Heidelberg SL-OCT Slitlamp - Operating Instructions
Heidelberg SL-OCT Slitlamp - Operating Instructions
Heidelberg SL-OCT Slitlamp - Operating Instructions
Slit Lamp-OCT™
Anterior Segment Imaging
Operating Instructions
Software Version
Caution! Do not use the SL-OCT™ without reading this manual. Failure to
adhere the instructions of this manual may compromise data and results.
Corporate Headquarters
Heidelberg Engineering GmbH • Tiergartenstr. 15 • 69121 Heidelberg • Germany
Phone +49 6221 6463-0 • Fax +49 6221 646362 • www.HeidelbergEngineering.de
Heidelberg Engineering, Inc. • 1499 Poinsettia Avenue, Suite 160 • Vista, CA 92081
Phone 760 598-3770 • Fax 760 598-3060 • www.HeidelbergEngineering.com
This is an introduction to the Heidelberg Slit Lamp-OCT™ (SL-OCT™) with operating software
version These operation instructions also contain important safety information.
The SL-OCT is intended for use as a diagnostic device to assist in the diagnosis of the anterior seg-
ment of the eye.
WARNING Make sure that the environmental requirements are met when the system is oper-
ated. Exceeding environmental conditions may damage the system or lead to in-
correct measuring results.
WARNING Make sure the patient is correctly positioned in front of the device before starting
the examination. Wrong positioning may lead to poor images and incorrect diag-
nostic results.
WARNING Artifacts on the images could falsify the measured results. Do not use the meas-
ured results for further treatment if there are artefacts in the images.
WARNING Do not make a diagnostic decision on the basis of one single examination. The
device is not clinically evaluated for the diagnosis of specific pathologies. So al-
ways use alternative information; history data etc. to assist in a final diagnostic de-
WARNING Do not use the analyse results from patients with Pathological Eyes without an
inspection of the segmentation. In case of pathological eyes the segmentation
might be incorrect, and lead to wrong calculations of the analyse results.
WARNING Prepare safeguards to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the patient
data. Data loss impedes follow-up analyses and may result in inappropriate diag-
nostic decisions.
WARNING Be sure to perform periodic data backup procedures. Check the success of the
backup to avoid data loss caused by backup errors.
WARNING To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a
grounded power supply.
WARNING To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not touch conductive parts of connectors
and the patient simultaneously.
WARNING Do not operate the system directly after large temperature changes. Let the device
acclimate itself for a minimum of 2 hours to avoid device damage or incorrect
measurement results.
CAUTION Never leave the patient alone with the instrument during the examination!
CAUTION The instrument must not be used under any circumstances if mechanical, optical or
electrical faults occur. Any change or addition to the system must comply with the
relevant legal guidelines. Repairs, particularly to the electronic and optical
components, must be carried out only by Heidelberg engineering authorized,
trained personnel.
CAUTION Unusual noises and/or vibrations can indicate a fault. Should this happen, please
turn the instrument off immediately and contact the technical support center
responsible for your area. Do not attempt to repair the instrument yourself in the
event of a fault.
CAUTION This instrument contains a diode laser and emits invisible laser light through the
slit lamp. The Heidelberg SL-OCT is a Class I laser system. The laser does not
pose any safety hazard.
NOTE: To ensure the overall safety of the system, the SL-OCT must be installed by certified staff
of your local Heidelberg Engineering distributor.
Slit lamp
(HAAG-STREIT BD 900) Keyboard / mouse
The SL- OCT examination system is based on a slit lamp modified for use with an OCT device.
The slit lamp's functionality is in no way impaired by this modification. The scanner unit is
permanently attached to the slit lamp illumination and projects the OCT measurement beam over
the same path as the visible slit lamp beam.
1.7 Maintenance
The Heidelberg SL-OCT is a precision optical measuring instrument. Protect the instrument
against dust and moisture, and avoid shocks and the action of strong forces.
Please maintain the slit lamp according to the instructions in the slit lamp operations manual
(provides with this document). When necessary, the inclined mirror on the front of the slit lamp
can be carefully cleaned using a lens cloth and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol or distilled
The non-optical surfaces of the instrument can be cleaned and/or disinfected with traditional
products as necessary. Any standard cleaning product appropriate for plastic surfaces which do not
contain acetone or hydrogen peroxide (e.g. ethanol and isopropyl alcohol disinfectants) may be
used for this purpose. Before doing this, please turn off the system power at the main switch.
