ADC Lab Manual (R18)

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Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad-501401





Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad-501401




Dr. Mohiul Islam, Ph.D, Asst. Professor

Mr. Y. Chitti Babu, M.Tech, Asst. Professor
Mr. K. Rama Rao, M.E, Asst. Professor



Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad-501401

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1 Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
2 SSB-SC Modulator and Detector (Phase Shift Method)

3 Frequency Modulation and Demodulation

4 Study of spectrum analyzer and analysis of AM and FM Signals

5 Sampling Theorem – Verification

6 Pulse Amplitude Modulation and demodulation

7 Frequency Division Multiplexing
8 Pulse Code Modulation: Generation and Detection
9 Differential Pulse Code Modulation Generation and Detection
10 Delta Modulation: Generation and Detection
11 Generation and Detection of Amplitude Shift Keying

12 Generation and Detection of Frequency Shift Keying

13 Generation and Detection of Differential Phase Shift Keying

14 Generation and Detection of Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

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Sl. No INDEX Page No

1 Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation 5-9

2 SSB-SC Modulator and Detector (Phase Shift Method) 10-15

3 Frequency Modulation and Demodulation 16-20

4 Study of spectrum analyzer and analysis of AM and FM Signals 21-29

5 Sampling Theorem – Verification 30-34

6 Pulse Amplitude Modulation and demodulation 35-39

7 Frequency Division Multiplexing 40-42

8 Pulse Code Modulation: Generation and Detection 43-46

9 Differential Pulse Code Modulation Generation and Detection 47-49

10 Delta Modulation: Generation and Detection 50-54

11 Generation and Detection of Amplitude Shift Keying 55-57

12 Generation and Detection of Frequency Shift Keying 58-63

13 Generation and Detection of Differential Phase Shift Keying 64-68

14 Generation and Detection of Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 69-72

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AIM: 1. To generate amplitude modulated wave and determine the percentage modulation.
2. To Demodulate the modulated wave using envelope detector.


1. Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation Trainer

2. Function Generator
3. Oscilloscope
4. Connecting Wires

Modulation is defined as the process by which some characteristics of a carrier signal is
varied in accordance with a instantaneous value of the modulating signal m(t). The base band
signal is referred to as the modulating signal and the output of the modulation process is called
as the modulated signal.
Amplitude modulation is defined as the process in which is the amplitude of the carrier
wave is varied in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the base band signal m(t).
The envelope of the modulating wave has the same shape as the base band signal provided the
following two requirements are satisfied

(1) The carrier frequency fc must be much greater then the highest frequency components fm
of the message signal m (t)= Am cos (2πfm t)
i.e. fc >> fm
(2) The modulation index must be less than unity. if the modulation index is greater than unity,
the carrier wave becomes over modulated

The standard form of amplitude modulated (AM) wave is defined by

S(t)= Ac (1+ Ka m(t)) cos (2πfc t)

Where Ka is a constant called the amplitude sensitivity of the modulator.

Ka Am = m where ‘m’ is the Modulation index.

The demodulation circuit is used to recover the message signal from the incoming
AM wave at the receiver. An Envelope detector is a simple and yet highly effective device
that is well suited for the demodulation of AM wave, for which the percentage modulation is
less then 100%. Ideally, an Envelope detector produces an output signal that follows the
envelop of the input signal wave form exactly; hence, the name. Same version of this circuit
is used in almost all commercial AM radio receivers.

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1. Switch on the trainer and check the O/P of carrier generator on oscilloscope.

2. Connect 1KHz with 2 Volts A.F signal at AF I/P to the modulator circuit.

3. Connect the carrier signal at carrier I/P of modulator circuit.

4. Observe the modulator output signal at AM O/P Spring by making necessary changes
in A.F. signal.

5. Vary the modulating frequency and amplitude and observe the effects on the modulated

6. The depth of modulation can be varied using the amplitude control of the function

7. The percentage of modulation or modulation factor can be calculated using the

following formulas

8. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig.3.

9. Feed the AM wave to the demodulator circuit and observe the output.

10. Note down frequency and amplitude of the demodulated output waveform.

11. Draw the demodulated wave form for 0<m<1, m=0, m>1.


S. No Modulator O/P Demodulated O/P

fm fc Vmax V min m Fout Vout

(Hz) (KHz) (V) (V) (Hz) (V)

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1. Connect the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram.

2. Apply the required voltages wherever needed.
3. Do not apply stress on the components.

Amplitude modulation and Demodulation of signal is verified.


1. Define Amplitude Modulation.

2. Draw the Spectrum of Amplitude Modulated wave.
3. Give the significance of modulation index.
4. Write the formula for modulation index.
5. What are the different degree of modulation.
6. What are the Modulators we are using to generate AM signal.
7. What are the limitations of square law modulator.
8. Explain how AM wave is detected.
9. Define detection process.
10. Which detectors are used to detect AM wave.

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SSB-SC Modulator and Detector (Phase Shift Method)

AIM: Single Side Band(SSB) Signal generation using Phase Shift Method and
demodulation of SSB Signal using Synchronous detector.


1. SSB trainer Board.

2. Dual trace Oscilloscope.
3. Frequency Counter.
4. Patch Chords.


Single-sideband suppressed-carrier (SSB-SC) is a refinement of amplitude modulation that

more efficiently uses transmitter power and bandwidth. Amplitude modulation produces an
output signal that has twice the bandwidth of the original baseband signal. Single-sideband
modulation avoids this bandwidth doubling, and the power wasted on a carrier, at the cost of
increased device complexity and more difficult tuning at the receiver.

Fig: Phase Shift Method for generating SSB signal

The phase shift method makes use of two balanced modulators and two phase shift networks
as shown in fig. One of the modulators receives the carrier signal shifted by 900 and the
modulating signal with 00( sine ) phase shift, whereas the other receives modulating signal
shifted by 900and ( co-sine) and the carrier (RF) signal with 00 phase shift voltage.

Both modulators produce an output consisting only of sidebands. It will be shown that
both upper sidebands leads the input carrier voltage by 900. One of the lower sidebands leads
the reference voltage by 900 , and the other lags it by 900 . The two lower sidebands are thus
out of phase, and when combined in the adder , they cancel each other. The upper sidebands
are in phase at the adder and therefore they add together and gives SSB upper side band signal.
When they combined in the subtrator , the upper side bands are cancel because in phase and
lower side bands add together and gives SSB lower side band signal.
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INTRODUCTION: Education Trainer PHY – 165 is a useful educational kit for the
demonstration of Single Side Band Signal generation using Phase shift method and
demodulation of SSB signal using Synchronous detector (product detector) . This kit consists
of wired circuitry of :

➢ RF Generator
➢ AF Generator
➢ Two balanced modulators
➢ Synchronous Detector
➢ Summer
➢ Subtrator

RF Generator:

Colpitts oscillator using FET is used here to generate RF signal of

approximately 100KHz frequency to use as carrier signal in this experiment. Phase shift
networks is included in the same block to produce another carrier signal of same frequency
with 900 out of phase. As individual controls are provided to vary the output voltage. Facility is
provided to adjust phase of the output signal.

AF Generator:

This is a sine co-sine generator using OP-AMP . IC TL 084 is used as an active

component. TL084 is a FET input general purpose quad OP-AMP integrated circuit. A three
position switch is provided to select output frequency . An individual controls are provided to
vary the output voltage. AGC control is provided to adjust the signal shape.

