Time of Fury Manual (Teaser)

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The document discusses epilepsy warnings for video games and recommends taking breaks while playing. It also covers software licensing terms and limitations of liability.

Panzer Corps Wehrmacht is a turn-based strategy game set in World War 2 that puts the player in charge of Axis armies. It features combined arms tactics, a multiplayer mode, and aims to provide a classic wargame experience with modern standards.

Panzer Corps Wehrmacht gameplay involves using combined arms tactics to make use of unit strengths and exploit weaknesses of opponents. Players take their core force through the entire war across multiple turns.

E pi lEps y Wa r n i n g

PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE BEFORE PLAYING THIS GAME OR BEFORE ALLOWING YOUR CHILDREN TO PLAY. Certain individuals may experience epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when subjected to strong, flashing lights for long periods of time. Such individuals may therefore experience a seizure while operating computer or video games. This can also affect individuals who have no prior medical record of epilepsy or have never previously experienced a seizure. If you or any family member has ever experienced epilepsy symptoms (seizures or loss of consciousness) after exposure to flashing lights, please consult your doctor before playing this game. Parental guidance is always suggested when children are using a computer and video games. Should you or your child experience dizziness, poor eyesight, eye or muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, feelings of disorientation or any type of involuntary movements or cramps while playing this game, turn it off immediately and consult your doctor before playing again. PRECAUTIONS DURING USE: Do not sit too close to the monitor. Sit as far as comfortably possible. Use as small a monitor as possible. Do not play when tired or short on sleep. Take care that there is sufficient lighting in the room. Be sure to take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour.

2010 Matrix Games Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Matrix Games Ltd. and the Matrix Games Ltd. logo are trademarks of Matrix Games Ltd . All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners and Matrix Games Ltd. make no claim thereto. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY


Panzer Corps Wehrmacht is a brand new turn-based strategy game that reinvents a classic genre. Produced and developed by a team of experts and brought to perfection by a community of hundreds of fans, the game has evolved over 2 years to become what can be defined as a modern classic! Set in World War II, Panzer Corps Wehrmacht puts the player in charge of Axis armies, taking their core force with them through the entire war. The use of combined-arms tactics requires each general to make use of the strengths and exploit the weaknesses of their opponents. Its multiplayer mode, an improved version of Slitherines award winning PBEM++ system, allows players to easily find opponents anywhere in the world enjoy playing them with none of the hassle. Panzer Corps Wehrmacht is designed to replicate the feeling of a classic wargame, but brings it up to 21st century standards and to a whole new generation of gamers.


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 9 Minimum System Requirements ...................................................................................... 9 Installation....................................................................................................................... 9 Uninstalling the game ...................................................................................................... 9 Product updates ............................................................................................................ 10 Game forums ................................................................................................................ 10 Game Forums & Technical Support ................................................................................ 10 GLOSSARY OF TERMS .................................................................................................... 10 STARTING A NEW GAME................................................................................................ 11 Preferences ................................................................................................................... 13 Scenario Screen ............................................................................................................ 15 Sequence of Play ........................................................................................................... 16 Turn Lengths ................................................................................................................. 16 End of Game Conditions ................................................................................................ 16 MAIN SCREEN................................................................................................................. 18 Navigating the Map ....................................................................................................... 18 General Information Bar................................................................................................. 18 Current country ............................................................................................................. 19 Date and turn ................................................................................................................ 19 Mini-Map Panel ............................................................................................................. 19 Hex Information Panel ................................................................................................... 20 Unit Information Panel ................................................................................................... 20 Unit Action Buttons ........................................................................................................ 21 Game Buttons Panel ...................................................................................................... 21 Main Display Panel ........................................................................................................ 22 Hex Information ............................................................................................................. 28 City icons ...................................................................................................................... 28 LAND UNIT MOVEMENT AND COMBAT........................................................................... 29 Moving Land Units ......................................................................................................... 29 Land Units Swapping .................................................................................................... 29 Merging Land Units and Transferring Strength ............................................................... 29 Splitting Land Units ....................................................................................................... 30 Attacking with Land Units .............................................................................................. 30 HEX ACTION BUTTONS ................................................................................................... 34 Mulberry Harbors .......................................................................................................... 34 LAND UNIT ACTION BUTTONS (FRIENDLY UNITS) .......................................................... 34 Upgrade unit.................................................................................................................. 34 Upgrade Level ............................................................................................................... 35 Supply Level .................................................................................................................. 35 Assign Commander ....................................................................................................... 36 Reinforcements ............................................................................................................. 38 Disband Unit .................................................................................................................. 38 Undo Movement ............................................................................................................ 38

