to reflect the possibility that studies could sample participants from
multiple countries). Thirty-seven randomly selected articles were reviewed by an
independent coder to gauge inter-rater reliability. Point-by-point agreement is noted
throughout the following descriptions of the coding process. Where discrepancies were
identified, consensus was reached through discussion by both authors.
Internal validity
Issues that relate to the internal validity of studies were also documented. In existing
harassment research, threats to internal validity have arisen from the design, setting, and
levels of control evident in studies. The design characteristics of each study, which were
all exclusively coded, follow those identified in a published review of work–family conflict
research methods (Casper, Eby, Bordeaux, Lockwood, & Lambert, 2007). Studies were
coded as either cross-sectional or longitudinal, and the number of waves in each
longitudinal study was noted. Setting refers to either the field or laboratory (i.e., artificial
scenarios in a controlled setting). Levels of control were correlational, quasi-experiment,
experiment, or qualitative. There was a very high level of inter-rater agreement for this
section (92%).
External validity
Methodological issues pertaining to external validity included participant origin by
country (exhaustively coded), study population (coded as specified or not specified), and
sample representativeness (specified and not specified, and where specified coded as
representative or non-representative). These issues are important aspects of external
validity and the generalization of the studies, especially for non-westernized countries
where the understanding of harassment may differ from that of Western cultures.
Inter-rater agreement for external validity was 88%.
of analysis, triangulation of data, and techniques used to analyse the data. Categories for
the purpose of each study were mutually exclusively coded and included: the
antecedents of workplace harassment (e.g., job characteristics), the consequences of
workplace harassment (e.g., psychological distress, physical health complaints), a
combination of the two (e.g., the effect of job characteristics on workplace harassment
and its associated consequences), or a focus on the process of harassment (e.g., the
social processes of workplace harassment). We also mutually exclusively recorded
whether the source of harassment was, or was not, reported for each sample. Neglecting
the source of harassment in studies may lead researchers to incorrect conclusions about
the development, nature, and consequences of harassment by prescribing to a ‘one size
fits all’ model. Levels of analysis were guided by ‘levels of theory’ (Klein, Dansereau, &
Hall, 1994) which included individuals, organizations, groups, or dyads (e.g., supervisor–
subordinate), again exclusively coded. Triangulation was recorded in the form of
multiple sources of data. Where studies used multiple data collection methods, all
techniques were accounted for by exhaustive coding. Finally, data analysis techniques
were coded under four meta-themes (see Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998):
techniques examining one dependent variable with a single relation, techniques
examining multiple dependent variables with a single relation, techniques examining
multiple relations with both independent variables and dependent variables, and
techniques examining the structure of data. As studies often utilized more than one data
analysis technique, exhaustive coding was used. Inter-rater agreement for statistical
conclusion validity was high at 85%.
Research into workplace harassment has steadily and significantly increased since 1987
(r = .88, p < .01). Indeed, 58.1% of the articles included in the review were published in
the final 5 years of the review period (2008–2012 inclusive). Additionally, 2006 saw a
substantial rise in published articles compared with previous years (n = 20). Studies were
published in a range of peer-reviewed journals, across a number of disciplines, including
occupational health psychology, work and organizational psychology, counselling, and
management. Nearly a third of the studies (30.9%) came from four main journals
Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Work &
Stress, and Aggressive Behavior.
The following sections present the findings of our review regarding the threats to
construct, internal, external, and statistical conclusion validity within published
harassment research. Relationships between the different methodological limitations
and types of validity are summarized in Table 1. These concerns can all be addressed in
future research; accordingly, possible solutions to the problems, as well as recent
exemplars that have overcome the issues, are also shown in Table 1.
Construct validity
Content terms
Figure 1 depicts the different content terms within the harassment umbrella in the studies
sampled for the review. Overall, workplace bullying was the most common construct
label in the samples (36.0%), followed by workplace aggression (21.3%), workplace
harassment (10.0%), and both workplace incivility and abusive supervision (9.2% each).
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Methodological review of harassment research 231
Several geographical trends were noted among the content terms. For example, we
observed that the term ‘mobbing’ is specific to Western European countries (e.g., Italy,
Germany, Spain), while Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
used the terms ‘bullying’ and ‘harassment’ exclusively. By comparison, studies focusing
on 10 of the 12 content areas involved participants from the United States, suggesting
more diversity in the focus of harassment research.
Figure 1. Percentage of different content domains within harassment research (n = 234 samples).
Table 2. Data collection, levels of analysis, and triangulation across the samples (n = 234)
The majority that did use a time bound measure (43.6% in total) asked participants to think
back over a 6- or 12-month period to recall their exposure to harassment.
