Pediatrics 2015
Pediatrics 2015
Pediatrics 2015
Atopic dermatitis affects a substantial number of children, many of whom seek abstract
initial treatment from their pediatrician or other primary care provider.
Approximately two-thirds of these patients have mild disease and can be
adequately managed at the primary care level. However, recent treatment
guidelines are written primarily for use by specialists and lack certain
elements that would make them more useful to primary care providers. This
article evaluates these recent treatment guidelines in terms of evaluation
criteria, treatment recommendations, usability, accessibility, and applicability
to nonspecialists and integrates them with clinical evidence to present
a streamlined severity-based treatment model for the management of
a majority of atopic dermatitis cases. Because each patient’s situation is a
Departments of Pediatrics and Dermatology, School of
unique, individualization of treatment plans is critical as is efficient Medicine, University of California, San Diego, San Diego,
communication and implementation of the plan with patients and caregivers. California; bDivision of Pediatric Allergy-Immunology,
Department of Pediatrics, National Jewish Health and School of
Specifically, practical suggestions for individualizing, optimizing, Medicine, University of Colorado Denver, Colorado;
implementing, and communicating treatment plans such as choosing c
Departments of Dermatology, and hNursing, Oregon Health &
Science University, Portland, Oregon; dDepartment of Family
a moisturizer formulation, avoiding common triggers, educating patients/ and Community Medicine, Sydney Kimmel Medical College,
caregivers, providing written treatment plans, and scheduling physician Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
National Eczema Association, San Rafael, California;
follow-up are provided along with a discussion of available resources for f
Department of Dermatology, gPathology, and Public Health
patients/caregivers and providers. Sciences, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Winston-Salem, North
Carolina; iVRx, Salt Lake City, Utah; and jDepartments of
Dermatology and Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine,
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
In 2009–2011, atopic dermatitis (AD) patient/caregiver education, and as the
was estimated to affect 12.5% of first-line contact for flares and issues, Dr Eichenfield determined the agenda and faculty, served
children (0–17 years of age) in the such as secondary staphylococcal as co-chair, contributed substantially to the roundtable
infection. meeting, directed development of the manuscript text and
United States, an increase of just over
graphical content, and critically reviewed each draft;
5% since 1997–1999.1 Among these On September 6, 2013, a roundtable Drs Boguniewicz, Simpson, Russell, Feldman, and Dunn,
patients, the vast majority (∼67%) are was convened to discuss challenges in and Ms Block, Ms Clark, and Ms Tofte contributed
reported to have mild disease2 and as AD management along with substantially to the roundtable meeting and critically
such may be adequately managed by reviewed each draft of the manuscript; Dr Paller served
opportunities to improve it across as co-chair, contributed substantially to the roundtable
their pediatrician or other primary care a variety of disciplines. This roundtable meeting, directed development of the manuscript text and
provider (PCP). However, the majority was unique in that it included a patient graphical content, and critically reviewed each draft; and
of pediatricians refer even their mild advocate, as well as representatives all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
patients to dermatologists (∼85%) and from dermatology (general and The content of this article is based on the proceedings
provide only initial, limited care pediatric), pediatric of a roundtable meeting attended by each of the
(81%).3 Whether or not patients are allergy–immunology, family medicine, authors, held September 6, 2013, in Chicago, IL, and
sponsored by Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America,
referred to dermatology, pediatricians managed care, and nursing. During the LLC (Bridgewater, NJ).
and family practitioners continue to discussion, it became clear that current
play a central role in patient AD management guidelines lack certain
management for regular follow-up, elements that may enhance their DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-3678
maintenance treatment, ongoing practical utility, especially for PCPs, Accepted for publication Feb 26, 2015
Review of literature (EAACI Yes No Stepwise Yes (but No (and no criteria Treatment and diagnosis Working group included Free from 1 of 2
and AAAAI/PRACTALL, treatment severity for when to use recommendations listed only allergists/immunologists and journals
2006)6 model criteria not topical in text dermatologists
included) corticosteroids No level of evidence indicated
6 TCI)
Compilation of existing Committee No Yes Yes Treatment recommendations “This guideline has been Free from EDF and
European evidence- decided that (with level of evidence and prepared for physicians, GAAPP, but not
based guidelines guidelines strength of especially dermatologists, from journal
supplemented with new should strictly recommendation) only listed pediatricians, general
TABLE 1 Continued
Methodology (Sponsoring Evaluation Criteria Treatment Recommendations Utility
Organization[s], Year)
Diagnostic Severity Algorithm? Severity-Based? Criteria to Step-Up/ Usability Applicability: Working Group Accessibility
Criteria? Evaluation? Down Treatment? Composition and/or Intended
Review of literature rated Yes Only for Annotated linear Yes Yes Treatment recommendations “The evaluation and management Free from AAAAI,
by category of evidence severe management (with strength of of AD are an integral part of an JTF, and journal
and strength of and treatment recommendation) and allergist/immunologist’s (including online
recommendation model algorithm details only listed training and practice. It is also supplement)
(update of ACAAI and in text as part of online important for the PCP to
AAAAI 2004 Practice supplement understand the basis for
Parameter, 2012)9 effective evaluation and
Algorithm annotations and “Cooperation between the patient
summary statements not and/or the patient’s guardian
integrated with algorithm or guardians, the PCP, and the
allergist, dermatologist, or
both is important in the
implementation of strategies
necessary for the care of
patients with chronic AD…
Even when an AD specialist is
consulted, the PCP continues
to play an important role in
the care of patients with AD by
ensuring continuity of care.”
