Bab 6
Bab 6
Bab 6
and Evolution
❑ Study the picture and read the opening story.
❑ Scan the Learning Objectives in each section:
p. 128 ❑ p. 132 ❑ p. 142 ❑ p. 147 ❑ p. 151 ❑
❑ Read the text and study all figures and visuals.
Answer any questions.
End of Chapter
❑ Review the Summary and Key Terms.
❑ Answer What is happening in this picture?
❑ Answer the Critical and Creative Thinking Questions.
arth has many different climates—long-term
Elevation also affects biomes: Changes in vegetation
weather patterns—based primarily on tem-
with increasing elevation resemble the changes in vegeta-
perature and precipitation differences. Char-
tion observed in going from warmer to colder climates.
acteristic organisms have adapted to each
These differences across biomes can be further defined
climate within large regions called biomes. Each biome
by types of vegetation present and land use patterns
encompasses many interacting ecosystems (Figure 6.1).
(Figure 6.3 on pages 130 and 131).
In terrestrial ecology, a biome is considered the next
level of ecological organization
biome A large,
above community, ecosystem, and
relatively distinct
terrestrial region with
Near the poles, temperature
similar climate, soil,
is generally the overriding cli-
plants, and animals,
mate factor defining a biome, 1. How is it that the same biome type might be
regardless of where it found in widely different parts of the world?
occurs in the world. whereas in temperate and tropi-
cal regions, precipitation is more 2. Which climate-related factors shape biomes,
significant than temperature, as shown in Figure 6.2. and how might they affect which organisms
Light is relatively plentiful in biomes, except in certain live in a particular biome?
60° N
60° N
30° N 30° N
0° 0°
Based on data from World Wildlife Fund.
30° S 30° S
Tundra Desert
Boreal forest Tropical rain forest
Temperate deciduous forest Tropical dry forest
0 1000 2000 Miles
and temperate rain forest Savanna
60° S
60° S
0 1000 2000 Kilometers Temperate grassland Mountains with
Chaparral complex zonation
Boreal forest
California Desert.
relative amounts of
precipitation they
receive and in the
Temperate Temperate Temperate Chaparral Temperate seasonal distribution
rain forest deciduous forest grassland desert of precipitation.
Ernest Manewal/SUPERSTOCK
Ernest Manewal/SUPERSTOCK
Ernest Manewal/SUPERSTOCK
Ernest Manewal/SUPERSTOCK
arth’s terrestrial ecosystems can be grouped
within nine major biomes: tundra, boreal (4 to 10 in) of rain or snow falls during summer months.
forest, temperate rain forest, temperate de- Most tundra soils formed when glaciers began
ciduous forest, temperate grassland, chapar- retreating after the last ice age, about 17,000 years ago.
ral, desert, savanna, and tropical rain forest. Here we These soils are usually nutrient poor and have little
describe characteristics of each biome and highlight ef- detritus, such as dead leaves and stems, animal droppings,
fects humans have had on them. or remains of organisms. Although the tundra’s surface
soil thaws during summer, beneath it lies a layer of perma-
frost, permanently frozen ground that varies in depth and
Tundra thickness. Permafrost impedes drainage, so the thawed
Tundra (or arctic tundra) occurs in upper zone of soil is usually waterlogged during summer.
the extreme northern latitudes tundra The treeless Limited precipitation, combined with low temperatures,
where the snow melts seasonally biome in the far flat topography (or surface features), and the layer of
(Figure 6.4). The Southern Hemi- north that consists permafrost, produces a landscape of broad, shallow lakes
sphere has no equivalent of the arc- of boggy plains and ponds, sluggish streams, and bogs.
covered by lichens
tic tundra because it has no land in Tundra has low primary productivity (see Figure 5.8)
and mosses; it has
the corresponding latitudes. A sim- and supports relatively few species compared to other
harsh, cold winters
ilar ecosystem located in the higher biomes, but the species that do occur there often exist
and extremely short
elevations of mountains, above the in great numbers. Mosses, lichens, grasses, and grasslike
tree line, is called alpine tundra. sedges are the dominant plants. Stunted trees and shrubs
Average monthly temperature in °C
Freezing 15
4 In t e r p r e t t h e Da t a
2 During how many months, if any, is the average
monthly temperature in the Alaskan tundra
below freezing?
