Final Exam - Soc 101
Final Exam - Soc 101
Final Exam - Soc 101
Select one:
a. The gap between ‘high income’ countries and ‘low income’ countries have
b. Fewer countries have managed to decrease their levels of inequality during
the neoliberal era
c. If the world was one country inequality in that country has increased in the
last 20 years.
d. Inequality 'between' countries in the world has increased since the 1980s.
e. China is a more unequal country after about 15 years of spectacular
economic growth
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: If the world was one country inequality in that country
has increased in the last 20 years.
Question 2
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According to Max Weber, what is the common element among Judaism,
Christianity, Islam and Buddhism?
Select one:
a. They are all ‘monotheistic’ religions
b. They are call for an ‘ascetic’ way of life
c. They are all ‘salvation’ religions
d. There is nothing common among them
e. They are all ‘this worldly’ religions
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: They are all ‘salvation’ religions
Question 3
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Which of the following is/are sufficient to objectively define nations?
Select one:
a. None of the other options
b. a and b
c. Religion
d. Language
e. Culture
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: None of the other options
Question 4
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According to Ceren Belge, which of the following can be seen as
an ‘everyday act of resistance’ used by Kurdish groups in resisting the
centralizing policies of the Turkish Republic after 1923?
Select one:
Migrate to the west
Boycotting elections
None of the other options
Engage in guerilla warfare
e. Mobilizing kinship networks to subvert state policies
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Mobilizing kinship networks to subvert state policies
Question 5
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What is the main argument of the podcast “What’s the Real Difference
Between Sexes”?
Select one:
a. Transgendered people face discrimination at workplace
b. Transgendered people are as successful as straight people in their
c. Male privilege shapes how transgendered people are treated at workplace
d. None of the other options
e. There are no differences between the sexes
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Male privilege shapes how transgendered people are
treated at workplace
Question 6
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According to data presented by Branko Milanovic, globalization of the last 3
decades has decreased inequality levels in most countries.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 7
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According to Michael Hechter, Kurdish nationalism in Turkey would be an
example of peripheral nationalism.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 8
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According to Michael Hechter which of the below is NOT a type of
Select one:
a. Irredentist nationalism
b. State-building nationalism
c. Unification nationalism
d. Civic nationalism
e. Peripheral nationalism
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Civic nationalism
Question 9
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Which of the below about the American economy between 1940s-70s
Select one:
a. Inflation was a chronic problem
b. Working classes enjoyed strong prospects of upward mobility
c. It was an economy defined by mass production and mass consumption
d. Levels of inequality were at their historical lowest
e. Large scale manufacturing firms dominated the economy
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Inflation was a chronic problem
Question 10
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Which of the below has been crucial for the formation of Turkish national
Select one:
a. Forced migration wave of the 1990s
b. Population exchange between Greece and Turkey in 1923
c. None of the other options
d. Internal migrations since the 1950s
e. Labor migration to Germany in the 1960s
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Population exchange between Greece and Turkey in
Question 11
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According to feminist theories, one of the most important reasons for gender
inequality is women’s identification with reproductive labor.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 12
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What best explains the meaning of the phrase ‘religion is the opium of the
masses’ used by Karl Marx?
Select one:
Religion is addictive
Religion leads to nihilism
c. Religion tricks believers into thinking that they are important
d. None of the other options
e. Religion makes it possible for the oppressed to endure the pain of
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Religion makes it possible for the oppressed to endure
the pain of oppression
Question 13
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Emily Martin’s article on how science books discuss eggs and sperms argues
Select one:
a. Gender stereotypes shape the way scientists understand and explain the
b. Most biology books provide false information about reproductive organs
c. Biological sciences have greatly advanced our knowledge of reproductive
d. Scientific thinking must be rejected
None of the other options
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Gender stereotypes shape the way scientists
understand and explain the world
Question 14
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What is the main argument coming out of the literature known as ‘Varieties
of Capitalism’?
Select one:
a. Capitalism creates socioeconomic inequalities everywhere, albeit at varying
b. Capitalism is an economic system that holds efficiency as the most
important goal.
c. None of the other options
d. Capitalism can take different institutional forms and configurations
depending on specific contexts.
e. Capitalism can never exist without governmental support.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Capitalism can take different institutional forms and
configurations depending on specific contexts.