In addition to allergists/
immunologists, task force
included psychologist and
Recommendations rated by Yes No No No No Treatment and diagnosis In addition to dermatologists, Free from AAD, but
grade of evidence and recommendations listed in working group included not from journal
strength of tables patient advocate and
recommendation with Level of evidence and strength international representatives
references for 17 AD of recommendation listed (Canada and UK)
diagnosis and separately from
Proposed treatment model/eczema action plan for pediatricians and other primary care providers. aAs tolerated during flare; direct use of moisturizers
on inflamed skin may be poorly tolerated; however, bland petrolatum is often tolerated when skin is inflamed. bApproximately 0.5 cups sodium
hypochlorite per 40 gallons of water/full bathtub or 1 mL/L. TCI, topical calcineurin inhibitor
Maintenance Therapy for Mild Disease or pimecrolimus (topical calcineurin skin areas such as the face and eyes
After the initial flare has been inhibitors [TCIs]) or medium potency should be limited), and the
controlled, many patients with mild topical corticosteroids (eg, Class effectiveness and tolerability
or more episodic AD will be able to III–IV, see Table 3; except for face and observed with a particular agent.
maintain disease control with basic eyes). Tacrolimus18–21 and Furthermore, for long-term use, it is
treatment as described above: fluticasone22 have each been studied important to use the lowest potency
moisturizers, proper skin care, etc, in long-term clinical trials of 2- to topical corticosteroid that is effective
intermittently returning to acute 3-times weekly application. to minimize the risk of adverse effects
topical corticosteroid treatment as Alternatively, a patient may be (skin atrophy, telangiectasia, striae,
needed for flares. The use of prescribed once to twice daily TCI glaucoma, rebound flare, topical
moisturizers alone as maintenance (pimecrolimus or tacrolimus); clinical corticosteroid addiction/withdrawal,
therapy, without a topical trials of this scenario have also been tachyphylaxis, Cushing disease,
antiinflammatory, is usually sufficient conducted.23,24 Although it has not adrenocortical suppression,
for mild AD. Patients whose been studied, low potency topical decreased growth rate25); this is
symptoms are not well controlled corticosteroids (Class V–VII; see particularly true for sensitive skin
with basic treatment are considered Table 3), applied locally once to twice sites, such as the face, neck, and
to have moderate-to-severe disease. daily to areas prone to recurrence, is “diaper area.”11 Failure to adequately
used by many patients to maintain suppress skin inflammation not only
Maintenance Therapy for Moderate-to- disease control. The choice of TCI perpetuates discomfort but also leads
Severe Disease versus topical corticosteroids for to continued scratching and an
Patients with moderate-to-severe AD maintenance therapy depends on increased risk for infection.
may require “proactive”/maintenance patient/caregiver and provider
therapy regularly applied to normal preference, access to medications Optimizing and Individualizing
appearing skin in flare-prone areas (including formulary status and cost Treatment Plans
and/or applied at first signs or of medication), lesion location When designing a treatment plan for
symptoms of a flare with tacrolimus (topical corticosteroid use in sensitive a specific patient, a provider should
Exclusionary Conditions
tailor it based on patient age, preferences for formulation of topical Sensitization for food and
previous treatment failures, who is antiinflammatories, as well as environmental allergens can be
providing care (for children/infants), consideration for the cost of identified by using skin prick or
lesion location (topical corticosteroid medication. It should be noted that specific IgE tests, and contact allergy
use must be limited in potency and different formulations of the same may be assessed through patch
duration of application for sensitive topical corticosteroid, even the same testing. However, providers should
skin areas), patient’s insurance and concentration of topical not suggest routine testing in the
financial resources to get corticosteroid, may have different search for “causes” of AD, because the
medications, patient/family lifestyle potencies, for example mometasone predictive value of positive tests is
(ie, time for baths and moisturizer/ furoate 0.1% ointment is high low, and often true clinical allergies
topical antiinflammatory application), potency (Class II), whereas may be irrelevant as AD triggers (eg,
and patient preferences (look/feel of mometasone furoate 0.1% cream is may cause a reaction such as
ointments versus creams). Patient/ medium potency (Class III–IV; urticaria, or itch, without necessarily
caregiver preferences are especially Table 3). flaring AD).9,13 “Relevant” allergens
important when selecting Determination of patient-specific AD differ by age group: young children
a moisturizer formulation because triggers is challenging, but if these are more likely to have food allergy
xerosis is the central feature of AD. triggers can be identified, avoidance (although the minority of infants and
Lotions contain preservatives, may lead to longer intervals between children who show reactivity through
fragrances, and other chemicals, flares and even complete disease prick or blood testing have true
which may cause allergic or irritant clearance in some cases. Nonspecific clinical allergy), whereas older
reactions. Lotions have a high water triggers may include harsh soaps, children and adults are more likely to
content and, especially for more detergents, wool, and other abrasive have sensitivity to aeroallergens.9,13
severely xerotic patients, may be fabrics, tight-fitting clothing, certain Many patients experience sleep
drying; moisturizer ointments with chemicals (eg, formaldehyde used for disturbance, especially during flares,
higher oil content and no fabric sizing), airborne irritants which not only negatively affects
preservatives may be preferable.9,11 (tobacco smoke, air pollution), and quality of life, but may also increase
The choice of moisturizer should be extremes or transitions in the risk of hyperactivity–impulsivity
based on patient preference/ temperature and humidity. Rarely, and other mental health disorders.