Based on data from
Average monthly precipitation in cm
Based on data from
Birds are abundant in the summer but migrate to proximity of temperate rain forest to the coastline moder-
warmer climates for winter. Insects are plentiful, but few ates its temperature so that the seasonal fluctuation is nar-
amphibians and reptiles occur except in the southern row; winters are mild, and summers are cool. Temperate
boreal forest. rain forest has relatively nutrient-poor soil, though its
Most of the boreal forest is not well suited to agricul- organic content may be high. Cool temperatures slow
ture because of its short growing season and mineral-poor the activity of bacterial and fungal decomposers. Thus,
soil. However, the boreal forest yields lumber, pulpwood needles and large fallen branches and trunks accumulate
for paper products, animal furs, and other forest prod- on the ground as litter that takes many years to decay and
ucts. Currently, boreal forest is the world’s top source of release nutrient minerals to the soil.
industrial wood and wood fiber. Extensive logging, gas The dominant vegetation in the North American
and oil exploration, mining, and farming have contrib- temperate rain forest is large evergreen trees such as west-
uted to loss of boreal forest. ern hemlock, Douglas fir, western red cedar, Sitka spruce,
and western arborvitae (Figure 6.6). Temperate rain for-
Temperate Rain Forest ests are rich in epiphytes, smaller plants that grow on the
A coniferous temperate rain forest occurs on trunks and branches of large trees. Epiphytes
the northwest coast of North America. Simi- temperate rain in this biome are mainly mosses, club mosses,
lar vegetation exists in southeastern Australia forest A coniferous lichens, and ferns, all of which also carpet the
biome with cool
and in southern South America. Annual pre- ground. Squirrels, wood rats, mule deer, elk,
weather, dense
cipitation in this biome is high—more than numerous bird species, and several species of
fog, and high
127 cm (50 in)—and is augmented by conden- amphibians and reptiles are common temper-
sation of water from dense coastal fogs. The ate rainforest animals.
Average monthly precipitation in cm
Based on data from
Based on data from
I n t e r p r e t t h e Da t a
When is the dry
season in temperate
grasslands? the wet
thousands of years without a substantial loss in fertility. midwestern states. Several species of grasses that, under
During the 20th century, widely adopted intensive agri- favorable conditions, grow as tall as a person on horse-
cultural practices, along with overgrazing and deforesta- back dominate tallgrass prairies. The land was originally
tion, contributed to the degradation of some agricultural covered with large herds of grazing animals, such as bison,
lands. Most damage to farmland has happened since the pronghorn, and elk. The principal predators were
end of World War II. wolves, although in sparser, drier areas coyotes took their
place. Smaller animals included prairie dogs and their
predators (foxes, black-footed ferrets, and various birds
Temperate Grassland of prey), grouse, reptiles such as snakes and lizards, and
Summers are hot, winters are cold, and rainfall is often great numbers of insects.
uncertain in temperate grassland. Average annual precip- Shortgrass prairies are temperate grasslands that
itation ranges from 25 to 75 cm (10 to 30 in). receive less precipitation than moist tem-
Grassland soil has considerable organic temperate perate grasslands but more precipitation
material because the aboveground portions grassland A grassland than deserts. In the United States, short-
of many grasses die off each winter and con- with hot summers, grass prairies occur in parts of Montana,
tribute to the organic content of the soil, cold winters, and less Wyoming, South Dakota, and other mid-
while the roots and rhizomes (underground rainfall than is found western states. Grasses that grow knee high
stems) survive underground. Many grasses in the temperate or lower dominate shortgrass prairies. Plants
are sod formers—that is, their roots and deciduous forest grow less abundantly than in the moister
rhizomes form a thick, continuous under- biome. grasslands, and bare soil is occasionally ex-
ground mat. Although few trees grow except posed. Native grasses of shortgrass prairies are
near rivers and streams, grasses grow in great profusion drought-resistant.
in the deep, rich soil (Figure 6.8). Periodic wildfires The North American grassland, particularly the
help maintain grasses as the dominant vegetation in tallgrass prairie, was well suited to agriculture. More than
grasslands. 90 percent has vanished under the plow, and the re-
Moist temperate grasslands, also known as tall- maining prairie is so fragmented that almost nowhere
grass prairies, occur in the United States in parts of can you see what Native Americans experienced prior to
Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, and other the arrival of European settlers in the Midwest. Today,
Average monthly temperature in °C
Average monthly precipitation in cm
Based on data from
more on the role fire plays in nature and on how hu- to explore an innovative way to remove vegetation
mans have disrupted this role, see Case Study 6.1 at the effectively.)
end of the chapter.)
