Application of Digital Technology-Based TPACK in E

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Mobile Information Systems

Volume 2022, Article ID 1594554, 9 pages

Research Article
Application of Digital Technology-Based TPACK in
English Translation

Min Du
School of Foreign Language, Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology, Zhanjiang, Guangdong 524000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Min Du;

Received 6 January 2022; Revised 24 January 2022; Accepted 1 February 2022; Published 16 March 2022

Academic Editor: Hasan Ali Khattak

Copyright © 2022 Min Du. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Internet teaching encourages the societal improvement of teaching and learning systems. In this paper, we examine big data and
interactive teaching modes and the design process of interactive teaching modes. We propose an interactive teaching model that
uses big data in learning analytics and content analysis to optimize the whole teaching practice application process. We also show
how to use current technology, build a great teaching management platform, and raise the teaching management level. In this
paper, we also examine and develop an English translation teaching model based on TPACK and propose the use of TPACK in
technical English translation based on big data platforms, with the purpose of “cultivating students to improve translation
abilities”. The model is effective and promotes the improvement of translation teaching levels.

1. Introduction also improves their abilities and fosters intellectual growth

[6]. The intelligent environment of artificial intelligence and
Network information technology has advanced fast over the big data has altered the educational landscape. Smart
globe since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Ed- teaching entails developing a smart teaching environment,
ucation and teaching reform in Chinese universities have applying smart teaching techniques, and encouraging stu-
been aided by the close collaboration of education and dents to study smartly [3, 7, 8]. A contemporary approach to
current network information technology [1–3]. In the changing English translation instruction in colleges and
twenty-first century, college English translation instructors’ universities is wisdom teaching, backed by constructivist
capacity to educate intelligently has become one of the most learning theory and wisdom formation theory. Under-
important abilities for college English translation teachers. It graduate English instructors’ abilities have become critical in
is also a must for schools and institutions to foster top-tier translating knowledge into college English. Improving
talent. Creating smart teaching classrooms in colleges and college English instructors’ smart teaching abilities helps
universities, improving college English translation teachers’ them become mentors of teaching knowledge, contributes to
smart teaching skills, and focusing on teachers’ professional inventive talents in the information age, and improves their
technical skills promote the professional development of professional quality [9, 10].
college English translation teachers [4, 5]. However, it can People’s jobs and lifestyles have been fundamentally
also ensure that the new century has an innovative, high- developed using sophisticated technologies such as the In-
quality English translation team. ternet, Big Data, Cloud Computing, etc. At the same time,
The objective of global education growth and the path of the reform emphasizes the bounds of schools as educational
contemporary university reform has always been intelligent institutions. China’s education plan was unveiled in October
education. People better comprehend intelligent instruction 2020, and it includes new standards for the professionali-
now that the “Internet Plus” age has arrived. Smarter zation of information technology instructors. The TPACK
teaching has taken on a new meaning that includes more knowledge framework is based on American scientist
than merely transmitting theoretical information to pupils; it Shulman’s PCK framework (Pedagogy and Content
2 Mobile Information Systems

