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Dragon Ball Super - The Supreme Evil Eng

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"Dragon Ball Super - The Supreme Evil".

The entire film, takes place after the fight between

Gohan Beast and Cell Max, exactly one year after the
action of the film. In this reality, there is no Black
Frieza, and Gas has been defeated by Goku and Vegeta.
Our heroes are living their normal lives, and training,
which is the same as ever. At the beginning of the film,
we see an evenly matched sparring match between
Vegeta Ultra Ego, and Gohan Beast, which ends in a
draw. Then we get a perspective on Goku, who trains
his three Earth companions - Tienshinhan, Krillin and
Yamcha - and eventually Goku in TUI scores a sparring
victory. That's when Goku gets a message from King
Kaio to claim his comrades and they have to meet up
with him. So: Goku,Vegeta,Yamcha,Tien and Krillin take
to the Beyond where Kaio is waiting, while Gohan and
Piccolo stay to defend the land just in case. The heroes
land on a small planet, at which point the King tells
them his plan - he wants to teach Kaio-ken to
everyone! Goku approves of such an idea and we have
flashbacks to moments where Kaio-ken saved Goku,
such as in the clash with Vegeta or versus Hit. Well
then, we get a view of our three earthlings getting
down to business with King Kaio, in a hyperbolic time
chamber. At this point Goku gets a surprise message
from Whis that Lord Beerus needs to see him, and
Vegeta, and immediately. Well, so they leave their
friends and teleport to Beerus' planet, where the two
are already waiting for them. The Sayans ask what's
happened that's so important, and God answers them
that for some time now he and Whis have been sensing
some kind of unknown energy that is both so
mysterious and yet so huge. The Sayans ask where it is
coming from and how big it is, to which Whis answers
them that they themselves don't quite know what it
could be, but that they need to be on the lookout. Lord
Beerus adds with his head hanging from thought that
this power they sense.... is practically the same as his,
which leaves Goku and Vegeta stunned and terrified.
Goku asks what they should do? Are they going to start
training already? Or do they need to inform Zenō? To
which Beerus replies that they probably don't need to
bother the King of the Universes, and says "You two are
already at such a level that we will soon be able to fight
as equals, so I believe you can handle it". At this point,
everyone senses that the entire universe is shaking,
and Beerus shouts that "It's that KI!". That's when they
get the message from Enma Daiō to come to the
afterlife.... NOW! So the Sayans fly to the Afterlife,
arriving at Enma Daiō's Palace. Moments after they
arrive: King Kaio, Yamcha, Tien and Krillin. Yamcha
boasts that he has mastered Kaio-Ken. They ask Enma
Daiō what's going on, but they didn't have to wait long
because the beyond began to shake. They concluded
that it must be coming from hell, so they all darted
down into the afterworld and after traversing the
endless landscape of the normal afterworld, they arrive
in hell. They stand and wonder where the shaking is
coming from. However, they then see a large Candy-
like structure that seems strangely familiar to Goku and
Vegeta, but they don't know from where. Yamcha
states that as he has possessed a new power, he must
finally prove himself, and firing off Kaio-ken times 10,
he approaches the Candy thing. Suddenly, some sort of
purple-black energy in the shape of hundreds of hands
flies out of the Candy Thing, and envelops Yamcha, who
initially unleashes a smoke hand attack, but eventually
the mist engulfs him and he explodes. A giant crater
forms and the energy repels our heroes. Goku and
Vegeta preemptively activate their transformations into
Super Sayanin Blue. The smoke dissolves, and we see a
giant red hand slowly begin to issue from it, we hear "
JA" and see a close-up of Goku's face which is as if he
has just remembered something terrible. A huge leg
emerges and there is a second " JA". Finally we see a
thick red tail that hits the ground and we have "JA.....",
Goku says "No.... It can't be....". Then the smoke bursts
and a colossal fat creature with red skin appears which
shouts "JANEMBA!". Vegeta shouts "What kind of a
beast is that?" but Goku says nothing, we just see
memories of how long ago Janemba was defeated by
their fusion-Gogete. Then Vegeta realises that the giant
mass in front of him is the same demonic monster they
seemed to have killed long ago. Now Janemba in his
thick form has changed slightly, he still has the same
appearance, but his skin is Red and radiates the energy
of the absorbed Kaio-Ken, and the beast itself is much
larger, and when seated is well over 100 metres tall.