tolerance for the occlusiveness of allergies can be triggers of dermatitis, Positive associations between AD and
ointments and oils versus creams or and food and environmental allergies attention-deficit/hyperactivity
lotions. Similar considerations should are more common in children with disorder,26–30 anxiety disorders,26,30
be made for patient/caregiver AD than in those without.13 depression,30 and autism spectrum
showering or otherwise washing,40 of topical corticosteroid penetration measured from the distal skin crease
may be needed as part of and infection. For complete step-by- to the tip of the palmar surface of an
maintenance therapy for moderate to step directions, see Nicol et al.43 adult’s index finger. This is equal to
severely affected children (although Patients/caregivers should be ∼0.5 g and is an amount adequate for
the effect of managing bacterial advised to avoid nonspecific irritants “thin and even” application to an area
colonization alone on recurrent by using mild soaps or soap-free of skin equal to ∼2 adult hands with
infection has not been established41). cleansers, wearing “smooth”/ fingers together. The number of FTUs
The technique can be modified for nonirritating clothing that is loose- required to treat different body areas
more local soaking or compressing fitting, and avoiding detergents and varies with patient age, but FTUs are
for maintenance of areas that more fabric softeners with fragrances.9,13 measured relative to adult hands/
often show secondary infection or for In addition, exposure to aeroallergens fingers regardless of age (Fig 2).
patients with current infection who (molds, dust mites, pollen, animal Providers may also find it helpful to
cannot tolerate bathing. Proper skin dander, airborne irritants), and prescribe specific amounts of
care will also help reduce exposure extremes in temperature and a topical agent to be used over the
and/or impact of certain AD triggers humidity may be avoided, or course of 1 week or month to ensure
by increasing the patient’s threshold minimized through the use of air proper use of topical corticosteroids,
for skin irritation. conditioning and/or air filters.9 TCIs, and/or moisturizer (Fig 2).
Wet-wrap therapy (WWT; with or Patients/caregivers should also be Asking patients/caregivers to bring
without topical corticosteroids) may instructed on avoidance strategies for their partially used bottles/tubes into
reduce disease severity, especially for AD triggers specific to them (ie, foods, the office during their next visit may
patients with moderate-to-severe AD contact and aero-allergens) as be helpful in assessing adherence
during flares11; however, WWT can determined through plan (although the possibility of
be time-consuming and complicated. optimization and individualization medication “dumping” should be kept
Patients/caregivers should be (above). in mind). Despite proper instruction,
instructed in the application of loose, some patients/caregivers may still
It is also critically important to
wetted (soaked in warm water, then not apply adequate amounts of
instruct patients/caregivers on the
wrung out until slightly damp) topical corticosteroids because of
quantity of topical medication and
tubular bandages, gauze, or cotton a fear of side effects (ie, “steroid
moisturizer to use for each
clothing over topical corticosteroid or phobia”). Making patients/caregivers
application and the total quantity
moisturizer, followed by a dry outer aware of the signs of skin atrophy (eg,
expected to be consumed per week or
increased transparency and shininess
layer of similar material (never month (Fig 2). The fingertip unit
plastic wrap), which may be worn for of the skin; striae) and explaining that
(FTU) has been developed as
several hours to 24 hours and mild cutaneous side effects are
a helpful tool for quantitatively
repeated for several days to 2 reversible with time (but striae are
describing for patients/caregivers the
weeks.42 Care should be taken during not) may allay some of these fears
amount of topical medication to be
WWT, especially when using used.44,45 It is defined as the amount and increase adherence.
medium-to-high potency topical of ointment expressed from a tube Written plans and patient/caregiver
corticosteroids, due to increased risk with a 5-mm diameter nozzle education have the potential to
Address correspondence to Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD, Pediatric Dermatology, Rady Children’s Hospital, 8010 Frost St, Suite 602, San Diego, CA 92123. E-mail:
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The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at: