Benefits of Reading

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By Miss Afiqah

e f i t s
B en 1. Strengthens Your Brain
2. Reduces Your Stress
3. Expands Your
The digital era has changed the way we read.
According to a study from the Pew Research
Center, the average American is reading fewer
books than they were forty years ago, with only
31% of the population reading at least one book a
year. This is a 10% decline in overall reading habits.

“Books are a uniquely portable

There are numerous reasons to read a pick
ranging from learning something new, getting an
in-depth perspective on a topic, and simply
enjoying a story for entertainment. Beyond that,
reading is also good for your brain. Here are the
reasons why you should make reading a habit.

“There is no friend as loyal as

a book.”
Your Brain
Reading lights up your entire brain. A 2013 study out of Emory University measured readers MRI scans as they read a book. They
found that the deeper readers went into the story, the more areas of their brain activated. Even more surprisingly, this activity
stayed elevated for several days after participants finished the book. The2more you read, the stronger these complex networks of
activity become.
Researchers believe that reading puts your brain in the body of the protagonist and alters the activity in these areas as a
result.This allows you to process information more efficiently, helping you learn faster. They also found that reading strengthens
your visual and auditory comprehension, particularly if you’re listening to someone read out loud.
Reduces Your
According to a 2009 study conducted at Sussex University, reading reduces your stress levels by up to 68%. In as little as six
minutes of being immersed in a book, your heart rate slows, your blood pressure lowers, and your muscles begin to relax. To enjoy
the long-term benefits of reading, research suggests that thirty minutes2of daily reading dramatically impacts the physical
symptoms of stress. It doesn’t matter what type of book you read including audiobooks as long as you’re able to focus on reading
without interruptions.
Cultivating a daily reading habit can not only help keep you grounded, especially when you’re facing difficult times, it can become
cherished bonding time for you and your children.
Expands Your
In this digital era, it might be easy to believe that you can only get useful information from YouTube videos. But as American writer
and illustrator Tomie dePaola says, “Reading is important because if you can read, you can learn anything about everything and
everything about anything.” A YouTube video can help you understand the2topic, but short videos don’t allow you to swim into the
vast depths of the subject matter.
Books are written from decades of experience, which is impossible to deliver in just a few minutes of video content. Digital sources
of information are useful and might help you get started on your research, but to go beyond the surface and gain profound
knowledge in any subject, you need the expansive knowledge reading brings.

Reading is a habit that can improve your lifespan by reducing your stress, enhancing your mental
health, developing new neural pathways, helping you learn empathy, improving your ability to
communicate, and providing you with healthy entertainment. There may be a lot of new hobbies in
the digital world, but reading is one of the few habits that improve your lifespan. In fifteen to thirty
minutes a day, you can enjoy all of these amazing brain benefits and set you on the path to unlock
your limitless life.

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