Balanced Modulator:

This has been developed using MC 1496IC. MC 1496 is a monolithic integrated circuit
Balanced modulator / Demodulator, is versatile and can be used up to 200MHz. These
modulators are used in this experiment to produce DSB – SC signals. Control is provided to
balance the output.

Sychronous detector:

This base band signal m(t) can be uniquely recovered from a DSB –SC signal s(t) by
first multiplying s(t) with a locally generated sine wave carrier and then low pass filtering the
product. It is assumed that the local oscillator signal is exactly coherent or synchronous, in both
frequency and phase with the carrier wave c(t) used in the balanced modulator to generate s(t) .
This method of demodulation is known as coherent detection or synchronous detection.

In this unit IC MC 1496 is used as synchronous demodulator. The MC 1496 is a

monolithic balanced modulator / balanced demodulator, is versatile and can be used up to
200MHz. On board generated carrier( which is used in the modulator ) is used as synchronous

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Summer and Subtractors:

These circuits are simple summing and subtracting amplifiers using OP-AMP. IC TL 084 is
used as an active component, TL084 is a FET input general purpose quad OP-AMP integrated





1. Study the circuit operation of SSB system thoroughly.

2. Observe the output of the RF generator using CRO. There are two outputs from the RF
generator, one is direct output and the another is 900 phase shift with the direct output.
The output frequency is 100KHz. Keep both the carrier amplitude control at maximum
3. Observe the output of the AF generator using CRO. There are two outputs from the AF
generator, one is direct output and the another is 900 phase shift with the direct output.
The frequency of the AF generator can be varied to the required frequency by varing
the frequency control knob in the range of 0 to 4KHz. Ensure that both the AF outputs
are with out distortion. If distortion is present vary the AGC potentiometer to adjust
the gain of the oscillator.
4. Measure and record the RF signal frequency using frequency counter.
5. Make the connections as mentioned in the block diagram.
6. Measure and record the AF signals frequency using frequency using frequency counter.

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7. Observe the outputs of both the balanced modulators simultaneously using Dual trace
Oscilloscope, and adjust the balance control until you get the output wave forms(DSB –
SC) as shown in figure.
8. To get SSB lower side band signal, connect balanced modulator outputs(DSB-SC) to
9. Measure and record the SSB signal frequency using counter.
10. Calculate theoretical frequency of SSB(LSB) and compare it with the practical value.

LSB = RF frequency – AF frequency

11. To get SSB upper side band signal, connect the output of the balanced modulator to the
summer circuit.
12. Measure and record the SSB upper side band signal frequency using counter.
13. Calculate theoretical value of the SSB(USB) frequency and compare it with practical

USB = RF frequency + AF frequency

Ex: If RF frequency is 100KHz and AF frequency is 2KHz

Then USB = 100KHz + 2KHz = 102KHz


14. Connect SSB signal from the summer( or ) subtrator to the SSB signal input of the
synchronous detector and RF signal to the RF input of the synchronous detector.
15. Observe the detector output using CRO and compare it with the modulating signal
(AF signal).
16. Observe the SSB signal for the different frequencies of the modulating (AF) signal.


S.No. fc fm USB LSB Demodulated

(KHz) (KHz) output Remarks
Theoritical Practical Theoritical Practical Freq. Amp.
vaule value vaule value (KHz)

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1. Check the connections before giving the supply

2. Observations should be done carefully.

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RESULT: Generated the Single Side Band(SSB) Signal using Phase Shift Method and
demodulated the SSB Signal using Synchronous detector.


1. What is the power saving in DSB-SC and SSB-SC.

2. Give the two methods of generating SSB-SC-AM.
3. Compare AM with DSB-SC and SSB-SC.
4. Describe the generation of SSB wave using phase shift method.
5. Explain about coherent detector to detect SSB-SC signal.
6. What are the advantages of SSB-SC .
7. What are the disadvantages of SSB-SC .
8. What are the applications of SSB-SC.
9. Draw the Spectrum of SSB-SC signal
10. What is the Bandwidth of the SSB-SC signal.

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1. To generate frequency modulated signal and determine the modulation index and
bandwidth for various values of amplitude and frequency of modulating signal.
2. To demodulate a Frequency Modulated signal using FM detector.


1. Frequency Modulation and Demodulation Trainer

2. Function Generator
3. Oscilloscope
4. Connecting Wires

The process, in which the frequency of the carrier is varied in accordance with the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal, is called Frequency Modulation.

S(t)= Ac cos(2π fi(t) t)

Consider the single – tone modulation that produces a narrow band FM signal, wide band FM

In general, a sinusoidal modulating signal is defined by

m(t) = Am Cos(2πfm t)

Instantaneous frequency of the resulting FM signal equals

fi(t) = fC + Kf Am Cos(2∏fm t)

= fC + ∆f Cos(2∏fm t)

Where ∆f = Kf Am, ∆f --frequency deviation

The ratio of the frequency deviation to the modulation frequency is called the
modulation index (β) of the FM signal.

β =Δf / fm

Depending on the value of the modulation index β, we may distinguish two

cases of FM:

➢ If β < 1 radian, then Narrow band FM.

➢ If β > 1 radian, then wide Band FM.

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We may define an approximate rule for the transmission bandwidth of an FM signal generated
by a single – tone modulating signal of frequency fm as

BT = 2Δf + 2fm = 2Δf(1+ 1 / β)

This relation is known as carson’s rule.

Generation of FM signals:

There are essentially two basic methods of generating frequency modulated

signals, namely , direct FM and indirect FM. In the direct method , the carrier frequency is
directly varied in accordance with the input base band signal, which is readily accomplished
using a voltage – controlled oscillator. In the indirect method, the modulating signal is first
used to produce a narrow band FM signal, and frequency multiplication is next used to increase
the frequency deviation to the desired level. The indirect method is the preferred choice for FM
when the stability of carrier frequency is of major concern as in commercial radio broad

Demodulation of FM signals:

Frequency demodulation is the process that enables us to recover the original

modulating signal from a FM signal. Here we describe a direct method of frequency
demodulation involving the use of popular device known as a frequency discriminator, whose
instantaneous output amplitude is directly proportional to the instantaneous frequency of the
input FM signal.

Basically, the frequency discriminator consists of a slope circuit followed by an envelope



Fig 1: Circuit diagram for FM Modulator

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Fig 2: Circuit diagram for FM demodulator


1. Switch on the FM experimental board.

2. Connect Oscilloscope to the FM O/P and measure the unmodulated carrier frequency
at that point without any A.F. input.
3. Connect around 1KHz sine wave (A.F. signal) to the input of the frequency modulator
(at AF input).
4. Now observe the frequency modulation output on the 1st channel of on CRO and adjust
the amplitude of the AF signal to get clear frequency modulated wave form.
5. Vary the amplitude of AF signal and observe the effects on the modulated waveform.
6. Connect the FM o/p to the FM i/p of De-modulator.
7. Vary the potentiometer provided in the demodulator section.
8. Observe the output at demodulation o/p on second channel of CRO.
9. Draw the demodulated wave form.
10. Repeat operation for different AF Signal Frquencies.


Unmodulated Carrier Frequency = fc

S.No. AF Signal fmax fmin Δf β =Δf / fm Demodulated Remarks

Freq. Amp.

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1. Connect the circuit properly.

