Grade 9 Week 3-4 Lesson Plan

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Reading and Analysing - Time: 2 Weeks (12 Hours)

Grade 9, Term 3, Weeks 3 and English Home Language
Summary of the unit
This unit uses various media sources to teach, practice, and
consolidate various language, comprehension, writing, and
communication skills.
Lesson Pack Outline (To be taught in this order)

01. Listening and Speaking

Worksheet video comprehension –‘How to
Conduct Research’. Lesson – ‘How to Conduct
02. Reading and Viewing
Reading Comprehension
Worksheet – reading comprehension - ‘What is a
03. Writing and Presenting
Create a graphic organiser.
Worksheet – graphic organiser writing
activity OR Video lesson – graphic
organiser writing activity.
04. Language Structures and Conventions
Worksheet - language structures and conventions –‘Today’s
Exhausted Superkids’. Video lesson - language structures and
conventions activities –‘Today’s Exhausted Superkids’. OR a
worksheet lesson
Curriculum Reference
Curriculum Standards (CAPS) English Home Language, Senior Phase,
Grade 9, Term 3
Skill CAPS Requirements Activities
Listening 01. Listening and speaking 01. Listening
and strategies Listen to and Comprehension
Speakin participate in a discussion on the –
g (1½ project • How to
Hours) Topics/ driving questions/ Conduct
hypotheses to be discussed (led Research
by teacher) Worksheet.
• Discuss effective research
techniques that support the How to Conduct
topic/driving question/ Research Lesson.
• Listen to and take notes on
information about the project.
• Ask and answer questions for
clarity on the research to be
Reading 02. Read for information based 02. Reading
and on the topics and genres selected comprehensi
Viewing Select relevant information from on –
(4 hours) research (to be provided by the • Drama - The
teacher or brought to school from Dragon's
home). Gambit
Reading strategies
• Skimming
• Scanning
• Visualisation
• Intensive reading
• Making inferences
• Meaning of new words/ phrases
• Viewpoint of writer
• Fact and opinion
• Implied meaning
Compile a bibliography of the
resources used

Reading for
comprehension and
reading strategies
Visual texts
• Skimming for main ideas.
• Scanning for supporting details.
• Making predictions.
• Inferring the meaning of
• words and images.
• Reviewing to promote
• Effect of selections and
• on meaning.
• Effect of figurative and
• devices.
• Impact of visual techniques.
• Synthesising selected
information into a graphic.
organiser, mind map or
Reading process
• Pre-reading (Introduce text)
• During reading (Features of
• Reading (Answer questions,
compare, contrast, evaluate)
Writing 02. Use different types of graphic 03. Create a graphic
and organisers, e.g. tree maps/ organiser
Presenti storyboards, etc. to structure the • Create a
ng (4 research findings of the project graphic
Hours) organiser
Focus on process worksheet.
• Select relevant information. • Create a graphic
• Write it in your own words. organiser video
• Select the appropriate lesson.
organiser for the type of text
to be produced.
• Use correct language
structures and conventions.
• Each text will determine the
appropriate language to be
used for the project.
Languag 04. Reinforcement of language 04. Language
e structures and conventions structures and
Structur covered in previous weeks conventions
es and Article – Today’s Exhausted • Worksheet
Conventi Superkids • Video lesson OR
ons • Adjectives quizzes
(2½ • Direct and indirect speech
Hours) • Tenses
• Active and passive voice
• Clauses and phrases
• Synonyms and antonyms
• Homophones and homonyms
Educator preparation necessary for the unit

• ∙ The teacher should familiarise themselves with:

o The information – How to conduct research.
o The information – What is a bibliography?
o The information – What are graphic organisers?
o The article – Today’s Exhausted Superkids.
• The teacher must read through the activities and familiarise
themselves with the included information and content.
• Look at vocabulary and where possible, include explanations of new
• Consolidate vocabulary often to ensure understanding.
• Identify learners who may need remediation and plan accordingly.
• Identify learners who would benefit from extension activities and
plan accordingly.
1. Information – How to conduct research.
2. Information – What is a bibliography?
3. Information – What are graphic organisers?
4. The article – Today’s Exhausted Superkids.
Informal Assessment
Assessment in this unit is meant to be used as a baseline assessment
intended to monitor and assess the learner's progress during this unit.
It should be used to ascertain whether the learner has successfully met
the outcomes associated with the specific skills or not. Rubrics and
memoranda have been provided for each activity outlined in this
section. Please make use of the rating scale provided.
Rating Scale
Rating Code Description of competence
7 Outstanding Achievement
6 Meritorious Achievement
5 Substantial Achievement
4 Adequate Achievement
3 Moderate Achievement
2 Elementary Achievement
1 Not Achieved

