A Report On Structural Analysis and Design of Micro Filter /filter Water Separator

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Contract no: NCB/WORKS/NOC/POKHARA-04/2077-78

A report on
Structural analysis and design

Prepared By:
Religare-Samanantar-BNH JV
(August 2024)
List of Figures.........................................................................................................................................3
List of Abbreviations and Symbols.........................................................................................................4
Material properties...............................................................................................................................6
Steel reinforcement...........................................................................................................................6
Structural steel..................................................................................................................................6
Structural analysis and modelling procedures.......................................................................................6
Dead loads:....................................................................................................................................7
Seismic design parameters....................................................................................................................7
Equivalent static method...................................................................................................................7
Response spectrum method..............................................................................................................8
Seismic load calculation.....................................................................................................................8
Load Combinations:...............................................................................................................................9
Structural response:..............................................................................................................................9
Modal analyses:.............................................................................................................................9
Structural parameters check :.............................................................................................................10
Check weight (mass) ratio................................................................................................................10
Check for soil bearing capacity........................................................................................................10
Rebar check from moment calculation............................................................................................12

List of Figures
Figure 1: 3D view of the foundation block for filter water separator...................................................5
Figure 2: horizontal base shear coefficient curves.................................................................................8

List of Abbreviations and Symbols
A g = Gross areas of concrete.
Acc = Core area of concrete.
A st = Area of reinforcement
C d ( T ) = Horizontal base shear coefficient.
C h ( T )=¿ Spectral shape factor
E = Modulus of elasticity
f ck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete
f y = Characteristic yield strength of concrete
H = Height of the structure
I = Importance factor
k = Constant or coefficient or factor
K v =¿vertical subgrade modulus ( K v ¿ equals
Ld = Development length
M u = Ultimate moment
M ulim = Limiting Moment of resistance
M ux = Design moment about xx axis
M uy = Design moment about yy axis
Pb = Axial load corresponding to the condition of maximum compressive strain
Pu = Design axial load for limit state design (factored load)
p = percentage of reinforcement
R = Response reduction factor
Ru=¿Ductility factor
T = Empirical fundamental amplified time period
T1 = Empirical fundamental time period of the structure
V u = Shear force due to factored loads
x u = depth of neutral axis
x u ,lim ¿ ¿ = Limiting value of depth of neutral axis
Z = Seismic zoning factor
α =¿ Spectral shape factor
τ v = Nominal shear
τ bd = Design bond stress
τ c = Shear stress in concrete
τ c, max = Maximum shear stress in concrete with shear reinforcement
Ω s=¿Over-strength factor under serviceability conditions
Ωu =¿Over-strength factor
µ = Poission’s Ratio
γ = Weight per unit volume
ρ = Density

The distribution of aviation fuels from the refinery to the aircraft includes many stages where
various contaminants enter the fuel distribution system. Continuous monitoring of fuel
quality in all areas of use is necessary in order to meet the highest safety requirements.

Filter/Water Separators Filter/water separators intended for use in commercial aviation fuel
(defined as Category C), military aviation fuel (defined as Category M) and military aviation
fuel containing a thermal stability additive (defined as Category M100). A filter/water
separator is a two-stage system designed to remove free water and particulate from fuel at
refineries, terminals, fuel depots, refuellers and hydrant dispensers.

Microfilters Microfilters are designed to be used as prefilters protecting downstream

elements in filter/water separators. Microfilters remove particulate in aviation fuel handling

This report outlines the general methods implemented to analyze and design of Filter Water
Separator foundation(Figure 1). The RCC structure consists of 3d solid element with 8 nodes,
the load on CG of the saddle support parts are modelled as node connected by rigid element
to foundation block, reaching an overall height of approximately 3.1 m from the foundation.

Figure 1: 3D view of the foundation block for filter water separator

Material properties
The material specifications of the structural components of the buildings follow IS 875 (Part
1) [2] and are as follows.

Concrete of M25 (with E=25000 MPa, μ=0.2, and γ =25 kN/m3) has been adopted for grade
all structural components. The sections are assumed as cracked with following reductions to
moments of inertia.

Steel reinforcement
HYSD bars of grade Fe500 [11] (with E=200000 MPa, μ=0.3, and ρ=7850 kg/m3) has
been adopted for the structure.

Structural steel
Indian standard steel sections of grade Fe250 has been adopted herein.

As per IS 2794-1-1969, the soil type is medium soil. The coefficient of elastic uniform
compression (cu) is 5000 t/m3 and coefficient of elastic uniform shear (ce=0.5*cu)=2500
100 points are present in the solid model.