Question 15
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What, according to Laurence Iannaccone, is the most important reason why
strict churches are stronger than more lenient/soft ones?
Select one:
a. Strict churches attract more religious people in the first place
b. Strict churches attract more ignorant people who are ready to fully commit
to the group
c. Strict churches resolve free-riding of members, thus increasing solidarity
and commitment
d. Strict churches offer more material benefits, thus gaining people’s support
e. All of the other options
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Strict churches resolve free-riding of members, thus
increasing solidarity and commitment
Question 16
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Women throughout the world:
Select one:
a. are concentrated in occupations considered to be ‘feminine’
b. are paid less than men
c. all of the other options
d. have a higher rate of poverty than men
e. spend longer hours for domestic labor
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: all of the other options
Question 17
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Which of the below is NOT one of the most important defining criteria of
Select one:
a. Offering compensates for things/questions for which there are no actual
and immediate answers and rewards
b. Offering guidelines for a good life
c. Idea of God
d. Providing answers to fundamental questions regarding existence and the
e. Idea of the ‘sacred'
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: Idea of God
Question 18
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Economic inequality in the United States has increased since the 1980s
Select one:
a. Tax rates for the top income groups have fallen
b. Average wages for working people have fallen
c. Large numbers of working class jobs have moved overseas
d. Tax rates for private wealth have fallen
e. All of the above.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: All of the above.
Question 19
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According to ‘church-sect’ theory, what best explains the evolution of
religious ecosystems?
Select one:
a. None of the other options
b. As churches become powerful, they become more corrupt and give way to
resistance and change
c. As religious groups become more institutionalized and mainstream,
‘schismatic’ tendencies emerge, leading ‘sects’ to be formed. This process
repeats itself over time
d. There can be no rational explanation of how religions change and evolve
e. As religions become more established, they control more resources and
spread to more individuals
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: As religious groups become more institutionalized and
mainstream, ‘schismatic’ tendencies emerge, leading ‘sects’ to be formed.
This process repeats itself over time
Question 20
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Which of the below is NOT one of the institutions central to the Bretton
Woods system?
Select one:
b. World Bank
d. IMF
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: OECD
Question 21
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People who believe that male circumcision (sünnet) is a step from boyhood to
manhood explain human behavior and identity through biological
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 22
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Nationalism, most analysts argue, is a modern phenomenon. Why?
Select one:
a. Pre-modern empires were strong enough to crush nationalist demands.
b. The modern era has witnessed great advancements in science.
c. In pre-modern times people were more religious.
d. Indirect rule characterized the pre-modern era, making nationalism
e. None of the other options
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Indirect rule characterized the pre-modern era, making
nationalism irrelevant.
Question 23
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Which of the below can NOT be said about globalization?
Select one:
a. Globalization refers to the increased connection of different regions of the
world through trade
b. Globalization refers to the increased connection of different regions of the
world through financial ties
c. Globalization always leads to greater economic stability
d. In terms of labor mobility, the last 30 years is less globalized than the
19th century
e. Late 19th century witnessed intense levels of economic globalization
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Globalization always leads to greater economic stability
Question 24
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Nation-states have historically stimulated inter-group conflicts because:
Select one:
a. b and c
b. None of the other options
c. They offer citizenship to people
d. They strive for (amaçlamak) homogenization of the population
e. They strive for administrative centralization (i.e. direct rule)
Your answer is incorrect.
The correct answer is: b and c
Question 25
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Globalization has instigated a process of 'race to the bottom' whereby
working classes around the world are all pulling each other and themselves to
a worse-off position.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 26
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Dani Rodrik argues that:
Select one:
a. The nation-state and democracy are incompatible (uyumsuz)
b. Deep economic integration, democracy and nation-states cannot co-exist
c. Deep economic integration cannot co-exist with strong nation-states
d. None of the other options
e. Hyper globalization always improves political stability
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Deep economic integration, democracy and nation-
states cannot co-exist
Question 27
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According to Weber, what is the sociological importance of the ‘this worldly
asceticism’ of Protestant Christianity?
