Lecture 4 - Biologically Based Biomaterial by Clement Mbobe
Lecture 4 - Biologically Based Biomaterial by Clement Mbobe
Lecture 4 - Biologically Based Biomaterial by Clement Mbobe
These are biologically based biomaterials that are derived from proteins in which the monomers
are amino acids. They are produced by dissolving proteins from organisms by solvent or
enzymes and then precipitating and reconstituting them into fibrils (Tran Le Bao Ha, 2013).
Proteins play an important role in tissue repair and growth as a result more biomaterial are
derived from proteins to assist in wound healing and other purposes. The following are the
examples of protein-based biomaterials of interest that are discussed in this write up; collagen,
fibrin, silk and gelatin (Aramwit, 2016).
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and other animals. It has a triple helix
basic structure unit. It is mainly synthesized by fibroblast though it is also secreted by epithelial
cells. There are sixteen types of collagen but 80% to 90% are types 1, 11 and 111 (Tran Le Bao
Ha, 2013). Collagen has tensile strength that provide support to tissues and it also causes cell
proliferation, adhesion, migration, polarization and differentiation.
Collagen is resorbable, nontoxic, can attach and biologically interact with cells excellently, can
be processed into many forms and can be combined with chemicals to alter its properties, for
example, making it strong. Due to these characteristics, collagen is being used in biomedical
engineering for example in tissue engineering, bioprosthetic implants and drug delivery.
Collagen has its own short falls as well. It can change cell behavior, can contract and have poor
mechanical properties.
Silks are proteins that are spun into fibers by lepidoptera larvae like spider, mite, scorpion, flies
and silkworm. These organisms synthesize these fibrous proteins in specialized epithelial cells
lining their glands. There are two types silk best used in biomedical field. These are silk fibroin
obtained from silk fibers and silk sericin which is extracted from cocoon (Aramwit, 2016). Silk
protein have controllable structure and morphology, are biodegradable, biocompatible, self-
assembly and are mechanically stable. Silks are used in tissue regeneration in treating burns
and wound healing, used to fight cancer, used as surgical suture since it does not cause
inflammation and are absorbed after the healing of the wound and they are also used as carriers
of drug delivery.
These are biomaterials derived from polysaccharides. These are synthesized from monomers
like glucose, fructose and galactose within the living organisms. They are prepared by
removing other elements of living things by solvent or enzyme (Tran Le Bao Ha, 2013). These
biomaterials include; alginate, chitosan, and starch.
Alginate which is also called alginic acid or algin is a heteroglycan which is an anionic
polysaccharide that is mostly found in cell walls of brown algae. Alginates are linear
unbranched polysaccharides, biodegradable, have controlled porosity, and can be linked to
other biological molecules.
Due to its properties alginate is used in wound healing and tissue engineering of liver, heart
and cartilage tissues. Alginate has the disadvantages of weak mechanical properties and poor
cell adhesion which can be improved by combining it with other materials.
Starch is most found in plants as storage form of food produced during photosynthesis. It occurs
in a granular form. It is renewable, biodegradable and is insoluble in water. Starch can be used
as bone replacement implant, drug delivery, tissue scaffold and wound dressing.
Decellularization is a process that involve multiple steps for removing the total cellular and
nuclear materials within native tissue while preserving the complex three-dimensional
microstructures, mechanical integrity, and unique biochemical composition of native
extracellular matrix (ECMs) and their intrinsic biological properties with minimum immune-
associated detrimental effect (Kim, Kim, Fendereski, Hwang, & HwangYongsung, 2018). This
process can be achieved by combining physical, chemical and enzymatic approaches. These
biomaterials are mostly used in Musculoskeletal tissue regeneration.
These biological based biomaterials together with more other biologically based biomaterials
not discussed here are mostly used in wound healing and tissue engineering as evidenced by
the information provided in this write up. As a result, it can be concluded that biologically
based biomaterials are very useful in the field of biomedical engineering.
1. Aramwit, P. (2016). Introduction to biomaterial for wound healing. ResearchGate.
2. Kim, H., Kim, Y., Fendereski, M., Hwang, N. S., & HwangYongsung. (2018). Recent Advancement in
Decellularization Matrix-based BIOmaterial for Musculoskeletal tissue regeneration.
ReasearchGate, 151.
4. Tran Le Bao Ha, T. M. (2013). Naturally Derived Biomaterials: Preparation and Application.