1) vertical
direction 2) Horizontal direction
kz=CuxA kx=CexA
kz= 18750 t/m = 9375 t/m
per node= 187.5 t/m per node= = 93.75 t/m
= 1875 kN/m = 937.5 kN/m

Structural analysis and modelling procedures

A full three-dimensional solid finite element model is created in SAP2000 24. Machine dead
load are assigned at centre of gravity axis with rigid beam connected to the foundation. The
end supports are modelled as spring with vertical and horizontal springs.


Dead loads: The dead loads applied to the structure are distinguished into two components,
i.e. (a) self-weight, and (b) superimposed dead loads. The data are considered from the
catalogue as provided.

Seismic design parameters

The seismic load at ultimate limit and serviceability limit states are adopted as per NBC
105:2020 [1]. Two methods, i.e. (a) equivalent static method, and (b) response spectrum
method, are implemented in the analyses. The structure is of moment resisting frame
configuration. Specific parameters adopted for the structure are:
Seismic zoning factor: 0.3 for Pokhara
Importance factor: 1.00
Soil type: C
Over-strength factor (Ωu ): 1.3
Over-strength factor under serviceability conditions (Ω s): 1.15
Ductility factor ( Ru): 3

Equivalent static method

Height of the structure, H=1.8 m
Empirical fundamental time period of the structure,
3/ 4
T 1=k t H 4 =0.05 ×1.8 =0.0777 seconds
Empirical fundamental amplified time period:
T =1.25 ×T 1=0.0971 seconds
Since T lies below T c =1seconds, the spectral shape factor is thus:
C h ( T )=α=2.5
The horizontal base shear coefficient at ultimate state is then
C (T ) ZI 2.5× 0.3 ×1
Cd (T )= h = =0.192
R μ Ωu 3 ×1.3

Figure 2: horizontal base shear coefficient curves

Similarly, the horizontal base shear coefficient at serviceability state is:

0.2 C h ( T ) ZI 0.2× 2.5× 0.3 ×1
Cd (T )= = =0.13
Ωs 1.15

Response spectrum method

The horizontal base shear coefficient (i.e. C d ( T ) ) curve for ultimate limit state is defined in
ETABS. The C d ( T ) curve is obtained from the following equation:
C (T ) ZI 0.3 ×1.0
Cd (T )= h = C ( T )=0.05 Ch (T )
R μ Ωu 4 ×1.5 h
Similarly, the horizontal base shear coefficient curve for serviceability limit state is defined in
ETABS, using the following equation:
0.2 C h ( T ) ZI 0.2× 0.3× 1
Cd (T )= = C h ( T )=0.048 C h (T )
Ωs 1.25
The response spectrum loads are oriented along the principal axes of the building. Note that
the principal axes correspond to the direction of the first two modal base reactions.

Seismic load calculation

Output case Global Fx ‘kN’ Global Fy ‘kN’ Global Global My

Mx‘kNm’ ‘kNm’
EQx -18.75 4.129E-12 2.877E-09 -43.5654
EQy 1.437E-10 -18.75 43.5654 -6.295E-09

Load Combinations:
Load combinations for seismic case as per NBC 105:2020 are as follows:
foundation DL+machine operationfoundation DL+machine operation+¿−seismic X /Y

DL: dead load (self-weight + super-imposed dead load),
LL: live load,
EL: earthquake load (equivalent static),
RL: earthquake load (response spectrum),
Note that the subscripts x , y , and z denote the direction of applied forces. The earthquake
loads are applied under both serviceability and ultimate conditions.

Structural response:
Modal analyses: The response spectrum method uses Ritz vector modes with accelerations
along x, y and z directions. Sufficient number of mode shapes are taken to ensure mass
participation of at least 90% for translation along all three directions.

period sec ux uy uz sum ux sum uy sum rz

7.538E- 4.236E- 7.538E- 4.236E-
1 0.196627 0.47653 0.47653
05 06 05 06
7.083E- 3.292E- 7.529E-
2 0.162965 0.45485 0.45493 0.4766
05 06 06
1.766E- 3.936E- 1.011E- 7.539E-
3 0.129537 0.45493 0.4766
08 10 08 06
1.221E- 3.557E- 1.349E- 2.103E-
4 0.123589 0.45493 0.4766
10 10 05 05
5.409E- 7.573E-
5 0.059181 0.42982 5.47E-05 0.45498 0.90641
05 05
8.607E- 6.679E-
6 0.057103 0.43486 0.88984 0.9065 0.00014
05 05
9.113E- 6.737E-
7 0.04864 0.96995 0.88993 0.90657 0.97009
05 05
2.531E- 3.075E- 8.904E-
8 0.046456 0.88995 0.9066 0.97009
05 05 07
2.043E- 7.034E-
9 0.036878 0.10329 0.99324 0.90662 0.97016
05 05
1.459E- 2.999E-
10 0.030459 0.09338 0.99324 1 0.97019
06 05
4.336E- 4.353E-
11 0.024238 0.00675 0.99999 1 0.97019
07 07
12 0.022253 3.228E- 2.874E- 0.02973 0.99999 1 0.99992

