Flea Beetle Kansas Crop Pests - MF2832

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K a n s a s C r o p P e s t s

Flea Beetle
In Kansas, various species of flea beetles can affect wheat in host plants. Eggs hatch in
early spring plus seedling corn or sorghum. An occasional about 10 days, then larvae
pest, populations of four or more flea beetles per plant may feed on the root system
kill young corn or sorghum plants, especially during poor for 3 to 4 weeks. Mature
growing conditions. They also may transmit Stewart’s bacte- larvae form earthen cells
rial wilt in corn, but this is uncommon in Kansas. and pupate for about
2 weeks. Adults emerge
Description in early to mid-July and
Adult flea beetles are shiny black, 2 to 3 mm feed late into the fall
long, with enlarged hind legs (Figure 1). before overwintering.
They are known for their jumping ability, Depending on the species,
thus the name “flea” beetle. Females lay flea beetles produce one Figure 3
Figure 1
oblong, whitish eggs approximately 0.46 or two generations per
mm long. Larvae are milky white, cylindrical, segmented, year (Figure 2).
with three pairs of legs near the brown head capsule. They
grow to a length of about 6 to 7 mm. Pupae are soft-bodied, Damage
white, and about 4 mm long. Feeding damage caused
by flea beetle larvae has
Life cycle not been quantified.
In Kansas, flea beetles overwinter as adults beneath leaf Significant adult popula-
litter and plant debris or in clumps of weeds or other tions (four or more beetles
vegetation. When spring temperatures reach 50 to 55 per plant at the two-leaf
degrees Fahrenheit, flea beetles feed on various plants and stage) can rapidly destroy
weeds until their preferred host becomes available, then corn or sorghum seedlings Figure 4
feed voraciously for several days. Depending on the species, by stripping the upper leaf surface that protects against
mated females deposit eggs singly or in groups of three or desiccation and leaf death (Figure 3). Occasionally, flea
four in the upper 5 inches of soil adjacent to the roots of beetles have been a problem in early spring wheat when it
breaks dormancy. Damaged plants have long, narrow, whit-
ish streaks on the upper leaf surfaces followed by a brown,
dried appearance (Figure 4). Infestations in wheat are
often limited to field borders adjacent to corn or sorghum
Flea beetles may carry the bacterium, Erwinia stewartii
(Pantoea stewartii) that causes Stewart bacterial wilt, and
occasionally transmit this infection to corn. The bacterium
is harbored in the gut and released with excrement where
it may enter the plant via feeding wounds. Plants infested
with Stewart’s wilt often have numerous irregular lesions
around flea beetle feeding sites.

Management options
Field corn, forage sorghum or weedy borders provide refuge
for summer flea beetle populations that can migrate to
newly emerged, fall-seeded wheat plants as well as overwin-
tered wheat as it emerges from winter dormancy. Injury to
corn and sorghum is more likely to occur if beetles are pres-
Figure 2 ent as seedlings emerge. Populations of four to five beetles

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
per plant can kill seedlings. But, if the growing point is not Foliar treatment: Foliar insecticides provide good control
killed and growing conditions are favorable, plants should and are recommended in corn and sorghum if the action
recover with little effect on yields. Because damage is often threshold (four or more beetles per plant) is reached. Foliar
localized along a field border, insecticide treatment of only insecticides used to control armyworms, grasshoppers, and
the affected rows may be sufficient to control populations. other pests on wheat also reduce flea beetle populations.
Seed treatment: Seed treated with systemic insecticides
containing the active ingredients thiamethoxam or imida- Photo Credits
cloprid provide reasonable protection against flea beetle Figure 1. Photograph courtesy of USDA, APHIS.
injury in corn and sorghum. Unless flea beetles are a recur-
ring problem or there is another con­trollable threat, seed Figure 2. Kansas State University
treatments are not warranted for flea beetles alone. Dept. of Communications
Soil insecticide: Nonsystemic insecticides applied as Figure 3. Marlin Rice, Iowa State University
planting-time soil treatment seed protectants against other Figure 4. Phil Sloderbeck, Kansas State University
early season pests in corn and sorghum are not effective
against flea beetles, which do not feed on seeds.

R. Jeff Whitworth

Aqeel Ahmad

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Publications from Kansas State University are available at www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu.
Contents of this publication may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved.
In each case, credit R. Jeff Whitworth and Aqeel Ahmad, Flea Beetle, Kansas State University, June 2022.

Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
MF2832 June 2022
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May
8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director of K-State Research and Extension, Kansas State University,
County Extension Councils, Extension Districts.

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