320D2&GC HydEx M11 TrvlHydSys EN INS
320D2&GC HydEx M11 TrvlHydSys EN INS
320D2&GC HydEx M11 TrvlHydSys EN INS
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SERV2046 - 04/15 -2- Module 11 - Travel Hydraulic System
MODULE DESCRIPTION������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
LEARNING OUTCOMES������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4
COMPETENCY STANDARD������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
LABORATORY EXERCISES������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
• LAB 1: 320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorS: TRAVEL hydraulic
system Component Identification and Function����������������������������������� 9
• LAB 2: 320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavator TRAVEL Motor - Test
(Measurement of Case Drain Oil)��������������������������������������������������������������� 13
• LAB 3: 320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavator Relief Valves
(CROSSOVER) - Test and Adjust�������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
POST-ASSESSMENT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Lesson Plan�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
• Module Objective This module is designed to introduce the 320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic
Excavators travel hydraulic system. Identification of travel hydraulic system
components on the main hydraulic control valve, as well as system operation and
strategies will be detailed in this module. A lab exercise will be used for skills
development. A post-assessment will be used for a knowledge check.
• Competency Statement At the completion of this training session, participants will be able to locate and
identify the major components of the travel hydraulic system during a lab exercise
using the list provided on the Lab 1 Worksheets for this module. Additionally,
participants must demonstrate knowledge of this module’s key concepts via a
post-assessment with at least 80% accuracy.
• Classroom/Lab Ratio This module includes 40% theory (classroom) and 60% practical (lab).
• Audience Level II field service personnel, resident mechanics, technical communicators, and
shop technicians. All participants should have at least three years of field or shop
experience with hydraulic systems.
• Module Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this 320D2 and 320D2 GC Travel Hydraulic System module,
participants will be able to:
• Locate, identify, and describe the function of all major components and service
points of the travel hydraulic system and explain its operation.
• Test and make adjustments to the components of the travel hydraulic system.
• Demonstrate knowledge of the travel hydraulic system operation and the
methods and strategies used to control the travel function.
• Visual presentation Given the presentation of the 320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators Travel
Hydraulic System module, participants will take notes in the classroom on the
identification, location, and functionality of the major components and service
points of the swing hydraulic system.
• Lab 1 Given a 320D2 and/or a 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavator and the Lab 1
Worksheets, participants will locate and identify the major components and service
points of the travel hydraulic system.
• Lab 2 Given a 320D2 and/or a 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavator, access to the Service
Information System (SIS), and proper tooling listed in the SIS procedure,
participants will follow the procedure to test the efficiency of the travel motors by
performing the case drain oil flow test.
• Lab 3 Given a 320D2 and/or a 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavator, access to SIS, and proper
tooling listed in the SIS procedure, participants will follow the Testing and Adjusting
procedure to test and properly adjust the travel motor crossover relief valves.
• Post-Assessment Given the post-assessment for the 320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators
Travel Hydraulic System module, participants will demonstrate knowledge of key
concepts of the main hydraulic control valve operation and describe the strategies
used for controlling the boom, stick, and bucket hydraulic circuits during a
classroom post-assessment with at least 80% accuracy.
• Prerequisite courses Participants should have successfully completed training on the following 320D2
and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators ITTP training modules prior to beginning this
training on the travel hydraulic system:
• 320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators Pilot Hydraulic System
• 320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators Main Hydraulic Pumps
• 320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators Main Hydraulic Control Valve and
Return Oil System
• Media presentation and practical Prior to conducting the module, gather the following materials:
given (instructor materials) ❏❏ PDF: “320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators Travel Hydraulic System”
(This PDF includes the Instructor Materials and the Text Reference documents.)
• Resources for participants Prior to conducting the module, gather and pass out the following to participants:
(participant materials) ❏❏ PDF: “320D2 and 320D2 GC Hydraulic Excavators Travel Hydraulic System”
(This PDF includes Participant Materials and the Text Reference documents.)
Reference ITTPs
SERV1852-01 - (STMG) 320D-336D Hydraulic Excavators
• Labs Labs
• Instructor note The following section provides directions to set up, facilitate, and assist during the
lab exercises.
Some lab exercises are the written type with worksheets, while other labs are
the traditional “on the iron” labs. Answers are provided in this document for the
worksheet exercises.
The participant lab sheets, along with accompanying materials, are located in the
Participant Material PDF (included in the module PDF).
NOTE: Discuss safety procedures with the participants for each shop
lab (i.e. safety glasses, clothing). Safely Home. Everyone. Every
This is a lab exercise. Instructor should have disconnected the swing brake
solenoid during the machine walkaround exercise. Ensure participants understand
the safety zones around the machine. Ensure participants understand the
maximum number of people (2-4) that can safely be on the machine service
platform at the same time.
