Gr5 Term 1 Scheme Working
Gr5 Term 1 Scheme Working
Gr5 Term 1 Scheme Working
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Water Assumed knowledge: Learners know states of water.
4 and 5 WATER learners should Describing and Technology Ice Intro: re-cape of the previous lesson
K.C be able to:- Naming Junior syllabus Refrigerator 1. Learners name conditions necessary for evaporation while the
Properties of explain how Explaining grade 3-7 Print media facilitator assists learners.
water water changes Observing Page 54 Saucepan 2. Learners demonstrate how water changes into water vapour while
S.C Water into vapour Source of heat the facilitator guides them.
vapour 3. Learners observe and record their findings.
4. Learners explain how water changes into water vapourwhile the
facilitator assists them.
Con: answer oral questions
2 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Local ground Assumed knowledge: learners know water sources
24-01-20 WATER learners should Discussing and Technology water Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
Lesson K.C Sources be able to:- - Naming Junior syllabus Print media 1.Learners say what they know about water sources
1 of Water recognise ground grade 3-7 Electronic 2.Learnersand the facilitator discuss on ground water sources. 3.
S.C Ground water sources Page 54 media Learners identify ground water sources in the local
water Borehole community.4.Learners identify protected and unprotected water
Spring sources. 5. Individual written work
Protected Con: answer oral questions
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Classifying Junior Science Local ground Assumed knowledge: Learners know water sources
2 and 3 WATER learners should Explaining and Technology water Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
K.C be able to:- Discussing Junior syllabus Print media 1.Learners name water sources they know.
SOURCES grade 3-7 Electronic 2.Learnersread about water extraction models.
OF WATER -explain ground Page 54 media 3. Learners in groups discuss on ground water extraction methods
S.C Water water extraction Borehole while the facilitator assists them.
extraction methods Spring 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
methods Protected assists them.
-springs wells 5. Individual written work.
-borehole Con: Revision and recap of written work
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Explaining Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know water sources.
4 and 5 WATER learners should Describing and Technology ICT Tools Intro: re-cape the previous lesson
K.C be able to:- - Junior syllabus Electronic 1.Learners name the water sources they know.
SOURCES Design water grade 3-7 tools 2.Thefacilitatordemonstrates and explains on designing and making a
OF WATER extraction models Page 54 water extraction models.
SC: Water 3. Learners design and make a water extraction model in groups
extraction while the facilitator guides them.
models 4. Learners explain how their models work while the facilitator
assists them.
Con: recap of concepts
3 TOPIC: During the lesson Naming Junior Science Water Assumed knowledge: learners know forms of pollution
31-01-20 WATER learners should Explaining and Technology Print media Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
Lesson K.C: Water be able to:- Describing Junior syllabus ICT Tools 1. Learners name forms of pollution they know.
1 and the -List causes of grade 3-7 2.Learners read about causes of pollution.
environment water pollution Page 54 3.Learners in groupsdiscuss on causes of pollution while the
S.C: Water facilitator assists them
pollution 4. Learners give feedback from their findings while the facilitator
-Causes of assists them.
water 5. Individual written work
pollution Con:revise work done
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Naming Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know causes of pollution
2 and 3 WATER learners should Explaining and Technology Health officer Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
K.C: Water be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus Resource 1. Learners name cause of pollution.
and the explain the effects grade 3-7 person 2.Learners observe effects of pollution in the local environment.
environment water pollution Page 54 Print media 3. Learners name the effects of water pollution while the facilitator
S.C: Water assists them.
pollution 4. Individual written work
-Effects of Con:Revision and recap of concepts
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Naming Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know causes of pollution
4 WATER learners should Explaining and Technology Statutory Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
K.C: Water be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus instruments Step 1 Learners name the causes of pollution.
and the Suggest ways of grade 3-7 and laws on Step 2 Learners read about ways of preventing water pollution.
environment preventing water Page 54 pollution Step 3 Learners in groups determine ways of preventing water
S.C: Water pollution pollution while the facilitator assists them.
pollution Step 4: Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator
-Prevention of assists them
water Step 5: Individual written work
pollution Conclusion revision of work written
Lesson 5 TOPIC During the lesson Naming Junior Science Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
WATER learners should Explaining and Technology Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
Revision test be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Revision test answer at least grade 3-7 Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
questions half of the Page 54 individually.
revision test Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
questions Conclusion revision of work written
correctly given
4 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science School Assumed knowledge: learners know soil, plants and animals
07-02-20 SOIL, learners should Describing and Technology environment Intro: learners say what they know about soil
Lesson PLANTS be able to:- - Naming Junior syllabus School garden 1. The facilitator construct a food web and explains to learners
1 AND describe the Observing grade 3-7 Print media 2. Learners watch videos on soil ecosystem
ANIMALS interdependence Page 57 Earth worms 3. Learners in groups construct their food webs in the soil ecosystem
K.C: SOIL between while the facilitator assists them.
S.C Soil as an components of 4. Learners give feedback from their findings.
eco system soil ecosystem Con:Discuss group findings and answer oral questions
Lesson TOPIC:SOIL During the lesson Discussing Junior Science Humus Assumed knowledge: learners know food webs
2 and 3 , PLANTS learners should Explaining and Technology Compost Intro: learners say what they know about food webs
AND be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus ICT tools 1. Learners construct food web in the soil eco system while the
ANIMALS describe the grade 3-7 Earthworms facilitator assists them.
K.C SOIL interdependence Page 57 Water 2. Learners in groups build an ecosystem comprising of earthworms
S.C Soil as an between Containers and plants while the facilitator assists them.
eco system components of 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
-Man-made soil ecosystem assists them.
-make soil based CON:discuss group findings and answer oral questions
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Explaining Junior Science School Assumed knowledge:learners know types of soil
4 and 5 SOIL, learners should Identifying and Technology environment Intro: learners name the types of soils they know.
PLANTS be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus Water print 1. Learners identify the uses of soil while the facilitator assists them.
AND identify different grade 3-7 media 2. Learners in groups list uses of soil while the facilitator assists
ANIMALS uses of soil Page 57 Hoes them.
K.C: Soil 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
S.C Use of assists them.
soil 4. Individual written work
-Crop Con Revision and recap of concepts
5 TOPIC:SOIL During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know plants.
14-02-20 , PLANTS learners should Describing and Technology Local Intro: learners say what they about plants.
Lesson AND be able to:- - Explaining Junior syllabus environment 1.The facilitator explains why plants are producers and illustrate on
1 ANIMALS identify plants as grade 3-7 Electronic how plants and animals relate through food chains and food webs as
K.C: Plants producers of food Page 58 media primary consumer or secondary consumer.
S.C Plants as 2. Learners in groups make their food webs and food chains and
producers identify plants as producers while the facilitator assists them.
-food chains 3. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
-food Chains facilitator assists them.
- 4.Individual written work.
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts
Lesson TOPIC:SOIL During the lesson Explaining Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know plants.
2 and 3 , PLANTS learners should Describing and Technology Local Intro: learners say what they about plants.
AND be able to:- - Identifying Junior syllabus environment 1. Learners explain why plants are producers while the facilitator
ANIMALS identify plants as grade 3-7 Electronic assists them.
K.C PLANTS producers of food Page 58 media 2. Learners in groups make their food webs and food chains and
S.C: Plants as -describe the food describe on them i.e naming herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
producers chains and food while the facilitator assists them.
-Primary webs 3. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
consumers facilitator assists them.
4. Individual written work.
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Explaining Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know plants.
4 and 5 SOIL, learners should Describing and Technology Local Intro: learners say what they about plants.
PLANTS be able to:- - Identifying Junior syllabus environment 1. Learners make their food chains and food webs while the
AND identify plants as Classifying grade 3-7 Electronic facilitator assists them.
ANIMALS producers of food Page 58 media 2. Learners name herbivores, omnivores and carnivores from their
K.C Plants -describe the food food chains and food webs while the facilitator assists them.
S.C: Plants as chains and food 3. Learners in groups collect pictures on different animals and
producers webs classify them while the facilitator assists them.
-Secondary 4. Learners give feedback from their groups.
consumers 5. Individual written work
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts
6 TOPIC:SOIL During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: Learners know plants
21-02-20 , PLANTS learners should Describing and Technology Local Intro: recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson AND be able to:- - Naming Junior syllabus environment 1. The facilitator explains and describe on sexual reproduction in
1 ANIMALS identify different grade 3-7 Electronic plants.
K.C Plants types of plant Page 58 media 2. Learners in groups discuss on sexual reproduction in plants while
S.C: Plants reproduction Flowers the facilitator assists them.
reproduction Magnifying 3. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
-Sexual lens facilitator assists them.
(seeds) 4. Class discussion on group findings
Con:Learners answer oral questions
Lesson TOPIC:SOIL During the lesson Describing Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: Learners know plants
2 and 3 , PLANTS learners should Stating and Technology Local Intro: recap of the previous lesson.
AND be able to:- - Identifying Junior syllabus environment 1. The facilitator explains and describe on asexual reproduction in
ANIMALS identifying grade 3-7 Electronic plants
K.C Plants different types of Page 58 media 2. Leaners identify the agents of pollination while the facilitator
S.C: Plants plants Flowers assists them.
reproduction reproduction Magnifying 3. Learners in groups discuss on asexual reproduction in plants while
- Asexual -describe the lens the facilitator assists them.
(vegetative) agents of 4. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
-Agents of pollination facilitator assists them.
pollination 5. Individual written work
7 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know different animals
28-02-20 SOIL, learners should Explaining and Technology Electronic Intro: Learners name animals they know.
PLANTS be able to:- - - Describing Junior syllabus media 1. Learners list various animals.
Lesson AND explain animal grade 3-7 Animals 2. The facilitator explains on animal reproduction (External
1 ANIMALS reproduction Page 59 habitat fertilisation).
K.C Animals -identify 3. Learners in groups discuss on external fertilisation, its advantages
S.C: Animal advantages and and disadvantages reproduce while the facilitator assisting them.
reproduction disadvantages of 4. Learners give feedback from their group finding while the
-External external facilitator assists them.
fertilisation fertilisation 5. Individual written work.
Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know different animals
2 and 3 SOIL, learners should Explaining and Technology Electronic Intro: Learners name animals they know.
PLANTS be able to:- - - Describing Junior syllabus media 1. Learners list various animals.
AND explain animal grade 3-7 Animals 2. The facilitator explains on animal reproduction (internal
ANIMALS reproduction Page 59 habitat fertilisation).
K.C Animals -identify 3. Learners in groups discuss on internal fertilisation, its advantages
S.C: Animal advantages and and disadvantages reproduce while the facilitator assisting them.
reproduction disadvantages of 4. Learners give feedback from their group finding while the
-External internal facilitator assists them.
fertilisation fertilisation 5. Individual written work.
Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know different animals
4 and 5 SOIL, learners should Explaining and Technology Electronic Intro: Learners name animals they know.
PLANTS be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus media 1. Learners list various animals.
AND classify animals grade 3-7 Animals 2. Learners in groups classify animals according to methods of
ANIMALS according to Page 59 habitat fertilisation while the facilitator assisting them.
K.C Animals methods of 4. Learners give feedback from their group finding while the
S.C: Animal fertilisation facilitator assists them.
reproduction 5. Classdiscussion on group findings.
-External and Con:Learners answer oral questions.
8 TOPIC:HEA During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know their body parts.
06-03-20 LTH AND learners should Describing and Technology Model of intro: learners say their body parts
Lesson SAFETY be able to:- Explaining Junior syllabus digestive 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on digestive system in
1 K.C- Human -identify parts of grade 3-7 system the mouth.
body the digestive Page 44 Electronic 2. Learners explain what happens to food they eat while the
S.C Digestive system media facilitator assists the learners.
system 3. Learners in groups discuss on digestive system while the facilitator
-In the mouth assists them.
4. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
facilitator assists them.
CON:Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know their body parts.
2 and 3 HEALTH learners should Describing and Technology Model of intro: learners say their body parts
AND be able to:- Explaining Junior syllabus digestive 1. Learners explain on what happens to the food they eat while the
SAFETY -identify parts of grade 3-7 system facilitator assists them.
K.C- Human the digestive Page 44 Electronic 2. Learners name parts of the human digestive system while the
body system media facilitator assists them.
S.C Digestive -state the function 3. Learners in groups discuss on functions of each part of the
system of parts of digestive system they have identified while the facilitator assists
-In the digestive system them.
stomach 4. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
facilitator assists them.
5. Individual written.
Con: Revision of written and recap of concepts.
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners know their body parts.
4 HEALTH learners should Describing and Technology Model of intro: learners say their body parts
AND be able to:- Explaining Junior syllabus digestive 1. Learners explain on what happens to the food they eat while the
SAFETY -describe the grade 3-7 system facilitator assists them.
K.C- Human digestive process Page 44 Electronic 2. Learners name parts of the human digestive system while the
body Media facilitator assists them.
S.C Digestive Resource 3. Learners draw and label the digestive system while the facilitator
system person assists them.
-In the mouth 4. Learners describe the digestive system while the facilitator assists
-In the them.
stomach 5. Individual written.
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts
TOPIC:HEAL During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners eat every day
TH AND learners should Discussing and Technology Pictures Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson SAFETY be able to:- Naming Junior syllabus Electronic 1.The facilitator explains on eating disorders and the consequences.
5 K.C: -List eating grade 3-7 devices 2. Learners suggest proper eating habits and their benefits while the
Nutrition disorders Page 44 facilitator assists them.
S.C – Eating -Explain the 3. Learners in groups discuss on consequences of eating disorders
disorders importance of while the facilitator assists them.
-Obesity( over proper eating 4.Learners give feedback from their group finding while the
eating) - habits facilitator assists them.
Anorexia 5. Class discussion on group findings
(starving Con:Learnersanswer oral questions
oneself )
eating then
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners eat every day
5 HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology Pictures Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
AND be able to:- Naming Junior syllabus Electronic 1. Learners suggest proper eating habits and their benefits while the
SAFETY -List eating grade 3-7 devices facilitator assists them.
K.C: disorders Page 44 2. Learners in groups discuss on consequences of eating disorders
Nutrition -Explain the while the facilitator assists them.
S.C – Eating importance of 3. Learners give feedback from their group finding while the
disorders proper eating facilitator assists them.
-Obesity( over habits 4. Class discussion on group findings
eating) - Con:Learnersanswer oral questions
oneself )
eating then
9 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners different diseases
13-03-20 HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology Pictures Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson AND be able to:- Naming Junior syllabus Electronic 1. Learners name the diseases they know.
1 SAFETY -Name the grade 3-7 devices 2. The facilitator explains on deficiency diseases and their sufficient
K.C: deficiency disease Page 45 nutrients.
Nutrition and their 3. Learners in groups identify deficiency diseases and their sufficient
S.C – insufficient nutrients while the facilitator assists them.
Deficiency nutrients 4. Learners give feedback from their group finding while the
disease facilitator assists them.
-Scurvy 5. Individual written work
-Kwashiorkor Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 2 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Print media Assumed knowledge: learners different diseases
HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology Pictures Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
AND be able to:- Naming Junior syllabus Electronic 1. Learners name the diseases they know.
SAFETY -Recognise grade 3-7 devices 2. Learners identify deficiency diseases and their sufficient nutrients
K.C: symptoms of Page 45 while the facilitator assists them.
Nutrition nutrition 4. Learners watch video clips deficiency diseases or eating disorders
S.C – deficiency 5. Learners collect and display pictures of people with deficiency
Deficiency diseases and eating disorders.
disease Con:Learners answer oral questions.
Lesson 3 TOPIC: During the lesson Naming Junior Science Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
HEALTH learners should Explaining and Technology Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
AND be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
SAFETY answer at least grade 3-7 Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Revision test half of the Page 44 individually.
-Revision test revision test Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
questions questions Conclusion revision of work written
correctly given
TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Electronic Assumed knowledge: learners know different diseases
Lesson HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology media Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
4 AND be able to:- -- Describing Junior syllabus Health 1. Thefacilitator explains on signs and symptoms of gut worms
SAFETY describe the signs grade 3-7 personnel infection
K.C Diseases and symptoms of Page 45 Print media 2. Learns read about harmful gut worms.
and gut worms 3. Learners in groupsdiscuss on how gut worms enter the body, signs
prevention infection and symptoms while the facilitator assists them
4. Learnersgive feedback from their groups findings while the
S.C: Harmful facilitator assists them.
gut worms 5. Individual written work
Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Electronic Assumed knowledge: learners know different diseases
5 HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology media Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
AND be able to:- -- Describing Junior syllabus Health 1. Learners identify signs and symptoms of gut worms
SAFETY Suggesting ways grade 3-7 personnel 2. Learners explain how gut worms inter the body.
K.C Diseases of controlling gut Page 45 Print media 3. Learners in groupsdiscuss on ways of controlling gut worms while
and worms. the facilitator assists them.
prevention 4. Learnersgive feedback from their groups findings while the
facilitator assists them.
S.C: Harmful 5. Individual written work
gut worms Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
10 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Electronic Assumed knowledge: learners know different diseases
20-03-20 HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology media Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
Lesson AND be able to:- -- Describing Junior syllabus Health 1. Learners identify signs and symptoms of gut worms
1 SAFETY Demonstrate grade 3-7 personnel 2. Learners explain how gut worms inter the body.
K.C Diseases awareness of the Page 45 Print media 3. Learners demonstrate proper ways of washing hands while the
and dangers of the gut facilitator assists them.
prevention worms 4. Learnersdramatize how an infected person behaves
S.C: Harmful 5. Learners sing rhymes and poems on dangers of gut worms
gut worms Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 2 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Electronic Assumed knowledge: learners know different diseases
HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology media Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
AND be able to:- -- Describing Junior syllabus Health 1. Learners identify STIs they know while the facilitator assists them.
SAFETY name different grade 3-7 personnel 2. The facilitator explains on different STIs and their effcets and their
K.C Diseases STIs Page 46 Print media ways they spread.
and -Explain how 3. Learners in groupsidentify different types of STIs and discuss how
prevention STIs are spread they spread while the facilitator assists them
S.C: Sexual 4. Learnersgive feedback from their groups findings while the
transmitted facilitator assists them.
infections 5. Individual written work
(STIs) Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 3 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Electronic Assumed knowledge: learners know different diseases
HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology media Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
AND be able to:- -- Describing Junior syllabus Health 1. Learners identify STIs and their effects while the facilitator assists
SAFETY State the effects grade 3-7 personnel them.
K.C Diseases of STIs Page 46 Print media 2. The facilitator explains on ways of preventing STIs.
and _outline the 3. Learners in groupsidentify ways preventing STIs while the
prevention prevention facilitator assists them
S.C: measures of STIs. 4. Learnersgive feedback from their groups findings while the
Preventions of facilitator assists them.
STIs 5. Individual written work
Con:Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 4 TOPIC: During the lesson Identifying Junior Science Electronic Assumed knowledge: learners know that there is AIDS.
HEALTH learners should Discussing and Technology media Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
AND be able to:- - Describing Junior syllabus Health 1. The facilitator explains on causes of HIV/AIDS and ways in which
SAFETY Discuss the causes grade 3-7 personnel it is spread.
K.C Diseases of HIV/AIDS Page 46 Print media 2. Learner identifies ways in which HIV/AIDS is spread while the
and -List ways in facilitator assists them.
prevention which HIV is 3. Learners in groupsidentifies causes of HIV/AIDS and discuss how
S.C: spread it is spread while the facilitator assists them
HIV/AIDS 4. Learnersgive feedback from their groups findings while the
-Causes facilitator assists them.
Lesson 2 During the lesson Listening Visual and Audio visual Assumed knowledge: Learners know different songs
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing storage device Methods: song
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Tape recorder Intro: Leaners listen to songs from different artists.
MUSIC -identify gendered g (Grades 3-7) Resource person 1. Learners listen to songs from different artists.
-Gender and nature of folk songs. Dancing Syllabus Smartphone 2. Learners in groups analyse gender roles folk songs while the
music in the -derive meaning of Singing 2015-2022 facilitator assists them.
community songs sung during Identifying Page 38 3. Learners sing songs sung from different social activities in
-Gender and different social groups while the facilitator assists them and record.
music activities 4. Feedback from groups.
Con: Group with the best song sing its song
Lesson 3 During the lesson Listening Visual and Audio visual Assumed knowledge: Learners know different songs
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing storage device Methods: song
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Tape recorder Intro: Leaners listen to songs from different artists.
MUSIC -assess gender roles in g (Grades 3-7) Resource person 1. Learners listen to songs from different artists.
-Gender and indigenous music Dancing Syllabus Smartphone 2. Learners in groups analyse gender roles in indigenous music
music in the Singing 2015-2022 while the facilitator assists them.
community Identifying Page 38 3. Learners sing indigenous songs in groups while the facilitator
-Gender and assists them and record.
music 4. Feedback from groups.
Con: Group with the best song sing its song
Lesson 4 During the lesson Listening Visual and Audio visual Assumed knowledge: Learners different musical instruments
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing storage device Methods: integrated learning
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Tape recorder Intro: Leaners listen to social functions of music
MUSIC -identify how music g (Grades 3-7) Resource person 1. Learners identify technology in music in the past and in the
-Historical has used technology Dancing Syllabus Smartphone present while the facilitator assists them.
development of in the past and Singing 2015-2022 2. Learners in groups trace the use of technology in music while
technology in present. Identifying Page 38 the facilitator assists them.
music. 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the teacher
- Use the assists them.
technology in 4. Class discussion on group findings.
music in the past Con: Learners listen to music from the memory stick.
and present
AIM: Learners should display works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art as a reflection of societal values and beliefs Unhuinthepast and present
2 Lesson 1 During the lesson Relating Visual and Audio visual Assumed knowledge: learners know their rights
History of arts learners will Listening Performing storage device Methods: Integrated learning, discussion
24-01-20 and culture --Incorporate Composing Arts - Junior Tape recorder Intro: Recap of previous lesson
Music children’s rights, Distinguishin (Grades 3-7) Resource person 1. Learners identify their rights while the facilitator assists them.
-Child protection responsibilities and g Syllabus Smartphone 2. Learners in groups sing songs which incorporate children’s
development in unhu/Ubuntu/vumunh Dancing 2015-2022 rights, responsibilities and unhu/Ubuntu/vumunhu
music. u in their Singing Page 38 3. Demonstrations from groups while the facilitator assists them.
-Incorporate improvisation Identifying 4. Learners sing a song which incorporate their rights as class
children’s rights, Con: Learners listen to music from the memory stick
and unhu in their
Lesson 2 During the lesson Listening Visual and Audio visual Assumed knowledge: Learners different musical instruments
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing storage device Methods: integrated learning
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Tape recorder Intro: recap of the previous lesson
MUSIC -play musical g (Grades 3-7) Resource person 1. Learners identify identify different music instruments.
-Zimbabwean instruments. Dancing Syllabus Smartphone 2. Learners in groups play different music instruments while the
musical Singing 2015-2022 facilitator assists the learners.
instruments Identifying Page 38 3. Demonstration of musical instruments plays from groups.
-musical 4. Best group play their instruments for the class.
instruments such Con: Learners listen to music from the memory stick.
as- mbira,
keyboard, piano,
Lesson 3 During the lesson Listening Visual and Audio visual Assumed knowledge: Learners different musical instruments
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing storage device Methods: integrated learning
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Tape recorder Intro: recap of the previous lesson
MUSIC -draw and label g (Grades 3-7) Resource person 1. Learners identify identify different music instruments.
-Zimbabwean different musical Dancing Syllabus Smartphone 2. Learners in groups identify and draw musical instruments
musical instruments Singing 2015-2022 while the facilitator assists the learners.
instruments Identifying Page 38 3. Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator
-musical assists them.
instruments 4. Individual written work
Con: Revision and recap of written work.
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History of arts least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
and culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-Music correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-Revision test Page 38 Conclusion revision of work written
AIM: Learners should map historical innovations in music, visual arts theatre and dance that were caused by the creation of new technologies
3 Lesson 1 During the lesson Relating Visual and Artefacts such Assumed knowledge: learners know some artefacts such
History of arts learners will Listening Performing as , Zimbabwe Zimbabwe bird
31-01-20 and culture --describe the role and Composing Arts - Junior bird, stone Methods: Integrated learning, discussion
-Visual arts development of visual Distinguishin (Grades 3-7) sculptures, Intro: Recap of previous lesson
-Role of and art in post-colonial g Syllabus basketry, rock 1.The facilitator explains and describe on developments of visual
development of eras. Dancing 2015-2022 painting, pottery art in post-colonial eras.
visual arts in post- Singing Page 38 -Video clips 2. Learners in groups trace visual arts development in the post-
colonial era Identifying colonial era while the facilitator assists them.
- Visual arts 3. Feedback from groups while the facilitator assists learners.
development in 4. Learners watch video clips on role and development of visual
the post-colonial art in post-colonial eras.
era Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator
Lesson 1 During the lesson Relating Visual and Artefacts such Assumed knowledge: learners know some artefacts such
History of arts learners will Listening Performing as , Zimbabwe Zimbabwe bird
and culture --identify ways of Composing Arts - Junior bird, stone Methods: Integrated learning, discussion
-Visual arts preserving and Distinguishin (Grades 3-7) sculptures, Intro: Recap of previous lesson
-Ways of conserving artworks. g Syllabus basketry, rock 1. The facilitator explains and describe on developments of visual
preserving and -Analyse ways of Dancing 2015-2022 painting, pottery art in post-colonial eras.
conserving preserving and Singing Page 38 -Video clips 2. Learners in groups trace visual arts development in the post-
artworks conserving different Identifying colonial era while the facilitator assists them.
-art preservation artworks 3. Feedback from groups while the facilitator assists learners.
and conservation 4. Learners watch video clips on role and development of visual
art in post-colonial eras.
Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator
Lesson 3 During the lesson Listening Visual and Cultural centres Assumed knowledge: Learners know artefacts.
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing Video clips Methods: integrated learning, discussion
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Resource person Intro: recap of the previous lesson
Works of art in -distinguish different g (Grades 3-7) Smartphone 1. The facilitator explains on Zimbabwean artefacts.
Zimbabwe works of art in Dancing Syllabus 2. Learners identify artworks in Zimbabwean societies while the
Societies Zimbabwean societies Singing 2015-2022 facilitator assists them.