A yearly inspection of the device by a Heidelberg Engineering Service unit is highly recommended
to ensure proper and exact operation.
2.1 Heidelberg Eye Explorer
The software of instruments from Heidelberg Engineering runs on the Heidelberg Eye Explorer
(HEYEX), a platform operating within the Microsoft Windows Operating System™. The HEYEX
platform provides all basic functions of the patient database and patient records.
Original Configuration
Note: The main power switch located close to the lift table raise/lower control switch. When
adjusting table height, be careful not to inadvertently power off the device; if you do, unsaved
images or data entries will be lost.
Select Yes when prompted with “Do you want to exit the program?”
HEYEX is programmed to pop-up a confirmation window before closing the program. This is a
configurable option which can be switched off. (See chapter 11, Setup / Configurable Options).
The Database Window icon brings you to the database viewing window.
The Image Window icon brings you to the image viewing window (section 6).
The Filter, Load Filter, and No Filter icon functions are described in section
The Properties icon opens the Patient Data window (section 5.1) for the selected patient. If
no patient record is selected, it is inactive.
The New Patient icon opens a new Patient Data window for creating a new patient record.
(See chapter 5, Patient Records for details)
The New Examination icon opens a new Examination Data window to begin a new
examination for the selected patient. (See chapter 5, Patient Records for details.)
The Load icon “loads” the selected patient or exam record(s) into the active, right-hand
side of the database window.
The Unload icon moves the selected record(s) out of the active side of the database
The Load All icon moves ALL records into the active window. This is generally used only
for database export functions.
The Unload All icon removes all records from the active side of the database window
It is also possible to search by both last and first names. For example, if the entry “Mu,n” is
entered, only patients with a last name starting with “Mu” and first name starting with “N” will be
The quick search by name works only on the left side (patient database) window. It will not affect
the right side (selected patient) window.
4.3.2 Filtering
More complex filter operations are available using the Filter icons. With these tools the database
can quickly be filtered by: patient name, referring physician or clinic, time (date range), diagnosis,
participation in a study or the acquisition device. Multiple filter criteria can be used on a single
The Filter icon (section 4.2) opens the Database filter window with several filtering options. In
the example shown below, all patients that have been examined within the last 10 days, AND that
have an exam marked as part of the “Angles in darkness” study, will be displayed.
A set filter parameters (like those in the example above) can be named and saved for future use
with the [Save as] button. A list of previously saved searches can be viewed via the Load Filter
icon (section 4.2).
The No Filter icon removes all filter criteria, returning the database display to the full list.
5.1 Creating a new patient record
When examining a patient for the first time, a patient record must be created. As with many other
program functions, there are several ways to open the Patient Data window.
Once all entries have been made, click OK to save the new patient record and begin the
examination. (See sections 7 and 9, Image Acquisition Window and Imaging Process).
The Cancel button ends the procedure and the patient record will not be created or saved.
Clicking the Close Window button ( ) in the top right corner of the window will also cancel the
procedure and no patient record will be created.
Patient records are opened into the Image Viewing window (section 6).
Note: If multiple SL-OCT exams are conducted on the same day, images from the additional
exams can either be added to the existing tab for that day, OR saved to a new tab(s). In the second
case, the patient record will contain multiple tabs with the same date.
In this window, each examination is shown on a separate tab identified by exam date. Within an
individual exam tab scans are displayed in OD (right eye) and OS (left eye) windows.
The Database Window icon brings you to the Database Viewing window (Section 4).
The Image Window icon brings you to the Image Viewing window.
The Lock/Unlock Examination icon “locks” the selected examination tab. This function is
to protect data in networked systems.
The New Examination icon opens a new Examination Data window to begin a new
examination for the selected patient. (See chapter 5, Patient Records for details.)
The Large Icons, Small Icons, and List icons change the appearance of the
individual image files in the Image viewing window.
The No Split, Split Exam, and Split Exam & Lightbox icons allow you to divide
the Image Viewing window files by eye (OD/OS).