Strategic Movement ...................................................................................................... 38 Amphibious Transport .................................................................................................... 39 Sea Transport ................................................................................................................ 39 Paradrop ....................................................................................................................... 40 AIR UNIT MOVEMENT AND COMBAT ............................................................................. 40 Attack ........................................................................................................................... 40 Upgrade Level ............................................................................................................... 41 Supply Level .................................................................................................................. 41 Assign Commander ....................................................................................................... 42 Reinforcements ............................................................................................................. 42 Disband Unit .................................................................................................................. 43 Undo Movement ............................................................................................................ 43 Strategic Movement ...................................................................................................... 43 Rebasing ....................................................................................................................... 43 Air Recon ...................................................................................................................... 43 Nuclear Attack ............................................................................................................... 44 Calculating Air Superiority Over a Hex ............................................................................ 44 FLEETS............................................................................................................................ 45 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 45 Sea Zones and Ports...................................................................................................... 45 Fleet Display Panel ........................................................................................................ 47 Regular Fleets vs. Raider Groups ................................................................................... 48 Engage vs. Evade .......................................................................................................... 48 Fleet Orders Panel ......................................................................................................... 49 Naval Unit Types ............................................................................................................ 51 Managing Convoys ........................................................................................................ 53 Deploying New Naval Units ............................................................................................ 55 Sea Battles .................................................................................................................... 56 Unloading Land Units from Landing Craft ...................................................................... 58 Shore Bombardment ..................................................................................................... 59 Air Carrier Strikes on Units, Sea Zones and Ports ........................................................... 59 Assigning Commanders ................................................................................................ 60 PURCHASING AND DEPLOYING NEW UNITS ................................................................... 60 How Production Points Are Collected ............................................................................. 61 Unit upkeep ................................................................................................................... 62 RESEARCHING NEW TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................. 63 DIPLOMACY .................................................................................................................... 64 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 64 Country Information ....................................................................................................... 65 Diplomatic Actions (Own Country) .................................................................................. 67 Diplomatic Actions (Other Countries) .............................................................................. 69 REPORTS ........................................................................................................................ 71 General Summary ......................................................................................................... 73 Resources ..................................................................................................................... 73 Units ............................................................................................................................. 73

Technology .................................................................................................................... 73 Production ..................................................................................................................... 73 Convoys ........................................................................................................................ 74 Cities ............................................................................................................................. 74 Commander .................................................................................................................. 75 Naval Groups Lost ......................................................................................................... 75 ENDING A TURN .............................................................................................................. 75 Surrendering Countries.................................................................................................. 75 Collecting Production Points .......................................................................................... 76 Unit Upkeep................................................................................................................... 77 Research Progress ........................................................................................................ 77 SPECIAL EVENTS ............................................................................................................ 77 Options.......................................................................................................................... 78 SUPPLY ........................................................................................................................... 78 Calculating Supply ......................................................................................................... 79 Lowered supply ............................................................................................................. 79 Out of supply ................................................................................................................. 80 Supplying by fleet .......................................................................................................... 80 Mulberry supply ............................................................................................................ 80 Airlift supply .................................................................................................................. 80 WEATHER........................................................................................................................ 81 MULTIPLAYER ................................................................................................................. 81 Hot Seat ........................................................................................................................ 81 PBEM ........................................................................................................................... 81 PARTISANS ..................................................................................................................... 81 SPECIAL FLAVOR UNITS ................................................................................................. 82 CREDITS ......................................................................................................................... 82