Internal validity
Research design characteristics
All studies in the review were conducted in field settings (100.0%), and the majority of
studies were correlational (84.8%) with a cross-sectional design (84.4%; refer to Table 4).
Of the 36 longitudinal studies identified in our review, only nine utilized a design with
Time horizon
Cross-sectional 197 (84.4)
Longitudinal 36 (15.6)
Two waves 27 (11.5)
Three waves 6 (2.5)
Four waves 2 (<1.0)
Five waves 1 (<1.0)
Field 234 (100.0)
Level of control
Correlational 198 (84.6)
Correlational and qualitative 21 (9.2)
Qualitative 14 (6.2)
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234 Annabelle M. Neall and Michelle R. Tuckey
three or more waves of data. While this review uncovered a surplus of information on
variables that precede or follow workplace harassment (e.g., emotional exhaustion, job
demands, job resources), only one study examined reciprocal relationships between the
variables of interest (Rodrıguez-Mu~
noz, Baillien, De Witte, Moreno-Jimenez, & Pastor,
External validity
Participant country of origin
Table 5 breaks down the number of samples according to participant nationality. Over a
quarter of existing harassment research published in the international literature has been
conducted with workers in the United States, with English-speaking countries (United
States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada) contributing to over half the reviewed studies
(59.8%). Additionally, Scandinavian and Western European countries (Norway, Finland,
Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden) accounted for a fifth of published samples in our review
(17.1%), while 7.7% of studies did not report participant country of origin.
Notes. Participant country of origin was not reported for 18 samples (7.7%). Because some samples
comprised multiple countries of origin, the overall n is higher for this analysis. The following countries of
origin were each reported for one sample (<1.0%) in the review: Bosnia and Herzegovina, China,
Lithuania, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Taiwan,
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Methodological review of harassment research 235
Gender of participants
Female – (57.5)
Male – (42.5)
Sampling technique
Non-probability 126 (53.9)
Random 85 (36.2)
Convenience 22 (9.6)
Study population
Not specified 151 (64.5)
Specified 82 (35.5)
Representativeness of study sample
Non-representative 41 (88.4)
Representative 26 (11.1)
Not specified 167 (71.6)
participants was 320 (ranging from 15 to 34,209). Participant response rates varied widely
across the review sample (3–100%), with an average response rate of 52.9%. Across the
study samples, 42.5% of the participants were male and 57.5% were female. Researchers in
the harassment field have generally used a non-probability sampling technique (53.8%);
however, some random sampling (36.3%) and samples of convenience were reported
Of concern, many studies (n = 151; 64.5%) did not comment on the study population.
The most commonly reported study populations were as follows: the working population
of a country (31 studies, 13.2%), nursing employees (13 studies, 5.5%), and hospital staff (8
studies, 3.4%). In addition, only 26 studies (11.1%) explicitly described a participant
sample that was representative of the study population. A further 17.3% studies
documented that the sample was non-representative of the population under review.
More often, however, the representativeness of the sample (71.6%) was not specified.
Levels of analysis
The results of our review also reveal that the overwhelming majority of harassment
research has been conducted at the individual level (i.e., a single-level design) which in
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236 Annabelle M. Neall and Michelle R. Tuckey
Correlational &
Antecedents Outcomes Combination Process
Only 29 studies (12.4%) in our review used triangulation of data from multiple sources,
typically consisting of third party reports of incidents of harassment (supervisors, peers,
or perpetrators).
Simple inferential
Correlations 115 (49.1)
Chi-square 16 (6.8)
T-tests 23 (9.9)
Other 4 (1.7)
One DV with a single relation
Multiple linear regression 71 (30.3)
Logistic regression 30 (12.8)
Poisson regression 3 (1.3)
Moderated regression 8 (3.4)
Discriminant regression 1 (<1.0)
Constrained nonlinear regression 2 (<1.0)
ANOVA and ANCOVA 40 (17.1)
Multiple DVs with a single relation
MANOVA and MANCOVA 13 (5.6)
Multiple relations with both IVs and DVs
Structural equation modelling 22 (9.4)
Path analysis 9
Structure of data
Confirmatory factor analysis 34 (14.5)
Exploratory factor analysis 18 (7.7)
Cluster analyses 2 (<1.0)
Variables at different level
HLM, MLM, Random coefficient models 29 (12.4)
Sociometric analysis, for example Sociograms 1 (<1.0)
Qualitative analysis
Other 35 (15.0)
Content analysis 9 (3.8)
Workplace harassment is a topic of interest in many different research fields, and the
attention directed to this issue continues to increase. Our paper meets a gap in the
literature by providing a systematic review of the methodologies utilized in harassment
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238 Annabelle M. Neall and Michelle R. Tuckey
research published in peer-reviewed papers from 1987 to 2012. While a few of the diverse
issues included here have been addressed individually in recent meta-analyses and reviews
(Berry, Gillespie, Gates, & Schafer, 2012; Hershcovis, 2011; Nielsen et al., 2010), we
present a comprehensive and integrated coverage of a full range of methodological issues
to provide an important resource for research in this field. A number of strong trends
emerged, which allowed us to gauge the major threats to study validity within the existing
literature. This knowledge is important for evaluating the conclusions scholars have
drawn about the factors that lead to harassment, how it affects workers and organizations,
and how to prevent it. Most importantly, our analysis supports specific recommendations
for advancements in methods so as to improve the validity of research in this area and
thereby progress both theory development and prevention efforts.