Knowledge) [11–13]. A novel notion has been developed by and rectify logic are all important parts of translation
academics Koehler and Mishra [14]. The TPACK knowledge abilities. Translation competence is a multidimensional
framework is a hotspot in educational research and is crucial notion comprised of a collection of interconnected skill
to teacher development. The three come together to form the variables that may be applied to a broad range of languages.
four TPACK composite parts, as shown in Figure 1. The The capacity to listen, talk, read, write, and translate refers to
seven main aspects of the TPACK knowledge architecture do the translator’s ability to master and apply necessary lan-
not exist in isolation and are inextricably linked. Com- guage knowledge, cultural understanding, and other ap-
plexity, interaction, and dynamic balancing are inherent plicable information. The impact of interactive education on
elements of the TPACK knowledge architecture. There has students’ translating abilities Teachers and students and
been much study done on instructors’ TPACK levels. As a students engage throughout the interactive teaching process.
result, several TPACK measuring studies for elementary and Each other may be reached via unique educational
secondary school instructors have been conducted, spanning knowledge and emotional interactions. This pleasant
a wide range of disciplines such as mathematics, physics, and teacher-student contact helps children grasp what they have
computer science. Faculty in the sciences are more interested learned, allows practice, and develops language abilities.
in TPACK levels than those in the humanities. Interactive teaching [20] helps improve the emotional
However, research on TPACK levels in humanities communication between teachers and students and creates a
topics such as English instructors is still in its early stages, more active classroom environment. Students communicate
and research on TPACK levels in college professors, par- and cooperate with other students who have better trans-
ticularly adjunct English teachers, is limited and inconsis- lation skills and strong translation skills [21], which helps to
tent, necessitating additional information and deep study. learn translation skills and immigrant integration. Interac-
Several studies have been undertaken to assess undergrad- tive teaching stresses that instructors encourage students’
uate English instructors’ TPACK levels, including a quali- initiative and excitement for learning. Conduct emotional
tative assessment of the TPACK level and features of English interactions and conversations with pupils to absorb in-
instructors on the job in colleges and universities is another formation and learn directly from instructors. This kind of
example. Four TPACKs were examined via interviews with teaching encourages students to actively engage in class
six college English professors and their correspondents. Each discussions and build on what they have learned. Teachers
component was tested, evaluated, and made into a proposal and students working together to investigate English Chi-
[15]. University teachers’ TPACK levels were tested and nese communication skills and laws may help students
studied, offering rationalizing suggestions. Because most develop their brains, translation knowledge, and translation
TPACK studies are vast and general, they are distinguished abilities. It becomes simpler to develop autonomous
by their broad scope, including more than [16]five university translating skills. Constructivist philosophy is met through
professors and a large and representative research sample student-centered interactive English translation education.
[17, 18]. We aim to assess individual college English Compared to the standard teaching model that stresses
translation teachers’ TPACK levels in their local environ- information and overlooks skills, the interactive teaching
ment and provide focused and suitable TPACK develop- model fosters students’ cognitive and creative talents and
ment techniques for college English instructors to help them their learning passion and initiative. This will allow students
advance their careers. to acquire and practice translation abilities. We have drawn
the basic elements of TRACK education as shown in Table 1,
2. Related Work which can be found to contain 7 main elements and related
2.1. English Translation Based on TPACK. Traditional En- TPACK redefines teacher knowledge, structure, and role
glish translation instruction is teacher-centred, with a orientation. First, instructors’ knowledge structures must
teaching paradigm that emphasizes translation theory and shift from PCK to TPCK. These talents include decision-
skills. This teaching method prioritizes information trans- making and planning skills, as well as PK knowledge.
mission above skill development, which does not enhance Teaching knowledge is based on solid professional knowl-
students’ translation abilities. As a result, it must be changed edge. Combining the two provides PCK knowledge, which is
into an interactive teaching model to build effective language the cornerstone of instructors’ knowledge and fundamental
abilities, such as translation and categorization. After fin- classroom needs.
ishing their courses, English language graduates must Tech knowledge is an understanding of how to think
evaluate their English proficiency. The five characteristics of about and utilize technology. TCK combines technical and
translation ability to consider are language ability, text- content knowledge [22, 23]. Electronic textbooks and audio-
ability, topic ability, cultural ability, and language conver- visual archives combine technology and topic information to
sion ability. Translation competence is defined as a skill enhance conventional textbooks. Using technology to
comprised of the translator’s translation knowledge, apti- comprehend language and language-cultural knowledge
tude, and methods [19], and it is built on the translator’s expresses a language teacher’s TCK. TPK knowledge is
language and pragmatic competence. connected to instructional principles such as online col-
Cultural judgment, language analysis and pragmatic laborative learning, flipped classrooms, and topical inquiry.
ability, language execution and mutual expression, esthetic Blended learning reduces the teacher’s function as a
judgment and expression ability, and the capacity to evaluate knowledge mediator while increasing the role of technology
Mobile Information Systems 3

CK: Content Knowledge

PK: Pedagogical Knowledge

TK: Technological Knowledge

RCK TCK PCK: Pedagogical Content Knowledge

RPK TCK: Technological Content Knowledge
TPK: Technological Pediagogical Knowledge

TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content



Figure 1: TRACK theory diagram.