2. Apply the required voltages wherever needed.
3. Do not apply stress on the components.

RESULT: Frequency modulation and Demodulation of signal is verified.

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1. Define Frequency Modulation.

2. What is Narrow band FM.
3. What is Wide band FM.
4. Draw the Spectrum of Narrow band FM.
5. What is the bandwidth of Narrow band FM.
6. What is the bandwidth of wide band FM.
7. Draw the Spectrum of wide band FM.
8. What is Frequency deviation.
9. What is the difference between Narrow band and Wide band FM.
10. Why frequency modulation is better than amplitude modulation.

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AIM: a) To observe the frequency spectrum of AM/DSB-SC/FM signals.

b) To observe the frequency reponse of Low pass, High pass and Band pass filter.

1. Spectrum Analyzer Hameg HM5014-2.
2. 10MHz AM/FM Generator.
3. 3MHz Function Generator.
4. CRO
5. Low pass, High pass and Band pass filter.
6. BNC Connectors.



Spectrum analyzers are widely used within the electronics industry for analyzing the
frequency spectrum of radio frequency and audio signals. Looking at the spectrum of a signal
they are able to reveal elements of the signal, and the performance of the circuit producing
them that would not be possible using other means.
Spectrum analyzers are able to make a large variety of measurements and this means that
they are an invaluable tool for the RF design development and test laboratories, as well as
having many applications for specialist field service.

The most natural way to look at waveforms is in the time domain - looking at how a
signal varies in amplitude as time progresses, i.e. in the time domain. This is what an
oscilloscope is used for, and it is quite natural to look at waveforms on an oscilloscope display.
However this is not the only way in which signals can be displayed.
A French mathematician and physicist, named Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, who lived
from 1768 to 1830 also started to look at how signals are seen in another format, in the
frequency domain where signals are viewed as a function of their frequency rather than time.
He discovered that any waveform seen in the time domain, there is an equivalent representation
in the frequency domain. Expressed differently, any signal is made up from a variety of
components of different frequencies. One common example is a square waveform. This is
made up from signal comprising the fundamental as well as third, fifth, seventh, � harmonics
in the correct proportions.
In exact terms it is necessary that the signal must be evaluated over an infinite time for
the transformation to hold exactly. However in reality it is sufficient to know that the
waveform is continuous over a period of at least a few seconds, or understand the effects of
changing the signal.

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It is also worth noting that the mathematical Fourier transformation also accommodates
the phase of the signal. However for many testing applications the phase information is not
needed and considerably complicates the measurements and test equipment. Also the
information is normally not needed, and only the amplitude is important.

By being able to look at signals in the time domain provides many advantages and in
particular for RF applications. Looking at signals in the frequency domain with a spectrum
analyzer enables aspects such as the harmonic and spurious content of a signal to analyzed.
Also the width of signals when modulation has been applied is important. These aspects are of
particular importance for developing RF signal sources, and especially any form of transmitter
including those in cellular, Wi-Fi, and other radio or wireless applications. The radiation of
unwanted signals will cause interference to other users of the radio spectrum, and it is therefore
very important to ensure any unwanted signals are kept below an acceptable level, and this can
be monitored with a spectrum analyzer.

There are a number of types of spectrum analyzer that can be seen in the manufacturers
catalogues. These two types are:
1. Swept or superheterodyne spectrum analyser The operation of the swept frequency
spectrum analyzer is based on the use of the superheterodyne principle, sweeping the
frequency that is analysed across the required band to produce a view of the signals
with their relative strengths. This may be considered as the more traditional form of
spectrum analyser, and it is the type that is most widely used.
2. Fast Fourier Transform, FFT analysers: These spectrum analyzers use a form of
Fourier transform known as a Fast Fourier Transform, FFT, converting the signals into
a digital format for analysis digitally. These analyzers are obviously more expensive
and often more specialised.

The sweep or swept spectrum analyzer has a number of advantages and disadvantages when
compared to the main other type of analyzer known as the FFT spectrum analyzer. When
choosing which type will be suitable, it is necessary to understand the differences between
them and their relative merits.
Advantages of the superheterodyne spectrum analyzer technology
1. Able to operate over wide frequency range: Using the superheterodyne principle,
this type of spectrum analyzer is able to operate up to very high frequencies - many
extend their coverage to many GHz.
2. Wide bandwidth: Again as a result of the superheterodyne principle this type of
spectrum analyzer is able to have very wide scan spans. These may extend to several
GHz in one scan.
3. Not as expensive as other spectrum analyzer technologies: Although spectrum
analyzers of all types are expensive, the FFT style ones are more expensive for a
similar level of performance as a result of the high performance ADCs in the front end.

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This means that for the same level of base performance, the superheterodyne or sweep
spectrum analyzer is less expensive.

Disadvantages of the superheterodyne spectrum analyzer technology

1. Cannot measure phase: The superheterodyne or sweep spectrum analyzer is a scalar
instrument and unable to measure phase - it can only measure the amplitude of signals
on given frequencies.
2. Cannot measure transient events: FFT analyzer technology is able to sample over a
short time and then process this to give the required display. In this way it is able to
capture transient events. As the superheterodyne analyzer sweeps the bandwidth
required, this takes longer and as a result it is unable to capture transient events

Super heterodyne or swept frequency spectrum analyzer basics:

Fig. 1. Super heterodyne or swept frequency spectrum analyzer block diagram

The swept spectrum analyser uses the same superheterodyne principle used in many radio
receivers as the underlying principle on which its operation depends. The superheterodyne
principle uses a mixer and a second locally generated local oscillator signal to translate the

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The mixing principle used in the spectrum analyzer operates in exactly the same manner as it
does for a superheterodyne radio. The signal entering the front end is translated to another
frequency, typically lower in frequency. Using a fixed frequency filter in the intermediate
frequency section of the equipment enables high performance filters to be used, and the
analyzer or receiver input frequency can be changed by altering the frequency of the local
oscillator signal entering the mixer.
Although the basic concept of the spectrum analyzer is exactly the same as the
superheterodyne radio, the particular implementation differs slightly to enable it to perform is
function as a spectrum analyzer.

Figure 1 is a simplified block diagram of a superheterodyne spectrum analyzer. Heterodyne

means to mix; that is, to translate frequency. And super refers to super-audio frequencies, or
frequencies above the audio range. Referring to the block diagram in Figure, we see that an
input signal passes through an attenuator, then through a low-pass filter to a mixer, where it
mixes with a signal from the local oscillator (LO). Because the mixer is a non-linear device, its
output includes not only the two original signals, but also their harmonics and the sums and
differences of the original frequencies and their harmonics. If any of the mixed signals falls
within the pass band of the intermediate-frequency (IF) filter, it is further amplified and
compressed on a logarithmic scale. It is essentially rectified by the envelope detector, digitized,
and displayed. A ramp generator creates the horizontal movement across the display from left
to right. The ramp also tunes the LO so that its frequency change is in proportion to the ramp

There is a strong similarity between a spectrum analyzer and the ordinary AM

receiver the differences are that the output of a spectrum analyzer is a display instead of a
speaker, and the local oscillator is tuned electronically rather than by a front-panel knob.