6.5 Lightbox
The Lightbox is located at the bottom of the Image Viewing window and can be used to mark
specific images for review at a later time.
To copy images into the Lightbox drag and drop OR right click to access the context menu,
select Add to light box.
To save a given lightbox, right-click anywhere in the Lightbox; from the context menu, select the
Save lightbox command.
To review a saved lightbox, select the name of the lightbox session from the drop-down menu.
During acquisition, the current image is shown in the large window at upper left. If the slit lamp is
equipped with the optional camera module, the current camera image is displayed in the video
window at the upper right.
Beneath the two larger windows are 12 smaller, temporary storage windows. These show the last
twelve (12) B-scans. As image acquisition continues, the oldest B-scan is overwritten. The
current scan is identified by a green frame.
When acquisition is stopped any of the 12 temporary B-scans can be viewed in the large window
by clicking the desired scan. The green border indicates which of the 12 scans is in the large
These 12 B-scans are available for saving into the patient’s record.
The Exit icon closes the Acquisition window and returns the program to the
Image viewing window. (This function can also be completed using the File
The Save icon opens the Image Save dialog box. (See section 7.4, Saving images.) (This
function can also be completed using the Save menu.)
The Display Segmentation icon toggles the segmentation line on/off in the 12 temporary
image windows. (This function can also be completed using the Options menu.)
Tip: set the brightness and contrast before examining a patient, using the
adjustment rod of the slit lamp as the measurement object.
The Color Scale icon toggles the image appearance between gray-scale and color-scale.
(This function can also be completed using the Options menu.)
The Aiming Circle icon toggles the aiming circle on/off in the large, current image window.
Note: The Aiming Circle display will update (appear/disappear) only during acquisition.
(This function can also be completed using the Options menu.)
The Start [Stop] button starts and stops the image acquisition process.
Note: If the measurement is stopped and then started again, all previously acquired B-scans will
be deleted. A pop-up confirmation window must be clicked before images are deleted and
acquisition restarts.
The Auto Stop feature will automatically stop acquisition when the user defined
(Stop after) number of good images are captured in the temporary image
Note: The feature cannot be enabled/disabled during acquisition.
The Image Analysis window allows detailed viewing, measurement, and report printing of
individual scans. Key elements of the image analysis window are:
• The window menu and toolbar are available on all analysis window tabs. Their functions are
detailed below in section 8.2.
• The Segmentation tab. The segmentation tab shows the raw image without refractive
correction and an approximate placement of the scleral spur points. These points must be
verified by the user to activate some of the auto-analysis tools. This is explained in further
detail in section 8.3 below.
• The analysis tool tabs: Auto-biometry, Interactive Distance, Interactive Pachymetry, and
Digital Gonioscopy™. Details of these functions are provided below in sections 8.4 –8.7.
The Brightness and contrast icon provides access to the Brightness & Contrast control
window. This tool allows users to adjust brightness and contrast at the same time. This
control works for both gray and color scale views.
Different brightness/contrast settings bring out greater detail in different areas of the
The Color mode icon toggles the image appearance between gray-scale and color-scale.
The Zoom icon opens the Zoom window. In the zoom window, select the area of interest
by clicking and dragging the red frame. Chose a zoom level (100%, 200%, 300%, 400%,
or 500%) with the [+] or [-] icons.
The Additional information icon opens an information window with exam details. In this
window the user can edit the image caption discussed in Section 6.6 and the image
comment discussed in Section 7.4.
The Display video image icon opens a window with the photo image taken simultaneously
with the OCT scan. (Note: This icon is active only if the optional video kit is installed.)
The Save image as picture file icon opens a Save As window. With this tool the image
can be saved as a BMP, JPEG, TIF, or PNG file.
The Print a report icon opens the Print Report window. Each analysis window tool tab
offers a report specific to that analysis. Note: This icon is not active on the Segmentation
The Distance measuring tool icon displays a movable measuring tool. The user can place
the ends at any two points on the image and see the distance between the points in mm.
Note: This icon is not active on the Segmentation tab.