Table 1: Basic elements table.

Basic elements Connotation
Mainly describe the ability of teachers to use various information technology knowledge and
TK (technology knowledge)
related resources
PK understands the goals, values, and objectives of education and can also be applied in more
PK (pedagogical knowledge) specific areas, including understanding how students learn, classroom management skills,
lesson planning, and assessment
CK (content knowledge) Primarily refers to teachers’ mastery of the subject matter they teach
Primarily refers to how teachers integrate information technology or internet-specific teaching
TPK (technology pedagogical knowledge) technologies and teaching practices, processes, and methods that enable information
technology-enhanced education to be applied to curriculum development
It mainly concerns how teacher education integrates pedagogy with the content of the subjects
taught. The most important thing about English is to provide an environment for students to
PCK (subject pedagogical knowledge)
practice English. Teachers use appropriate teaching strategies and pedagogical knowledge to
teach a subject
It primarily describes the teacher’s understanding of how technology can help present content
TCK (technology content knowledge) knowledge. This includes how different educational content complements different technology
TPACK is the end result of the intersection of multiple dimensions. A course is designed to
TPACK (technological pedagogical
consist of three basic components: Content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and technical
content knowledge)
knowledge, and their intersections are combined into a complete course

integration [24]. Teachers are main curriculum creators, complex. Developmental assessments must be undertaken to
developers, and experimenters in the classroom and learning evaluate, monitor, and identify difficulties throughout the
resource suppliers, facilitators, and evaluators after school. educational process. However, owing to the lecturers’ tre-
The essential shift in the role of teachers in the TPACK idea mendous research pressure, homework is seldom done in
is that they must become designers of complete technology. university instruction, and final examinations are more
important [25].
Second, collecting statistics on development is compli-
2.2. Digital Teaching Platform. The need for big data in cated. The quantity of process data needed grows with time.
educational assessment is growing. Evaluating China’s ed- The data collection area is vast in space. Third, feedback on
ucational system is straightforward with restricted aims, developmental evaluations is challenging [26]. Effective
outmoded techniques, and single topics. It is vital to develop development evaluation requires quick feedback on the
educational assessment techniques, analyze outcomes assessment topic, but this is impossible under normal
properly, and give feedback to students and instructors. technical settings. All of the issues listed above may be
Developmental assessment has become an essential ap- addressed by promoting and using development evaluation.
proach for reforming the classroom evaluation process. To address the issues raised above, this study recommends
However, using developmental assessment in the classroom building a big data education platform with automated data
has various challenges: First, developmental assessment is collection, assessment, and positive feedback to fulfill
4 Mobile Information Systems

development evaluation data and process evaluation de- Early warning is mostly taught via the analysis of
mands [27]. Teaching monitoring is mainly to monitor monitoring indicators and the presentation of early warning
teaching-related elements, including student portraits, information based on thresholds. The teaching warning is
teacher portraits, classroom portraits, and course portraits, primarily intended to address aberrant events involving
as shown in Figure 2. instructors and students throughout the teaching process,
(1) Encourage the use of teaching evolution evaluation. and particular manifestations include student curriculum
The digital big data teaching platform underpins evaluation warning, student classroom warning, teacher classroom
data processing. The big data processing platform processes warning, and teacher classroom warning. The early warning
all types of educational data, and then all types of data are procedure is divided into three stages: First, aberrant data
sorted into requirements, giving an analytical platform for must be identified. Unusual data may be discovered using an
education. (2) E-learning aids in better classroom man- early warning model. Second, abnormal data is shown in the
agement. The educational big data platform allows for form of warning lights. Signal lights may be changed to one
quicker technical monitoring. Monitoring the teaching of three colors: red, yellow, or green. A red light represents a
process has always been difficult and time-consuming. Big serious warning, a yellow light represents a general warning,
data can automatically gather teaching process data to and a green light represents normal. The hue of the signal
monitor instruction. (3) Improves classroom feedback ef- lights may also be changed to suit the needs. Teachers and
ficiency. There are many ways to model and extract data administrators are worried about red lights because they are
from huge datasets. The basic goal of data analysis and warning indicators. The third step is to deal with unusual
modeling is to find anomalous information. Compared to information and comments. Conspicuous information
monitored items, the overall proportion of abnormal data is should be delivered on time and transmitted to adminis-
minimal. Thus, the only relevant information is provided, trators and instructors through text messages, emails, and
minimizing the feedback load on instructors and enhancing other means, so that they may get anomalous information in
feedback efficiency [28]. advance and take countermeasures.

