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Çré Ñat-tilä Ekädaçé Issue no: 251 25th January 2025

Becoming Determined and Courageous

Paundraka, the False Vasudeva Types of Cultivation Of Hearing
Srila Shukadeva Gosvami Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Importance of Hearing How Can We Become Determined

Disciples of His Divine Grace and Courageous?
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura
Issue no 251, Page — 2 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
Paundraka, the False Vasudeva such as the conchshell, disc, sword and club, and
Srila Shukadeva Gosvami also an imitation Sharnga bow and Srivatsa mark.
He wore a mock Kaustubha gem, was decorated
Shukadeva Gosvami said: O King, while Lord with a garland of forest flowers and was dressed
Balarama was away visiting Nanda’s village of Vra- in upper and lower garments of fine yellow silk.
ja, the ruler of Karusha, foolishly thinking “I am His banner bore the image of Garuda, and he wore
the Supreme Lord, Vasudeva,” sent a messenger a valuable crown and gleaming, shark-shaped
to Lord Krishna. Paundraka was emboldened by earrings. Lord Hari laughed heartily when He
the flattery of childish men, who told him, “You saw how the King had dressed up in exact imi-
are Vasudeva, the Supreme Lord and master of the tation of His own appearance, just like an actor
universe, who have now descended to the earth.” onstage. The enemies of Lord Hari attacked Him
Thus he imagined himself to be the infallible with tridents, clubs, bludgeons, pikes, rshtis,
Personality of Godhead. Thus slow-witted King
Paundraka sent a messenger to the inscrutable barbed darts, lances, swords, axes and arrows.
Lord Krishna at Dvaraka. Paundraka was acting But Lord Krishna fiercely struck back at the army
just like an unintelligent child whom other chil- of Paundraka and Kashiraja, which consisted of
dren are pretending is a king. Arriving in Dvaraka, elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry. The Lord
the messenger found lotus-eyed Krishna in His tormented His enemies with His club, sword,
royal assembly and relayed the King’s message to Sudarshana disc and arrows, just as the fire of an-
that almighty Lord. nihilation torments the various kinds of creatures
[On Paundraka’s behalf, the messenger said:] I at the end of a cosmic age. The battlefield, strewn
am the one and only Lord Vasudeva, and there is with the dismembered chariots, horses, elephants,
no other. It is I who have descended to this world humans, mules and camels that had been cut to
to show mercy to the living beings. Therefore, pieces by the Lord’s disc weapon, shone like the
give up Your false name. O Satvata, give up my gruesome playground of Lord Bhutapati, giving
personal symbols, which out of foolishness You pleasure to the wise.
now carry, and come to me for shelter. If You do [Lord Krishna then addressed Paundraka:]
not, then You must give me battle. My dear Paundraka, the very weapons you spoke
Shukadeva Gosvami said: King Ugrasena and of through your messenger, I now release unto
the other members of the assembly laughed loudly you. O fool, now I shall make you renounce My
when they heard this vain boasting of unintelli- name, which you have falsely assumed. And I
gent Paundraka. The Personality of Godhead, will certainly take shelter of you if I do not wish
after enjoying the jokes of the assembly, told the to fight you. Having thus derided Paundraka,
messenger [to relay a message to his master:] “You Lord Krishna destroyed his chariot with His
fool, I will indeed let loose the weapons you boast sharp arrows. The Lord then cut off his head with
of in this way. “When you lie dead, O fool, your the Sudarshana disc, just as Lord Indra lops off
face covered by vultures, herons and vata birds, a mountain peak with his thunderbolt weapon.
you will become the shelter of dogs.” When the
Lord had thus spoken, the messenger conveyed With His arrows, Lord Krishna similarly severed
His insulting reply to his master in its entirety. Kashiraja’s head from his body, sending it flying
Lord Krishna then mounted His chariot and went into Kashi city like a lotus flower thrown by the
to the vicinity of Kashi. wind. Having thus killed envious Paundraka and
Upon observing Lord Krishna’s preparations his ally, Lord Krishna returned to Dvaraka. As He
for battle, the mighty warrior Paundraka quickly entered the city, the Siddhas of heaven chanted
went out of the city with two full military divi- His immortal, nectarean glories. By constantly
sions. Paundraka’s friend, the King of Kashi, fol- meditating upon the Supreme Lord, Paundraka
lowed behind, O King, leading the rear guard with shattered all his material bonds. Indeed, by im-
three akñauhiëé divisions. Lord Krishna saw that itating Lord Krishna’s appearance, O King, he
Paundraka was carrying the Lord’s own insignia, ultimately became Krishna conscious.