07 07

Structural parameters check :

Check weight (mass) ratio

total mass of foundation = 5 kN
mass of machine = 31.25 kN
ratio 2.078 okay

Check for soil bearing capacity

Equipment Weight

Item no Description (oper) coordinate moments,kN-m
Wi 'kN' xc yc zc Wi.xc Wi.Yc Wi.Zc

A support 15.625 0.838 0.58 3.1 13.09375 9.0625 48.4375
B support 15.625 1.59 0.58 3.1 24.84375 9.0625 48.4375
31.25 37.9375 18.125 96.875

CG calculation
calculation of CG of foundation system

Item no Description (oper) coordinate moments,kN-m
Wi 'kN' xc yc zc Wi.xc Wi.Yc Wi.Zc
A platform 18.06 1.21 0.750 3.100 21.9248 13.545 55.9860
B base 46.875 1.25 0.75 0.2 58.5938 35.15625 9.3750
64.935 80.5186 48.701 65.3610

(∑WixXc)/ (∑WixYc)/
x= ∑Wi y= ∑Wi z= (∑WixZc)/∑Wi
= 1.2405 0.70515 1.007

calculation of CG of loading system

x= ∑Wi y= (∑WixYc)/∑Wi z= (∑WixZc)/∑Wi
1.214 0.58 3.1

Calculation of CG of combined foundation and loading system

Description Wt (oper) coordinate m
Wi 'kN' xc yc zc Wi.xc Wi.Yc Wi.Zc
liquid) 31.25 1.2140 0.5800 3.1000 37.9375 18.125 96.875
load 64.935 1.23999 0.7500 1.007 80.52 48.70125 65.36
96.185 118.46 66.83 162.236

x= (∑WixXc)/∑Wi y= (∑WixYc)/∑Wi z= (∑WixZc)/∑Wi

1.2318 0.6948 1.687

cg of foundation, x= 1.2405 m y= 0.75 m

cg of combined foundation and

loading system
x= 1.2318 m y= 0.695 m

eccentricity in x 10%
direction = 0.0084 m 0.125 m eccentricity

eccentricity in y 0.075
direction = 0.055 m m

check for SBC:

total mass of foundation = 96.185 kN
mass/area = 25.6493 kN/m2

soil bearing pressure check long term check

long term case

Foundation DL+machine operation
comp(kN/m2)=P/a+Mx/zx+Mz/zz 39.1502

max uplift(kN/m2)==P/a-Mx/zx-
Mz/zz 12.1485

Rebar check from moment calculation

momen moment longitudinal
t (M1) (M2) (kN- shear rebar
load combo Type Direction (kN-m) m) b(mm) d(mm) force(kN),F1 reqd
Wall X 33.8954 860 600 15.075 120.96

Wall Y 33.8954 600 860 15.075 117.6

x foundation
bottom X 38.8796 2500 400 16.5766 1200
operation+eq foundation
y bottom Y 38.8796 1500 400 16.5766 720

[1] NBC 105 (2020): Nepal national building code
[2] IS:875 (Part 1) – (1987) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures, part 1, dead loads – unit weight of building materials and stored
materials (second revision)
[3] IS:875 (Part 2) – (1987) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures, part 2 imposed load (second revision)
[4] IS 456:2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision)
[5] Bowles, J. E. (1988). Foundation analysis and design.
[6] Murthy, V. N. S. (2002). Geotechnical engineering: principles and practices of soil
mechanics and foundation engineering. CRC press.
[7] IS 1893 (Part 1) – (2016) Criteria for earthquake resistant design, part 1, general
provisions and buildings
[8] IS 1893 (Part 2) – (2014) Criteria for earthquake resistant design, part 2, liquid retaining
[9] IS 1893 (Part 3) – (2014) Criteria for earthquake resistant design, part 2, bridges and
retaining walls
[10] SP 7 – (2005) National building code of India
[11] IS 1786 – (2008) High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement
[12] Subramanian, N. (2013). Design of reinforced concrete structures. Oxford University
[13] IS SP 16 – (1980) Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete.
[14] Manual for Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete to the Code of Practice for
Structural Use of Concrete 2013 (Hong Kong Code)

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