TPACK-in-Action An Innovative Model To Help Efl Teachers

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TPACK-in-Action: An Innovative Model to

Help English Teachers Integrate CALL

Shu-Ju Diana TAIa* & Hsueh-Hua CHUANG
Iowa State University, USA
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a TPACK-in-Action model to guide the design of the
CALL Workshop in helping inservice English teachers develop their TPACK proficiency
and integrate CALL in their classrooms. Following the five steps design: (1) Modeling; (2)
Analysis; (3) Demonstration; (4) Application; and (5) Reflection, the workshop centers at
helping teachers learn to integrate CALL by doing CALL within the TPACK framework
[22]. In other words, the workshop aims for teachers to walk away knowing how to teach
with technology with pedagogical decisions as well as to transfer what they have learned
in the workshop to their teaching in classrooms

Keywords: CALL, teacher education, professional development, TPACK-in-Action


It has become increasingly clear that the future of CALL is closely tied to language
teacher education because teachers are key to the realization of its educational potentials
[13]. They are the gatekeepers, determining whether or what technologies enter the
classroom and how they are used [6]. Moreover, rapidly changing CALL technology and
the widening scope of technology-enhanced environment place more weight on the
significance of teachers’ perceptions and actions in order to successfully implement
technology in the L2 classroom [8]. In other words, teachers “need to know why they do
what they do” (p. 11) [15] in the technology enhanced L2 teaching and learning
environment, which lends itself to the importance of teacher education in CALL.

1. Literature Review

Given the significance of CALL in language teacher education, one important factor
related to CALL teacher education is the content and approach employed to deliver the
training course(s). Extending the notion about the approach adopted to conduct the CALL
education, Levy [19] proposed that a CALL course should be looked at from a more
holistic view rather than whether or not teachers are trained to be computer experts. In
addition, Chapelle and Hegelheimer [3] stressed the need to clarify the key competences
of language teachers in the 21st century to “effectively and critically engage in technology-
related teaching issues . . . within a world that is decisively supported and interconnected
by technology” (p. 300). In responding to this notion, Peters [23] specifically identified
that there is a need to help English teachers learn to integrate technology effectively in the
classroom rather than be technical or technology experts. Moreover, many CALL
researchers have made suggestions that language teachers should develop a variety of
competences and knowledge in order to integrate technology effectively within their
classroom settings [5, 9, 14, 20]. The TPACK framework [22] advocates the incorporation
of the three fundamental knowledge types among teachers, content knowledge (CK),
pedagogy knowledge (PK), and technology knowledge (TK) and emphasizes the
importance of the interactions and the complexities among all three basic knowledge
domains. In other words, the TPACK framework goes beyond looking at these three
knowledge domains in isolation but examines the new kinds of knowledge that gather at
the intersections between and among the three domains, pedagogical content knowledge
(PCK), technological content knowledge (TCK), technological pedagogical knowledge
(TPK), and TPACK [18]. In sum, a well-organized and well-prepared training course
should help prepare teachers to obtain and develop enough knowledge relating to language
teaching technology solutions [11, 17] i.e., TPACK competency. Moreover, teachers need
experiences with consistent modeling of effective use of technology in order to become
familiar enough with the use of different forms of technology and see the wider range of
affordances available [1, 2, 12]. Therefore, this study proposes that the CALL intervention
be based on an innovative approach, TPACK-in-Action, to help English teachers develop
their TPACK competency and integrate technology in their teaching.

2. The CALL Workshop: TPACK-in-Action

Adapted from the TPACK-in-Practice model [7], the TPACK-in-Action model proposes
that a CALL teacher training follows the five steps: [Modeling] The CALL workshop
starts with modeling an activity to situate teachers in context as Chapelle [4] noted, “The
way that students will learn to do applied linguistics with technology is by learning
applied linguistics through technology” (p. 31). During this step, teachers have the
opportunities to see how a CALL activity/task can be implemented in classrooms [12, 16,
17]. [Analysis] Acknowledging the notion that teachers need to know not only how to use
technology but also understand why they are doing so [3], an analysis of the modeled
activity within the TPACK framework will be implemented to help teachers understand
the rationale behind the choice of tools and pedagogy incorporated into the content in the
modeled activity. [Demonstration] Through demonstration, teachers will learn about
features of tools incorporated in the modeled activity. Moreover, alternative tools will also
be introduced to allow teachers more options to meet learners’ needs. [Application]
Teachers will apply what they have learned, i.e., creating a lesson plan based on their
curriculum and teaching it. [Reflection] Teachers will take the opportunity to reflect on
their learning and development. As research noted, one of the most important factors that
fosters teachers’ professional development is reflective practice because critical reflection
raises teachers’ awareness about teaching, enables deeper understanding, and triggers
positive changes [10, 21].

3. Conclusion

Different from the traditional techno-centric technology approach in which teachers

developed technology knowledge, the TPACK-in-Action CALL Workshop aims to situate
technologies in contexts, in which teachers learn how to incorporate technology to suit the
instructional and learning needs. In addition, the ample opportunities to engage in hands-
on activities, i.e., to integrate CALL by doing CALL as Chapelle [4] noted, contribute to
teachers’ greater confidence in their instructional ability and lead to more successful
teaching experiences [24]. The goal of the TPACK-in-Action workshop is for teachers to
walk away with the ability to teach with technology with pedagogical decisions and to
transfer what they have learned in the workshop to their teaching in classrooms.


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