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CH-1 CH2







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1. Make the connections as shown in fig-2 above. Switch on the Function Generator,
AM/FM Generator, CRO and Spectrum Analyzer.
2. Keep the Amplitude Control of Function Generator and AM/FM Generator at
3. Set the attenuator level of Function Generator and AM/FM Generator at 20 dB.
4. Set the modulating frequency of Function Generator at 100 KHZ.
5. Set the carrier frequency of AM/FM Generator at 5 MHZ.
6. Set the carrier output level from AM/FM Generator at 300mV.
7. Set the Spectrum Analyzer as below:-
(a) Centre Frequency 5 MHZ
(b) Span 1 MHZ
(c) Attenuation Level at 40 dBm
(d) Reference Level at 0 dBm
(e) Resolution Band Width Filter at 9 KHZ
(f) 5 dB/ Div switch off
(g) Video Band Width Filter off

8. Connect the output of AM/FM Generator to CRO Ch-1. Increase the amplitude of
Function generator output to get an AM waveform of approximately 40% modulation at
9. Disconnect the output of AM/FM Generator from CRO and connect to Spectrum
10. If the level of AM spectra is not sufficient reduce the attenuation level of Spectrum
Analyzer. Now you will observe an AM spectrum of sufficient level at the Spectrum
11. Switch on the 4 KHZ Video Band Width Filter and observe the change in frequency
spectrum on Spectrum Analyzer.
12. Switch on the marker. Vary the marker position slowly with the help of tuning knob to
measure the frequency and level of carrier, LSB, USB and any harmonics present on
display. Note down the results in the table.
13. Increase/decrease the amplitude of Function Generator and see the effects on the
frequency spectra. Note down the effects on your observation.
14. Change the modulation switch at AM/FM Generator to DSB-SC. Observe the change in
frequency spectra and note down the readings of carrier, LSB, USB and any harmonics
present on the spectra on your observation table.
15. Change the modulation switch at AM/FM Generator to FM. Observe the change in
frequency spectra. Note down the number of significant sidebands present and their
amplitude. Find the Bandwidth of FM spectra. Increase/ decrease the FM modulation
index by increasing and decreasing the amplitude of modulating frequency at Function
Generator and observe the change in FM frequency spectra.
16. Change the carrier frequency and modulating signal frequency and repeat the steps
from 6 to 14.
17. Switch off the Function Generator, AM/FM Generator, CRO and Spectrum Analyzer.

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S. Modulation Carrier(fc) LSB USB Remarks

Freq Level Freq Level Freq Level

MHz dBm MHz dBm MHz dBm

1 AM

2 AM



LSB(lower side band)= fc - fm

USB(Upper side band)= fc + fm

Where fm modulating signal frequency


S. No. No of Total Level Level Level Level Level Remarks

Side Bands Band of 1st pair 2nd 3rd 4th pair
Width Carrier of SB pair of pair of of SB
dBm dBm dBm
dBm dBm

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1. Do not make any inter connections while power switched ON.

2. Handle the Spectrum Analyzer Smoothly.
3. Verify the connections before observing the output on Spectrum Analyzer.

RESULT: Frequency Spectrum of AM, DSB-SC, SSB and FM signals has been observed.


1. Define Spectrum Analyzer.

2. Define AM and draw its Spectrum .
3. Define FM and draw its Spectrum .
4. Define DSB-SC and draw its Spectrum.
5. Define SSB-SC and draw its Spectrum.
6. Give the Significance of bandwidth of AM and FM.
7. What is power spectrum density(PSD).
8. Give the Significance of Modulation index of AM and FM.

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AIM: To study and verify the sampling theorem and reconstruction of sampled wave


1. Sampling and Reconstruction trainer.

2. Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
3. Function generator.
4. Patch Chords.


The analog signal can be converted into a discrete time signal by a process called
sampling. The sampling theorem for a band limited signal of a finite energy can be stated as
“A band limited signal of finite energy which has no frequency component higher than
W Hz is completely described by specifying the values of the signal at instants of time
separated by 1/2W seconds”.
It can be recovered from the knowledge of the samples taken at the rate of 2W per


A band limited signal of finite energy which has no frequency components higher than
fm Hz, is completely described by specifying the values of the signal at instants of time
separated by ½ fm seconds.

The sampling theorem states that, if the sampling rate in any pulse modulation system
exceeds twice the maximum signal frequency, the original signal can be reconstructed in the
receiver with minimum distortion.

fs = 2fm is called Nyquist rate.

Where fs – sampling frequency

fm – Modulation signal frequency.

If we reduce the sampling frequency fs less than fm, the side bands and the information
signal will overlap and we cannot recover the information signal simply by low pass filter. This
phenomenon is called fold over distortion or aliasing.There are two methods of sampling. (1)
Natural sampling (2) Flat top sampling.

Sample & Hold circuit holds the sample value until the next sample is taken.

Sample & Hold technique is used to maintain reasonable pulse energy.The duty cycle of a
signal is defined as the ratio of Pulse duration to the Pulse repetition period. The duty cycle of
50% is desirous taking the efficiency into account.

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1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.

a). The output of the modulating signal generator TP1 is connected to modulating
signal input TP4 of the sampling circuit keeping the frequency switch in 1KHz
position, and amplitude knob to minimum position.
b). The Square wave output of the Function generator is connected to sampling pulse input
TP3 of the sampling circuit keeping the frequency at 8KHz position and amplitude 5Vpp.

2. Switch ON the power supply.

3. Observe the sampling output waveform at TP7.

4. Vary the Function generator frequency to exactly at Nyquist rate which is 2KHz for 1KHz
modulating frequency and observe the sampling output waveform.

5. Vary the Function generator frequency to below the Nyquist rate which is less than 2KHz
for 1KHz modulating frequency and observe the sampling output waveform.

6. Now, vary the switch position in modulating signal generator to 2 KHz and repeat all
the above steps.

7.Repeat the above steps to see the output waveforms at TP8, the output of sampling and hold

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1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.

a). Connect the sample output from TP7 to the input of low pass filter TP10.
b). Output of low pass filter from TP11 to input of AC amplifier TP12, keep the gain
control of the AC amplifier to required level to get the output waveform with out clipping.

2. Observe the output of AC amplifier at TP13 for different sampling rates by varying the
function generator frequency and compare with the modulating signal waveform.

3. Similarly connect the sample and hold output and flat top output to TP10 and observe
reconstructed the signal.

4. Repeat the above steps by connecting Sample and Hold circuit to the input of Reconstruction

5. Switch OFF the power supply.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 32


Message Signal

Pulse Carrier Signal

Natural Sampled signal

Sample & Hold Signal

Flat top Sampled Signal

Demodulated signal

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1. Check the connections before giving the power supply.

2. Observations should be done carefully.

RESULT: Sampling and Reconstruction is performed practically.


1. Define Sampling Theorem.

2. What are the types of sampling?
3. What is Natural sampling theorem?
4. What is Flat-top sampling theorem?
5. What is aperture effect?
6. What happens when fs < 2 fm?
7. How will be the reconstructed signal when fs >= 2fm?
8. Explain the operation of sampling circuit?
9. Explain the operation of re-construction circuit?
10. Who formalized the sampling theorem?
11. What are the applications of the above theorem?
12. Is the sampling theorem basis for the modern digital communications?

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 34




1. To study the generation Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Demodulation.

2. To study the effect of Amplitude and the frequency of modulating signal on its output and
observe the wave forms.


1. Pulse width modulation and Demodulation trainer.

2. Oscilloscope -30 MHz. Dual Trace.
3. BNC probes, connecting wires.


Pulse Modulation is used to transmit analog information in this system continuous wave
forms are sampled at regular intervals. Information regarding the signal is transmitted only at
the sampling times together with synchronizing signals.