• Procedure Explain the lab exercise. Inform participants that they may refer to their printed
materials and notes while completing the exercise. Participants will use Lab 1
Worksheets to document completion of task.
• Lab preparation Prior to conducting the lab exercise, perform the following steps:
❏❏ Prepare a safety briefing for each of the labs to be conducted.
❏❏ Select the machine to be used in the lab exercises.
❏❏ Make numbered tags for the component identification lab exercises, is desired.
❏❏ Review the lab exercises to ensure participants can demonstrate their ability to
accomplish the objectives.
• Participant instructions Participants will form teams of two persons and will use the notes they took during
the presentation to identify the location of the major system components and
service points of the travel hydraulic system using the Lab 1 Worksheets.
LAB 1: 320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorS: TRAVEL Hydraulic System Component Identification
and Function
Directions: Use this checklist to take notes during the presentation regarding component function and location. During the lab
exercise, use this sheet as a checklist when identifying components.
Function: Receives pilot pressure oil to move the valve spool toward the REVERSE TRAVEL direction
Location: Fourth valve from the left side of main hydraulic control valve, on the top
Function: Receives pilot pressure oil to move the valve spool toward the FORWARD TRAVEL direction
Location: Fifth valve from the right side of main hydraulic control valve, on the top
Function: Receives pilot pressure oil to move the valve spool toward the FORWARD TRAVEL direction
Location: Fourth valve from the left side of main hydraulic control valve, on the bottom
Function: Receives pilot pressure oil to move the valve spool toward the FORWARD TRAVEL direction
Location: Fifth valve from the right side of main hydraulic control valve, on the bottom
Function: ENERGIZED by the Machine ECM to send pilot pressure oil to shift the straight travel valve spool when an
implement has been activated during travel
Location: Solenoid valve Installed in the small manifold at the top, center of the main hydraulic control valve
Function: Directs pilot pressure oil to the straight travel solenoid valve, used to shift the straight travel valve
Location: Fitted to the port in the top of the straight travel valve manifold at the top, center of the main hydraulic
control valve
Function: Monitors the drive pump system pressure and signals the Machine ECM to determine when the drive pump
circuit reaches the pressure threshold at which high speed travel may be activated
Location: Installed in the outboard side of the drive pump case, in the pump compartment
Function: Monitors the idler pump system pressure and signals the Machine ECM to determine when the idler pump
circuit reaches the pressure threshold at which high speed travel may be activated
Location: Installed in the outboard side of the idler pump case, in the pump compartment
Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow
SERV2046 - 04/15 -11- Module 11 - Travel Hydraulic System
LAB 1: 320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorS: TRAVEL Hydraulic System Component Identification and
Function (CONT’D)
Function: Sends pilot pressure oil to both the left and the right travel motors’ displacement change valves when
Location: Upper solenoid valve installed in the pilot manifold, located above the center access cover beneath the
upper structure and behind the swing bearing
Function: Detects all pilot control pressures during implement movement - used to determine when to activate the
straight travel control valve if implements are moved during travel
Location: Installed in the pilot resolver block, located beneath the operator seat and accessible through the access
panel forward of the swing bearing, beneath the upper structure
Function: Deliver pilot oil pressure to move the travel control valve spools in the main hydraulic control valve in direct
proportion to the amount of movement of the travel pedals/levers
Location: Located beneath the floor plate of the cab, at the front of the machine - accessed through the panel beneath
the upper structure
Function: Signal the Machine ECM when travel is requested - used to activate the travel alarm and also to serve as an
input to the Machine ECM to activate or de-activate other hydraulic system strategies
Location: One switch installed in either side of the travel pilot control valve body, located beneath the floor plate of the
cab, at the front of the machine - accessed through the panel beneath the upper structure
Function: When pressed, it toggles between low speed travel mode and the auto (two) speed travel mode
Location: Located on the soft switch panel, outboard of the right armrest
Function: Silences the travel alarm that sounds each time a travel control lever/pedal is moved
Location: Located on the soft switch panel, outboard of the right armrest
_______ Swivel
Function: The rotary hydraulic connection between the upper structure and the undercarriage
Location: Installed in the upper structure at the boom foot, just forward of the swing drive assembly
LAB 1: 320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorS: TRAVEL Hydraulic System Component Identification and
Function (CONT’D)
Function: Receive high pressure supply oil from the travel control valves - provide the hydraulic rotational input to the
left and right final drive assemblies for machine propulsion forward and reverse
Location: Installed at the rear of each roller frame, accessed from inside the frame (behind sheet metal cover)
Function: Provides triple gear reduction of the travel motor output - reduces the travel motor speed and increases the
torque to drive the track through the planetary gear sets
Location: Installed at the rear of each roller frame, accessed from outside the frame
Location: Two valves installed vertically at the rear of each travel motor (one faces up and one faces down)
Function: Prevents travel motor overspeed while the machine is traveling downhill; prevents shock to the system
when travel is stopped and started; and helps prevent travel motor cavitation
Location: Large valve at the oil supply inlets - inner side of each travel motor
Function: Direct pilot supply oil for operation of the motors’ displacement change valve
Location: Smaller hose connected at the front of each travel motor (top of right motor - bottom of left motor)
Function: Direct case drain oil from the travel motor, drain oil from the parking brake piston, and drain oil from the
travel motor swashplate actuator to the hydraulic tank
Location: Medium sized hose connected to the top of both travel motors
This is a lab exercise. Instructor should ensure the swing brake solenoid is
connected prior to performing this lab exercise. Ensure participants understand
the safety zones around the machine. Ensure participants understand the
maximum number of people (2-4) safely allowed on the machine service platform at
the same time.