The fires that occur in California chaparral are quite
costly to humans when they consume expensive homes Desert
built on the hilly chaparral landscape. Unfortunately, ef- Desert consists of dry areas found
forts to prevent the naturally occurring fires sometimes in both temperate (cold des- desert A biome in
which the lack of
backfire. Denser, thicker vegetation tends to accumu- erts) and subtropical or tropical
precipitation lim-
late over several years; then, when a fire does occur, it is regions (warm deserts). The low
its plant growth;
much more severe. Removing the chaparral vegetation, water vapor content of the desert
deserts are found in
whose roots hold the soil in place, causes other prob- atmosphere results in daily tem-
both temperate and
lems; witness the mudslides that sometimes occur dur- perature extremes of heat and
tropical regions.
ing winter rains in these areas. (See EnviroDiscovery 6.1 cold, so that a major change in
CORDIER Sylvain/Hemis/Corbis
temperature occurs in each 24-hour period. Deserts amphibians (frogs and toads) and many reptiles, such as
vary greatly depending on the amount of precipitation the desert tortoise, Gila monster, and Mojave rattlesnake.
they receive, which is generally less than 25 cm (10 in) Desert mammals in North America include rodents such
per year. As a result of sparse vegetation, desert soil is as kangaroo rats, as well as mule deer and jackrabbits.
low in organic material but is often high in mineral con- Birds of prey, especially owls, live on the rodents and jack-
tent, particularly salts. rabbits, and even scorpions. During the driest months
Plant cover is so sparse in deserts that much of of the year, many desert animals tunnel underground,
the soil is exposed. Plants in North American deserts where they remain inactive.
include cacti, yuccas, Joshua trees, and sagebrush Humans have altered North American deserts in
(Figure 6.10). Desert plants are adapted to conserve several ways. People who drive across the desert in off-
water and as a result tend to have few, small, or no road vehicles inflict environmental damage. When the
leaves. Cactus leaves are modified into spines, which top layer of desert soil is disturbed, erosion occurs more
discourage herbivores. Other desert plants shed their readily and less vegetation grows to support native ani-
leaves for most of the year, growing only during the mals. Certain cacti and desert tortoises are rare as a result
brief moist season. of poaching. Houses, factories, and farms built in desert
Desert animals are typically small. During the heat areas require vast quantities of water, which is imported
of the day, they remain under cover or return to shel- from distant areas. Increased groundwater consumption
ter periodically, emerging at night to forage or hunt. In by many desert cities has caused groundwater levels to
addition to desert-adapted insects and arachnids (such as drop, particularly in southern Arizona and southwestern
tarantulas and scorpions), there are a few desert-adapted New Mexico.
In t e r p r e t t h e Da t a
Is the variability in average monthly
temperatures in this savanna
comparable to the variability in
average monthly precipitation?
Why or why not?
© DLILLC/Corbis
© Frans Lanting/Corbis
Tropical rain forest commonly occurs in areas with The middle story, or canopy, which reaches a height of
ancient, highly weathered, mineral-poor soil. Little 30 to 40 m (100 to 130 ft), forms a continuous layer of
organic matter accumulates in such soils; because tem- leaves that lets in very little sunlight to support the smaller
peratures are high year-round, bacteria, fungi, and plants in the sparse understory. Only 2 to 3 percent of the
detritus-feeding ants and termites decompose organic light bathing the forest canopy reaches the forest under-
litter quite rapidly. Roots quickly absorb nutrient miner- story. Tropical rainforest trees support thick woody vines
als from the decomposing material. Tropical rain forests and extensive communities of epiphytic plants such as
are found in Central and South America, Africa, and ferns, mosses, orchids, and bromeliads.