Goku tells his human friends "This is Janemba, I
thought we defeated this beast a long time ago, but I
was wrong, somehow he managed to survive". Then
Tien said "What problem do we have in defeating such
a fat man? After all, we have two of the strongest
warriors in the universe with us!" Goku replies to him
"Don't underestimate him Tien, although
inconspicuous, he is a beast, a moment's inattention
and he will kill us!". This brings horror to Tien and
Krillin's faces. It is then that the giant stares at them
and begins his customary shout of "Janemba,
Janemba!". Vegeta charges up the power and says
"Let's see what you're made of Spatialist!", then fires a
wave of KI at the monster, but the powerful attack
crashes into the belly of Janemba, who looks as if he
feels nothing after which he continues to shout his only
line. Then Vegeta leaps at him and charges him with a
series of punches and kicks, finishing with a huge
explosion. However, the creature remains unharmed,
then makes its familiar move, creating a portal, and
striking Vegeta from above, who doesn't have time to
react and is knocked into the ground, we get a close-up
as a giant hand crushes the Sayan prince into the
ground. Then Goku and 2 earthlings start firing KI
attacks at the monster, but to no avail. Vegeta tries to
push the giant hand away from him, but does poorly
because as he shouts "The hand of this beast probably
weighs as much as the entire earth!". Then Goku hurls
a Kamehameha at Janemba's head, which momentarily
pushes him away. Then Vegeta breaks free and all 4
rush at the monster, and they all start pummelling him.
However, the giant doesn't make too much of it, and
one by one he knocks all 4 out with his portal fists.
When they all try to keep in formation, it attacks with
its tail and they all fall in one place. Then, in truly
comedic fashion, the giant monster jumps on them,
and from below we see them all crushed to the ground
under its weight. They then decide that they will all
release the maximum KI in their hands, and then Goku
will fly out and distract the monster. This they do, with
successful results. We see Janemba's already red head
turn maroon, and he literally leaps into the air, from
the burn of his butt. Then Goku flies out and he and
Vegeta charge him with a Kamehameha+Galick Gun
combination that perfectly hits the giant in the
stomach and puts a hole in him. As a smile appears on
our heroes' faces, the wound in the monster's
abdomen heals which leaves them stunned. While still
in the air, the giant releases dozens of balls of KI energy
from its nipple-like six holes. Our heroes barely dodge,
but nevertheless Tienshinhan lobs one and loses an
arm. That's when the heroes get annoyed for good, and
transform into the forms of Super Sayan Blue Kaio-ken,
and Super Sayan Blue Evolution. That's when he and
Krillin form a combination attack, which creates a huge
wave of energy that flies straight at the giant. But that's
when Janemba creates a portal, and an epic tussle
begins - Goku,Vegeta, Krillin and their Super Energy
Attack - against Janemba's giant fist. Just when it seems
like the monster has the upper hand, the sky in hell
begins to flash, and suddenly we hear "SPECIAL!...". The
heroes turn around and see Gohan in Beast form, who
finishes "BEAM CANNON!" and releases a huge beam
of energy which hits Janemba's fist and assists the
beam of the 3 heroes, which eventually saws through
Janemba's fist and the energy engulfs his huge body
and a huge crater in Hell is created. Our heroes thank
Gohan for his help and ask Krillin to put Tienshinhan
down, but tem says he's prepared and takes out a
Senzu, which he gives to the allies. Tien gets up and
says he's better now, and while everyone is happy,
suddenly Goku realises what happened the previous
time after defeating Fat Janemba. That's when the
smoke clears and we see a purple pillar of energy. It
turns out that Fat Janemba has survived! The monster
stutters as usual, looking like it's taking a big intake of
breath, Vegeta shouts "Watch out....!" And then the
monster shoots purple energy from its maw, which
literally "floods" everything and makes the structure of
hell crack. At the last moment, the sayans create a KI
barrier that defends them. We see some kind of
mysterious vortex that stirs reality and our characters.
