Proposal - Ms. Darlyn Mabella - 26yo 2
Proposal - Ms. Darlyn Mabella - 26yo 2
Proposal - Ms. Darlyn Mabella - 26yo 2
Personal Riders
PA-Accidental Death & Up to age 70 1,000,000
Immediately 1,000,000 1,000,000
PA-Accidental Total and Up to age 70 1,000,000
Immediately 1,000,000 1,000,000
Permanent Disability
Up to age 70 500,000
PA- Murder and Assault Immediately
500,000 500,000
Accidental Medical Expense Up to age 70 100,000
Immediately 100,000 100,000
Surgical Expense Up to age 65 15,000
30 days activation 15,000 15,000
Daily Hospital Income Up to age 65 1,000
30 days activation 1,000 1,000
Accelerated Total and Permanent Disability - Benefit given to client once he/she becomes
permanently disabled.
Accidental Death and Disablement - Benefit that pays the benefit amount if the life insured
dies due to an accident within 180days from the date of the accident.
Accelerated Life Care Benefit- Benefit given to client once diagnosed any of the 36 critical
PA-Murder and Assault- Benefit given if cause of death is murder without provocation on his
part or 50% for attempted murder
Daily Hospital Income- Pays out the daily cash benefit for each day of hospital confinement
due to accident/illness.
Waiver of Premium due to Total and Permanent Disability-Waives all future regular
premiums due to total and permanent disability.
Pru Link Assurance Account Plus (PAA+) – is your insurance plus investment plan. This
allows policyowners to secure maximum protection by availing optional benefits that cover for
expenses resulting from hospitalization, accident and critical illness. Its regular payment term
feature allows a policyowner to be more deliberate in setting multiple financial goals because of
this plan’s affordability.
PRULink Elite Protector (ELITE) - is a unit-linked product line designed with customer
advantage in mind. This limited-pay product combines life insurance protection and greater
potential for wealth accumulation through higher fund allocation and lower upfront charges, but
it requires higher minimum entry premiums. It is available in both peso and dollar denominations
payable in 5, 7, 10, and 15 years.