Southeast Asia. Not counting bacteria and other soil-dwelling organ-
Of all biomes, the tropical rain forest is unexcelled isms, about 90 percent of tropical rainforest organisms
in species richness and variety (Figure 6.12). No single are adapted to live in the canopy. Rain forests shelter the
species dominates this biome. The trees are typically most abundant and varied insects, birds, reptiles, and
evergreen flowering plants. A fully developed tropical amphibians on Earth. Most rainforest mammals, such as
rain forest has at least three distinct stories, or layers, of sloths and monkeys, are adapted to live only in the trees
vegetation. The topmost story, or emergent layer, con- and rarely climb down to the ground, although some
sists of the crowns of very tall trees, some 50 m (164 ft) large, ground-dwelling mammals, including elephants,
or more in height, which are exposed to direct sunlight. are also found in rain forests.
Aquatic Ecosystems
1. Summarize the important environmental factors fishes, turtles, and whales. Benthos are bottom-dwelling
that affect aquatic ecosystems. organisms that fix themselves to one spot (sponges and
2. Describe the various aquatic ecosystems, oysters), burrow into the sand (worms and clams), or
simply walk about on the bottom (crabs and aquatic
giving attention to the environmental
insect larvae).
characteristics of each.
he most fundamental division in aquatic
ecology is probably between freshwater and Freshwater Ecosystems
saltwater environments. Salinity, which is Freshwater ecosystems include lakes and ponds (standing-
the concentration of dissolved salts (such water ecosystems), rivers and streams (flowing-water
as sodium chloride) in a body of water, affects the kinds ecosystems), and marshes and swamps (freshwater
of organisms present in aquatic ecosystems, as does the wetlands). Specific abiotic conditions and character-
amount of dissolved oxygen. Water greatly interferes istic organisms distinguish each freshwater ecosystem.
with the penetration of light, so floating aquatic organ- Although freshwater ecosystems occupy only about
isms that photosynthesize must remain near the water’s 2 percent of Earth’s surface, they play an important
surface, and vegetation anchored to lake floors or role in the hydrologic cycle: They help recycle precipi-
streambeds will grow only in relatively shallow water. tation that flows into the ocean as surface runoff. (See
In addition, low levels of essential nutrient minerals Chapter 5 for a detailed explanation of the hydrologic
limit the number and distribution of organisms in cer- cycle.) Large bodies of fresh water help moderate daily
tain aquatic environments. In this section, we discuss and seasonal temperature fluctuations on nearby land
freshwater ecosystems only; because the immense ma- regions, and freshwater habitats provide homes for
rine environment is so critical to the environmental many species.
well-being of Earth, we devote an entire chapter to it Zonation is characteristic of standing-water ecosystems.
(see Chapter 11). A large lake has three zones: the littoral, limnetic,
Aquatic ecosystems contain three main ecological and profundal zones (see What a
categories of organisms: free-floating plankton, strongly Scientist Sees 6.1). The littoral zone standing-water
swimming nekton, and bottom-dwelling benthos. is a productive, shallow-water ecosystem A
Plankton are usually small or microscopic organisms. They area along the shore of a lake body of fresh water
tend to drift or swim feebly, so, for the most part, they are or pond. Emergent vegetation, surrounded by land
carried about at the mercy of currents and waves. Plank- such as cattails and bur reeds, as and whose water does
ton include phytoplankton, photosynthetic algae and cya- well as several deeper-dwelling not flow; a lake or a
nobacteria that form the base of most aquatic food webs, aquatic plants and algae, live in pond.
and zooplankton, animal-like organisms that feed on algae the littoral zone. Animals here
and cyanobacteria and are in turn consumed by newly include frogs, turtles, worms, crayfish and other crus-
hatched fish and other small aquatic organisms. Nekton taceans, insect larvae, and many fishes. The limnetic
are larger, more strongly swimming organisms such as zone is the open water beyond the littoral zone—that is,
Limnetic zone
Littoral zone
away from the shore. The limnetic zone extends down thermal stratification and the water layers mix. In fall,
as far as sunlight penetrates to permit photosynthe- as surface water cools, its density increases, and eventu-
sis. The main organisms of the limnetic zone are mi- ally it displaces the less dense, warmer, mineral-rich wa-
croscopic plankton. Larger fishes also spend most of ter beneath. The warmer water then rises to the surface
their time in the limnetic zone, although they may visit where it, in turn, cools and sinks. This process of cool-
the littoral zone to feed and reproduce. The deepest ing and sinking continues until the lake reaches a uni-
zone, the profundal zone, is beneath the limnetic zone of form temperature throughout. In the spring, surface
a large lake; smaller lakes and ponds typically lack a ice melts and surface water again sinks to the bottom,
profundal zone. Because light does not penetrate ef- resulting in a mixing of the layers. In summer, thermal
fectively to this depth, plants and algae do not live stratification occurs once again. The mixing of deeper,
there. Detritus drifts into the profundal zone from nutrient-rich water with surface, nutrient-poor water
the littoral and limnetic zones; bacteria decompose during the fall and spring turnovers brings essential nu-
this detritus. This marked zonation is accentuated trient minerals to the surface and oxygenated water to
by thermal stratification, in which the temperature the bottom.
