Aurelia Ti 4055 - TDS
Aurelia Ti 4055 - TDS
Aurelia Ti 4055 - TDS
Designed for use in highly rated, The Aurelia TI range of trunk piston engine oils are developed for use in medium
medium speed diesel engines used speed diesel engines utilising high sulfur residual fuels.
for both marine and stationary power
Aurelia TI combines an exclusive formulation of the latest additive
technologies, developed by the TotalEnergies research center.
Engines using residual heavy fuel oil
The product utilizes highly refined base oils to provide a substantial safety
with high sulfur content. It is also
margin able to cope with higher stress levels.
suitable for dual fuel 4-stroke engines.
The product can also be used to
lubricate bearings, stern tubes and
reduction gears.
S.A.E. Grade — — 40
BN ASTM D 2896 — 55
*The specifications above are for illustrative purposes and communicated for information only.
✔ The Aurelia TI range exceeds the CF specification defined by the American Petroleum Institute (API).
✔ The ability to reduce heavy deposit build-up in an engine creates savings via a reduction in maintenance costs.
✔ The product offers excellent resistance to the negative effects of residual fuel contamination, along with excellent
thermal resistance and oxidation resistance.
✔ The stable viscosity of Aurelia TI range means that in service fewer top-ups are needed.
✔ The product is also very water resistant, with outstanding demulsibility capacity, enabling rapid removal of water after
an ingress and the maintenance of good engine performance.
Compatible with generally available This product should be stored under cover in clean, dry conditions and protected
trunk piston lubricants. from frost.
Please consult your Lubmarine Recommended storage temperature range is 5°C to 50°C.
Lubrication Engineer should you
Drums that are stored on deck should be raised on pallets and covered to protect
have any questions.
from the elements.