-Zimbabwe Identifying Page 38 3. Learners in groups distinguish different works of art in
artefacts Zimbabwean societies while the facilitator assists the learners.
4. Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator
assists them.
5. Class discussion on group findings
Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitators
Lesson 4 During the lesson Listening Visual and Photographs Assumed knowledge: Learners know different heritage sites
History of arts learners should be Composing Performing computer Methods: Educational tour, discussion
and culture able to:- Distinguishin Arts - Junior Heritage sites Intro: recap of the previous lesson
Works of art in -distinguish different g (Grades 3-7) Smartphone 1. The facilitator explains on different heritage sites in
Zimbabwe works of art in Dancing Syllabus Zimbabwe.
Societies Zimbabwean societies Singing 2015-2022 2. Learners identify different heritage sites in Zimbabwe.
-Heritage sites Identifying Page 38 3. Learners in groups distinguish different works of art in
-Child protection Zimbabwean societies while the facilitator assists the learners.
and development 4. Educational tour to any one of heritage sites in Zimbabwe
in visual arts 5. Learners observe and record their findings.
Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitators
AIM: Learners should use visual and performing arts as a vehicle for the enhancement of creativity, self-identity,and community consciousness
4 Lesson 1 During the lesson Listening Visual and Resource person Assumed knowledge: learners know different cultural
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing Cultural centre, celebrations
and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior internet, video Methods: Resource method, integrated method, storytelling.
THEATRE -Create appropriate Listening (Grades 3-7) clips, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
07-02-20 -Props, set and sets, props and Composing Syllabus smartphone 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on creating
costumes costumes for a Distinguishin 2015-2022 appropriate sets, props and costumes for cultural celebrations.
-Cultural cultural celebration g Page 39 2. Learners in groups name different cultural celebrations and
celebrations Dancing design sets, costumes and props while the facilitator assists them.
Singing 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
Identifying assists them.
4. Class discussion on findings from groups.
Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson 2 During the lesson Listening Visual and Resource person Assumed knowledge: learners know different cultural
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing Cultural centre, celebrations
and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior internet, video Methods: Resource method, integrated method
THEATRE Listening (Grades 3-7) clips, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Props, set and -Demonstrate how Composing Syllabus smartphone 1. The facilitator tells a story to learners on beliefs and traditions
costumes theatre and story Distinguishin 2015-2022 while learners listen.
-Storytelling: telling forms may g Page 39 2. Learners in groups create group performance on belief and
Beliefs and reflect customs, Dancing traditions while the facilitator assists them.
traditions beliefs and traditions. Singing 3. Learners demonstrate their performance.
Identifying Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson 3 During the lesson Listening Visual and Live Assumed knowledge: learners know different cultural
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing performance celebrations
and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior Charts, Pictures, Methods: integrated method
THEATRE -Identify how theatre Listening (Grades 3-7) Costumes, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Historical has used technology Composing Syllabus Recorder, 1. Learners in use designed props, sets and costumes to perform
development of in the past and Distinguishin 2015-2022 Internet , different cultural, beliefs and traditions while the facilitator
technology in present. g Page 40 smartphone assists them.
theatre and film.- Dancing 2. Learners identify technology used in theatre in the past and in
Use of technology Singing the present while the facilitator assists them.
in theatre in the Identifying 3. Class discussion on the use of technology in the past and the in
past and present. present.
Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson 4 During the lesson Listening Visual and Live Assumed knowledge: learners know some of their rights.
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing performance Methods: integrated method, role play
and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior Charts, Pictures, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
THEATRE -Incorporate Listening (Grades 3-7) Costumes, 1. Learners identify their rights and responsibilities both at home
-Child protection children’s rights, Composing Syllabus Recorder, and at school while the facilitator assists them.
and development responsibilities and Distinguishin 2015-2022 Internet , 2. Learners listen to folk tales from the facilitator.
in theatre. – unhu,Ubuntu/vumunh g Page 40 smartphone 3. Learners extract beliefs, customs and traditions from the
Children’s rights u in their Dancing folktales while the facilitator assists them.
responsibilities improvisation Singing 4. Learners perform a role play on responsibilities and their rights
and Identifying while the facilitator assists them.
unhu/Ubuntu/vu 5. Class discussions on children rights and responsibilities.
munhu Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
AIM: Learners should improve enterprise and psycho-motor skills through visual and performing arts
5 Lesson 1 During the lesson Listening Visual and Live Assumed knowledge: learners know different cultural dances
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing performance Methods: integrated method, dance
14-02-20 and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior Charts, Pictures, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
DANCE -Identify cultural Listening (Grades 3-7) Costumes, 1. Learners identify cultural dance they know while the facilitator
-Development of dances from past and Composing Syllabus Recorder, assists them.
Cultural dances in present. Distinguishin 2015-2022 Internet , 2. Learners in groups discuss on cultural dances in the past and in
Zimbabwe. -outline dances g Page 40 smartphone the present extracting changes while the facilitator assists them.
-Cultural dances performed by- men Dancing Cultural centres 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
where men are -women Singing Video clips assists them.
the main dancers -children Identifying Audio on 4. Learners demonstrates short cultural dances
such as storage devices Con: Learners dance cultural dances.
gule, amabhiza
Lesson 2 During the lesson Listening Visual and Live Assumed knowledge: learners know different cultural dances
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing performance Methods: integrated method, dance
and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior Charts, Pictures, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
DANCE -outline dances Listening (Grades 3-7) Costumes, 1. Learners identify different cultural dances.
- Development of performed by- women Composing Syllabus Recorder, 2. Learners in groups discuss on dances for women and outline
Cultural dances in -Explain the purpose Distinguishin 2015-2022 Internet , its purpose while the facilitator assists them
Zimbabwe. of dance g Page 40 smartphone 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
-woman as the -justify why cultural Dancing Cultural centres assists them
main dancers dances changes when Singing Video clips 4. Learners demonstrates short cultural dances
such as performed for Identifying Audio on Con: Learners dance cultural dances.
chihodha/Chimta audience storage devices
Lesson 3 During the lesson Listening Visual and Live Assumed knowledge: learners know different cultural dances
History of arts learners should be Describing Performing performance Methods: integrated method, dance
and culture able to:- Relating Arts - Junior Charts, Pictures, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
DANCE -outline dances Listening (Grades 3-7) Costumes, 1. Learners identify different cultural dances.
- Development of performed by- Composing Syllabus Recorder, 2. Learners in groups discuss on dances for children and outline
Cultural dances in children Distinguishin 2015-2022 Internet , its purpose while the facilitator assists them
Zimbabwe. -Explain the purpose g Page 40 smartphone 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
- Children as the of dance Dancing Cultural centres assists them
main dancers Singing Video clips 4. Learners demonstrates dances performed by children e.g.
such as chokoto, Identifying Audio on clacks
The creative process During the lesson Describing Visual and Charts , Pictures Assumed knowledge: learner know some musical symbols
and performance learners should be Relating Performing video clip Methods: integrated method, notation
MUSIC able to:- Listening Arts - Junior resource person, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Simple and compound -Use simple and Composing (Grades 3-7) computer 1. Learners identify musical symbols they know.
time signatures compound time Distinguishin Syllabus 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on simple and
-Simple and compound signature in g 2015-2022 compound time signature to learners.
time signatures composing rhythms Dancing Page 42 3. Learners in groups compose rhythms using simple and
Singing compound time signatures while the facilitator assists them.
Identifying 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
Con: Recap of concepts.
Lesson 3 During the lesson Describing Visual and Charts , Pictures Assumed knowledge: learner can sing songs
The creative process learners should be Relating Performing video clip Methods: song
and performance able to:- Listening Arts - Junior resource person, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
MUSIC -Sing rounds Composing (Grades 3-7) computer 1. The facilitator explains on the concept of rounds, descant and
-Rounds, descants and -sing ostinatos Distinguishin Syllabus Television ostinatos in songs
songs with ostinato. -Improve descants in g 2015-2022 Smart phone 2. Learners sing songs with rounds and ostinatos while the
-Musical instruments known songs Dancing Page 42 Musical facilitator assists them.
such as piano, -play ostinato in Singing instruments 3. Learners in groups compose songs improving descants and
keyboard , a piano and percussion Identifying while the facilitator assists them.
guitar instruments. 4 Learners give feedback while the facilitator assists them.
-Rounds, Descants, 5. Learners play ostinato on percussion instruments while the
Ostinatos facilitator assists them
-Percussion 6. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
instruments ass
Con: Learners play percussion instruments.
Lesson 4 During the lesson Describing Visual and Charts , Pictures Assumed knowledge: learner can sing songs
The creative process learners should be Relating Performing Video clip Methods: integrated method, notation
and performance able to:- Listening Arts - Junior resource person, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
MUSIC -Sing songs in two Composing (Grades 3-7) computer 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on songs in two and
-Two and three part and three part Distinguishin Syllabus Smartphone three part harmony.
harmony songs harmony g 2015-2022 2. Learners in groups sing songs with two and three part harmony
-Songs in two and three Dancing Page 42 while the facilitator assists them.
part harmony Singing 3. Learners give feedback from their groups
Identifying Con: Best group sing for the class
AIM: learners should improve enterprise and psycho-motor skills through visual and performing arts
7 Lesson 1 During the lesson Describing Visual and Charts , Pictures Assumed knowledge: learners know percussion instruments.
The creative process learners should be Relating Performing video clip Methods: integrated method, notation
28- and performance able to:- Listening Arts - Junior resource person, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
MUSIC -Play tuned Composing (Grades 3-7) computer 1. Learners name percussion instruments they know.
02- -Tuned percussion percussion Distinguishin Syllabus Musical 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on playing of tuned
20 instruments instruments g 2015-2022 instruments percussion instruments.
-mbira, marimba, Dancing Page 42 Mbira, Marimba 3. Learners play tuned percussion instruments while the
chipendani Singing chipendani facilitator assists them.
Identifying Con: Best learners play tuned percussion instruments for the
Lesson 2 During the lesson Describing Visual and Charts , Pictures Assumed knowledge: learners know percussion instruments.
The creative process learners should be Relating Performing video clip Methods: integrated method, notation
and performance able to:- Listening Arts - Junior resource person, Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
MUSIC -Play un-tuned Composing (Grades 3-7) computer 1. Learners name percussion instruments they know.
-Un-tuned percussion percussion Distinguishin Syllabus Musical 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on playing of un-
instruments instruments g 2015-2022 instruments tuned percussion instruments.
-Hosho, tambourine Dancing Page 42 Hosho, 3. Learners play un-tuned percussion instruments while the
etc. Singing tambourine facilitator assists them.
Identifying Con: Best learners play un-tuned percussion instruments for the
Lesson 3 During the lesson Describing Visual and Charts , PicturesAssumed knowledge: learners know different musical
The creative process learners should be Relating Performing video clip instruments
and performance able to:- Listening Arts - Junior resource person, Methods: integrated method, notation
MUSIC -Explain musical Composing (Grades 3-7) computer Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Playing musical terms that denote soft Distinguishin Syllabus Smartphone 1. Learners name musical instruments they know
instruments and loud, fast and g 2015-2022 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrate on musical terms that
-Musical term: slow music. Dancing Page 42 denote soft and loud, fast and slow of music such as dynamic and
-Dynamic markings Singing tempo markings
-Tempo Markings Identifying 3. Learners in groups discuss on meaning of dynamic and tempo
markings while the facilitator assists them.
4. Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator
assists them.
Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
The creative process least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
and performance revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-Music correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-Revision test questions Page 42 Conclusion revision of work written
AIM: Learners should incorporate the use of information communication technology tools in visual and performing arts
8 Lesson 1 During the lesson Describing Visual and Models Assumed knowledge: learners are able to draw.
The creative process learners should be Relating Performing Newspaper Methods: Animation, Simulation
006- and performance able to:- Listening Arts - Junior Brushes Intro: Learners name most things they like to draw.
VISUAL ARTS -Apply elements and Composing (Grades 3-7) Reeds 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on the use elements
03- -Drawing and painting principles of design in Distinguishin Syllabus Various tools and principles of design in observational, still life drawing and
20 -Elements of design observational, still life g 2015-2022 Different types life drawing.
such as: and life drawing. Dancing Page 42 of media 2. Learners in groups discuss on elements and principles of
-texture Singing Resource design while the facilitator assists them.
-Line Identifying persons 3. Learners apply elements and principles of design in drawing,
-colour devices painting, sculpting, moulding, assembling and modelling while
10 Lesson 1 During the lesson Describing Visual and Visual audios Assumed knowledge: Leaners are able to dance.
20-03-20 The creative learners should be Relating Performing Resource person Methods:Dance
purpose and able to:- Listening Arts - Junior Smartphone Intro: facilitator displays a dance
performance -identify complex Composing (Grades 3-7) Video clips 1. Learners states complex movements they have watched from
DANCE movements Distinguishin Syllabus choreographer the video clip.
-Complex -create complex g 2015-2022 Internet 2. Learners in groups design complex sequence of movements
movement sequence of Dancing Page 44 Computer with the help of the facilitator.
-Movement movement with Singing 3. Learners practice in their groups while the facilitator assists
sequences – greater focus, force Identifying them.
Force/energy and intent. 4. Learners rehearse complex sequence of movement.
-intent -master sequence of Con: Best group demonstrate to others
-focus movement with
greater focus, force
and intent
Lesson 2 During the lesson Describing Visual and Visual audios Assumed knowledge: Leaners are able to dance.
The creative learners should be Relating Performing Resource person Methods:Dance
purpose and able to:- Listening Arts - Junior Smartphone Intro: facilitator displays a dance
performance -invent possibilities to Composing (Grades 3-7) Video clips 1. Learners states complex movements they have watched from
DANCE solve given Distinguishin Syllabus choreographer the video clip.
-Movement movement problems g 2015-2022 Internet 2. Learners deduce strategies to solve movement problems with
problems and -analyse problem Dancing Page 44 Computer the help of the facilitator.
solutions solving strategies Singing 3. Learners rehearse complex sequence of movement
-Movement Identifying Con: Best group demonstrate to others
Lesson 3 During the lesson Describing Visual and Visual audios Assumed knowledge: Leaners are able to perform different
The creative learners should be Relating Performing Resource person dance movement
purpose and able to:- Listening Arts - Junior Smartphone Methods:Dance
performance -Demonstrate Composing (Grades 3-7) Video clips Intro: facilitator displays a dance
DANCE principles of opposing Distinguishin Syllabus choreographer 1. Learners integrate dance forms in performance with help of the
-Principles of weight and force g 2015-2022 Internet facilitator.
balance in dance -incorporate dance Dancing Page 44 Computer 2. Learners perform dance movements demonstrating principles
-Dance principles forms Singing of opposing weight and force while the facilitator assists them.
-Weight and Identifying 3. Learners rehearse dance movements.
energy Con: Best group demonstrate to others
-balance and
counter balance
Lesson 4 During the lesson Describing Visual and Visual audios Assumed knowledge: Leaners are able to perform different
The creative learners should be Relating Performing Resource person dance movement
purpose and able to:- Listening Arts - Junior Smartphone Methods:Dance
performance -Demonstrate group Composing (Grades 3-7) Video clips Intro: facilitator displays a dance
DANCE dynamics Distinguishin Syllabus choreographer 1. Learners express feelings through gestures, posture and
-Performance - convey feelings and g 2015-2022 Internet movements while the facilitator assists them.
-Meaning in expression through Dancing Page 44 Computer 2. Learners team up to produce a dance performance while the
dance gestures, posture and Singing facilitator assists them.
-Group dynamics movement. Identifying 3. Learners rehearse dance movements.
-leading/ Con: Best group demonstrate to others
Call and response
11 27- Lesson 1 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
03-20 TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
Lesson 2 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
Lesson 3 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
12 03- Lesson 1 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
04-20 TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
Lesson 2 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
Lesson 3 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
History arts and least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Culture revision test questions Syllabus individually.
-All concepts correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Page 38-41 Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test
13 4/4/19 Lesson 1 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
The creative least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
process and revision test questions Syllabus individually.
performance correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-All concepts Page 42-44 Conclusion revision of work written
taught on the
-Revision test
Lesson 2 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
The creative least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
process and revision test questions Syllabus individually.
performance correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-All concepts Page 42-44 Conclusion revision of work written
taught on the
-Revision test
Lesson 3 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
The creative least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
process and revision test questions Syllabus individually.
performance correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-All concepts Page 42-44 Conclusion revision of work written
taught on the
-Revision test
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Visual and Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining Performing Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing Arts - Junior questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
The creative least half of the (Grades 3-7) Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
process and revision test questions Syllabus individually.
performance correctly given 2015-2022 Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-All concepts Page 42-44 Conclusion revision of work written
taught on the
-Revision test
Broad aims
To help learners
(1) Develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation in physical activities through theory and practice
(2) Develop social values, attitudes and skills through participation in Physical Education, Sport and Mass Display.
Human body
2. Safety and health
3. Aquatic skills
4. Kids athletics
Aim: develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation in physical activitiesand practicethrough theoryand practice.
Wk 1 Human body During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of work cards Group work, Discussion
11/01/1 Organs of the lesson Explaining primary and pictures Assumed knowledge Learners know body parts
9 body learners Identifying secondary education charts Introduction Singing a song about body parts
-Functions of should be Demonstrati Physical Education smartphone 1. Learners identify body parts.
Lesson1 human body parts able to:- ng Sport and Mass Magazine 2. Learners name the functions of body parts they have identified
Identify body Displays while the facilitator assists them.
parts. Junior (grade 3-7) 3. The facilitator showss body parts on pictures to learners.
-identify Syllabus 4. Learners in groupslist external and external body parts while the
Human body During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of work cards Group work, Discussion
Organs of the lesson Explaining primary and pictures Assumed knowledge Learners know body parts
body learners Identifying secondary education charts Introduction Singing a song about body parts
-Functions of should be Demonstrati Physical Education smartphone 1. Learners identify body parts.
human body parts able to: - ng Sport and Mass Magazine 2. Learners name the body parts that transport and store food
Identify body Displays 3. The facilitator explains on how to play crossword puzzles to
parts. Junior (grade 3-7) learners.
-identify Syllabus 4. Learners in pairs complete crossword puzzles on human body parts
functions of (2015-1022) that transport and store food.
body parts p. 30 5. Learners give feedback while the facilitator assists them.
6. Class discussion on group findings
Con: learners sing the rhyme head and shoulders
Human body During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of work cards Group work, Discussion
Organs of the lesson Explaining primary and pictures Assumed knowledge Learners know body parts
body learners Identifying secondary education charts Introduction Singing a song about body parts
-Role play on should be Demonstrati Physical Education smartphone 1. Learners identify body parts.
functions of able to:- ng Sport and Mass Magazine 2. Learners in groups demonstrate a role on functions of human body
human body on - identify Displays parts on transporting and storing food while the facilitator assists
transporting and functions of Junior (grade 3-7) them.
storing food. body parts in Syllabus 3. The Learners rehearsal role plays on functions of body parts on
transporting (2015-1022) transporting and storing food.
and storing p. 30 Con: learners sing the rhyme head and shoulders
food through
a role play.
Human body During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of work cards Group work, Discussion
Organs of the lesson Explaining primary and pictures Assumed knowledge Learners know body parts
body learners Identifying secondary education charts Introduction Singing a song about body parts
-Jigsaw game and should be Demonstrati Physical Education smartphone 1. Learners identify body parts on pictures.
folktales on able to: - ng Sport and Mass Magazine 2. Learners identify functions of body parts while the facilitator
functions of body Identify body Displays assists them.
parts in parts. Junior (grade 3-7) 3. Learners in groups play a jigsaw puzzle game on human body
transporting and -identify Syllabus parts while the facilitator assists them.
storing food functions of (2015-1022) 4. Learners listen to folktales from the facilitator.
body parts p. 30 4. Learners answer oral questions on human body parts.
Con: learners sing the rhyme head and shoulders
Aim: develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation in physical activities through theory and practice
Week 2 HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of ICT tools Discussion, play way, group work
18/01/1 AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Work Cards Assumed knowledge Learners have done different household chores
9 Health living should be able Identifying secondary education Pictures IntroLearners read the words on health living habits at home.
habits. to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Charts 1. Learners state healthy and unhealthy foods while the facilitator
-Health living -Describe ng Sport and Mass Safe exercise assists them.
habits at home healthy living Displays facilities 2. Learners in groups identify physical activities that promote good
habits at home. Junior health lifestyle at home while the facilitator assists them.
( grade 3-7) 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
Syllabus assists them.
(2015-1022) 4. Class discussion on group findings
p. 30 ConThe best group acts out household chores
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of ICT tools Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Work Cards Assumed knowledge Learners know health food.
Health living should be able Identifying secondary education Pictures IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
habits. to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Charts 1. Learners identify physical activities at school and community that
-Health living -Describe ng Sport and Mass Safe exercise promote a health living while the facilitator assists them.
habits at school healthy living Displays facilities 2. Learners in groups discuss on how to promote good health living
and community habits at school Junior at school at school and community while the facilitator assists them.
and community ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners form a community fitness club that raise health living
Syllabus awareness campaigns
(2015-1022) 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
p. 30 assists them.
4. Individual written work
ConRevision of written and recap of concepts.
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of ICT tools Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Work Cards Assumed knowledge Learners know activities that promote healthy
Health living should be able Identifying secondary education Pictures living.
habits. to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Charts IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Safety -Identify rules ng Sport and Mass Safe exercise 1. Learners identify physical activities that can promote a healthy
precautions and and safety Displays facilities living at school, home and community.
rules in precautions of Junior 2. Learners in groups discuss on rules and safety precautions of
handling handling ( grade 3-7) handling apparatus while the facilitator assists them.
apparatus apparatus Syllabus 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
(2015-1022) assists them.
p. 30 4. Individual written work
ConRevision of written and recap of concepts.
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of ICT tools Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Work Cards Assumed knowledge Learners know different games.
Health living should be able Identifying secondary education Pictures IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
habits. to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Charts 1. Learners identify benefits of exercising and playing games while
-Warm up and Identify ng Sport and Mass Safe exercise the facilitator assists them.
cool down exercises that Displays facilities 2. The facilitator explains on diseases that can be caused by lack of
can be used to Junior fitness such Obesity, Heart diseases and Diabetes
improve health ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners in groups participate in fun runs while the facilitator
related fitness Syllabus assists them.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners demonstrate cool down activities
p. 30 ConLearners answer oral questions from the facilitator
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of ICT tools Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Pictures Assumed knowledge Learners know different games.
Health living should be able Identifying secondary education Charts IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
habits. to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Safe exercise 1. Learners identify benefits of exercising and playing games while
-Diseases Explain diseases ng Sport and Mass facilities the facilitator assists them.
caused by lack that can be Displays 2. Learners identify exercises that can be used to improve health
of exercise and caused by lack Junior related fitness while the facilitator assists them
fitness. of fitness such ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners in participate in fun runs while the facilitator assists
as Obesity, Syllabus them.
Heart diseases (2015-1022) 4. Learners demonstrate cool down activities
and Diabetes p. 30 ConLearners answer oral questions from the facilitator
Wk3 HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Bats Discussion, play way, group work
25/01/1 AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Rackets Assumed knowledge Learners know different games.
9 Safety should be able Identifying secondary education Balls IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Safety and to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Discus 1. Learners identify different sporting activities they know.
when Explain safe ng Sport and Mass Whistles 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on safe ways of
participating in ways of Displays Mates participating in physical activities.
physical participating in Junior 3. Learners practise safe ways of handling various apparatus while
activities physical ( grade 3-7) the facilitator assists them.
activities Syllabus 4. Learners demonstrate the use of given apparatus while the
(2015-1022) facilitator assists them.
p. 30 ConLearners answer oral questions from the facilitator
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Bats Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Rackets Assumed knowledge Learners know different games.
Safety should be able Identifying secondary education Balls IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Safety to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Discus 1. Learners identify different sporting activities they know.
precautions and Demonstrate ng Sport and Mass Whistles 2. Learners demonstrate safe handling of given apparatus while the
rules in safe ways of Displays Mates facilitator assists them.
handling handling Junior 3. Learners practise safe ways of handling various apparatus while
apparatus apparatus ( grade 3-7) the facilitator assists them.
Syllabus 4. Learners demonstrate the use of given apparatus while the
(2015-1022) facilitator assists them.
p. 30 ConCool down activities
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Bats Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Rackets Assumed knowledge Learners know different games.
Safety should be able Identifying secondary education Balls IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
- Rules in use to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Discus 1. Learners identify different sporting activities they know.
physical Demonstrate ng Sport and Mass Whistles 2. Learners demonstrate safe handling of given apparatus while the
education safe ways of Displays Mates facilitator assists them.
apparatus handling Junior 3. Learners play mini games practise safe ways of handling various
apparatus ( grade 3-7) apparatus
Syllabus ConCool down activities
p. 30
HEALTH During the Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Bats Discussion, play way, group work
AND SAFETY lesson learners Explaining primary and Rackets Assumed knowledge Learners know different games.
Safety should be able Identifying secondary education Balls IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Warm up and to:- Demonstrati Physical Education Discus 1. Learners identify different sporting activities they know.
cool down -Execute ng Sport and Mass Whistles 2. Learners design and conduct warm up and cool down activities
appropriate Displays Mates while the facilitator assists them.
activities during Junior 3. Learners practise different warm up and cool down activities while
warm up and ( grade 3-7) facilitator assists them.
cool down Syllabus 4. Learners demonstrate different warm up and cool down activities
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities
p. 30
Revision test During the Describing Physical Education Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
TOPIC: lesson learners Explaining Sport and Mass Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
Health and should be able Identifying Displays questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
safety to:- - answer at Demonstrati Junior Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
-All concepts least half of the ng ( grade 3-7) individually.
taught on the revision test Syllabus Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
topic questions (2015-1022) Conclusion revision of work written
-Revision test correctly given p. 30
Aim: develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation in physical activitiesand practicethrough theoryand practice.
WK 4 AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
1/02/19 SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know water disasters
Water safety able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Aquatic -Dramatize different ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners identify importance of waters and dangers of water while
survival skills water resuscitation Identifyi Sport and Mass Ropes plastic the facilitator assists them.
activities ng Displays containers 2. Learners in groups dramatize different water resuscitation
Demons Junior activities while the facilitator assists them.
trating ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners present their demonstrations on front of the class.