changes sharply with depth. Human effects on lakes and ponds include eutro-
Temperate lakes undergo fall and spring turnovers, phication, which is nutrient enrichment of a body of
when changing surface temperatures break down the water with inorganic plant and algal nutrients like nitrates
© Frans Lanting/Corbis
Headwater streams
flow downstream
rapidly, often over
rocks (as rapids) or
bluffs (as waterfalls).
Along the way,
tributaries feed into
Rapids the river, adding to
the flow.
a. A river flows from its source to the ocean. b. Aerial view of meanders in the Tambopata River, Peru.
and phosphates. Although eutrophication is a natural or warmer in winter than in adjacent parts of the stream
process, human activities often accelerate it, such as or river. The kinds of organisms found in flowing water
the runoff of agricultural fertilizers and discharge of vary greatly from one stream to another, depending pri-
treated or untreated sewage. Eutrophication of lakes is marily on the strength of the current. In streams with
discussed in detail in Chapter 10. fast currents, some inhabitants have adaptations such as
Flowing-water ecosystems are highly variable. The suckers, with which they attach themselves to rocks to
surrounding environment changes greatly between a riv- prevent being swept away. Some stream inhabitants have
er’s source and its mouth (Figure 6.13). Certain parts of flattened bodies to slip under or between rocks. Other
the stream’s course are shaded by inhabitants such as fish are streamlined and muscular
flowing-water eco- forest, while other parts are ex- enough to swim in the current.
system A freshwater
posed to direct sunlight. Ground- Human activities such as pollution and dam construc-
ecosystem such as
water may well up through tion have adverse impacts on rivers and streams. These
a river or stream in
sediments on the bottom in one activities damage wildlife habitat and threaten water sup-
which water flows in a
particular area, making the water plies and fisheries. (See Chapter 10 for more discussion
temperature cooler in summer of the environmental effects of dams.)
Photoshot/Alamy Limited
a. A salt marsh near Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. b. A mangrove forest in Risong Bay, Palau, Micronesia, with an
underwater view of the prop root system. Mangrove roots grow into
deeper water as well as into mudflats that are exposed at low tide.
Many animals live among the mangroves’ complex root system.
cientists think all of Earth’s remarkable vari- documented.
ety of organisms descended from earlier
species by a process known as evolution. Evo-
lution occurs at the population level; an indi-
vidual organism does not evolve within its lifespan. The Portrait of a young Charles Darwin
concept of evolution dates back to the time of Aristotle • Figure 6.16
(384–322 b.c.e.), but Charles Darwin (1809–1882), a 19th-
century naturalist, proposed the
evolution mechanism of evolution that to-
The cumulative day’s scientific community still ac-
genetic changes in cepts (Figure 6.16). As you will
populations that occur see, the environment—including
during successive factors that shape biomes and eco-
generations. systems—plays a crucial role in
Darwin’s theory of evolution.
It occurred to Darwin that in a population, inher-
3. Heritable variation. The individuals in a population offspring. Over time, enough changes may accumu-
exhibit variation. Each individual has a unique com- late in geographically separated populations (often
bination of traits, such as size, color, and ability to with slightly different environments) to produce new
tolerate harsh environments. Some traits improve the species (Figure 6.18).
chances of an individual’s survival and reproductive
success, whereas others do not. It is important to One premise on which Darwin based his theory of
remember that the variation necessary for evolution evolution by natural selection is that individuals transmit
by natural selection must be inherited so that it can traits to the next generation. However, Darwin could not
be passed to offspring. explain how this occurs or why individuals within a popu-
lation vary. Beginning in the 1930s and 1940s, biologists
4. Differential reproductive success. Individuals that possess combined the principles of genetics with Darwin’s the-
the most favorable combination of characteristics ory of natural selection. The resulting unified expla-
(those that make individuals better adapted to their nation of evolution is known as the modern synthesis
environment) are more likely than others to sur- (where synthesis refers to a combination of parts of previ-
vive, reproduce, and pass their traits to the next ous theories).