Select one:
a. It helps us to understand why the rationalization drive was so strong among
Protestants compared to other societies
b. It helps us understand the roots of religious conflict in Europe after the
16th century
c. It helps us to understand why suicide rates are higher among Protestant
d. It helps us to understand why Protestant societies became less religious
after the 19th century
e. None of the other options
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: It helps us to understand why the rationalization drive
was so strong among Protestants compared to other societies
Question 28
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Which historical period corresponds to the lowest levels of global economic
Select one:
a. 1945-1973
b. 1896-1914
c. 1914-1929
d. 1980-2008
e. 1929-1944
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: 1929-1944
Question 29
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Sects and cults are more dynamic organizational forms compared to churches
with higher rates of loyalty and commitment from their members.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 30
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Which of the below can NOT be said about ‘gender’ and ‘sex’ as sociological
Select one:
a. Gender and sex refer to different things.
b. Gender refers to a social category where sex refers to a biological one.
c. Gender has more sociological explanatory power in explaining how sexual
identities are formed
d. One’s sex determines their gender identity
e. Gender is a more fluid concept than sex.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: One’s sex determines their gender identity
Question 31
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Which of the below topics was your favorite in SOC 101? (This is
a bonus question!)
Select one:
a. State-making and nationalism
b. Debates around social science and the classics
c. Gender
d. Religion
e. Economic sociology and globalization
Your answer is correct.
The correct answers are: Debates around social science and the
classics, State-making and nationalism, Religion, Economic sociology and
globalization, Gender
Question 32
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According to Rodney Stark which of the below can be said about the
‘secularization thesis’?
Select one:
a. None of the other options
b. The secularization thesis wrongly predicted that religiosity would fall as
societies became more modern
c. The secularization thesis argues that the political and religious domains
must be sharply separated
d. The secularization thesis argues that when states repress religion,
religiosity tends to increase
e. The secularization thesis rightly predicted that religiosity would fall as
societies became more modern
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: The secularization thesis wrongly predicted that
religiosity would fall as societies became more modern
Question 33
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Which of the below can be an example of a social actor bridging ‘structural
holes’ between networks?
Select one:
a. A politician mobilizing his/her support base by using strong populist rhetoric
b. A factory owner becoming a member of a business association to increase
market share
c. A trader choosing to trade with personally known traders when conditions
are uncertain
d. An entrepreneur taking advantage of different prices of a given commodity
in two different contexts
e. None of the other options
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: An entrepreneur taking advantage of different prices of
a given commodity in two different contexts
Question 34
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In her article on post-menopausal sexuality of women in Turkey, Maral
Erol argues that:
Select one:
a. Women engaging in post-menopausal sexuality have better psychological
b. Discourses on post-menopausal sexuality of women emphasize women’s
roles in maintaining their family’s integrity and unity.
c. Post-menopausal sexuality should not be condemned.
d. None of the other options
e. Women engaging in post-menopausal sexuality should not be labeled in a
negative way.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Discourses on post-menopausal sexuality of women
emphasize women’s roles in maintaining their family’s integrity and unity.
Question 35
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Which statement most accurately defines the actions of a doctor who
performs an operation on a baby born with ‘ambiguous genitalia’ (i.e.
hermaphrodite) to determine whether the baby will be a ‘boy’ or a ‘girl’:
Select one:
a. She positively helps the future character development of the baby
b. None of the other options
c. She fixes the biological error introduced by nature
d. She performs a crucial medical operation that saves the baby’s life
e. She acts with ‘biological’ understandings of sexual identity as opposed to
sociological ones
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: She acts with ‘biological’ understandings of sexual
identity as opposed to sociological ones
Question 36
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What was the main point of our discussion about Macedonia?
Select one:
a. The Ottomans governed Macedonia much better than Greeks.
b. Macedonians cannot be regarded as a nation.
c. There can be no objective criteria to define nations.
d. Macedonia belongs neither to Greece nor to Republic of Northern
e. Imperialist powers have turned the Balkans into a political mess.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: There can be no objective criteria to define nations.