To move a land unit, select it by left-clicking on it. Its Movement Range will be highlighted. In this screenshot, the selected unit is an armored unit. The green and red hexes are hexes it can move to in the current turn. Moving a unit costs a number of APs; this number depends on a combination of the terrain type(s) it moves over, weather and the unit type. Moving into an enemy ZOC (i.e. between hexes adjacent to enemy units) costs extra APs. The table below displays the cost of movement:


Sometimes there is a situation when two units should just switch places. This might be caused due to problems with withdrawing the first line unit to the rears, or for better preparation before the battle. To do so, chose a unit, press and hold the <Shift> key, and then choose a second unit standing just next to the first one. The switch uses all APs of the involved units.


There is also a possibility to merge two units into one. When a unit is selected and standing next to another similar type unit, it can move on to the similar unit to merge. Not only must the unit be the same type, it must be the same size and level. The Merge icon will be highlighted if this task can be performed. Click on the Merge button and the unit you wish to merge into or


transfer strength. In order to Merge, the target unit must have available strength to accept the unit; if not you can only transfer part of the strength.


There is a possibility to split a unit into two smaller units. First of all, the unit must not be moved during that turn. After choosing a unit and clicking the split icon, a new window is opened. Player can choose how much strength should be distributed to the new unit. After a split is performed the original unit will lose all action points. Then new unit will be frozen for a period of time. Check the unit information panel after the split. It will say frozen with a number in parenthesis for the number of turns the unit is frozen e.g. frozen (6).


There are two ways to attack the enemy with your land units: Attack directly, with one unit: To perform such an attack, select a land unit and click on an adjacent enemy unit. Be aware that attacking from one direction is less effective, as the attacker receives a penalty. Attack from multiple directions. Each of your units may participate only in ONE such attack per turn (observe the blinking dot on the units counter to see if a unit already participated in such an attack). Also, each enemy unit can be attacked this way only once per turn (this is also shown by a blinking dot next to it). To attack from multiple directions, left click on an enemy unit, then left click on your valid adjacent units to add them to the attack (clicking on your unit again will remove it from attack). To confirm the multiple-direction attack, left click on the enemy unit. The attack will be executed immediately.


In the pop-up panel, you will see statistics for the attack, and the combat result including: What enemy unit is being attacked (e.g., 1. Infanterie-Division); How many and which units attacks and defends; The total of the Attackers and Defenders Strength; The Attackers and Defenders combat modifiers; List of modifiers The total odds for the combat; and What Column the combat is resolved on.

Also, crucial information about the combat is displayed by numbers floating just above the units, where combat took place.


25% penalty for attacking an enemy armored unit, if no armored unit participates in the attack. Attacking a unit which is neighbor to own or an allied unit gives a bonus to the attacker. The bonus varies depending on the total number of units adjacent to the attacked unit (2 give 10% bonus, 3 give 35%, 4 give 55%, 5 give 80%, and 6 (maximum) give 100%). When an enemy unit is attacked by one unit and no other allied units are in adjacent to it, the attacking unit receives a 25% penalty. If the defender is in a Fortified hex, the attacker will receive a penalty (9% per Fortification Level). Attacking across a river reduces an attacking units Strength by a quarter. Rain decreases effectiveness by 10%, and snow by 30%. The effective Strength of all attacking units is multiplied by Attacker Modifier, and all modifiers are cumulative. Please note that all above are default values and might be different for some countries.


Terrain: Defending in terrain other than plains or desert gives bonus to the defender. Mountains give 100% bonus, hills give 40%, swamp give 25% bonus, forest give 50% bonus, rough give 70% bonus. City: Gives 25% bonus to the defender. Weather: Rain decreases effectiveness by 10%, and snow by 30% (those can be also modified for each country separately, so some countries can have this value lower or higher). Dig In: Units that dont do anything during the turn dig in and gain 5% bonus. Total bonus from digging in cant be higher than 25%. If a unit moves then it loses the dig in bonus.


The effective Strength of the defending unit is multiplied by the Defender Modifier; all modifiers are cumulative. Please note that all above are default values and might be different for some countries.


