30 APR - Department Circular No. 2024-0147
30 APR - Department Circular No. 2024-0147
30 APR - Department Circular No. 2024-0147
No.2024- $4f -_
Pursusffi to Administrative Order No. 2018-0001 titled "Revised Rules and Regulations
Crweraiug tkc ti*rn t$e of Lmd Arfthdanoss snd Alrlbsl*nss $er.vios Providers," *l[ n$r"
institntion-basedlfreestanding tand ambmlancee and amhulsntc servic* praviders {A$Ps} shall
te ilconseO st tir6liealth facilities and $ervices Regulatory Buresu ftffsng}
Howsver, during the Biannu*l Coordination Merting with the HSSRB, Centers for Health
Development-Regulation" Licensing and Enforcerncnt Division (CHD-RLEDs) and Ministry of
Hcaldr-Bungsamorq Auturomous Rsgigr in Muslim ktind+$ao Health &qg$lstion Divition.
0vfOI{-BARftdIvi iiRD) Chicfs heiri iast Mrsir i8-22*2fi24, h was agr€r.d ihat rhe iicensing of
ths tron-iri$titution basedfieestf,fldirng land ambulagcps 4nd ruhbulante sertice Srtvideis shall
be decentnrlized to CHFBJ"EDs.
4. The li0€ttsiag of non-institutio#baseil land aitrbulanccs and A$Pr shalt fullow fie I
guidclines and licffislng proces$ specified in A.O. No.