In relation to construct validity, we observed that harassment has typically been
assessed via a behavioural checklist. Examples included the Negative Acts Questionnaire
(Einarsen, Hoel, & Notelaers, 2009), the Generalized Workplace Harassment Question-
naire (Rospenda & Richman, 2004), and the Leymann Inventory of Psychological
Terrorization (Leymann, 1989). Fewer studies provided a definition of harassment to
participants. Nielsen et al.’s (2010) meta-analysis focused on this aspect of methodology
for studies of workplace bullying and showed, unsurprisingly, that prevalence estimates
are influenced by the way in which bullying is measured. Specifically, they reported an
over-estimation of bullying prevalence when a definition is not presented to participants
(18%) and the lowest estimates when a definition is provided (11%). Differences between
layperson and operational definitions of harassment create the potential for under-report-
ing and over-reporting (cf. Nielsen et al., 2010; Saunders, Huynh, & Goodman-Delahunty,
2007). Benign and disciplinary workplace behaviours may be misinterpreted as
harassment by individuals without a clear understanding of the concept. In contrast,
some negative behaviours may not be viewed as problematic. By looking across the
spectrum of harassment constructs (rather than purely at studies of workplace bullying as
per Nielsen et al., 2010), we present a clearer picture of the extent to which various
measurement approaches have been utilized within the different streams of literature on
employee mistreatment. To achieve a balance, Nielsen et al. (2010) recommended using a
combination of the self-labelling with a definition and a behavioural checklist. We concur
with this recommendation but add that information on the perpetrator of harassment
should be collected.
The low percentage of studies in the review that measured and reported the source of
harassment is troubling in the light of the findings of Hershcovis and Barling’s (2010)
meta-analysis, which demonstrated differential effects of aggression from different
perpetrators – supervisors, co-workers, and persons outside of the organization. The
development, nature, and consequences of harassment may be very different depending
on who is involved (e.g., manager/supervisor vs. co-worker, individual perpetrator vs.
group), so too the most effective ways of dealing with it. For example, from a theoretical
standpoint, different pathways to harassment might exist via formal power structures held
by supervisors relative to informal power structures that co-workers or even subordinates
can access. Likewise, harassment from different sources sends different signals to targets
about how to interpret the behaviour and regarding their options to respond (cf.
Hershcovis & Barling, 2010). In reality, there are very little data on this issue because the
available measurement tools rarely capture this information. Future studies should thus
include questions distinguishing between different types of harassment from different
executors. Improving the measurement of harassment in this way will enable researchers
to uncover different processes in the development of harassment so that more effective
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Methodological review of harassment research 239
We confirmed that a major threat to internal validity, evident within the majority of
published studies on workplace harassment, comes from the use of a cross-sectional
survey design, with data provided by only one source, analysed at an individual level.
Longitudinal studies and other forms of repeated-measures designs were rarely found in
the literature, probably because of the increased financial costs, logistical difficulties,
time, and participant burden. Moreover, most of the published longitudinal studies
contained just two measurement waves. While a two-wave design represents an
improvement over a cross-sectional design, the mere ordering of variables across two time
points is not enough to demonstrate a true causal process. Two data points also restrict the
nature of change to be linear by default. Experimental studies have even more rarely been
conducted to date. Although there are ethical and logistical issues to overcome, there is
certainly the potential for experimental work in this area to increase control over the
independent variables. For instance, an experimental study by Giumetti et al. (2013)
measured performance on maths tasks while interacting with a supervisor. In the
laboratory-based study, simulating a workplace setting, participants were randomly
assigned to interact with either an uncivil or a supportive supervisor over e-mail while
completing a series of math tasks. Additionally, the authors measured the effect of type of
supervisor on physiological measures, such as cardiovascular activity (measured via ECG).