They are all transported to some strange space where
there were levitating candies, and which seemingly
stretched into infinity. We see the perspective of Lord
Beerus who is so terrified, and together with Whis they
shout "THE WORLD IS DESTROYED!".Our heroes were
scattered around this strange dimension. In the middle
was Janemba, which it began to shrink though. Our
heroes find each other and then they see Janemba in
the middle, which it diminishes and eventually
explodes in a beam of energy that sweeps away a lot of
candy and pushes our heroes away. We see Janemba in
a transformed form, he looks practically the same as he
looked long ago, but he has changed his Aura
significantly. He is now in shades of a very murky blue-
violet, mixed with black, and his skin is downright
glassy. He also has four horns and his eyes glow a
glowing purple. It sees our heroes and something
happens that no one expected. The monster begins to
speak in a human voice. "Hahahahahaha, you foolish
mortals! Did you think you had defeated me? My soul
may have been purged, but there's still at least one evil
soul left from which I could be reborn!". Goku asks
"Janemba, you bastard! What is this place, where are
we!". The monster says "From the moment I lost my
powers, I fused with the Netherworld dimension, and
so I absorbed the powers of all the evil souls that the
likes of you wanted to seal, and the place where we are
The characters exchange glances and shout in disbelief
"Fifth dimension?!". Then Janemba laughs and
dematerialises in the all-too-familiar pixelated
technique. The heroes stand compact, but at that
moment Janemba appears in front of Tienshinhan and
pierces him with his hand. Then the heroes throw
themselves at him, but he extends his arm into the
grounder's torso, and avoids strikes from 4 opponents.
Gohan reaches him and exchanges blows with him, but
he is quickly brought to the defensive, and is kicked
hard in the stomach and blood flies from his mouth. At
this point Goku and Vegeta look at each other and turn
into Ultra Ego and Ultra Instinct, then the two of them
attack the demon. Despite Janemba dodging well, he
eventually gets shot in the face by Vegeta.
Nevertheless, nothing happens to him and he dodges
and counterattacks again and again. Krillin surprisingly
shoots a Kienzan at him, but it crashes into his back,
and Krillin himself gets shot with his tail and flies
somewhere far away. At this point, the demon
produces a sword of dimensions, and cuts through
three Sayan at once, severely injuring them. This sends
Vegete into a rage, and he reaches Janemba, and
pounds him with his fist right in the face, and then
charges him with a powerful KI attack in the stomach.
However, the demon isn't too bothered by this, and
cuts off Vegeta's arm. It is then that all three heroes
strike him down with a sudden strike that pushes him
away, and the injured Vegeta falls into Krillin's arms.
Gohan at this point reveals that he has been charging
the Special Beam Cannon and fires it at Janemba, but it
misses and only shatters a large part of Candy's
dimension. At this point, the demon laughs and begins
to charge the power. Goku shouts that "He has enough
power to crush all of our dimensions!".Just when he is
about to kill our heroes, he zaps them very hard with
purple energy. The characters look up and shout "Lord
Beerus!". The God of Destruction levitates and looks at
Janemba. He says "You can do what you want, you can
destroy what you want, BUT WARS FROM MY
WORLD!". Janemba smiles and disappears, after a
moment he appears behind Beerus' back. He tries to
cut him with his sword, but the God dodges, and kicks
him. The demon flies far away, then laughs and hides
the sword. Next we see the two beat each other,
destroying huge amounts of candy structures. Janemba
even states that "each of these candy blocks has the
same amount of energy in it as the entire galaxy belt".
We see a fierce battle, one time one hits the other with
his fist, the other kicks one. At one point, Beerus
dodges a punch, and creates a Hakai technique, which
he directs at Janemba's face, which he accurately hits.
Janemba's face begins to disintegrate, but immediately
regenerates, which leaves Beerus horrified and
stunned. That's when he gets a message through his
mind from Goku to try to hold Janemba in one place,
and the 4 of them fire a power beam at him. So Beerus
throws himself at the demon exchanges a few blows
with him and then kicks him and he flies out perfectly
between the 4 heroes, who then bring out their most
powerful attacks which hit the demon. The demon is
knocked back for a moment, but the heroes are not idle
and in 5 fly at him, led by Vegeta who, having lost his
arm, is even in a state of fury. Then Janemba takes out
his sword, and attacks, unfortunately all but Beerus are
wounded. Beerus creates another Hakai with which he
hurls at the monster, but the monster dodges and
appears behind his back, then makes a sword cut,
perfectly straight through the God's back. Goku shouts
"Lord Beerus!" then throws himself at Janemba and
surprisingly delivers an accurate blow. However, the
monster pushes him away, and forms a giant sword in
his hand, which bends dimension five itself. When the
sword grows to a size where it overshadows everything
in this dimension, it is already about to blow up the
entire dimension along with the heroes, but at that
moment something appears in the sky. A small
silhouette appears, in a dazzling light. Janemba turns
around and we get a close-up view of the figure, and an
injured Beerus says "Is it.... not possible...GRAND
PRIEST?". Then we see the smiling face of an angel
levitating and looking down at Janemba. The demon
says "I feel a lot of power from you Angel, maybe
someone will finally be a worthy opponent for me!
