Ee203 Class0
Ee203 Class0
Ee203 Class0
Suayb S. Arslan
What is a digital system?
A digital system is an implementation of a particular function using digital
logic elements.
Digital circuits are everywhere: Communications, multimedia, consumer
electronics, health care, defense, software, security etc etc..
What constitutes a digital system?
• A digital system has…
– Input interfaces such as keyboards, antennas,
microphones or sensors.
– Output interfaces such as monitors, speakers,
printers, actuators etc.
– Arithmetic/logic units to process digital data.
• Digital circuits can be classified into
– General purpose circuits: Computers
– Application specific circuits: Cellphones
Characteristics of Digital Systems
• They represent and manipulate discrete elements
of information
• Discrete elements can be letters, digits etc
• In digital electronic systems, electrical signals
(voltages, currents) having two discrete values
(binary) are used
• A binary digit, called a bit, has two values: 0 and 1.
• So, we will necessarily use binary numbers to
represent information
Digital Computers & Circuits
• A digital computer can accommodate many input
and output devices
• It can perform not only arithmetic computations,
but also logical operations
• It can be programmed to make decisions based on
internal and external conditions
• Digital circuits, also referred to as logic circuits,
process data by means of binary logic elements
(logic gates) using binary signals
• Quantities are stored in binary (two-valued) storage
elements (flip-flops)
Basic building blocks
• Digital logic gates that will help implement
more complex systems:
– AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate
• Logic blocks can be of two types:
– Combinational logic blocks ( e.g. OR gate)
– Sequential logic blocks ( e.g. Flip-Flops)
• Logic blocks can have one/several inputs and
one/several outputs.
Logic Gates
What are logic gates made of?
• Transistors:
– The transistor is an electronic solid-state device
that can amplify an electric signal.
Vout > Vin
input Id
Circuit Level Logic Level Modules
Moore’s law
• The number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since its first
How do we design such a complex
• 1. Make Abstractions
– Transistors switches
– Gates combinational/Sequential logic
– Computational architectures (CPU)
– Language (programming) abstraction
– Software system abstraction (OS)
• 2. Divide and Conquer
• 3. Do not re-invent the wheel! Reuse the
previous designs/projects.
To make things easier…
• We need knowledge about digital logic!
• We need tools to explore ideas, simulate and
validate various functionalities.
• We need platforms to field test, emulate and
– In particular open source software tools such as
Pspice, Logisim
– Hardware design languages: VHDL, Verilog