The Segmentation icon displays software generated segmentation lines and points. The
segmentation lines also appear on the intensity profiles on the Interactive Distance and
In addition to confirming scleral spur placement, the user should always visually check the
automated segmentation before proceeding with quantitative analysis of the image. To do this,
click the Segmentation icon and inspect the colored segmentation lines. If they are not correctly
placed at the edges of the eye structures, select another image for quantitative analysis.
Note: To facilitate precise placement, hide the “move” (double arrow) cursor by holding down
the right mouse button as well. At this point only the yellow dot is visible, and it moves like the
mouse pointer. Release mouse buttons to drop/place dot at desired point. For more precise
placement the zoom tool can be used. Also, activating the color-scale and varying the
brightness/contrast may help bring out additional detail in the area of interest.
The Pachymetry Profile icon opens the interactive pachymetry profile (see below).
The Pachymetry Profile is a graph of corneal thickness across the image. The mouse pointer can
be placed at any point on the graph to see the thickness value at that point. In the B-scan image, a
white point on the corneal surface will appear and move with the pointer to show the
corresponding location on the image.
The Biometric data list icon opens a numerical summary of all measured parameters for
the image.
The Corneal curvature and thickness icon highlights and displays the numeric values of
the anterior and posterior cornea radii and displays the central corneal thickness
The Pupil diameter icon highlights and displays the numeric value of the pupil diameter.
The Anterior chamber depth icon highlights and displays the numeric value of the anterior
chamber depth measured from posterior surface of the cornea to anterior surface of the
lens. Both this parameter and the total anterior chamber depth measurement which includes the
central corneal thickness are provided in the biometric data list.
The Anterior chamber volume icon highlights and displays the estimated anterior chamber
volume. To estimate volume, the software uses the measured 2-D area of the B-scan and
presumes rotational symmetry of the chamber.
The Distance between scleral spurs icon highlights and displays the numeric value of the
spur to spur distance. Note: Scleral spur placement must be verified to activate this tool.
This explained in further detail in section 8.3. Clicking this button before spur placement
is con firmed results in a reminder window. Clicking [Cancel] in the reminder window clears the
reminder. Clicking [OK] takes you to the Segmentation Tab to complete the confirmation.
The Display all values icon highlights and displays the numeric value of all of the above-
listed parameters.
The AOD and TISA 500 1 icon highlights and displays the numeric values for Angle
Opening Distance and Trabecular Iris Space Area measured at 500 microns from the
scleral spur. Note: Scleral spur placement must be verified to activate this tool. This
explained in further detail in section 8.3. (See Section 8.7, Digital Gonioscopy™ tab for
The AOD and TISA 750 icon highlights and displays the numeric values for Angle
Opening Distance and Trabecular Iris Space Area measured at 750 microns from the
scleral spur. Note: Scleral spur placement must be verified to activate this tool. This
explained in further detail in section 8.3. (See Section 8.7, Digital Gonioscopy™ tab for
AOD and TISA are defined by Sunita Radhakrishnan, MD; Jason Goldsmith, MD; David Huang, MD; Joseph A.
Izatt, PhD; et. al. in: Comparison of Optical Coherence Tomography and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy for Detection of
Narrow Anterior Chamber Angles, Arch Ophthalmol. Vol 123, Aug 2005.
The White reference axis icon toggles the white axis on/off.
This axis provides an automatically generated reference to the center of the image.
Horizontal and vertical distances between the reference axis and any other active axes are
displayed in mm. For additional measuring flexibility, the distances between the green and
blue axes are also displayed. If the reference axis is moved it can be reset using the reset
reference axis icon (see below).
The Red intensity profile axis icon toggles the red axis on/off.
The signal intensity along the red axis is displayed in the red graphs below and to the right
of the image. As the red axis lines are moved across the image the changes in the
corresponding graph show the variations in the signal intensity.
The Green measuring axis icon toggles the green axis on/off. When both the green and
blue measuring axes are active, the horizontal and vertical distances between them are
The Blue measuring axis icon toggles the blue axis on/off. When both the blue and green
measuring axes are active, the horizontal and vertical distances between them are
The Reset reference axis icon resets the white reference axis to its default position.
To facilitate precise placement of the measuring axes, when the mouse pointer is in either the
“precision select” or “move” form it can be hidden from view by holding down the right mouse
button. This makes it easier to see and position the line being moved.