At the receiving end, the original waveforms may be reconstituted from the information
regarding the samples. Pulse modulation may be subdivided in to two types analog and digital.
In analog the indication of sample amplitude is the nearest variable. In digital the information
is a code.

The pulse position modulation is one of the methods of the pulse time modulation.PPM is
generated by changing the position of a fixed time slot.

The amplitude& width of the pulses is kept constant, while the position of each pulse, in
relation to the position of the recurrent reference pulse is valid by each instances sampled value
of the modulating wave. Pulse position modulation into the category of analog communication.
Pulse-Position modulation has the advantage of requiring constant transmitter power output,
but the disadvantage of depending on transmitter receiver synchronization.

Pulse-position modulation may be obtained very simply from PWM. However, in

PWM the locations of the leading edges are fixed, whereas those of the trailing edges are not.
Their position depends on pulse width, which is determined by the signal amplitude at that
instant. Thus, it may be said that the trailing edges of PWM pulses are, in fact, position-
modulated. This has positive-going narrow pulses corresponding to leading edges and
negative-going pulses corresponding to trailing edges. If the position corresponding to the
trailing edge of an un modulated pulse is counted as zero displacement, then the other trailing
edges will arrive earlier or later. They will therefore have a time displacement other than zero;
this time displacement is proportional to the instantaneous value of the signal voltage. The

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 35

differentiated pulses corresponding to the leading edges are removed with a diode clipper or
rectifier, and the remaining pulses, is position-modulated.




1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.

a). Connect the modulating signal generator output to modulating signal input (TP1) in
PPM block.
b). Keep the switch in 1 KHz position and amplitude pot in min position.

2. Switch ON the power supply

3. Gradually increase the amplitude of modulating signal by varying amplitude control knob
and observe the PWM output at TP2, and the differentiated output signal at TP8.

4. Now, monitor the PPM output at TP3.

5. Repeat above Steps for frequency of 2 KHz and observe the PPM output.


6. Connect the circuit as shown in figure. Connect the PPM output (TP3) to input of LPF(TP4).

7. Observe the demodulated signal at the output of LPF at TP5.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 36

8. Thus the recovered signal is true replica of the input signal

9. a). As the output of LPF has less amplitude, connect the output of LPF to the input of
an AC amplifier (TP5 to TP6).
b). Observe the demodulated out put on the oscilloscope at TP7 and compare the signal
with modulating signal.

10.Repeat the above steps for the modulating signal for frequency 2 KHz.

11. Switch OFF the power supply.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 37


Message Signal

Pulse Carrier Signal

Pulse Width Modulated signal

Differential signal

PPM signal

Demodulated message signal


1. Check the connections before giving the power supply.

2. Observations should be done carefully.

RESULT: Pulse position modulation and Demodulation of the signal is performed.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 38


1. What is the advantage of PPM over PWM?

2. Is the synchronization is must between Tx and Rx.
3. Shift in the position of each pulse of PPM depends on what?
4. Can we generate PWM from PPM?
5. Why do we need 555 timers?
6. Does PPM contain derivative of modulating signal compared to PWM?
7. For above scheme, do we have to use LPF and integrator in that order?
8. If we convert PPM to PWM & then detect the message signal, will the o/p has less
9. Is synchronization critical in PPM?
10. How robust is the PPM to noise?
11. Compare PAM, PWM & PPM.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 39


AIM: To construct the frequency division multiplexing and demultiplexing circuit and to verify
its operation


Name of the apparatus Specifications/Range Quantity

Resistors 3.9kΩ, 3kΩ, 10kΩ, 680kΩ Each one
Capacitors 0.01µ F, 60µ F 2,1
Function Generator 1MHz 1
RPS 0-30v,1A 1
CRO 0-30MHz 1
o o
Operating tem :SE 555 -55 C to 125 C 1
NE 555 0o to 70oC
Supply voltage :+5V to +18V
Timing :µ Sec to Hours
Sink current:200mA
IC 555 Temperature stability :50 PPM/oC
change in temp or 0-005% /oC.
CRO Probes ---- 1


The principle of the frequency division multiplexing is that several input messages individually
modulate the subcarriers fc1, fc2,etc.after passing through LPFs to limit the message bandwidth. We
show the subcarrier modulation as SSB, and it often is; but any of the CW modulation
techniques could be employed or a Mixture of them. The modulated signals are then summoned
to produce the baseband signal with the spectrumXb9f), the designation “baseband” is used here to
indicate that the final carrier modulation has not yet taken place.

The major practical problem of FDM is cross talks, the unwanted coupling of one message
into another. Intelligible cross talk arises primarily because of non linearity’s in the system, which
cause 1 message signal to appear as modulation on subcarrier. Consequently, standard practice calls
for negative feedback to minimize amplifier non linearity in FDM systems

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 40



1. Connections are given as per the circuit diagram.

2. The FSK signals are obtained with two different frequency pair with two different FSK generators.

3. The 2 signals are fed to op-amp which performs adder operation.

4. The filter is designed in such a way that low frequency signal is passed through the HPF.

5. Fixed signal is obtained will be equal to the one signal obtained from FSK modulator.

RESULT: Frequency division multiplexing and demultiplexing of the signal is performed and

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 41


1. What is multiplexing?
2. What are advantages of Frequency Division Multiplexing?
3. Compare FDM and TDM.
4. What type of multiplexing is widely used in cellphones?
5. Explain Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)?
6. What are the applications of FDM system and give some example?

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 42




i. To study the PCM bit pattern (8 bits) corresponding to the applied a.c. or d.c. voltage
ii. To study the demodulated output corresponding to the applied 8-bit pattern.


i. Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation trainer kit.

ii. Dual Trace and dual channel CRO – 20/30MHz
iii. Patch Chords and CRO BNC Probes


PCM means Pulse Code Modulation. The message signal is sampled (Sampling) and the amplitude of
each sample is rounded off to the nearest one of a finite set of allowable values (Quantization), so that
both time and amplitude will be in discrete form. This allows the message to be transmitted by the
means of coded electrical signals (Encoder), thereby distinguishing PCM from all other methods of

The essential operations in the transmitter of a PCM system are sampling, quantizing and encoding. The
encoding and quantizing operations are usually performed in the same circuit called analog – to –
digital converter (ADC). The essential operations in the receiver are regeneration of quantized samples.

Sampling The incoming message wave is sampled with narrow rectangular pulses so as to closely
approximate the nearest one of a finite set of allowable values, so that time will be in discrete form. To
avoid loss of message signal, in ideal case infinite number of samples must be generated.

Quantizing The conversion of an analog sampled amplitudes of signal to a discrete amplitude signal is
called quantizing process. In this the difference between two adjacent discrete values is called a
quantum. The amplitude difference between quantized level and sampled amplitude is called
quantization error.

