Amendment Bill No. 11 of 2022 Tamil Nadu
Amendment Bill No. 11 of 2022 Tamil Nadu
Amendment Bill No. 11 of 2022 Tamil Nadu
16. After section 89 of the principal Act, the following Insertion of new
section shall be inserted, namely:— section 89-A.
Article 43-B and Part IX-B were inserted in the Constitution by the Constitution (Ninety-seventh
Amendment) Act, 2011 and came into force on the 15 day of February 2012. The Tamil Nadu Co-operative
Societies Act, 1983 (Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1983) was amended on the lines of the constitutional provisions
as amended by the Constitution (Ninety-seventh Amendment) Act 2011 vide Tamil Nadu Act 4 of 2013. The
Supreme Court in Union of India Vs. Rajendra N Shah and another [2021 (8) SCALE 332] has upheld the
Gujarat High Court’s decision in W.P.(PIL)No.166 of 2012, dated the 22nd April 2013, declaring the said Part
IX-B as ultra vires of the Constitution of India, in so far as it concerns the Co-operative societies.
2. Several complaints have been received from the public and members of co-operative societies alleging
financial irregularities and frauds in co-operative societies. A review of the functioning of co-operative societies
has revealed large scale misappropriation of funds, issue of loans on fake jewels and issue of bogus loans of
several crores of rupees, etc.
3. The Government, therefore, with a view to protect the interests of the Co-operative Societies, to
streamline their administration, ensure proper governance and to increase the efficacy of the functioning of
Co-operative Societies have decided to reduce the term of office of the Board of directors of the societies
from five years to three years and to restore some of the provisions that existed in the said Tamil Nadu
Co-operative Societies Act, 1983 prior to the amendments made in consonance with the provisions in Part
IX-B of the Constitution by undertaking legislation.
Minister for Co-operation.
Secretariat, K. SRINIVASAN,
Chennai-600 009, Secretary.
7th January 2022.