Gr06 Mat Ch01 T6.1 en V1 Final

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School TV

Class:VI Chapter No. 1 Chapter Name: Knowing Our Video Topic: Introducing Operations Keywords: Addition,
Numbers subtraction, multiplication,
Submission Author: Reviewer:AnujSaxena VO word count: 673
Date: SheoliTuli Date of Review: 24-12-2019
Prop Required:

S.No On-Screen Text Instructions to
Allocation Audio Transcript
. (In sec.) (OST) Graphics
1. Montaz
Hello learners! Welcome to the
Persona 6
2. I am ________ from School TV.
lization seconds
I hope that your studies are
going well.
s Do you remember that in our Anchor to
3. Content last video, we have learnt how emphasize on the
Recap(If to read large numbers? word large.
Aims &
Today, we are going to learn
4. Objectiv
about the various operations.
Let us understand them with
the help of example.
School TV

Decorate house
Yay! Its Diwali time! with the 3 types
of LED strip
lights shown.

And I have decorated my house

with three types of LED strip
lights, the star one, the straight
Anchor to show
one and the flower one with the
7. each strip light
count thirty-five, seventy-three
as they say them.
and twenty-eight respectively.
So, how many bulbsare used in
35 73 28
Yes! You are absolutely correct.

8. We need to add them all up.

Thus, to find the total, we use
9. Come on! Let us try it out.
Total number of bulbs = Number of
So, here we have thirty-five add
star bulbs + Number of normal
seventy-three add twenty-
10. bulbs + Number of flower bulbs
eight, that is one hundred
Total number of bulbs
thirty-six bulbs.
= 35 + 73 + 28 = 136
Can you find some more
keywords related to addition?
Keep on trying learners and jot
them down!
Pause the video to try.
School TV

I am sure your list contains

words like add, plus, increase,
total, combined, sum and

But due to voltage fluctuations,

seven bulbs of star lights and
7 star bulbs
13. ten bulbs of flower lights got
10 flower lights
fused away. So, how many
bulbs are working fine now?
First, let us find the total
number of fused bulbs.
That is number of star bulbs
and flower bulbs which have
Total number of fused bulbs = 10 +
15. fused in all. So, we get ten add
7 = 17
seven which is seventeen
Total bulbs.
Total Now, learners you know the
num total number of initial bulbs
numb and you also know the total
ber number of fused bulbs.
16. er of
bulbs That is out of the total one
Show 136 and 17
hundred thirty-six bulbs,
17. going in bubble
seventeen bulbs are not
boxes of OST16
18. So, we need to do the opposite
Inverse of + = - or the inverse of addition in
this case, which is subtraction.
School TV

Thus, the number of bulbs

which are working fine equals
the total number of initial bulbs
subtract total number of fused

So, learners pause this video to

try this calculation.
20. 136 – 17 = 119 (Pause)
And what did you get?
Yes! It is one hundred nineteen.
Now, can you find some words
related to subtraction?
I am sure that your list contains
terms like minus, subtract, less,
fewer, decrease and take away.

Now, what if we had bought the

same number of bulbs for each
type, say thirty-five for each
How to count the total number
of bulbs now?
35 35 35
Yes! You can say thirty-five add
35 + 35 + 35 thirty-five add thirty-five
24. “Multiplication is same as repeated Do you notice something here? Highlight 35 one
School TV
Correct! We are adding the
same number many times that
addition” is thirty-five is being added by one.
thrice, so we call it as repeated
addition or multiplication.
Now, as thirty-five is being
25. 35 + 35 + 35 = 35 × 3 added thrice, so we can write it
as thirty-five times three.
So, multiplication helps in
calculating the result when the
same number is added many
The result we get is called as
the product.
Now, all these one hundred five
bulbs were brought for rupees
Cost of 105 bulbs = ₹930
27. six hundred thirty rupees and
Cost of 1 bulb = ?
say that we need to find the
cost of one bulb.
As we can understand from the
situation that the total cost will
be equally shared by the total
number of bulbs.
And learners, do you know
which operation do we use for
Is it addition, subtraction,
multiplication or some other
Well, we have another
operation to be used in
30. DIVISION (÷) situations where we need to
share and it is called as
School TV

Division and multiplication are

inverses of each other.

Here, we need to see how many

lots of one hundred five are in
nine hundred thirty that is we
divide nine hundred thirty by
= ₹6 one hundred five that is rupees
What we have understood so far:
Today, we have learnt about
 Addition (+) the various types of operations
33. Plenary
 Subtraction (-) and I am sure that you are
 Multiplication (×) feeling confident at it.
 Division(÷)
Now, it is time to try a question
to check how much we have
Can you imagine a real life situation understood.
34. time
involving multiplication? Can you imagine a real life
situation involving
In next video, we will learn how
In next video, we will learn: to solve word problems
35. Closing involving various operations.
 Operations on large numbers. Till then, take care and happy

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