The Entrepreneurial Mind Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines


Region V (Bicol)
Province of Albay
Libon Community College
Calleja Street Zone 4, Libon, 4507, Albay

First Semester, AY 2024-2025

Course Code: GE ELEC 2 Programs: BTVTED 3

Credit Units: Three (3) Class of Days and Time: Friday 5:30-8:30PM
Saturday 6:30-9:30AM
Pre-requisite/s: None Time Duration: 54 hours
Name of Instructor: AURIEZ L. NIMO


LICOM is an institution of higher learning that will create professional competent, service oriented, principled and productive citizen of the
community and of the country.
The Mission of LICOM is to produce locally and globally competitive graduate imbued with sense of values geared toward research extension
service and production for sustainable development.
Higher institution of learning for service and truth.


Every LICOM College Graduates should:
A. Participate in the various types of employment and developmental activities in response to the needs of the community.
B. Demonstrate competence and integrity in various fields through productive activities and developmental programs geared towards excellence and sustainable


BTVTED UD Program Outcomes

1. Demonstrate through understanding of the development of adolescent learners.
2. Exhibit comprehensive knowledge in various learning areas in the secondary curriculum.
3. Create and utilize appropriate materials and assessment tools to enhance instruction and improve learning outcomes.
4. Design and implement assessment tool and procedures to measure secondary learning outcomes.
5. Manifest enthusiasm and positive attitudes to foster exemplary service to the needs of the community.
6. Show a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.
7. Apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development, educational assessment, and teaching approaches) and;
8. Reflect on the relationships among the teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the content/subject matter and the
other factors affecting educational process in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills, and practices.


Upon completion of this course, students will develop an “Entrepreneurial mind-set”, the underlying beliefs and assumptions that drive the behaviours
that allow entrepreneur to succeed. Specifically, this course will help the students in building their passion of creating their own business. In today’s
global entrepreneurial economy, all members of the society whether self- employed or employed by others will benefit from understanding and
embracing an entrepreneurial mind-set.

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. The students develop sense of responsibility and a trait of a good entrepreneur as well as motivated to set goals and
objectives in creating a business.
2. The students learning at work and to be socially responsible in business organizing then with motivation in creating their
own quality product.
3. The students ascribe self- management and critical thinking in order work positively in a team by creating a business plan
with product.