Syllabus 4. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
(2015-1022) Con Recap of concepts
p. 31
AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know water disasters
Water safety able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Aquatic -State other water ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners identify importance of waters and dangers of water while
survival skills hazards in Identifyi Sport and Mass the facilitator assists them.
Zimbabwe ng Displays 2. Learners in groups identify water hazards and discuss on them
Demons Junior while the facilitator assists them.
trating ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
Syllabus assists them.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners write individual work in their books
p. 31 ConRevision of written work and recap of concepts.
AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people swimming.
Strokes able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Entry into -demonstrate the ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners practice aqua aerobics while the facilitator assists them.
water techniques of Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners practice getting into water using techniques given by the
entering into water ng Displays Floaters facilitator while the facilitator assists them.
Demons Junior 3. Learners demonstrate techniques of getting into water while the
trating ( grade 3-7) facilitator guides them.
Syllabus Con Cool down activities.
p. 31
AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people swimming.
Strokes able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Floating -demonstrate the ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners watch videos on front stroke.
-Gliding techniques used in Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners demonstrate front strokes while the facilitator guides
front stroke ng Displays Floaters them.
Demons Junior 3. Learners demonstrate front stroke while the facilitator guides
trating ( grade 3-7) them.
Aim: develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation n physical activities through theory
5 AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
08/02/1 SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people swimming.
9 Strokes able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-arm and leg -demonstrate the ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners watch demonstrations of arm and leg action techniques.
action technique of arm Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners practice arm and leg techniques while facilitator guides
and leg action ng Displays Floaters them.
Demons Junior 3. Learners demonstrate techniques of using arm and leg action when
trating ( grade 3-7) swimming while the facilitator guides them.
Syllabus ConCool down activities.
p. 31
AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people swimming.
Strokes able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Front, back -demonstrate front, ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners watch videos showing the front, back and breast stroke
and breast back and breast Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes actions.
stroke actions stroke actions ng Displays Floaters 2. Learners practice front, back and breast stroke while facilitator
Demons Junior guides them.
trating ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners demonstrate front, back and breast stroke while the
Syllabus facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities.
p. 31
AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people swimming.
Strokes able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Diving skills -demonstrate correct ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners watch videos on diving skills.
diving skills Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners practice diving skills while facilitator guides them.
ng Displays Floaters 3. Learners demonstrate diving skills while the facilitator guides
Demons Junior them.
trating ( grade 3-7) ConCool down activities.
p. 31
AQUATIC During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
SKILLS learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners have seen people swimming.
Strokes able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
-Front, back -demonstrate front, ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners watch videos showing the front, back and breast stroke
and breast back and breast Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes actions.
stroke actions stroke actions ng Displays Floaters 2. Learners practice front, back and breast stroke while facilitator
Demons Junior guides them.
trating ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners demonstrate front, back and breast stroke while the
Syllabus facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities.
p. 31
Revision During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
AQUATIC learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know swimming techniques
SKILLS able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
Strokes -demonstrate the ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners demonstrate different techniques in swimming i.e. front,
-arm and leg technique of arm Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes back and breast stroke while the facilitator guides them.
action, front, and leg action, ng Displays Floaters 2. Learners identify water hazards in Zimbabwe while the facilitator
back and breast front, back, and Demons Junior assists them.
stroke breast stroke. trating ( grade 3-7) 3. Class discussion on water disasters and water safety rules
-Correct diving -state the water Syllabus 4. Learners answer oral oral questions from the facilitator
-Water Hazards hazards in (2015-1022) ConRecap of concepts
Zimbabwe p. 31
Aim: Provide learners with a sense of fun, enjoyments and entailment.
6 Kids athlete During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
15/02/1 Running learners should be ng primary and Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know running techniques.
9 -8 min able to:- Explaini secondary education Pictures of IntroWarm up activities.
endurance race -Complete a timed ng Physical Education water bodies 1. Demonstrations 8min endurance race by the facilitator or
endurance race Identifyi Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners practice running endurance races while facilitator guides
ng Displays Floaters them.
Demons Junior 3. Learners in groups demonstrate 8 min endurance race while the
trating ( grade 3-7) facilitator guides them.
Syllabus 4. Learners run for time over fairly long distance
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities.
p. 32
Kids athlete During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Cones Discussion, play way, group work
Running learners should be ng primary and Whistle Assumed knowledge Learners are able to run.
-Sprint able to:- Explaini secondary education School grounds IntroWarm up activities.
-Demonstrate ng Physical Education Stop watch 1. The facilitator demonstrates on sprinting.
correct sprint Identifyi Sport and Mass 2. Learners demonstrate on correct sprinting while the facilitator
techniques ng DisplaysJunior guides them.
Demons ( grade 3-7)Syllabus 3. Learners in groups perform sprints while the facilitator guides
trating (2015-1022)p. 32 them.
4. Learners demonstrate sprints running with maximum speeds
ConCool down activities.
Kids athlete During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Cones Discussion, play way, group work
Running learners should be ng primary and Whistle Assumed knowledge Learners are able to run.
-Sprint – hurdle able to:- Explaini secondary education School grounds IntroWarm up activities.
relays -Demonstrate ng Physical Education Stop watch 1. Learners demonstrate relays while the facilitator assists them.
correct sprint Identifyi Sport and Mass 2. Few learners demonstrate on correct baton exchange while the
techniques, running ng Displays facilitator assists them.
through bends Demons Junior 3. Learners in groups practice sprints and baton exchange while the
trating ( grade 3-7) facilitator assists them.
Syllabus 4. Learners demonstrate sprints and baton exchange.
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities.
p. 32
Kids athlete During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Cones Discussion, play way, group work
Running learners should be ng primary and Whistle Assumed knowledge Learners are able to run.
-Sprint able to:- Explaini secondary education School grounds IntroWarm up activities.
Baton -Demonstrate ng Physical Education Stop watch 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrate on baton exchange
exchange correct baton Identifyi Sport and Mass 2. Learners demonstrate demonstrate on baton exchange in pairs
exchange ng Displays while the facilitator assists them.
Demons Junior 3. Learners in groups of four practice sprints and baton exchange
trating ( grade 3-7) while the facilitator guides them.
Syllabus 4. Learners demonstrate sprints and baton exchange while running
(2015-1022) with maximum speed
p. 32 5. Correct demonstration of baton exchange by learners.
ConCool down activities.
Kids athlete During the lesson Describi Zimbabwe ministry of Cones Discussion, play way, group work
Running learners should be ng primary and Whistle Assumed knowledge Learners are able to run.
-Sprint – able to:- Explaini secondary education School grounds IntroWarm up activities.
running -Demonstrate ng Physical Education Stop watch 1. Learners demonstrate on sprints while running through marked
through correct sprint Identifyi Sport and Mass bends with maximum speed while the facilitator guides them.
marked bends techniques, running ng Displays 2. Learners practise running through marked bends while the
through bends Demons Junior facilitator guides them.
trating ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners demonstrate running through marked bends while the
Syllabus facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) 4. Correct demonstration on running through marked bends by
p. 32 learners.
ConCool down activities.
7 Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Cones Discussion, play way, group work
22/02/1 athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Whistle Assumed knowledge Learners are able to run.
9 Running able to:- Identifying education School IntroWarm up activities.
-Bends -Demonstrate fluid Demonstrati Physical Education grounds 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrate on baton exchange
formula correct baton ng Sport and Mass Stop watch 2. Learners demonstrate demonstrate on baton exchange in pairs
exchange Displays while the facilitator assists them.
Junior 3. Learners in groups of four practice sprints and baton exchange
( grade 3-7) while the facilitator guides them.
Syllabus 4. Learners demonstrate sprints and baton exchange while running
(2015-1022) with maximum speed
p. 31 5. Correct demonstration of baton exchange by best learners.
ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Cones Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Whistle Assumed knowledge Learners are able to run.
Running able to:- Identifying education School IntroWarm up activities.
-Bends -negotiate bends Demonstrati Physical Education grounds 1. The facilitator explains demonstrate negotiating the bends without
formula without reducing ng Sport and Mass Stop watch reducing speed.
speed Displays 2. Learners demonstrate demonstrate negotiating bends without
Junior reducing speed while the facilitator assists them.
( grade 3-7) 3. Learners in groups of four practice sprints and baton exchange
Syllabus while the facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners run through marked bends with maximum speed and
p. 31 negotiating bends without reducing speed.
ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know running techniques.
Running able to:- Identifying education Pictures of IntroWarm up activities.
endurance -Complete a timed Demonstrati Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners watch a video of different events.
race endurance race ng Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners practice practise running endurance race while the
Displays Floaters facilitator assists them.
Junior 3. Learners in groups demonstrate 8 min endurance race while the
( grade 3-7) facilitator guides them.
Syllabus 4. Learners run for time over fairly long distance
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities.
p. 32
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know running techniques.
Running able to:- Identifying education Pictures of IntroWarm up activities.
-Bends -Demonstrate bends Demonstrati Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners demonstrate sprinting and baton exchange while the
formula formula and sprints ng Sport and Mass Tyre tubes facilitator guides them.
-Sprints – and baton exchange Displays Floaters 2. Learners practice running endurance races while facilitator guides
hurdle skills taught during Junior them.
relays the week. ( grade 3-7) 3. Learners in groups participate in competitions.
Syllabus ConCool down activities.
p. 32
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Charts Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Goggle Assumed knowledge Learners know running techniques.
Running able to:- Identifying education Pictures of IntroWarm up activities.
-Mini -Participate in mini Demonstrati Physical Education water bodies 1. Learners in groups practise, preparing for the mini competitions.
competition competitions ng Sport and Mass Tyre tubes 2. Learners practice running while the facilitator guides them
Displays Floaters 3. Learners participate in mini competitions
Junior ConCool down activities.
( grade 3-7)
p. 32
Aim: develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation in physical activitiesand practicethrough theoryand practice.
8 Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Tape Measure Discussion, play way, group work
01/03/1 athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Wooden pole Assumed knowledge Learners are able to jump.
9 Jumping able to:- Identifying education Marked mats IntroWarm up activities.
-Jumping -Engage in Demonstrati Physical Education Rope 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrate on jumping over a
for distance horizontal and ng Sport and Mass distance
vertical jumps Displays 2. Few learners demonstrate to others jumping over a distance while
Junior the facilitator guides them.
( grade 3-7) 3. Learners practise horizontal and vertical jumping landing with
Syllabus both feet while the facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners participate in jumping competitions while the facilitator
p. 32 guides them.
ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Tape Measure Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Wooden pole Assumed knowledge Learners are able to jump.
Jumping able to:- Identifying education Marked mats IntroWarm up activities.
-Jumping -Engage in Demonstrati Physical Education Rope 1. Few learners demonstrate to others horizontal and vertical jumping
using horizontal and ng Sport and Mass using given equipment while the facilitator guides them.
apparatus vertical jumps using Displays 2. Learners practise horizontal and vertical jumping for a distance
apparatus Junior landing on both feet using given apparatus while the facilitator guides
( grade 3-7) them.
Syllabus 3. Learners demonstrate vertical and horizontal jumping while the
(2015-1022) facilitator guides them.
p. 32 ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Tape Measure Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Wooden pole Assumed knowledge Learners are able to jump.
Jumping able to:- Identifying education Marked mats IntroWarm up activities.
-Jumping -Jump from a Demonstrati Physical Education Rope 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on jumping for height.
for height relatively short run ng Sport and Mass 2. Few learners demonstrate to others jumping for height from a short
up Displays distance while the facilitator guides them
Junior 3. Learners practise jumping for height while the facilitator guides
( grade 3-7) them.
Syllabus 4. Learners participate in jumping competitions while the facilitator
(2015-1022) guides them.
p. 32 ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Tape Measure Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Wooden pole Assumed knowledge Learners are able to jump.
Jumping able to:- Identifying education Marked mats IntroWarm up activities.
-Jumping -Clear heights while Demonstrati Physical Education Rope 1. Few learners demonstrate jumping to clear heights while the
for distance jumping ng Sport and Mass facilitator guides them.
- Clear Displays 2. Learners practise jumping to clear heights while the facilitator
height Junior guides them.
( grade 3-7) 3. Learners participate in jumping competitions.
Syllabus ConCool down activities.
p. 32
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Tape Measure Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Wooden pole Assumed knowledge Learners are able to jump.
Jumping able to:- Identifying education Marked mats IntroWarm up activities.
-Jumping -Jump for a distance Demonstrati Physical Education Rope 1. Few learners demonstrate jumping for height while the facilitator
for distance and land safely ng Sport and Mass guides them.
and landing Displays 2. Learners practise jumping for distance and landing safely while the
safely Junior facilitator guides them.
( grade 3-7) 3. Learners demonstrate jumping for distance and landing safely
Syllabus while the facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) ConCool down activities.
p. 32
Aim: develop an understanding of the implications and benefits of participation in physical activitiesand practicethrough theoryand practice.
9 Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Soft rubber Discussion, play way, group work
08/03/1 athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary rings Assumed knowledge Learners are able to throw.
9 Throwing able to:- Identifying education Medicine IntroWarm up activities.
-Rotational -Execute rotational Demonstrati Physical Education balls 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on stepping and throwing
throwing throws for accuracy ng Sport and Mass Javelin of wooden poles.
for distance and distance Displays Discus 2. Few learners demonstrate to others stepping and throwing of
and Junior Wooden poles wooden poles while the facilitator guides them.
accuracy ( grade 3-7) Cones tape 3. Learners practise throwing wooden poles as a javelin while the
Syllabus measure facilitator guides.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners demonstrate stepping and throwing techniques in javelin
p. 32 while the facilitator guides them.
ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Improvised Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary throwing Assumed knowledge Learners are able to throw.
Throwing able to:- Identifying education Equipment’s IntroWarm up activities.
-Rotational -Demonstrate Demonstrati Physical Education Javelin 1. Fewlearners demonstrate to others throwing javelin using
throwing javelin throw for a ng Sport and Mass Discus equipment available while the facilitator guides them.
for distance distance Displays Wooden poles 2. Learners practise throwing wooden poles as a javelin for a distance
and Junior Cones tape while the facilitator guides.
accuracy ( grade 3-7) measure 3. Learners demonstrate stepping and throwing javelin for a distance
-Javelin Syllabus while the facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners participate in javelin throwing competitions
p. 32 ConCool down activities.
Kids During the lesson Describing Zimbabwe ministry of Improvised Discussion, play way, group work
athlete learners should be Explaining primary and secondary throwing Assumed knowledge Learners are able to throw.
Throwing able to:- Identifying education Equipment’s IntroWarm up activities.
-Javelin -Demonstrate the Demonstrati Physical Education Javelin 1. Fewlearners demonstrate to others throwing javelin using
throw to at teens javelin throw ng Sport and Mass Discus equipment available while the facilitator guides them.
least 30m at least 30m Displays Wooden poles 2. Learners practise throwing javelin for a 30 metre distance while
distance distance Junior Cones tape the facilitator guides.
( grade 3-7) measure 3. Learners demonstrate stepping and throwing javelin for a 30m
Syllabus distance while the facilitator guides them.
(2015-1022) 4. Learners participate in javelin throwing competitions
3.19 TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts ( grade 3-7) measure
taught on the Syllabus
these topics (2015-1022)
-Revision test p. 30-32
Lesson 2 During the lesson Naming Zimbabwe ministry of Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly DisplaysJunior equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given ( grade 3-7)Syllabus Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts (2015-1022)p. 30-32 measure
taught on the
these topics
-Revision test
Lesson 3 During the lesson Naming Zimbabwe ministry of Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts ( grade 3-7) measure
taught on the Syllabus
these topics (2015-1022)
-Revision test p. 30-32
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Zimbabwe ministry of Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts ( grade 3-7) measure
taught on the Syllabus
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts ( grade 3-7) measure
taught on the Syllabus
these topics (2015-1022)
-Revision test p. 30-32
Lesson 4 During the lesson Naming Zimbabwe ministry of Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts ( grade 3-7) measure
taught on the Syllabus
these topics (2015-1022)
-Revision test p. 30-32
Lesson 5 During the lesson Naming Zimbabwe ministry of Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
Revision test learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
TOPIC: able to:- - answer at Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Physical least half of the Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
Education revision test Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-Safety and questions correctly Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
health given Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
-All concepts ( grade 3-7) measure
taught on the Syllabus
these topics (2015-1022)
-Revision test p. 30-32
Aim: Develop a firm for future studies in Physical education,Sports and Mass displays
13 Lesson 1 During the lesson Naming Zimbabwe ministry of Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision questions
04/0 Revision test learners should be Explaining primary and secondary Revision test Intro: re-cape of the previous lessons
4/19 TOPIC: able to:- - Describing education questions Step 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week
-Aquatic skills Demonstrate Physical Education Improvised Step 2 Learners answer revision test questions in their books
-Kids athlete Sport and Mass throwing individually.
-All concepts Displays equipment Step 3 Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the Junior Cones tape Conclusion revision of work written
these topics ( grade 3-7) measure
-Revision Syllabus
exercise (2015-1022)
p. 30-32
The learner should be able to:
• Appreciate and love Zimbabwe and its Chimurenga liberation war heroes and heroines
• Develop an appreciation of national heritage , sovereignty, governance, national symbols and events
• Identify with national symbols such as the National flag, National school Pledge, Anthem, Monuments and Heritage sites
• Explain significance of public holidays
• Describe the production and marketing of goods and servicesGender equity
Family unity
Child Protection from abuse and diseases
such as AIDS
Heritage StudiesEnvironmental Issues
Financial literacy
Disaster Risk Management
Children’s Rights and Responsibilities
Identity: Family History and Local Heritage
Cultural Heritage
National History, Sovereignty and Governance
Entitlements/Rights and Responsibilities
Heritage and Social Junior Studies Syllabus
1 IDENTITY: During the lesson Explaining Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know their families
11/01/19 FAMILY learners should Identifying Social Pictures Introduction –Learners say what they know about families
Lesson History and local be able to:- Describing Studies Resource person 1. Learners talk about their families while the facilitator guides them.
1 heritage Identify types of Junior Related literature 2 Learners in groups identify and describe types of families while the
Types of family family syllabus facilitator assists them.
-Nuclear family grade 3-7 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
Monogamous Page 46 assists them.
Polygamous 4 Learners write an exercise in their exercise books individually.
Child headed Conclusion.Oral review of the lesson.
Single parent
IDENTITY: During the lesson Explaining Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of families.
Lesson 2 Family learners should Identifying Social Pictures Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
History and local be able to:- Describing Studies Resource person 1. Learners identify types of families.
heritage Identify children’s Junior Related literature 2 Learners in groups identify responsibilities of children’s in the
Types of family responsibilities in syllabus family while the facilitator assists them
-Children’s the family grade 3-7 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
responsibilities in Page 46 assists them.
the family 4 Class discussion on group findings.
Conclusion.Oral review of the lesson.
IDENTITY: During the lesson Explaining Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know their responsibilities in the
Lesson Family learners should Identifying Social Pictures family.
3 History and local be able to:- Describing Studies Resource person Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
heritage Identify parents Junior Related literature 1. Learners identify responsibilities of parents in the family.
Types of family responsibilities in syllabus 2 Learners in groups identify responsibilities of parents in the family
-Parents the family grade 3-7 while the facilitator assists them
responsibilities in Page 46 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
the family assists them.
4 Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Conclusion.Revision and recap of concepts.
Lesson 4 IDENTITY: During the lesson Explaining Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of families.
Family learners should Identifying Social Pictures Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
History and local be able to:- Describing Studies Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage Dramatizeexperie Junior Related literature 2. Learners in groups discuss on experiences of type of family given
Types of family nce in each type syllabus while the facilitator guides them.
-Experiences in of family. grade 3-7 4. Learners dramatize the experience in each type of the family while
each type of Page 46 the facilitator guides them.
family. 4 Learners rehearse on front of the class while that facilitator guides
Conclusion.Oral review of the lesson.
2 IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners know their roles in the family.
18/01/19 Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
Lesson heritage - explain how Junior Pictures 2. Learners in groups discuss on how families in the community
1 Family and families in the syllabus Related literature relate to each other while the facilitator assists them.
surrounding community relate grade 3-7 Work cads 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
community with each other. Page 46 assists them.
-Relations among 4 Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
families in rural Conclusion.Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
areas, urban,
farms and mines.
IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners know their roles in the family.
Lesson Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
2 History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage -identify roles of Junior Pictures 2. Learners identify types of families they know.
Family and the family in the syllabus Related literature 3. Learners identify roles of the family members in the community
surrounding community. grade 3-7 Work cads while the facilitator guides them.
community Page 46 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
-Roles of the assists them.
family members 4 Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
in the community. Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners know institutions in their areas.
Lesson Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
3 History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage -State the Junior Pictures 2. Learners identify institutions in their communities while the
Family and institution in their syllabus Related literature facilitator guides them.
surrounding community grade 3-7 Work cads 3. Learners identify roles of instructions in the community while the
community Page 46 facilitator guides them.
-Roles of 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
institutions in the assists them.
community. 4 Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 4 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
- Family and be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week.
surrounding answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
community half of the syllabus week.
-All concepts revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
taught on the questions given Page 46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
these topics correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
3 IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners know that people can move from a
25/01/19 Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools place to live on another place.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 1 heritage -Explain Junior Work Cards 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
Human migration syllabus Flash Cards 2. Learners explain the term migration while the facilitator assists
Migration -List types of grade 3-7 them.
-Migration. migration Page 46 3. Learners in groups list types of migration while the facilitator
-Types of assists them.
migration. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4 Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners can explain the migration.
Lesson 2 Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction –Recap of the previous lesson.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage -Explain the Junior Work Cards 2. Learners in groups identify the reasons for migration while the
Human reasons for syllabus Flash Cards facilitator assists them.
Migration migration grade 3-7 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
-Cusses of Page 46 assists them.
migration 4. Learners state the reasons of migration while the facilitator guides
5 Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 3 IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners know causes of migration.
Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction –Learners identify causes of migration.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage -Describe effects Junior Work Cards 2. Learners in groups identify effects of migration while the
Human of migration syllabus Flash Cards facilitator assists them.
Migration grade 3-7 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
-effects of Page 46 assists them.
migration 4. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 4 IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners know causes of migration.
Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction –Learners identify causes of migration.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage -Identify solutions Junior Work Cards 2. Learners state effects of migration while the facilitator guides
Human to migration syllabus Flash Cards them. 3. Learners in groups identify solutions to migration while
Migration grade 3-7 the facilitator assists them.
-Solutions to Page 46 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
migration assists them.
5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
4 IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners learners know conflicts are.
01/02/19 Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
Lesson 1 heritage -Define conflict. Junior Work Cards 2. Learners explain what conflict is while the facilitator assists them.
Conflicts syllabus Resource person 3. Learners in groups identify causes of conflicts at Family, school
Management at grade 3-7 Newspapers and and community while the facilitator assists them.
Family, School Page 47 Magazines 4. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
and Community Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners can explain the term conflict.
Lesson 2 Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
heritage -Identify the Junior Work Cards 2. Learners state causes of conflict at family, school and community
Conflicts causes and effects syllabus Resource person level while the facilitator guides them.
Management at of conflict at grade 3-7 Newspapers and 3. Learners in groups identify effects of conflict at home, school and
Family, School home, school and Page 47 Magazines community while the facilitator assists them.
and Community community. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
Level assists them.
-Effects of 5. Learners state effects of conflict while the facilitator assists.
conflicts at home, Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
school and
community level.
IDENTITY: During the lesson Identifying Heritage Maps Assumed knowledge: Learners can identify causes of effects at
Lesson Family learners should Displaying Social ICT tools family, home and community.
3 History and local be able to:- Explaining Studies Pictures Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
heritage -Describe various Junior Work Cards 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
Conflicts ways of solving syllabus Resource person 2. Learners identify effects of conflict at home, school and
Management at conflicts at home grade 3-7 Newspapers and community while the facilitator assists them.
Family, School in school and at Page 47 Magazines 3. Learners in groups discuss ways of solving conflicts at home,
and Community community level. conflicts at home in school and at community while the facilitator
Level assists them.
-Ways of 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
resolving assists them.
conflicts:- 5. Role play by learners on ways of resolving conflicts.
Communication Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 4 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
Conflicts be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the week.
Management at answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Family, School half of the syllabus week.
and Community revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
Level questions given Page 47 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
Heritage answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
-All concepts half of the syllabus week.
taught on the revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
these topics questions given Page 48 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
-Revision correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
7 CULTURAL During the lesson Identifying Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of marriage ceremonies
22/02/19 HERITAGE : learners should Displaying Social Pictures in Zimbabwe.
Indigenous be able to:- Explaining Studies Work Cards Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 1 marriage customs -Describe Junior Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
-Marriage indigenous and syllabus Newspapers and 2. Learners discuss marriage ceremonies in their communities while
ceremonies modern marriage grade 3-7 Magazines the facilitator guides them.
practice. Page 48 3. Learners dramatize marriage ceremonies in groups while the
facilitator guides them.
4. Class discussion on group findings while the facilitator guides
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
CULTURAL During the lesson Identifying Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of marriages in their
Lesson 2 HERITAGE : learners should Displaying Social Pictures communities.
Marriage: Civil be able to:- Explaining Studies Work Cards Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
and Customary -Identify types of Junior Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
-Customary marriages syllabus Newspapers and 2. Learners in groups simulate and dramatize types of marriages
marriages grade 3-7 Magazines while the facilitator guides them.
Page 48 3. Class discussion on types of marriages while the facilitator assists
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
CULTURAL During the lesson Identifying Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of marriages in their
Lesson 3 HERITAGE : learners should Displaying Social Pictures communities.
Marriage: Civil be able to:- Explaining Studies Work Cards Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
and Customary -Identify types of Junior Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
-Civil marriages marriages syllabus Newspapers and 2. Learners discuss on types of marriages while the facilitator assists
grade 3-7 Magazines 3. Role playing by learners on different types of marriages while the
Page 48 facilitator guides them.
Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 4 CULTURAL During the lesson Identifying Heritage ICT tools Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of marriages in their
HERITAGE : learners should Displaying Social Pictures communities.
Marriage: Civil be able to:- Explaining Studies Work Cards Introduction. Recap of the previous lesson.
and Customary -Explain the Junior Resource person 1. The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
-Advantages and significance of syllabus Newspapers and 2. Learners identify types of marriages while the facilitator assists
Disadvantages of marriage grade 3-7 Magazines them.
types of certificates. Page 48 3. Learners in groups explain the advantages and disadvantages of
marriages given types of marriages while the facilitator assists them.
Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
Lesson 3 TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
Lesson 4 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
12 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
29/03/19 TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 1 -Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
Lesson 2 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
Lesson 3 TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
Lesson 4 TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
13 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
04/04/19 TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 1 -Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
Lesson 2 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
Lesson 3 Revision test During the lesson Naming Heritage Chalk board Assumed knowledge: Learners able to answer revision test questions
TOPIC: learners should Explaining Social Revision test Intro: Re-cape of the previous lessons
-Identity be able to:- - Describing Studies questions 1 The facilitator recaps the concepts taught during the term.
-Cultural Answer at least Junior Work cards 2. Learners and the facilitator discuss on concepts taught during the
Heritage half of the syllabus whole term.
-National Hist revision test grade 3-7 3 Learners answer revision test questions in their books individually.
-All concepts questions given Page 42-46 4Revision of written work and recap of concepts
taught on the correctly. Conclusion. Revision of work written
these topics
By the end of the study leaners should be able;
• To promote the spiritual, religious and moral development of the learner
• To develop an appreciation of the value and dignity of hard work
• To increase an appreciation of Zimbabwe’s religious heritage
• To develop an appreciation of the existence of the supreme being as portrayed by various religions
Weekly aim: To foster an understanding of the importance of belonging to a family, religion and community in shaping acceptable character, behaviour and attitude.
1 FAMILY During the lesson -Identifying Fareme -Pictures Assumed knowledge: learners know members of their family.
11/01/1 CONCEPT OF TH learners should -Naming Junior showing family Intro-Learners sing a song while mentioning family members.
9 FAMILY be able to:- -explaining syllabus members. 1. Learners list their families and members
Family origin -state the origin of grade 3-7 -work cards 2. Learners in groups identify family members and the origin of their
Lesson -origin of the the family (2015 - families while the facilitator assists them.
1 family 2022) 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
Page 42 them.
4-Individual written work on family members.
Con Oral questions on the family members.
Lesson FAMILY During the lesson -Identifying Fareme -Pictures Assumed knowledge: learners know members of their family.
2 CONCEPT OF TH learners should -Naming Junior showing family Intro-Recap of the previous lesson.
FAMILY be able to:- list -explaining syllabus members. 1. Learners list their families and members
Family types and members of their grade 3-7 -work cards 2. Learners in groups list members of their families.
relationships families. (2015 - 3. Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator assists
-Type of families 2022) them.
- Members of the Page 42 4-Individual written work on family members.
family Con Oral questions on the family members.
FAMILY During the lesson -Identifying Fareme -Pictures Assumed knowledge: learners know members of their family.
CONCEPT OF TH learners should -Naming Junior showing family Intro-Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson FAMILY be able to:- -explaining syllabus members. 1. Learners list their families and members
3 Family types and -state types of grade 3-7 -work cards 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on types of family. 3.
relationships families (2015 - Learners identify types of family while the facilitator assists them. 4.
-Type of families 2022) Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator assists them.
- Nuclear family Page 42 5-Individual written work on family members.
-child headed Con Oral questions on the family members.
-one parent
Lesson FAMILY During the lesson -Identifying Fareme -Pictures Assumed knowledge: learners know members of their family.
4 CONCEPT OF TH learners should -Naming Junior showing family Intro-Recap of the previous lesson.
FAMILY be able to:- -explaining syllabus members. 1. Learners list members of their families.
Family types and describe the grade 3-7 -work cards 2. Learners in groups discuss the relationships within their families
relationships relationships (2015 - while the facilitator assists them.
-Relationships within their 2022) 3. Learners give feedback from groups while the facilitator assists
within the families. families. Page 42 them.
4-Individual written work on family members.
Con Oral questions on the family members.
Weekly aim: To foster an understanding of the importance of belonging to a family, religion and community in shaping acceptablecharacter, behaviour and attitude.
2 FAMILY During the lesson -Stating FAREME Resource person Assumed knowledge: learners know their family name
18/01/1 Concept of the learners should be -discussing Junior Magazines ICT Intro: Learners play a game while mentioning family names.
9 family able to:- -explaining syllabus tools 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on the the concepts of
-lineages and -define a lineage grade 3-7 Work cards lineage.
Lesson totems Page 42 charts 2. Learners in groups discuss lineage (their forefathers) in their families
1 - Lineage while the facilitator assists them.
3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
Family Life and -identify ways of discussing grade 3-7 person 2. Learners in groups demonstrate a role play on different methods of
marriage in marrying in religion Page 42 marrying while the facilitator assists them.
religion 3. Role- playing by learners on ways of marriage while the facilitator
-ways of guides them.
marrying 4.Class discussion on ways of marrying in religions
Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
FAMILY During the lesson Stating FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners know their roles at school and at home.
Lesson Family and learners should be Explaining Junior -Learning charts Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
3 religion able to:- Discussing syllabus -Resource 1. Learners identify their roles at school and at home.
Family roles in -identify family roles discussing grade 3-7 person 2. Learners in groups identify roles of family in the community while the
the community in the community Page 43 facilitator guides them.
-Family roles 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
4.Class discussion group findings.
Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Lesson Topics: Family learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
4 -family and able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
community Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Revision test of the revision test Page 43 3. Revision and recap of written work.
questions questions given Con. Recap of concepts.
Weekly aim: To foster an understanding of the importance of belonging to a family, religion and community in shaping acceptable character, behaviour and attitude.
4 FAMILY During the lesson Stating FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners know roles of family in the community.
01/02/1 Family and learners should be Explaining Junior -Learning charts Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
9 community able to:- Discussing syllabus -Resource 1. Learners identify family roles in the community.
Family roles in -Explain why it is discussing grade 3-7 person 2. Learners in groups discuss on importance of roles of family in the
Lesson the community important to have Page 43 community while the facilitator guides them.
1 -Family roles family roles in the 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-cooperatives community. them.
-attending 4.Individual written work.
funerals Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
FAMILY During the lesson Stating FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners know their roles and roles of parents at
Lesson Family and learners should be Explaining Junior -Learning charts home.
2 community able to:- Discussing syllabus -Resource Intro: Recap of the previous lesson
Family interaction -Explain how discussing grade 3-7 person 1. Learners identify their roles and roles of parents at home.
-Family families interact Page 43 2. Learners in groups discuss on how families depend on each other and
interaction such with each other e.g. list resources they can share while the facilitator assists them.
as –working child minding 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
communities them.
Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Social and During the lesson Explaining FAREME Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners know difference between them and their
Lesson emotional learners should be Describing Junior -Sentence strips friends.
3 learning able to:- - Identify Discussing syllabus Learning charts Intro: -Recap of the previous lesson.
Empathy and diversity in human Identifying grade 3-7 -Pictures 1. Learners identify differences between them and their friends.
appreciation for beings Page 44 2. In groups learners identify difference in people while the facilitator
diversity assists them.
-Diversity in 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
human beings them.
4. Individual written on diversity in human beings.
Con. Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson Social and During the lesson Explaining FAREME Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners can identify deference between them and
4 emotional learners should be Describing Junior -Sentence strips their friends.
learning able to:- - Justify the Discussing syllabus Learning charts Intro: -Recap of the previous lesson.
Empathy and need to appreciate Identifying grade 3-7 -Pictures 1. Learners identify differences in people.
appreciation for diversity. Page 44 2. In groups learners discuss on importance of tolerance while the
diversity facilitator assists them.
-Tolerance 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
4. Class discussion on group findings.
Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Weekly aim: To promote the spiritual, religious and moral development of the learners.
6 RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know some of the religions in their
15/02/1 The concept of learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards communities.
9 religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts Intro: Question and answers on the different religions from their
-Religion in the -List major religions Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips communities.
Lesson country in Zimbabwe discussing Page 45 1. Facilitator probes the learners to explain ways of worship of different
-Religion in religions.
1 Zimbabwe – 2. Learners in groups identify religions in Zimbabwe while the facilitator
Indigenous assists them.
religion 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-Christianity them.-
-Judaism 4. Individual written work.
Con-the facilitator sums up being emphasising on the main points of the
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know their religions
2 The concept of learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Question and answers on their religions
religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners identify their religions while the facilitator guides them.
-Religion in the -State the advantages Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 2. Learners in groups identify and describe advantages of belonging to a
country of belonging to a discussing Page 45 religion while the facilitator guides them.
-Religion in religion. 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
Zimbabwe them.-
4. Individual written work.
Con-the facilitator sums up being emphasising on the main points of the
RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know different religions from their
Lesson Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards locality.
3 Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts Intro: watching videos of the indigenous believers.
-National -Name national Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 1. Outlining the historical background of the religion.
ancestors – ancestors discussing Page 46 Resource person 2. In groups learners identify national ancestors while the facilitator
National guides them.
ancestors such 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
as chaminuka, them.
Mufemberi, 4. Individual written exercise.
Thobela etc. Con: oral review of the lesson.
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners can list national ancestors.
4 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners identify national ancestors in Zimbabwe.
-National -State the various Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 2. In groups learners identify roles played by the national ancestors
ancestors roles played by the discussing Page 46 Resource person during the the first and second wars of liberation while the facilitator
-Roles played national ancestors in assists them.
by National the liberation of 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
ancestors in the Zimbabwe. them.
liberation 4. Individual written exercise.
struggle Con: oral review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To develop an appreciation of the existence of the Supreme Being as portrayed by various religion.
7 RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know of the religious ceremonies.
22/02/1 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
9 Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1.Learners name religious ceremonies they know.
Lesson -Religious -Name religious Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 2. The facilitator explains on religious ceremonies/festivals
1 ceremonies/ ceremonies/festivals discussing Page 46 Resource person 3. In groups learners discuss on difference between given religious
festivals in done in families ceremonies/festivals while the facilitator assists them.
families 4.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
- Religious them.
ceremonial 5. Individual written exercise.
festivals Con: oral review of the lesson.
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know of the religious ceremonies.
2 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners name religious ceremonies they know.
-Religious -Describe the process Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 2. In groups learners discuss on process involved in conducting family
ceremonies/ involved in discussing Page 46 Resource person ceremonies/festivals while the facilitator assists them.
festivals in conducting family 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
families ceremonials/festivals them.
Lesson Indigenous Religion learners should Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
3 -Artefacts and be able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners name ceremonial artefacts they know.
attire -Describe Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 2. The facilitator explains on ceremonial artefacts and attire.
-Ceremonial ceremonial attire discussing Page 47 Resource person 3. Learners in groups discuss on ceremonial artefacts and attire while the
artefacts and attire and artefacts facilitator assists them.
such as- head gear, 4.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
whisk, gourd, them.
walking stick et 5. Class discussion on group findings
Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know some of the ceremonial artefacts.
4 Indigenous Religion learners should Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Artefacts and be able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners describe ceremonial attire and artefacts shown on pictures
attire -Draw various Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips while the facilitator assists them.
-Ceremonial attire ceremonial attire discussing Page 47 Resource person 2. Learners draw ceremonial attire and artefacts while the facilitator
and artefacts such and artefacts -real artefacts guides them.
as- head gear, 3. Learners in groups construct artefacts while the facilitator assists them.
whisk, gourd, 4.Learners display their illustrations and their artefacts.
walking stick et Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To develop an appreciation of the existence of the Supreme Being as portrayed by various religion
9 RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know some of religious practitioners
08/03/1 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
9 Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners name religious practitioners they know while the facilitator
-Religious -identify religious Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips assists them.
Lesson practitioners practitioners discussing Page 47 Resource person 2. Learners in groups identify religious practitioners while the facilitator
1 -Religious -real objects assists them.
practitioners:- -Pictures 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
spirit mediums, them.
traditional 4. Individual written work.
healers Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know some of religious practitioners
2 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. Learners identify religious practitioners while the facilitator assists
-Religious -describe religious Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips them.
practitioners practitioners discussing Page 47 Resource person 2. Learners in groups discuss on work of religious practitioners and their
-Religious -real objects attire while the facilitator assists them.
practitioners:- -Pictures 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
spirit mediums, them.
traditional 4. Class discussion on group findings
healers Con: Oral review of the lesson.
RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know the aspect of unhu.
Lesson Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
3 Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. The facilitator explains on the core values of Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu.
-Key teaching -Make key teaching Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips 2. Learners recite core values of Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu.
-Concept of discussing Page 47 Resource person 3. Learners in groups discuss the meaning of core values of
unhu/Ubuntu/vu Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu while the facilitator assists them.
munhu 4.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
- I am because them.
you are Con: Oral review of the lesson.
RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know the aspect of Unhu.
Lesson Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
4 Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. The facilitator explains on the aspect of living in oneness and ancestor
-Key teaching -Explain the concept Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips reverence.
-Concept of:- of revering ancestors. discussing Page 47 Resource person 2. Learners in groups discuss the importance of living in oneness and
-Revering revering ancestors while the facilitator assists them.
ancestors 4.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-oneness with them.
nature and 5. Individual written
wildlife Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To develop an appreciation of the existence of the Supreme Being as portrayed by various religion
10 RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know values of the environment
15/03/1 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
9 Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1. The facilitator explains on indigenous values that relate to the
-Indigenous -describe values that Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips environment( Revering sacred places)
Lesson Religion and relate to the discussing Page 47 Resource person 2. Learners in groups explain ways in which sacredness of the
1 the environment environment is reflected while the facilitator assists them.
environment 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-Reverence them.
-Sacred places 4. Class discussion on group findings
-Domestic Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Identifying FAREME a learning chart Assumed knowledge: learners know some of the environment taboos
2 Indigenous learners should be Justifying Junior -Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Religion able to:- - Explaining syllabus -learning charts 1.Learners identify environmental taboos while the facilitator guides
-Penalties -State penalties for Describing grade 3-7 -sentence strips them.
-Fined by Chief disrespecting the discussing Page 47 Resource person 2. Learners in groups identify penalties for disrespecting the
-Mystical environment. environment while the facilitator assists them.
disappearance 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-Taken by them.
mermaid 4. Individual written work.
Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson RELIGION During the lesson Defining FAREME Resource person Assumed knowledge: learners know some of the unwanted behaviour
3 Indigenous learners should be Stating Junior Text books Intro: Facilitator tells a short story on taboos.
religion able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT tools 1. Learners list some common taboos.
Taboos -define the term taboo grade 3-7 Pictures 2. In groups learners explain taboos and stating the importance of
1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
12 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
29/03/1 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
9 1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Lesson Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
1 concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
2 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
3 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
Weekly aim: To develop an appreciation of the existence of the Supreme Being as portrayed by various religion
13 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
04/04/1 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
9 1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
1 Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
2 Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining FAREME -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
3 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
1. Family able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
2. Religion Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: All of the revision test Page 42 -46 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the term. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
1. Introduction to Agriculture
2. Climate and Land use
3. Water
4. Soil
Agriculture junior syllabus grade 3-7
1 INTRODUCTION During the lesson Identifying Agriculture ICT Tools Assumed knowledge: learners have practiced agriculture at home
17- TO learners should be Listing Junior recommended Intro: Learners say agricultural activities they know
AGRICULTURE able:- Explaining syllabus text books 1. Learnersin groups list agricultural activities at home while the
01-20 Importance of -identify the grade 3-7 facilitator assists them.
Lesson agriculture importance of Page 27 2. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
1 -importance of agriculture in the assists them.
Agriculture in the community and in 3. Learners state the importance of agriculture in the community
community and the the country. and in the world while the facilitator assists them
country 4. Individual written work.
Con: Revision of written work and recap of concepts
INTRODUCTION During the lesson Identifying Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: Learners have practiced agriculture at home
Lesson TO learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson
2 AGRICULTURE able to:- -list the Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1. In groups learners list the importance of agriculture at home
Importance of importance of grade 3-7 Print media while the facilitator assists them. 2. Learners give feedback from
agriculture agriculture in Page 27 Farm tools their groups while the facilitator assists them. 3.Learners state the
-Importance of country. importance of agriculture a country level. 4. Class discussion on
agriculture in the the importance of agriculture on the importance of agriculture to the
country country while the facilitator assists them.
Con:answer questions orally
INTRODUCTION During the lesson Identifying Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: Learners have practiced agriculture at home
Lesson TO learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson
3 AGRICULTURE able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1. In turns learners explain the importance of agriculture in the
Importance of -explain the grade 3-7 Print media community
agriculture importance of Page 27 Farm tools 2.Learners state the importance of agriculture in the community
-importance of agriculture in the while the facilitator assists them.
agriculture in the community 3. Learners answer questions in their books individually.
community Con: Revision of written and recap of concepts.
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
1. Introduction to able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Agriculture Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: All of the revision test Page 27 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
concepts taught questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
during the week. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
2 Introduction to During the lesson Identifying Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know some farm tools from home
24- Agriculture learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Learners name the agriculture tools they know.
And Basic Farm able to:- - list farm Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1. Learners say the use of the tools identified with the guidance of
01-20 Tools tools they know grade 3-7 Print media the fc
Lesson Farm tools Page 27 2.Learners in groups classify tools according to their use while the
1 -Classify farm tools facilitator assists them.
according to their 3. Learners give feedback from their group findings while the
uses. facilitator assists them.
4. Individual written work
Con:answer oral questions:
Lesson Introduction to During the lesson Designing Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners have used or seen farm tools
2 agriculture learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro -recap of previous lesson
And basic farm tools able to:- Sketch Listing syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners name farm tools they know
-Farm tools farm tools Explaining grade 3-7 Print media 2 Learners draw farm tool while the facilitator assists them.
Use of farm tools and - draw farm tools Page 27 3 Learners display their sketch of farms tools.
their parts Con: Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on uses and
classification of farm tools.
Lesson Introduction to During the lesson Identifying Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know some farm tools from home
3 agriculture and learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro:learners identify and name farm tools from the school’s
basic farm tools able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools farming equipment
-farm tools Design inventory of grade 3-7 Print media 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on designing inventory
Keeping of farm farm tools Page 27 Farm tools of farm tools
tools 2. Learners in groups design inventory of farm tools while the
facilitator assists them.
3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4. Class discussion on designing and keeping of inventory of farm
Con: answer oral questions
Lesson Introduction to During the lesson Identifying Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners have used or seen farm tools
4 agriculture and learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: re-cape the previous lesson
basic farm tools able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools Introduction -review of the previous lesson
-Farm tools -use farm tools grade 3-7 Print media 1 Learners name farm tools they know
-Use of farm tools correctly Page 27 2 Field trip on usage and demonstration of farm tools
3 Group work to pupils to identify tools at home and their uses
4 Learners report back from groups while the facilitator assists
5-Individual written work
Conclusion revise work written
3 Introduction to During the lesson Relating Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know types of fertilisers they use at
31- agriculture and learners should be Identifying Junior environment home
basic farm tools able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools Intro. Learners identify types of fertilisers they use at home.
01-20 -Farm tools Explaining grade 3-7 Print media Step 1 The facilitator explains on types of fertilisers
Lesson -Types of fertilizers: -State different Page 27 Step 2 Learners name different types of organic and inorganic
1 - types fertilisers fertilisers while the facilitator assists them.
Organic and Step 3 Learners collect samples of organic and inorganic fertilisers
inorganic while the facilitator guides them.
Step 4 Class discussion on types of fertilisers
Con. Learnersanswer oral questions
Introduction to During the lesson Relating Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know types of fertilisers they use at
Lesson agriculture and learners should be Identifying Junior environment home
2 basic farm tools able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools Intro. Learners identify types of fertilisers they use at home.
-Farm tools Explaining grade 3-7 Print media 1 The facilitator explains on the advantages and disadvantages of
-Types of fertilizers: -State the Page 27 types of fertilisers.
- advantages and 2 Learners in groups identify advantages and disadvantages of
-Advantage and disadvantages of using organic fertilisers while the facilitator assists them.
disadvantages of organic fertilisers. 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
organic fertilisers assists them.
4 Individual written work in their books
Con.Learnersanswer oral questions
Introduction to During the lesson Relating Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know types of fertilisers they use at
Lesson agriculture and learners should be Identifying Junior environment home
3 basic farm tools able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools Intro. Learners identify types of fertilisers they use at home.
-Farm tools Explaining grade 3-7 Print media 1 Learners identify different types of fertilisers.
-Types of fertilizers: -State different Page 27 2 Learners identify advantages and disadvantages of organic and
- types fertilisers inorganic fertilisers while the facilitator assists them.
Organic and -advantages and 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
inorganic fertilisers disadvantages of assists them.
organic and 4 Individual written works in their books.
inorganic fertilisers Con.Learnersanswer oral questions
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
Intro to Agric able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Concept: - Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Importance of of the revision test Page 27 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
agriculture questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-farm tools correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
4 Introduction to During the lesson Relating Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know different types of farm tools
07- agriculture and learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro. Learners identify farm tools they know.
basic farm tools able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains and demonstrates the safe use of farm
02-20 -Safety in Agriculture Explaining grade 3-7 Print media tools and implements.
Lesson -Safe use of farm -Explain the safe Page 27 Farm tools 2 Learners in groups discuss the safe use of farm tools and
1 tools and implements use of farm tools Farm implements while the facilitator assists them.
and implements implements 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4 Learners demonstrate the safe use of farm tools and implements.
Con.Learnersanswer oral questions
Lesson Introduction to During the lesson Relating Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know different types of farm tools
2 agriculture and learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro. Recap of the previous lesson
basic farm tools able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners identify different farm tools.
-Safety in Agriculture Explaining grade 3-7 Print media 2 Learners in groups classify farm tools and explain the safe use of
-Safe use of farm -Use farm tools Page 27 Farm tools them while the facilitator assists them.
tools and implements safely. Farm 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
implements assists them.
4 Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con. Revision and recap of concepts
Lesson Climate and land During the lesson Naming Agriculture local Assumed knowledgelearners know weather elements
3 use learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro– Learners sing a song (mvura naya-naya tidye mupunga)
climate able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners name weather elements they know while the facilitator
Climate Define weather Explaining grade 3-7 Print media guides them.
-Weather Page 28 2 The facilitator explains on the concepts of weather
3 Learners in groups define weather and identify weather elements
while the facilitator assists them.
4Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
5 Individual written work
Con -answering questions orally
Lesson Climate and land During the lesson Naming Agriculture local Assumed knowledgelearners know weather elements
4 use learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
climate able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners define the term weather while the facilitator assists
Climate Identify elements of Explaining grade 3-7 Print media them.
-Weather weather Page 28 2 Learners in groups identify elements of weather and discuss their
-Elements of weather effects of on agricultural activities.
3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4 Individual written work
Con –Revision and recap of concepts
5 Climate and land During the lesson Naming Agriculture local Assumed knowledgelearners know weather elements
14- use learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
climate able to:- Listing syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners name weather elements while the facilitator assists
02-20 Climate Identify effects of Explaining grade 3-7 Print media them.
Lesson -Weather elements of weather Page 28 2 Learners in groups discuss on the influence of elements of
1 -Effects of weather on agricultural weather on agricultural production while the facilitator assists them.
elements on production 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
agricultural assists them.
production. 4 Class discussion on group findings.
Con –Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Lesson Climate and land During the lesson Naming Agriculture local Assumed knowledgelearners know weather elements
2 use learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
climate able to:- Listing syllabus g ICT Tools 1 Learners identify weather elements.
Climate Explain the Explaining grade3-7 Print media 2 Learners in groups identify elements of weather and discuss the
-Influence of influence of weather Page 28 influence of weather on agricultural activities while the facilitator
weather on on agricultural assists them.
agriculture activities activities. 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4 Individual written work on influence of weather on agricultural
Con –Revision and recap of concepts
Lesson Climate and land During the lesson Naming Agriculture local Assumed knowledgelearners know seasons of Zimbabwe.
3 use learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
climate able to:- Listing syllabus g ICT Tools 1 Learners name the seasons of Zimbabwe.
Climate Compare Explaining grade3-7 Print media 2 Learners in groups compare agricultural activities in different
-Agricultural agricultural Page 28 seasons while the facilitator assists them.
activities in different activities in 3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
seasons different seasons assists them.
4 Class discussion on group findings.
Con –Revision and recap of concepts
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
Climate & Land Use able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Concept: - Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
-Safety in agric of the revision test Page 28 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Climate questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Revision test correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
6 Water During the lesson Naming Agriculture Water storage Assumed knowledgeLearners know ways of harvesting water they
21- Water Conservation learners should be Identifying Junior tanks use at home.
-Water harvesting able to:- Listing syllabus Print media Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
02-20 -Describe methods Explaining grade 3-7 1 The facilitator explains on methods of water harvesting.
Lesson of harvesting water Page 30 2 Learners in groups identify and describe ways of harvesting water
1 while the facilitator assists them.
3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4 Class discussion on group findings.
Con –Recap of concepts
Lesson Water During the lesson Naming Agriculture Water storage Assumed knowledgeLearners know ways of harvesting water they
2 Water Conservation learners should be Identifying Junior tanks use at home.
-Water storage able to:- Listing syllabus Print media Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
-State methods of Explaining grade 3-7 1 Learners identify ways of harvesting water while the facilitator
storing water. Page 30 assists them.
2 Learners name various water conservation structures from home,
school and community while the facilitator guides them.
3 Class discussion on methods of storing water
Con –Review of the lesson.
Lesson Water During the lesson Naming Agriculture Water storage Assumed knowledgeLearners know ways of harvesting water they
3 Water Conservation learners should be Identifying Junior tanks use at home.
-Methods of able to:- Listing syllabus Print media Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
conserving water -Describe methods Explaining grade3-7 1 Learners name identify different ways of harvesting water
of conserving water Page 30 2 Learners in groups describe methods of conserving water while
the facilitator assists them.
3 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4 Individual written work.
Con –Revision and recap of concepts.
Lesson Water During the lesson Naming Agriculture Water storage Assumed knowledgeLearners know ways of storing water.
4 Water Conservation learners should be Identifying Junior tanks Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
-Methods of able to:- Listing syllabus Print media 1 Learners name ways of storing water.
recycling water -Describe methods Explaining grade 3-7 2The facilitator on concepts of recycling water.
of recycling water Page 30 3 Learners in groups discuss on methods of recycling water while
the facilitator assists them.
