Kami Export - Differentiability Questions

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x2 +sin x

If f (X) (X + [X 3 + 11) , find the derivative when

x e (1, 3/2) and indicate the points where it does not
exists. (where [. ] denotes the greatest integer function)
Discuss the continuity on 0 x 1 and
differentiability at x = 0 for the function.

1 1
f(x) = x . sin — sin where x 0, x l/rtt
x. sin

andf(0) J(l/rn)
x 2 sgn [x] + {x}, x<2
If f (x) = comment on
sinx+ x—31, 2 S x < 4

the continuity and differentiability off(x) at x = 1,2

4 4
5 5
x lix
(a) Let f(x) 4 4
5 5


If a then

is less than or
(2)2x —16
equal to
(b) Iff(x) [2 +5 Inl sin x]; where n e Z has exactly
19 points of non-differentiability in

(0, it), then the possible Values of n are ([.] is gint

(c) IfJ(x)

sin-I (l —

gsin-l (l — (l —
is continuous at x 0, then the value of

sin 1 + cos is ({.} denotes fractional part


(d) If , then the number of points


in R at which g(x) = is non-



differentiable is


(r) 3

(t) 2
Let h(x) ; +(x) = (x— ; v(x) = 2x(l —x)
Supposef(x) max. {h(x), (x), v(x)} ; 0 Sx 1

and g(x) min. {h(x), v(x)} SxS 1

; 0
Further letf(x + l) —J(x) and g(x + 2) — g(x);
g(—x) = g(x) Y x e R.
On the above given information answer the
following questions.

For x e [0, 2), y —L [g(x)] is discontinuous (where []

stands for gint function) at

(a) 1 point (b) 2 points

(c) 3 points (d) 4 points

The least value of 'a' for which f(x) a + g(x) has

exactly one solution in [0, 2] is

(a) 1/2

For x e (—1, 1) which of the following is/are true?

(a) f is non-differentiable at 5 points but g is non-

differentiable at 2 points.
(b) f is non-differentiable at 7 points but g is non-
differentiable at 2 points.

(c) J(x) + g(x) is non-differentiable at 7 points.

(d) J(x) + g(x) is non-differentiable at 9 points.

Which of the following is/are true?

(a) j(x) g(x) 'is non-differentiable at x = 0,—

g(x) is non-differentiable at
x = —t
32' 3
(c) j(x) . g(x) is non-differentiable at x = 0, x I

g(x) is differentiable at each integer x.

Let J(x) be defined in the interval [—2, 2], such that
-1 ; -2<xso
f(x) -

and g(x) + Test the differentiability of

g (x) in [—2, 2].
If f (x) = II x —l
I I , then draw the graph off(x) and

foJ(x) and also discuss their continuity and differentia-

bility. Also find derivative of (fof)2 at x = 3/2.
LetJ(x) be a function defined on (—a, a) with a > 0.

Asumme that J(x) is continuous at x 0 and

Lim = a where k e
, (0, l), then compute

f'(0 ) andf'(0-), and comment upon the differentiability

offatx = 0.
Discuss the continuity and differentiability
of the function y f(x) defined parametrically;
II and y 2t2 + tlt
Let f: R R satisfying x2, for all x e R, then
show thatf(x) is differentiable at x= 0.
Let f(x) maximum {4, I + x2, x2 l} for all
x e R. Then find the total number of points,
wheref(x) is not differentiable.
If f(x) and

min. {f (t) :

g(x)= max.{f(t) :


(a) Draw the graph ofj(x) and discuss its continuity

and differentiability.

(b) Find and draw the graph ofg(x). Also discuss the
continuity and differentiability.
Let f(x) x4 8x3 + 22x2 24x and
min f x<t< Sx< I
x —10; x>I

the continuity and differentiability of g(x) in [—1, n).

Let f be a one-one function such that
+2 = f(x) + f(y) + f(xy)

for all x, y e R {0} and f(0) —l, f

Prove that 3 f(x)dx -x(f(x) + 2) is constant.
Let f: R R, such that f' (0) I andf(x + 2y)
J(x) +f(2y) + ex 2y (x + 2y) xer 2ye2y + 4xy, V x,

y e R. Findf(x).
Given functionf(x) defined for all real x, and is such
that f (x + h) —f(x) < 6/12 for all real h and x. Show that
J(x) is constant
Let f: R R be a differentiable function satisfying

Vx,y e and

f' (2) = 2, then answer the following questions:

The range ofg(x) f— is

(d) None of these

The function h(x) = If(lxl) 41 is

(a) non-differentiable and discontinuous at

(b) differentiable for all real numbers

(c) non-differentiable but continuous at —1, 0, 1

(d) non-differentiable only at —1 and I

If g(x) = x4 —J(lxl) 2 — 6 ; then the value Of

where k denotes the solution as well as number of
solutions of equation g(x) 0 is

(c) 55 (d) None of these

Area bounded by the graph of relation lyl h(x);

x = —2 and; where h(x) = l/(lxl) —41 is
(a) 6 square units (b) 10 sq.units
(c) 8 sq units (d) none of these
Let g(x) be a periodic function defined in the interval
[0, 2] as g(x) 1/2. Let h(x) be a periodic
function with period 2 defined as h(x) g(x) +
sin ax
Further define a composite function y(x) = j(g(x))
such thatf(x) satisfies the functional equation
f(mx + ny) and

-tn2f(O) .

Based on the above information answer the

following questions?

The value of lim dx is

The range of y(x) is given by

1/2 1/2
(b) [2 21/2]

If the value of f v(x) dx does not depend upon 'a',

then b can be

(a) 1

(d) None of these

Number of points where f(x) and g(x) intersect in

If y(x) <J(x), then x must belong to

(b) (1/4, n)
(C) (1/2, T) (d) 1/2)


The value of I g(x)l dx is


(a) 20 sq. units (b) 40 sq. units

(c) 10 sq. units (d) None of these

Let f be a continuous function on R. If
(cosen )5-n2 + , then findf(0).
f(51 )
There is no polynomial function f such that
f(x + y) =f(x) + yf(/(x)) " x, y e R
f (x) =flJ(x)). Iffis of degree n, then the equation
n — I = n2 has no positive integer solution
A functionf(x) having the following properties
(i) f(x) is continuous except at x 3
(ii) J(x) is differentiable except at x —2 and x = 3
(iii) f(0) = 0, lim f (x) = 3, lim f (x) = 0
(iv) f '(x) > 0 V x e (-m ,2) u (3,Ø) and f '(x) 0 V
f "(x) > 0 Vx e (—n , —2) u (—2,0) and f" (x) <
0 Yx e (0,3) u (3,T), then answer the following
Maximum possible number of solutions ofJ(x) = IXI is

Graph of function y is

(a) differentiable for all x, if f '(0) — 0

(b) continuous but not differentiable at two points , if

(c) continuous but not differentiable at one points if

(d) discontinuous at two points if f (0) = 0

J(x) + 3 x = 0 has five solutions if

(b) f'(0) < -3 andf(-2) > 6

(d) f' (0) > -3 andf(-2) > 6

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