Materials & Activities

Learning Resources (Source
WEEK Outcome/Objective Topic/Content of Learning Assessme
Materials) Online Offline nt
1  Identify the origin 1. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in Online Advance  Recitation
and nature of 1.1 Entrepreneurship the Philippine discussion: Reading during online
Entrepreneurship contemporary Setting, Winifreda T. Zoom class
 Distinguish newness views with their Asor, Ph.D.; pages 2-  Chapter quiz
from innovation process and 7, 14-17 through
 Enumerate the broad approach Schoology
impact of 1.2 Definition of
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur and
upon the economy Entrepreneurship
 Determine 1.3 Entrepreneurial
contemporary views skills
on Entrepreneurship 1.4 Socio- economic
benefits from
1.5 Attributes,
Qualities and
characteristics of
an Entrepreneur
2  Identify important 2. Appraising yourself Entrepreneurship in Online Homework Presentation of
characteristics or for an the Philippine discussion: their homework
entrepreneurial Entrepreneurial Setting, Winifreda T. Zoom
competencies which Career Asor, Ph.D.; pages
you have to develop 2.1 Assessing your 18- 26
or strengthens personal
 Enumerate guidelines entrepreneurial
that are important in competencies
entrepreneurship 2.2 PEC’s Self Rating
 Identify the tools and Questionnaire
behaviour associated 2.3 Developing
with successful yourself for
entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
3-4  Discuss 3. Search for Business Entrepreneurship in Online  Recitation
entrepreneurial Opportunity, the Philippine discussion: during online
activities in search of Ideation, Innovation Setting, Winifreda T. Zoom class
business and Creativity Asor, Ph.D.; pages  Chapter quiz
opportunities 3.1 Search for 32-39 through
 Describe the concept business Schoology
of ideation, opportunity
innovation and 3.2 Ideation
creativity 3.3 Entrepreneurial
 Discuss the factors to creativity
consider in 3.4 Environmental
evaluating the stimulants for
business potential of creativity
an idea 3.5 The concept and
the impact of
5  Motivate and inspire 4. Entrepreneurship  Entrepreneurship Online Reaction Recitation during
students to be the Trend and Issues in the Philippine discussion: paper on the online class
future entrepreneurs 4.1 Successful Setting, Winifreda Zoom success
 Encourage the entrepreneurs T. Asor, Ph.D.; stories of the
readers to apply the pages 187- 192 entrepreneurs.
theories discuss,  Entrepreneurship,
thereby, providing Feliciano R.
them the opportunity Fajardo; pages
to become self- 221- 228
 Identify the
demonstrated by
 Discuss managerial
skills and practice
exercised by the
7-8  Increase participant’s 5. Business Ownership Entrepreneurship in Online Homework  Recitation
awareness of and Organization the Philippine discussion: (sent through during online
different forms of 5.1 Definition, types Setting, Winifreda T. zoom email/ class
business ownership, and composition Asor, Ph.D. pages messenger)  Chapter Quiz
thereby, allowing of business 76- 83 through
them to choose the organization scoology/
right form of 5.2 Advantages and through email
organization in disadvantages
putting up a new 5.3 General
business requirement and
 Help participants procedures for
analyse the registration,
advantages and dealing with LGU,
disadvantages of other government
each form or and private
organization bodies.
 Provide participants
the legal
requirements of each
type of ownership
and organization
9-10  Define what capital is 6. Financing the Entrepreneurship in zoom Home work  Recitation
and its kinds venture the Philippine (sent through during online
 Enumerate the 6.1 Capital Setting, Winifreda T. email/ class
sources of capital requirements Asor, Ph.D. pages messenger)  Chapter Quiz
 Identify the kinds of 6.2 Source of capital 85- 101 through
source for a type of 6.3 Understanding scoology/
business IPO and process through email
 Define initial public of IPO
offering or IPO and its 6.4 Dealing with
process investment
 Enumerate the risk bankers, risk in
involved in each kind going public and
of source. borrowing from
the banks.
6.5 The C’s of credits
and using
someone else’s
11  Define marketing and 7. Production of Goods Entrepreneurship in Zoom  Recitation
marketing and Services the Philippine conferencing during online
management 7.1 The concept and Setting, Winifreda T. class
 Explain the factors of Asor, Ph.D. pages  Chapter quiz
responsibilities of the production 117- 131
marketing manager 7.2 Cost of production
that is included in 7.3 Making
production and production,
pricing planning and
 Discuss the producing quality
importance of 7.4 How to develop
marketing in an product and
enterprise manage on how
to control
7.5 Marketing
concept and
market research
and need for
marketing plan
7.6 Concept fair
pricing, basic
principles pricing
and pricing
13- 14  Identify the 8. Business Plan Entrepreneurship in Zoom Homework  Recitation
importance of 8.1 Concept of the Philippine conferencing (sample  Quizzes
business planning business plan and Setting, Winifreda T. business plan)
and its advantages, principles of Asor, Ph.D. pages
as well as the step by planning 41- 74
step procedure in 8.2 Stages of
preparing a business business plan and
plan criteria of
 Enumerate the effective planning
factors and other 8.3 Components of
necessities on how to the Business Plan
manage and start a (SWOT Analysis)
business successfully 8.4 Outline of
Business Plan
8.5 Importance and
some rules to
observe in
business plan
8.6 Planning and
organizing in
and financial
8.7 How to register
your Business and
other registering
15  Apply the guidelines 9. Start- up operations, Entrepreneurship in Zoom Reaction  Recitation
in starting up getting started in the Philippine meeting paper about  Quiz
business business Setting, Winifreda T. “Business in
 Determine how to Asor, Ph.D. pages the New
comply with 104- 115 Normal”
 Identify the process
on how to register a
business name
without legal
 Identify sources of
capital and minimize
costs and expenses
at start up stage
 Apply basic
guidelines in getting
started in the
16-17  Discuss the functions 10.Understanding the Entrepreneurship in Zoom  Recitation
of a financial basics of accounting the Philippine meeting  Quiz
manage, uses and and finance, financial Setting, Winifreda T.
sources of funds, the management Asor, Ph.D. pages
rules of sound 133- 165
financing and
financial record
 Be acknowledgeable
in the analysis of the
financial statement,
budgeting and cash
management, and
some of the reasons
why business fails.
17  Explain to the 11.Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in Zoom Essay sent  Recitation
entrepreneur social Social Responsibility the Philippine meeting through  Quiz
responsibility to his and Business Ethics Setting, Winifreda T. email/
customers, suppliers, 11.1 Historical Asor, Ph.D. pages messenger
stockholders, fellow development and 166- 178
businessmen, theories of social
government, to the responsibility
community and to his 11.2 Social
employees Responsibility to
 Discuss such consumers,
business relationship community and other
measured by social responsibilities
fairness, honesty and
 Explain the rights of
consumers, creations
of jobs and business

VII. Course Requirements

Type of Requirements Specific Requirements Due Date
Tests and Examinations Midterm Examination
Final Examination
Written Work Worksheet Problem Solving compilation Every after class
Performance Preventive Maintenance, Lesson Plan Before Final Examination
Portfolio Compilation of outputs Before Midterm Examination &
Final Examination

VIII. Grading System

System of Computing Grades:
For Mid-term and Tentative Grade
Computation for Final Grade
1. Attendance 5% Final Grade = (Midterm Grade) + (Tentative Grade)/2
2. Character 10%
3. Written Test 20%
4. Performance 40%
5. Midterm and Final Examination 25%
IX. References/Bibliography
1. Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Setting, Winifreda T. Asor, Ph.D.
2. Entrepreneurship, Feliciano R. Fajardo
X. Classroom Management
Students in this course are expected to:
1. Take and pass all short/long quizzes, prelim, midterm and final examinations and subject requirements/project.
2. Participate actively in online classes and accomplish activities in the learning module on time.
3. Attend class punctually and regularly.
4. Student who has been absent for at least 20% of the hours of recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled in the subject for the semester or any
academic period shall be automatically dropped from the class.
5. If the student is late for 15 minutes, the student will be allowed attending classes but will marked absent. If he/she arrives during any portion of the
first 15 minutes he/she will be marked late. Three tardiness, is equivalent to one absent.
6. Observe honesty and independence during recitation, examinations or quizzes. Any student caught to be dishonest will be dealt with accordingly
based on the College policies.
7. Act & speak decently and appropriately; pin their ID’s and wear proper uniform during uniform days as prescribed by the College and proper attire
during wash days (Wednesday).
8. Make up for missed exams voluntarily. However, only those who have reasonable cause will be granted special examination. This will depend on
whether the students will be able to submit properly filled up admission slip from the DEAN’S office, Medical Certificate or Authorized letter from
9. Communicate to the Instructor concerned, any difficulties encountered in the subject for necessary assistance.
10. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the room/laboratory room.
Prepared by:


College Dean

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