Clara tp3 LP Celta Lesson Plan Sample Writing

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Clara TP3 LP - CELTA Lesson Plan Sample ( Writing)

English (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals)

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Celta Lesson Plan Lesson No.3

Teacher: Date: Level of Class: Lesson

Clara Amor Ortiz June 8, 2022 Upper Length:
Intermediate 45 mins

Lesson Aim(s):
By the end of the lesson, the learners will have practiced writing in the context of giving advice
using functional language on how to survive the great outdoor adventures.

Lesson sub-aim(s):

1. Learners will better develop their skill on reading for gist.

2. Learners will better use functional phrases using positive and negative imperative, adverb of
frequency never and if.

Personal Aims:
Close monitoring of student’s activity in the BOR.
Use more relevant CCQs.
Less TTT
Conduct drilling more effectively and efficiently.
Assumptions (what do the sts already know which will help you with your aims?):

Some learners may know some functional languages on giving advice, emphasize more on other
context where it could be used.

What will the students take away ‘ from the lesson?

Learners have additional knowledge on how to make an effective leaflet on how to survive extreme
outdoor adventure.

Materials/aids (References)

Empower Student’s Book pg. 28 and 29 ( Task 2,3 and 4) ,

Lesson stage/ Aim Procedure Anticipated Tutor’s

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Time/Interactio problems and Comments

n solutions

A. Collect some Anticipated Problem:

Lead in / information related to Learners may
Introduction the topic through using not be able to
a survey. answer the
Learners will get question.
Set up Context to know the Ask:
Individual context of the 1. Would you rather Solution: Give a
2 min lesson through a stay home or go on model answer.
survey. adventure?
T-S 2 What outdoor
S adventure have you
S-T tried?

B. Ask students what
the lesson will be about
based from the given
questions and answers
from the survey.

A. Learners will A. Show various A. Anticipated

better develop outdoor adventures Problem:
Pre Text- and have students Some learners may
speaking fluency
Discussion discuss in pairs the hesitate to share.
by sharing following questions
previous outdoor
Pair Work
adventure. Question to answer.
BOR 1. What outdoor Solution:
adventure would you Encourage everyone
like to try? Alone or by saying all answers
3 mins
with friends? are accepted.
T-S 2. How long would it
SS be? a few days? a
SS-T week?
3. Give 3 essential
things to take with you.

4. Think of 1 advice for

people who would like
to go on adventure.

1. Are you going to
Share your future
outdoor adventure?
2. Are you going to give

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3 essential things to
take with you? YES

3. Are you going to give

1 advice for people
who would like to go on

Reading for gist A. Anticipated

Individual A. Ask students to Problem:
2 minutes
read the given text Some learners may
Learners will silently. have difficulty in
T-S better develop getting the gist.
S their skill on
SS-T reading for gist Solution:
Underline key words
to notice.

B. Anticipated
Problem: Form
Some learners may
ask more time to read.

Share a document in
the chat.

Learners will
Noticing Tasks know better the A. Have students
target language notice the 4 sentences.
8 mins 1. Check the weather
meaning, form forecast.
T-S and
S pronunciation. 2. Don’t eat all your
SS-T food at once.

3. Never take short


4. If you think the

weather may change
suddenly, take extra

Reference: Empower
Book2 p.29 SB

Meaning Meaning
1. positive imperative A. Anticipated
2. negative imperative Problem
3. negative imperative Students may have

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4. suggestion difficulty in meaning.

CCQs B. Solution
Are ”weather, Clarify the word
dangerous, risky, kinds imperative.
of imperatives? NO

Do we use imperatives
to give order or
command? YES

Do we add Don’t +
imperative when we
use it in negative form?

Are imperative verbs in

the base form of the
verb or indefinite
verbs? YES

Is the subject “you”

implied in
writing/saying an
imperative sentence?
Form A. Anticipated
1. Imperative + Object Problem
2. Don’t + base verb Students maybe
3. Frequency adverb + confuse of the word
imperative order.
4. If + present tense+
imperative B. Solution: Give
more drill in word
CCQ arrangement.

Where is imperative
verbs place in the
sentence? Beginning
1. Check the weather A. Anticipated
forecast. Problem Students
may struggle on word
2. Don’t eat all your stress and intonation.
food at once.
B. Solution
3. Never take short Do back chaining drill
cuts. using different
4. If you think the
weather may change
suddenly, take extra

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Do we follow 1 specific
intonation in giving
order or depends to the
mood? A Lot of ways,
depending to the mood.

Productive Task A. Group students A. Anticipated

Preparation Learners will use by 2. Problem:
the target
language B. Assign an outdoor Some students may
3 mins have few sentences to
correctly by adventure for each
BOR sharing group to brainstorm.
sentences orally. Solution:
T-S Instruction: Put in the chat the
SS Brainstorm on functional language
SS-T survival tips you can that they have to use.
write in a leaflet
about your assigned Point out the correct
outdoor adventure. answers and call out
specific students to
Situation: give the correct

Anticipated Problem:
Task A. Set up the task. Learners may not have
Learners will
Instruction: Work ideas.
better use
together to come up
Individual imperative Solution: Monitor and
Writing with a leaflet on
sentences in survival tips based on assist.
5 mins making a your outdoor
leaflet on adventure.
T-S outdoor
survival tips. B. Do quick reminder
of the writing rules.

C. Present the writing


D. Give students 5
mins to complete the
task. Stress that
everyone should
sentences in

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making the leaflet

draft. Write down all
their ideas without
worrying of

Feedback/ Learners will A. Ask students to

Sharing sharing their answers Anticipated
by choosing Problem:
important points from Some students may
3 mins fluency by their written output. not participate.
sharing their
Jam board
draft. Solution:
T-S Encourage them to
S speak.

Feedback Anticipated
3 mins Learners will Wrap up the lesson Problem:
give top ideas by asking students Some students may
T-S on the content top ideas on hesitate to share the
and the target language and words that are
language. content. difficult to them.

Call the attention of
the specific student.

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