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 251, Page—3
Seeing a head decorated with earrings lying at the shelter simply laughed and told them, “Do not
gate of the royal palace, the people present were fear; I shall protect you.”
puzzled. Some of them asked, “What is this?” and The almighty Lord, the internal and external
others said, “It is a head, but whose is it?” My dear witness of all, understood that the monster had
King, when they recognized it as the head of their been produced by Lord Shiva from the sacrificial
King the lord of Kashi, his queens, sons and other fire. To defeat the demon, Krishna dispatched His
relatives, along with all the citizens of the city, disc weapon, who was waiting at His side. That
began to cry pitifully: “Alas, we are killed! O my Sudarshana, the disc weapon of Lord Mukunda,
lord, my lord!” After the King’s son Sudakshina blazed forth like millions of suns. His effulgence
had performed the obligatory funeral rituals for his blazed like the fire of universal annihilation, and
father, he resolved within his mind: “Only by kill- with his heat he pained the sky, all the directions,
ing my father’s murderer can I avenge his death.” heaven and earth, and also the fiery demon. Frus-
Thus the charitable Sudakshina, together with his trated by the power of Lord Krishna’s weapon, O
priests, began worshiping Lord Maheshvara with King, the fiery creature produced by black magic
great attention. Satisfied by the worship, the pow- turned his face away and retreated. Created for
erful Lord Shiva appeared in the sacred precinct violence, the demon then returned to Varanasi,
of Avimukta and offered Sudakshina his choice of where he surrounded the city and then burned
benedictions. The prince chose as his benediction Sudakshina and his priests to death, even though
a means to slay his father’s killer. Lord Shiva told Sudakshina was his creator. Lord Vishnu’s disc also
him, “Accompanied by brahmanas, serve the Dak- entered Varanasi, in pursuit of the fiery demon, and
shinagni firethe original priestfollowing the injunc- proceeded to burn the city to the ground, includ-
tions of the abhicära ritual. Then the Dakshinagni ing all its assembly halls and residential palaces
fire, together with many Pramathas, will fulfill your with raised porches, its numerous marketplaces,
desire if you direct it against someone inimical to gateways, watchtowers, warehouses and treasuries,
the brahmanas.” So instructed, Sudakshina strict- and all the buildings housing elephants, horses,
ly observed the ritualistic vows and invoked the chariots and grains. After burning down the entire
abhicära against Lord Krishna. Thereupon the fire city of Varanasi, Lord Vishnu’s Sudarshana cakra
rose up out of the altar pit, assuming the form of returned to the side of Sri Krishna, whose actions
an extremely fearsome, naked person. The fiery are effortless.
creature’s beard and tuft of hair were like molten Any mortal who recounts this heroic pastime of
copper, and his eyes emitted blazing hot cinders. Lord Uttamashloka, or who simply hears it atten-
His face looked most frightful with its fangs and tively, will become freed from all sins.
terrible arched and furrowed brows. As he licked — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
the corners of his mouth with his tongue, the de- Bonum » Chapter 65 » Verses 1-3 » The Supreme Personality of Godhead
mon shook his flaming trident. On legs as tall as » By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada
palm trees, the monster raced toward Dvaraka in
the company of ghostly spirits, shaking the ground Importance of Hearing
and burning the world in all directions. Seeing Disciples of His Divine Grace
the approach of the fiery demon created by the A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada
abhicära ritual, the residents of Dvaraka were all
struck with fear, like animals terrified by a forest The bhakti-yoga process is practiced by the dev-
fire. Distraught with fear, the people cried out to otees in different methods like hearing, chanting,
the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who was remembering, serving the lotus feet of the Lord,
then playing at dice in the royal court: “Save us! worshiping, praying, rendering service in love,
Save us, O Lord of the three worlds, from this fire becoming friendly, and offering all that one may
burning up the city!” When Lord Krishna heard possess. All nine methods are bona fide methods,
the people’s agitation and saw that even His own and either all of them, some of them or even one
men were disturbed, that most worthy giver of of them can bring about the desired result for the
sincere devotee. But out of all the nine different