Hahahaha!", then launches an attack with a huge sword
that flies straight at the priest. However, the latter only
smiles and stops the attack with one finger. With a
snap of his finger, the Grand Priest dissipates all the
sword's energy, then appears behind the monster's
back and pierces it through with his hand, and blood
splashes from Janemba's maw. It lashes out, then tries
to hit the Angel with the sword, but to no avail, despite
the fact that it delivers the blows with such speed that
they have no time to enter. The demon then moves
away and shouts that "I will now create additional
dimensions on higher planes with higher numbers that
will crush all the dimensions in turn that are below
them and theirs too!" after which we see such close-
ups of the 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 dimension of everything
very similar to the candy dimensions. The wounded
God of destruction shouts that "you have to get out of
here in a moment everything that has recently been
crushed by the higher dimensions!". However, the
angel is calm and just raises his finger up after which he
laughs and says "the powers of mortal beings are so
funny especially when they try to be scary", then as if
nothing ever happens he releases energy from his
finger which attracts all the dimensional portals and
destroys them as Janemba states "destroyed all my
beautiful dimensions!". After which he looks like he is
trying to escape. The Grand Priest just says "Well, your
time to play is over, until I'm impressed we didn't
notice you earlier", whereupon he appears in front of
the fleeing demon and punches him several times so
that the demon begins to disintegrate. It's then that
Vegeta jumps off his seat and shouts "It was always
Kakarot who claimed victory over the bad guys, now
after which he flies out and reaches Janemba and grabs
his head, then pulls it down and smashes it against his
knee. The demon produces a sword with the rest of his
strength, with which he slashes Vegeta in the head, but
the blade smashes into Sayan's head, who laughs
derisively. Vegeta then charges a powerful KI attack,
which slams into Janemba's abdomen and causes a
huge explosion that engulfs the demon and all of
Dimension 5, and our heroes are transported by the
Grand Priest back to Universe 7, and Vegeta finishes off
Janemba, then falls into the vortex of reality and is also
transported. They all land safely on Beerus' planet, with
Whis, Bulma, and Piccolo already waiting for them. The
Grand Priest just says to the fighters they did great and
he is very pleased with them and to Beerus that it's
been a long time since he's seen such a brave God of
destruction and that I'll be sure to tell the King of all to
never resign. Just as he is about to fly away, he
suddenly remembers something and opens a small
portal into which he flies for a moment before flying
out of it holding Yamcha unconscious in his arms. He
lays him on the ground in the middle of everyone
gathered and flies away. Goku wonders what can be
done with him now After all, I don't think I have of my
own free will almost murdered them all. Whis has to
hold Beerus l's ear, which he pulls out and wants to fly
already with his paws on the unconscious earthling.
Eventually their friend wakes up and looks soothed by
the fact that he is now lying down and all the strongest
people are standing at his side. He says "what's going
on where am I? After all, I think I died!". Goku says "you
know It's probably better that you don't remember ha
ha!", whereupon everyone starts laughing and the
distance we have where we see everyone laughing and
the God of Destruction is still trying to get to the
earthman. There's a brief scene as the only remaining
part of Janemba's soul tries to escape and flies
erroneously somewhere around all the dimensions But
at one point he bumps into something. It turns out to
be the belly of the great priest, who says only "I
thought so, quadruped, you'd have to be killed!",
whereupon he grabs the demon's soul by the tail and
moves to Zenō's palace. There he brings the soul and
shows it to the two kings of all things and says that they
now have someone to play with after which he creates
such a giant dome into which he throws the tailed soul
and the two Zenō run after it, we see a comedic scene
where the soul tries in all directions to escape from the
chasing it and the two little deities.
We still have only a brief insertion where we see the
end of a sparring match between Yamcha and
Tienshinhan, with the Yamcha claiming victory and
saying "I FINALLY WON!".

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