The Average intensity profiles icon toggles the intensity profiles between graphs of each
data point separately OR graphs of averaged points calculated from the values of five (5)
neighboring A-scans.
The Normalize intensity profiles icon toggles the top of the intensity profile scales
between maximum value in the image OR maximum value in the data in the graph.
Use the Pachymetry Profile icon to open the interactive pachymetry profile.
The Pachymetry Profile is a graph of corneal thickness across the image. The mouse pointer can
be placed at any point on the graph to see the thickness value at that point. In the B-scan image, a
white point on the corneal surface will appear and move with the pointer to show the
corresponding location on the image.
The four colored Pachymetry tool icons each activate an interactive measuring caliper of the
corresponding color.
The tools measure perpendiculars distances in and across the cornea. For each active caliper, three
numerical measurements (mm) are displayed. These are, the distance between the “jaws” of the
caliper and the distances from each jaw to the middle line. The line of measurement is the long
line at the center of tool.
Each caliper can be moved independently in the following ways:
• Move the caliper tool across the surface of the cornea to desired location by clicking and
dragging one of the dots at the end of the long line that runs perpendicular to the cornea.
• Move the caliper jaws by clicking and dragging the dots at the end of the jaw lines.
• Move the middle distance line to the desired point between the jaws by clicking and dragging
the dot at the right-hand side of the line.
The Display reference axis icon toggles on/off the white, central reference axis (see
below). The reference axis can be moved by clicking and dragging. Reset the axis
position with the Reset reference axis icon (see below).
When both the axis and one or more caliper tools are visible the horizontal distance (mm)
from the central reference axis to the caliper point on the anterior corneal surface is
The Reset reference axis icon returns the reference axis to the default position.
The Automatic positioning icon moves the caliper “jaws” of the active caliper to the
corneal surfaces. It does not move the middle line.
An individual caliper tool becomes “active” when the user moves it. The intensity profile (section
8.6.3 below) associated with that caliper will be displayed it the intensity profile window (see
above). The color of the profile corresponds with caliper color.
above) to set the caliper jaws on the surfaces of the cornea. Then adjust the middle line to the
desired A-scan peak.
The zoom tool can also be used with these tools.
The Average intensity profiles icon toggles the intensify profiles between graphs of each
data point separately OR graphs of averaged points calculated from the values of three (3)
neighboring A-scans.
The Normalize intensity profiles icon toggles the top of the intensity profile scales
between maximum value in the image OR maximum value in the data in the graph.
Note: Scleral spur placement must be verified to activate the automatic tools; this explained in
further detail in section 8.3.
Note: For greater angle measurement precision, the operator should average the angle
measurements of at least three separate B-scans.
These measurements are defined below with the illustrations of the related button. The one-touch
tools become active for a given image after the scleral spur placement is confirmed for that image
(see section 8.3). Clicking these buttons before spur placement is confirmed results in a reminder
window. Clicking [Cancel] in the reminder window simply clears the reminder. Clicking [OK]
takes you to the Segmentation Tab to complete the confirmation.
subjective than AOD and TISA (defined below) which are measured from anatomical landmarks –
scleral spur and surfaces of the cornea and iris.
The Digital Gonioscopy definition of ACA begins with the scleral spur and AOD (defined below).
The angle rays begin with the endpoints of the AOD500 or AOD750 line. The rays are drawn from
these points back toward the angle, and meeting at a software-determined angle-root point.
ACA500 and ACA750 be displayed using the corresponding icons shown at right. All of the
defining points can be manually moved. Points can be reset to the software generated defaults
with the Auto Position icon shown below.
The ACA500 and ACA 750 icons display the software generated angle
The AOD & TISA500 and AOD & TISA750 icons display the software
generated angle measurements.
The Auto Position icon restores the software generated angle measurement points.
AOD 500 and TISA500 are defined by Sunita Radhakrishnan, MD; Jason Goldsmith, MD; David Huang, MD; Jo-
seph A. Izatt, PhD; et. al. in: Comparison of Optical Coherence Tomography and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy for
Detection of Narrow Anterior Chamber Angles, Arch Ophthalmol. Vol 123, Aug 2005.