It is clear that in future research, scholars should aim to use longitudinal and/or
experimental designs to increase confidence about the causal relationships between
harassment, its antecedents, and consequences.
In addition to increasing internal validity, repeated measures allow for more complex
substantive relationships between factors to be clearly examined and untangled, which
cross-sectional research does not. Harassment antecedents may themselves be influ-
enced by factors that have traditionally been viewed within the literature as harassment
outcomes, just as, for example, emotional exhaustion can lead to the perception of
higher work demands (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). And some variables may be both
antecedents and outcomes of harassment. For example, a number of studies have linked
low job control with increased exposure to harassment both cross-sectionally and
longitudinally (Baillien, De Cuyper, & De Witte, 2011; Baillien, Rodrıguez-Mu~ noz, Van
den Broeck, & De Witte, 2011; Tuckey, Dollard, Hosking, & Winefield, 2009), and control
was identified by Bowling and Beehr’s (2006) meta-analysis as an organizational
antecedent (q = .25). It is also possible, however, that exposure to harassment can
undermine target employees’ control over their work, but this possibility has yet to be
investigated. Accordingly, collecting data on three or more occasions could greatly
improve the internal validity of harassment research and give insight into different
growth or loss patterns, reciprocal relationships, and mediation pathways (Cole &
Maxwell, 2003).
Due to the limited use of repeated-measures designs, intra-individual variability in
exposure to harassment and the predictors of this change remain important theoretical
issues not yet touched by existing research. How harassment and its effects unfold
within-persons may take several months or longer to become apparent. Research that
investigates the exposure, antecedents, and effects of harassment by tracking the time
course of development within workers is sorely needed and will improve the statistical
conclusion validity of future harassment research. If such an approach is adopted, it would
be possible to identify more precise points of prevention and intervention. Multiple data
collection points are required to uncover the complex processes involved. For example,
certain antecedent conditions (such as high workload) may cause individuals to act in
ways (e.g., miss work deadlines) that attract harassment (or punitive responses) from their
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Methodological review of harassment research 241
supervisors (i.e., a stressor creation phenomenon; Spector, Zapf, Chen, & Frese, 2000),
which is a potential mediating pathway best studied over three or more time points.
Likewise, the link between harassment and its outcomes may occur through within-per-
son changes in affect or self-efficacy, possibilities which again need to be studied using
repeated measurements. Overall, our results show that studying the processes involved in
the development of harassment is an important theoretical gap that remains to be filled.
Understanding the mechanisms will enable researchers to reach more accurate
conclusions about preventing harassment and devise more effective strategies for its
removal from the workplace (cf. Einarsen et al., 2011).
Knowledge on the mechanisms could be tackled with a diary study design. Diary
studies are now commonly used to investigate a range of areas of organizational life (Ohly
et al., 2010), but only very recently has this design been applied to study harassment
(specifically, abusive supervision; Wheeler et al., 2013). Diary methods could be used to
identify the points at which escalations in specific harassment situations occur, along with
work-related (e.g., supervisor and colleague social support, perceptions of role conflict)
and personal (e.g., personality characteristics of the target) factors that account for these
changes. Other complex and dynamic within-person processes could also be studied, for
example how power dynamics and personal resources shift within a specific relationship
to enable harassment to continue. Hence, our review suggests that future research could
expand the theoretical understanding of harassment by incorporating the use of diaries,
alongside the more common survey and interview methods. In addition, qualitative
studies will also be useful for extending our understanding of the complexities involved
and raising new research questions to explore. For instance, qualitative interviews could
shed light on whether or not there are different pathways to harassment from different
perpetrators, which draw on different power bases.
Another continuing threat to statistical conclusion validity is the focus on individual
level associations. The role of the organization and workgroup in enabling or preventing
harassment within workplaces remains underdeveloped in current research and theory,
and in translation to practice. Indeed, Hutchinson, Wilkes, Jackson, and Vickers (2010)
noted that the lack of multilevel research into workplace harassment has limited strategies
to address organizational climate and other antecedents at group and organizational
levels. Victimization from a group or as part of dyad, centred on power imbalance, is
common in the workplace, and the organizational stance on harassment can limit or (more
often) exacerbate antecedents and outcomes (Aquino & Lamertz, 2004). By studying
predictors from different organizational levels, future research could draw more accurate
and informative conclusions. Hence, greater use of multilevel designs is needed to
examine the effect of workgroup and organization antecedents and to investigate the
effectiveness of harassment prevention policies, guided by research from the individual
level of analysis (see also Rousseau, 1985).