4 Learners give feedback from learners while the facilitator assists
Con –Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
7 Water During the lesson Naming Agriculture Water storage Assumed knowledgeLearners know ways of storing water.
28- Water Conservation learners should be Identifying Junior tanks Intro– Recap of the previous lesson.
-Mulching as a way able to:- Listing syllabus Print media 1 The facilitator explains mulching as a way conserving
02-20 conserving water -Explain mulching Explaining grade3-7 water2Learners compare seed beds which are mulched and those
Lesson as a way of Page 30 which are not mulched.
1 conserving water. 3 Learners explains the importance of mulching a seed bed while
the facilitator assists them.
4 Learners practise water harvesting techniques
Con –Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Water During the lesson Stating Agriculture local Assumed knowledge: learners know water
Lesson Water conservation learners should be Identifying Junior environment Intro: learners say what they know about water
2 -Importance of water able to:- Listing syllabus g ICT Tools 1 The facilitator give the focus of the lesson
in agriculture -state the Explaining grade3-7 Print media 2. Learners read about the importance of water
importance of water Page 30 2. Class discuss on the importance of water.
in agriculture 3. Group work listing and stating the importance of water
4. Feedbacks on group work while the facilitator assists them
Con:answer oral questions
Water During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know water
Lesson Water conservation learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: learners say what they know about water
3 -Sources of water able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator give the focus of the lesson
-identify and list graded 3-7 Print media 1.Learners read about the importance of water
sources of water Page 30 2.Class discuss what has been read
3.Group work listing and stating the sources of water
4.Feedbacks on group work
CON: answer oral questions
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
Water able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Concept: - Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
-Water conservation of the revision test Page 30 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Revision test questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
questions correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
8 Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know the types of soil.
06- Soil Composition learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Learners name the types of soil.
-Percentage of soil able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains on soil composition.
03-20 components -State the grade 3-7 Print media 2.Learners name soil components while the facilitator assists them.
Lesson -water 25%, air 25%, percentage of soil Page 29 Soil 3.Learners identify percentages of soil components while the
1 Org Mat 5% & Min composition Chart facilitator assists them.
Mat 45% 4.Learners write an exercise in their books individually
Con:Learnersanswer oral questions
Lesson Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know the types of soil.
2 Soil Composition learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: recap of the previous lesson.
-Percentage of soil able to:- Explaining syllabus gr ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains on functions of soil composition.
components -State the functions graded 3-7 Print media 2.Learners in groups name soil components and describe the
-Functions of of soil composition Page 29 Soil functions in the soils while the facilitator assists them.
components of soil Chart 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4.Learners write an exercise in their books individually
Con:revision and recap of concepts
Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know components of soil.
Lesson Soil Composition learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
3 -Percentage of soil able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners name the components of soil.
components -Draw pie chart grade 3-7 Print media 2.Learners identify the percentage of soil components while the
-water, air, organic showing percentage Page 29 Soil facilitator assists them.
matter and mineral of soil components. Chart 3.Learners draw pie chart to show percentages of soil components
matter while the facilitator assists them.
4.Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Con. Review of the lesson
Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know components of soil.
Lesson Soil types learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
4 -Types of soil able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains on the types of soil.
-Sand, loam and clay -Identify types of grade 3-7 Print media 2.Learners identify types of soil while the facilitator assists them.
soil Page 29 Soil 3.Learners in groups discuss on characteristics of sand, loam and
Chart clay soil while the facilitator assists them
4.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
5. Class discussion on group findings
Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
9 Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know components of soil.
13- Soil types learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Soil Particles sizes: able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains on the types of soil.
03-20 -Sand, loam, clay, -determine the type grade 3-7 Print media 2.Learners identify types of soil while the facilitator assists them.
Lesson Gravel and Silt of soil Page 29 Soil 3.Learners in groups discuss on characteristics of sand, loam and
1 Chart clay soil while the facilitator assists them
4.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
5. Class discussion on group findings
Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know components of soil.
Lesson Soil types learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
2 -Soil Particles sizes: able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 Learners identify types of soils.
-Sand, loam, clay, -Classify soil grade 3-7 Print media 2.Learners carry out a sedimentation experiment and illustrate the
Gravel and Silt according to the Page 29 Soil results while the facilitator assists them.
particle size Chart 3.Learners classify soils according to the particles size while the
Water facilitator assists them.
Transparent 4.Class discussion on types of soils.
container Con. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator.
Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know fertilisers they use at home
Lesson Soil Fertility learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
3 -Types of fertilisers:- able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains on types of fertilisers.
Organic and -State different grade 3-7 Print media 2.Learners name different types of organic fertilisers while the
inorganic types of fertilisers Page 29 Soil facilitator assists them.
Chart 3.Learners collect samples of organic and inorganic fertilisers while
Organic the facilitator guides them.
fertilisers 4.Class discussion on organic and inorganic fertilisers.
Inorganic Con. Review of the lesson.
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
Lesson Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
4 Soil able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Concept: - Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
-Soil Comp of the revision test Page 29 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Soil types questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Soil fertility correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test
10 Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know types fertilisers.
20- Soil Fertility learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Types of fertilisers:- able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains and demonstrates on advantages and
03-20 Advantages and -State the grade 3-7 Print media disadvantages of organic and inorganic fertilisers.
Lesson Disadvantages of advantages of and Page 29 Soil 2.Learners in groups discuss on advantages and disadvantages of
1 organic and inorganic disadvantages of Chart organic and inorganic fertilisers while the facilitator assists them.
fertilisers organic and Organic 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
inorganic fertilisers fertilisers assists them.
Inorganic 4.Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Fertilisers Con. Revision and recap of concepts.
Soil During the lesson Identifying Agriculture Local Assumed knowledge: learners know types fertilisers.
Lesson Soil Fertility learners should be Listing Junior environment Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
2 -Types of fertilisers:- able to:- Explaining syllabus ICT Tools 1 The facilitator explains and demonstrates on advantages and
Advantages and -State the grade 3-7 Print media disadvantages of organic and inorganic fertilisers.
Disadvantages of advantages of and Page 29 Soil 2.Learners in groups discuss on advantages and disadvantages of
organic and inorganic disadvantages of Chart organic and inorganic fertilisers while the facilitator assists them.
fertilisers organic and Organic 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
inorganic fertilisers fertilisers assists them.
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
Lesson Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
3 -Intro to Agric able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Climate & Lan Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
-Water , -Soil of the revision test Page 29 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts taught correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
on the above topics.
-Revision test
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
Lesson Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
4 -Intro to Agric able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Climate & Lan Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
-Water , -Soil of the revision test Page 29 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts taught correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
on the above topics.
-Revision test
13 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4/3/19 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
Lesson -Intro to Agric able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
1 -Climate & Lan Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
-Water , -Soil of the revision test Page 29 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts taught correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
on the above topics.
-Revision test
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
2 Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards questions.
-Intro to Agric able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Climate & Lan Answer at least half grade 3-7 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
-Water , -Soil of the revision test Page 29 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts taught correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
on the above topics.
-Revision test
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Agriculture -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
1. Manipulate data using ICT.
2. Apply the elements and principles of design.
3. Present information in a variety of forms.
4. Achieve cultural information using ICT.
5. Infuse ICT into other learning areas.
6. Demonstrate the effectiveness of computer use, safety and security.
7. Demonstrate enterprise skill
Safety and security
The World Wide and Online Collaboration
ICT enterprise
Communication and Networks.
Weekly aim: To enable learners to develop an understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies and acquire enterprise skills using ICTs
1 ICT Tools During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Resource person Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to use ICT tools
17- Fault Diagnosis learners should Naming syllabus Video Clips on Intro: Learners name ICT tools they know.
and Fixing be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 fault diagnosis 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on common faults on
01-20 -Common faults identify Faults in Exploration (2015-2020) and fixing ICT tools.
Lesson ICT tools Matching Page 12 Contrived faults 2. Learners identify common ICT faults while the facilitator guides
1 them.
3. Learners in groups carryout a visual inspection looking for obvious
signs of problems and tracing a fault to its origin while the facilitator
assists them.
4. Learners resolve common ICT faults while the facilitator assists
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson ICT Tools During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Resource person Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to use ICT tools
2 Fault Diagnosis learners should Naming syllabus Video Clips on Intro. Recap of the previous lesson.
and Fixing be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 fault diagnosis 1. Learners identify common ICT faults while the facilitator guides
-Troubleshooting Relate a fault to a Exploration (2015-2020) and fixing them.
cause. Matching Page 12 Contrived faults 2. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on troubleshooting to
3. Learners in groups carryout inspection looking for cause of
Lesson Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining I.C.TJunior -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
2 Topics: learners should Describing syllabus Flash cards questions.
-ICT Tools be able to:- Identifying grade 3-7 Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Concept: Answer at least (2015-2020) 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
-Faults Diagnosis half of the Page 12 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
and Fixing revision test 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Common Faults questions given Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
-Revision test correctly.
Weekly aim: To enable learners to develop an understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies and acquire enterprise skills using ICTs
Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Scratch Assumed knowledge: Learners are knows that a computer does many
3 Publishing learners should Naming syllabus Monkey jam things
31- -Animation:- be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Drawing Create images Exploration (2015-2020) 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on picture drawing using
01-20 Pictures using an Matching Page 12 art package.
Lesson art/drawing 2. Learners in pairs draw images using art package while the
1 package facilitator assists them.
3. Learners show their images.
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Scratch Assumed knowledge: Learners are knows that a computer does many
2 Publishing learners should Naming syllabus Monkey jam things
-Animation:- be able to:- -Edit Familiarising grade 3-7 Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Animating animations Exploration (2015-2020) 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on image animation 2.
images Matching Page 12 Learners in pairs make image animation based on scenarios within
their local environment while the facilitator assists them.
3. Learners edit their animation while the facilitator assists
Con: Recap of concepts and review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To enable learners to appreciate the role and impact of ICTs as they apply to self, work and society.
Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Database Assumed knowledge: Learners are knows that a computer does many
4 Publishing learners should Naming syllabus packages such as things
07- -Databases:- be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 MS Access Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Tables Design and create Exploration (2015-2020) 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on creating database
02-20 a basic database Matching Page 12 2.Learners in pairs plan and create their own database while the
Lesson facilitator assists them.
1 3. Learners create their own data base while the facilitator assists
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Database Assumed knowledge: Learners are knows that a computer does many
2 Publishing learners should Naming syllabus packages such as things
-Databases:- be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 MS Access Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Tables Create tables in Exploration (2015-2020) 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on creating tables 2.
-records design view Matching Page 12 Learners in pairs plan their records and present them on their tables
-Key fields while the facilitator assists them.
3. Learners create their own tables and design them while the
facilitator assists them.
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To enable learners to develop an understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies and acquire enterprise skills using ICTs
5 Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Database Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to create tables.
14- Publishing learners should Naming syllabus packages such as Intro: Opening MS Access
-Databases:- be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 MS Access 1. The facilitator demonstrates on editing, deleting and updating
02-20 -Creating and Manipulate Exploration (2015-2020) records on tables 2.Learners in turns practise editing, deleting and
Lesson editing records in records in a table Matching Page 12 updating their records while the facilitator assists them.
1 a tables (update, delete, 3. Learners modify their records on their tables by deleting, deleting
edit) or updating while the facilitator assists them.
Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Database Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to create tables.
2 Publishing learners should Naming syllabus packages such as Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Databases:- be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 MS Access 1. The facilitator demonstrates on sorting records in ascending or
-Sorting records Sorting records in Exploration (2015-2020) descending order 2. Learners sort records in ascending and
in ascending and ascending and Matching Page 12 descending on given fields in pairs while the facilitator assists them.
descending order descending order 3. Learners sort records in ascending or descending order on given
using a given field fields while the facilitator.
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To enable learners to develop an understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies and acquire enterprise skills using ICTs
Creating and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Database Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to create tables and edit
6 Publishing learners should Naming syllabus packages such as them.
21- -Databases:- be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 MS Access Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Data filtering Filter data in data Exploration (2015-2020) 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on data filtering 2.
02-20 base Matching Page 12 Learners use a filter to select records that meet particular criteria
Lesson while the facilitator assists them.
1 3. Learners use a filter to remove unwanted records in their database
while the facilitator assists them.
Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson Computer During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior MSN , Assumed knowledge: Learners have send massages on a phone
2 Software learners should Naming syllabus Yahoo before.
-Uploading/ be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 Hangout Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Sending Upload Exploration (2015-2020) Skype 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on uploading files on
-Uploading or educational files Matching Page 13 Yahoo, Hangout or Skype. 2. Learners upload their files on yahoo
sending files using instant and hangouts while the facilitator assists them.
message software 3. Learners demonstrate and explain how to upload files on yahoo or
hangouts while the facilitator assists them.
Con: Recap of concepts
Weekly aim: To enable learners to appreciate the role and impact of ICTs as they apply to self, work and society.
Computer During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior MSN , Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to upload files.
7 Software learners should Naming syllabus Yahoo Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
28- -Downloading/ be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 Hangout 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on downloading files on
Receiving Downloading Exploration (2015-2020) Skype Yahoo, Hangout or Skype. 2. Learners downloading t educational
02-20 - Downloading educational files Matching Page 13 files on yahoo, hangouts or Skype while the facilitator assists them.
Lesson educational file using instant 3. Learners demonstrate downloading of files on yahoo or hangouts
1 message software or Skype while the facilitator assists them.
Con: Oral review of the lesson
Lesson Computer During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior MSN , Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to upload files.
2 Software learners should Naming syllabus Yahoo Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-VoIP be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 Hangout 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on making video
- Video Make video Exploration (2015-2020) Skype conferencing calls. 2. Learners make video*- conferencing while the
conferencing calls conferencing calls Matching Page 13 facilitator guides them.
3. Learners demonstrate on making video conferencing calls while
the facilitator guides them.
Con: Oral review of the lesson
Weekly aim: To enable learners to appreciate the role and impact of ICTs as they apply to self, work and society.
Computer During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Sound capture Assumed knowledge: Learners can use images to make slides
8 Software learners should Naming syllabus microphone Intro: Opening of Microsoft power point.
06- -Multimedia be able to:- - Familiarising grade 3-7 Digital sound 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on designing
- Presentations Create multimedia Exploration (2015-2020) recorder presentations on power point. 2. Learners in groups design and create
03-20 presentations Matching Page 13 ICT tools multimedia presentations on power point while the facilitator guides
Lesson them.
1 3. Learners share their information the class while the facilitator
guides them.
Con: Recap of concepts
Lesson Computer During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Sound capture Assumed knowledge: Learners can make multimedia presentations.
2 Software learners should Naming syllabus microphone Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Multimedia be able to:- -Edit Familiarising grade 3-7 Digital sound 1. Learners open their multimedia presentations on power point 2.
- Editing multimedia Exploration (2015-2020) recorder The facilitator explains and demonstrates on how to edit multimedia
multimedia presentations Matching Page 13 ICT tools presentations 3. Learners edit their presentations while the facilitator
presentations guides them.
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Weekly aim: To enable learners to appreciate the role and impact of ICTsas they apply to self, work and society.
9 Computer During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Sound capture Assumed knowledge: Learners can compose music
13- Software learners should Naming syllabus microphone Intro:Recap of the previous lesson.
-Multimedia be able to:- Use Familiarising grade 3-7 Digital sound 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on use of software to
03-20 - Composing software to Exploration (2015-2020) recorder compose music. 2. Learners in groups compose and record music
music compose own Matching Page 13 Music using software whiles the facilitator guides them.
Lesson music composition 3. Playing of composed music by learners.
1 software such as Con: Oral recap of concepts
Black Cat
Lesson Safety and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Poster and video Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to use internet.
2 Security learners should Naming syllabus clips on cyber Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Cyber wellness be able to:- Familiarising grade 3-7 wellness 1. The facilitator explains on dangers associated with the use of
- Dangers of using Explain dangers Exploration (2015-2020) Resource person internet 2. Learners in groups discuss on dangers associated with use
internet associated with Matching Page 13 Desktop of internet while the facilitator assists them.
using the internet publishing 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
software assists them.
4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of written work and recap of concepts
Weekly aim: To enable learners to appreciate the role and impact of ICTsas they apply to self, work and society.
Safety and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Poster and video Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to use internet.
10 Security learners should Naming syllabus clips on cyber Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
20- -Cyber wellness be able to:- Familiarising grade 3-7 wellness 1. Learners identify dangers associated with the use of the internet 2.
-Cyber safety Suggest ways of Exploration (2015-2020) Resource person The facilitator explains on safety precautions when using the internet.
03-20 ensuring cyber Matching Page 13 Desktop 3. Learners in groups discuss on safety precautions to take when
Lesson safety publishing using the internet while the facilitator assists them.
1 software 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of written work and recap of concepts
Lesson Safety and During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Poster and video Assumed knowledge: Learners know dangers associated with the use
2 Security learners should Naming syllabus clips on cyber of internet.
-Cyber wellness be able to:- Familiarising grade 3-7 wellness Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
- CyberAwareness Design posters on Exploration (2015-2020) Resource person 1. Learners identify dangers and safety precaution on the the use of
cyber wellness Matching Page 13 Desktop the internet.
publishing 2. Learners in groups design posters on cyber wellness while the
software facilitator assists them.
3. Learners display their poster.
4. Class discussion on awareness campaigns on cyber wellness
Con: Oral review of the lesson
Weekly aim: To enable learners to appreciate the role and impact of ICTsas they apply to self, work and society.
Safety and Security During the lesson Identifying I.C.TJunior Poster and video Assumed knowledge: Learners know dangers associated with the use
11 -Cyber wellness learners should Naming syllabus clips on cyber of internet.
27- - CyberAwareness be able to:- Carry Familiarising grade 3-7 wellness Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
out awareness Exploration (2015-2020) Resource person 1. Learners identify dangers and safety precaution on the the use of
03- campaigns Matching Page 13 Desktop the internet.
20 publishing 2. Learners carryout aware campaigns on cyber wellness while the
Lesso software facilitator guides them.
n1 3. Class discussion on cyber wellness.
Con: Oral review of the lesson
Lesso Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining I.C.TJunior -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
n2 Topics: learners should Describing syllabus Flash cards questions.
-ICT Tools be able to:- Identifying grade 3-7 Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Creating & Answer at least Page 12-13 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Publishing half of the 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Comp Software revision test 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Safety & Security questions given Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Concept: - correctly.
All concepts taught
on the above topics.
-Revision test
Weekly aim: To enable learners to develop an understanding of the operating skills required in a variety of technologies and acquire enterprise skills using ICTs
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining I.C.TJunior -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
12 Topics: learners should Describing syllabus Flash cards questions.
03- -ICT Tools be able to:- Identifying grade 3-7 Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Creating & Answer at least Page 12-13 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
04- Publishing half of the 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
20 -Comp Software revision test 3. Revision and recap of written work.
Lesso -Safety & Security questions given Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
n1 Concept: - correctly.
All concepts taught
on the above topics.
-Revision test
Lesso Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining I.C.TJunior -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
n3 Topics: learners should Describing syllabus Flash cards questions.
-ICT Tools be able to:- Identifying grade 3-7 Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Creating & Answer at least Page 12-13 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Publishing half of the 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Comp Software revision test 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Safety & Security questions given Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Concept: - correctly.
All concepts taught
on the above topics.
-Revision test
13 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining I.C.TJunior -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
4/4/19 Topics: learners should Describing syllabus Flash cards questions.
Lesso -ICT Tools be able to:- Identifying grade 3-7 Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
n1 -Creating & Answer at least Page 12-13 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Publishing half of the 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Comp Software revision test 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Safety & Security questions given Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Concept: - correctly.
All concepts taught
on the above topics.
-Revision test
Lesso Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining I.C.TJunior -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test
n2 Topics: learners should Describing syllabus Flash cards questions.
-ICT Tools be able to:- Identifying grade 3-7 Charts Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
-Creating & Answer at least Page 12-13 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Publishing half of the 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
-Comp Software revision test 3. Revision and recap of written work.
-Safety & Security questions given Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Concept: - correctly.
All concepts taught
on the above topics.
-Revision test
1. Identity
2. Rights and responsibilities
1 FAMILY During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners types of families
17- Different types learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards Introclass discussion different types of families
of families able to:--show how -Describing Strengthening -charts 2 .Teacher explains the different types of families
01-20 The nuclear and family members Life skills, 3 Learners in groups tell different story about types of families
extended should relate to each sexually, HIV while the facilitator assists them.
families other and Aids 4Learners sing a rhyme.
Teacher’s Con.Answering questions orally
Bullet 1
2 FAMILY During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners know roles of their parents and
24- Different types learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards children at home
of families able to:--explain the -Describing Strengthening -charts IntroClass discussion different types of families
01-20 -Importance importance of the Life skills, 2 .Teacher explains the different types of families
family family and sexually, HIV 3Learners in groups discuss the importance of the family and
community. and Aids community while the facilitator assists them.
Teacher’s 4 Learners give feedback from their groups.
manual Bullet 2 Con.Learners name different types of families listing them
3 Marriage and During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. IntroRecap of previous lesson
31- parenting learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards 2 .Teacher explains the different types of families
-Modern able to:--identify -Describing Strengthening -charts 3Learners in groups discuss the forms of abuse in each marriage
01-20 marriage and forms of abuse in the Life skills, while the facilitator assists them.
traditional family and sexually, HIV 4 Feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists them.
marriage community. and Aids 5 Learners write an exercise in their books individually
-Forms of abuse Teacher’s Con. Oral review of the lesson
in family manual Bullet 3
4 Parenting During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners know types of relationships
07- A wedding learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards IntroRecap of previous lesson
-Types of able to:--identify -Describing Strengthening -charts 2Teacher explains the different types of relationships
02-20 relationships different types of Life skills, 3Learners in groups’ role play on relationships while the facilitator
relationships sexually, HIV guides them.
and Aids 4 Class discussion on types of relationships.
Teacher’s Conclusion. Recap of concepts
manual Bullet 4
5 Conflict During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners knows some of the the causes of
14- management and learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards conflicts.
resolution able to:-Identify -Describing Strengthening -charts IntroRecap of previous lesson.
02-20 Causes of causes of conflicts Life skills, 2 .The facilitator explains on conflicts and causes of conflicts in the
conflict at home within family and sexually, HIV family, school and in the community
community, suggest and Aids 3Learners in identify causes of conflicts in the family, school and
ways of resolving Teacher’s in the community while the facilitator assists them. 4 Learners
them manual Bullet 5 give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists them.
5. Individual written work. Conclusion. Oral review of the lesson.
6 Conflict During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners know causes of conflicts
21- management and learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards IntroRecap of the previous lesson.
resolution able to:-Differentiate -Describing Strengthening -charts 2 Learners identify causes of conflict at home.
02-20 -Exploitation between exploitation Life skills, 3 The facilitator explains on exploitation and victimization
and and victimization sexually, HIV 4Learners in groups differentiate between exploitation and
Victimization and Aids victimization while the facilitator assists them. 5Learners give
Teacher’s feedback while the facilitator assists them. 6learners watch videos
manual Bullet 6 showing abuse.
Conclusion The facilitator asks oral questions.
7 Conflict During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners know forms of abuse
28- management and learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards IntroRecap of previous lesson
resolution able to:-Identify -Describing Strengthening -charts 1 Learners identify forms of abuse while the facilitator assists
02-20 -ways of dealing ways in which Life skills, them.2.Learners as a class identify ways in which communities
with sexual communities deal sexually, HIV deal with sexual abuse and sexual relationship while the facilitator
abuse in with sexual abuse and Aids assists them. 4 Learners give feedback while the facilitator assists
communities and sexual Teacher’s them.
relationship. manual Bullet 7 5 Individual written wok.
Conclusionlearners sing a song
8 Stigma and During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners are able to name forms abuse
06- discrimination learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards IntroThe facilitator explains key words
-Effects of able to:-State the -Describing Strengthening -charts 2The facilitator explains the effects of stigma and discrimination.
03-20 stigma and effects of stigma and Life skills, 3Learners in groups identify effects of stigma and discriminations
discrimination discrimination on sexually, HIV in families and community while the facilitator assists 4 Learners
in families relationships. and Aids give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists them
Teacher’s 5 Role play by learners while facilitator guides them.
manual Bullet 8 ConclusionOral review of the lesson.
9 Male and female During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners know changes that occur on their
reproductive learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards bodies as they grow up.
13- anatomy able to:--identify the -Describing Strengthening -charts IntroThe facilitator explains key words
emotional, physical Life skills, 2 .The facilitator explains on the meaning of adolescent
03-20 -Adolescents and psychological sexually, HIV 3Learners in groups identify the emotional, physical and
changes in and Aids psychological changes in adolescents while facilitator assists them.
adolescents Teacher’s 4 Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
manual Bullet 9 assists them.
5 Individual written work
ConclusionRevision and recap of concepts.
10 Male and female During the lesson -Explaining Guidance and -work cards Assumed knowledge. Learners know causes of HIV infection
20- reproductive learners should be -Identifying Counselling -flash cards IntroRecap of previous lesson
anatomy able to:-Show how -Describing Strengthening -charts 2The facilitator explains on reproductive organs.
03-20 -Adolescents the change influences Life skills, 3Learners draw and label reproductive organs while the facilitator
their behaviour and sexually, HIV assists them4 Class discussion on changes that occur on
their risk to HIV and Aids adolescence that can influence their behaviour while the facilitator
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana.Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
1 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaura kanyaya pamusoro pezvaanoda
11/01/1 nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. vatungamiriri languages Syll nezvaanofarira
9 Zvandinoda kutaura pamusoro Kunyora. vemudunhu Grde 3-7, Page 28 1.Vadzidzi vano taurirana pamusoro pezvavanofarira nezvavanoda.
nezvandinofarir pamusoro pezvavanoda ravo. 2. Vadzidzi mumapoka avo vano taurirana pamusoro pezvanoda
a nezvavanofarira Makadhi vachichirechedza musiyano pazviri.
-kuumba Mifananidzo 3. Vadzidzi vanopakura zvavawana.
mazwinemitinhimira 4. Vadzidzi vanoumba mazwi nemitinhimira yakapihwa.
yakapihwa. Mhedziso – mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chidzid Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi nevana vanoimba rwiyo.
zo 3 & nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll 1Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
4 kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 34 voma tsanangura.