Encoding In this process, each of the discrete value from the above two processes is represented by
discrete events called ‘codes’. The binary code (i.e. 0 & 1) representation is more advantageous since it
withstands a relatively high level of noise & is easy to regenerate using regenerative repeater at regular
distances of channel.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 43


i. Connect the clock generator output to clock input.

ii. Connect the variable d.c. output of the signal generator to input of A/D converter.
iii. Minimum amplitude d.c. signal is applied. Note down the PCM output bit pattern and
measure its corresponding demodulated output voltage using multimeter.
iv. The d.c. voltage is incremented in steps of 0.5V and step 3 is repeated until reaching the
maximum d.c. out voltage.
v. From the above DC Voltage values an analog signal and its corresponding demodulated
signal is constructed.
vi. Apply an analog a.c. signal of frequency 1KHz to input of A/D converter.
vii. The modulated PCM output and the demodulated PCM output are observed.
viii. Observe that the demodulated a.c. signal output is in phase with the message signal


Analog a.c. Signal



Demodulated a.c signal



CMR College of Engineering and Technology 44


The modulated and its demodulated outputs with input d.c. signal & a.c. signal are plotted by taking
time on X-axis and voltage on Y-axis.

Modulating a.c. signal

De modulating a.c. signal

PCM Modulated and Demodulated Waves



0 5 10 15 20



Modulated Output Demodulated Output


For a.c. and d.c. input voltages, Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation techniques are studied.

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1. What are the advantages digital communications over analog communications?

2. What are the advantages of PCM?
3. What is regenerative repeater?
4. What is Quantization? And types?
5. What is quantization noise? What are the methods to reduce this?
6. What are the applications of PCM?
7. What is the requirement of Parallel to Serial Converter (P/S)/ Serial to Parallel Converter (P/S)
in this PCM circuit?
8. What is the bandwidth of a PCM signal?

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 46





i. To study the Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation by sending variable
10Hz to 500Hz frequency sine wave.


i. Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation trainer.

ii. Dual Trace and dual channel CRO – 20/30MHz
iii. Patch Chords and CRO BNC Probes


These systems are particularly more efficient when the sampled message signal has high sample to
sample correlation. For example in the transmitter of picture (video) information, appreciable portions
of the signal describe background level; if these tonal values do not change appreciably. Then we are
essentially transmitting repeated sample values. One way to improve the situation is to send only the
digitally encoded differences between successive samples. Thus a picture that has been quantized to
256 levels (eight bits) may be transmitted with comparable fidelity using 4-bit differential encoding.
This reduces the transmission band width by a factor of 2. PCM systems using differential quantizing
schemes are known as Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) systems.

A DPCM system that is particularly simple to implement results when the difference signal is quantized
into two levels. The output of the quantizer is represented by a single binary digit, which indicates the
sign of the sample to sample difference. This PCM system is known as Delta Modulation (DM). Delta
Modulation systems have an advantage over M-ary PCM and M-ary DPCM systems. In that the
hardware required for modulation at the transmitter and demodulation at the receiver are much simpler.


i. Switch on the power supply and observe the sine wave (TP 1) and clock (TP 5) on the
CRO. This is the sampling rate for the system.
ii. Observe the 2 MHz clock on the circuit; this is the system clock for ADC.
iii. Observe the control signals ALE, SOC, EOC for ADC are observed.
iv. Observe the modulation and demodulation outputs on CRO.
v. The demodulated output may not be same as the input signal because in DPCM
differential present sample pulse provision sample is shunt to receiver.

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vi. At higher frequencies the difference will be greater than 4 bits so receiver will not be able
to reconstruct the input signal. The maximum frequency + amplitude at which this kit will
be able to demodulate the transmitted signal is 500 Hz, 1 Vpp amplitude. If the frequency
is greater than 500 Hz the difference will be more than 4 bits and some information is lost
so demodulated signal will not represent the transmitted signal.



Differential Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation techniques are studied.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 48


1. What is the difference between PCM, DM and DPCM?

2. What are problems in DPCM?
3. What are applications of DPCM?
4. Which type of quantization is used in DPCM?
5. How can you say that SNR is better in DPCM than PCM/DM?

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i. To study the Delta Modulation and Demodulation process by comparing the present signal
with the previous signal of given modulating signal.


i. Delta Modulation and Demodulation trainer.

ii. Dual Trace and dual channel CRO – 20/30MHz
iii. Patch Chords and CRO BNC Probes


In Delta Modulation, an incoming message signal is over sampled to purposely increase the correlation
between the adjacent samples of the signal. This is done to permit the use of a simple quantizing
strategy for constructing the encoded signal. Delta Modulation is one bit version of DPCM. In its basic
form DM provides a stair case approximation to the over sampled version of the message signal. The
difference between the input and the approximation is quantized into only two levels, ±δ, corresponding
to positive and negative differences respectively. Thus if the approximation level falls below the signal
at any sampling epoch, it is increased by δ. If, on the other hand, the approximation lies above the
signal, it is diminished by δ provided that the signal does not change too rapidly from sample to sample.
We find that the stair case approximation remains with in ±δ of the input signal. The principle virtue of
DM is its simplicity. It may be generated by applying the sampled version of the incoming base band
signal to a modulator that involves a summer, quantizer and accumulator.

DPCM and DM are basically similar; except for two important differences namely, the use of a one bit
(2 level) quantizer in the delta modulator and the replacement of the prediction filter by a single delay
element. Delta Modulation systems are subjected to two types of quantizing error.

1. Slope overload distortion

2. Granular noise

If the step size is of too small for the stair case approximation slope overload occurs and the error is
known as slope overload distortion. If the step size is too long granular noise occurs.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 50

The use of delta modulation is only in certain special cases (1) If it is necessary to reduce the bit rate
below 40kbps and limited voice quality is tolerable. (2) If extreme circuit simplicity is of over riding
importance and the accompanying use of high bit rate is acceptable.

Slope Overloading: A serious problem in delta modulation scheme arises due to the rate of noise
overloading. When x (t) is changing x (t) & x’ (t) follow x (t) in a step wise fashion as long as
successive samples of x (t) do not differ by an amount greater than the step size 8. When the difference
is greater than ∆, x (t) and x (t) can no longer follow x (t). This type of over load not determined by
amplitude of the message signal x (t) but rather by its slope. Hence, the name slope overload.

To drive a condition for preventing slope overload in DM systems let us assume that x (t) = A Cos
(2∏fxt). Than the maximum signal is [dx(t)/dt]max = A2∏fx. The maximum sample to sample
change in the value of x (t) then is A2∏fx T’s < ∆ or the peak signal amplitude at which slope overload
occurs is given by A = ∆/2∏ * f’s/fx.

A better way to avid slope overload is to detect the overload condition and make step size larger when
overloading is detected. Hunting occurs in DM systems when the signal changes very slowly and slope
overloading occurs when the slope of the signal is very high.


CMR College of Engineering and Technology 51

i. Switch on the power supply.
ii. Connect the transmitter clock (TP2) to transmitter clock input (TP6).
iii. In order to ensure the correct operation of the system, we first take the input to 0V from
DC variable at TP 3. So the positive input is connected to the delta modulators & voltage
comparator to 0V.
iv. Observe the integrator output at TP9 and output of level change at TP8.
v. The relative amplitudes of level changers positive and negative output levels can be varied
by adjusting the level adjust present in the bi stable and level changer circuit.
vi. Disconnect the positive input from 0V and connect it to the 2KHz sine wave from TP1.
vii. Observe the integrator output is by varying the amplitude of modulating signal.
viii. Observe the modulator output at TP7 together with the analog input at TP4.
ix. Connect the modulation output to integrator input and observe the output at TP11.
x. Connect the TP 11 to LPF input (TP12) and observe the output.
xi. Connect TP13 to amplifier input (TP14) and observe the demodulation output at TP15.