generation. Sexual reproduction is the key to natu- The modern synthesis explains Darwin’s observa-
ral selection: The best-adapted individuals are those tion of variation among offspring in terms of mutation,
that reproduce most successfully, whereas less-fit indi- or changes in DNA. Mutations provide the genetic vari-
viduals die prematurely or produce fewer or inferior ability on which natural selection acts during evolution.
Darwin’s finches • Figure 6.18
Charles Darwin was a ship’s naturalist on a 5-year voyage around the world. During an extended stay in the
Galápagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador, he studied the plants and animals of each island, including 14
species of finches.
Ancestral South
J. DFigurening/VIREO
species 1 America
Ancestral Islands
reaches the
species begins
in Ecuador.
There is only
one finch
species now in Ecuador
Grassquit finch (seeds)
FLPA/Alamy Limited
Modern Galápagos Islands
from Pinta Marchena
species. Genovesa
Large ground finch Santiago
(hard seeds)
Santa Fe
San Cristobal D. Mackenzie. Visualizing Geology.
Isabela Tortuga Copyright 2008. This material is
reproduced with permission of
Small ground finch John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Santa Maria
(soft seeds) Española
Eric Hosking/Science Source Images
© Christopher Vernon-Parry/Alamy
Tierbild Okapia/Science Source Images
Woodpecker finch Medium ground finch Warbler finch (insects) Cactus finch
fi h ((cactus)
(insects) (moderate seeds)
The apparently related species on the Galápagos Islands have different beak shapes and different diets. Darwin reasoned that
finches that colonized from the mainland had changed as the birds, now geographically isolated from each other, adapted to
different diets.
T hi nk C ri ti c al l y
Which of the species shown have similar
beaks? Is this reflected in their diets?
Carpals phalanges
Some new traits may be beneficial, whereas others may they strive to better understand certain aspects of evo-
be harmful or have no effect at all. As a result of natural lution, such as the role of chance and how quickly new
selection, beneficial strategies, or traits, persist in a popu- species evolve. As discussed in Chapter 1, science is an
lation because such characteristics make the individuals ongoing process, and information obtained in the future
that possess them well suited to thrive and reproduce. may require modifications to certain parts of the theory
In contrast, characteristics that make the individuals that of evolution by natural selection.
possess them poorly suited to their environment tend to The final section switches the focus to the response
disappear in a population. of communities to environmental changes.
A vast body of evidence supports evolution, most
of which is beyond the scope of this text. This evidence
includes observations from the fossil record, com-
parative anatomy, biogeography (the study of the geo-
graphic locations of organisms), and molecular biology 1. What is evolution?
(Figure 6.19). In addition, evolutionary hypotheses are
tested experimentally. 2. What four phenomena or conditions are the
Although virtually all biologists accept the principles basis of natural selection?
of evolution by natural selection based on such evidence, 3. Which types of evidence support evolution?
c. Molecular Biology.
u Pig Duck Rattlesnake
e Tuna Moth Y
Yeast The organisms pictured here all share a
particular enzyme, but in the course of
evolution, mutations have resulted in
changes in the gene that codes ffor that
enzyme. This diagram shows the nucleotide
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of nucleotide base diffe
f rences
Adapted from figure 15.19 on p. 247 in S.A. Alters and B. Alters Biology: Understanding Life. Copyright 2006.
This material is reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
community of organisms does not possible that prior residents lived there in the
spring into existence spontane- ecological first place because there was little competi-
ously. By means of ecological succession The pro- tion from other species. Later, as more inva-
succession, a given community de- cess of community sive species arrived, the original species were
velops gradually through a sequence of species. development over displaced.
time, which involves
Certain organisms colonize an area; over time, Ecologists initially thought that succession
species in one stage
others replace them, and eventually the replace- inevitably led to a stable and persistent com-
being replaced by
ments are themselves replaced by still other spe- munity, known as a climax community, such as a
different species.
cies. Ecologists first studied succession in three forest. But more recently, this traditional view
diverse ecosystems: an abandoned field, a northern fresh- has fallen out of favor. The apparent stability of a “climax”
water bog, and sand dunes. forest is probably the result of how long trees live relative
Secondary succession on
an abandoned field in
North Carolina • Figure 6.21
Th in k C ri ti c al l y
Based on this
example, what types of plants would
you expect to find in a field 10 years
after it is abandoned?