3.2. Data Analysis. Data analysis is a data processing model

3. Method
used to provide educational information, in which the data
3.1. System Structure Diagram. The English translation analysis model is given in broad strokes, and anticipated
teaching platform is separated into three sections: the big values are stated as weighted sums of variables:
data teaching platform, the monitoring system, and the early n
warning system. The teaching big data platform’s primary y � 􏽘 a i xi , (1)
role is to gather data on students’ online learning behaviors i�1
and share different teaching business data. The teaching where y is the calculated predicted value, xi is the i-th variable,
monitoring system comprises further processing data from and ai is the coefficient or weight of the variable xi. This data
the big data platform, merging and extracting data based on analysis model is available in the model library and stores the
business and monitoring needs, and graphically showing the coefficients (or weights) and variable values. Furthermore, the
outcomes. Monitoring data is used to power the teaching model includes two model generation techniques in specialized
early warning system. According to the early warning model, applications: multiple linear regression and built-in index
further data mining and analysis are performed, anomalous weighting. (1) The multiple linear regression approach is mostly
data is monitored, and timely warnings are stressed. Figure 3 used to predict outcomes. The multiple linear regression ap-
depicts the specifics. proach is mostly employed in this system for early warning of
The educational big data platform gathers structured, students’ courses. Student Course Alert retrieves all prior
semistructured, and unstructured data, extracts and processes it, courses for English translation classes (in general, you may pick
and stores and analyses the processing outcomes. Student all relevant courses from the previous semester or school year),
portraits, instructor portraits, classroom portraits, and course then determines their dependencies, and removes all extremely
portraits are the primary presenting techniques of the course relevant past courses. The regression coefficient is then obtained
monitoring system. Student portrait, also known as student using the multiple linear regression techniques, and equation (1)
annotation, is a methodology for abstract annotation of students is transformed into the early warning model below.
based on their learning process’s fundamental traits and
characteristics. The student picture label mostly includes basic
Pc � 􏽘 Pci Rci , (2)
information, academic standing, and learning style. Teacher
picture labels primarily comprise instructors’ basic information,
research status, teaching status, and teaching [29] style. The where Pc is the expected grade of English translation in class
course portrait creates educational data linked to course C, Pci is the English translation score before Ci class, and Rci
teaching, such as course participants, course resources, cour- is the regression coefficient of English translation before Ci
sework, teacher-student interaction behavior, course evaluation class. (2) Method of global index weighting. The global index
data, etc. Basic classroom information, student attendance, weight approach works on the following principles: On the
online classroom interactions, and student academic success are one hand, the English translation early warning index value
all included in classroom pictures. is acquired, and if it is evaluation data, it is immediately
Mobile Information Systems 5

Student-Course Alert
Student-Classroom Alert
Teaching Early Warning
Teacher-Classroom Alerts

Teacher-Course Alerts

User Management

Teaching Big Data Tag Management

System Management
Data Management

Model Management

Student Portraits

Teacher Portraits
Teaching Monitoring
Classroom Portraits

Course Portraits

Figure 2: Neural network structure diagram.