Draw the output wave forms of data input, carrier, modulated and the demodulated signals.

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Delta Modulation and Demodulation techniques are studied.


1. What is the difference between PCM and DM?

2. What are problems in DM?
3. How can you eliminate Slop overload and Granular distortion?
4. What is condition to avoid slop overload distortion?
5. What are applications of DM?

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 54




To study the process of ASK modulation& demodulation and study various data formatting
modulation and demodulation techniques.



2. CRO 30MHz Dual Channel.


Modulation also allows different data streams to be transmitted over the same channel. This
process is called as „Multiplexing‟ & result in a considerable saving in bandwidth no of
channels to be used. Also it increases the channel efficiency. The variation of particular
parameter variation of the carrier wave give rise to various modulation techniques. Some
of the basic modulation techniques are described as under.ASK:-In this modulation
involves the variation of the amplitude ofthe carrier waves in accordance with the data stream.
The simplest method of modulating a carrier with a data stream is to change the amplitude
of the carrier wave every time the data changes. This modulation technique is known as
amplitude shift keying. The simplest way of achieving amplitude shift keying is „ON‟
the carrier whenever the data bit is „HIGH‟ & switching „OFF‟ when the data bit is low i.e.
the transmitter outputs the carrier for HIGH & totally suppresses the carrier for low. This
techniques known as ON-OFF keying Fig. illustrates the amplitude shift keying for the given
data stream.


The ASK waveform is generated by a balanced modulator circuit, also known as a

linear multiplier, As the name suggests, the device multiplies the instantaneous signal
at its two inputs, the output voltage being product of the two input voltages at any instance of
time. One of the input is a/c coupled „carrier‟ wave of high frequency. Generally the carrier
wave is a sinewave since any other waveform would increase the bandwidth imparting any
advantages requirement without improving or to it. The other i/p which is the
information signal to be transmitted, is D.C. coupled. It is known as modulating signal.In
order to generate ASK waveform it is necessary to apply a sine wave at carrier input &
the digital stream at modulation input. The double balanced modulator is shown in fig.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 55

Block Diagram:

The data stream applied is uniploar i.e. 0Volt at logic LOW & +4.5Volts at logic
HIGH. The output of balanced modulator is a sinewave, unchanged in phase when a
data bit „HIGH‟ is applied to it. In this case the carrier is multiplied with a positive constant
voltage when the data bit LOW is applied, the carrier is multiplied by 0 Volts, giving
rise to 0Volt signal at modulator‟s o/p.

The ASK modulation results in a great simplicity at the receiver. The method to demodulate
the ASK waveform is to rectify it, pass it through the filter &‟square up‟ the resulting
waveform. The o/p is the original digital data stream. Fig. shows the functional blocks required
in order to demodulate the ASK waveform at receiver.



1. Connect the sinewave 500KHz from the carrier generator TP1 to the carrier input of
the modulator TP7.
2. And also connect data clock D1 i.e., modulation signal TP3 to the modulation input TP8.
3.Switch ON the power supply.
4. Observe the output at TP9.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 56

5. By varying the gain pot P3 observe the ASK output at TP10.
6. Adjusting the carrier offset and modulation offset we can observe the ASK output.
7. By changing the carrier signal 1MHz and different data clocks D2,D3,D4 observe the


1. Connect ASK output TP10 to the rectifier input TP12 and observe the waveform.
2. Now connect rectifier output TP13 to the low pass filter input TP14 and observe the output
at TP15.
3. CONNECT LPF output TP15 to the data squaring circuit input TP16 and observe the
demodulation output waveform at TP17.
4.By changing the different data clocks and observe the demodulation output.
Expected Waveforms:


Amplitude shift keying Modulation and Demodulation are studied.

Viva Questions:
1.If the bit rate of an ASK signal is 1200bps,what is the baud rate?
2.Is ASK highly susceptible?
3.What are the characteristics of transmission medium which effect speed of
transmission in ASK?
4.Find the minimum band width for an ASK signal transmitting at 2000bps.The
transmission made is half duplex?
5.If B.W is 5000Hz for an ASK signal, what are the baud rate?

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 57




i. To generate FSK Modulation and Demodulate FSK signals.

ii. Study of different line codes for the given data input signal 0011001100.


i. Frequency Shift Keying trainer kit.

ii. Dual Trace and dual channel CRO – 20/30MHz
iii. Patch Chords and CRO BNC Probes


Binary FSK is a form of constant amplitude non linear angle modulation and the modulating signal is a
binary pulse stream that varies between two discrete voltage levels but not continuously changing
analog signal. In FSK the carrier amplitude (Vc) remains constant with modulation and the carrier
radian frequency (Wc) shifts by an amount equal to (∆w/2). The frequency shift (∆w/2) is proportional
to the amplitude and polarity of the input binary signal. For example a binary 1 could be +1 Volt and a
binary 0 could be -1 Volt producing frequency shifts of +∆w/2 and -∆w/2 respectively. The rate of
change the binary input signal Vm(t). Thus the output carrier frequency deviates (shifts) between W c +
∆w/2 and Wc - ∆w/2 at the rate equal to fm.

Non Return to Zero Level (NRZ-L):

This is a level type code and is one that is widely used in serial data transmission. Logic 1 is
represented by High amplitude level and Logic 0 is represented by another level lower than logic 1 but
not zero amplitude.

Non Return to Zero Mark (NRZ-M):

This encoding is commonly referred to as just NRZ in other contexts. Here logic 1 is represented by a
change in amplitude level and logic 0 is represented by no change n level

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 58

Return to zero (RZ):

This is an impulse type code where a ‘1’ is represented by a high level that returns to zero after a half
bit interval. Its advantage is power conservation as transmission takes place only for a ‘1’.

Biphase (Mark):

It is inverse to the Manchester coding

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 59

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 60
Biphase (Manchester):

In telecommunication, Manchester code (also known as Phase Encoding) is a form of data

communications line code in which each bit of data is signified by at least one voltage level
transmission. Manchester encoding is therefore considered to be self-clocking, which means that
accurate synchronization of a data stream is possible. Each bit is transmitted over a predefined time
period. It provides simple way to encode arbitrary binary sequences without ever having long periods
without level transitions, thus preventing the loss of clock synchronization or bit errors from low
frequency drift on poorly equalized analog links. In this Manchester code ( as per IEEE 802.3)used in
Ethernet communications as: logic 1 is represented by High and low amplitudes each for a half bit
duration and logic 0 is represented by Low and High amplitudes each for a half bit duration.


i. Switch on the power supply.

ii. Select the data selection switch (DATA SELECTION) to the desired code (say
iii. Set the switch (DATA ON-OFF) in ON position. Observe the 8 bit pattern at TP 12.
iv. Observe the data clock at TP 1 and also observe the NRZ (L) at TP 2, RZ at TP 3, NRZ
(µ) at TP 4, BIPHASE (MARK) at TP 5 and BIPHASE (MANCHESTER) at TP 6.
v. Connect the patch chord as shown in fig 1. Observe the corresponding FSK output at TP 8
(when data is logic ‘1’ the frequency is high and data is logic ‘0’ the frequency is low).
vi. Repeat step 5 for other inputs (like NRZ (M), RZ, BIPHASE), observe corresponding
FSK outputs.
vii. Now change the data selection and repeat above 3 to 6 steps and observe the
corresponding outputs.
viii. For demodulation connect the circuit as shown in fig: 2.
ix. The incoming FSK input is observed at TP 9.
x. The output of square wave converted is available at TP 10. The serial data output is
available at TP 11.
xi. Repeat above steps for other serial data input and observe corresponding serial data
output. These output are true replica of original input.