1 2 3 4 5
Annual weeds Annual and Pine seedlings Young pine Mature hardwood
(crabgrass) perennial weeds and saplings forest and forest (oaks,
(horseweed, (shortleaf pine developing hickory)
broomsedge, and loblolly understory of
ragweed, and pine) hardwoods
invade to further stabilize the dune, followed by a suc- the fires—to a young forest of lodgepole pines, with some
cession of tree species over the course of many years. Pri- Douglas fir seedlings.
mary succession on sand dunes around the Great Lakes Biologists have studied secondary succession on aban-
might proceed in this sequence: grasses → shrubs → pop- doned farmland extensively (Figure 6.21). Although it
lars (cottonwoods) → pine trees → oak trees. takes more than 100 years for secondary succession to oc-
cur at a single site, a single researcher can study old-field
Secondary Succession succession in its entirety by observing different sites under-
going succession in the same general area. The biologist
Secondary succession is the change in species composi-
may examine county tax records to determine when each
tion that takes place after some disturbance destroys the
field was abandoned. Secondary succession on abandoned
existing vegetation; soil is already present. A clear-cut for-
farmland in the southeastern United States proceeds in
est, open areas caused by a forest fire, and abandoned
this sequence: crabgrass → horseweed, broomsedge, and
farmland are common examples of sites where secondary
other weeds → pine trees → hardwood trees.
succession occurs. During the summer of 1988, wildfires
burned approximately one-third of Yellowstone National
Park, a disaster that provided a chance for biologists to
study secondary succession in areas that were once for-
ests. Secondary succession in Yellowstone has occurred 1. What is ecological succession?
rapidly, moving from ash-covered forest floor and charred 2. How does primary succession differ from
trees, to lilies and other herbs, and—by ten years after secondary succession?
A wildfire is any unexpected—and unwanted—fire that burns
in grass, shrub, and forest areas. Whether started by lightning U.S. acres burned in 2015, compared to 2001–2010 average.
or by humans, wildfires are an important environmental force
in many geographic areas, especially places with wet seasons 10,000,000
followed by dry seasons, such as chaparral. Vegetation that
Jeff Schmaltz/NASA
have underground stems and buds. After fire
kills the aboveground parts, the untouched
underground parts send up new sprouts.
Fire-adapted trees such as bur oak and
ponderosa pine have thick, fire-resistant June 14, 2015 September 1, 2015
bark; others, such as jack pine, depend
on fire for successful reproduction because Wildfires burned more than 5 million acres in Alaska in 2015.
the fire’s heat opens the cones and releases These two NASA satellite images show the differences in the
the seeds. Alaskan landscape over two months, when wildfires burned more than
5 million acres. Dark-red areas mark burn scars.
Human interference also affects the
frequency and intensity of wildfires, even when the goal is
fire prevention. When fire is excluded from a fire-adapted partly responsible for the massively destructive fires that have occurred
ecosystem, organic litter accumulates. As a result, when a fire there in recent years. Prescribed burning is an ecological management tool
does occur, it burns hotter and is much more destructive than that allows for controlled burning to reduce organic litter and suppress
ecologically helpful. Decades of fire suppression in the West are fire-sensitive trees in fire-adapted areas.
Summary 155
Human Pig Duck Tuna Moth Yeast
Community Responses to Changing
Conditions over Time: Succession 151
Key Terms
• biome 128 • estuary 146 • standing-water ecosystem 142
• boreal forest 133 • evolution 147 • temperate deciduous forest 135
• chaparral 137 • flowing-water ecosystem 144 • temperate grassland 136
• desert 138 • freshwater wetlands 145 • temperate rain forest 134
• ecological succession 151 • natural selection 148 • tropical rain forest 140
• ecosystem services 145 • savanna 140 • tundra 132
Wet Decreasing precipitation Dry 12. Which biome discussed in this chapter is depicted
by the information in the graph below? Explain your
3. What environmental factors are most important in determining
the kinds of organisms found in aquatic environments?
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