Student Portraits Student-Course Alerts

Teacher Portraits Student-Classroom Alerts

Classroom Portraits Teacher-Classroom Alerts

Curriculum Portraits Teacher-Course Alerts

Teaching Monitoring Teaching Alerts

Data Collection Data Mining Data Storage Data Analysis

Teaching Big Data Platform

Semi-structured Data Structured Data Unstructured Data

Figure 3: Architecture diagram of English translation teaching big data platform.

called. The error data is normalized using the extreme value n

approach and then multiplied by 100, yielding a score in the Pc � 􏽘 Pci Wci , (4)
range [0, 100], as determined below. i�1

Vci where Pc is the predicted value of the object, Pci is the value of
Pci � × 100, (3)
MAX Vi 􏼁 each indicator item, and Wci is the weight of each indicator item.
There are two methods for determining the weights: one is
where MAX(Vi) is the maximum value of the ith index, Vci is based on experience or asking experts to assess them, and the
the specific value of the ith index of the warning object, and other is based on automated learning of past data. Method 2’s
Pci is the score of the index element that does not reach the unique approach begins by providing the starting weight vector
alarm. It is an early object, that is, the variable in (1), xi. Here W0 � (w10 , w20 , . . . , wn0 ), then calculates the projected value,
the variable ai is replaced by the weight Wci, so (1) can be and determines the actual value’s mean absolute MAE error.
expressed by the following equation: MAE denotes the difference between the expected and actual
6 Mobile Information Systems