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Issue no 251, Page — 4 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
Top left 4

methods, the first one, namely hearing, is the most society gives itself to the process of hearing the
important function in the process of bhakti-yoga. Vedic literature, it will not become a victim to the
Without hearing sufficiently and properly, no impious sounds vibrated by impious men who
one can make any progress by any of the other degrade the standards of the total society.
methods of practice. And for hearing only, all the Hearing is solidified by the process of chanting.
Vedic literatures are there, compiled by autho- One who has perfectly heard from the perfect
rized persons like Vyasadeva, who is a powerful source becomes convinced about the all-pervad-
incarnation of Godhead. And since it has been ing Personality of Godhead and thus becomes
ascertained that the Lord is the Supersoul of every- enthusiastic in glorifying the Lord. All the great
thing, He should therefore be heard and glorified acharyas, like Ramanuja, Madhva, Chaitanya,
everywhere and always. That is the special duty Sarasvati Thakura or even, in other countries,
of the human being. Muhammad, Christ and others, have all exten-
When the human being gives up the process sively glorified the Lord by chanting always and
of hearing about the all-pervading Personality of in every place. Because the Lord is all-pervading,
Godhead, he becomes a victim of hearing rubbish it is essential to glorify Him always and every-
transmitted by man-made machines. Machinery where. In the process of glorifying the Lord there
is not bad, because through the machine one can should be no restriction of time and space. This
take advantage of hearing about the Lord, but is called sanätana-dharma or bhägavata-dharma.
because machinery is used for ulterior purposes, Sanätana means eternal, always and everywhere.
it is creating rapid degradation in the standard of Bhägavata means pertaining to Bhagavän, the
human civilization. It is said here that it is incum- Lord. The Lord is the master of all time and all
bent upon the human beings to hear about the space, and therefore the Lord's holy name must
Lord, and scriptures like the Bhagavad-gétä and be heard, glorified and remembered everywhere
Çrémad-Bhägavatam are made for that purpose. in the world. That will bring about the desired
Living beings other than human beings have no peace and prosperity so eagerly awaited by the
ability to hear such Vedic literatures. If human people of the world. The word ca includes all the

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 251, Page—5
remaining processes or methods of bhakti-yoga, as qualities and pastimes of Krishna. The second
mentioned above. stage is one hears Krishna’s holy names etc., from
— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 2 The Cosmic the mouths of the spiritual master and the Vaish-
Manifestation » Chapter 2 » Verse 37 » The Supreme Personality of Godhead navas.” (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 19)
» By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada
Does hearing during the time of sädhana helps
Types of Cultivation Of Hearing the hearing when one attains perfection?
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura
“The hearing on the perfectional stage appears
How many types of cultivation of hearing are while hearing from the mouths of the spiritual mas-
there? ter and the Vaishnavas during the time sädhana.”
(Jaiva Dharma Chapter 19)
“There are three types of cultivation of hearing:
hearing about the scriptures, hearing about the What are the gradual platforms beginning from
holy names and topics of the Lord, and hearing çravana daçä to sampatti daçä?
about the devotion-filled discourses. Considering
the science about the absolute truth, describing “Hearing about the absolute truth from the
the pastimes of the Lord from Çrémad Bhägavatam, mouth of the spiritual master is called 'çrava-
discussing the characteristics of the Vaishnavas, and na daçä'. When a practitioner accepts those
hearing about the ancient history of the Vaishnava’s instructions in truth, it is called 'varana daçä'.
family, are counted in the category of ’hearing the When he cultivates that mood with blissful re-
scriptures’. These are to be understood from hear- membrance, it is called 'smarana daçä'. When
ing about the conclusive statements based on the he is able to properly bring that mood within
Vedanta written by great personalities after carefully himself, it is called 'äpana or präpti daçä'. And
rejecting inconclusive non-Vaishnavas statements.” when one separates himself from the temporary
(Caitanya Çikñämåta 3/2) material existence and obtains his own desired
constitutional form, it is called 'sampatti daçä'.”
What happens if one hears the topics of and conclu- (Harinäma Cintämani)
sion about Hari? — Bhaktivinoda Väné Vaibhäva »Published by Éçvara däsa