The output wave forms of data input, clock signal, modulated and the demodulated signals are drawn.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 61

Data Clock




Bi Phase Mark



FSK Output


CMR College of Engineering and Technology 62


Frequency shift keying Modulation and Demodulation are studied.


1. What are the types of digital modulation schemes?

2. What is the difference between analog modulation and digital modulation?
3. How FSK is non linear modulation scheme?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FSK over other digital modulation schemes?
5. What are the applications of FSK?

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 63




i. To study the operation of Differential Phase shift keying modulation and demodulation


i. Differential Phase Shift Keying trainer.

ii. Dual Trace and dual channel CRO – 20 MHz
iii. Patch Chords and CRO Probes


Modulation also allows different data streams to be transmitted over the same channel (trans
medium). This process is called as multiplexing and result in considerable saving in band width no. of
channels to be used. Also it increases the channel efficiency. Some of the basic modulation techniques


In this IC 8038 is a basic wave form generator which generates sine, square and triangular
wave forms. The sine wave generated by this 8038 IC is used as carrier signal to the system. This
square wave is used as a circuit input to a decade counter (IC 7490) which generates the modulating
data outputs. The digital signal applied to the modulating input for DPSK generation is bipolar i.e.,
having equal positive and negative voltage levels. When the modulating input is negative for output of
modulator is sine wave in phase with carrier input where as for the positive voltage levels the output
modulator is a sine wave which is shifted out of phase by 180° from the carrier input.

Thus the output changes in phase when a change in polarity of modulating signal results.
Figure shows the functional blocks of the modulator & demodulator.

Modulation: The differential signal to the modulating signal is generated using ex-or gate and 1 bit
delay circuit. IC CD 4051 is an analog multiplexer to which carrier is applied with and without 180°
phase shift (created by using an op-amp connected in inverting amplifiers mode) to the two inputs of
IC TL084. Differential signal generated by ex-or gate (IC 7486) is given to the multiplexer’s control
signal input. Depending upon the level of the control signal, carrier signal applied with or without
phase shift is steered to the input. 1-bit delay generation of drift signal to the i/p created by using a D
flip flop (IC 7474).

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 64

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 65
Demodulation: During the demodulation, the DPSK signal is converted into a +5V square wave signal
using a transistor and is applied to one input of an EX-OR gate. To the second input of the gate carrier
signal is applied after conversion into a +5V signal, so the EX-OR gate output is equivalent to the
differential data and the second input after first delay the same signal is given so the output of this
ex-or gate is modulating signal.


i. Switch on the power supply.

ii. Observe the carrier output at TP 1, data outputs at D1, D2, D3, D4.
iii. Connect the carrier output to the carrier input (TP 2) and D1 to data input of the DPSK
modulator (TP 3).
iv. Observe the differential data output at TP 9.
v. Observe the DPSK modulation output wrt to differential output.
vi. Connect the modulation output (TP 11) to modulation input (TP 12) of the demodulator,
the carrier output (TP 2) to carrier input (TP 13) of the demodulator and the clock output
to the clock input (TP 14) of the demodulator.
vii. Observe the demodulated output at TP 15.

CMR College of Engineering and Technology 66

Out Put Wave Form:-





Carrier signal

Clock Signal


Differential data



Demodulated message signal


CMR College of Engineering and Technology 67


Draw the output wave forms of data input, carrier, modulated and the demodulated signals.


Differential Phase shift keying Modulation and Demodulation techniques are studied.


1. What are the applications of DPSK?

2. What is the difference between DPSK and QPSK?
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of DPSK?

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i. To study the operation of Quadrature Phase shift keying modulation and demodulation


1. QPSK Trainer Kit

2. Dual Trace oscilloscope

3. Digital Multimeter

4. C.R.O (30MHz)

5. Patch chords.


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Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

Phase of the carrier takes on one of four equally spaced values such as π/4, 3π/4, 5π/4,7π/4.
Si(t) = √2E/ Tb cos {2 πƒct + (2i – 1) π/4} , 0≤ t ≤ Tb
0, elsewhere
Where i = 1,2,3,4, & E= Tx signal energy per symbol
Tb = symbol duration
Each of the possible value of phase corresponds to a pair of bits called dibits.
Thus the gray encoded set of dibits: 10,00,01,11
Si (t) = √2E/ Tb cos [(2i – 1)π/4] cos (2πfct) - √2E/ Tb sin [(2i –1) π/4)]
Sin (2πfct) , 0≤ t ≤Tb 0 , else where
There are two orthononormal basis functions
Ø1 (t) = √2/ Tb cos 2πƒct, 0≤ t ≤Tb
Ø2 (t) = √2/ Tb sin 2πƒct, 0≤ t ≤Tb
The i/p binary sequence b(t) is represented in polar from with symbols 1 & 0 represented as +√E/2
and -√E/2 .This binary wave is demultiplexed into two separate binary waves consisting of odd &
even numbered I/P bits denoted by b1 (t) & b2 (t)
b1 (t) & b2(t) are used to modulate a pair of quadrature carrier or orthogonal Basis function Ø1 (t)
& Ø2 (t). The result is two PSK waves’ .These two binary PSK waves are added to produce
the desired QPSK signal.


1. Connect and switch on the power supply.

2. QPSK is selected by default and LEDs of corresponding technique will glow.

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3. Select the bit pattern using push button i.e. 8 bit or 16 bit or 32 bit or 64 bit. Observe bit pattern
on TP-2.
4. Select data rate using push button i.e. 2 KHz or 4 KHz or 8 KHz 16 KHz.


5. Observe the input bit pattern at TP-2 by varying bit pattern using respective push button.
6. Observe the data rate at TP-1 by varying data rate using respective push button.
7. Observe the Two- bit encoding i.e. I-Channel (TP-3) and Q-Channel (TP-4).
8. Observe carrier signal i.e. cosine wave (TP-5) and sine wave (TP-6). Frequency of carrier signal
will change with respect to data rate.
9. Observe I-Channel (TP-7) and Q-Channel (TP-8) modulated signal.
10. Observe QPSK modulated signal at TP-9.


11. Apply the QPSK modulated output to the demodulator input.

12. Observe the multiplied signal of QPSK and carrier signal, cosine at TP-12 and also observe the
multiplied signal of QPSK and carrier signal, sine at TP-13.
13. Observe the integrated output at I-channel (TP-14) and Q-channel (TP-15).

Input Bits Phase of Co –ordinates of message signal

QPSK signal S1 S2
10 π/4 √𝑬/𝟐 −√𝑬/𝟐
00 3π/4 −√𝑬/𝟐 −√𝑬/𝟐
01 5π/4 −√𝑬/𝟐 +√𝑬/𝟐
11 7π/4 +√𝑬/𝟐 +√𝑬/𝟐


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RESULT: QPSK modulation and demodulation wave forms are observed.


1. Draw the constellation diagram of QPSK.

2. Give some applications of QPSK modulation scheme.
3. What is the relationship between 4 QAM and QPSK?

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