Learning activities and how to teach them:

01. Listening and Speaking
Activity: Listening
Comprehension How to
conduct research.

0. Teacher-led discussion based on research and how to conduct research.

a. Allow learners to contribute their thoughts, knowledge, and questions.

b. Teacher to ask leading questions.


c. Present learners with the questions either in hardcopy or on the board.

d. If on the board, allow the learners to take down the questions before
e. Allow learners to contribute thoughts, opinions, and feelings.

f. Read through the questions with the learners.

g. Allow learners to take notes while listening.

h. Remind learners to pay attention to mark allocation and what the

questions are asking – list, define, discuss, etc.

i. Learners to answer questions using full sentences and detail.

j. Once the learners have completed the questions, the educator can
assess the learner’s work or learners may self-assess by using the memo
or rubric.

02. Reading and Viewing

Activity: Reading
Read information – What is a bibliography?

0. Teacher-led discussion based around the concept of a bibliography.

a. Allow learners to contribute their thoughts, knowledge and questions.

b. Teacher to ask leading questions.


c. Present learners with the questions either in hardcopy or on the board.

d. If on the board, allow the learners to take down the questions before

e. Allow learners to contribute thoughts, opinions and feelings.

f. Read the information to the learners.

g. Allow learners to read sections of the information aloud to the class.

h. Read through the questions with the learners.

i. Learners to read through the contract a second time.

j. Remind learners to pay attention to mark allocation and what the

questions are asking – list, define, discuss etc.

k. Learners to answer questions using full sentences and detail.

l. Once the learners have completed the questions, the educator can
assess the learner’s work or learners may self-assess by using the
memo or rubric.

03. Writing and Presenting

Activity: Writing related to research project
Create a graphic organiser

0. Teacher-led discussion based on what a graphic organiser is, the

structure of a graphic organiser and recap the writing process.

a. Teacher to elaborate on graphic organisers by providing examples

of the different kinds of graphic organisers.

b. Allow learners to contribute their thoughts, knowledge and questions.

c. Teacher to ask leading questions.


d. Present learners with the writing task either in hardcopy or on the


e. If on the board, allow the learners to take down the criteria before

f. Allow learners to contribute thoughts, opinions and feelings.

g. Read through the graphic organiser structure with the learners.

h. Learners to read through the structure a second time.

i. Read through the marking rubric with the learners.

j. Remind learners to utilise the writing process – brainstorm, rough

draft, re-draft, neat draft and extra resources.

k. Stress the importance of learners referring to the rubric

throughout their writing process as well as before submitting
their final, neat draft.

l. Educator to assess learners’ writing using the rubric provided.

04. Language Structures and Conventions

Activity: Language structures and conventions activity worksheet
Revise essential vocabulary such as:
0. Adjectives

a. Direct speech

b. indirect speech

c. Synonyms

d. Active and passive voice

e. Antonyms

f. Homophones

g. Homonyms

h. Present learners with the activity either in hardcopy or on the board.

i. If on the board, allow the learners to take down the questions before

j. Allow learners to contribute thoughts, opinions and feelings.

k. Read through the article ’Today’s Exhausted Superkids’‘ and

associated questions with the learners.

l. Learners to read through the extract and questions a second time.

m.Remind learners to refer to their mark allocation.

n. When complete, educator may assess the activity or learners may

self-assess using the memo provided.
Question 1: Adjectives

o. Learners must decide which type of adjective has been underlined

in the sentences provided – either descriptive, quantitative or proper.
Question 2: Direct and Indirect Speech

p. Learners must change the direct speech sentence to indirect speech

and vice versa.
Questions 3: Tenses

q. Learners must use the table provided to change the given sentences
to the required tense.
Question 4: Active and Passive Voice

r. Learners must convert the sentence from active to passive voice

and then convert a second sentence from passive voice to active
Question 5: Synonyms and Antonyms

s. Learners must provide antonyms and synonyms for the words provided.
Question 6: Homophones and Homonyms

t. Learners must discuss the meanings of the provided homophones and


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