• Procedure Explain the lab exercise. Inform participants they may refer to their printed
materials and notes while completing the exercise.
There are no lab sheets for this lab exercise. Use the tables found in the SIS Test
and Adjust procedures for recording data, as needed.
• Lab preparation Prior to conducting the lab exercises, perform the following steps:
❏❏ Prepare a safety briefing for the lab exercise to be conducted.
❏❏ Select the machine to be used in the lab exercise.
❏❏ Review the lab exercise to ensure participants can demonstrate their ability to
accomplish the objectives.
• Participant instructions Participants will work as a class to perform the Travel Motor - Test (Measurement of
Case Drain Oil) testing procedure. Participants are to follow the detailed
step-by-step instructions outlined in the testing and adjusting service manual
module. Afterward, the participants and instructor will discuss the outcomes to
ensure all participants understand how the test produced the results observed and
what measures should be taken as a result, if any. (If case drain flow rate is too
high, the travel motor is leaking too much oil into the case from excessive wear.)
This is a lab exercise. Instructor should ensure the swing brake solenoid is
connected prior to performing this lab exercise. Ensure participants understand the
safety zones around the machine. Ensure participants understand the maximum
number of people (2-4) safely allowed on the machine service platform at the same
• Procedure Explain the lab exercise. Inform participants they may refer to their printed
materials and notes while completing the exercise.
There are no lab sheets for this lab exercise. Use the tables found in the SIS Test
and Adjust procedures for recording data, as needed.
• Lab preparation Prior to conducting the lab exercises, perform the following steps:
❏❏ Prepare a safety briefing for the lab exercise to be conducted.
❏❏ Select the machine to be used in the lab exercise.
❏❏ Review the lab exercise to ensure participants can demonstrate their ability to
accomplish the objectives.
• Participant instructions Participants will work as a class to perform the travel motor Relief Valves
(Crossover) - Test and Adjust procedure. Participants are to follow the detailed
step-by-step instructions outlined in the testing and adjusting service manual
module. Afterward, the participants and instructor will discuss the outcomes to
ensure all participants understand how the tests and adjustments produced the
results observed.
• Instructor Note The following post-assessment is a paper test designed to measure the
participant’s ability to identify the major components of the 320D2 and 320D2 GC
Hydraulic Excavator travel hydraulic systems and to answer several questions
regarding key concepts of the system operation and strategies involved in machine
and system operation. The answers are provided on the following pages. The
actual participant post-assessments are provided in the Participant Materials
Participants may refer to their course materials and class notes when taking the
Instructions: Fill in the blank with responses that correctly complete the statements.
5. When the straight travel valve is in the INACTIVE STATE, the drive pump supplies oil flow to:
a. the right travel valve through the right center bypass passage.
b. the implement valves through the right parallel feeder passage.
6. When the straight travel valve is in the INACTIVE STATE, the idler pump supplies oil flow to:
a. the left travel valve through the left center bypass passage.
b. the implement valves through the left parallel feeder passage.
7. When the straight travel valve is in the ACTIVE STATE, the drive pump supplies oil flow to:
a. the left travel valve through the left center bypass passage.
b. the right travel valve through the right center bypass passage.
8. When the straight travel valve is in the ACTIVE STATE, the idler pump supplies oil flow to:
a. the left side implement valves through the left parallel feeder passage.
b. the right side implement valves through the right parallel feeder passage.
(12) (6)
(16) (17)
(1) 19
320D2 / 320D2 GC Hydraulic ExcavatorS: TRAVEL Hydraulic System Post-Assessment (CONT’D)
Name: Date:
Directions: Fill in the blanks next to the numbers with the correct term.
Lesson Plan
• Instructor Note The following page should be used to create a module lesson plan.
The lesson plan provides areas for both estimated time and actual time. The
developer should populate the estimated time column as a guideline for instructors
using the material. The actual time column is to be used for the instructor to modify
the lesson plan as needed to fulfill his or her needs.
Lesson Plan
Learning Estimated
Topic Delivery Actual
activities time
Introduction Module Objectives Safety, Attention Getter, Introduction, Purpose, 5 minutes
Reason, Competency Standard, Learning