"There [in Dvaraka] the almighty Lord Krishna How does the Absolute Truth manifest?
resides in the company of His three plenary ex- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
pansions Balarama, Aniruddha and Pradyumna
and His potency Rukmini." The Kåñëa-sandarbha The Absolute Truth manifests in five ways:
goes on to explain, with reference to the present as parä tattva, vyüha, vaibhava, antaryämé, and
verse of the Çrémad-Bhägavatam, that "the Cu- arcä. Each of these is the worshipable Lord.
pid whom Rudra burned up with his anger is Apart from these manifestations, everything
a demigod subordinate to Indra. This demigod and everyone else is in the servant category. The
Cupid is a partial manifestation of the prototype Lord accepts offerings from His servants, and
Cupid, Pradyumna, who is a plenary expansion each of these five manifestations of the Lord
of Vasudeva. The demigod Cupid, being unable reciprocates with His own servants. There is no
to attain a new body on his own, entered within meaning to being dominant if there is no ser-
the body of Pradyumna. Otherwise Cupid would vant to dominate. Therefore each manifestation
have had to remain in a perpetual state of disem- of the Absolute Truth has His own servants.
bodiment, a result of Rudra's having incinerated When one begins Deity worship, one uses
him with his anger." particular ingredients. Then one worships the
In his English rendering of the Çrémad-Bhägava- Supersoul in the mind. Then, one worships the
tam (1.14.30 purport), Srila Prabhupada confirms Lord’s vaibhava incarnations. For example, one
the absolute status of Pradyumna, Lord Krishna's may worship Lord Rama. Sri Rama appeared with
first son: "Pradyumna and Aniruddha are also His servants, especially Hanuman and Sugriva.
expansions of the Personality of Godhead, and One should worship the vaibhava incarnations
thus They are also viñëu-tattva. At Dvaraka Lord only as They appear before Their servants. After
Vasudeva is engaged in His transcendental pas-