Odds are calculated by dividing the final Attack Strength by the final Defense Strength of the units involved. Minimum odds are 1:1 (rounding up if necessary) and maximum are 7:1 (rounding down if necessary). 7:1 odds gives the attacker the best chance to utterly wipe out the targeted enemy unit. 6:1 or 5:1 odds gives some chance to destroy the enemy unit, or at least inflict heavy losses on it. 4:1 or 3:1 odds will inflict some losses on an enemy, but the attacker will take more losses on average than the defender. 2:1 or 1:1 odds attacks are risky, as the attacker may take heavy losses or even get destroyed in the attack. Attacking with odds lower than actual 1:1 (e.g. 4.6 / 5.0) will still be displayed as 1:1, but a special rule will be applied: the defending unit will NEVER take losses in such an attack!


After each attack, a check is made to see if the defending unit needs to retreat. Units defending in cities or hexes with forts NEVER retreat. The base Retreat Chance is 100% minus the units actual Strength divided by its Maximum Strength. So, if a unit after an attack has 45% of its Maximum Strength, its base Retreat Chance is 100% - 45%, which gave 65%. This chance is then modified by two factors: terrain (mountains decrease the Retreat Chance by 50%; Forest, Rough, Swamps, and Hills decrease it by 25%) and attack odds (4:1 is neutral; higher odds increase the defenders Retreat Chance and lower odds decreases this chance). Attacking with 1:1 odds reduces retreat chance to zero. If the defender succeeds its Retreat Check, it attempts to retreat. It will retreat 1 hex in a direction opposite to attacking units. If there is no valid hex to retreat to, the unit will surrender. Air units can be attacked by land units. They defend with a very low Strength value, representing the few security troops and crews available, scratched together into an ersatz fighting unit. This value is always the same and does NOT depend on the actual Strength of the air unit. This combat is resolved as a special check; if this check fails, the Air unit is Overrun and eliminated immediately. As you can see, Air units are very vulnerable to land attacks (even when attacked by a single level 1 Infantry Division), so remember to keep them away from the enemy.



City Siege is a special rule implemented to make assaulting a city easier. When a unit defends in a city and all adjacent land hexes are occupied by an enemy, there is a possibility that the defending unit will lose a fort level. If the defending unit is at level zero then a successful siege calculation will force this unit to surrender. When calculating a siege the following aspects are taken into consideration: Base chance Effective Strength of attacker and defender Supply Commander Air superiority

Sieges are always calculated at the end of the turn.



When you select a hex, Action Buttons for that Hex will be displayed in the Hex Information panel. There, you can find a button responsible for deploying a Mulberry Harbor, for example:


Mulberry Harbors are special units which may be deployed only in coastal hexes. They are very expensive but are indispensable for supplying an invasion. Mulberry Harbors provide supply for friendly units for two months after an invasion has commenced.


By selecting a hex occupied by one of your own land units, the following Action Icons will appear at the bottom of the screen. Explanations are below going from the left to the right.


This allows you to upgrade a unit to a unit of different size or type. A unit after upgrade is frozen for several turns. Frozen time depends upon the original production time of the unit you wish to upgrade (default is 60%; e.g. after a


change to a unit which production last 10 turns a unit will be frozen for 6 turns). A unit that has moved and/or attacked during the current turn cannot be upgraded. To upgrade a unit it must be located on owned territory. Note: Most units will have their photos upgraded as the size changes. Exception: Special Flavor Units Photographs can be used to distinguish between sizes and level of enemy units when the player is zoomed out on the map.