“By hearing about the topics and science of

Hari one automatically cultivates the scrip-
tures.” (Jaiva Dharma, Chapter 8) By hearing
the topics of Hari does one worship the Lord !! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !!
and become detached to material enjoyments?
“By hearing the topics of Hari both cul- Nityaà Bhägavata-sevayä E-magazine
tivation of spiritual science and detach- is a part of
ment from material enjoyment are done.”
(Tattva Sutra 34) In Service of Srimad Bhagavatam™

What are the different stages of hearing? Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of
His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada
“There are two stages of hearing. The first stage
is hearing about the qualities of Krishna from the ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.
mouths of the saintly persons, before one’s faith
develops. By such hearing one certainly develops ©All the paintings are copyrights of their respective
faith. When one’s faith is awakened one develops artists.
a strong desire to hear about the names, forms,

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Issue no 251, Page — 6 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
How Can We Become Determined
and Courageous?
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura

We must hear kåñëa-kathä from the Lord’s

agent. While hearing kåñëa-kathä we have to lock
up our worldly experience and arguments. By
hearing the powerful glorious topics of the Lord
from a living saintly person, all our anarthas—our
weakness of heart—are destroyed and our heart
is filled with strength. Then our nature, which
is to surrender to the Lord, will be awakened. In
the surrendered heart, the self-manifest truth of
the transcendental kingdom will automatically
manifest. This is how to know the truth. It is
impossible to know the Absolute Truth by any
other means.

How is it possible to hear hari-kathä in the associ-

ation of devotees if we live far from the devotees or
at home?

There is always discussion of hari-kathä in our

Matha, and the residents there are also engaged
in Lord Hari’s service. It is our duty to associate bhu have been permanently recorded in books.
in all respects with devotees for whom the Lord’s Therefore, there is no need for disappointment.
service is their life and soul. That place where If we live somewhere and discuss kåñëa-kathä,
there is no kåñëa-kathä is extremely unfavorable we will certainly attain auspiciousness and noth-
for bhakti, even if it is filled with relatives and ing can harm us. If we simply engage in discuss-
items for comfortable living. I simply think of ing topics of the Lord while living anywhere by
Mahprabhu’s mercy when I see the devotees the Lord’s mercy we can realize the glories of
in the Matha continually discussing hari-kathä devotional service, the Lord’s mercy, and come
and being eager to serve the Lord at all times. to remember the Lord in our day-to-day life. A
Pious persons who desire their own good should devotee should live wherever the Lord is pleased
visit the Matha from time to time and hear to keep him and should forget his own material
kåñëa-kathä from the spiritual master and the miseries. When the propensity to serve the Lord
Vaishnavas. is awakened in the heart while discussing hari-
If we have a taste for kåñëa-kathä and a propen- kathä in the association of devotees, then we will
sity to serve Krishna, then that taste will keep us automatically remember Hari under all circum-
aloof from bad association. By always reading stances. In order to test us, the Supreme Lord is
spiritual magazines and studying the literature always present behind what we can see. If we see
written by the mahjanas while constantly begging the Lord’s mercy behind each and every incident,
for Sri Guru-Gauranga’s mercy, we can attain the we will no longer feel distress.
result of hearing kåñëa-katha from the mouths of The material world, material existence, is the
the devotees. Although in this material world we place where we are tested. If we wish to pass the test,
cannot always meet with devotees from the spiri- we must hear kåñëa-kathä from the pure devotees.
tual world, the pastimes and conversations of the Even though at present we may not always have
devotees who were contemporaries of Mahapra- the opportunity to hear hari-kathä in the associa-
tion of devotees, if we continuously hear it in the