Nzwisiso. vachinzwisisa. 2Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima
-kupindura -kupindura mibvunzo Makadhi 3Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi.
mibvunzo mitanhatu kubva Mifananidzo 4 Vana vanopakura zvavawana.
yenzwisiso mundima yaverengwa. 5 Vana vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoita zvavanenge vanzi vaite
zo 5 nekunyora. kukwanisa ku:--- Kutaura zvimwe zviito. languages Syll nemudzidzisi.
kudoma zviito Grde 3-7, Page 28 1 Vadzidzi vano verenga zviito zviri pamakadhi.
Zviito zvingangoita zvishanu. 2Vadzidzi vano doma zviito zvavanoziva.
-kuzadzisa zvirevo Makadhi 3 Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu.
neziito zvakapihwa. Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanodoma zvanoda nezvavnofarira
zo6 nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--kuita Kuteerera. mabasa languages Syll 1. Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi ari pamakadhi pamusoro pezvinhu
hurukuro pamusoro evatongi Grde 3-7, Page 30 zvinodiwa nemunhu kuti ararame.
Hurukuro pezvavanoda vemumaruva. 2.Vadzidzi vanoita hurukuri pamusoro pezvavanoda kuti vararame
nezvavanofarira vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa rakurukurwa.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoogorora mifananidzo pamusoro
zo 7 kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll pemabasa
-Rondedzero kunyora rondedzero kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 1. Vana vanodoma mabasa avanoda kana vakura.
Basa randinoda nemutauro wakanaka mitsara 2. Vana vanodoma mayorerwo erondedzero vachibatsirwa
kuazoita pamusoro pebasa yakazara. nemudzidzisi.
ndakura ravanoda kuzoita 3.Vadzidzi vanopa chidumbu cherondedzero mumaboka.
3.Vadzidzi vanoverenga zvavanyora.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora rondedzero sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora chati rinerunyoro rwe
zo 8 (Penmanship- kukwanisa ku:--- zvimwe languages Syll ‘Nelson’s script’
Nelson’s script) kunyora vachiumba kunyora zvinongedzo Grde 3-7, Page 34 1. Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana manyorero akanaka.
mavara zvakanaka. 2 Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vano edzeserakunyora
vachiteedzerarunyoro rwakanaka.
3Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana.
ngano dzepasi chigare.
2 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana mifananidzo yezviitiko
24- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera zvimwe languages Syll zvakasiyana siyana.
Zviitiko kudoma zviitiko Kunyora. zvinoitika Grde 3-7, Page 28 1.Vadzidzi vanodoma zviitiko zvinoitika munharaunda dzavanobva
01- zvemunharaund zvemunharaunda munharaunda 2.Vadzidzi mumapoka avo vano taurirana zviitiko zvinoitika
20 a nemunyika nemunyika Makadhi munharaunda dzavanobva nezvinoitika munyika yese vachibatsirwa
-Kutsangura zviitiko Mifananidzo nemudzidzisi. 3. Vana vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka
Chi zvemunharaunda 4.Vadzidzi vanoumba mazwi nemitinhimira yakapihwa.
dzid nemunyika Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
zo 1
Chi Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaurira vadzidzi kanyaya pamusoro
dzid nekunyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll pemabasa emaoko.
zo 2 kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
&3 Nzwisiso vachinzwisisa. 31& 34 voma tsanangura.
-kupindura mibvunzo Makadhi 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi
-Kupindura mitanhatu kubva Mifananidzo. 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi.
mibvunzo mundima yaverengwa. 4. Vana vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
yenzwisiso Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanodoma zviitiko zvinoitika munharaunda
dzid nekuteerera kukwanisa ku:--- Kutaura zviitiko languages Syll dzavanobva zvakakosha.
zo 4 -Zvakakoshera kutsanangura zvenoitika Grde 3-7, Page 28 1. Vana vanodoma zviitiko zvinoitika munharaunda dzavanobva
zviitiko zvakoshera zviitiko munharaunda nezvinoitika munyika mese.
zvimunharaunda zvemunharaunda nezvinoitika 2. Mudzidzisi anotsangura pamusoro pekukosha kwezviitiko
nezviitiko nezviitiko zvenyika munyika yese. Makadhi zvemunharaunda nenyika yose zvadomwa nevana. 3. Vana vano
zvenyika yose yose Mifanidzo taurirana mumapoka avo zvakakoshera zviitiko zvemunharaunda
nezvenyika yese vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi. 4. Vana vanopakurirana
zvavawana mumapoka avo vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa raitwa mumapoka.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vana vanodoma zvimiso zvavanoziva.
dzid Zvikomberedzo kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. zvimwe languages Syll 1. Vadzidzi vano doma zvimiso zvavanoziva.
zo 5 -Zvimiso:- kushandisa zvezvimiso. Grde 3-7, Page 34 2 Mudzidzisi anotsanangura pamusoro pezvimiso.
(Fullstop, zvimisomzvakakodzera 3 Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vanoisa zvimiso ndima yavanenge vapihwa
Capital letter, mudzidzisi achivabatsira.
exclamation 4 Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo mudzidzisi
marks, comma achivabatsira.
etc 5 Vana vanonyora basa mumabhuku sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoona mifananidzo yezviitiko zvakasiyana
zo6 rondedzero kukwanisa ku:- vanogona languages Syll 1. Vadzidzi vanodoma zviitiko zvinovanakidza zvinoitika mudunhu
& Kutsanangura chiitiko kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 mavo. 2. Vadzidzi vanotaura zvinotarisirwa pakunyora rondedzero
7 Chiitiko chakaitika mudunhu mitsara yanaka vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi. 3. Vana mumapoka vanonyora
chakaitika mavo chakavafadza yakazara. rondedzero pamusoro pechiitiko chakaitika mudunhu mavo
mudunhu medu -kushanidisa zvimiso chakavafadza.
chakandifadza nezvirunga mutauro 4. Vana vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo mudzidzisi
nemazvo. achivabatsira. 5. Vana vanonyora rondedzero mumabhuku avo mumwe
Mhedziso – vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vana vakambo Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora nekutsanangura mifananidzo
zo8 kukwanisa ku:--- nyora languages Syll yakapihwa,
Zviperengo. kunyora zviperengo kunyora zviperengo. Grde 3-7, Page 34 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi akapihwa.
zvemazwi anoita gumi. 2.Vadzidzi vanotsanangura mazwiakapihwa.
3.Mudzidzisi anodanidzira mazwi vana vakateerera.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora zviperengo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
3 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanoona mifananidzo ine tsika
31- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. tsika languages Syll dxechinyakare.
Hwaro kudoma tsika Kunyora. dzechinyakear Grde 3-7, Page 28 1. Vadzidzi vanodoma dzika dzechinyakare dzavanoziva mudzidzisi
01-20 hweupenyu dzechinyakare dzaiitika e. achivabatsira. 2. Vana vanotaurirana vari mumapoka pamusoro
mumatunhu avo. Makadhi penhoroondo dzemhuri dzavo mudzidzisi achivabatsira. 3. Vana
Chidzid Kukurukura pamuso vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo. 4. Vana vatsanangura
zo1 pamusoro penhoroondo nhoorondo yemhuri dzvao vamwe vachinzwa.
yemhuri dzavo. Mhedziso – mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chidzid Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi vanoverenga mazwi angangova matsva
zo2 & 3 nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll abva mundima yavachavarenga vomatsangura.
kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, peji 31 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
-Kuverenga vachidodomese. ne 34 voma tsanangura. 2. Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa
vachidodomesa -kupindura mibvunzo Makadhi nemudzidzisi. 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vari
Chidzid Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana kuverenga kwakanaka.
zo4 kukwanisa ku:--- Kutaura vanogona languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachifema pose panechitura befu
Zvimiso: kuverenga ndima kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 32 mudzidzisi anobatsira vadzidzidi.
-chitura mafemo vachiongorora zvimiso 2.Vadzidzi vanovereng vari mumapoka mudzidzisi axchibatsira
-chidonhwe nemazvo. Makadhi vadzidzi. 3.Vadzidzi vanoverengera mudzidzisi sedungamunhu.
Mifanidzo Mhedziso – Vana vanotaura nyaya yavavernga muchindimbu.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanodoma mazwi anopesana.
zo5 Mazwi kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. mamwe mazwi languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano doma mazwi anopesana neakanyorwa.
anopesana. kudoma mazwi anopesana. Grde 3-7, Page 35 2.Vadzidzi vanoumba zvirevo mumapoka vopakura zvavawana
anopesana nemashanu vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
Sokuti, akapihwa. 3. Vana vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo.
Harahwa- -kuumba zvirevo 4.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu.
Mukomana. nemazwi anopesana. Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanoongorora mufananidzo.
zo6 & 7 Rondedzero kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll 1. Vadzidzi vanotsangura zvinotarisrwa pakunyora rondedzero
-Mhuri yedu kunyora rondedzero kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 mudzidzisi achivabatsira.
pamusoro pemusoro mitsara 2. Vadzidzi vanonyora pamusoro pemhuri dzavo vari mumapoka
pemhuri dzavo yakazara. mudzidzisi achivabatsira.3. Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana
mumapoka avo.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora rondedzero sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Vadzidzi vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vanoziya Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma tsumo dzavano ziva.
zo8 Tsumo: kukwanisa ku:---kupa Kunyora. tsumo. languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano vanopa tsumo dzavanoziva.
Kuzadzisa tsumo ina dzavano ziva. Grde 3-7, Page 34 2.Vadzidzi mumapoka avo vano zadzisa tsumo dzakapihwa
tsumo. -kuzadzisa tsumo vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
dzakapihwa nechishona 3. Vana vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo mudzidzisi
chakanaka. achivabatsira.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
4 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanoimba karwiyo vachidoma mazuva
07- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. dzimwe tsika languages Syll evhiki, nemwedzi.
Zvenguva Kudoma mazuva Kunyora. dzevatema. Grde 3-7, Page 27 1. Vadzidzi vadoma mashoko anoshandiswa kutaura zvenguva
02-20 -mazuva evhiki, evhiki, mwedzi ne 28 vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
mwedzi yegore nemwaka yegore. 2. Vadzidzi vanodoma mazuva, mwezi nemwaka yegore nezviitiko
Chidzid nemwaka Makadhi zvinoitika mairi vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.Vadzidzi vanoita hurukuro
zo 1 yegore Bambiri pamusoro petsika dzevatema. 3. Vana vanopkaurirana zvavawana
mumapoka avo mudzidzisi achivabatsira
4.Vadzidzi vanoumba zvirevo nemazwi akapihwa
Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chidzid Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaridza vana mifananidzo ytsika
zo 2 & 3 nekunyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll dzakasiyana-siyana.
Nzwisiso kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, peji 31 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
vachinzwisisa.- ne 34 voma tsanangura.
-kupindura kupindura mibvunzo 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
mibvunzo mitanhatu kubva Makadhi. 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vari mumapoka
yenzwisiso mundima Mifananidzo vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
yaverengwa. 4. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanonoverenga mazwi efananidzo akapihwa.
zo 4 /Kunyora kukwanisa ku:--- Kutaura vakambonzwa languages Syll 1. Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi akapihwa nekuatsanangura
kuverenga mazwi dzime Grde 3-7, Page 35 zvaanoreva vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
Fananidzo: efananidzo mashanu fananidzo. 2. Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vanoumba zvirevo nekuzadzisa zvirevo
Sokuti, akapihwa. Makadhi zvakapihwa nefananidzo vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi 3. Vana
-Mazino ake -kutsanagura Mifanidzo vanopakurirana zvavawana vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
akachena zvinoreva fananidzo. 4. Vadzidzi vanoita basa ravo sedungamunhu vachizadzisa zvirevo
semukaka. -kuzadzisa zvirevo Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanodoma mazwi anoreva zvimwechete.
zo 5 Mazwi anoreva kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. mamwe mazwi languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi akapihwa uye kuatsanangura
zvimwechete. kudoma mazwi anoreva Grde 3-7, page 34 vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
anoreva zvimwechete zvimwechete. Mifananidzo 2. Vadzidzi vanopa mazwi anoreva zvakafanana neakapihwa
Chibage - nemashanu akapihwa. Makadhi pamakadhi vari mumapoka vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi. 3. Vana
magwere -kuumba zvirevo vanopakurirana zvavawana mudzidzisi achivabatsira.4.Vadzidzi vano
nemazwi anoreva pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu.
zvimwechete. Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanoongorora mufananidzo
zo 6 Rondedzero kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll 1. Vana vanodoma mwaka yegore. 2. Vana vanotsangura mwaka
kunyora rondedzero kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 yegore yavanofarira mudzidzisi achivabatsira.
Mwaka wegore vachitsanangura tsika mitsara . 3. Vana vanodoma manyorerwe erondedzero akanaka mudzidzisi
wandinofarira dzedu yakazara. anobatsira vadzidzi.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora rondedzero sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vanoziya Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma tsumo dzavano ziva.
zo 7 Tsumo: kukwanisa ku:--- Kunyora. dzimwe tsumo. Indigenous 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga tsumo dzisina kuzadzira.
kudoma tsumo shanu languages Syll 2.Vadzidzi mumapoka vanotsanangura zvinoreva tsumo dzakapihwa
Kuzadzisa dzavanoziva. Grde 3-7, Page 34. vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi. 3. Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana.
tsumo. 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu vachi zadzisa tsumo.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Chidzid Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
zo 8 Zvirungamutaur kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
o kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
-Nzwisiso yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Rondedzero mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
-Kupindura adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
mibvunzo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
5 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanoona mifananidzo yezviitiko zvakasiyana
14- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. mabikirwo languages Syll siyana
- Pfupiso, Nhau -Kutaura nyaya, Kunyora. ebota. Grde 3-7, Page27 1. Vadzidzi vachinjana vanotsangura nhau nenyaya dzinoitika
02-20 nenyaya memhau dzinoitika & 29 mumatunhu avanobva.
-Kutaura nyaya mumatunhu 2. Vadzidzi vanochinjana kutaura nhau dzino inotika mumatunhu avo
Chidzid kana nhau avanobva. Makadhi nenyika yese.
zo 1 yataurwa -Kutaura nyaya kana Mifananidzo 3. Vadzidzi vanotaura nhau nenyaya dzataurwa muchidimbu
muchidimbu nhau yataurwa vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
muchidimbu 4.Vadzidzi vanoumba mazwi nemitinhimira yakapihwa.
Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chidzid Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaridza vama mufananidzo yevanhu
zo 2 & 3 nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll vari pamabiko.
Nzwisiso kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
-Kuverenga vachinzwisisa. 31 & 35 voma tsanangura. 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa
ndima -kupindura mibvunzo nemudzidzisi.
yenzwisiso mitanhatu kubva Makadhi 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vopakura
-Kupindura mundima Mifananidzo. zvavawana.
mibvunzo yaverengwa. 4. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
yenzwisiso Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora chati rinerunyoro rwe
zo 4 (Penmanship- kukwanisa ku:--- zvimwe languages Syll ‘Nelson’s script’
Nelson’s script) kunyora vachiumba kunyora zvinongedzo Grde 3-7, Page 34 1.Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana manyorero akanaka.
-Kunyora mavara zvakanaka. 2.Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vano edzeserakunyora
vachiumba vachiteedzerarunyoro rwakanaka.
mavara 3.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
zvakanaka Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora mifananidzo yezvinhu
zo 5 Mazwi kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. zvishoma uye languages Syll zvishoma uye zvakawanda.
muuzhinji kuisa mazwi zvakawana. Grde 3-7, Page 34 1. Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi ose apapihwa muushoma.
muuzhinji. 2.Vadzidzi vaisa mazwi akapihwa muuzhinji vari mumapoka vopakura
Sokuti, -kuzadzisa zvirevo zvavawana.
Mutambo— nemazwi ari 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu kuzadzisa zvirevo.
mitambo muuzhinji. Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chidzid Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanoita hurukuru pamusoro penyaya
zo 6 rondedzero kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll dzinoitika mumatunhu avo.
Tsamba -Kunyora tsamba kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 1. Mudzisisi anotsanangura pamusoro tsamba kushamwari.
-Nyora tsamba kushamwari uchiudza mitsara 2. Vadzidzi vanodoma zvinotarisrwa pakunyora tsamba.
kushamwari nyaya yakaitika yakazara. 3. Vana vanoita hurukuro pamusoro penhau dzakaitika mumatunhu avo
uchiudza nyaya mudunhu menyu dzakavafadza. 4 Vana vanonyora tsamba kushamwari dzavo
yakaitika yakakufadza mudzidzisi achibatsira vana.
mudunhu menyu Mhedziso – Vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chidzid Kuverenga/ Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vanoziya Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vano verenga kandima kanezvimiso.
zo 7 Kunyora kukwanisa ku:--- Kunyora. zvimwe languages Syll 1 Vadzidzi vatsanangura mashandisirwo ezvimiso zvakapihwa.
Zvimiso kutsanangura zvimiso Grde 3-7, Pji 31 & 2Vadzidzi vanoumba zvirevo vachishandisa zvimiso zvakakodzera vari
-chikatyamadzo mashandisirwo 34 mumapoka.
-nyora ezvimiso zvakapihwa 3. Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Chidzid Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
zo 8 Zvirungamutaur kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
o kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
-Nzwisiso yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Rondedzero mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
-Kupindura adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
mibvunzo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
6 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanoimba rwiyo vachishandisa manhamba
21- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. mamwe mazwi languages Syll 1. Mudzizdzisi anotsangura pamusoro pekuverenga manhamba. 2.
-Kuverenga -kuverenga Kunyora. anoshandiswa Grde 3-7, Page 29 Vana vanoverenga manhamba kusvika kuna 70 vachibatsirwa
Mombe- nomwe nemisha mhuka. achibatsira vana.3. Vana vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka.
mudanga yadzo. 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu vachipa misha yedzo.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
7 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanoimba karwiyo
28- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. matongerwoe languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano doma maitirwo ezvinhu zvakasiyana siyana
Maitirwo -kudoma maitirwo Kunyora. mhosvamumag Grde 3-7, Page 29 mumatunhu avo sekuti matongerwo enyaya.
02- ezvinhu mumatunhu uta 2.Vadzidzi mumapoka avo vano tsanangura pamusoro pematongerwo
20 -Maitirwo ezvinhu -kutsanangura Makadhi enyaya mudzidzisi achibatsirana nevadzidzi.
Chi mumatunhu maitirwo ekutongwa Mifananidzo 3. Vana vanopakura zvavawana mudzidzisi achibatsira vadzidzi.
dzid kwenyaya. 4.Vadzidzi vanoumba mazwi nemitinhimira yakapihwa.
zo 1 -kuumba mazwi Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chi Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaridza vama mufananidzo yevanhu
dzid nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll vari pamabiko.
zo 2 -kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 31 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
&3 Nzwisiso vachinzwisisa. & 34 voma tsanangura. 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa
-Kupindura -kupindura mibvunzo nemudzidzisi.
mibvunzo mitanhatu kubva Makadhi 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vopakura
yenzwisiso mundima Mifananidzo. zvavawana.
yaverengwa. 4. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kuverenga. Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana kuverenga kwakanaka.
dzid kukwanisa ku:--- Kutaura zvimwe languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vanopa zvimiso zvina zvavano ziva
zo 4 Kuteedza/ -kupa zvimiso zvina zvimiso. Grde 3-7, Page 31 2.Vadzidzi kuverenga vachiteedza zvimiso nemazvo vachibatsirwa
kuongorora zvimiso zvavano ziva . nemudzidzisi.
-kuverenga 3.Vadzidzi vano verenga sedungamunhu.
vachiteedza zvimiso Mhedziso – vana vagona kuverenga vano verenga vamwe vakateerera.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma tsumo dzavanoziva.
dzid Tsumo: kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. zvinoreva languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga tsumo dzakapihwa uye kudzitsanangura
zo 5 -Tsanangudzo -kupa tsanangudzo dzimwe tsumo. Grde 3-7, Page 34 vachibatsira nemudzidzisi.
dzetsumo. dzetsumo Mifananidzo 2.Vadzidzi vanoita basa remumapoka vopakura zvavawana mudzidzisi
dzakapihwa. achibatsira vadzidzi. 3. Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana
vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
4. Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanotsanangura mifananidzo iri pachati.
dzid rondedzero kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll 1. Vadzidzi vanotsangura pamusoro pezuva ravasinga kanganwi. 2.
zo 6 Rondezdero -kutsanangura zuva kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 Vana vari mumapoka vanotaurirana pamusoro pezuva
-Zuva ravasingakanganwe. mitsara ravasingakanganwi vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi. 3. Vadzidzi vanonyora
randisingakanganw -kushandisa zvirunga yakazara. rondezdero pamusoro pezuva ravasingakanganwi.
e mutauro nezvimiso 4. Vadzidzi vano nyora rondedzero sedungamunhu.
pakunyora rondedzero Mhedziso – Vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma madimikira avanoziva.
dzid Madimikira : kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. zvinoreva languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga madimikira akapihwa uye kuatsanangura
zo 7 -Tsanangudzo -kupa tsanangudzo mamwe Grde 3-7 Page 35 vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
dzemadimikira dzemadimikira madimikira Mifananidzo 2. Vadzidzi vanotsangura madaimikira apihwa vari mumapoka
akapihwa. vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
3. Vadzidzisi vanopakurirana zvavawana.
3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vanoziya Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanoterera kanyaya kubva kumudzidzisi.
dzid kukwanisa ku:--- Kunyora. dzimwe languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi akapihwa.
zo 8 Fananidzo -Kupa fananidzo fananidzo. Grde 3-7, Page 35 2.Vadzidzi vanotsvanangura mhuka nemaitiro adzo vachibatsirwa
Sokuti, dzakakodzera. nemudzidzisi.
Akanaka sengirozi. 3. Vadzidzi vanopa fananidzo dzakakodzera vachibatsirwa
4. Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
8 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi angangova matsva
nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. muatauro wavo languages Syll pakadhi vomatsanangura.
06- Mazwi nemashoko -kushandisa mazwi Kunyora. Grde 3-7, Page 29. 1. Mudzidzisi anotsangura pamusoro pekufambisa mazwi nemashoko.
-Mazwi nemashoko nemashoko akanaka 2. Vadzidzi vanopindura mazwi nemashoko kubva kumudzidzisi. 3.
03- pakutaura Makadhi Vadzidzi mumapoka vanoita kamutambo kekutaridza mafambisirwo
20 -kufambisa mazwi Mifananidzo emazwi nemashoko nechishona chakanaka vachibatsirwa
nemashoko nemudzidzisi.
Chi nemutauro wakanaka 4 Vana vanoongorora mafambisirwo emashoko vachibatsirwa
dzid nemudzidzisi.
zo 1 Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chi Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaridza vama mufananidzo yevanhu
dzid nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll vari pamabiko.
zo 2 Nzwisiso -kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 31 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
&3 -Kuverenga ndima vachinzwisisa. & 35 voma tsanangura. 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa
yenzwisiso -kupindura mibvunzo nemudzidzisi.
-Kupindura mitanhatu kubva Makadhi. 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vopakura
mibvunzo mundima Mifananidzo zvavawana.
yenzwisiso yaverengwa. 4. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora chati rinerunyoro rwe
dzid (Penmanship- kukwanisa ku:--- zvimwe languages Syll ‘Nelson’s script’
zo 4 Nelson’s script) kunyora vachiumba kunyora zvinongedzo Grde 3-7, Page 34 1.Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana manyorero akanaka.
-Kunyora mavara zvakanaka. 2.Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vano edzeserakunyora
vachiumba mavara vachiteedzerarunyoro rwakanaka.
zvakanaka 3.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanodoma nzira dzavanoziva dzeklufambisa
dzid Nzira dzokufambisa kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. kodzero dzavo. languages Syll mashoko.
zo 5 mashoko -kudoma nzira Grde 3-7, Page 35 1. Vadzidzi vano tsanangura nzira dzavanoziva dzekufambisa mashoko
-Nzira dzinoshandiswa Mifananidzo vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
dzokufambisa kufambisa mazwi 2. Vadzidzi vanodoma nzira dzekufambisa mazwi nemashoko
mashoko nemashoko. vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
-kuongorora 3. Vadzidzi mumapoka vanooongorora kushandiswa kwemuchina
kushandiswa pakufmbiswa kwemazwi nemashoko mudzidzisi achivabatasira.
kwemichina 4. Vadzidzi vanopkaurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo.
pakufambiswa 5. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
kwemazwi Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanoongorora mufananidzo.
dzid Rondedzero kukwanisa ku:--- Kutsangura vanogona languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vanodoma zvinotarisrwa pakunyora tsamba kuna baba
zo 6 Tsamba -Kunyora tsamba Kuteerera kuumba Grde 3-7, Page 34 vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
-Kunyora tsamba kuna baba mitsara . 2. Vana vanotsangura manyorerwo etsamba akanaka vachibatsirwa
kuna baba vachikumbira mari yakazara. nemudzidzisi.
vachikumbira mari yechikoro 3. Vadzidzi vanonyora tsamba mumabhuku avo mudzidzisi achibatsira
yechikoro vana.
4. Vadzidzi vanoverenga tsamba dzavo.
Mhedziso – Vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma zviito zvavanoziva.
dzid Zviito: kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. zviito. languages Syll 8.5, 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi ezviito akapihwa.
zo 7 -kudoma mazvi P 19 page 35 2. Vadzidzi vanoshandisa mazwi ava pihwa muzvirevo vari mumapoka
Sokuti, -ridza. ezviito mana vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
avanoziva. 3. Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo mudzidzisi
-kushandisa achibatsira vana.
zviitomuzvirevo 4.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo sedungamunhu kuzadzisa zvirevo.
zvavo. Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 8 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
-Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
9 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanoita kamutambo ‘Mberi-shure’
13- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. mativi mana languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano doma mativi manaenyika.
Zvemafanbiro -kudoma mativi mana Kunyora. enyika. Grde 3-7, Page 2. Vadzidzi vanoona mifananidzo inotaridza mafambiro nekuitsangura
03- nekwekuenda nako enyika 30 zvainoreva vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
20 -Zvemafambiro:- 3. Vadzidzi mumapoka mumapoka vanotsvaga mafambirwo nezvimbo
Chi Mativi mana enyika -kupa munhu Makadhi vachisandisa mativi mana vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi
dzid - mafambiro akanaka Mifananidzo 4. Vana vaopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo vachibatsirwa
zo 1 Zvingwarizvemafa nemudzidzisisi.
mbiro 5.Vadzidzi vanoumba mazwi nemitinhimira yakapihwa.
Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chi Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaridza vama mufananidzo yevanhu
dzid nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll vari pamabiko.
zo 2 Nzwisiso -kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 31 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
&3 -Kuverenga ndima vachinzwisisa. & 35 voma tsanangura. 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa
yenzwisiso -kupindura mibvunzo nemudzidzisi.
-Kupindura mitanhatu kubva Makadhi. 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vopakura
mibvunzo mundima Mifananidzo zvavawana.
yenzwisiso yaverengwa. 4. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora chati rinerunyoro rwe
dzid (Penmanship- kukwanisa ku:--- zvimwe languages Syll ‘Nelson’s script’
zo 4 Nelson’s script) kunyora vachiumba kunyora zvinongedzo Grde 3-7, Page 34 1.Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana manyorero akanaka.
-Kunyora mavara zvakanaka. 2.Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vano edzeserakunyora
vachiumba mavara vachiteedzerarunyoro rwakanaka.
zvakanaka 3.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma madimikira avanoziva.
dzid Madimikira : kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. zvinoreva languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga madimikira akapihwa uye kuatsanangura
zo 5 -Tsanangudzo -kupa tsanangudzo mamwe Grde 3-7, Page 35 vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
dzemadimikira dzemadimikira madimikira Mifananidzo 2. Vadzidzi vanotsangura madimikira vari mumapoka vachibatsirwa
akapihwa. nemudzidzisi.
10 Zvokutaura Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Vadzidzi vanodoma zvinhu zvinoshandiswa kubika
20- nekuteerera. kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. mureza languages Syll muriwo unovanakira.
Zvirunga mutauro -kudoma Kunyora. wenyika. Grde 3-7, Page 30 1. Vadzidzi vanodoma nyaudzosingwi dzavanoziva.
03- -Nyaudzosingwi nyaudzosingwi 2. Mudzidzisi anotsanangura pamusoro pebasa renyaudzosingwi
20 -kutsanangura basa Makadhi nemashandisirwo adzo muzvirevo.
renyaudzosingwi Mifananidzo 3. Vana mumapoka vanotaurirana pamusoro pekushandisa
Chi -kushandisa nyaudzosingwi nekudzishandisa muzvirevo zvavo vachibatsirwa
dzid nyaudzosingwi nemudzidzisi.
zo 1 muzvirevo 4. Vana vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo vachibatsirwa
Mhedziso – Mibvunzo yekupeta basa
Chi Kuverenga Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vadzidzi Indigenous Nhanganyaya –Mudzidzisi anotaridza vama mufananidzo yevanhu
dzid nekuinyora. kukwanisa ku:--- vanogona languages Syll vari pamabiko.
zo 2 Nzwisiso -kuverenga ndima kunyora kuverenga. Grde 3-7, Page 31 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi matsva kubva mundima icha verengwa
&3 -Kuverenga ndima vachinzwisisa. & 35 voma tsanangura. 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga ndima vachibatsirwa
yenzwisiso -kupindura mibvunzo nemudzidzisi.
-Kupindura mitanhatu kubva Makadhi. 3.Vadzidzi vano pindura mibvunzo iri pamakadhi vopakura
mibvunzo mundima Mifananidzo zvavawana.
yenzwisiso yaverengwa. 4. Vadzidzi vanonyora basa sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa kuverenga Vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – vadzidzi vanoongorora chati rinerunyoro rwe
Chi (Penmanship- kukwanisa ku:--- zvimwe languages Syll ‘Nelson’s script’
dzid Nelson’s script) kunyora vachiumba kunyora zvinongedzo Grde 3-7, Page 34 1.Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana manyorero akanaka.
zo 4 -Kunyora mavara zvakanaka. 2.Vadzidzi vari mumapoka vano edzeserakunyora
vachiumba mavara vachiteedzerarunyoro rwakanaka.
zvakanaka 3.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kutaura -vana vanoziva Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanodoma nyaudzosingwi dzavanoziva.
dzid Nyaudzosingwi: kukwanisa ku:--- Kuteerera. dzimwe languages Syll 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi akapihwa uye kuatsanangura.
zo 5 -Vai -kudoma nyaudzosingwi Grde 3-7, Page 30 2. Vadzidzi vanoumba zvirevo vari mumapoka vachibatsirwa
-mwanda nyaudzosingwi shanu Mifananidzo nemudzidzisi.
dzavano ziva. 3. Vadzidzi vanopkaurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo.
4.Vadzidzi vano umba zvirevo nenyaudzosingwi sedungamunhu.
-kuumba zvirevo Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa ranyorwa nevana.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kunyora Vana Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Vadzidzi vanotaura zviitiko zvakaitika muhupenyu
dzid Rondedzero kukwanisa ku:--- Kutaura vanogona languages Syll 8.5, hwavo zvakavafadza zvavasingakanganwe.
zo 6 Rondedzero -kunyora rondedzero Kuverenga kuumba P 34 1. Vadzidzi vanotaurirana vari mumapoka pamusoro pezuva
-Zuva vachitsanangurapamu mitsara ravasingakanganwi vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
randisingakanganw soro pezuva yakazara. 2. Vadzidzi vanonyora rondedzero mumapoka avo pamusoro pezuva
i ravasingakanganwi. ravasingakanganwe vachishandisa zvirunga mutauro.
3. Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora rondedzero sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Vana vatatu vanoverenga zvavanyora.
Chi Kunyora Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vanoziya Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Mudzidzisi anoratidza vana chinhu chimwe uye
dzid Uzhinji hwemazwi. kukwanisa ku:--- Kunyora. uzhinji languages Syll zvazowanda.
zo 7 -kuisa mazwi mana hwemamwe Grde 35 1.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi akapihwa muushoma uye muuzhinji.
-Uto – mauto arimuushoma mazwi. 2.Vadzidzi mupoka vanoisa zvirevo zvakapihwa muuzhinji
muuzhinji. vachibatsirwa nemudzidzisi.
3. Vadzidzi vanopakurirana zvavawana mumapoka avo.
4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Mhedziso – Dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 8 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
-Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Vavariro:Kuti vadzidzi vawe neunyanzvi mu kuverenga, kutaura, kunyora uyewo kuva nezvinooneka, kubatika pamwe nekukwanisa kuita mabasa emaoko. Kukurudzira vadzidzi
kuti vanzwane nevamwe munguva dzakasiyana. Kuti vana vaone kukosha kwemitauro yedu yemuno vagofarira kugara vachiiverenga pachavo kuitira tsika neunhu hwavo kutaurawo
ngano dzepasi chigare.
11 Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
27- Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
-Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
03- -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
20 -Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
Chi mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
dzid yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
zo 1
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 2 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
&3 -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
4 -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 5 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
&6 -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 7 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
-Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 8 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
-Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
12 Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
03- Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
-Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
04- -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
20 -Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
Chi mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
dzid yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
zo 1
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo 2 -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
&3 -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
yedzokororo Mhedziso – dzokororo yebasa.
Chi Dzokororo Vava vanotarisrwa Kuverenga. Vana vano Indigenous Nhanganyaya – Dzokororo yemusoro mikuru yakadzidzwa.
dzid Zvirungamutauro kukwanisa ku:-- Kunyora. rangarira languages Syll 1Vadzidzi pamwe nemudzidzisi vanodzokorora basa rese rakaitwa uye
zo -Nzwisiso kunyora dzokororo zvavakamboita Grde 3-7, Page 27- richabvunzwa.
4 -Rondedzero yezvaka dzidzwa 35 2.Vadzidzi vano verenga mazwi mirairo.
-Kupindura mumasvondo maviri Makadhi 3.Mudzidzisi anonyora basa kuchidziro.
mibvunzo adarika. Zvitai tai 4.Vadzidzi vano nyora basa ravo sedungamunhu.
Children’s Rights and responsibilities
Child Protection
Disaster Risk Management
Financial Literacy
Sexuality, HIV and AIDS Education
Heritage Studies
Environmental Issues
1 LISTENING Learners should be Identifying English Phonic alphabet Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read letters of the alphabet.
OBSERVING able to:-distinguish Reading Junior A variety of Intro: Learners read the the lettersof the alphabet.
17-01- Phonics the 44 English Writing syllabus texts 1.The facilitator explains and demonstrates on the 44 English sounds.
-The 44 English sounds Listening grade 3-7 Word cards 2. Learners differentiate the 44 English sounds while the facilitator
20 sounds such as -Pronounce words Speaking Page 24 Dictionaries assists them.
/b/,m/f/, /g/, /n/ with correct stress ICT tools 3. Learners pronounce given words with the correct stress and intonation
Lesson 1 -Stress patterns and intonation. while the facilitator assists them.
for two or more 4. Learners listening to different text read.
syllabic words. Con: Singing rhymes.
READING Learners should be Reading English A variety of Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read letters of the alphabet.
Lesson 2 Words with the able to:-- Writing Junior texts Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
same ending -Read words with Listening syllabus Reading cards 1. The facilitator explains on sounds of words with the same ending. 2.
sound the same ending Speaking grade 3-7 Word cards Learners read given words with same ending while the facilitator assists
-Same sounds sound Page 27 Dictionaries them.3. Learners in groups group different words with the same ending
words such: -read given texts ICT tools sounds while the facilitator assists them.4. Learners pronounce given
doctor/letter/begg -Identify words with words while the facilitator assists them.
ar/eager words with same 5. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
ending sound in them.
given passages. Con:Oral review of the lesson.
SPEAKING/ Learners should be Reading English National Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read letters of the alphabet.
Lesson 3 SIGNING able to:-- Writing Junior Anthem Script Intro: Learners read the letters of the alphabet.
Articulation -Pronounce words Listening syllabus Sign language 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on pronunciation of words.
Patterns for correctly/signs Speaking grade 3-7 chart 2. Learners pronounce given words while the facilitator assists them.
single words such words accurately Page 25 Word cards 3. Learners practise reading different texts and singles words while the
as factory, doctor, Dictionaries facilitator assists them.
doctor ICT tools 4. Learners pronounce given words while the facilitator assists them.
-Intonation Con:Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 4 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners some of the punctuation marks.
BRAILING able to:- Writing Junior punctuation Intro: Learners name the punctuation marks they know.
Punctuation -Use punctuation Listening syllabus marks 1.The facilitator explains and demonstrates on the use of capital letters
-Punctuation marks such as Speaking grade 3-7 -a variety of and full stops.
marks capital letters and Page 30 texts 2. Learners read given texts observing the use of capital letters and full
- Capital letters full stops correctly. -sentence strips stops while the facilitator assists them.
and full stops 3.Learners identify punctuation marks in the given texts
4. Learners punctuate given paragraphs individually.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners some of the punctuation marks.
BRAILING able to:- Writing Junior punctuation Intro: Learners name the punctuation marks they know.
Lesson 6 Punctuation -Use inverted Listening syllabus marks 1.The facilitator explains and demonstrates on the use of inverted
-Punctuation commas correctly. Speaking grade 3-7 -a variety of commas.
marks Page 30 texts 2. Learners read given texts observing the use inverted commas while the
- Inverted -sentence strips facilitator assists them.
commas 3.Learners identify punctuation marks in the given texts
4. Learners punctuate given paragraphs individually.
Con: Revision and recap of concepts taught.
Lesson 7 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Word cards Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of letter.
BRAILING able to: -- Identify Writing Junior ICT Tools Intro: Learners identify types of letters.
Letter writing differences and Listening syllabus Story books 1.Learners state differences and similarities between informal and formal
Informal letter similarities between Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips letter writing while the facilitator assists them.2. Learners observe the
-Telling your formal and informal Page 29 Charts sample of an informal letters.
friend about your letters. Pictures 3. Learners in pairs write their informal letters while the facilitator assists
new school -Write informal them. 4. Learners give feedback from their pair work while the
letter to their friends facilitator assists them.
telling them about 5. Learners write their informal letters in their books individually.
their new school. Con: Few learners read their composition.
Lesson 8 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
4 LISTENING/ Learners should be Reading English Pictures Assumed knowledge: Learners can read words
07-02- OBSERVING able to:-- Writing Junior I.C.T tools Intro: Re-cape previous lessons.
Story telling -Listen to an Listening syllabus Different story 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
20 -Incomplete incomplete story Speaking grade 3-7 books 2. Learners listen to an incomplete story
Lesson 1 stories and complete it Page 24 3. Learners suggest possible endings while the facilitator assists them.
logically 4. Learners in groups dramatize possible endings of the story they have
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 2 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners know some of the preposition.
BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Flash cards Intro: Learners name the preposition they know.
Prepositions -Use preposition to Listening syllabus Chart 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
-Use prepositions construct sentences. Speaking grade 3-7 Pictures 2. Learners name preposition they know while the facilitator assists
to construct Page 29 them.3. Learners in pairs make sentences using prepositions while the
sentences facilitator assists them.
4. Learners give feedback from their pair works.
5. Individual written work in their books.
Con: Revision and recap of the concepts.
SPEAKING/ Learners should be Reading English ICT Tools Assumed knowledge: Learners can greet and introduce friends
Lesson 3 SIGNING able to:-- -Use Writing Junior Pictures of Intro: Learners re-cape previous lesson
Registers appropriate registers Listening syllabus people 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
to express Speaking grade 3-7 -Anytime cards 2. Learners use appropriate registers for social interaction such as
Communication themselves in Page 26 e.g. Xmas cards greetings, introductions, persuading and requesting something while the
registers. different situations. facilitator assists them.
3. Learners demonstrate the appropriate ways of expressing ideas in
different communicative situation such as persuading and requesting
something while the facilitator guides them.
4. Learners role play greetings and introductionwhile the facilitator
guides them.
CON: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson4 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners some tenses.
BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Sentence strips Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Language --Use correct past Listening syllabus Chart 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
structures tense to complete Speaking grade 3-7 2. Learners say the past tenses of given words while the facilitator guides
-Past tense given sentences. Page 29 them.
-The choir sang -Construct their 3. Learners in groups complete given sentences with past tenses and
beautifully last own sentences using construct their own sentences.
night. given past tenses. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 5 READING/ Learners should be Punctuating English Chat with Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read.
SIGNING able to:-- -Read Reading Junior punctuation Intro: Learners re-cape previous lesson.
Fluent reading texts fluently Writing syllabus marks 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
Reading skills observing Listening grade 3-7 ICT tools 2. Learners read in turns observing punctuation while the facilitator
such as:- punctuation marks Speaking Page 27 Word cards assists them. 3. Learners identify punctuation marks and say how they
Punctuation are used in written texts while the facilitator guides them. 4. Learners
marks, word take turns to read given texts while the facilitator guides them.
recognition, 5. Learners individually answer some questions from the texts the have
intonation and read.
word attack Con: Oral review of the lesson done.
Lesson 6 READING/ Learners should be Reading English Story books Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read texts.
SIGNING able to:--read a Writing Junior A variety of Intro: Learners read unfamiliar words and use them in their own
Comprehension variety of texts with Listening syllabus texts sentences.
-Skimming and understanding Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence trips 1.Learners read the comprehension passage while the facilitator assists
scanning -answer at least half Page 27 & Work cards them.2. Learners identify main points in the passage they have read while
Silent reading. - of the 31 the facilitator assists them.
Comprehension comprehension 3.Learners answer comprehension questions in groups while the
answering questions correctly facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups
while the facilitator assists them.
5. Learners answer comprehension questions correctly.
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 7 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Alphabet Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to write.
BRAILING able to:-- -practice Writing Junior New Nelson Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Penmanship penmanship Listening syllabus Script chart 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
(handwriting) -write legibly using Speaking grade 3-7 2.Learners read letters of the alphabet on the wall
grade 3- 7 nelson Page 29 3. Learners identify letters on the nelson script handwriting chart while
script the facilitator guides them.
4. Learners practice writing legibly individually in their books
Con:Facilitator say the importance of writing legibly
Lesson 8 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Word cards Assumed knowledge: Learners are to construct sentences.
BRAILING able to:-- write Writing Junior ICT Tools Intro: Learners talks about trees.
Composition controlled/ guided Listening syllabus Story books 1.The facilitator outlines the composition framework.
writing composition about Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips 2. Learners in pairs write a controlled composition about the importance
-Importance of importance of trees. Page 29 Charts of trees while the facilitator assists them.
trees:- Pictures 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-correct them.
punctuation 4. Learners write their composition individually in their exercise books.
-use of topic Con: Few learners read their composition.
sentences. -
5 LISTENING Learners should be Identifying English Phonic alphabet Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read letters of the alphabet.
8/9/19 OBSERVING able to:-distinguish Reading Junior A variety of Intro: Learners read the the lettersof the alphabet.
Lesson 1 Phonics different sounds in a Writing syllabus texts 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
-The 44 English set of given words. Listening grade 3-7 Word cards 2. Learners distinguish different sounds of given sets of words while the
sounds -Pronounce words Speaking Page 24 Dictionaries facilitator assists them.
-Stress patterns with correct stress ICT tools 3. Learners in groups distinguish different sounds of given sets of words
for two or more and intonation. while the facilitator assists them.
syllabic words. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners some tenses.
2 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Sentence strips Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Language --Use correct Listening syllabus Chart 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
structures present tense to Speaking grade 3-7 2. Learners give present tenses of words given while the facilitator assists
Lesson 6 DICTATION Learners should be Reading English ICT Tools Assumed knowledge: Learners have done spellings and dictation before.
AND able to:-- Writing Junior Flash/word Intro: Recapping previous lessons
SPELLINGS -Write dictated Listening syllabus cards 1.Learners read sentences from sentence strips
Words and words correctly. Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips 2.Learners read words from flash cards and word cards while the
sentences from Page 24 A variety of facilitator assists them.
various texts texts 3.Playing spelling Bee Game while learners write their spellings in
4. Revision and recap of concepts.
Con:Revise work written
Lesson 7 SPEAKING Learners should be Reading English A variety of Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to express themselves through
SIGNING able to:-- Writing Junior texts speaking.
-Public speaking -express Listening syllabus -Recordings Intro:Re-cape of the previous lesson.
-Public speaking themselves Speaking grade 3-7 Resource person 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
skills such as self- confidently before Page 25 ICT tools 2. Learners make notes for prepared speech while the facilitator assists
expression, an audience. them.
clarity, posture, -Present prepared 3. Learners rehearse for public speaking while the facilitator guides them.
gestures and and unprepared 4. Reciting poems while the facilitator guides them.
confidence. speeches Con:Oral review of the lesson.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Word cards Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of letter.
Lesson 8 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior ICT Tools Intro: Learners identify types of letters.
Letter writing -Write a formal Listening syllabus Story books 1.Learners state differences and similarities between informal and formal
Formal letter letter to the manager Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips letter writing while the facilitator assists them.2. Learners observe the
-Seeking of the national park Page 29 Charts sample of a formal letters.
permission to visit of their own seeking Pictures 3. Learners in pairs write their formal letter to the manager of those
a national park of permission to visit national parks of their own choice while the facilitator assists them. 4.
their own choice. the national park. Learners give feedback from their pair work while the facilitator assists
5. Learners write their formal letters in their books individually.
Con: Few learners read their composition.
6 LISTENING/ Learners should be Reading English Pictures Assumed knowledge: Learners know some of the commanding words.
21-02- OBSERVING able to:--- Writing Junior Recording of Intro: Learners listen/observe a set of given instruction/commands
Instructions/ Follow a series of Listening syllabus instructions 1.Learners name commanding words while the facilitator assists them.
20 Commands instructions/comma Speaking grade 3-7 Instruction 2. Learners respond to a set of given instructions/commands while the
Lesson 1 A series of nds Page 24 cards facilitator helps them.
instructions/comm ICT tools 3. Role playing by learners giving instructions and following instructions
ands such as:- while the facilitator assists them.
stand up, jump Con: Oral review of the lesson.
around etc.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners some of the punctuation marks.
Lesson 2 BRAILING able to:- Writing Junior punctuation Intro: Learners name the punctuations marks they know.
Punctuation -Use punctuation Listening syllabus marks 1.The facilitator explains and demonstrates on the use of question marks.
-Punctuation marks such as Speaking grade 3-7 -a variety of 2. Learners read given texts observing the use question marks while the
answering questions correctly facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups
while the facilitator assists them.
5. Learners answer comprehension questions correctly.
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English ICT Tools Assumed knowledge: Learners have done spellings and dictation before.
BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Flash/word Intro: Recapping previous lessons
Lesson 7 Dictation and -Write dictated Listening syllabus cards 1.Learners read sentences from sentence strips
spellings words correctly. Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips 2.Learners read words from flash cards and word cards while the
Words and Page 24 A variety of facilitator assists them.
sentences from texts 3.Playing spelling Bee Game while learners write their spellings in
various texts individually.
4. Revision and recap of concepts.
Con:Revise work written
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Word cards Assumed knowledge: Learners know types of letter.
Lesson 8 BRAILING able to:-- Identify Writing Junior ICT Tools Intro: Learners identify types of letters.
Letter writing differences and Listening syllabus Story books 1.Learners state differences and similarities between informal and formal
Formal letter similarities between Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips letter writing while the facilitator assists them.2. Learners observe the
-Applying for a formal and informal Page 29 Charts sample of a formal letters.
grade 6 place at a letters. Pictures 3.Learners in pairs write their formal letters while the facilitator assists
school of their -Write formal letter them. 4. Learners give feedback from their pair work while the
own choice. to their friends facilitator assists them.
telling them about 5. Learners write their informal letters in their books individually.
their new school. Con: Few learners read their composition.
8 LISTENING/ Learners should be Identifying English Recording Assumed knowledge: Learners know some of short response
06-03- OBSERVING able to:-- Reading Junior Charts Intro: Learners read texts on flash cards.
Information -Respond Writing syllabus Pictures 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
20 retention appropriately to Listening grade 3-7 2. Learners read texts from a chart while the facilitator guides them. 3.
Lesson 1 -Short responses questions using Speaking Page 24 Learners in groups answer questions using short response while the
such as: words such as facilitator while the facilitator assists them.
true/false, it’s true/false, yes/no, 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
true/it isn’t correct/incorrect. them.
5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually
Con:Oral review of the lesson.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners some tenses.
Lesson 2 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Sentence strips Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Language --Use correct future Listening syllabus Chart 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
structures tense to complete Speaking grade 3-7 2. Learners give future tenses of words given while the facilitator assists
-Future tense given sentences. Page 29 them.
e.g.Kuda will -Construct their 3. Learners in groups complete given sentences with future tenses and
fight for the rights own sentences using construct their own sentences.
of vegetables given future tenses. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
Lesson 7 BRAILING able to:-- write Writing Junior ICT Tools Intro: Learners identify importance of trees.
Composition controlled/ guided Listening syllabus Story books 1.The facilitator outlines the composition framework.
writing composition about Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips 2. Learners in pairs write a controlled composition about the importance
-Importance of the importance of Page 29 Charts of agriculture while the facilitator assists them.
agriculture :- agriculture. Pictures 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
-correct them.
punctuation 4. Learners write their composition individually in their exercise books.
-use of topic Con: Few learners read their composition.
sentences. -
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Lesson 8 Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
9 LISTENING/ Learners should be Reading English Pictures Assumed knowledge: Learners know some of the commanding words.
13-03- OBSERVING able to:--- Writing Junior Recording of Intro: Learners listen/observe a set of given instruction/commands
Instructions/ Follow a series of Listening syllabus instructions 1.Learners name commanding words while the facilitator assists them.
20 Commands instructions/comma Speaking grade 3-7 Instruction 2. Learners respond to a set of given instructions/commands while the
Lesson 1 A series of nds Page 24 cards facilitator helps them.
instructions/comm ICT tools 3. Role playing by learners giving instructions and following instructions
ands such as:- while the facilitator assists them.
stand up, jump Con: Oral review of the lesson.
around etc.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners some tenses.
Lesson 2 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Sentence strips Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Language --Use correct Listening syllabus Chart 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
structures adjective to Speaking grade 3-7 2. Learners give adjectives of words given while the facilitator assists
-Adjectives complete given Page 29 them.
e.g. Luke was sentences. 3. Learners in groups identify adjectives in given sentences while the
wearing a green -Construct their facilitator assists them.
shirt. (They own sentences using 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
describe things i.e given adjectives them
they tell you size, 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
shape, colour of Con: Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
SPEAKING/ Learners should be Reading English ICT Tools Assumed knowledge: Learners can greet and introduce friends
Lesson 3 SIGNING able to:-- -Use Writing Junior Pictures of Intro: Learners re-cape previous lesson
Registers appropriate registers Listening syllabus people 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
to express Speaking grade 3-7 -Anytime cards 2. Learners use appropriate registers for social interaction such as
Communication themselves in Page 26 e.g Xmas cards greetings, introductions, persuading and requesting something while the
registers. different situations. facilitator assists them.
3. Learners demonstrate the appropriate ways of expressing ideas in
different communicative situation such as persuading and requesting
something while the facilitator guides them.
4. Learners role play greetings and introductionwhile the facilitator
guides them.
CON: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 4 WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English ICT Tools Assumed knowledge: Learners have done spellings and dictation before.
BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Flash/word Intro: Recapping previous lessons
Dictation and -Write dictated Listening syllabus cards 1.Learners read sentences from sentence strips
spellings words correctly. Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence strips 2.Learners read words from flash cards and word cards while the
Words and Page 24 A variety of facilitator assists them.
sentences from texts 3.Playing spelling Bee Game while learners write their spellings in
various texts individually.
4. Revision and recap of concepts.
Con:Revise work written
Lesson 5 READING/ Learners should be Reading English Variety of text Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read.
SIGNING able to:-- Writing Junior ICT tools Intro: Learners re-cape previous lesson
Extensive -Read a variety of Listening syllabus Word cards 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
reading texts for leisure. Speaking grade 3-7 Magazines 2. Learners read a variety of texts extensively while the facilitator guides
-Give contextual Page 28 Large print them. 3. Learners list new words from the texts they have read. 4.
-A variety of text meaning of words books Learners in groups answer questions from the texts they read and identify
-New words from from the texts. contextual meaning of new words while the facilitator assists them.
the text 5. Learners give feedback from the groups while the facilitator assists
them. 6. Learners write an exercise in their groups individually.
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Alphabet Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to write.