value. The smaller the discrepancy, the more precise the 4.2. Analysis of Subjective Results. First, statistical and
forecast. The optimal weight is determined using a new weight descriptive analyses were done for each item of the college
vector if the EAW is less than the previous EAW. Repeat this English translation instructors’ TPACK levels, and the
procedure until all feasible weight assignments based on the data for each item of their TPACK levels were ordered
rules have been explored and the optimal weight vector located. from highest to lowest, as shown in Table 2. Second, do a
descriptive statistical analysis. The mean TPACK ratings
for English professors at S colleges were sorted from top
3.3. TPACK Framework. In the combined dimensions of
to lowest as follows: TCK > TPACK > TPK > TK > PCK
technical, pedagogical, and disciplinary content, the interactions
> CK > PK > TCK > TPACK > TPK > TK The maximum
between components within TPACK are unique. It may be
value of PCK among them suggested that the image of
summed up as three implicit characteristics: (1) Complicated-
instructors’ knowledge was excellent in terms of peda-
ness: Three single components and four composite elements are
gogy and didactic content integration. The CK and PK
connected yet independent of one another, and they exhibit free
scores followed, indicating that the instructors’ knowl-
aggregation and complicated variability. (2) Participation: The
edge framework was strong subject knowledge and
seven components are linked and interdependent and modi-
pedagogical knowledge, showing their great pedagogical
fying one will impact the operation and status of the others. (3)
understanding and robust pedagogical skills. Following
Dynamic equilibrium: The seven aspects of TPACK’s knowl-
that, there are three composite elements, TCK, TPK, and
edge structure theory are constantly in a state of flux. Breaking
TPACK, which are somewhat higher than the median
the balance of one element will result in the restoration of
TPACK level (2.5), although the values of these three
changes in other components, resulting in the creation of a new
composite elements are generally bad. This implies that
English professors at colleges and universities S use
(1) Justifications for adopting the TPACK theory: This
technology to combine pedagogy and subject knowledge
study is a project for teaching optimization based on
to a limited extent and that this component has to be
information technology and curricular integration con-
developed and expanded. Finally, the value of TC is near
cepts. If a teacher’s TPACK awareness and level and the
to and below average in terms of awareness and actual
level of structured instruction are insufficient, they will be
implementation of technical instruments. To some de-
unable to handle the enormous obligation of teaching and
gree, this suggests that understanding and use of tech-
research. As a result, to optimize teaching practice from
nology are fundamental inadequacies and failings of
the standpoint of information technology and curricular
English university professors. There is an urgent need to
integration, English instructors in colleges and univer-
increase technical knowledge and employ technological
sities must assess and analyze their TPACK level and
tools to combine instruction and practice. In conclusion,
informatization teaching capacity. This is a requirement
the overall TPACK level of English translation instructors
for this degree and a prerequisite. (2) TPACK theory has
in colleges and universities is fairly bad and unsatisfac-
four dimensions: (1) instructors’ technical conceptions,
tory. Even though the PK, PCK, and CK scores are above
(2) teaching material design and presentation tactics, (3)
average and better, the scores in the technological di-
multimedia resource selection and design, and (4)
mension are low. This has a significant influence on the
teachers’ measurement and assessment. In this paper, the
total TPACK level of instructors.
key assumptions and premise include the TPACK level,
information-based teaching abilities, students’ perspec-
4.3. Analysis of Objective Results. The correlation between
tives, and practical teaching challenges.
the TPACK components was established using correlation
analysis of the seven elements of the TPACK college English
4. Experimentation and Evaluation teacher’s knowledge framework, as shown in Table 3. A
substantial positive association was found between TK and
4.1. Dataset. We chose 38 research samples as study TPK, TPK and CK, and PCK and TPACK. Other compo-
subjects based on precise data on the number of in- nents have a very low correlation. Finally, it can be inferred
structors in English translation courses acquired from from the correlation analysis of the TPACK items in college
informational university websites and field visits in 2020. English instructors S that the TPACK level of college English
College English instructors and master English teachers teachers is unequal, and the TPACK knowledge structure is
are among them. The surveys were filled on paper and weak.
electronically, and 35 valid questionnaires were retrieved
for a 92.1% recovery rate. 4.4. Visualization Results. The TPACK Mixed Modal Reform
(1) Basic personal information is included in the relevant was created for translation theory and practice courses for
material of the questionnaire framework. This covers in- undergraduate English translation students. The technique’s
structors’ gender, age, and educational background. (2) success is evaluated after six months of classroom reform and
Create measurement questions for each TPACK element. practice for the acceptable application of translation and ini-
Use a five-point Likert scale with the following choices: tiative and the impact of learning. Figure 4 depicts students’
strongly disagree, disagree, average, agree, and highly agree. evaluations of different translation capacities after utilizing
The scale incorporates 7 TPACK knowledge framework TPACK’s digital optimization. The students’ translation ability
components for a total of 33 items. has significantly increased, as seen by every detail, particularly
Mobile Information Systems 7

Table 2: TPACK level statistics.

N Minimum value Maximum value Average
TK 35 2.11 2.68 2.3334
PK 35 2.56 3.59 3.0097
CK 35 2.56 3.68 3.3000
TPK 35 2.26 3.59 2.9754
TCK 35 2.36 3.44 2.9866
PCK 35 3.16 3.74 2.7917
TPACK 35 2.15 3.69 3.3472
Effective N 35

Table 3: TPACK correlation of elements.

TK 1 −0.13 −0.003 −0.418 −0.186 −0.248 −0.320
PK −0.13 1 −0.047 0.169 −0.1 0.146 −0.210
CK −0.003 −0.047 1 −0.402 0.077 0.124 −0.231
TPK −0.418 0.169 −0.402 1 0.049 0.277 −0.215
TCK −0.186 −0.1 0.077 0.049 1 0.005 0.104
PCK −0.248 0.146 0.124 0.277 0.005 1 −0.413
TPACK −0.320 −0.210 −0.231 −0.215 0.104 −0.413 1

Basic Translation Interpreting Translation Written Translation Skills

Theory Applications Translation

Using the proposed method

Not using the proposed method
Figure 4: Comparison of the effects of the proposed method.

Course Satisfaction

Learning Style

Learning Effectiveness

Course Application Learning Initiative

Figure 5: Learning initiative and effectiveness evaluation.

8 Mobile Information Systems

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