A chief concern in terms of external validity that we uncovered in our review was
omissions in the literature in terms of reporting the study population and whether the
sample was representative of the population. Due to the lack of random sampling and
sample representativeness in existing literature (or lack of reporting on these
elements), we can conclude that few existing studies can provide accurate and
reliable prevalence information. Time, financial, and ethical constraints (see Bolger
et al., 2003) can limit the ability of researchers to recruit a truly representative sample,
but researchers should aim to enlist a large and diverse sample wherever possible to
increase the likelihood of generalizing the results to the study population. This is
important in the study of harassment if scholars are to build a high-quality and
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242 Annabelle M. Neall and Michelle R. Tuckey
informative evidence base that sheds light on the general principles about harassment
and how to combat it.
It is also clear from our review that mainstream organizational science has a limited
knowledge of harassment research in non-English-speaking countries. It should be
acknowledged that publication in English was a selection criterion, which undoubtedly
contributed to the lack of non-western research studies identified for this review.
Nevertheless, these figures reflect the current state of the international peer-reviewed
literature. While there could be a wealth of studies in Asian languages, for example, they
are not influencing the main international literature field. Two reasons stand out, through
discussion with Asian colleagues. Articles published in Asian languages are not typically
indexed in a central database or other systematic manner, meaning that it is very difficult
to find them unless they are eventually published in an English-language journal (Patah,
Abdullah, Naba, Zahari, & Radzi, 2010). Even if relevant studies could be identified in a
literature search, researchers may lack the resources, time, or interest needed to translate
the publications into English. As a result, these studies are often restricted to university
bulletins and smaller journals (Sarawati, 2011). Consequently, the results of potentially
influential studies elude the main research field. As an example, the antecedents,
consequences, and process of harassment may in fact be contingent on cultural factors,
thereby requiring scholars to extend their research to underrepresented countries and
continents (e.g., Asia, Africa, and South America). For instance, a study by Loh, Restubog,
and Zagenczyk (2010) found that culture moderated perceptions of and reactions to
bullying, such that workers in westernized countries were less likely to see bullying as
standardized behaviour compared with those in non-westernized countries. This example
underscores the need for more research, and publication in international journals,
regarding negative interpersonal behaviour at work in Eastern and other cultures.
It is important to consider several factors relevant to utilizing the conclusions and
recommendations presented here. As previously mentioned, only published peer-re-
viewed journal literature was reviewed. The inclusion criteria excluded unpublished
papers, dissertations, book chapters, and conference papers. Unpublished research is
essential for meta-analyses that aim to quantify the magnitude of relationships between
different variables, wherein a publication bias for significant findings could over-inflate
relationships were only published data examined. Our main focus was on classifying the
methodological features of studies in the public domain that are positioned to influence
knowledge development internationally. The potential effect of publication bias is
therefore slightly different in our review. As our review included only those studies
rigorous enough to have survived a peer-review process, our findings may understate the
true extent of problems were unpublished research and other forms of publication also
taken into account.
Additionally, the inclusion criterion which limited the review to articles published in
English may have biased the frequency of articles by country. Almost certainly within
Europe, and most likely Asia, India, and South America as well, there exist bodies of
workplace harassment literature published in languages other than English. The gap in
knowledge, in terms of the total number of studies from each region, may be smaller than
that identified here, and potentially, the methods utilized in such research may differ from
those reported here. Finally, we used the PsycINFO and PubMed databases to search for
articles, perhaps limiting the scope of information available for disciplines that do not use
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Methodological review of harassment research 243
PsycINFO or PubMed (e.g., education). However, this issue was partially counteracted by
use of the snowballing technique, which directed additional articles from outside of these
databases to the review pool.
The results of this review provide explicit evidence to evaluate the nature of the
methodological limitations in the workplace harassment field and gauge the
magnitude of these problems within existing empirical research. Interest in the
phenomenon of harassment has grown substantially in the 26-year period investigated
in this review. Despite this growth, studies remain characterized by an over-reliance of
certain aspects of research methodology, which in turn limits the construct, internal,
external, and statistical conclusion validity of existing research. The progression of
knowledge in this area will be aided by utilizing more diverse techniques for data
collection and analysis, alongside a renewed focus on the process and complex
mechanisms involved in harassment, not just on the antecedents or the consequences.
The comprehensive, integrated coverage that we present here regarding the key
threats to validity within harassment research provides an overarching guide for future
research in this field.
This research was funded in part by Grant LP100100340 from the Australian Research
Council and the Shop Distributive and Allied Employees’ Association.
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