By clicking this button, you can upgrade the selected unit to the next Level. The following conditions apply: Level 5 units cannot be upgraded, as this is the maximum possible Level; You have to research the necessary Technology to a Level that will allow upgrading; The unit cannot move and/or attack in the current turn to upgrade; and You have to have enough PPs available for the upgrade. Unit must be located on friendly territory. Note: Upgrading units is slightly ineffective PP-wise. For example, a Level 5 Armored Division (with a base Strength of 6) will cost you several percent more PPs than three Level 1 Armored Divisions, which count for the same base Strength. However, by upgrading to higher Levels, you benefit from concentrating large Strength in a smaller amount of units, which allows you to punch holes in enemy lines (and then to flank them with lower-Level units), or more easily conquer important Cities defended by strong enemy units. To upgrade a unit it must be located on owned territory. Note: most units will have their photos upgraded as the level changes. Exception: Special Flavor Units Photographs can be used to distinguish between sizes and level of enemy units when the player is zoomed out on the map.


This action allows you to check the city that sends supply to the selected unit. Clicking on this action button will jump the cursor to the supplying city. Another way to see this information is in the unit panel on the left. It is above the Commander. Clicking on the supply button is useful for finding unfamiliar names on the map.



This will open a popup window from which you can assign/recall a Commander to/from a unit. Assigning a commander will increase the units Effectiveness.

Units with a Commander attached to them are considered to be HQ units. HQ units can be identified on the game map as having a star icon next to it. Other friendly units in range (within 3 hexes) that do not have a Commander assigned to them receive a bonus from this HQ unit. The bonus depends on the Commanders skill and the range to the HQ.


If a unit has more than one HQ in range, a combination of the Commanders skill and the range will determine the best HQ to use. Units with no HQ in range displays no name in the Unit Information panel. The HQ Commander bonus is calculated at the beginning of the turn, so assigning a Commander during one turn will only begin to affect units on the next turn. Each country has its own pool of Commanders. To assign a Commander, click on a unit and click on the icon with an officer at the bottom of the screen. Select his name from the drop-down list in the top box. Click Assign. Click exit, or hit the <Esc> key. Note: Once you click the Assign button you can change your mind by clicking the recall button however, you will not be able to reassign the first commander until next turn. So it is best to plan ahead and not click Assign unless you are absolutely positive you want that commander. If you already have a Commander out in the field, you will see it using the unit information panel in the lefthand corner. This is the one with the photograph. Above the photograph you will see the commanders name. There are two numbers in brackets separated by a slash; the number to the left of the slash is the Commanders skill, while the number to the right of the slash is the Commanders Experience (see below for more on Commander Experience). Some graphic interfaces like Counters combination mod will display a commander symbol on the unit icon. See Unit skins under Section [4.1], Preferences. To recall a Commander from the unit, open up the commander window, click Recall to HQ button. The Commander will then be available in the pool the next turn. Commanders also have an Experience attribute. All Commanders start with 0 Experience. When a unit a Commander is attached to (either direct command or via HQ link) takes part in combat, a check is made. If the check succeeds, the Commander is awarded one Experience point. For a defending unit, this chance is 30%; for attacking units, it is 10% since attacks can be carried out from many directions. For example; if the attack is from 3 directions, three independent checks are made, each at 10%. A Commanders Experience is translated to higher unit effectiveness (1 Experience Point = 1% bonus to Effectiveness). The maximum Experience a Commander can accumulate is 20 points. Also Commanders Skill is affecting units Effectiveness. For each Skill point, effectiveness of a unit is increasing by 3.


This will open a popup window which allows you to replenish the Strength of a reduced unit. In order to reinforce, the following conditions must apply: The unit cannot move and/or attack in the current turn to receive replacements; Units out of Supply cannot receive replacements; and Units with a low Supply or abroad can receive replacements, but only to a certain level. Replacing a units Strength costs Production Points. However, replacing the Strength Points of an existing unit costs much less than buying a new unit with the same Strength.


This action will disband the selected unit permanently. This is useful when youd like to get rid of some low-level, weakened unit with 0 Action Points that blocks access to a hex. Disbanding a unit will give 50% PP of its actual value.


This allows you to cancel the last move of the currently selected unit.