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 251, Page—7
form of discussing Vaishnava literature, we will piciousness and devotional service to the Lord.
not feel the absence of Vaishnava association. Those who have accepted Çrémad-Bhägavatam
The Lord’s devotees always see the Lord ev- as their life and soul actually recite it, serve the
erywhere, whereas those who are envious of Lord, and chant Hari’s holy name. We should
Him do not even believe in His existence. Being associate with such devotees and offer everything
situated in the marginal position, sometimes we to them. Because such devotees do not engage in
display a taste for serving Hari and at the next sense gratification they do not deceive themselves
moment become busy with sense gratification. or others on the pretext of serving the Lord, and
If we simply develop a strong desire to become they do not accumulate mundane fame like
intoxicated by serving Hari our propensity for pseudo renunciants by giving up objects meant
material enjoyment will be vanquished. Mate- for the Lord’s service, thinking them material.
rial enjoyment includes both temporary hap- A person from whom I would want to hear and
piness and distress, but service to Hari pleases with whom I would want to associate must be a
Lord Hari. We should always remain eager to follower of the disciplic succession. The saintly
please the Lord. person and the spiritual master never accept the
path of sense gratification. They follow the path of
From whom should we hear topics disciplic succession. The teaching that we should
about Krishna? lead the life of devotion the followers of our disci-
plic succession have received from their respective
We should hear topics about the Supreme predecessor acharyas is, in turn, taught to others.
Lord from a bona fide spiritual master. For the Our acharyas neither speculate nor concoct. Peo-
Lord’s pleasure we have to preach those topics ple often accept spiritual masters or associate with
to the inquisitive, not to the faithless, but we saints not for their ultimate benefit but to fulfill
should hear from a spiritual master, not an some self-interest.
atheist. If by mistake we have accepted a non- Nowadays it is fashionable to accept a spiritual
devotee as guru, we should renounce him and master, just as it is fashionable to keep a personal
take shelter of a Vaishnava. barber or washerman. Associating with sadhus and
hearing kåñëa-kathä from them is fashionable too.
From whom should we hear How will we benefit? Is it possible to attain good
Çrémad-Bhägavatam? if we do not hear from qualified teachers? Those
who want real benefit should be careful about
We should hear Çrémad-Bhägavatam from their association. Do not bring about your ruin-
exalted spiritual masters and pure devo- ation by hearing hari-kathä from so-called sadhus.
tees who are fixed at their own spiritual If out of good fortune and by the Lord’s mercy we
masters’ lotus feet. We cannot achieve aus- attain the association of a real devotee, we should
piciousness if we hear Çrémad-Bhägava- hear from him submissively and with faith. It is our
tam from those who are not bhagavatas. duty to engage every moment of our lives in the
A person with loose character, who is always worship of Hari without wasting even a second on
thinking of sense gratification, and who is only other activities. We should be anxious to associate
interested in wealth and fame, can never recite with sadhus. We can carry on the mundane duties
Çrémad-Bhägavatam. In fact, Çrémad-Bhägav- of life in any form of life, but to worship Krishna
atam does not manifest in his mouth. Such a in the association of a bona fide spiritual master is
person simply gratifies his senses on the pre- possible only in the human form.
text of reciting the Bhägavatam, and he cheats — Amåta Väëé: Nectar of Instructions of Immoratality »
himself and others. Rather, we should hear His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda »
Çrémad-Bhägavatam from a spiritual master Compiled by Çrépäda Bhakti Mayukha Bhägavat Mahäraja »
who is constantly engaged in worshiping Hari Adapted and Published by Éçvara däsa
or from a pure Vaishnava whom the spiritual
master recommends. Then we can attain aus-

In Service of Srimad Bhagavatam™

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