Question 37
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Which of the below can NOT be said about the formation of the Turkish
nation-state in the Republican period?
Select one:
a. Linguistic homogenization was an important component of the nation-state
b. Religion played an important role in the ‘imagining’ the nation
c. Ethnic identity played an important role in ‘imagining’ the nation
d. State-making elites played very important roles in the ‘imagining’ of the
e. Turkish nationalism is a very good example of ‘unification nationalism’
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Turkish nationalism is a very good example of
‘unification nationalism’
Question 38
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What is the main argument of Viviana Zelizer’s article on the development of
the life insurance sector in the US in the 19th century?
Select one:
a. Cultural codes and symbols have direct causal role in shaping economic
b. Life insurance was a consequence of growing individualism in the US
c. Life insurance was a consequence of changing family structures in the US.
d. None of the other options
e. Life insurance was a very profitable business in the 19 th century.
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Cultural codes and symbols have direct causal role in
shaping economic relations.
Question 39
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According to the primordialist/ethnosymbolist view which of the below
Select one:
a. Nations are held together by common myths and symbols
b. Nations are cultural communities
c. Nations can be objectively defined.
d. Nations are modern creations
e. Nations are historical communities
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Nations are modern creations
Question 40
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Which of the below can NOT be inferred from Branko Milanovic’s “Elephant
Select one:
a. The greatest beneficiaries of globalization in the last 30 years have been
the middle and upper income groups in ‘emerging economies’, mostly in Asia.
b. Middle classes in developed countries have been the primary ‘losers’ of
globalization of the last 30 years.
c. In the last 30 years, ‘middle classes’ in developed countries have
substantially increased their incomes.
d. In the last 30 years, the ‘global elite’ have increased their income
e. The poorest income groups in the world have not benefited from
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: In the last 30 years, ‘middle classes’ in developed
countries have substantially increased their incomes.
Question 41
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Calling someone who is either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transvestite
or intersexed as a ‘pervert’ is an example of:
Select one:
a. Transphobia
b. All of the other options
c. Homophobia
d. Hate speech
e. Heteronormativity
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: All of the other options
Question 42
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Which of the below is a sociologically accurate statement regarding
Select one:
a. None of the other options.
b. Nations can be concretely defined around certain criteria
c. Nations are social constructions
d. Each nation must have its own state
e. Nations have a timeless existence
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Nations are social constructions
Question 43
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Historical research shows us that in pre-modern times European societies
were deeply religious.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 44
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Which of the below is NOT one of the characteristics of the late 19th and early
20th century global economy?
Select one:
a. Extensive protectionism
b. Trade integration
c. Financial integration
d. Large waves of immigration
e. Large scale of international investments
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Extensive protectionism
Question 45
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Comparatively speaking the greatest beneficiaries of globalization are the
group of countries associated with the 'export-oriented industrialization'
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 46
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At the core of all religious thought, argues Emile Durkheim, lies a strict
separation of the ‘sacred’ from the ‘profane’.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'True'.
Question 47
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The anthropological perspective that approaches nations as “imagined
communities” sees nations as unreal categories of belonging.
Select one:
The correct answer is 'False'.
Question 48
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Which of the below policies would you NOT associate with the Washington
Select one:
a. Fiscal discipline
b. Increased welfare spending
c. Privatization
d. Tax reform
e. Financial deregulation
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Increased welfare spending
Question 49
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What is/are the main argument(s) of Frank Dobbin’s article on different
railroad policies of 19th century US, UK and France?
Select one:
a. Railroads were crucial for the development of capitalist markets and
institutions in these countries
b. Excessive state controls of markets lead to inefficient outcomes
c. Political institutions and political culture have direct impact on how markets
are shaped
d. Markets can be organized and can achieve efficiency in very different ways
in different contexts
e. (c) and (d)
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: (c) and (d)
Question 50
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Compared to countries with similar economic potential Turkey has a lower
Human Development Index score. Which of the below is the MOST important
factor for this?
Select one:
a. Corruption
b. Gender inequality
c. Terrorism
d. Traditionalism
e. Religiosity
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: Gender inequality