This allows you to immediately move a land unit to a friendly-controlled hex with railroads. The following conditions apply: You must have enough SMPs available; Unit must be stationed on a Railroad; The unit cannot move and/or attack in the current turn to use Strategic Movement; and Units out of Supply cant use Strategic Movement. After clicking this button, all valid hexes to which the unit can be transported will be highlighted on the map. Highlighted hexes are friendly-controlled hexes that had a railroad connection over friendly controlled hexes to the selected unit at the beginning of a turn. Left click on a highlighted hex and the unit will be moved immediately; right click to cancel Strategic Movement.


Transporting corps-sized units costs more SMPs than transporting divisions. Also, the unit type has an influence on the cost; transporting armored units is the most expensive, while transporting Infantry is the least expensive.


Railroads repair automatically. A hammer icon will appear in the hex where it is being repaired. Repair time can take up to three turns, depending upon weather. When a player first takes over a railroad hex there is a waiting period before one can use it. A check is made every turn. After three turns the RR is automatically repaired.


Use this action to load a unit into an amphibious fleet, which can then unload it on any coastal hex on the map. The following conditions apply: The unit must have at least one AP; You must have enough AIPs available; The selected unit must be in a friendly-controlled Port or adjacent to one; and The Unit must have Supply level of at least 2/3 of the maximum level.

If all conditions are met, clicking this button will remove the unit from the map. It will then appear in the Naval Screen, in the appropriate Port as an Amphibious unit. It can then be moved to a Sea Zone and unloaded on a Coastal hex.


Use this action to transport a unit between friendly-controlled ports. The following conditions apply: The unit must have at least one AP; You must have enough STPs available; and The selected unit must be in a friendly-controlled Port or adjacent to one. If all conditions are met, clicking this button will remove the unit from the map. It will then appear in the Naval Screen, in the appropriate Port as a Naval Transport unit. It can then be moved to another Port and unloaded there. Transporting Corps-sized units by sea costs more STPs than transporting Divisions. Also, the unit type has an influence on cost: transporting Armored units is the most expensive, while transporting Infantry units is the least expensive.


This action is available for Airborne Divisions only. Select the Division, then click this button, and a range of highlighted hexes will be displayed (up to 20). Select the hex to drop the Division into and it will immediately do so. The following conditions must apply: The unit cannot move and/or attack for three turns to execute a Paradrop; and The unit must have a Supply level of at least 2/3 of the maximum level. When an Airborne Division paradrops, a casualty check is made, based on friendly and enemy air superiority over the target hex and a random factor of air activity (which is partly modified by air superiority). The results determine losses for the division. If your side has total air superiority, the division will suffer no losses; if the enemy has total enemy air superiority, the division may suffer very heavy losses when dropped. Remember that at the end of the turn, the unit should have a land connection to a valid Supply source. Dropping a unit far behind enemy lines can lower its Supply level and thus make it more vulnerable to attack.


When you select a hex occupied by your own air unit, attack is the default action.

This is the default action for all air units. When an air unit is selected, all possible targets for that unit are highlighted. It doesnt matter is it a fighter, tactical bomber or strategic bomber. The game recognizes what are the default target types within the range of current unit, and allows you to attack them.

Fighters are allowed to attack enemy air units within a range for the units level that are visible for the current player. Fighters cover nearby sea zones and ground forces within a range, and try to achieve air superiority over enemy air units, by intercepting them. Interception is done automatically by units with strength higher than 50% (this value is modifiable and might differ for some scenarios or campaigns).



Gary Grigsbys War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945is the spiritual heir to the great Eastern Front board and computer wargames of the past; a turn-based World War II strategy game down to the division and brigade level, stretching across the entire Eastern Front at a 10 mile per hex scale. Gamers can engage in massive, dramatic campaigns, including intense battles involving thousands of units with realistic and historical terrain, weather, orders of battle, logistics and combat results. As with all the award-winning titles made by the 2by3 Games team, factors such as supply, fatigue, experience, morale and the skill of your divisional, corps and army leaders all play an important part in determining the results at the front line. Gary Grigsbys War in the East comes with 4 massive campaigns as well as many smaller scenarios all with different strategic and operational challenges. Gary Grigsbys War in the Eastrepresents a truly epic representation of the Second World War on the Eastern Front and is unparalleled in its scale, detail, and ambition!


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