The ACA Freehand icon activates the freehand measuring tool. The freehand tool is
available even if spur placement has not been confirmed. The default position of the
angle points is the ACA750 default position. When the image file is closed the
points return to default. To save a user defined angle configuration use either the Save as
picture or the Print report feature.
This section provides a detailed, step-by-step process for SL-OCT imaging. It is intended as an
aid to new users and to help users optimize image quality for accurate analysis. Once a user is
familiar with the SL-OCT system and the imaging process, the complete preparation and exam
takes only a few minutes.
For best results the manufacturer recommends new users receive training from an experienced
user and that new users are comfortable with system operation and image optimization before
imaging patients for clinical assessment.
The SL-OCT auto analysis software is designed for white-to-white scans; however, SL-OCT can
be used to scan at virtually any angle. (See sample images below.)
Warning: Only white to white scans which are properly centered with the corneal and lens
reflexes situated in the center of the eye (see Section 9.4) can be accurately
analyzed. Poorly centered images produce measurement errors.
Sample Image A
Sample Image B
9.5 Stop/Auto-stop
When the desired number of good quality images is visible in the temporary image windows, click
[Stop] to stop acquisition.
If the Auto Stop feature is enabled the system will automatically stop acquisition when the user
defined (Stop after) number of good images are captured in the temporary image windows.
Select and save the desired image(s). See Sections 7.4 Saving images and 7.3 On-line quality
Once the images are saved, the user can now scan the other eye, take additional scans of the
current eye, or exit the acquisition window.
Note: The operator should always wash his/her hands before beginning the imaging process.
He/she should explain to the patient in advance that he/she may touch the eyelids for a
moment during imaging. Before reaching toward the patient’s eye, the operator should warn
that he/she is now going to touch the eyes and remind the patient not to move.
measurements will not be available. Some parameters may also not be available for images with
sub-optimal quality.
To export data to spreadsheet file, right-click an image in the Image Viewing window (for
individual file export) or any file name in the right-hand side (selected files) of the Database
Viewing window (batch export). Select, “Export Data” (for batch export you must first select
“SL-OCT Batch >”). In the “Save As” window select file type and destination.
10.2 Importing
To import data (E2E files) previously exported from a different SL-OCT database:
1. Insert the media containing the exported data (E2E files) into the appropriate drive.
2. From the main Database Viewing window, select the menu item Import E2E Files from the
Database menu.
3. The Import Examination Data window will open. Navigate to the drive and folder that
contains the E2E file(s) to be imported. The content of the selected folder is displayed in the
4. Select the E2E files you want to import in the window and click the Open button. To select all
files displayed in the window, hold down the CTRL key and the A key simultaneously.
5. The Database Import window opens next. Here you can specify which patient data to include
in the import. Click the OK button to import the Patient Records.
6. After the import, a list of all patients that have been added to the database appears in the right
window of the Database Viewing window. The Patient Records are now available for viewing
and data analysis.
11.1 General
● Icons: Icon size and spacing can be modified.
● Settings: Closing the window of the HEYEX will shut down the program. The program
default provides a pop-up confirmation window to prevent inadvertent shut-down. To turn off
the confirmation window, uncheck the box.
12.1 Model Type and Manufacturer
Model type: SL-OCT
Manufacturer: Heidelberg Engineering GmbH
Tiergartenstr. 15
69121 Heidelberg
Do not modify this equipment and do not open the housing!
12.8 Labeling
Type label on
the base unit
Fuse label on
the base unit
Fuses to be
230 V : 2 x T 2,5A / 250V
110 V : 2 x T 5,0A / 250V
Scan direction
scan scan indicators on the
direction direction
Repeatability Repeatability
(standard deviation) (95% confidence interval)
These refractive indices are used in the literature for the model of Gullstrand of the human eye.
These indices are for visible light. In the SL-OCT infrared light with λ=1300 nm is used.
There is one published paper concerning the refractive index of the human cornea at this
wavelength in vitro (Lin et al., Opt Lett 2004:29:83-85). Until additional information on the
refractive index at 1300 nm in vivo becomes available, the Gullstrand indices as above will be
used in the SL-OCT software.