Lesson 6 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior New Nelson Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Penmanship -practice Listening syllabus Script chart 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
(handwriting) penmanship Speaking grade 3-7 2.Learners read letters of the alphabet on the wall
-write legibly using Page 29 3. Learners identify letters on the nelson script handwriting chart while
grade 3- 7 nelson the facilitator guides them.
script 4. Learners practice writing legibly individually in their books
Con:Facilitator say the importance of writing legibly
Lesson 7 LISTENING/ Learners should be Identifying English Recording Assumed knowledge: Learners know some of short response
OBSERVING able to:-- Reading Junior Charts Intro: Learners read texts on flash cards.
Information -Respond Writing syllabus Pictures 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
retention appropriately to Listening grade 3-7 2. Learners read texts from a chart while the facilitator guides them. 3.
-Short responses questions using Speaking Page 24 Learners in groups answer questions using short response while the
such as: words such as facilitator while the facilitator assists them.
true/false, it’s true/false, yes/no, 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
true/it isn’t correct/incorrect. them.
5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually
Con:Oral review of the lesson.
WRITING Learners should be Reading English Story books Assumed knowledge: learners have written before
Lesson 8 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Work cards INTRO: re-cape of the previous lesson
Creative writing --summarise story Listening syllabus Sentence strips 1. The facilitator give focus of the lesson
Summary read with good Speaking grade 3-7 2. learners read texts in turns each for understanding
handwriting picking Page 3. discuss what has been read
main points 4. learners read texts in turns
5. summarising the story individually
ON:read best summaries
10 LISTENING Learners should be Identifying English Phonic alphabet Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read letters of the alphabet.
20-03- OBSERVING able to:- - Reading Junior A variety of Intro: Learners read the the lettersof the alphabet.
Phonics distinguish long and Writing syllabus texts 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
20 Long and short short vowel sounds Listening grade 3-7 Word cards 2. Learners identify words with various sounds while the facilitator
Lesson 1 vowel sounds such as pull/pool Speaking Page 24 Dictionaries assists them.
Fool/full ICT tools 3. Learners state words with long and short vowel sound while the
. facilitator assists them.
4. Learners list words with long and short vowels
Con: Oral review of the lesson.
WRITING/ Learners should be Reading English Work cards Assumed knowledge: Learners some tenses.
Lesson 2 BRAILING able to:-- Writing Junior Sentence strips Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Language --Use correct Listening syllabus Chart 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
structures adverbs to complete Speaking grade 3-7 2. Learners use given adverbs in their own sentences while the facilitator
-Adverbs:- are the given sentences. Page 29 assists them.
‘-ly’ word that -Construct their 3. Learners in groups complete given sentences with the correct adverb
say how own sentences using while the facilitator assists them.
something was given adverbs. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
done them
e.g Takura’s 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
sisters sing Con: Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 3 READING/ Learners should be Reading English Pesticidescontai Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read.
SIGNING able to:--- Writing Junior ners Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Understanding -Read instructions, Listening syllabus Insecticidescont 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
warnings and warnings and Speaking grade 3-7 ainers 2. Learners read instructions and warning while that facilitator guides
instructions symbols on Page 28 Local them.
-Labels, containers. environment 3. Learners interpret instruction and warnings while the facilitator assists
Instructions and -Explain the them.
symbols on meaning of 4. Learners in groups answer questions on instructions and warning while
containers of instructions, the facilitator assists them.
different warnings and 5. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
commodities such symbols on them.
as medicines, containers 6. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
insecticides etc. Con: Oral review of the lesson.
SPEAKING Learners should be Reading English Pictures Assumed knowledge: Learners know forms of abuse.
Lesson 4 /SIGNING able to:- Writing Junior A variety of Intro: Learner read texts on topical issues.
Drama -Identify topical Listening syllabus texts 1.The facilitator give focus of the lesson
-Child Marriages, issues Speaking grade 3-7 I.C.T tools 2. Learners list topical issues while the facilitator assists them.
Child abuse, -Discuss on topical Page 25 3. Learners in group dramatize on given topical issues while the
Enterprising issues using correct facilitator guides them.
tenses. 4. Learners give feedback on group work.
-Dramatize topical Con: Oral review of the lesson.
Lesson 5 READING/ Learners should be Reading English Pesticidescontai Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read.
SIGNING able to:--- Writing Junior ners Intro: Re-cape of the previous lesson.
Understanding -Read instructions, Listening syllabus Insecticidescont 1.The facilitator gives focus of the lesson.
warnings and warnings and Speaking grade 3-7 ainers 2. Learners read instructions and warning while that facilitator guides
instructions symbols on Page 28 Local them.
-Labels, containers. environment 3. Learners interpret instruction and warnings while the facilitator assists
Instructions and -Explain the them.
symbols on meaning of 4. Learners in groups answer questions on instructions and warning while
containers of instructions, the facilitator assists them.
different warnings and 5. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
commodities such symbols on them.
as medicines, containers 6. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
insecticides etc. Con: Oral review of the lesson.
READING/ Learners should be Reading English Story books Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to read texts.
Lesson 6 SIGNING able to:--read a Writing Junior A variety of Intro: Learners read unfamiliar words and use them in their own
Comprehension variety of texts with Listening syllabus texts sentences.
-Skimming and understanding Speaking grade 3-7 Sentence trips 1.Learners read the comprehension passage while the facilitator assists
scanning -answer at least half Page 27 & Work cards them.2. Learners identify main points in the passage they have read while
Silent reading. - of the 31 the facilitator assists them.
Comprehension comprehension 3.Learners answer comprehension questions in groups while the
answering questions correctly facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups
while the facilitator assists them.
5. Learners answer comprehension questions correctly.
Con:Revision of written work and recap of concepts.
SPEAKING Learners should be Reading English A variety of Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to express themselves through
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Lesson3 Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 4 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 5 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 7 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 8 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
12 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
03-04- Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
20 Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Lesson 1 Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 2 Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Lesson 3 Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Lesson 4 Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 5 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
4/4/19 Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 1 Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 2 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 3 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson 4 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Lesson5 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining English -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Skill: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Reading/Signing able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Listening/Obser Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Speaking/Signin of the revision test Page 24-31 concepts.
Writing/Brailing questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
Concept: - correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
All concepts Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
taught on the
above skills.
-Revision test
Weekly aim(s): 3.2 To help learners to acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills and use them as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions through use of technology.
1 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Abacuses Assumed knowledge:Learners know whole numbers
17-01-20 Whole learners should be Reading Junior Number lines Intro:learners count together in tens up to 100 000.
Lesson 1 numbers able to:--identify, Matching syllabus cards 1. Learners identify numbers in numerals and match them with numbers
(0-100 000) read and write grade 3-7 in words while the facilitator assists them.
Numerals numbers in numerals Page 38 2.In groups learners write the number in words while the facilitator assists
and words in the them.
range. 3.Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
4. Learners write an exercise in their exercise books individually.
Con: Learners under the guidance of the facilitator revise work written
Lesson 2 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart with Assumed knowledge: learners can write numbers in the range (1-10 000)
Whole learners should be Reading Junior numbers in in words.
numbers able to:---identify, Matching syllabus words Intro: learners read the number line on the walls.
(0-100 000) read and write Discussing grade 3-7 1. The facilitator explains on reading and writing numbers in words.
-Words numbers in numerals Page 38 2.Few learners demonstrate writing numbers in words while the facilitator
and words in the assists them.
range. 3. In groups learners write given numbers in words while the facilitator
assists them.
4. Learners report back from group work activities while the facilitator
assists them..
5. Learners write their individual work.
Con: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 3 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners can count numbers in the range (0-10 000).
Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Learners read the number line on the walls.
numbers able to:--- Count in Reading syllabus Number line 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on counting in ascending and
(0-100 000) ascending and Counting grade 3-7 Abacus descending.
-Numeral descending order Page 38 Flash cards, 2. Few learners demonstrate counting numbers in ascending and
and words:- Charts descending order while the facilitator assists them.
Counting in 3. Learners count numbers in given ranges in ascending and descending
ascending order in their groups while the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give
and feedback from their groups while facilitator assists them. 5. Individual
descending written work
order Con:Revision of the written work.
Lesson 4 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to read and count numbers.
Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
numbers able to:---Give Reading syllabus Number line 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates place value of digits on different
(0-100 000) values of digits in a Counting grade 3-7 Abacus numbers.
-Place value number Page 38 Flash cards, 2. Few learners explain and demonstrate on values of digits of given
Value of Charts numbers while the facilitator assists them.
digits in a 3. Learners in pairs give place values of digits in given numbers while the
number facilitator assists them.
4. Learners give feedback from their pair work while the facilitator assists
them. 5. Individual written work.
Con: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to read and count numbers.
Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
numbers able to:---Give Reading syllabus Number line 1. Learners explain and demonstrate on values of digits of given numbers
(0-100 000) values of digits in a Counting grade 3-7 Abacus while the facilitator assists them.
-Place value number Page 38 Flash cards, 2. Learners in groups give place values of digits in given numbers while
Value of Charts the facilitator assists them.
digits in a 3. Learners give feedback from their group work while the facilitator
number assists them. 5. Individual written work.
Con: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
-Numbers able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Concept: - Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned concepts.
All concepts of the revision test Page 38 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topic. correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Weekly aim(s): 3.3To help learners to think and express themselves clearly and logically.
2 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know hundred, tens and units.
24-01-20 Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Learners identify tens and units on an abacus.
Lesson 1 numbers able to:---arrange Reading syllabus Number line Dev: 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates arranging numbers in order
(0-100 000) numbers in order of Counting grade 3-7 Abacus of size.
-Place value size. Page 39 Flash cards, 2. Learners arrangement numbers in order of size on the chalkboard
-Arranging Charts while the facilitator assists them.
numbers in 3. Learners in groups arrange given numbers in order of size while the
order of size. facilitator assists them.
4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
them. 5.Individual written work
Con: Revision of the written work.
NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know hundred, tens and units.
Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Learners identify tens and units on an abacus.
Lesson 2 numbers able to:---arrange Reading syllabus Number line Dev: 1. Learners arrangement numbers in order of size on the chalkboard
-Place value numbers in order of Counting grade 3-7 Abacus while the facilitator assists them.
-Arranging size. Page 39 Flash cards, 2. Learners in groups arrange given numbers in order of size while the
numbers in Charts facilitator assists them.
order of size. 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
them. 4.Individual written work.
Con: Revision of the written work.
NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to read and write numbers.
Lesson 3 Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
numbers able to:--- Compare Reading syllabus Number line Dev: 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates on comparing numbers on
- given numbers using Counting grade 3-7 Abacus the chalkboard.
Comparison <, > or = signs. Page 39 Flash cards, 2. Learners in groups compare give numbers in groups using <, > or =
-Comparing Charts signs while the facilitator assists them.
numbers 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator guides
using <, > them.
and = signs 4. Learners write their individual work on number sequences
Con: Revision of the written work.
NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to read and write numbers.
Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 4 numbers able to:--- Sequence Reading syllabus Number line Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on sequencing numbers
- numbers in order of Counting grade 3-7 Abacus in order of size.
Comparison size. Page 39 Flash cards, 2. Learners in groups write number in order of size while the facilitator
-Sequencing Charts assists them.
numbers in 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator guides
order of size. them.
4. Learners write their individual work on number sequences
Con: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Identifying Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners are able to round numbers to the nearest
Whole learners should be Writing Junior Work cards ten.
numbers able to:--- Round off Reading syllabus Number line Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Rounding numbers to the Counting grade 3-7 Abacus Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on rounding off of
off nearest ten and Page 39 Flash cards, numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.
-Rounding hundred. Charts 2. Learners round given numbers to the nearest ten and hundred on the
Using <, > 3. Learners in groups compare given fractions using <, > or = while the
or = signs. facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while
the facilitator assists them.
4. Learners write their individual work
Con: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Writing Mathematics Fraction chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know a fraction.
Proper learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Reading of the fraction chart.
fractions able to:---Write Reading syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. Facilitator explains demonstrates on finding equivalent fractions
-Proper fractions in their Comparing grade 3-7 on the chalkboard.
fractions. equivalent forms Page 39 2. Learners give equivalent fractions of given fractions while the
-Equivalence facilitator guides them.
fractions 3. Learners in groups find equivalent fractions of given fractions while the
facilitator assists them.
4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
them. 5. Individual written work.
Con: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
-Proper able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
fractions Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned concepts.
Concept: - of the revision test Page 39 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
All concepts questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
taught on the correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
above topic.
Weekly aim(s): 3.2 To help learners to acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills and use them as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions through use of technology
5 NUMBER During the lesson Writing Mathematics Number line Assumed knowledge: learners know a proper fraction.
14-02-20 Proper learners should be Identifying Junior Fraction chart Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 1 fractions able to:---reduce Reading syllabus Fraction chart Dev: 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates on reducing proper fractions
-Proper fractions to their grade 3-7 Work Cards on the chalkboard.
fractions. lowest term. Page 40 Flash cards 2. Learners reduce given fractions on the chalkboard while the facilitator
-Lowest guides them.
terms 3. Learners in groups reduce given fractions while the facilitator assists
4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts.
Lesson 2 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Fraction chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to reduce fractions to their lowest
Proper learners should be Writing Junior Number line terms.
fractions able to:---arrange Identifying syllabus Fraction chart Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
-Proper fractions in ascending Reading grade 3-7 Work Cards Dev: 1. Facilitator explain and demonstrates arranging of proper fractions
fractions. or descending order. Page 40 Flash cards in ascending and descending order on the chalkboard.
-Sequencing 2. Few learners arrange given fractions in ascending and descending order
while the facilitator assists them.
3. Learners in groups arrange given fractions in ascending and descending
order while the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from
their groups while the facilitator assists them.
5. Learners write their individual work
Cocnl: Revision of the written work.
Lesson 3 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Fraction chart Assumed knowledge: learners know a mixed number fraction.
Mixed learners should be Writing Junior Number line Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Numbers able to:---identify Identifying syllabus Fraction chart Dev: 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates on forming mixed numbers
-Mixed mixed numbers Reading grade-7 Work Cards on the chalkboard.
numbers Page 40 Flash cards 2. Learners form mixed numbers by putting together wholes and fractions
- Forming 2 and ¾= 2¾ while that facilitator assists them.
mixed 3. Learners in groups form mixed numbers while the facilitator assists
numbers. them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups. 5. Individual written
Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 4 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Fraction chart Assumed knowledge: learners know a mixed number fraction.
Mixed learners should be Writing Junior Number line Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Numbers able to:---Convert Identifying syllabus Fraction chart Dev: 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates on converting mixed
-Mixed mixed numbers to Reading grade-7 Work Cards numbers to improper fractions and vice-versa
numbers improper fractions Page 40 Flash cards 2. Three learners demonstrate converting of mixed numbers into improper
- and vice versa. fractions while the facilitator assists them.
Conversion:- 3. Learners in groups convert mixed numbers to improper fractions while
Converting the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups.
mixed 5. Individual written work.
numbers to Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Fraction chart Assumed knowledge: learners know a mixed number fraction.
Mixed learners should be Writing Junior Number line Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Numbers able to:---Compare Identifying syllabus Fraction chart Dev: 1. Facilitator explains and demonstrates on comparing mixed
-Mixed mixed numbers using Reading grade-7 Work Cards numbers on the chalkboard.
numbers numbers using <, > Page 40 Flash cards 2.Learners in groups compare mixed numbers using <, >or = signs while
-Comparison or = signs. the facilitator assists them.
Comparing 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
mixed them.
numbers 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
using <, > Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
and = signs
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
-Improper able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
fractions Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned concepts.
Concept: - of the revision test Page 40 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
All concepts questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
taught on the correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
above topic.
Weekly aim(s): 3.4 To help learners to develop an inquiring mind through child centred approaches.
6 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Fraction chart Assumed knowledge: learners know a mixed number fraction.
21-02-20 Mixed learners should be Writing Junior Number line Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 1 Numbers able to:---Solve Identifying syllabus Fraction chart Dev: 1. Learners apply mixed numbers in solving given problems: e.g.
-Mixed problems involving Reading grade-7 Work Cards Sharing.
numbers mixed numbers Page 40 Flash cards 2.Learners in group solve given problems involving word problems while
-Word the facilitator assists them.
problems 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
involving them.
mixed 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
numbers Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 2 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners know Arabic numerals.
Numeration learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
System able to:---Identify, Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains on Roman numerals.
- read and write Reading grade-7 Watches 2. Learners state, read and write Roman numerals I to C on the
Numeration Roman numerals. Page 41 chalkboard while the facilitator assists them.
System 3.Learners in group state, read and write Roman numerals while the
- facilitator assists them.
Numeration: 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
(Arabic and them.
roman) 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 3 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know Arabic numerals.
Numeration learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
System able to:---Convert Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on how the Roman
- Roman numerals and Reading grade-7 Watches numerals are built from I to L (I, V, X, L)
Numeration vice versa within the Page 41 2. Learners demonstrate on building Roman numerals on the chalkboard
System range. while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners in groups building Roman
- numerals while the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback
Numeration: from their groups while the facilitator assists them.
Lesson 4 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know Arabic numerals.
Mixed learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Numbers able to: ---Convert Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. Learners demonstrate on building Roman numerals on the
- Roman numerals and Reading grade-7 Watches chalkboard while the facilitator assists them. 2. Learners in groups
Numeration vice versa within the Page 41 express Arabic numerals to Roman numerals within the range I to C
System range. while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give feedback from their
- groups while the facilitator assists them.
Numeration: 4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
(Arabic and Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know Arabic numerals.
Numeration learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
System able to:---Convert Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. Learners demonstrate on building Roman numerals on the
- Roman numerals and Reading grade-7 Watches chalkboard while the facilitator assists them. 2. Learners in groups
Numeration vice versa within the Page 41 convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals in given range and vice
System range. versa while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give feedback
- from their groups while the facilitator assists them.
Numeration: 4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
(Arabic and Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
- able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Numeration Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
System. of the revision test Page 41 concepts.
Concept: - questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
All concepts correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
taught on the Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
above topic.
Weekly aim(s): 3.4 To help learners to develop an inquiring mind through child centred approaches.
7 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know decimal numbers.
28-02-20 Decimals learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 1 (Up to 3 able to:---Identify , Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on reading and writing
places) read and write Reading grade-7 Watches in numerals up to 3 decimal places 2.Learners state, read and write
- decimals. Page 41 numerals to 3 decimal places while the facilitator assists them. 3.
Numeration Learners in groups write and read given numerals up to 3 decimal places
-Reading while the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their
and writing groups while the facilitator assists them.
numerals to 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
3 decimal Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 2 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know decimal numbers.
Decimals learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
(Up to 3 able to:---determine Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on place values of
places) place value of a digit Reading grade-7 Watches decimal numbers up to 3 decimal places with not more than 5 digits on
-Place value in decimal. Page 41 the chalkboard. 2. Learners in groups write place values of given
Decimal decimals numbers up to 3 decimal places with not more than 5 digits
numbers while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give feedback from their
place values groups while the facilitator assists them.
4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 3 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know decimal numbers.
Decimals learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
(Up to 3 able to:--- Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on diagrammatical
places) Interpret Reading grade-7 Watches representation of decimals on the chalkboard. 2. Learners in groups
Diagrammat diagrammatic Page 41 illustrate diagrammatical representation of decimal numbers while the
ic representation of facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give feedback from their groups
representati decimals. while the facilitator assists them.
ons 4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
-Decimal Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 4 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know decimal numbers.
Decimals learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
(Up to 3 able to:---Compare Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on comparing decimals
places) decimals numbers Reading grade-7 Watches numbers on the chalkboard. 2. Learners in groups compare given
Comparison using <, > or = Page 41 decimal numbers while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give
s -differentiate feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists them.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know decimal numbers.
Decimals learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
(Up to 3 able to:---Rounding Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on rounding off
places) off decimals Reading grade-7 Watches decimals on the chalkboard. 2. Learners in groups round off given
Estimation Page 41 decimals to the nearest unit and tenth while the facilitator assists them.
Rounding 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
off decimals them.
4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
-Decimals able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Numbers Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 41 concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topic. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Weekly aim(s): 3.2 To help learners to acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills and use them as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions through use of technology
8 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know percentages.
06-03-20 Percentage learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Lesson 1 Conversion able to:---Express Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on converting
-Converting fraction as Reading grade-7 Watches percentages to fractions and vice versa on the chalkboard. 2. Learners in
percentages percentages and vice Page 42 groups write given fractions in percentages while the facilitator assists
versa them. 3. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them.
4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 2 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know percentages.
Percentage learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Conversion able to:---Change Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on expressing one
-Expressing one quantity/ amount Reading grade-7 Watches quantity and amount as percentages of another on the chalkboard. 2.
quantity as as a percentage of Page 42 Learners in groups express given quantities and amounts as percentages
percentages. another. while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give feedback from their
groups while the facilitator assists them.
4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Lesson 5 NUMBER During the lesson Relating Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners know percentages
Percentages learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of the previous lesson.
Equivalence able to:---Show Identifying syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. Learners find percentages of given fractions on the chalkboard
Relationship relationships between Reading grade-7 Watches while the facilitator assists them. 2. Learners in groups find percentages
s between percentages and Page 42 of fractions given while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners give
percentages fractions feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists them.
and 4. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
fractions Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics -work cards Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Flash cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
- able to:- Identifying syllabus Charts 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Percentages Answer at least half grade 3-7 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned concepts.
Concept: - of the revision test Page 42 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
All concepts questions given 3. Revision and recap of written work.
taught on the correctly. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
above topic.
Weekly aim(s): 3.4 To help learners to develop an inquiring mind through child centred approaches
9 OPERATI During the lesson Adding Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners have done addition before.
13-03-20 ONS learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: The facilitator tells some addition problem to learners.
Lesson 1 Addition of able to:--- Counting syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator pose addition problems to learners. 2. Learners
whole Demonstrate an Reading grade-7 Counters solve problems given on the chalkboard while the facilitator assists them.
numbers understanding of Page 42 Abacuses 3. Learners in groups solve problems given on addition while the
Addition basic addition facts. facilitator assists them.
-whole 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
numbers them.
whose sum is 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
less than or Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
equal to 100
Lesson 2 OPERATI During the lesson Adding Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners have done addition before.
ONS learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: The facilitator tells some addition problem to learners.
Addition of able to:--- Counting syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on addition with
whole Add with carrying. Reading grade-7 Counters carrying on the chalkboard. 2. Few learners solve given addition with
numbers Page 42 Abacuses carrying problems on the chalkboard while the facilitator assists them. 3.
(whose sum Learners in groups solve problems given on addition with carrying while
is less than the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups
or equal to while the facilitator assists them.
100 000) 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Addition Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
-Adding with
Lesson 3 OPERATI During the lesson Adding Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners have done addition before.
ONS learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: The facilitator tells some addition problem to learners.
Addition of able to:--- Counting syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on addition of
whole add measures. Reading grade-7 Counters measures on the chalkboard. 2. Few learners solve given addition of
numbers Page 42 Abacuses measures problems on the chalkboard while the facilitator assists them.
(whose sum 3. Learners in groups solve problems given on addition of measures
is less than while the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their
or equal to groups while the facilitator assists them.
100 000) 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Addition Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
-Addition of
Lesson 4 OPERATI During the lesson Adding Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners have done addition before.
ONS learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: The facilitator tells some addition problem to learners.
Addition of able to:--- Counting syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on addition using
whole Use the association Reading grade-7 Counters association and commutative laws on the chalkboard. 2. Few learners
numbers and commutative Page 42 Abacuses solve given addition problems using association and commutative laws
(whose sum laws on the chalkboard while the facilitator assists them. 3. Learners in
is less than groups solve problems given on addition using association and
or equal to commutative laws while the facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give
100 000) feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists them.5. Learners
Addition write an exercise in their books individually.
-Association Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts.
e laws
Lesson 5 OPERATI During the lesson Adding Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners have done addition before.
ONS learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: The facilitator tells some addition problem to learners.
Addition of able to:--- Counting syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator pose addition problems to learners. 2. Learners
whole Use addition to solve Reading grade-7 Counters solve problems given on the chalkboard while the facilitator assists them.
numbers real life situation. Page 42 Abacuses 3. Learners in groups solve problems given on addition while the
(whose sum facilitator assists them.
is less than 4. Learners give feedback from their groups while the facilitator assists
or equal to them.
100 000) 5. Learners write an exercise in their books individually.
Addition Con: Revision of the written work and recap of concepts
-Use of
addition in
real life
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Explaining Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Describing Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the week.
Operations: able to:- Identifying syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the week.
Addition Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topic. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Weekly aim(s): 3.2 To help learners to acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills and use them as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions through use of technology
10 OPERATI During the lesson Adding Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: Learners have done addition before.
20-03-20 ONS learners should be Writing Junior Work Cards Intro: The facilitator tells some addition problem to learners.
Lesson 1 Subtraction able to:--- Counting syllabus Flash cards Dev: 1. The facilitator explains and demonstrates on subtraction of
of whole Demonstrate Reading grade-7 Counters whole numbers on the chalkboard. 2. Few learners solve given
numbers(0 – subtraction. Page 43 Abacuses subtraction problems on the chalkboard while the facilitator assists them.
100 000) 3. Learners in groups solve problems given on subtraction while the
Subtraction facilitator assists them. 4. Learners give feedback from their groups
-Subtraction while the facilitator assists them.5. Learners write an exercise in their
Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 3 Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 4 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 5 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Weekly aim(s): 3.2 To help learners to acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills and use them as tools in study, work, leisure and everyday transactions through use of technology
12 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
03-04-20 Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson 1 Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 2 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 3 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 4 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 5 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
13 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
4/4/19 Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Lesson1 Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 2 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 3 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 4 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 5 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts
Lesson 6 Revision Ex During the lesson Counting Mathematics Chart Assumed knowledge: learners are able to answer revision test questions.
Topics: learners should be Identifying Junior Work Cards Intro: Recap of concepts taught during the term.
Number able to:- Writing syllabus Flash cards 1. Class discussion of concepts taught during the term.
Operations: Answer at least half grade 3-7 Counters 2. Learners answer oral questions from the facilitator on learned
Concept: - of the revision test Page 38-42 Abacuses concepts.
All concepts questions given 2. Learners write revision test in their books individually.
taught on the correctly. 3. Revision and recap of written work.
above topics. Con. Revision of written and recap of concepts